The state with the smallest territory area. Smallest countries by area

8-03-2014, 23:35
Just recently, just a month ago, the Vatican celebrated the date of its formation. This small state was formed in June 1929 in accordance with the Lateran Agreements. We decided to tell you about the Vatican and nine other smallest countries on our planet in this small collection.


The Republic of Maldives, located in the Indian Ocean, is considered an island state. In terms of its total area, the country is considered the smallest in Asia. The area of ​​the Maldives is no more than 298 square kilometers. The country has a population of about 396 thousand people, two thirds of the inhabitants live in the capital of the Maldives - the city of Male. The country's main income today is tourism, but previously the export of dried tuna, cowrie shellfish, and coconut ropes brought money to the treasury.


The area of ​​the island is slightly larger than that of the previous mini-state - 455 square kilometers. Not many people live in the Seychelles - only 84 thousand people.

Seychelles located just north of Madagascar. The archipelago consists of 115 islands scattered in the Indian Ocean. Until 1976, this country developed thanks to the export of coconut, cinnamon and vanilla. But having gained independence, the state began to actively develop tourism, which is today the main source of income.


This European state has no access to the sea. It borders with Switzerland and Austria. The country's area is only 160.4 square kilometers. They say that it is registered in Liechtenstein more companies than residents. We do not undertake to dispute this statement, since this mini-state is considered one of the richest in the world.


The state of Nauru is located in the southern part Pacific Ocean in Micronesia. The area of ​​this country can be said to be simply microscopic - 21.3 square kilometers. The Republic of Nauru, which gained independence in 1968, is considered the smallest island nation. Today the country's population is only 9 thousand inhabitants. It is noteworthy that the state of Nauru does not have its own army.


The area of ​​the Vatican is only 44 hectares. This closed city-state is located in one of the districts of Rome. The state is governed by the Pope. Officially, only 800 people are considered citizens of the Vatican. The bulk of people come to the Vatican from Rome to work.

The closed city-state is proud of its unique buildings - St. Peter's Basilica, apostolic palace, Sistine Chapel.


Another very small country in the world is Monaco. Thanks to the draining of the sea, which has been ongoing for 20 recent years, the country's area has increased slightly and today is 2.02 square kilometers. However, despite such tiny sizes, the state manages to accommodate about 30 thousand inhabitants. Tourism is considered the main source of income for the state.

Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

This dwarf state is located practically on the border of two continents - North and South America. The state occupies two islands in the Atlantic. The total area of ​​the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis is 261 square kilometers. The country lives not only on tourism. Brings income to the treasury Agriculture, offshore banking.

Marshall Islands

And again the South Pacific. Here is another tiny state in the world - Tuvalu, with an area of ​​only 26 square kilometers. Until 1979, the islands belonged to the British Crown, but then gained independence - the Ellis Islands became the state of Tuvalu. More than 10 thousand people live in the country. The Aborigines live very poorly, since there are no Natural resources. The state exists solely due to outside assistance.

Some countries in the world are quite small in size and occupy less area than megacities. But this does not prevent them from playing a significant role in the world. For example, the Vatican is considered a religious center, Monaco is recognized as a place of luxury, and Liechtenstein has gained fame as a prosperous country. The following are smallest countries in the world by area - top 10 rating.

10. Grenada (334 km²)

The list of the smallest countries in the world opens with Grenada, with an area of ​​334 sq. km and a population of about 100 thousand inhabitants. This volcanic island in the Caribbean was discovered by Columbus. The territory was first settled by French colonists, then it was transferred to Great Britain according to the Treaty of Versailles. The spirit of France is felt in the country today – in architecture, art and even sports. Local people love to play cricket. Tropical evergreen forests, hills, mountains, beaches - this place could be called paradise, if not for hurricanes. Cocoa, bananas, citrus fruits, cloves and vanilla are grown on the fertile volcanic soils. Grenada is also called the “Spice Island” for its nutmeg production.

9. Malta (316 km²)

One of the smallest countries in Europe by area is Malta (316 sq. km). It is located in the Mediterranean Sea and is famous for its leisurely life. The state unites six islands. Of the 360 ​​thousand people, 80% live in Malta, and in Gozo local residents buy summer houses. Despite its modest size, Malta is visited by more than a million tourists a year. Attracted by ancient temples, nature, rocky and sandy beaches, crystal pure water and rich undersea world. The Maltese are a cheerful people. Holidays, festivals, theatrical performances and fireworks - there is a lot of entertainment. Crime on the island is almost zero.

8. Maldives (300 km²)

The Maldives also occupy a modest territory - 300 square meters. kilometers. This is the smallest country in Asia - both in terms of territory and population (about 393 thousand). The state is one of the most dispersed in the world, as it consists of thousands of coral islands. Of these, only 200 are inhabited, and a hundred were given to tourists. They move between the islands by boats and local dhonis. There is one city - the capital Male, with an area of ​​less than three square meters. kilometers. There is not even room for an airport - planes fly to the neighboring island. Until recently, the residents of the Maldives were mainly engaged in fishing, but today their source of income is serving tourists. The island economy is aimed at it. Guests love it here, because 80% of the territory is golden beaches. Entertainment includes scuba diving and attractions. Nightlife almost no, because Republic of Maldives belongs to Muslim countries.

7. Saint Kitts and Nevis (269 km²)

Saint Kitts and Nevis - small gstate in the east Caribbean Sea, area 269 sq. kilometers. It consists of two islands, Nevis and St. Kitts. Columbus discovered them, and two centuries later the British settled in the territory. The colonies developed quickly thanks to the export of sugar. Since the 90s, the federation has gained independence. Today, 50 thousand people call Saint Kitts and Nevis home, about 86% are of African descent. Tropical thickets, mountains and meadows, butterflies and exotic birds, coral reefs and a strip of lagoons - the local nature enchants. This gives a large influx of tourists, on whose services the country’s economy is built. Another area of ​​earning money is agriculture. Residents raise goats and sheep, grow pineapples and coffee trees. The islands are suitable for life: there is a narrow-gauge road along the coast, car roads, ports and two airports.

6. Liechtenstein (160 km²)

Liechtenstein is a European dwarf state with an area of ​​only 160 square meters. km. At the same time, the mountains occupy most area of ​​the country. There are very few minerals - only limestone, white clay and alabaster. The country makes money from the manufacturing industry, producing canned food and wine. Liechtenstein is prosperous and has a high standard of living. The residents were lucky with nature: alpine meadows, Mountain peaks, forests. The climate is mild and pleasant, because mountain ranges protect from evil winds. Liechtenstein is known for its abandonment of armed forces - the state has not had an army since the 19th century. And the police force is small - 120 employees.

5. San Marino (61 km²)

San Marino is the oldest state in Europe. The dwarf country is called the “Land of Freedom”. San Marino is surrounded by Italy. Maybe that's why the country is crowded with tourists during the summer months. Moreover, thanks to reduced taxes, goods here are much cheaper than in Italy. Some residents live in Italian towns and commute to work in San Marino by car. The number of inhabitants in the country is about 30 thousand people, and it is difficult to obtain a residence permit. You need to live in the territory for 30 years or be married to a local resident for 15 years. San Marino is ruled not by one person, but by two – captains-regents. Almost the entire territory of the country (80%) is occupied by mountains.

4. Tuvalu (26 km²)

The tiny state of Tuvalu in Polynesia could not keep up with its “colleagues”. The country is considered one of the poorest. Even the nature here is sparse, consisting mainly of imported plants and animals. Plants include palm trees, bananas, and breadfruit. The weather here is not for everyone: long droughts give way to the rainy season. Sometimes destructive cyclones pass through Tuvalu. Because of one of them, houses were completely torn apart and 90% of trees were knocked down. Many benefits of civilization are still inaccessible local residents– their way of life has hardly changed over many centuries.

3. Nauru (21 km²)

The island dwarf state of Nauru is located in the Pacific Ocean. Its outline resembles a rectangle. Nauru is unique in that it does not have an official capital. There are no rivers on the island, and therefore one of the main problems of local residents is water shortage. This is reflected in the flora and fauna - it is sparse, just like in Tuvalu. Nauru's treasury was replenished quickly when phosphate rocks were mined. The country was considered one of the richest in the world, but in the 90s reserves began to decline. The well-being of the population fell. Phosphorite mining has caused damage to the island. Due to the severe pollution of Nauru, tourism is not developed.

2. Monaco (2.02 km²)

Monaco is one of the smallest countries in Europe, with an area of ​​only 2.02 sq. km. The entire principality can be walked on foot in an hour. Some tourists even have a photograph where the country fits into one picture. Despite its miniature size, the state managed to announce itself to the world. The city of Monte Carlo and its legendary casino have been heard about in many countries. Formula 1 competitions are held in Monaco. The Principality neighbors France. The country makes money from tourists, and therefore carefully monitors its image. Monaco has been called "Europe's sanctuary for the rich." Blooming azaleas and rhododendrons, a princely court and temples, narrow streets and Mediterranean architecture, modern luxury real estate - walking around the country is a pleasure. The main bay of Monaco has the most parking luxury yachts peace.

1. Vatican (0.44 km²)

The Vatican is rightfully recognized as the smallest state in the world. The country, with an area of ​​only 0.44 sq. km., is located inside Rome and is associated with Italy. In ancient times, the area was not inhabited - it was considered holy. In 326, a basilica was created, and the territory began to be developed. The Vatican is ruled by the Holy See. The main one is the Pope, who is elected for life. There is a government funding for donations from Catholics around the world and income from tourism (souvenirs, museum admission fees, sales of stamps and coins). Almost all citizens of the Vatican are ministers of the Catholic Church.

07/22/2014 at 23:03 · Johnny · 163 000

Top 10 smallest countries in the world

On the world political map There are about 250 officially recognized independent states in the world. Among them there are powerful powers that have significant weight in various international organizations and taking an active part in the life of other states. As a rule, these states have a sufficient (for example, Russia) and large population (China).

Along with giant countries, there are also very small states, the area of ​​which does not exceed 500 km², and the number of people living is comparable to the population small town. However, some of these countries play a very significant role. These, for example, include the state of the Vatican - the religious center of all Catholics, headed by the Pope.

As you may have guessed, today we have prepared a ranking of the smallest countries in the world; the main criterion for the distribution of places is the area of ​​territory occupied by the state.

10. Grenada | 344 sq. km

  • Primary language: English
  • Capital: St. George's
  • Population: 89,502 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $9,000

Grenada – Island state with a constitutional monarchy. Located in the Caribbean Sea. It was first discovered by Columbus in the 14th century. In the agricultural sector, bananas, citrus fruits, and nutmeg are grown, which are subsequently exported to other countries. Grenada is an offshore zone. Thanks to the provision of offshore financial services, the country's treasury is replenished by $7.4 million annually.

9. Maldives | 298 sq. km

  • Main language: Maldivian
  • Capital: Male
  • Population: 393 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $7,675

The Republic of Maldives is located on an archipelago of more than 1,100 islands in the Indian Ocean. The Maldives is one of the best resorts in the world, therefore, along with fishing, the main share of the economy is the service sector (about 28% of GDP). There are all conditions for have a wonderful holiday: magnificent nature with a mild climate, . Abundance different types animals, among which they are almost never found. The presence of beautiful underwater caves stretching along the entire archipelago, which will be a real gift for tourists who are fond of diving.

Interesting fact: With such a cluster of islands there is not a single river or lake.

8. St. Kitts and Nevis | 261 sq. km

  • Primary language: English
  • Capital: Basseterre
  • Population: 49.8 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $15,200

Saint Kitts and Nevis is a federation located on two islands of the same name in the eastern Caribbean Sea. In terms of territory and population, this state is the smallest country in the Western Hemisphere. The climate is tropical. Thanks to this, the islands have a very rich flora and fauna. The main industry that provides the majority of treasury revenue is tourism (70% of GDP). Agriculture is poorly developed, mainly sugar cane is grown. To modernize agriculture and industry in the country, a program was launched - “Citizen for Investment”, thanks to which you can get money by paying $ 250-450 thousand.

Interesting: Pavel Durov (creator of the social network VKontakte) has citizenship in this country.

7. Marshall Islands | 181 sq. km

  • Main language: Marshallese, English
  • Capital: Majuro
  • Population: 53.1 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $2,851

Marshall Islands (republic), located in the Pacific Ocean. The country is located on an archipelago that includes 29 atolls and 5 islands. The climate on the islands varies, from tropical in the south to semi-desert in the north. The flora and fauna have been significantly changed by humans, including the strong influence of nuclear tests, conducted by the United States in 1954. Therefore, plant species characteristic of this area are practically not found on the islands; others were planted instead. The main sector of the economy is the service sector. Products produced in agriculture, for the most part, are used for their own needs within the country. The country has fairly low taxes, which makes it possible to create an offshore zone. Due to undeveloped infrastructure and high prices for transport (flight to the islands), tourism is at the initial stage of development.

6. Liechtenstein | 160 sq. km

  • Main language: German
  • Capital: Vaduz
  • Population: 36.8 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $141,000

The Principality of Liechtenstein is located in Western Europe, bordering Switzerland and Austria. Although this state occupies a small area, it is very beautiful. Beautiful mountain landscapes, because... the country is located in the Alps, also in the western part of the state flows the most big Europe- Rhine. The Principality of Liechtenstein is a technologically advanced state. Precision instrument making enterprises operate in the country. Also, Liechtenstein is one of the largest financial centers world, with a highly developed banking services sector. The country has a very high standard of living and well-being. In terms of GDP per capita, it ranks second in the world, after Qatar, with an amount of 141,000 thousand dollars. Liechtenstein is a striking example of the fact that even such a small country can exist with dignity and occupy a significant place in world politics and economics.

5. San Marino | 61 sq. km

  • Main language: Italian
  • Capital: San Marino
  • Population: 32 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $44,605

The Republic of San Marino is located in the southern part of Europe and borders Italy on all sides. San Marino is the oldest European state, formed in the 3rd century. This country is located in a mountainous area, 80% of the territory lies on the western slope of Monte Titano. Ancient buildings and the mountain of Monte Titano itself are among the objects World Heritage UNESCO. The basis of the economy is manufacturing, which accounts for 34% of GDP; the service sector and tourism also play an important role.

4. Tuvalu | 26 sq. km

  • Main language: Tuvalu, English
  • Capital: Funafuti
  • Population: 11.2 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $1,600

The state of Tuvalu is located on a cluster of atolls and islands (9 in total) and is located in the Pacific Ocean. The climate in this country is tropical, with distinct seasons of rain and drought. Often they pass through the islands. Vegetable and animal world This state's food supply is quite scarce and is represented mainly by animals brought to the islands - pigs, cats, dogs and plants - coconut palms, bananas, breadfruit. The economy of Tuvalu, like other countries in Oceania, is mainly made up of the public sector, and to a minor extent agriculture and fishing. Also, Tuvalu is among the poorest in the world.

3. Nauru | 21.3 sq. km

  • Main language: English, Nauruan
  • Capital: None (Government is located in Yaren County)
  • Population: 10 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $5,000

Nauru is located on a coral island in the Pacific Ocean and is the smallest republic in the world. This country does not have a capital, which also makes it unique. The climate on the island is quite hot, with high humidity. One of the main problems of this country is the shortage fresh water. Just like in Tuvalu, flora and fauna are very sparse. The main source of replenishment of the treasury for a long time was the mining of phosphorites (in those years the country was one of the richest countries in the world with high GDP), but since the 90s the level of production began to decline, and with it the well-being of the population. According to some estimates, phosphate reserves should have lasted until 2010. In addition, the development of phosphorites caused irreparable damage to the geology and ecosystem of the island. Tourism is not developed due to the severe pollution of the country.

2. Monaco | 2.02 sq. km

  • Main language: French
  • Capital: Monaco
  • Population: 36 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $16,969

Notable: Monaco is the only state in which the number of regular troops (82 people) is less than the military band (85 people).

1. Vatican | 0.44 sq. km

  • Main language: Italian
  • Form of government: Absolute theocratic monarchy
  • Pope: Francis
  • Population: 836 people.

The Vatican, the leader of our ranking, is the smallest country in the world. This city-state is located inside Rome. The Vatican is the seat of the highest leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. Citizens of this state are subjects of the Holy See. The Vatican has a non-profit economy. The bulk of the budget comes from donations. Also, cash receipts to the treasury come from the tourism sector - payment for visits to museums, sale of souvenirs, etc. The Vatican plays a significant role in resolving military conflicts, calling for the preservation of peace.

There is an opinion that the smallest country in the world is the Order of Malta, with an area of ​​0.012 km2, because... it has all the necessary attributes to be called a state (its own currency, passports, etc.), but its sovereignty is not recognized by all members of the world community.

It is worth noting that there is a so-called principality Sealand(from English - sea land), the area of ​​which is 550 sq.m. This state is located on a platform, not far from the shores of Great Britain. But, since the sovereignty of this state was not recognized by any country in the world, it was not included in our rating.

The smallest country in Eurasia is 0.44 sq. km.
The smallest country on the African continent is Seychelles– 455 sq. km.
The smallest country on the North American continent is 261 sq. km.
The smallest country on the South American continent is Suriname - 163,821 sq. km.

Readers' Choice:

Only independent states recognized by other states are included. Also included are associated states (a form of confederation of unequal states united on a bilateral basis, in which the smaller state, while formally maintaining sovereignty and independence, entrusts a significant part of its power to the larger state).

10th place: - a state in the eastern Caribbean, consisting of two islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis. The area of ​​the country is 261 km². Population - 49,898 people. Saint Kitts and Nevis is the smallest country in Latin America in terms of area and population.

The southeastern peninsula of St. Kitts, with the island of Nevis in the background

9th place: Cook Islands- an archipelago and self-governing state entity of the same name in free association with New Zealand in the South Pacific Ocean. Area - 236 km², population - 19,569 people.

8th place: - Pacific state associated with the United States. The Republic of the Marshall Islands is located on 29 atolls and 5 islands, with a total area of ​​181 km² and a population of 68,000 people.

7th place: Liechtenstein- a state in Central Europe associated with Switzerland. Area - 160.4 km², population - 35,870 people.

6th place: - a state surrounded on all sides by Italy. Area - 61 km², population - 32,075 people.

5th place: - Pacific state, located on 5 atolls and 4 islands. The total area is 26 km². Population - 10,544 people. Tuvalu is one of the poorest countries in the world and this country would have been even poorer if the country’s leadership had not thought of putting up the national domain zone .tv for auction and a buyer was quickly found, because is a tasty morsel for television companies and video sites. Now Tuvalu receives $1 million every quarter in exchange for the right to use the domain

4th place: - a state on the coral island of the same name in the western Pacific Ocean with an area of ​​21 km². Population - 9,322 people. Nauru is the world's smallest independent republic, the smallest island state, the smallest state in Oceania, the smallest state outside Europe, and the world's only republic without an official capital.

3rd place: - principality associated with France. Monaco is located in southern Europe on the coast Mediterranean Sea. Area - 2.02 km², population - 35,986 people.

2nd place: located inside the territory of Rome. The Vatican is a state associated with Italy. The area of ​​the Vatican is 0.44 km². Population - 836 people.

The smallest state in Europe and the whole world - Order of Malta(not to be confused with the state of Malta), the full name is "Sovereign Military Hospitable Order of St. John, Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta." Like the Vatican, the Order of Malta is located within the territory of Rome. Since 1998, the Order has also owned Fort Sant'Angelo on the island of Malta. The area of ​​the territories controlled by the Order of Malta is 0.012 km². The order consists of 12.5 thousand people who can be considered citizens of this state. Not everyone recognizes the Order of Malta as a state, but the order has diplomatic relations with 104 states and is a permanent observer at the UN. The Order of Malta issues its own passports and license plates, prints its own currency and stamps, i.e. has almost all the signs of a full-fledged state.

Palace of Malta in Rome - the actual capital of the Order of Malta

The smallest states by area by continent and part of the world

The smallest country in Asia is the Maldives (area - 298 km²).

The smallest country in Oceania is Nauru (area - 21 km²).

The smallest country in Europe is the Order of Malta (area - 0.012 km²).

The smallest country in Africa is the Seychelles (area - 455 km²).

Smallest country North America- Saint Kitts and Nevis (area - 261 km²).

Smallest country South America- Suriname (area 163,270 km²).

The smallest countries in the world by population

Only independent (including associated) states recognized by other states are included.

10th place: (about this country, see above). Population - 49,898 people.

9th place: Liechtenstein(about this country, see above). Population - 35,870 people.

8th place: (about this country, see above). Population - 32,075 people.

7th place: Palau- an island state in the Pacific Ocean. Is in association with the USA. Consists of 328 islands, with total area 458 km². Population - 20,842 people.

6th place: Cook Islands(about this country, see above). Population - 19,569 people.

5th place: Order of Malta(see above for more details). The order consists of 12.5 thousand people.

4th place: (about this country, see above). Population - 10,544 people.

3rd place: (about this country, see above). Population - 9,322 people.

2nd place: Niue- an island and self-governing state entity of the same name in free association with New Zealand in the South Pacific Ocean. Area - 261.46 km², population - 1,398 people.

The smallest state in the world by population (about this country, see above). Population - 836 people.

The smallest states by population by continent and part of the world

The smallest country in Asia is South Ossetia(population - 72,000 people) - partially recognized state: was recognized by Russia and four other UN member states (Nicaragua, Nauru, Venezuela and Tuvalu).

The smallest country in Oceania is Niue (population - 1,398 people)

The smallest country in Europe is Vatican City (population - 836 people)

The smallest country in Africa is the Seychelles (population - 87,476 people)

The smallest country in North America is Saint Kitts and Nevis (population - 49,898 people)

The smallest country in South America is Suriname (population - 472,000 people)

All of the above countries and dependent territories are recognized by the international community or at least by several states, but there is a state not recognized by any country, which is smaller in area than the Order of Malta and smaller in population than the Vatican.
The Principality of Sealand, located on an offshore platform in the North Sea 10 kilometers off the coast of Great Britain, has an area of ​​only 0.00055 km² (550 m²). Regarding the population, in 2002 the Sealand authorities stated that the population of the state was 27 people. However, only a guard permanently lives on the territory of Sealand.

The physical territory of Sealand emerged during the Second World War. In 1942, the British Navy built several platforms on the approaches to the coast. One of them was Rafs Tower. During the war, the platforms housed anti-aircraft guns and were garrisoned by 200 people. After the end of hostilities, most of the towers were destroyed, but the Rafs Tower, being outside British territorial waters, remained untouched. In 1967, retired British Army Major Paddy Roy Bates announced the creation of the sovereign state of Sealand on the territory of the Rafs Tower platform and proclaimed himself Prince Roy I. In 1972, Sealand began minting coins. In 1975, Sealand's first constitution came into force. A flag and coat of arms appeared.
In 1997, it became clear that without the knowledge of the leadership of Sealand, passports of this state were being distributed illegally. In total, more than 150 thousand passports were sold, after which Sealand was forced to cancel the passports. In January 2007, the country's owners announced their intention to sell it. Immediately after this, the torrent site The Pirate Bay began collecting funds for the acquisition of Sealand in order to achieve independence from the authorities of other states, but the deal did not take place.
Sealand official website -

Historically, humanity strives to divide the vast expanses of our planet into separate pieces. Over the course of thousands of years of conquest, each nation secured its own territories - some more, some less.

Most titles large countries We studied it in school, but few people remember about these states. They do not have huge armies or natural deposits, but are known for their tiny area. This collection contains the 10 smallest countries in the whole world!

10 Maldives

This ranking of countries is headed in descending order. Among the top tiny countries they have the largest area - 298 km². But in terms of population density, this state can compete with any big country- More than 400 thousand people live here in such an area.

The Maldives consists of 26 atolls, which in turn are a chain of 1,192 coral islets. The only city in the Maldives is Male, which is also the capital of this country. This amazing archipelago is a unique ecosystem with reefs, various types fish and marine organisms.

9 Saint Kitts and Nevis

This small country covers an area of ​​261 km² and consists of two islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis. It is located in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea and has the title of the most small state Western Hemisphere. The population of Saint Kitts and Nevis is small - only 50 thousand people.

The state is well known among tourists and the income from this destination is more than 70% Country's GDP in year. Sugarcane and shellfish are also processed here. The largest city in this country, and also the capital, is populated by 11 thousand people. Saint Kitts and Nesiv have their own army of 300 people.

8 Marshall Islands

The Republic of the Marshall Islands covers an area of ​​181.3 km² of land. It is located in the western Pacific Ocean and is a chain of atoll islands. These islands were discovered in 1526 by Alonso de Salazar, and for many centuries they were transferred as a colony from one country to another.

These days, these 34 atoll islands are a real paradise. The territory of the republic has a unique odds and fauna, which, by the way, was almost destroyed by man. The Americans tested a hydrogen bomb here in the mid-20th century. The explosion was so powerful that it was 1000 times larger than Hiroshima. However, local residents managed to slowly restore the ecosystem of the islands.

7 Liechtenstein

The European Principality of Liechtenstein is tiny in size and very famous in the world. Despite its area of ​​160 km², this state has a very powerful economy and developed industry. It can serve as an example for many powers due to its unique system of government so that people lived very well here.

Liechtenstein is located in the Alps and borders Switzerland and Austria. The name of the country comes from the ruling dynasty, which has ruled together with the Landtag for many years. Population of this European country small - about 36 thousand people.

6 San Marino

In sixth place in our ranking is the state of San Marino, which has an area of ​​60 km². It is unique in its location - it borders on Italy on all sides. The name of the country was formed from the name of the saint who founded it according to ancient legend- stonecutter Marin.

With modern borders, San Marino is considered the most ancient state in Europe, it was founded in 301. Almost the entire territory of the country (80%) is the foothills of the Apennines, so there is practically no arable land here. The country's population is 33 thousand people in such a small area. This country has many unique architectural monuments on its territory.

5 Tuvalu

This small state in Polynesia has an area of ​​26 km². It consists of nine coral atolls, four of which make up the Tuvalu archipelago. The discoverer of the islands, Alvaro Mendaña de Neira, called them Lagoon Islands, but they only received the name Tuvalu in 1975.

This a nice place, however, was included in the rating poorest countries as of 2016. The area of ​​the islands is decreasing from year to year, so in 50 years, according to experts, Tuvalu may completely disappear from the face of the Earth as a state. The country's population according to the latest data is just over 12 thousand people.

4 Nauru

The dwarf state of Nauru covers an area of ​​21 km² and was very popular in the mid-20th century. Such popularity was ensured by phosphates, which filled the territory of this piece of land. But these days, all that remains of the phosphates are dilapidated mines, and the ecology of the country has been irrevocably damaged, even for tourism.

Like the islands of Tuvalu, Nauru is located near the Republic of Kiribati and lies 42 km south of the equator. This country has no official capital and a population of only 10 thousand people. But, unlike Tuvalu, this dwarf country has again begun to develop its economy and increase its birth rate.

3 Monaco

The third place in our ranking is occupied by the well-known European principality of Monaco. Probably everyone has heard about it, despite the fact that it occupies only 2.02 km². The legendary Monaco Grand Prix race is held here, and the casino in Monte Carlo is very famous among gambling enthusiasts.

The population of Monaco (with such and such an area!) is 38 thousand people. This is a lot, but such popularity has its own explanation. For a long time there was no taxation in Monaco, so many businessmen, wealthy foreigners settled here and large companies were founded. Monaco is governed by Prince Albert II, assisted by a national council.

2 Vatican

The Vatican State, with its tiny area of ​​0.44 km², is a very powerful state that has ruled the destinies of many countries for many centuries. The country's population is equal to the number of employees - 836 people. At the same time, the Vatican has no economy, and the country’s budget is replenished only through numerous donations from Catholic organizations.

Here is the residence of the Pope - the heart of the Catholic Church. The state is located inside Rome and is directly associated with Italy. But despite the proximity, the Vatican gained its independence in 1929 and has been an independent country ever since. It rightfully holds the title of the smallest country in the world, but there is another state that deserves attention.

1 Order of Malta

And the first place in this list is occupied by the state, which some countries do not recognize as a separate state unit. We are talking about the Order of Malta with a territory of 0.012 km². This Order has about 13,000 members who have national passports and use their own currency.

Not all countries recognize the sovereignty of the Order of Malta and consider it only at the level of diplomatic relations. The largest city The Order is Fort Sant'Angelo, which the country leases from Malta. Apart from the shaky recognition of this sovereignty, the Order is the smallest state in the world.

All these dwarf states rightfully take their place in the ranking of the smallest countries. They are unique and distinctive, and most of them, despite their small territory, are prosperous countries.