How to find old beaches that have not been used for a long time. Where to look for gold jewelry? On the beach with an underwater metal detector

During the summer periods, thousands of people tend to go to water bodies in hot weather, swim, sunbathe, relax, and spend time “by the water”. At the same time, it is quite natural that people lose something from small items. This is due to several factors: general confusion, wide pockets of shorts, the need to change clothes (and at this moment lose something from the pockets), and of course, the use of alcoholic beverages further increases losses on the beaches.

The most commonly lost items are:
- modern coins;
- keys (for cars and houses);
- lighters;
- jewelry (gold, silver, bijouterie: all kinds of rings, bracelets, chains, pendants);

All this is found on sea and freshwater beaches with metal detectors!

On the beaches, in addition to vacationers with the aim of sunbathing and swimming, fishermen often do what they love, after which you can find whole collections of spinners, sinkers and other various fishing tackle and devices.

And all this can be easily found with a metal detector on almost any beach or swimming place.

It should be noted that in addition to useful and interesting finds, there will be other items left and abandoned by careless vacationers on the beach: these are numerous bottle caps, beer "tongues" from cans, cans, foil from chocolates and packs of cigarettes. Unfortunately, without it, nowhere. We advise you not to leave these garbage items in place, but to put them in a separate bag and take them off the beach: firstly, you will make the beach cleaner and do a noble deed, and secondly, it will be easier for you to search on this beach in the future, well, in Thirdly, you can collect a lot of non-ferrous metal and hand it over. Who even collects found plugs.

Which metal detectors are suitable for finding jewelry on the beach?

Almost any modern metal detector is suitable for beach search. After all, all of them now have the two most necessary properties for searching on the beach: discrimination (the ability to determine and weed out iron from non-ferrous metals) and a sealed search coil.
It is important to note that a super-expensive metal detector is not needed for a beach search, because most of the finds are not very deep and are within the reach of the simplest models.

A few words about tightness. As we noted, almost all modern metal detectors are produced with fully sealed search coils (this is written in the description and instructions for a specific device). And this means that the coil can be lowered into the water to the depth of the cord and rod, so as not to soak the control unit of the metal detector (usually 30-50 cm). Attention! The control units of the metal detector (on conventional land models) are not hermetic, and they must not be lowered into water and splashed!
Thus, it is possible to search for jewelry in the water (near the edge of the shore) by lowering the coil of the device into the water.

In addition to land ground metal detectors, there are specialized underwater metal detectors, designed to search for treasures underwater at considerable depths.
If beach search is the main thing for you, you should think about buying such a device!
They are completely sealed, not to be afraid of splashes or immersion in water, they include sealed underwater headphones for working underwater, ideal for such searches and are actively used by divers.
Here are examples of several models of such devices:
Garrett Sea Hunter Mark II
Minelab Excalibur
Garrett Infinium LS

Minelab Excalibur

Garrett Infinium LS

But if you do not want to buy a separate underwater device, but still want to search in the water and not be afraid for your land-based metal detector - there is another option!
You can make your own device underwater, or rather, equip it with a protective box so that the entire detector can be submerged to shallow depths. It is not very difficult and not very expensive to do this: a couple of evenings and a couple of shopping trips and you will have your own “underwater hunter” for jewelry. True, you still have to buy special headphones or adapt ordinary inexpensive ones to work in water.

Photo of a modified Garrett Ace 250 for underwater search

We did not just draw your attention to underwater and sealed devices. The fact is that a lot of jewelry is lost just where the depth does not allow an ordinary metal detector to make finds - a lot of jewelry (and little debris) can be found at a depth of 1-1.5 meters.
Why?!!! It is not far from the coast, in this range many people frolic and in the process they lose jewelry and break chains, cool water constricts the vessels of the human body and rings sometimes just slip off the fingers, at this depth it is almost impossible for the one who has already lost to find what was lost.

Which beaches are the most prolific for decorations?

Where there are more people, there are more losses, and therefore your finds;

Where the public is richer, there the finds are more interesting;

Foreign beaches are of particular interest: there is less garbage, there are many vacationers with great incomes, instead of kopecks and rubles - euros and cents;

Beaches that have existed for a very long time (convenient places for swimming and access to the water) can also bring ancient finds;

Beach Search Equipment

  1. Metal detector. We have already drawn your attention to the fact that almost all modern detectors are suitable for beach search. Our shop Shop-Detect .Ru can recommend you several models. From universal land models: Garrett Ace 150, Garrett Ace 250, Minelabe X-Terra 305, Whites Coinmaster. From underwater models we recommend: GARRETT Sea Hunter Mark II, Minelab Excalibur, GARRETT Infinium LS
  2. Scoop (Scoob). FROM special device for convenient digging of finds in the sand. A photo. Such devices can be purchased or made yourself from improvised means. Of course, you can also use an ordinary shovel, but finds that will be located in the water are much more convenient to dig with just such devices.
  3. Swamp boots. To search in cold weather, when the water temperature is not high, it is better to dress and put on shoes “properly”.
  4. Wetsuit. For active search in water in any weather. Mandatory when searching with an underwater instrument, because have to stay in the water for a long time.

spub (stingy)

Jewelry Finding Tips

  • Sea beaches often expose new finds after a storm. It is always worth checking out an old, already passed beach after another storm or strong waves;
  • A lot of coins and other "lost" can be found on the places where there are beach chairs (if any);
  • It is worth examining water bodies (or rather their bottom and coastline) that have been drained for cleaning, expansion, or for other reasons;
  • Even small and at first glance "without perspective" beaches can bring a lot of finds. For example, compact river beaches near settlements;
  • The main loss of jewelry occurs where there is active action on the beach: people frolic at the entrance to the water, play beach volleyball and football;
  • Use the opportunity to search during low tide on the sea or the descent of water in a reservoir. There are periods when in freshwater rivers and large reservoirs the water level drops and it is lower than usual (lowering the level before the spring flood, dry summer, etc.). During these periods, you will have the opportunity to conveniently walk with a metal detector through those areas where you could not pass before due to high water levels and new finds will be waiting for you;
  • In the summer, it is better to search in the early morning hours (from dawn to 9.00) or on weekdays. At this time, there are few people and no one will bother you, you explore more of the beach area, where people with their things are located during the daytime;
  • The most productive day in summer is Monday (morning). Competitors have not yet had time to comb the beach, and fresh lost (over the weekend) decorations and items are waiting for you;
  • Use the opportunity to take a metal detector on vacation in warmer climes. You can combine hobbies and relaxation on the sea beaches;

This is why there are so many losses on the beaches (one of the reasons):

So, we have told you about the basics of beach search. This type of search with a metal detector is now very popular, because no one has canceled the gold rush and excitement from a hobby. In other countries, this search is also very popular, and walking along the coast in Italy or the USA, for example, you will definitely meet people who are passionate about this activity. All that remains is to pick up a metal detector and start collecting gold jewelry.

A professional treasure hunter, the owner of the only treasure hunt office in Russia, Vladimir Poryvaev, told NV about one of the aspects of his unusual profession - "beach search with a metal detector."

- I can't get anything. When I didn’t have a metal detector, I still couldn’t sit still - I caught crabs, caught up with fish. And then this lesson came, - Vladimir recalls the beginning of his career as a treasure hunter. – Every year, for more than 15 years in a row, I travel to the Crimea to beach season and I am looking for "beach gold" - jewelry that people lose when swimming in the sea and sunbathing on the beach.

Do you really lose so much that you find something every day?

– In our traditions, going to the beach, leave a minimum of clothes and a maximum of jewelry. And on the beach there is little garbage that interferes with the treasure hunt. Basically, these are labels from cans and corks from beer bottles. Of course, sometimes instead of gold you find children's toys, women's hairpins, cutlery and foil from sweets and cigarettes, which you always have to unfold - often the most valuable is wrapped in it. Once I unwrapped the foil, and in it - 50 dollars. The beach and coastal zone is a crowd of people.

And the area is very limited. It makes sense to explore only those places where people sunbathe, and a small coastal area where they swim. The number of finds is distributed approximately like this: 70 percent I find in the water and 30 percent on the beach. My daily catch is up to 10 grams of gold. And not only scrap, but also gold jewelry in excellent condition. And besides gold - modern coins of 200 rubles.

And where do you put the coins?

- If they lay in salt water for a long time, then they are faded, "eaten by the sea." A person will hardly take them from you. And the machines are accepted without complaint. AT resort areas there are always a lot of slot machines - they can buy coffee, chocolates, pull out a toy from a slot machine. My daughters leave Crimea with 10-20 soft toys each. But coins for me are pampering.

What is real?

- Real gold. Well, silver, of course. As for 30 percent of the jewelry found on the beach, they are lost by smart people who know that they will go into the water, there will be a temperature difference of more than 10 degrees. The blood vessels narrow sharply. And the larger, the more massive the ring, the easier it is lost. During water fun, chains are torn, earrings are unfastened, but first of all, of course, rings are instantly lost. Therefore, smart people do not go into the water in gold jewelry. They take them off, put them in a pack of cigarettes or in the back pocket of their shorts, wrap them in a blanket and go for a swim. And when they come out of the sea, they forget about their actions. In Russian traditions, there is also the custom of a plentiful libation on the beach. When the gold is remembered, the kids were already running around the place, or they put on shorts to go for cigarettes, and took them off again, or shook out the sand cover. In general, in the end everything goes to me.

When you walk along the beach with a metal detector, don't people get excited?

- Of course, when there are people on the beach, it happens that I ask them to move. I don’t climb under a deck chair, I try to follow the rules of decency. But basically, of course, it is better to search on the beach after 6-7 pm, when there are still two hours before dark. And later I use a headlamp. Two of my daughters also got hooked on the beach search.

How old are they?

“Four and a half and eleven and a half. The eldest on land overtakes me easily and naturally. And under water, she uses a “childish” way of searching - she either simply collects jewelry from the bottom that lie on the surface, or stands upright and erodes the ground with flippers. If there are coins and decorations, they will jingle, and it remains to collect them from above. But this, of course, is a prank. Basically, my daughter climbs with my device on the sand. And you know, the Lord loves children and drunkards... My best finds were not in a sober state, and she, like a child, is sometimes amazingly lucky, up to the found rings with diamonds. I once had an interesting case. I'm sitting on the beach and getting ready to dive. I put on a belt with weights, put on fins, I check the instruments. Before you go into the water, you must definitely check the device - you never know, suddenly it flooded and does not work. I bring it to the lead weights - it squeaks. I lower it next to the sand - it squeaks! I scoop up a handful of sand and pull out a huge gold chain with a giant cross on it. I didn't dive at that time. But I dive thanks to the second category of vacationers.

How do vacationers from the second category lose gold?

- They are not as wise people as the first ones - they go into the water without taking anything off. In the water they dive, somersault, play, drown each other, row vigorously with their hands. As a result, gold remains in the sea, and there is much more of it than in the sand.

What is the search technology?

– The most favorable coverage for the search engine is sand and small pebbles. To search in the water, it is very important to lie tightly on the bottom so that the body does not drive in a wave. In the water, the finds are distributed approximately like this - at a depth to the waist, there are mainly children's jewelry. The main valuable finds go in a strip at a depth from the "children's" to about one meter 80 centimeters. Further, mostly heavy wedding rings of those who really swim. The width of these strips on different banks can be different, the main thing is the depth.

The coins are arranged differently - most of them are opposite the descent from the embankment to the beach. There are also a lot of coins in the breakwater zone - before leaving, people come to the sea, throw a coin from these places and leave to get ready for the road. In these places, a metal detector is not needed, you can simply tear the ground with your hands and get coins. In one breath of air, I get up to three coins. At a depth of two meters, you work on breathing, no scuba gear can be used, because you have to literally climb under the feet of swimmers.

And how do swimmers react to this?

“In the summer, I shave my head and grow a beard, so when I suddenly emerge in a wetsuit and mask, people start screaming in fright. Well, even when I lie motionless at the bottom, people also start screaming that there is a drowned man, or they are trying to pull me ashore by the fins.

And when the swimmers leave you alone, how is the search going?

– When you work on the breath, the main thing is a very clear localization of the object. For this, I have a white stone in my hand. For example, I started to rake the ground, but I do not have enough air. I leave the stone in place, inhale another breath of air and return to my white stone. This is especially important when the sea is stormy, so as not to be carried to a new place. From equipment I have a mask with diopters (since I wear glasses). In order for me to comfortably spend about 40 minutes underwater, I have a wetsuit with special holes for scuba gear. But this is optional. I am attaching nine kilograms of weight to my belt in order to lie powerfully at the bottom and not “wobble” from the wave. I lie down on the bottom and slowly crawl. In front of me is a metal detector the size of two large soap dishes, and I slowly monitor the ground in front of me. Hearing a trill, I rake the ground, find a coin or jewelry there.

Is it possible to search only in the sea?

- If the search area is not the sea, but ponds, lakes, bathing areas in central Russia, then the efficiency is many times greater there. The sea throws out gold, and gold has been accumulating in ponds and lakes since the 1920s and 1930s. I had cases when in one "dive" lasting 40 minutes I lifted six wedding rings. But this work is more serious and more difficult - there is more silt.

Do people turn to your office for help in finding lost things?

- With a request to find a loss in the water - about ten times a season. On average, I find about 70 percent of lost things. At the same time, we stipulate that everything that I find apart from this belongs to me. And the lost thing is very clearly described before starting work. For example, once during such work I found five rings, but I didn’t find what was lost, it didn’t work out. Often right on the beach they approached with requests - look. Found, gave away for free. So I'm not quite a lost person for society ...

Neva time - Elena Kiseleva.

Searching with a metal detector on the beach is fundamentally different from searching for old coins outside the city. Beach search on the beach, a hobby for people who are not embarrassed by the prospect of hundreds of questions asked by vacationers and just onlookers on the beach, although it is possible to reduce these questions to a minimum. To do this, choose the weather that frightens off the standard layman and boldly hit the road, drizzling, windy, sunless, simply vile weather suits one hundred percent.

To search on the beach in the sand, any ground metal detector, even the most budget one, is suitable, this is due to the fact that the depth of the finds in the sand is usually not great, although of course there are exceptions, but there will be no mention of them. A standard Garrett ACE 250 or Teknetics Alpha 2000 is enough, during my first steps in the search, I spent the whole of September on the beach with my ICQ, those were wonderful times.

Reel Size Requirements. As we know, for more accurate target identification, it is necessary to minimize the hit under the searchcoil of more than one target, and since our beaches hide a large amount of metal debris, we must be wise in choosing a searchcoil. So, a beach search coil doesn't have to be big! For an ellipse - no more than 6x10 inches, for a round one - no more than 8 inches, the ideal size is about 6 inches.

coil type requirements. Coil type - for the beach, many advise only mono coils, but I do not adhere to this opinion and I think that the type can be used both Mono and DD.

Detector Frequency Requirements. As we discussed above, you can search even with the cheapest ground metal detector, but if you have the financial ability, then it is better to choose a metal detector that can operate at a high frequency, 13 kHz, 15 kHz, and even higher. First, the high frequency is geared towards better detection of small targets such as earrings, chains, small rings, etc. The second advantage is that it clings well to objects with an average electrical conductivity, which is gold. The third advantage is the improved separation of metals. The fourth advantage of a high-frequency coil is its high immunity to electrical interference, which can be sufficient in urban conditions.

What finds can be made on the beach - the lion's share falls on beer caps, not one modern beach can do without them. After digging out the cover, do not throw it in the sand, but rather take it with you and throw it in the trash can. After the lids, comes the modern trifle. For an average hour of searching on the beach, you can collect about four hryvnia. Unfortunately, gold rarely comes across, and in order to dig it out, you need to pull out more than a dozen, or even a hundred caps from the sand. As one of my acquaintances says, the one who does not dig out the lids does not find the golden rings. Well, here's how lucky, because another friend of mine claimed that for the whole summer in which he visited the beach every day, he found no less, but about 300 grams of red metal.

A tool for speeding up and facilitating the search for targets in the sand is the scub. Scubas are manual and on a holder, like a shovel, homemade and factory. If you don’t have a scuba then take a pinpointer, because it’s very difficult to find something small in the pouring sand, it happened that I tried to catch a Ukrainian coin of 10 kopecks for several minutes.

Search in water. If you want to go deep under water at least a meter, then you need special equipment, approach and good experience. The searcher makes the decision to dig or not based on the sound of the detector alone, which requires a good understanding of the detector. A budget detector is not suitable here, both a symbiosis of ground and underwater Garrett AT Gold, and a purely underwater one, for example, Minelab Excalibur II, are suitable for underwater search. It is also necessary to have a scuba with a handle, without it there is no point in poking into the water.

Summer is a "golden time" for search engines in every sense of the word. It is at this time of the year that vacationers break away from the bottom of their hearts, splashing in the cool water of the nearest river, lake and other reservoirs. Unfortunately (or fortunately for the treasure hunter), they do not always care about the safety of jewelry. Chains, pendants, earrings, even rings they manage to lose on the beach. Of course, the main part of these decorations irretrievably sinks to the bottom for their owners, but this is where the search engines work. , capable of sinking even a meter under water, when searching on the beach, they make it possible to boast of such a catch of jewelry and gold that it’s not at all a pity for the time that could be spent on water procedures.

Beach search is a real salvation for those who have a younger generation in their families. Of course, trusting an expensive and complex device to a child is not very reasonable, but if your unit has already served well and has a fairly light weight - you can take your child with it to enjoy the delights of a warm summer to the fullest. If you "go hunting" alone - so much the better, no one will distract you from an entertaining pastime. You should prepare in advance so that in the chaos of family gatherings you don’t forget all the necessary items - the metal detector itself, a bag for finds, a shovel for digging and other useful little things.

Be prepared for the fact that on the beach, in addition to the coveted jewelry, you will also find a bunch of garbage, which, of course, will be a hindrance. Drink tabs, bottle caps, rusty nails, wire - all give false signals. Many searchers, in an attempt to narrow their search as much as possible, often eliminate junk from their search by waving it in front of the searchcoil. This is the difference between the beach search for gold and jewelry from ground work - gold has an average level of conductivity and can be identified as small objects made of aluminum, that is, these very covers and tongues. Therefore, if you want to become the owner of gold trinkets, you will have to tinker well among this metal rubbish.

Searching in the water on one side is easier than searching in the coastal strip. There is less garbage here, and the chance to find something valuable is much higher, because vacationers will look for a ring dropped on the beach with great zeal, and maybe even find it. But diving for a flying bracelet without the help of a metal detector is a hopeless business. The problem of the search engine when searching in the water is not to miss the found trinket from the hands, which happens quite often. To do this, you need a bag for finds, so that it provides maximum comfort when searching, you can cut small holes in it to drain water.

Beach Search Equipment

So, what should you take with you when you go to the beach? Of course, first of all, a metal detector, and underwater or with the ability to dive to a certain depth thanks to a waterproof coil.

Real submariners

  • Waterproof case
  • Diving depth up to 65 meters
  • Search coil Power DD 10"x14"
  • Dual tone identification (high and low tone)
  • Background tone (threshold) adjustment
  • Deep Search Mode
  • Automatic ground balance
  • microprocessor control
  • The waterproof control box and waterproof headphones allow you to dive up to 65 meters in water.
  • Identification of metal type by sound
  • Sensitivity/Depth Adjustment
  • Salt Elimination mode allows you to use the metal detector in salty sea water
  • Multi-frequency technology
  • The device dives up to 65 meters underwater
  • Extended design configuration (4 instrument assembly options)
  • Waterproof headphone jack
  • Automatic electrical noise cancellation
  • PinPoint pinpoint target location
  • Manual sensitivity adjustment from 1 to 20
  • AGT - automatic adjustment to the soil (the ability to work on difficult soils and in salt water)
  • Headphone volume control
  • Coil DoubleD 10" or 8"
  • Waterproof headphones
  • Coil DoubleD 10" or 8"

Ground metal detectors with the ability to search on the beach (depth up to 3 meters)

  • Operating frequency 18 kHz - increased sensitivity when searching for gold and small objects
  • Perfect for finding gold and jewels on the beach
  • Two Discrimination Modes
  • Sealed body, waterproof shockproof ellipsoidal coil
  • Separate setting for iron
  • Threshold - allows you to adjust the strength of the threshold noise
  • Manual and automatic ground adjustment
  • Ferrous Cutoff Adjustment All-Metal Iron Audio
  • Shows the greatest depth in All Metal mode
  • Electronic pinpointer (accurate target detection)
  • Waterproof housing - submersion up to three meters, comfortable work on beaches, coastal strip, in flooded places
  • PROformans DD 8.5" x 11" Narrow Field Waterproof Searchcoil
  • High operating frequency 15 kHz - accurate detection of metal type
  • 8 step sensitivity adjustment
  • Ground Balance
  • Depth indication
  • Three-tone audio identification
  • Amateur and professional modes of operation
  • Headphone output
  • Underwater search at a depth of up to 3 meters
  • Efficient search for small objects thanks to the original shape of the coil
  • Excellent definition of gold
  • Work in difficult soils
  • The pulsed operation scheme increases the efficiency of the metal detector in mineralized soil, up to salt water
  • Adjustable discrimination 25 levels
  • Search in static and dynamic mode
  • Electronic target localization
  • Configurable detection rate of 730 pulses per second
  • Detection depth setting: 13
  • Quick test for the presence of ferrous metals
  • Standard Coil: 10" x 12" PROformance DD

Scoop (Scoob) for the beach poska

A special scoop for searching on the beach Scoop looks like a scoop-basket with numerous holes. In principle, something similar can be built with your own hands. The main thing is to be able to attach a longer handle (handle), because at a depth of more than a meter it is almost impossible to dig a find with a scoop without a handle, unless of course you set yourself the task of staying under water for so long to get into the Guinness Book of Records. We immediately warn you - there is nothing to do with an ordinary shovel under water.

Lost bag

This is a mandatory attribute of a real search engine. Well, think for yourself, where will you put the found brooch or coin? In the water, you will not be able to throw the find into your pocket, shorts are not an option, from there it will quickly slip back into the muddy waters of the reservoir. That's why you need to pay special attention to the bag.

You can also (if possible) use a wetsuit, although this mainly applies to real underwater search, when the possibility of scratching on reefs is real, and in general, when you are in the water for a long time, it is advisable to use appropriate equipment. If you have the idea to wander with a metal detector in the water, when its temperature has already dropped to cold, always use high waders, they will keep you healthy and avoid the trouble of chapped kidneys.

Beach search process

  • Finding the beach is pretty easy given the fact that the sand is easy to dig. In principle, it has no differences from the ground one - you drive with a metal detector, it emits a sound of the desired tone or displays the type of find on the identification scale.
  • As for the search in the water - there is a difference, because you do not have the ability to accurately determine the place where the signal comes from. To make the search easier, there is one tricky move - at the sound, put your foot next to the coil, then remove the coil and start digging next to the foot with the help of a scoop.
  • Don't miss the opportunity to try your hand after a low tide or a storm, as the water brings to the coast jewels lost far beyond the capabilities of your detector. Search right after the weekend, first of all, explore crowded places, especially near stalls with alcoholic drinks and places of sports beach competitions.

If you approach the matter correctly and use all useful tips, searching for jewels and gold on the beach will certainly reward you with a vengeance! Good luck with your beach search!

Not far away summer season, hence, the digging season. Of course, I understand that there are people who continue to search all year round, but this is rather an exception, at least for Central Russia. Accordingly, the majority of treasure hunters on winter time go into hibernation: put away the metal detector for storage until spring, clean their summer finds, study new information. But with the advent of spring, movement begins - in the fields, like rooks, the first representatives of the treasure-hunting brotherhood appear here and there, combing the first thawed patches and other accessible plots of land.

It just so happened that the sandy banks of the rivers, first of all, of course, the beaches of the Volga, are the first in our region in terms of availability for searching using a metal detector. Naturally, the number of finds on the Volga beach cannot be compared with Black Sea coast, but even here a treasure hunter can count on certain finds.
It is important to understand that, by and large, searching on a river beach in Central Russia and, say, on a beach in Feodosia are two big differences. I'll try to explain. The Black Sea beach is characterized by much more traffic, and, consequently, the number of finds is greater. If, when searching the Black Sea, you can safely count on finding a “ginger” (gold items), then on an ordinary river beach, of course, these come across, but much less frequently. The area of ​​the surveyed territory also differs quite significantly.

But there are, of course, features that are typical for any beach search. In particular, in addition to the pleasure that you get from having a good time in the fresh air and contemplating the objects found, there is still a place to be negative. And first of all, this is a huge amount of metal garbage that beach search lovers have to deal with - tabs from cans, all kinds of corks, cigarette foil, etc., can be listed for a very long time. The second factor is curious people, who, of course, are more numerous on the beach than anywhere else, and everyone strives to help you with advice, ask how much “gold” you have already found, or puzzle you with the search for some kind of object.

Of course, some of this can be overcome. For example, in order to filter out the maximum amount of garbage, it is necessary to correctly set the device settings. At the same time, it is important to maintain an optimal balance so as not to miss anything necessary, not to “cut off” some interesting things, and for this you need to know your metal detector perfectly. By the way, beach search is one of the varieties of treasure hunting, where, in my opinion, it is not so important how deep the device “sees” targets. Most of the objects are in the top layer of sand or pebbles, therefore, even entry-level metal detectors will do an excellent job.

It is also possible to fight with curious people resting on the beach, let's say, not 100%, but in part. Firstly, best time to go to the search for the beach - these are morning or evening hours, when there are still fewer people. Secondly, bad weather, for example, a light rain or just a cloudy sky is not a hindrance to working with a metal detector, but it scares vacationers at once. Thirdly, a stern, concentrated face, headphones on the head and a sharply honed shovel work wonders.

Speaking of shovels. A beach search with a metal detector invites us to abandon the usual shovel, replacing it with a stingy one. A scoop is a kind of scoop for a beach search, very convenient and, in my opinion, a necessary device. You can make a scoop yourself or purchase a ready-made one, where and how to do this, Yandex and its brother Google will tell you.

The search technology on the beach is quite simple. Just combing the shore, which is a beach or is simply considered as such. It makes sense to mentally divide the beach into some zones. Let's say the bathing area is from coastline and about the chest of an adult. Another question is that it is problematic to check this zone without having an underwater metal detector and is feasible only within the length of the rod of your device (from the coil to the block, as a rule, you can submerge it in water). It is in this zone that the probability of finding jewelry is greatest, since people there are not so much swimming as swimming (jumping, raging, splashing), therefore, the ring can fly off the finger, the chain can break, etc.

Another zone is the beach itself, the area where people sunbathe, put out sunbeds or spread blankets. On the beach itself, there is more garbage, and the range of finds is much wider, but the quality is worse. Quality in terms of the fact that there are a lot of modern "walkers", while not the best safety. By the way, it’s more expensive to clean this little thing, but for those who don’t know, I’ll say that they take it very reluctantly in the store (or don’t take it at all), but various vending machines (selling coffee, chocolates, etc.) are swallowed with a bang. Usually the width of this zone is limited to 15 ... 20 meters, well, or the border of the sand on the beach.

At the same time, one should not forget that various reservoirs (and rivers, and seas, and lakes) have been actively used by various people for many centuries as a road, so you can count not only on modern finds, but on old coins, crosses, etc. . And the older locality located nearby, the more likely it is to find antiques.

Separately, I would like to say that the search does not have to be carried out on the beach, you can do it simply along the banks of the rivers. The rationality of this action is also associated with the active use of rivers and other reservoirs in antiquity, but this is a slightly different methodology, different principles, and I think it makes sense to talk about it separately.