Danang or Nha Trang which is better. Da Nang reviews

One of the largest cities in Vietnam is resort town Da Nang located in the central part of the country. About 1 million people live in this densely populated city. It is worth noting that tourists discovered it relatively recently. Therefore, Da Nang is not one of the favorite Vietnamese resorts, but the locals are happy to relax on the magnificent beaches of the city.

Many tourists choosing Vietnamese resort, do not even take into account Da Nang, as they believe that in major city there are always a lot of vacationers, hotels are crowded, and there is nowhere for an apple to fall on the beaches. At the same time, tourists mistakenly believe that due to large cluster the beaches here are dirty and unkempt. But few people know that the resort area is separated from the noisy metropolis. big river, and here reigns serene silence and peace. The beaches in the city are very clean, and the water in the sea has a turquoise hue. This is truly a heavenly place, where, in fact, just ideal conditions for relaxation are created.

Da Nang on the map of Vietnam

Best time to go to Da Nang

The ideal time to visit Da Nang is from December to March. Comfortable temperature values ​​​​and minimal rainfall make the rest here in the winter months bright and rich. Autumn is the rainy season, so it is better not to plan a trip at this time, as the rains in this region are usually heavy and long. In summer, the city is very hot, while the humidity is high, so people with diseases of the cardiovascular system should avoid traveling to Da Nang in summer. But winter is the perfect season in every way.

How to get to Da Nang from Moscow

The easiest and fastest way to get to Da Nang from Moscow is to purchase an air ticket from one of the companies that fly to this region of the country. Da Nang has a large international airport, but it does not accept direct flights from Moscow. Tourists can fly to the city on connecting flights operated by many air carriers, or fly to Ho Chi Minh City or, and then transfer to a domestic flight. It should be noted that the distance from these cities is more than 500 km.

The cheapest tickets from Moscow to Da Nang and back

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Top attractions in Da Nang

marble mountains

photo: Marble Mountains - a unique natural attraction near Da Nang

One of such amazing and unique places are considered. In ancient times, this place was especially popular among artisans. It was here that the materials necessary for the manufacture of many household items were mined. However, at present, the Marble Mountains are considered natural monument. In the mountains you can find many caves that were once used by hermit monks as their secluded dwelling. Perhaps that is why a huge number of pilgrims come here during religious holidays.

Ruins of My Son temple complex

photo: The ruins of the My Son temple complex in Da Nang are a must-see

Another place that is definitely worth a visit in Da Nang is. This temple complex in the past occupied a vast territory. It included about 70 buildings. However, only a small part of its former glory has survived to this day. The temple complex was built in the 4th century, and was one of the main religious sites in the country. Near the ruins is a museum dedicated to this great building. There are not very many exhibits here, but the tour of the museum is very interesting and informative. My Son ruins are protected world organization UNESCO.

Hai Wan Pass

photo: Hai Van pass - stunning views from here

Among the natural attractions of Da Nang, located near the city deserves special attention. It is located at an altitude of 500 meters, and offers incredibly beautiful views of the picturesque landscapes. The pass is on the way from Da Nang to Hue. If you go along this route on a tourist bus, then you will definitely have a stop in this beautiful place, during which you can admire the beauty of the landscapes and take great pictures.

Popular hotels on the map of Da Nang

Photos and reviews of tourists about Da Nang

photo: olga_martinovich Golden Bridge Da Nang Golden Bridge

After exhausting 2 nights in the slip-bass 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ we returned from an excursion to the city of Da Nang🙌🏻🙃, where the famous golden bridge opened, which has been attracting me so much for several months😁😁🤷🏻‍♀️ the impressions of the bridge are somehow twofold 🤭 I thought 😁😁😁, but my opinion changes too often to get hung up on this 🙅🏻‍♀️ wonderful city, mega Beautiful places, rich program))) though the road is hard, but there would be a desire, the obstacles all go to zero 🙋🏻‍♀️ therefore, whoever doubts, do not hesitate 😂😂 packed a backpack and hit the road🚶🏻‍♂️🚶🏻‍♀️

photo: aliya.g.s Ba Na, Ðà Nẵng, Vietnam Danang Vietnam, Bana Hills park

Da Nang City and the incredible Bana Hills Park never cease to amaze us. A magnificent park of flowers, ancient Buddhist pagodas and a magical French village. We found ourselves in a fairy tale. And the rain and fog gave magic to the whole already magical park.

It impressed with its infrastructure and civility: there are many convenient transport interchanges, traffic lights that locals do not ignore (as in Nha Trang).

Big and beautiful Da Nang Civic Center

Da Nang has an international airport and railroad station so it won't be hard to get there. Of course, you can also get to Da Nang from any city in Vietnam by slipbus - this will be the cheapest option. We came from Hoi An in a rented car. It cost only 250,000 dong ($ 11), and it took only about half an hour to drive.

Evening Da Nang is very beautiful

We were here only one day, so we did not have time to get to know the city well from the inside. But what we were able to see, we really liked. I wanted to live in Da Nang for a month or two, to change the familiar and already a little boring "Russian" to a more Europeanized resort.

Da Nang is the third largest (after Hanoi and) city in Vietnam. Here nice beach but few tourists. However, many cool hotels are being built on the coast, Danang will soon become famous resort. So far, mainly Europeans know about it, we did not meet Russian vacationers here. This is explained by the fact that you can only get to Da Nang on your own, package tourists don't bring here Russian tour operators have not yet mastered). It's for the best!

For Russian people, Danang is also notable for the fact that the Consulate General of Russia is located here. Apart from Da Nang, the Russian consulate in Vietnam is only in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

What to see in Da Nang? Despite the fact that the city is large, there are few attractions in it: the Museum of Cham culture (which we did not visit, because we have repeatedly seen similar museums at and), the Dragon Bridge and most recently opened.

The famous Dragon Bridge at sunset and the huge Sun Wheel behind it

Da Nang is also famous for the longest cable car in the world, 35 km from the city. It is even included in the Guinness Book of Records not only as the longest, but also the highest cable car in the world (you have to ride about 20 minutes at an altitude of 1200 meters). A cab ride costs 400,000 VND ($18). A little expensive, considering that in Nha Trang you can buy a ticket for 550 thousand VND and, in addition to a whole day of attractions on the island, also ride on cable car connecting Nha Trang with the island (by the way, it is the longest cable car in the world passing over the sea).

Dragon Bridge in Da Nang

There are 5 bridges across the Han River in Da Nang. Each of the bridges (except one, the northernmost one) is a work of art. There is even an analogue famous bridge in San Francisco (Thuan Phuoc Bridge).

Thuan Phuoc Bridge at sunset, it looks even cooler at night

But the most famous is the Dragon Bridge. This is the biggest pride of the inhabitants of Da Nang (it is understandable, because there are practically no sights here). This bridge was opened in 2013. Its length is 666 meters (a terrible number). American architects built the bridge, spending $ 88 million on the construction.

Twice a week, the iron dragon comes to life and an unusual performance begins: its mouth spews fire and water. This is an unusual spectacle, which is always attended by a huge crowd of tourists and local residents(they never seem to get bored).

The dragon lights up with all the colors of the rainbow!

The show starts at 21:00 every Friday and Saturday. Lasts about 15 minutes. To observe the revived dragon near the bridge there are special round viewing platforms. But it is on them that viewers fall under the dragon shower! We ourselves got wet to the skin and miraculously saved the camera.

A second before the shower))

Our video from the dragon bridge show:

Da Nang (Vietnam) Hotels

There are many expensive spa hotels in Da Nang, among which, according to reviews, the best can be distinguished:

But you can also find affordable housing. For example, we rented an inexpensive hotel Sea Wonder Hotel not far from the sea (although we didn’t go to the sea) for only $ 11 per night. Of course, it was not the most spacious room, but everything about it was new and pleasant. The price also included a delicious breakfast for two, and the child could sleep with us on a large bed at no extra charge. The hotel itself was very clean, quite large and well maintained. We can recommend it with confidence.

How to get from Nha Trang to Da Nang

The distance from Nha Trang to Da Nang is 540 km.

Since both Nha Trang and Da Nang have airports (even international ones), the easiest and fastest way would be fly by plane. But this will also be the most expensive way: the cost of a ticket for a Nha Trang-Danang plane, depending on the dates and time of purchase, varies from $ 45 to $ 280.

Da Nang and Nha Trang are also connected by rail, so you can spend the night in (the cost of a shelf in a 4-seater compartment will be about $ 30).

The cheapest way to get to Da Nang, of course, is. Getting from Nha Trang to Da Nang by bus will cost only $ 10. Travel time is about 12 hours, that is, you get on the bus at about 18:00, and at 6:30 the next day you will be already in Da Nang.

Da Nang on the map of Vietnam:

Vietnam relatively recently began to be considered by Russians as a place where you can indulge in a carefree beach holiday. As a rule, our fellow citizens prefer the resorts of Nha Trang or Saigon with their developed infrastructure. However, recently you can hear positive reviews from tourists about Da Nang (Vietnam).

Terra incognita

Those who have already been to Vietnam will agree that there are no special language problems at the famous resorts of this country, since any restaurant has a menu in Russian, there are specialized information centers for Russians, etc. This is primarily due to the popularity of Nha Trang and Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) among residents of the former Soviet republics. The situation is quite different in Da Nang, where Foreign tourists, and even more so the Russians are a rarity. However, this also has its advantages. For example, if you are considering whether to go to Da Nang (Vietnam), tourist reviews will point to such an advantage of this city as relatively uncrowded and clean beaches. Agree, this is a rarity for any popular resort, and it cannot but please travelers, especially if they went on vacation with children. Moreover, the Chinese beach of the city is included in the list of the best in the world and is considered great place for surfers.


Reading reviews about Da Nang and our compatriots' impressions of Vietnam, one can often hear praises for the original architecture of local Buddhist temples. And she really is amazing! For those who have been to China, Da Nang pagodas will be nothing new. However, even such sophisticated connoisseurs of Asia are unlikely to resist the temptation to inspect the 67-meter Buddha statue, installed in the very big temple city ​​of Lunkh-Unga in the 18th century. To see it, tourists will have to go on a bus tour to the Son Tra peninsula and climb a high hill, which offers a magnificent view of Da Nang.

Cham Museum

This institution was inherited by the city from the French, who not only exploited the Vietnamese, but also did a lot to preserve their national culture.

In 1915, at the initiative of the School of Study Far East a museum was opened in Da Nang, which today is one of the most famous attractions of the city. There is the largest collection of unique Cham sculptures. The museum consists of ten rooms, where, along with sculptures, there are also photographs taken 100-120 years ago and telling about life in Indochina. Many stone sculptures presented in the museum date back to the 5th-15th centuries AD.

A ticket to the museum, which is located in the central part of Da Nang, at the intersection of Bach Dang and Trang Nu Vuong streets, costs 30,000 VND (about 75 rubles).

Hot Springs

25 km from Da Nang there is a mud bath, known throughout South-East Asia. The complex is based on thermal springs where the temperature fluctuates around 55 degrees. Tourists come there to improve their health and restore youth to their joints.

Museum of the Fifth Militarized Zone

For those who are going to go to Vietnam (Danang), reviews of tourists recommend visiting the largest exhibition of military equipment. It is part of a museum exhibition dedicated to the defense of the 5th military zone during the confrontation with the French colonialists and the war against the American invaders. Among the most valuable exhibits are rare images of tanks, armored vehicles and aircraft. Its address is 01 Duy Tan Street. The ticket price is 20,000 VND (about 50 rubles).

Amusement park (Vietnam, Da Nang)

Tourist reviews say that you should definitely climb Mount Ba-Na along the highest cable car in the world to visit the fabulous knight's castle which will appeal to both adults and children.

On the territory of the largest amusement park in Vietnam, there is Wonder City, several restaurants, 2 hotels, an antique-style wine cellar with a collection of excellent French wines, and a state-of-the-art rodelbahn, which you can ride on special sledges, was recently launched there.

It is better to visit Mount Ba-Na as part of an organized tour with a Russian-speaking guide.

marble mountains

This natural landmark is located between Hoi An and Da Nang. Marble Mountains are 5 stone hills. It is known that in ancient times these places were covered with water, and the tops of the hills that protruded above the surface were islands. The Vietnamese named each of the mountains after one of the elements that make up the universe: Hoashon (fire), Thui Son (water), Mokshon (wood), Thoshon (earth) and Kim Son (metal). Inside the mountains there are natural caves that have been turned into Buddhist shrines. The Marble Mountains are visited by thousands of pilgrims every year.

If you want to explore the Da Nang caves, you should bring a flashlight with you, and also be prepared to meet bats, among which there are representatives of species with a frightening appearance.

For climbing the Marble Mountains, you need to pay 15,000 in local currency.

Holidays in Da Nang (Vietnam): description of hotels

Most of the city's tourist hotels are located along the white sand beaches. It is recommended to give preference to hotels of world brands, the rooms in which are in great demand. New hotel centers are especially in demand, such as Inter Continental with 150 rooms.

If you are interested in more budget options, then you should look for them along Tran Hung Dao Street. There you can rent a cozy single room for 14-25 EUR. Cheap hotels are also available along Pham Phu Thu.

How to get there

Tourists who are going to go to Vietnam (Danang) will also help to decide which mode of transport is better to get there. There are several options. Among them:

  • Arrive by plane. The city has one of three international airports, accepting flights from the capital, as well as the states of the region. Unfortunately, there are no direct flights to Da Nang from Russia, so our tourists get there by air after a transfer at Hanoi airport.
  • By rail. Da Nang railway station is located in the heart of the city. Trains pass through it, moving along routes from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City and Nha Trang. It is most advantageous to use night flights, as in this case you can save on accommodation in hotels.
  • By bus. Any review of Vietnam (Danang, in particular) shows that the cheapest way to get to this city is by bus. Prices depend on the route and range from 20 to 30 US dollars. At the same time, it will take about 12 hours to travel from Hanoi to Da Nang by bus. The bus station, through which international flights to Taos are carried out, is located on Dien Bien Phu Street.

Now you know where Danang (Vietnam) is located. Relaxing on the beaches, hotels in Da Nang and the main attractions of the resort will certainly appeal to anyone who is looking for a place where they can spend their holidays in relative privacy and at a high level.

Da Nang beaches these are beautiful, clean, wide, sparsely populated beaches, which for some reason are not yet popular with European tourists. Our vacation people mainly choose Mui Ne or Phukok Islands. And very in vain! The beaches of Da Nang are magnificent during the season, and one of the beaches, China Beach or China Beach, is recognized by Forbs magazine as one of the most beautiful beaches in the world!

Beach in Da Nang

Da Nang Beaches: My Khe and Bac My An (Chinese Beach)

My Khe Beach And Bak Mi An (Chinese Beach) are located in the east of Da Nang and stretch for several kilometers from north to south. The beaches of Da Nang are separated from the bustling city center by a wide river. The resort area near the beaches is completely empty on weekdays, only on weekends and holidays a few Vietnamese families come to the beach to swim in the sea or have a picnic.

Absolutely empty resort area of ​​Da Nang
The beach in Da Nang is not crowded on weekdays

In general, there is no clear boundary between My Khe beaches and Chinese beach in Da Nang. My Khe Beach is located to the north, closer to the mountain and the Lady Buddha statue, and the Chinese Beach is to the south, near. If we go further south along the coast, then we will go to no less chic, where there are still more tourists than on the beaches of Da Nang. Europeans prefer to settle in the city of Hoi An, rather than in Da Nang. If you are planning to visit Hoi An, then this information is for you:

Luxurious hotels have been built on Chinese Beach right on the seashore. One of them is the Furama Beach Resort, considered the best five-star hotel in Vietnam!

To the north, the beach strip narrows, along the sea stretches a long, wide and green embankment(oh, how we miss a good embankment for us 🙂, mini sloppy doesn’t count). The hotels are across the street from the beach.

Gorgeous promenade in Da Nang
Great place for walking along the sea
We are already resting on a bike like real Vietnamese 🙂

On Chinese Beach, you can relax in one of the beach clubs with a large parking lot for bikes, showers, cabanas, sun loungers and restaurants on the beach. Prices are not high. For example:

  • Beer - VND 22,000
  • Coffee - VND 25,000
  • Water - 12,000 VND
  • Soups - from 40,000 VND
  • Seafood - from 150,000 VND
  • Meat dishes - from 100,000 VND

It's funny, but after 18:00 the prices for drinks are a little higher, which is what is written on the menu 🙂

Along the promenade in the south of Da Nang there are several beach clubs
One of the beach clubs with parking, restaurant, showers and other amenities for tourists
Karaoke. The Vietnamese love to sing karaoke. Oh, it's a pity that I don't sing 🙂
Beer in Vietnam is cheap
Prices for food in restaurants by the sea are not very high

There are also many sun loungers and umbrellas on My Khe beach, there are showers and small tents with drinks. Check if there is water in the shower, otherwise we were going to swim in the sea at (), I decided to check first if there is water in the shower - but there is no water 🙂 Who cares, but for me it is important to wash off the sea salt from myself after swimming in the sea.

The cost of renting a sunbed under an umbrella on Da Nang Beach is 30,000 dong (~ 1.5 dollars).

Rows of sun loungers on the beaches of Da Nang: choose any!
Sunbed rental from $1.5 per day

The beach strip is very wide, and the sand is white - white and very fine. It is a pleasure to walk along the surf line. The entry into the sea is very smooth, it will take a long time to go to the depth. Convenient for families with children.

The purest fine sand on the beaches of Da Nang and a very smooth entry into the sea
Wide beach strip with umbrellas and sunbeds
The beach is empty!
Very smooth entry into the sea
The wide surf line and the long beach are a great place to walk along the sea

Da Nang Beach: video

Beach season in Da Nang

When beach season in Danang? Generally it is considered that best time for relaxing on the beaches of Da Nang from January to August. I don’t know, I don’t know how to swim there in January-March? We rested in late May-early June and the water in the sea was icy! Although maybe I'm picky, I just love the warm sea, as it was on Koh Samui in July 🙂

In June, jellyfish swim to the shores of Da Nang: they are not life-threatening, but you should be careful when swimming in the sea.

From September to November-December there are strong storms at sea. It is at this time that world surfing competitions are held on Da Nang Chinese Beach.

In spring and summer, the sea in Da Nang is calm. Severe storms can be in October-December

Da Nang Hotels

Da Nang hotels can be conditionally divided into:

  • City center hotels
  • Hotels in Da Nang Bay (north-west of the center)
  • Hotels in the east on My Khe Beach
  • Hotels in the east on China Beach

One of the luxury hotels on Da Nang Chinese Beach

Cheap hotels in the center of Da Nang

  • Louis Hotel - from $ 25, rating 8.5
  • Dai A Hotel - from $ 25, rating 8.1
  • Red Diamond Hotel - from $ 25, rating 7.8

Cheap hotels in Da Nang Bay

  • Hotel Apple from $12
  • Whale Hotel from $12
  • Hoa Binh Hotel from $25

Hotels on My Khe Beach

  • Emily Hotel from $15, rating 8.9
  • Richico Apartments And Hotel from $28, rating 8.6
  • Bac Cuong Hotel Da Nang from $29 , rating 8
  • Chu Hotel from $40, rating 8.4
  • Holiday Beach Da Nang Hotel and Spa from $140, rating 8.6

Holiday Beach Hotel Beach

Luxury hotels on the Chinese beach on the seashore

Other Da Nang hotels can be selected and booked on booking sites (just choose the best conditions!):

How to get to Da Nang

Da Nang is a major transport hub in Vietnam, the city has both an airport and a railway station.

By plane

Danang Airport is located almost in the city center 🙂 Flights to Danang are easy to find and buy.

By train

The railway connects Da Nang with many cities in Vietnam: Hue, and others. You can see the train schedule to and from Da Nang.

By bus

Well developed in Vietnam bus service. Sleeping basses are especially popular with tourists 🙂 You can travel all over Vietnam by bus from Da Nang. You can look at the bus schedule and ticket prices.


Da Nang is a good little tourist city in Vietnam with gorgeous beaches. Da Nang would be a good choice for wintering in Vietnam, if not for a few BUT:

  1. Apartments in Da Nang are rented only for long term 6 months or even a year. You can, of course, live in a guesthouse for 10 - 12 dollars a day, but this is not our option.
  2. Cold and rainy weather in autumn and winter. Nevertheless, Danang is located north of Nha Trang, and even in Nha Trang in November-December it is cool and rainy.

Vibrant landscapes of Da Nang. What a beautiful sea!

But Da Nang, like neighboring Hoi An, is ideal for beach holiday in Vietnam during the summer months. Due to the shallow sea and the gentle entrance of Da Nang a good place for holidays with young children. Yes, and lovers of many kilometers of walks along the sea, this beach will not leave indifferent 🙂

Some more photos of Da Nang beach

My Khe Beach
The northernmost part of the beach under the mountain

It's so funny to walk on a completely empty beach
The greenery of palm trees, white sand and azure water in the sea
Long with a long promenade along the sea

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Da Nang - the 5th largest city in Vietnam, a major port - spread out on the coast Pacific Ocean in the central part of the country. First of all, it is famous all over the world for its luxurious China Beach: a wide coastal strip of light velvety sand, the “right” waves for active species sports and all the necessary infrastructure annually attract thousands of tourists from all over the world. In addition, it is a real paradise for kiters and surfers. Da Nang successfully combines the features of a business metropolis and a relaxing place for a beach holiday, authentic markets and ancient temples coexist here with high-tech skyscrapers.

Today Da Nang is a fashionable resort with all the necessary attributes - well-equipped beaches, five-star hotels, surfing and diving clubs and a huge modern amusement park "Asia".

Vietnam has a well-developed railway connection, so you can also get to Da Nang by train. Trains to Da Nang depart from Hanoi (from VND 977,500), Ho Chi Minh City (from VND 820,000) and Nha Trang (from VND 520,000). The schedule can be viewed at Vietnamese railways(in English.).

Search for flights to Ho Chi Minh City (nearest airport to Da Nang)


Public transport Da Nang is poorly developed: there are several city bus routes ( yellow color), which can take you from different parts of the city to the intercity bus station, but they do not make other stops around the city.

A motorcycle taxi is considered an inexpensive and popular mode of transport - approximately VND 50,000-60,000 per trip. A regular taxi is more expensive, but more convenient for those traveling in a large company - you can order a car from the hotel. Payment by meter - on average, a trip around the city costs 100,000 VND.

Bike or scooter rental

Renting a bike or scooter in Vietnam is more difficult than, for example, in Thailand - you need to be confident in your ability to manage it vehicle. They don't recognize here international law, getting locals is quite troublesome, so you have to drive without them, which is what most tourists do.

If you drive carefully - 30 km / h around the city, and in a helmet, then the police, most likely, will not find fault. But in the event of an accident, the fine for a tourist without a license will be very impressive.

There are rental points near almost every hotel. Rental price - from 233,000 VND per day for a moped with an automatic transmission. For 100,000 VND per day (for a few days - cheaper) you can rent a bike - and this will be the right choice. A deposit, as a rule, is not required - you can show a card of the hotel where you are staying.

Da Nang Maps

Rent a Car

Renting a car in Da Nang will make life easier for travelers - getting to the Marble Mountains and others interesting places in the vicinity of the city will be much easier. But it should be borne in mind that international law does not apply in Vietnam - local ones are needed. Obtaining them is troublesome: it takes at least a month, and, most likely, you will need the help of a local lawyer.

The traffic on the roads is very chaotic, few people follow traffic rules, traffic in the city is mainly created by motorcycles. There are no problems with parking - hotels, beaches and shopping centers you can leave your car freely. There are rental points at the airport and city center. Toyota Vios with an automatic transmission will cost from 1,000,000 VND per day. Both international companies (Alamo, Budget, Avis, National) and local ones operate in the car rental market in Da Nang.

There is an option to rent a car at a local office and drive at your own risk without a license, trying to understand the Vietnamese driving system, but it is better to rent a car with a driver - the price will not be much higher.

Communication and Wi-Fi

In Da Nang, as well as throughout Vietnam, communication services are provided by 4 operators - Mobifone, Viettel, Vietnamobile and Vinaphone. All have similar rates. Viettel has the widest coverage area. It is better not to buy SIM cards immediately upon arrival at the airport - it's expensive, but to buy them already in the city - in a hotel, communication stores (of which there are plenty) or supermarkets. It is most profitable to deposit money into an account in The Gioididong mobile equipment chain stores at the checkout. You can also replenish the balance with special cards that are sold in any supermarket. The starter package costs from 70,000 VND, plus another 130,000 VND for 10 Gb of Internet (it's more profitable to call via Viber and Skype). 3G Internet is widespread in Vietnam.

Wi-Fi is available in almost all hotels and restaurants, as well as at the post office. Free WiFi available throughout Da Nang Airport.

Da Nang beaches

The most famous beaches in Da Nang - My Khe and China Beach (or Bak My An) stretch in a wide strip in the eastern part of the city. They are covered with soft light sand, the entrance to the water here is quite gentle - the depth grows smoothly, the territory is clean and well-groomed. These are urban beaches - they do not charge an entrance fee (umbrellas and sun loungers are paid, like all the others).

China Beach is in the top 10 according to National Geographic the most beautiful beaches planets. A 63-episode film of the same name about the events of the Vietnam War is associated with this beach.

"Mi-Khe" is more popular with locals during the season - it can be noisy there, so for those who love silence and solitude, it is better to choose "China Beach". Non Nuoc Beach is located in the suburbs, closer to Hoi An - next to the Marble Mountains (you can walk to them from here).

When planning a vacation with children, you need to consider that on local beaches decent waves, especially from november to february.

The infrastructure on the beaches of Da Nang is well developed: there are sunbeds with umbrellas, armchairs, cafes, free showers and toilets. The cost of a sunbed is 30,000 VND, chairs - 23,000 VND. Here you can also buy fresh fruits from peddlers - coconut from VND 30,000 (it quenches thirst perfectly in the heat).

Surfing and diving in Da Nang

Danang is considered one of the world's centers of surfing: since the 90s, international competitions have been held here. The flat bottom, soft sand and stable wind - all these components of perfect surfing attract wave surfers from all over the world; kiting is also popular. There are many surf clubs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bChina Beach and Mi-Khe beaches, some of which have instructors with knowledge of the Russian language. You can rent all the necessary equipment for surfing and kiting or book lessons with an instructor (from 650,000 VND per day). In the summer months, the waves are not very big - you can learn from novice surfers. But the time from November to February is for real professionals, the waves during this period reach 2 m.

In June, red jellyfish are found in the coastal strip. They can sting and are dangerous for allergy sufferers.

For connoisseurs of beauty underwater world There are plenty of things to do in Da Nang too. Between it and Hoi An is the Cu Lao Cham Marine Park - a biosphere reserve under the protection of UNESCO. It is here that diving and snorkeling lovers are taken. The undoubted plus of diving in Vietnam is its cheapness. A one-day excursion with equipment rental and an instructor will cost from 1,100,000 VND.

Da Nang Hotels

There are plenty of hotels for tourists in Da Nang for any budget: hostels and guesthouses (from 70,000 VND per day), as well as hotels of various "star" ratings. You can rent an apartment here only for a long time - from six months.

If funds allow, it is most convenient to stay in hotels on China Beach: for example, Furama Beach Resort 5 * or Melia Danang 4 *. In general, in Da Nang there are many hotels on the first line near the beaches - there are plenty to choose from. Prices - from 750,000 VND and above. If a tourist is settled for a period longer than a week, they often make a discount.

From inexpensive new hotels good feedback at Dragon Sea 2 * - it is located next to the bus stop, from where you can easily get to the Central Bus Station, and the beach is about 7 minutes on foot. The cost of a double room - from 700,000. VND.

What to bring

There are plenty of places in Da Nang where you can have a good shopping: for clothes, shoes and equipment you should go to the Khan market (Cho Han), for souvenirs and handicrafts - to the shopping streets of Phan Chu Trinh and Hung Vuong. It is better to buy fruits, fish, seafood in the Big C supermarket.

Vietnam is traditionally famous for its quality coffee and tea. The two most popular Vietnamese coffee varieties, Arabica and Robusta, are considered the best in the world. Gourmets here can buy a special variety of it - "Kopi Luwak". Its grains are extracted from waste products, but simply - the excrement of musang animals that feed on the fruits of coffee. In the intestines of these animals, grains acquire an unusual taste under the influence of certain enzymes.

Vietnam Airlines often arranges promotions for tourists - it gives coffee to those flying out of the country.

It is worth taking a closer look at clothes made from Vietnamese silk and local pearl jewelry (Vietnamese pearls are very highly valued in the jewelry market). As a gift, you can choose leather goods (bags, belts, wallets) - both quite traditional and exotic - made of crocodile and snake skin. Flip flops, which have become a household name, will also serve as a wonderful souvenir from Da Nang. You can’t ignore traditional medicine products - all kinds of ointments, balms and tinctures - for example, the famous Asterisk balm.

Cuisine and restaurants in Da Nang

Vietnamese cuisine is very diverse: the main combination of flavors is spicy-sweet. For Russians and Europeans, many dishes may seem very exotic, but you should definitely get acquainted with the masterpieces of local cuisine. Fortunately, there are many authentic restaurants in Da Nang. The most popular of the budget restaurants is Thung Phi BBQ, where you can taste grilled seafood sets. The average check is 700,000 VND. The most expensive and luxurious restaurant is La Maison 1888 - the owner of three Michelin stars, located in the building of the Continental Hotel.

The main unusual local treat, which has become famous all over the world, is fish sauce. It is prepared from finely chopped salted fish by fermentation.

The basis vietnamese cuisine- rice and soups. The most famous are Pho, Bun-Bo-Hue, crab soup, Lao. Da Nang is full of places where they sell food right on the street. There is no need to disdain these "diners" - locals eat only here, because it is tasty and cheap. We advise you to try "ban-bao" - steamed pies with various fillings (about 15,000 VND). Another interesting variety of street food is nem nuong rice rolls (deep-fried rice flour pancakes stuffed with vegetables, fish or soy), as well as rice chips. Exotic lovers will be able to taste fried insects, battered frogs and minced snake.

Guides in Da Nang

Entertainment and attractions

The main symbol of Da Nang is a 67-meter statue of the Buddha (Lady Buddha - the female form of the great sage). It is located on the Monkey Peninsula (Son Tra), located northeast of the city, in temple complex Lin-ung. Other notable sights are Linh Ung Pagoda and Sculpture Park. Another symbol of the city is the Dragon Bridge spanning the Han River. At night, the dragon glows and “spews flames” - these fire shows are definitely worth a look, because the best engineers of the country worked on the original lighting.

Arriving in Da Nang, you should definitely visit the Marble Mountains - this is a natural reserve in which temples and statues of local folklore heroes coexist with the creations of nature - amazing grottoes and caves. The Vietnamese called this place "Mountains of five elements" - fire, water, earth, metal, wood. And marble has been mined in those mountains for many centuries - hence the name.

There is one feature: the Vietnamese are poor and very enterprising, white tourist they try to cheat everywhere. In museums, for example, buy tickets only at the box office, as caretakers or cleaners often try to extort money - under the pretext of leading secret paths faster and without a queue.

35 km from Da Nang there is a cable car, listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest (1.3 km above sea level) and the longest (5042 m). It links the base of Mount Ba Na with the summit of Mount Vong Nguyet located next to it. There, tourists can see the statue of a seated Buddha.

Since public transport in Da Nang is not developed, and all the main attractions are located outside the city limits, it makes sense to take excursions. They carry tourists on comfortable air-conditioned buses, and on sea ​​excursions- on modern ships with hydrofoils. Issue price - 1,000,000 - 1,900,000 VND per person (depending on the direction).

Fans of ancient artifacts should definitely visit the Cham Museum (about the people who lived in Vietnam in the 5th-15th centuries). It is easily accessible on foot from anywhere in the city.

5 things to do in Da Nang

  1. Go on a mountain hike to the Linh Ung Temple and halfway try to take a picture with the statue of the Lady Buddha “in the palm of your hand”.
  2. Taste the mysterious and elite drink from Kopi Luwak beans.
  3. Ride the wave at China Beach
  4. Watch the evening light show at the Dragon Bridge.
  5. Try exotic dishes - fried grasshoppers or minced snake.

Da Nang for kids

On top of Mount Bana, located 35 km from Da Nang, there is a real city - with hotels, gardens, temples, restaurants and hotels. Most tourists come here to ride the longest cable car and visit the unique amusement park Fantasy Park. This complex was inspired by Jules Verne's novels Journey to the Center of the Earth and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Another worthy place for families - this is a large-scale amusement park "Asia" (off. site in English). You need to pay once for the entrance, and then ride on all the rides for free. The park has copies of the main attractions of all Asian countries. The Sun Wheel Ferris wheel impresses with its scale and is included in the top ten highest in the world (at the top point of the ascent, its height reaches 115 m). Especially beautiful view the city opens from it in the evening - the whole Danang is in the lights, at a glance. november


Da Nang is located in the tropical climate zone, characterized by a mild and humid climate. The rainy season is from late July to early January. April to June is the dry season. The rest of the time it rains several times a week, usually at night. There are days when the sun does not burn, but is covered with haze, during such periods it is pleasant to practice outdoor activities and sightseeing. But neglect sunscreen not worth it. From November to February, strong winds blow on the coast. The best time to travel to Da Nang is April-May.