How to get to Taganay National Park. Taganay Mountain in the Urals: ridges, vertices, interesting facts Where is the Mount Taganay

Taganai from Bashkir language denotes "Moon stand". At night, the Moon, as it were, gets up on the support, which is Mount Taganay. Its length is more than 20 km and it consists of a large, medium and small ridges.

The history of the creation of the park "Taganay"

Natural National Park is located near the town of Zlatoust, which is located in the Chelyabinsk region. Strengthened forest cutting in the Urals were held since the late sixties of the last century. The barbaric deforestation technique was used when the loggers on powerful technique completely poured the entire forest in a large area. After such works in this area, only Chertopago is more than 10 years. The country was needed by building material and few people thought about the consequences that may arise after the destruction of the forest. And only in 1985, articles on environmental topics began to appear in the press, in which the question of the mindless cutting of forest arrays was raised.

In 1988, the Chelyabinsk production logging association planned to take off the cut of 20 thousand cubic meters of Taganay Forest. At this time (January 1988), representatives of the local community wrote an open letter to the Zlatoust newspaper about the barbarous destroying of forests, containing about 30 signatures of employees of various enterprises of the city. January is considered a month of creating a public forest protection committee. Under the pressing public, the leadership of the city decides to create a national park on the territory of the Zlatoust Forest Plant. And in early March 1991, the State Natural Natural Park Taganay was formed.

general information

Taganay is a huge stone chain with a length of more than 20 kilometers and consisting of ridges, called large, small and medium mountain Taganay.

The height of one of the ridges is represented: a response comb, double-headed hill, distant tagana and a circle. The other is Shabala and Mont Blanc. The middle ridge is just 960 meters. The closest to the city of Zlatoust is a small ridge with a length of about 8 kilometers.

There are many delightful places in the park, which attract visitors from different parts of the country. Here are unusual stone sculptures, large mountain ranges, stone rivers, vintage copy, mountain tundra, sprues, relict forests, many mountain rivers, huge ridges of mountains. The entrance to the park overlooks the tops of the lamb foreheads and feathers two-headed hills, the height of which is more than a kilometer.

The soles of the hills have a spring, referred to as a white key. Surprisingly transparent and soft enough water even on the hottest day remains cool. Its temperature does not exceed 4 degrees. White quartzite covers the bottom of the source and radiates a pleasant light, because this place is considered to be holy.

The next sightseeing of the park is the top with the name of the response comb, the height of which is more than 1000 meters. With loud sounds next to him, a multi-voiced stunning echo is heard. If you look at it from a specific side, it looks like an ancient pocket, an elongated comb or sea wave.

Several stone rocks, about 40 meters high, which are located apart at a short distance, are called three brothers. It is the stone sculpture between the round and distant tagana. If you look at them from afar, the feeling arises that this mighty brothers come down together with the top.

By quartz sand trail, from a response crest through the valley of fairy tales, you can get to the mountain of the Kruglitsa. The valley of fairy tales is a small plot on which the low-spirited subgolse forest is growing, surrounded by intricate sculptures from quartzits. Each stone is similar to wonderful animals or characters from fairy tales.

Far Taganai

This mountain is harsh. The winds constantly blow there, there are nowhere to hide from the burning rays of the scorching sun, but nevertheless the terrain looks quite hospitable. Early in the morning when a thick fog descends into the valleys, on this elevation is sunny, the golden rays are twisted with the already bright berries lingonberries and the tops of the tops of the rocky mountains. The thirty-fertile heat at the foot of the mountain of Taganai can change the sharply with the rise of the chilling cold. Strong gusts of wind sometimes exceed the speed of 40 meters per second.

When lifting and descent from the mountain in June or August, within an hour you can see at once four times of the year. Very beautiful nature on Tagana during the August winter. Trees, grass and cliffs are decorated with lace from the snowy frost. Thick wires are covered with ice crust and savory, barely not touching the earth. Strong wind leaves pieces of ice from them and dispels on a snow-white tundra. Going down half aalkometer down, you can find beautiful paints of autumn. The leaves of trees are yellowish-green, and bright rope of rowan is covered with small whims of snow lumps. Slightly down, in the valley, the rays of the hot summer sun sparkle.

In 1932, a meteorological station was opened in 1932, which existed before the beginning of 2005. Meteorologists not only predicted the weather, but also have always assisted tourists who fell into trouble.

Big Taganai

From Zlatoust Mount Taganai is in eight kilometers. Here is a big tagana, consisting of three vertices: double-headed hills, a response ridge and round-clock.

Middle Taganai

Eight kilometers from the border of the Taganai Park between the Small and large, the middle Taganay is located. Its length is approximately two and a half kilometer, it has three weakly distinguished hills and consists of quartzite minerals. On the vertices are the remains having different forms. The slopes of the hills of the Mount Taganay are covered by the places of the Kurumnik, juniper, larchs, low firs, birch, fir.

Small Taganai

Mountain array tagana on the east side is called small tagana. It is just three kilometers from Cordon Taganay Park and stretched for integer eleven kilometers from the southwest to the northeast. Rocky ridges are located on the northern and southern parts of the ridge, the western slopes are covered with Kurubi. In the central part there is a high-altitude plateau, on which spruce and birch are growing. The top third of the ridge is occupied by mountain meadows covered with thick vegetation. The entire mountain tagana massif is visible from the tops of a small tagana.

Mount Kruglitsa

This is the highest point of the tagana, which rises at the level of 1 km 178 m. The name of the mountain is associated with a rounded form inherent in it, although a portion of the vertex on the north has an impeccable flat surface. In a cloudless day, when the sun shines brightly, watching the round, you can see how she shakes - it seems that the mountain is as if ready to break away from the foot. This effect is explained by the rounded form of stones, as well as closely located underground waters (the foot of the mountain is in the swamp). The stones heated by the sunshine lose moisture, which is stored in the rusts, the air is made mobile and the illusion described above is created. The Mountain of the Kruglitsa in Taganay, as if a huge powerful magnet, attracts people who are interested in mysterious and paranormal phenomena. There is also a belief that all the complaced desire will definitely come true.

Unusual tagana river

Stone rivers are an amazing natural formation, which is a clutter of elongated rocky fragments of a huge amount, stretching for hundreds of kilometers. Rossels call their inhabitants of those places.

One of the legends of the formation of these rivers says that the reason was the glacier who came down from the Taganai mountains and contributed to the destruction of rocks. Large blocks under the action of gravity due to the collapse of the top of the mountain gradually shifted on the slopes of the ridges, forming the river from the stone. Between the ridges, the middle and large Taganay is located the most huge one. Large stone river on a spindle of about six kilomometers, and the width of some places range from 20 to 700 m. The blocks of a round shape stone and weighing about 10 tons are located on the entire length. Inland, these blocks lie about five meters, and about 300 pieces are located on 100 square meters. From the vegetation in this place there is a lichen and rare ate, whose age has several hundred years. As part of the Avenant chill, this is one of the types of quartzite.

Losying stone blocks from color Aventurine, which are located under the eggs and distant tagana, are called the Kurumnaya River. Pines of bizarre form growing near the placers, beautifully framed multicolored stones.

Mountain Pencil

In the southern Urals of the Kusinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, on the territory of the Arshinsky reserve, one of the oldest mountains of our planet called a pencil, which means "black stone" in translating. Her age is estimated at 4.2 billion years. Over time, under the influence of wind, air and water, the mountain height decreased to 600 meters.

The breed of black stone from which the pencil consists, is called writing. This is one of the rarest and very ancient stones of our planet. Its composition is similar to the composition of the earthly manta and does not contain organics. Many residents of the Urals do not even suspect that they live near the amazing monument of nature, although the data on him was published by scientists in the press for quite a long time.

Mount Mont Blanc

Average I. Small mountain Taganai in the Urals is connected by a water-seeding coaster on which the top of Mont Blanc is located. From the city of Zlatoust to it fifteen kilometers. The height of the mountain is 1025 meters. She received her name in honor of the highest mountain clusters Western Europelocated in the Western Alps. A wonderful look opens to the Taganai Mountains from the top of Mont Blanc, it is from here that are accessible to the ferris of the main tops of the tagana.

Deep in history

This locality has an ancient history and many interesting facts. For example,

  1. Information about the oldest ridges in the world will be varied, but many official sources confirm that this is the Ural Mountains.
  2. The Ural Mountains in Russia from the XI century were called the Earth's belt or a large stone. In the Middle Ages, they began to call them the Urals.
  3. Modern land Southern Urals Initially called, in one word, the Urals.
  4. Among the Old Believers, Taganai Forests in the eighteenth - nineteenth century were very popular. He lived there and the old man of Zosim, who heard saints. People's Solva says that the prayer read on his grave, located on Taganay, creates unprecedented miracles and heals from ailments.
  5. Raspckers spent their secret rites in the area of \u200b\u200bstone remains, called three brothers. It was one of the favorite seats of the Old Believers.
  6. Ural began to "see" about five hundred million years ago. As a result, there was a decrease in the level of elevations.
  7. Mount Taganai finally developed twenty-five million years ago.
  • It turns out that there are mountain peaks in Canada, which are approximately the peers of the Pencil Mountain.
  • Water on the top of the mountain ridge boils at a temperature of 96 degrees, since the atmospheric pressure on it is below 100 mm than above sea level.
  • The softness of water from a white key is higher than that of the thawing snow.
  • Some locals and numerous tourists visiting Taganay saw landing UFOs and found traces snow man. And others even come into contact with them and fell at another time. True, this is either fiction, everyone decides himself. But, undoubtedly, Taganay is located in mystics.

Tourist routes

Ural Mountains Taganay attract a huge number Tourists and are included in the anomalous Ural zone. There are several roads in the National Park:

  • from the southwestern side: Zlatoust - Magnitka - Alexandrovka;
  • with South - Zlatoust - Miass.

Tourist trails are laid in the intermore valleys and the mountains themselves. One of the most famous comes along the eastern slope of a large tagana. It was in these places that the valuable natural complexes were preserved, not yet touched by a person:

  • Three stone rocks, called three brothers.
  • Nikolay-Maximilian spear.
  • Reference comb.
  • Osts of the damn gate on the top of the mountain of Jurma.
  • river big tape and big kialym.
  • Akhmatov mine.
  • Sopka Three sisters, a saliva slide and several remains without a name located near the two-headed hills, together forming the so-called Mitykins of the rocks.

Snowproofs in the South Urals keeps from 160 to 190 days. The maximum air temperature is +38 degrees, and the minimum -50.

The Taganai Mountain Array is one of the unique corners of nature located on the territory of the South Urals.

National nature Park Taganay is near the city of Zlatoust (Chelyabinsk region).

There are several pedestrian routes on the territory marked with tags on trees - three stripes: white-blue-white. The developments meet information plates indicating the direction to natural objects.

Translated from Bashkir Taganai means "Moon stand", because at night you can see that the moon as if it stands on the stand ...

Taganay consists of three ridges. The total length of their length exceeds 20 kilometers. The western ridge is called Big Taganay,

medium - Middle Taganay,

eastern, the closest to the city, - Small Taganay.

The distance from Zlatoust to a small tagana - 5-8 kilometers, to medium tagana - 8-12, before the start of the large tagana - 8 kilometers.

In turn, the ridge of Big Taganay consists of individual vertices. The nearest of them to the Zlatoust - double-headed hill, or near Taganay - is at 8 - 10 kilometers from the city.

and then the Kruglitsa (at 17 - 19 kilometers)

and distant taganai (25-30 kilometers). The top point Tagana is considered the top of the Kruglitz Mountain - 1178 meters above sea level. We rose to the nearest vertex - double-headed hill (the height of the southern vertex is 1034 m).

It is located next to the White Key Shelter. White key is the most famous highlight source of the Taganai mountain node. Located at an altitude of 690 m on the southeast slope of the two-headed hill. Its water is very transparent and tasty. Among the summer, the water temperature is 3-4 degrees, the softness of which is higher than that of the thawing snow. I received my name because of white quartzite blocks, with which the nature of the Taganay vertices folded. The bottom of the source is covered by fragments of quartzite. However, from the previously important names of the White Key - the holy key. In the last century, there was even a cross with a canopy.

From the shelter there is a metal staircase (100 meters, 201 steps), then a cool rise in the labels and a well-hopping path for about 40 minutes. While they rose, they already considered the beauty of all the land, which was visible better and better. One of the heads of the mountain double-headed hill is called "feathers" because it looks like a wing of a flying bird,

and the other - "Barani Hrafts".

From the top of the two-headed hill, the city of Zlatoust is very clearly visible.

With a double-headed hill, you can see a large stone river, which stretches for about 6 km and reaches width, on average, up to 100-200 m.

It consists of stone blocks with a volume of 0.2 to 30 cubic meters and weighing 9-10 tons. Per 100 sq. M. Meters is located up to 300 lumps, they are depicted at least as 4-6 m, i.e. In 3-4 layers. The "Lower" trail from Zlatousta is leading to the same stone river, which crosses the large braid along the lower bridge,

and then goes to a white key. Another, the Kurumnaya River, begins from under the far tagana and "flowing" along the Big Kialim. It consists mainly of Aventurine - a variety of quartzite. Blinds of aventurine of various colors with drawings from lichens on them. The river is currently almost fixed, because The slope here does not exceed 2.5 degrees. This unique field is a national heritage, especially since the stones similar to him in terms of size and beauty is known only in India and anywhere on the globe.

For their beauty, these places were often compared with famous alpine landscapes, calling them "Russian Switzerland" and "Ural Tyrole."

Small Taganay (1033 m) - Eastern Range Mountainside. Total length of about 11 km. On Western slopes - Kurubniki. The central part is a high-altitude plateau, crouched by a fir and birch forest. In the upper third of the ridge - Alpine meadows, thickets of the Alpine Highland. With the tops of a small tagana, a wide panorama of the Taganai mountain massif opens. The ridge small taganai - located in parallel, the big tagana is somewhat east of it, but very shorter and ends at approximately opposite the double-headed mountains. Southern Top - Mount Shabash (859), rock remains among crimes and individual sections of meadows. Northern Top - Mont Blanc Mountain (1034), cliffs of an unusual form. With Mont Blanc, a wonderful panorama of all major tops of a large tagana opens.

The hydrographic feature of the Taganai Park is that the watershed side of the two largest river basins of Russia - Volzhsko-Kamsky and Ob-Irtysh are held on its territory. The river network of the National Park feeds its waters of the Caspian Sea in the south and the Arctic Ocean in the north. At the same time, only one mountain water flow is a big kialym - carries its waters to the Arctic Kara Sea. But the Caspian collects with a tagana whole fan of water.

How to get there by car?

Chelyabinsk region, G. Zlatoust, pos. Pushkin. From Yekaterinburg in the Chelyabinsk tract on the signposts of the M5 route, or through the tube, kyshtym, Castle, Karabash, Miass, Zlatoust. At the entrance to Miass go straight along the main road. At one of the intersections, one road goes to the left, the other to the right. We go to the right, and meters through 100 will be direct departure from this part of the city, the forest is visible. In front of the forest traffic light. Drive through the woods and then in the city all the time choose the main road, the total time of the path through the city will be 25 minutes. You will go from the city to the sign of Zlatoust to the Right on the M5 track.

If a traffic light in front of the forest when leaving Miass, turn to the right, then at the next crossroads in the sign of the Zlatoust left, then you can also drive to Zlatoust by signs. We visit Zlatoust and we are going along the main road to the intersection (in the hill), on which the main road will go left, but to the right pointer "Magnitka". You need to go right to the magnitis. Next to the same pointer to drive the train station, the road will turn left to the slide to the final stop route taxi and buses. On the left there will be a "white key" shop. This area is called pos. Pushkin. You need to turn right past garages, then on the highway leading to the village of Magnitka. After 300 meters on the left there will be a Poklonnaya Cross,

Mount Taganai

I have long been fond of tourism - water, hiking, cycling ... And somehow I went hiking in the mountains, to Konzhakovsky stone. Then it became clear that Mountain Travel I was very soul. After all, good physical exertion is useful for the body, and the impressions of the mountain landscapes, fresh air and pure water are simply unforgettable. From the species opening from the vertices, the spirit captures, only there you realize how great the mountain spaces are, they can admire infinitely. Of course, after this campaign, I wanted to visit other vertices of the Urals. Taganay's ridge in the Chelyabinsk region interested me for a long time, many acquaintances told him about him. So I began to collect information and prepare for a meeting with Tagana.

Taganay Ridge consists of three separate parts - big tagana, medium tagana and small taganay. They are parallel running chains of mountain peaks and rocks, intermitted by the long languages \u200b\u200bof Kurumnik - the so-called stone rivers. The height of the mountains is up to 1178 meters (Mount Kruglitsa). Taganay's ridge gave the name of the National Park of the same name. On the territory of the park with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 500 square kilometers, small rivers and streams are broken, the rods beat. The vegetation is highly varied - here and pine, and firing, and deciduous areas of forest, and mountain meadows and tundra, and mountainous palpal. In general, plants on Taganay meet characteristic of the Northern and South Urals, the European part of Russia, the Volga region, Bashkiria, Kazakhstan. This amazing picturesque mountainous country is called Russian Switzerland.

We recommend everyone to visit this fabulous place, even if you do not have a special physical fitness, as the journey is tagana under the power of the usual person. The entire park is permeated with well-drowning labeled paths, where not only direction is indicated, but the distance to interesting objects is impossible. The route has several tourist camps, "shelters", where it is possible not only to put a tent, but also settle in the house with amenities, booking it in advance on the Park website. Next to the shelters there are springs with purest water. For the installation of the tent and firewood, a purely conditional fee is charged, completely unscrewing, especially considering the impressions that you get from Taganaya visits.

Traveling to Taganai Range

We left Taganay on May 28 at night by the train "Nizhny Tagil - Adler". It is good that the tickets decided to buy a couple of days before, bought two penulty, the upper shelves in the adjacent coupe. Arrival in Zlatoust was planned at 9 am on May 29. Alexander arrived to the station on the subway (there the last train leaves Uralmash at 00.05), and I am in Bourgeois - by taxi. The train was already stood at Perron, we calmly reached our car, booted, bedrooms were loaded. After the train moved, we looked a little on the lights flashed outside the windows, and fell asleep.

In Zlatoust from the train, only we are alone - more than anyone. We were a little surprised, we believed that there were many tourists from everywhere on Taganay. We went to the station building - by the way, pretty pretty and modern to buy return tickets. Although only three people were stuck in the cash desk, we were stuck for a long time, well that was not in a hurry. There, one aunt handed over the tickets, I ordered others and could not decide what to pass, what to order ... We have already examined the entire station, learned that it was built in 1986 and is designed for five hundred passengers until she finished. The cashier was first frightened that the places there are only seats on the day train, but then it turned out that there is at night Anapa-Ekaterinburg just two places in a second-class coupe - the upper and lower shelves in the middle of the car. Landing at 22.13 Moscow, arrival at 7.24. We were delighted and bought tickets. Released on the stationary area.

Right across the road from the station stood a monument to Metallurgist and geologist Pavel Petrovich Anosov, and the street also wore his name. The fact is that he lived in Zlatoust for about 30 years and managed to restore the secret of making bouquet steel for the famous Zlatoust blades. According to this street, Anosov we went to a steep turn left, on the way Trying to find a store where buy bread and mineral water, but the magnet supermarket opened at 10 am, and small shops were some suspicious. We saw the Zlatoust tram, the old one, the sample as in the lower tagil, is opening the doors as in the train coupe. It seems to see the store - at the entrance to the basement it was written "Products", and I again decided to try happiness. Descended, opened the door ... and the gallop took off back. It smelled so hard on me that the eyes cut. I managed to see long tables in the semitime, and behind them Local mints meet with beer in the morning early. Apparently the products immediately and drink.

Further, Alosov Street passed into some kind of road type bypass along the edge of the city. We passed past the correctional establishment - a colony or a detention center - I do not know, just all in barbed wire. Further the journey went uphill, and loosely several high-rise buildings. On the right was the building "Zlatoust electrical networks" or something like that. We approached the stop of minibuses, there were two kiosks there, on one, the inscription "breads" was concerned. I crushed there, but I was not there anything there. Canned food, beer, sneakers - please, but there is no bread. Locals advised to go to the store in a high-rise building. We went - and there bought bread, and water. And at the same time they decided and breakfast next to this house, there was a comfortable wide concrete border, we were located on it.

Alexander, while I cut sandwiches, asked local, how we should go to the entrance to the park. We were explained that I had to get to the end of the village of Pushkinsky, to the "Magnitka" pointer, and the final stop of the minibus, near the store "White Key" to turn on the primer right. We filed, gathered and moved on. The road turned left here, turning into the village street Tsiolkovsky with houses on both sides. We were surprised by the material from which many houses were built - these are railway sleepers, and used as creosted. Apparently, people do not realize that it is carcinogen and poison. That's just how they smell from him, especially in the heat. As soon as we went along this street, immediately saw the ridge of the big Taganay - a double-headed hill, a piece of responding crest and part of the Krug clock, in my opinion. It was terribly amazed as close to the city. Then it turned out that the impression is true only in relation to the double-headed hill, it is really about 5 kilometers to it.

The street went badly in the hill, it was hot, going with backpacks is hardly. But, fortunately, the turn on the mountain Taganay was not far. Here the street was already called Bazhov. There was even a large iron shield, where before, it should have been an inscription, now it was possible to read on a rusty surface only "...". We suggested that the content was: "Taganay. Nature Monument. Protected by the state." Since near the final stop of minibuses, it is possible from the station and not to turn on foot, but here you can get here.

So, we went to the entrance to the National Park "Taganay", whose name, by the way, is translated from Bashkir as the "Moon Stand". The park stretched 25 kilometers long, and at 15 - width. Parties to the road stood already completed and still built cottages of varying degrees of owners. Especially struck one right - he was more like a sanatorium than a residential building, with a huge territory, overlooking the reservoir, with huge windows, with a wrought fence. To the left of the road seemed a large wooden cross with the inscription "Lord, save and save," and on the right, opposite it, the entrance to the main estate of the National Park, which we decided to consider on the way back.

First steps on tagana

A large information board unfolded in front of the tourist, where the rules of behavior on the territory of the park, the map-diagram of the mountains, parking lots and shelters, the "Parking" icons are prohibited, "bonfire breeding" and other information about natural zones, flora and tagana fauna. We made a few pictures and through the barrier entered the park. (Now the entrance made paid).

At first he looked like a park - a wide and even alley led deep into a completely dense deciduous forest. Immediately reached greens, freshness, floral flavors. In half the eleventh, we passed somewhere a kilometer along the path deep into the park, it was still easy to go, the walkway really resembled park. There were almost no mosquito, only Sasha was drunk a couple of times, so we smeared to him "Moskitol". Magic aromas of needles, resins, flowering plants wandered around. Shiphovenik blooms with might and main, it is buzzed by the fastened bumblebees ... there are yellow swimsuits on the roads. The forest is mainly deciduous, although there are narrow pointed fir. We stopped staying in a tiny river with a tiny bridge, drunk a cold driver. A man drove us on a simple bike without gears, he didn't even have a backpack, and he walked into rubber boots, from which it was possible to conclude that this is a park worker. Local Zlatoust tourists were held past a small bunch, apparently, for one day, because with tiny backpacks.

After a river through a kilometer of the forest road, we arrived at the coast of the river more casually, it was called Tape. Fun fled on bright pebbles, spilling meters by 15 wide. In places in it trembled towards the leaves of the water lily. On stones strange gait wandered an unusual bird, similar to Kulichka. Only her legs were short, she hung a little bit and periodically squatted. The whole bird was plump, chocolate color, and on the breast a large white "whirl". We observed a little behind her, and suddenly she did one focus, after which it was no longer possible to know it. The bird took off, he spicked up to the water, stopped the centimeters 20 and also flew sharply, but a little further sat on pebbles. Like penguin, honest word. This is an Olenka! She's like that, diving, extracts fish and all sorts of water insects. And there were steam there and such birds. A little further on the river was a wooden bridge on metal supports, on the map it was as "Kialyim". On the shores of the bridge, a few good parking lots were seen, blobes, and logs.

The Tape River flows at a back of 3.5 kilometers, but between 4 and 5 kilometer, the trail begins to pick up cool in a hill, and there is still a lot of stones of different sizes and the roots of trees, so that they had to ride, trying not to break her legs. Then there was a more even earthen trail.

And here we went through it, went, and saw a strange tree on the left. Birch, and at the height of human growth on it a huge thief, as if the trunk was tied up with a node, a meter of one and a half in diameter. Of course, we began to photograph this miracle. And here Alexander says: "The dog runs! No, it's a cat! Wild probably, now bites us." I look, and there is a small fluffy and a little pregnant cat in smack-gray color, quite a decisive step approaching us. She came up, and let's get rubbed about our legs, then jumped at all to me (I sat down in squatting) and grind, and rub! And the whole dusty itself! And everything will take a look at the backpacks - where is the sausage? Well, hungry and skinny, she did not look, around a lot of mouse minks, so we did not get to eat, but just scratched her ear.

While photographed the tree, noted that the roofs of the houses are already visible in the neighboring bushes - it was a "white key" shelter. There are several such shelters on Taganai. We went there. Everything seemed to extinct anyone. Several houses, they are all open, in the tables in some places where the dishes and even the products are left. So besides a big chain dog, we did not find living beings. Parking flows a stream formed by a key drowning through a small pipe. And directly opposite the key begins the metal staircase on the first top of the tagana - double-headed hill, and the end of it is hidden somewhere on the slope in the forest. This staircase fell to us to meet several people, they were going to go further along the path towards the next shelter. There were no things with them at all, but was in the company, by the way, the woman is pregnant, month on the sixth seventh. So, we understood, in the park Taganay, the inhabitants of Zlatoust just come to walk. And from the stairs, a family with two children went down - apparently, they climbed to admire the view. We started the rise, and with backpacks - they were not to leave them.

The first top of the tagana - double-headed hill

We wanted to count the steps, look, and they are already signed by numbers. It turned out that in the stairs 201 steps. When rose, looked back - and behind the amazing view of the valley and the ridge of the middle Taganay. We rose to the end of the stairs, there was a platform with very large paints with a stone, parking and diverging two paths upstairs - to the right and left. Resting a minute, we began to climb on the left footpath. Very soon, she began to go up so cool up (degrees under 50, probably), which accounted for almost vertically crawling along the stones and roots. The heat for this time intensified, the backpacks seemed packed with bricks. In addition, on the path everywhere there were ants, and to not put them, they had to slow down and carefully look at the feet. We consoled the thought that this is we have a slimming tour.

Somewhere to the middle of the slope, the legs simply refused to go further, and we sat down to relax on the big stone, throwing the cargo. It was not far a cry of poultry, similar to cooking, only in another rhythm and deaf, not "ku-ku", and "Du-do-do-do". I came to mind a deaf cuckoo, but she seems to live in the middle lane of Russia. Alexander looked at me, and he says - you have something with a face, it seemed more. I got the mirror, looked - exactly, cheeks intense pink colour For some reason swollen, and I began to look like a hamster. Apparently, from what went to the heat in the inclined position and strongly puffs. We laughed and crawled on.

The rise took us even about half an hour. On the playground (not yet a vertex!) We already poured almost unconscious. The left vertex of the mountain remained even meters 200 vertically and meters 500 and distance. On the narrow glan, we threw backpacks, stuck sweaters, and fell on them without forces. A little bit down. I got up and quietly walked on the rocks that were right in front of us. It reached the middle - from there it was already visible to a wide space to the middle tagana, the second rocky peak of the two-headed hill, the sea of \u200b\u200bthe forest below, the high sharp rocks, Kurumn ... I returned to Alexander, said that you can make good pictures there. But first it was necessary to eat, and I began to assemble lunch - pie, sausage, tea.

For some reason, nothing but one pie I could not eat - apparently, from heat and fatigue. We filed, Alexander went to the rocks with a camera, and I left and now fell asleep. I dreamed for quite a long time. I open my eyes - Sasha is still not. I shouted "Where are you?" He replied from the very top of the rocks, called me to himself. I got up, went to the other side, but I felt that my head was very spinning, and did not hit the top, although Sasha assured that the view from there is awesome.

We began to discuss where to go on. We looked attentively on the sides, and saw that the marked trail continues to rise to the first vertex, first going down into a small bed, and then climbing on the rocks. At some height, something like a metal staircase was visible.

We again put the backpacks and swept on. Again the rise was cool, the sand was driving under his feet. We met a man Lightly, who descended from the top. He asked why we did not leave backpacks in the shelter. I was surprised when he heard that there was no one there - probably, the inspector went somewhere for a while, he said. I wished us a successful lift, encouraged what is already not far. A few minutes after the meeting with the man, we were already on top of the tagana - double-headed hill, it remained only to climb into small rocks. As we later learned, we rose to the southern top of the hits, "feathers", and the northern peak is called "Barani Hrafts".

We left backpacks and rose lifted, jumping like mountain goats. From the top of the double-headed hill of 1134 meters high, we opened a beautiful view of the Zlatoust in the distance, the ridge of the middle Taganay, the stone river and the valley in front of him, many high rocks, the second top of the two-headed hill, the responding crest and even a small piece of the Kruglits mountain behind him. And in all directions, just like on Konzhakovsky stone, a mountainous country stretched, just not north, wild, and more southern and friendly.

Several water bodies - ponds in Zlatoust, Lake Turgoyak at the very horizon, still some unidentified lake far-far. And for some reason, the forest between the ridges was striped - blond and dark stripes, apparently, once the coniferous forest was partially cut down, and in its place he grown deciduous. And besides all this, we clearly seen thunderstorm clouds that came to us quickly, and it was already noticeable that it was raining there. Then we looked down below, and noticed a small green cleaner at the top, where you could put a tent. So we decided to do - tumble here, right on top. We had little water and tea, and it was possible to wash it in the morning on a white vein.

We descended behind the backpacks, they snuck into the clearing and began to put a tent. By the way, on the edge of the clearing behind the bushes lay a metal structure, which we from below took the staircase. It was part of the tower, bent and broken, and the second was even further - probably, once fell from the wind.

Only we put the tent and climbed into it, I rained, first small, and then all stronger. We lay in a tent, feeling not quite clean, all the same heat and dust ... And here Alexander came a wonderful thought - to wash in the rain. And so, undressing, we jumped down under cold jets, jumped, yelling, welcoming the thunder and zipper, wet as it should (I only put on the hair with a plastic bag). And at the end also hail a couple of minutes went! They climbed back to the tent, laid out a towel and felt much better. We were covered with sleeping bedrooms and blissfully lay, listening to thunderstorms. In the mountains, it sounds not the way below. Thunder as if on your most top, rattle, rod, like by iron basin, rolling for a long time on top of the tagana. The wind flew out, in the tent it became cool and well, we slowly tricken.

We slept for a long time, Alexander woke up from what he had dreamed that he was invited to dinner. He asked - and where is dinner? I did not really want to get out of a warm bedroom, but I had to - I had to pack Sasha better and cut the salad. Stained steel in a tent - outside the rain, and it was wet, but not cold. Singing, again fell to bed. I even did not drink tea in the evening - slept. We wanted to still admire in the dark how the lights of Zlatoust light up below, but because of the rain and fatigue did not work. Here's how they worry, climbing the mountains.

At night, it was raining at night and noishes gusts of a strong wind, but the air was warm, so we did not frozen. The night seemed very long to me, since I often woke up from the noise of the wind, turned on solid with unusual surface. At dawn looked, which hour was only 7.15, and I have already slept. But outside it was wet, so I left the tent only in 9. I had to look around. How I was surprised, seeing what was around our ten meters, and nothing more can be seen - white fog and that's it. Complete silence. As if on the island. Alexander asked to look for dry branches for the fire, but it was a stupid venture - everything was absolutely wet. So I climbed into the tent again, and we dreamed a couple of hours.

In the end, the sun began to make their way, I dried out - over us already have a blue sky and rushed very quickly above the head of the clouds of clouds. The ghost of the responding crest was visible in the fog. Gradually clouds scattered. The sun quickly dried grass and stones. We milled on the rocks of the sleeping clothes and clothes for drying, all the same, the fire was divorced, thanks to a log, wet only from above, newspapers and a dry fuel. We booked water into three cups of tea, have breakfast. While the things were collected, admired wonderful species, sunbathe under the hot sun, and they hoped that the paths on the slopes would already be angry and will not be slippery.

Contrary to our fears, down was much easier and faster than up. And with the holding of equilibrium, there were no problems, and the paths were no longer slippery. We sat down to relax just once, and then because of the heat. Alexander, along the way, saved from Muravyov Bolshoi Black Beetle - he already wanted to drag him into an anthill. In short, at three o'clock we were again at the White Key, where they planned to wash, clean your teeth, wash the dishes. There was only one person, Huntsman Maxim, very young, no more than 30 years old, probably. We asked if the water would be further. He replied that yes, of course, near the shelter "Harmony key", but just in case scored a bottle.

As long as we wash and wash the dishes, the guy came from the responding ridge, removed the shirt and lay down to sunbathe on the bench in the camp. In addition, immediately, as we threw backpacks, a gang of two cats and one cat brought to us a confident step, and the blue-eyed and absolutely oblique. In short, the cat is the species of the most famous and harsh. Cats for the order were lost about our legs, but quickly moved to communication with backpacks, knowing the experience that sausage is most likely there. Alexander raised these colorful aborigines.

In the stream, from which we were washed, the water was very cold, Sasha even complained that he had fingers on his hands. And I normally. We have restrained a little more, and went to the next tagana shelter - the "rattling key", thinking that we still have time to have time, leaving backpacks there, go on a response comb. When you were going to leave, a guy came to the clearing with a girl, clearly not the first time. The guy said that the squint cat is the descendant of the Siamese cat Seeds, who lived here for many years. Then he saw the ruger, and joyfully screaming, rushed to him. And the girl said that once met a friend, they snap here.

Before the random key, we needed two and a half kilometers. On the road, sometimes stony and steep, we walked around the heat. Around saw many good parking lots. In one place, the road crosses the river, and to the left of it is a big, beautiful glade, all in colors. Over the clearing, the second peak of the two-headed humps, giving an unforgettable charm to this place. We sat on a big white stone, stuck, drove the water. Soon they got to the pointer, where it was a shelf key 0.5 km, to a responding crest of 3 km, and 7.5 km. Kruglitsa mountain. Meters Through 300 on the left, the hut seemed to be first accepted for the shelter, then it turned out that it was just a bath. And the shelter itself was 200 meters further - from afar, colored tents appeared on a large green glade, the flag of Russia, the "Chair of Desires", the two-storey house of Hierage.

From the road, the Polyana separated the adorable small birches. On one of them hung a sign with pointers in different directions - the "response comb" to the right, and the "Mitya Rocks" left. Above the Polyana, the peak of the two-headed humps. On the edge of the meadow there was a cozy place with a bourgeois and scrabble for seating, Alexander immediately chose him, and decided to put him next to the tent. Especially since it was closest to the stream, as Yury Yuri said. He also told that now there are no tourists here, but yesterday 15 people left, very noisy and drunk - so we were lucky. It turned out that the backpacks can be left for him for free, and install the tent - 30 rubles per day per person. We asked how to go to Mitykins Rocks - they were closer than the comb, just 1.5 km. Yuri has shown the trail marked with yellow labels. According to it, we quickly reached the place. On the way the anthill was seen with the tip demolished by someone, the moose litter and something similar to the trail of a small bear paw, the size of my palm. Then, Yuri suggested that it was hardly lynxed, the bears are practically not seen here.

Taganay - Shelter Rady Key and Mitykin Rocks

We came out to Kurumnik from huge stone blocks, which climbed the height of the nine-twelve-story house, and there were stuck mitkins of the rocks - a picturesque comb of sheer cliffs. Along the stone placer, the path had to find it yourself - we have somehow lost the path. I was climbing terrible, moved more and more on four limbs, unlike Alexandra, easily rushing from stone on a stone. Almost at the very top there was a pathway. And there was also a tick, hagging on my jacket - we quickly removed it and thrown out.

The ridge was very narrow - it was not even sitting in every place. Although the view from it opened, of course, gorgeous, in all sides of the mountain country of Taganay. From our side, by the way, it was quiet, and it was worth dancing for the comb - I started blowing a strong and cold wind. I found a place where you can sit, not afraid to fall, and Alexander climbed the entire ridge of rocks with a camera. Moreover, to remove the circular panorama, he asked me to hide behind the stones, so that a few minutes I frowned in the wind, sacrificing myself for the sake of art. Then I still wandered the nuts and zucats until Sasha waited for the right lighting for pictures. And then we went back, now along the path with the label, which was much easier. The evening, I already wanted to eat. So we swept.

Returned, a little fearing that someone will appear and will take a good place for a tent, looking after us. But no one came up. We took backpacks, and went to break the camp. Folding things into the tent, we did dinner. I went for water, and Sasha spread fire. For dinner made mashed potatoes and salad, got fat. Beauty. They saw, and went to see the map of Tagana - she hung on the house of Henser. They looked around from all sides of canopies with tables and beds for those tourists who have no tents. For some reason, for some reason he was lying in one tent, although only seven cats live in the shelter itself (for all the time there we saw only two of them). On the second floor of the house there is a suite with a gas, three double beds, but without electricity. Outside, this suite is trimmed with light siding, and the whole house is wooden. In the shelter there is also a generator for special occasions, so you can cellular telephoneFor example, charge.

Hengery duty on week, live on the first floor. This was told by Yuri when he came with a receipt for payment. I also bought a magnet with a type of tagana (quality, of course, fig, but it is necessary for memory). Yuri warned that it was necessary to go to the toilet only in specially built "M" and "F", and showed where they are. Well, Sasha and went there with inspection. He returned with obvious signs of shock on her face. I asked what happened - is everything so great. Alexander replied that if the idea comes to go to "Well" - immediately refuse it, since the smell of this place is stitched from the legs, as in the gas chamber.

Then we boiled tea in the morning and hiking on the next vertices - the mountain of a round clock and a response comb. They went to the tent, and listened to the birds for a long time, which are many here. Gradually darkly, the latter plunged into the darkness of the average taganay. We tried quietly, sharing your impressions of Taganay, pleased that we came on weekdays. In the weekend there are many people here, so it would be good to rest well. Yuri told that may holidays There was forty (!) Tents, and he collected 8000 rubles. And since many brings with them vodka and the other sought, you can imagine what is happening here. Mountains, apparently, were just rusked by people.

The night passed quite normal, only at first it was cold - the fog of some raw hanging, or something. And by the morning he washed, so we slept until nine o'clock as babies. I have already prepared to go wash when a caring Yuri approached the tent to wake us so that you were not late for the clock. Alexander shared his impressions of the sleeping bag. There's when you pull the hood lace, a small hole remains for the face, and so if in a dream it's a lot of ride, like Sasha, then this hole goes to the ear, or on the head, and it does not work out. So that's funny. In a dream, he had to try to turn the sleeping bag on himself - just circus equilibristics.

I washed, began to cook breakfast and collect a backpack on the road - water, food. Sasha folded the tent (Yuri advised not to leave her in the glade - bomhibits from Zlatoust, and she was small, light, will take), folded things that we would not need in the mountains. We even have done a small charge. By the way, in the morning, for some reason, mosquitoes and midges appeared, who were somewhat distracted from affairs. We had breakfast, we took things to Yuri, and went to the clock, the most high vertex Taganai Range. We were given a map with me just in case, although the entire trail was marked.

Taganay - Mount Kruglitz and a response comb

We decided to pass by a responding crest, without climbing him, first to climb the round, and on the way back on the ridge. The fact is that the trail is not indicated on it, people rise to someone where it is convenient, and after returned to the labeled road. Our path led to the slide, first on the usual mixed forest, which gradually moved to a dense village. We started from the mark of 8.5 km. At the shelter "Hardening key". On the way they saw traces similar to the elk. Further, a kilometer in a half, a very interesting mountain forest went - quite almost without undergrowth, simply with a litter from a blueberry, consisting of low-spirited curly birchings, small herringrs, pines. He looked far away. Passed by a big glade, with whom Viden was already a response comb, hanging over the forest, if you shook - a double echo was heard. For some time we walked under the canopy of this mahina, and finally got to the next greed of his foot.

The response comb rumped out as a giant wall, almost sheer from this side. The form he had a bone ridge of the stegosaurus, all of the peaks, turrets, columns, and left indelible impression. Only I immediately realized that I didn't want to climb him, it was hard to climb and inspiring it looked. The flag of Russia was installed on one of the peaks. A group of small trees were picturesquely in the huge glade, and in the middle there was an ideal classic Christmas tree, decorated with candy candies and blue foil bows - apparently, tourists celebrated the holiday right here. Polyana This is used for the day, the fire is not visible - everywhere it is written that the fires cannot be breed and put the tents. A lot of anthills came across a lot, and besides large. Ants everywhere crowds. There are still many white butterflies, some of them are already dying, and the ants will drag them to themselves. From the same glade, the Kruglits mountain was already visible - the highest object on Taganay (1178 meters). The trail went sharply to the right and starting down, and then went straight. In one place there was a pass, from where a view of two valleys between the mountains was opened.

The rise began again, we approached the "valley of fairy tales". The track has become similar to the park - grained with small white sand, she loops between small trees and bright colors. Some of the curly cliffs rose, resembling fabulous characters. On many christmas trees are the rude beards of lichens hang. The sun shone brightly. At the 12th kilometer, the way the path was left on the shelter "Taganay", and our path lay straight through the valley of fairy tales. We walked along the rocky trail in the non-shadow of the trees, and suddenly the unusual glade was broken on the right, all the pyramids of different shapes from the stones. They were small and large, simple and intricate and represented an amazing spectacle. On the tree in the depths of the glade hung plate "Light Memory Andrei Tarasova". We thought that this person was killed somewhere here, and tourists in his honor are folding these figures. But it turned out that this tradition began long before the death of Tarasov. According to believe, if you add such a pyramid and make a desire, it will come true.

Meters after a hundred after this glade the path went up and brought us to the rocks on the edge of the valley of fairy tales. The bottom of this valley was also sprinkled with a small white sand, curly cliffs sticking out of the thickets of the Christmas trees and birch. The path was viewed on the right, leading to the Kruglice, apparently from the shelter "Taganay". We rose to the rocks, Alexander the types of responding crest, round-clocks, medium tagana. Having admired and rested a little, we continued the way. It was clear that the rise to the mountain would not be too complicated - it is not for nothing that is called the round - her slopes covered by Kurubynik, very gentle and fairly smooth. Roll off the stone on the stone we are already accustomed to, the big backpacks did not interfere with us. In one place Sasha saw the animal flashed under the boulders - some rodent, probably food or something like.

At 13.24 we have reached the top of the mountain of the Kruglitz, not even the charter. That's just I hung hard. Many inscriptions were visible on the tops of the vertices, including such as "Zaitsev N. 1903". That is, tourists on the mountain go no longer the first century. There were also memorable signs about the death of some people and a wooden cross. The view was opened beautiful in all directions - the surrounding valleys, the village of Magnitka, Zlatoust, Lake Turgoyak, Mount Three brothers, some settlements on the horizon, still mountains ... and even a look stopped at the plateau of the Kruglitsa itself, located below the vertex. It stretched on Polkilometer, completely even. But most importantly, it was laid on white and pink stones. Different names, the largest - "Jeanne" and the heart of meters twenty in diameter. Outful people came here!

Alexander wanted to descend to this plateau and reach the opposite edge of the mountain. I first hesitated, whether to go there, but then I decided to take a chance. Although Kurubnik was made out of larger stones there, and there was very much. Well, in about 20 minutes we were already on the plateau, I was looking for a place for lunch. Only sat down in dosens under the bushes, as some flies flew out of the grass, terribly annoying, although not biting. They climbed into the eyes, in his mouth, in the nose, in the ears ... We changed the dislocation, sat on the names of Joan on the stones laid out, but it did not help. I had to wear a windbreaker, tighten the hood and so there. And Alexander just ran with the circles, so that the midge did not catch up. In addition to the midges flew in the set of all the same white butterflies, the bottoms bloomed low mountain flowers, Green Moss, some motley lichens. Over all this flew and sang larks.

After having bought, we went to the edge of the mountain. With it, nothing specially opened, so we turned around and moved another expensive around the vertex to the marked trail. On the way Sasha found and put a small light ball of unknown birth into my palm. He asked his dumping voice, what is it? I knew it, what I had made a statement - this is a dried hare Pokashka! Alexander was surprised that here, on the mountain, make hares? Well, the answer was, it was obvious, here he, in his hand. In Kurumnik, we did not make your way too fast - some stones swore, it was necessary to move carefully. I was very pleased with the path, just as an old friend. We came across it soon and at 15.30 were already again in the valley of fairy tales. We were waiting for the path to the response comb.

We descended already familiar to the path, but they did not reach the glade itself, but turned right before one of the numerous paths, which led to the beginning of a response ridge - it seemed to us that it would be simpler. But just went down to the foot and already began to estimate how it was better to start the rise, as two tourists appeared - we learned the guy and the girl who had already met on the "White Key". They asked if we did not see the pit with the spring. And we really came across the way of the pit, only the water in it was standing and littered with fallen leaves, insects and even labels from bottles. The guy has been sealed, they needed water. Regarding the lifting, he said that you could climb from the edge, they even climbed there, but they will not be able to get to the top of the ridge - they are separated from each other with large clefts. Therefore, it is necessary to rise in the middle of the ridge, and it seems to be even a girl (that is, I) will be able to climb. Well, we went to the center, there I began to barely noticeable trail upstairs.

When we began to rise, two more tourists approached Polyana, stretched the awning, put a tent. At first, the path was quite normal - Kurumnik, smaller pebbles ... True, these pebbles were rushed sometimes. But now the path has become a vertical earth where it was necessary to cling to some bumps and beams of grass. And about the middle of the lift, I understood - if I've even been lucky, and I can get up, then you will not succeed. We will have to cause a helicopter. And I told Sasha that I stay here on the playground, wait for him. He tried to defeat me yet, but I was left. Then Alexander continued one way.

And here I was sticking out on this patch of an hour and a half, contemplating the surroundings and thinking how I will descend back. Once I heard a scream from the top of the responding Sasin, and at the first moment I thought that he fell. But then I realized that it was he from delight. I continued to admire with white flowers and butterflies, quail all familiar songs, so that it was not bored. The sun went down the mountain, it became cool. Then flew midges. I put a windbreaker hood, and they began to fight about him, and the sound was very similar to the sound of raindrops, I was even frightened - here only the rain was lacking yet - I never go down. Below, tourists included the receiver, and I listened to the thematic selection of songs "Just wait for me" Gazmanov, "I stand at the aircraft's latter, I miss the height of" Antonov and others, as well as in the topic.

And finally, Sasha's voice heard, he called me by name to determine my location. I answered him, and in a few minutes he joined me. Alexander shone, as said samovar, was pleased to disgrace. Want, says, will I show you a face of a happy man? And in the camera shows a snapshot - he himself clicked himself on top - joyful such! It turned out that it was not immediately reached up. The path rested in an impassable rock. He went down a little and looked at the slope a little further. Again climbed up, and again rested into an irresistible obstacle. And so several times, and it was seen that other people also go and seek lifting paths. I wanted to even retreat, but I decided that it was an intolerable shame for him, and continued to look for the way. Finally, with grief in half, sheer rocksHe is confirmed to the top of the responding ridge.

Enjoyed the views, overwhelming on the ridge, Alexander for a long time. But in the end, I remembered an unfortunate girl waiting for him on a patch between heaven and earth, and began to descend. True, the road down already forgotten, so I shouted "Lena!". After all enthusiasm we decided to go down. Fortunately, I caught the descent quite decently, and he did not make any difficulty sachet. In the clearing, we sat onto the stone to have a snack and drink the driver, and there were tourists under the awning behind us. Alexander became interested in his design, and approached them. It turned out that awning homemade, approximately 3 by 4 meters, stitched-cocned. We were told in detail how to sew it, how to make fasteners ... They said that the awning agents are easier and serve longer. We said goodbye to tourists and went to the opposite way, now the road went under the mountain, so I got very quickly.

I went to the house to the merge, took things, and went to put a tent. When they set, Yuri came to specifically tell us that we were installed in a record short time - 6 minutes. Sasha answered him that we were not in a hurry yet, so if the rain was going to, I would have enough for moments. Here, Yuri asked what I had a phone number - I repeated once again, and he says, why did I call him the last digit wrong? Apparently, he himself did not hear so much. It turns out that he lost us, and began to call us on my phone, and since I was called incorrectly, I answered him that there was no Lena there. We were surprised - because it was not so long - we left at 10.00, at 20.00 returned. And Yuri decided that we were mistaken. I asked - where can I get lost something? There are so many excellent landmarks. And he replied that quite often such with tourists occurs (apparently, on a drunk head).

We gave the merger of money for the night, dinner, and fell into the tent - relaxed, rested, after all the mountains were filled. Then we still got to drink tea, and finally went to bed. Tomorrow they planned the first half of the day to sunbathe on the clearing, and then go to the stone river, and maybe on the middle Taganay. I slept at night not perfect - first, it was still cool, and then wild dogs came, got up near the tent, and let's bark. It lasted for a long time - two hours, probably. Will silent a couple of minutes - and again. I thought that they were on some little animal on the tree in the tree (Yuri in the morning my assumption was confirmed, a flock of stray dogs often scares taganay tourists). In addition, some night bird moaning periodically. Then, when the dogs calmed down - the choral singing of night birds began, up to that loud that prevented sleeping. In short, the noise was disturbed.

June 1, we woke up the watch at nine. I had caviar from yesterday's campaign and hips from unusual lying on solid land. But the weather was wonderful, just summer, as in July. I went to wash off - and in admiration slowed down at the tent - our Glade seemed to be a paradise place - blue sky, bright green grass, flowers, butterflies, sunny rays. Yuri in the house was open a window, there was a flower in a pot, music from the radio was heard. After water procedures On a threatening key, I removed Alexander from the bedroom (the sleeping bag twisted, so I could not unbutton myself). Gave him a little bit, and then resolutely made some manipulations to pull the tourist to the light of God from the tent.

Past of us periodically passed Yuri - then mowing grass, then for some other things. Finally, Alexander began to file signs of life and went to the clearing. I've been going for the water while I made a fire, boiled tea. After charging, they had breakfast (Sasha ate sandwiches, and I am kishas fast). And then we began to sunbathe - spread the rugs on the grass, lying around ... Only Alexander was all interfered with insects - then Komar, then fly. Then I sent him after the camera so that he photographed me in a new swimsuit - since he still was not lying.

We spent a photo session, then Sasha offered a cheerful action - he poured ice water from the spring in two bottles, put the camera on the self-timer - and I began to water it with water in the frame. Well, we got to the photo! Sasha's eyes from orbit got out, and I had a Moskka to the extreme of evil. By the way, past us already twice passed a peasant, obviously from the local who, apparently, collects here with ancient (Highlander Alpine, or Zlatouustian acids) - this is such taganai grass, from young shoots of which people boil jam, prepare salads, salting them, pickled and T.P. They say, all this is very tasty and useful, and nowhere else has this acids grow.

We died with salad, homely bare, potato mashed potatoes. Then they collected things, folded the tent and again passed all Yuri for storage. He asked where we want to go. When I learned that the Stone River, I advised to get further, on the ridge the middle Taganay. I expressed doubts that there is something interesting, but Yuri said that from there best view On the big tagana, that we will not regret. Well, well, we decided, we reach the river, before the foot of the ridge, and then we will see if we will have a desire to climb there.

Stone river and medium tagana

Dinner we took with you, and at 13.30 came out. By the way, as it was Friday, tourists began to pull up on the glade of the shelter. We warned the first guy and the girl that our place was not to occupy - we will return. They proceeded to another part of the clearing. I had a premonition that this evening would not be so quiet and calm as previous ones. Down the path we advanced by 0.5 km, to the Red Arrow-pointer "Mount Kruglitsa", "Reference Comb", etc. There, the left folded marked with yellow marks on the middle taganay. She led in the forest, quite raw. It was noticeable immediately that people go there quite a bit, but they follow the trail. We crossed several streams, small and more. I was glad that we were going to the shadow, because the sun was walked again.

And so we got to the Stone River, its main channel. The spectacle was impressed - meters 70, and even more in the width was risen in the boulders of the size of the sofa, completely randomly. And in length, these ruins were lost in the distance (the whole river stretches for 6 kilometers). And when you look between the stones - there, under them - not the earth, but again stones. Then there was a narrow strip of the forest, and again stone river. We switched all this quite easily - the experience is already available on the stones to ride. On the way, we threw a spinned protein into us.

In about an hour later they went to the Starokalim path. This is a road that leads from the entrance to Taganay's park to the mountain Kialym. Here, our labeled trail seems to be over. We broke up with Sasha in different directions - seek continuation. Opposite the exit on the road was a narrow path, but without yellow marks, so we first decided to make sure that there are no other ways. When I went, scared two birds with a partridge with a partridge, which suddenly began to ride and roll under the Christmas trees. I looked at me - and they pretend that they had a wing broken and led me from the nest.

Without finding anything like the path, I returned. Sasha also did not find the path, and we went further on the existing. After a few tens of meters, the yellow marking resumed. All on the same raw spruce forest, we made our way, climbing through the fallen trees, jumping on cobblestones. Gradually, the trail began to pick up. In the lumens of the trees, the slopes of the ridge of the medium tagana - the shortest ridge, just 2.5 km. After ten minutes, the path of the path became almost vertical - it was necessary to climb the roots as the steps. Several times fell relaxing on hemp and stones. Even in the shade of the trees was very hot, it was hard enough. They reached the fragments of Kurumnik, climbed them on them, turned left, then a little right - and came to the rocks on top. Here I scared the female of the muchahar, such a plump, gray.

We looked around - it turned out that the peaks are somewhat here, and it is still necessary to go to the highest. But we decided not to hurry, and first relax on a very comfortable flat platform, from where you opened a magnificent view of the whole big tagana - double-headed hill, Mitykins of the rocks, a response comb, a round clock, three brothers lined up before us in Shan. Also, among the trees there was a shelter "Hardening key", where we spent the night. As on the palm, the stone river was lying all over. All this we took a picture, and then lay and sunbathe, admiring the views. White butterflies were placed on us, ants crawled on the rock. The feeling of peace and cutoff from the world was complete. Silence was disturbed only by the noise of foliage and bird twitter.

We rested an hour and a half. Then it was decided to go to other vertices. First, things left, but then they had to pick them up, as the top was far away. There were several such rock peaks, one of them stood perfectly separately from the rest of the array, as a vertical piece of halva, a meter width, and a height with a seven-storey house. We no longer went to the highest peak, because it had to go deep down and climb on another path. Oosyrally surroundings from the previous one - hence the mountains of a large tagana and small tagana, Zlatoust, valleys between the mountains were opened ... And cloud clouds over Zlatoust, and it was clear that it was already raining. And all this is moving in our direction. Here we realized that you need to make legs, if we do not want to go around the wet the slope on the pope. Dinner decided then.

Descend we succeeded better than the rise - we almost joined the slope. Quickly moved through the stone rivers, where the deaf with us was completely next to us. And then it went raining. I covered Sasha with my windbreaker, so as not to sleep the camera. And he also did not really wet - the forest closed us.

We came to the camp, and there - a bunch of children. They led a whole class, or two, it's good that they stopped at the farthest from us the clearing. You failed to have dinner on our parking lot - it rained again. Then we quickly put a tent, all things were hidden there, and there were joined near the village of Henser. There was dirty, but we standing normally wiped pasties with tea, looking at the tent. We returned to our house, and lay before the end of the weather. Then again, as yesterday, burned the bonfire, drank tea, looked at the sky and mountains ... Children, of course, were singing and rushed nearby, but not too annoying. Basically, they were entertained by campaigns to the stream, but some were lazy on all the tents of the shelter. Accompanying their adults sang various songs.

I dried my pants on my hands on my hands - the whole bottom of the stunner was wet. Simultaneously with this useful business admired the sunset and flame. Sasha noticed on the Christmas tree hanging on the branch of a butterfly - so she, apparently, settled on the night to sleep. Finally, the pants were dried, and I crashed into a tent. At this time, four more or five tourists approached, and began to decide where they were parking. It seems to go to the stream on the far clearing. Children were no longer shouting, everything fell asleep. Well, and we were time to sleep. And only we fell asleep how another five people arrived at the clearing, and at about one another night, seeing that there were tents around, and people clearly sleep, they began to talk loudly, laugh, shout and publish a lot of other noise. Epiphany! Hi parents. I wanted to get out of the tent and make the stick to the assholes. But it was lazy to get out, and after a while they were dumbfounded. The rest of the night passed calmly, only some kind of bird scripped all the time as the low swing.

In the opposite way

On the last day of our stay on Tagana plans somewhat broke the rain, which went all morning with small interruptions. So we had to have breakfast in the tent, and the hours of up to 12 lie in it. On Alexandra, all this was so influenced that he began to shake me, depicting a trip to the train car, and sentenced "You, breathe, you ...", "Tu-Tu-U-y!", "Bed will take?" We already even began to consider the plan for the event of the continuation of the rain and further - things to collect under a canopy, and go back right in the rain. But, fortunately, the sky began to cry, and soon the sun looked out. And then it shone so that he dried instantly and the grass, and the earth ... We had dinner and salad, so we had quite a bit. Is that the bank of canned, Alexander will bring back home, and a bunch of black bread like a souvenir from Zlatoust. We have collected things, said goodbye to the hurker, with a wonderful clearing shelter, and went on the way back.

She was leisurely, because time was enough - the train is only in 12 nights. On the way, they switched through several Kurumnikov - I already forgot that they were there. Towards all the time there were groups of tourists - adults, children. They walked 20 people ... Saturday. We were pleased that the main time was held here on weekdays with perfect deserted. Some schoolchildren Alexander welcomed the words "Hello, comrades Pioneers!", And they are in response, "hello, comrades ... (here they thought) uncle." Very nice came out. Two more children were asked us "If you see a group of people with young children and huge backpacks - warn that we have not lost yet." Of course, we fulfilled their request.

We reached the shelter "White Key", stopped there at the gland to sit, relax. But it did not work for a long time. In one of the houses of the shelter, I noticed some kind of it - this is, or they fought, or two drunk guys fought. Their movements resembled underwater. Won both alcohol. Soon, from their own company, it was also brought to us by the jetty young with traces of strong addiction to alcohol on his face. He put a little snake in my face, said that he had a guy, and he plays with her. Do I want to play a snake? He clearly hoped that I would start squealing, to faint, or would turn to run. But I love snakes, besides, I can distinguish from the horny. So I portrayed polite interest on your face, but I refused to play. It became clear that it was necessary to throw from here, silence and rest broken drunk voices. So we continued the path, again and again meeting a variety of tourists. Already get tired of them. All sorts of pleasant flavors circled us finally my head - it smelled with flowers and honey, then sweet pine resin, then jasmine (although he does not grow there).

Somehow I suddenly quickly reached the river Tape. There, on a cozy clearing, a bridge decided to sit until the evening - not in the city the train wait. Alexander lay on the rug, I covered his clothes, so that the mosquitoes were not disturbed, and I was sat down on the pebbles on the shore, and looked at the running water, chatted in her legs. Osoapki's birds again flew there and here, on the pebbles the waggirls were jumping. And here, from the side of the Taganaya, a company of three people appeared, apparently, their those that got drunk in the shelter. They swear on the move on each other, the flourish step approaching the bridge. We have not yet seen behind the bushes. They sat down at the bridge, finally collapsed, and one of them came to our clearing. I sat on the log, and began to fade further by looking at us. Ridge his "comrade", and they began to reflit again. I listened, I listened, I feel - there is no strength, the ears are wither. He asked them not to be fed, but in response, one became Hamit, to say that they were specifically coming to the forest. I say - the forest is big, go to another Polyana, there and swear ... He answers, no, we will not leave. Then, I say, we will leave. And pretended to collect a backpack. Only they saw it - immediately dumped. Apparently, they just wanted to someone's sleep before someone. Waited to all that Sasha will say something.

After their care, we moved to the stones in the middle of the river - there were no mosquitoes there. Alexander found in the water some creatures disguised as pine needles. It seems, the needles, but they crawl, shells. The larvae probably somehow. People passed across the bridge - who are on Taganay, who is back. Then Sasha climbed into the water, Solished, and we went to dinner. After dinner, Alexander became interested in communicating with the ants - gave them candied coconut, then rescued beautiful golden beetles from an anthill. While gathered, tourists came, whom we met the response crest - a man and a woman who told us how to sew awning. So, Sasha it seemed that the woman was blind. Her satellite led her hand, the bridge they passed the "train" - she kept his belt. Alexandra struck this fact, and I, too, I thought, how did she go through the Kurube?

Well, finally, we moved towards Zlatoust, it was easy to go, only wet and slippery places came across the road. There was a kilometer three and a half to Taganay forestry. A local bicycle employee met (we have seen it before). The sounds of cars from the road on the magnitis were heard, as well as remote grommet rolls. According to the roads in the trees, some kind of signs like "Zarnitsa" with pointers were visible - not in vain on the clearing of the river ran out somehow two teenagers in militarized clothes, obviously hurrying and looking for the road. We went to the main estate of the park "Taganay", went into her, but it turned out that there was absolutely nothing to do there. Several dough buildings where registration and household services are located, a small camping for cars, some arrangements. Teenagers play badminton, adults hang out with beer ...

We reached the final stop of the minibus "Pushkinsky village", decided to wait there - there will be a thunderstorm or not. Bought ice cream and chocolate, ate, sitting on a bench. Finally admired the tops of the tagana - the double-headed hill and the response comb - they were clearly visible from here. Along the way, they contemplated local residents, several stretching pictures of nature with their alcoholized physiognomies. Happy parents with two friends came out of the store, loaded three large bottles of beer into the basket under the stroller, and the fourth, not included, stuck under the blanket to the baby. And they went with a sleepy company to bloom. We still sat down and went to the station, on the way taking pictures of interesting lighting of the houses of the Sun on the background of black thunderstorm clouds. Even saw a rainbow.

They got to the workshop of the locomotive depot, very nice, with moms and kids in the strollers, but littered with husks from seeds that these most mothers were actively produced. The last cleaning here was five years ago, probably. Resting for a short time, we reached the station and climbed to the second floor in the waiting room - we had a little more than an hour before the locomotive. In addition to us, there were two more passengers and a couple of guards under the palm trees. And if you count and the police, they were three times more than passengers. Through the large glazed windows were visible on one side of the mountain, and on the other hand, a piece of Zlatoust with trimmed trees, a tram, a monument to the master of blades and rare passersby. And where the mountains are roaming black thunderstorms again. While we sat, the thunder began to grow, lightning sparkle, shower rushed. We worried about how we go to the train. But by the time of our landing, the rain ran out, so we did not flick. The train immediately went to bed and wonderfully reached Ekaterinburg.

The result of our journey in Tagana

National Park "Taganay" We really liked. The reasons for this are simple - this is an excellent place available - from the train on foot in an hour you are already in the park. Behind the Park is watching - there is not to see a bunch of garbage (and just garbage). Apparently, people are warned that it is impossible to coat, and the staff of the park work in good faith. On the tagana wonderful air - fresh, fragrant. The nature of Tagana is very diverse and rich.

There are many attractions on Taganai, and absolutely different, designed for different categories of tourists. These are tops, and rocks, and stone rivers. Shelters make the choice of recreation - in the campfire tents or comfortably, in the removed rooms. The only advice to those who love silence are to go to the mountain, it is necessary on weekdays, on weekends a huge influx of the people.

Well, we deliberately did not attend all the tops tagana, so that there was a reason to return to this magnificent National Park - to discover Mount Kialym, Far Taganay, where there was a meteorological station, and now the tourist shelter, look at the geological miracle - rock three brothers , the lowest from the vertices of the Tagana mountain of Jurma, which means in Bashkir's "do not go", to get acquainted with the rocks of the "damn gates", in general, spend a few more magnificent days on Taganai.

The Taganai Mountain Array, located at the junction of two parts of the world - Europe and Asia, is the status of one of the most picturesque corners of the Urals. Here, the very nature was created a unique cocktail, consisting of mountain rivers, bizarre stone remains, amazing stone rivers, centers, mountain tundra, relict forests and ancient mineral kits. In addition, this is a wonderful place is washed with many legends and legends.

Translated from the Bashkir language Tagan Ai means "stand for the moon". The legend says that in these places the giants lived in these places. The main one who owns indispensable wealth and precious stones, had three sons. The ruler did not allow anyone to touch his treasures, and his sons decided to secretly take possession of them - they folded the stones in the bag and ran away. Only it was that bag with a holey, and all the stones scattered across the windows of the Urals, from which he became rich in gems. Tired by the search for sons Giant, desperate, sat down on the ground and cried bitterly. For so long he lied tears, which was formed around the river, which suffered their waters in different seas and oceans.

The moon, seeing the suffering of his father, decided to console him, but when he sank to him on his shoulder, saw that the giant giant was fired. And his tears turned into stone rivers. Since then, they call this mountain Taganay - Stand Moon.

When the sons noticed that they were confused all the wealth, they decided to return home to the father. Seeing what happened to him, so they were afraid that they themselves fired from horror. They say, near these remains of the remains, called three brothers, do not go animals and birds do not fly, and travelers bypass these places side.

Ostasy three brothers:

On the territory of the park lies the border of the watershed between the two largest river basins of Russia - Ob-Irtysh and Volzhsko-Kamsky. The Kialym River carries its waters to the Arctic Ocean, and Tape - to the Caspian Sea. Typically, the Tagan River is not multi-way, but during the shower in just a few hours turn into rapid flows.

The highest point of the Taganai ridges - mount Kruglitsa (1178 m) - received its name due to the characteristic rounded form. The northern part of the vertices is interesting because it is a flat platform.

Mount Kruglitsa:

The Kruglitsa, like a magnet, attracts psychics, occultists and esoteric. On the stones you can see the diverse sacred paints. Also here are a lot of small seides (structures made of stones). Pilgrims say that the peak has a special energy that has positive properties. And tourists believe that all the commemorated desires will definitely come true.

Nodules for happiness on top of the Kruglitsa:

View of the mountain Kruglitsa with a response comb:

Response Crest (1155 m) - the second top of the top of the Taganai mountains, named as its comb-shaped forms and multiple, loud echo, sampled due to sound reflection from a practically vertical rocky wall. Depending on the point of observation, it is similar to the huge petrified dragon, then on a fromy sea wave, then on a stretched scallop. In the north-east part of the ridge, which is the place of traditional parking lots of tourists, is a large spill of the tectonic plate.

Reference comb:

Response crest at night (photo Nikolai Vasilyeva):

In a rocky saddle, located between the response comb and a circle, is an interesting monument of nature - Valley of fairy tales. It is a section of a subgolt low forest, over which the peaks of bizarre stone remains rise in place. Indeed, huge stone Education, as if the characters of the ancient legends and fairy tales, dismissed the magic valley. Also here you can see sandwiches, glads, covered with a carpet of blueberries and lingonberries, and steep cliffs, swirling meadows and forest. Some mysterious phenomena are associated with this place - tourists say that devices are refused here, the photos are most often illuminated, and people see flying glowing balls.

In the valley of fairy tales:

At the foot of the Tagana rocks is another natural landmark - stone rivers. This is rare a natural phenomenon It is a chaotic journey of stone blocks, which, as if gointed drops, froze in the stream, going down the slopes of the mountains. The longest stone river stretches for 5-6 kilometers, "prohibiting" between the mountain double-headed hill and the average tagana. It mainly consists of aventurine - a variety of quartzite. This field is proud and the country's property, especially since it is equal to the beauty and dimensions of the stones only in India and more anywhere on the planet.

Stone river:

View of one of the vertices of the two-headed hill:

You can get to the National Park Taganay from Moscow, you can fly by plane to Chelyabinsk, and then railway or bus transport to Zlatoust. From the town square of Zlatoust right to the entrance to the National Park, route taxis is running.

Taganay National Park is famous for its extraordinary floral wealth - 728 species of plants have been registered. The vegetation world of tagana is unique in that it combines elements of flora of central and western Siberia, Volga region, Kazakhstan, the North and the Center for the European part of Russia. Only here pine and fir can coherent with mountain vessel and maple, and a dark fir - with birch and lime.

Abnormal ate:

Following the vegetation world, there is a mixing of the West Siberian and European fauna. IN national Park There are up to 52 species of mammals, about 130 species of feathered representatives, 3 types of amphibians, 6 species of reptiles and 7 species of fish. In difficult Taganay forests, you can meet such predators like a brown bear, wolf, lynx and fox. On the Alpine meadows there are moose, roerals and boars. In winter, white owls and Filin arrive from Northern Tundra here, and in the summer, guests arrive from Asian steppes - Berkut and Orlan-Belochvost. In the upper reaches of the Kialym River, there is a river trout, or a bottle.

Taganay forests are known for the fact that in the XVIII-XIX century. There were great popularity among Old Believers. Running from power, the propagage adherents found shelter in these places. Raskolniki was built their sceutes under the ground, masterfully masking outside moss, granite blocks and tangled roots of trees. In the uninitiated practically there was not a chance to find them. The favorite place of the Raskolnik was the area of \u200b\u200bstone remains. Three brothers standing in the valley between the distant tagana and the Kruglitsa, where they spent the secret rites.

Taganay - National Park, spread in a unique corner of the Southern Urals - Taganay Range Group. It is located in the West of the Chelyabinsk region, near the northeast outskirts of the ancient Ural city of Zlatoust. Its total area is 568 km². The creation of one of the youngest parks of Russia dates back March 5, 1991. On Taganai, the most valuable ecological systems were preserved - mountain meadows and tundra, moss marshes and relict forests.

The Taganai Mountain Array, located at the junction of two parts of the world - Europe and Asia, is the status of one of the most picturesque corners of the Urals. Here, the very nature was created a unique cocktail, consisting of mountain rivers, bizarre stone remains, amazing stone rivers, centers, mountain tundra, relict forests and ancient mineral kits. In addition, this is a wonderful place is washed with many legends and legends.

Translated from the Bashkir language Tagan Ai means "stand for the moon". The legend says that in these places the giants lived in these places. The main one, who owns unpretentious wealth and precious stones, had three sons. The ruler did not allow anyone to touch his treasures, and his sons decided to secretly take possession of them - they folded the stones in the bag and ran away. Only it was that bag with a holey, and all the stones scattered across the windows of the Urals, from which he became rich in gems. Tired by the search for sons Giant, desperate, sat down on the ground and cried bitterly. For so long he lied tears, which was formed around the river, which suffered their waters in different seas and oceans.

The moon, seeing the suffering of his father, decided to console him, but when he sank to him on his shoulder, saw that the giant giant was fired. And his tears turned into stone rivers. Since then, they call this mountain Taganay - Stand Moon.

When the sons noticed that they were confused all the wealth, they decided to return home to the father. Seeing what happened to him, so they were afraid that they themselves fired from horror. They say, near these remains of the remains, called three brothers, do not go animals and birds do not fly, and travelers bypass these places side.

Ostasy three brothers:

On the territory of the park lies the border of the watershed between the two largest river basins of Russia - Ob-Irtysh and Volzhsko-Kamsky. The Kialym River carries its waters to the Arctic Ocean, and Tape - to the Caspian Sea. Typically, the Tagan River is not multi-way, but during the shower in just a few hours turn into rapid flows.

The highest point of the Taganai ridges - mount Kruglitsa (1178 m) - received its name due to the characteristic rounded form. The northern part of the vertices is interesting because it is a flat platform.

Mount Kruglitsa:

The Kruglitsa, like a magnet, attracts psychics, occultists and esoteric. On the stones you can see the diverse sacred paints. Also here are a lot of small seides (structures made of stones). Pilgrims say that the peak has a special energy that has positive properties. And tourists believe that all the commemorated desires will definitely come true.

Nodules for happiness on top of the Kruglitsa:

View of the mountain Kruglitsa with a response comb:

Response Crest (1155 m) - the second top of the top of the Taganai mountains, named as its comb-shaped forms and multiple, loud echo, sampled due to sound reflection from a practically vertical rocky wall. Depending on the point of observation, it is similar to the huge petrified dragon, then on a fromy sea wave, then on a stretched scallop. In the north-east part of the ridge, which is the place of traditional parking lots of tourists, is a large spill of the tectonic plate.

Reference comb:

Response crest at night (photo Nikolai Vasilyeva):

In a rocky saddle, located between the response comb and a circle, is an interesting monument of nature - Valley of fairy tales. It is a section of a subgolt low forest, over which the peaks of bizarre stone remains rise in place. Indeed, huge stone formations, as if the characters of the ancient legends and fairy tales, dismissed the magic valley. Also here you can see sandwiches, glads, covered with a carpet of blueberries and lingonberries, and steep cliffs, swirling meadows and forest. Some mysterious phenomena are associated with this place - tourists say that devices are refused here, the photos are most often illuminated, and people see flying glowing balls.

In the valley of fairy tales:

At the foot of the Tagana rocks is another natural landmark - stone rivers. This rare natural phenomenon is a chaotic journey of stone blocks, which, as if giant drops, frozen in the stream, going down the slopes of the mountains. The longest stone river stretches for 5-6 kilometers, "prohibiting" between the mountain double-headed hill and the average tagana. It mainly consists of aventurine - a variety of quartzite. This field is proud and the country's property, especially since it is equal to the beauty and dimensions of the stones only in India and more anywhere on the planet.

Stone river:

View of one of the vertices of the two-headed hill:

You can get to the National Park Taganay from Moscow, you can fly by plane to Chelyabinsk, and then railway or bus transport to Zlatoust. From the town square of Zlatoust right to the entrance to the National Park, route taxis is running.

Taganay National Park is famous for its extraordinary floral wealth - 728 species of plants have been registered. The vegetation world of tagana is unique in that it combines elements of flora of central and western Siberia, Volga region, Kazakhstan, the North and the Center for the European part of Russia. Only here pine and fir can coherent with mountain vessel and maple, and a dark fir - with birch and lime.

Abnormal ate:

Following the vegetation world, there is a mixing of the West Siberian and European fauna. The national park has up to 52 species of mammals, about 130 species of feathered representatives, 3 types of amphibians, 6 species of reptiles and 7 species of fish. In difficult Taganay forests, you can meet such predators like a brown bear, wolf, lynx and fox. On the Alpine meadows there are moose, roerals and boars. In winter, white owls and Filin arrive from Northern Tundra here, and in the summer, guests arrive from Asian steppes - Berkut and Orlan-Belochvost. In the upper reaches of the Kialym River, there is a river trout, or a bottle.

Taganay forests are known for the fact that in the XVIII-XIX century. There were great popularity among Old Believers. Running from power, the propagage adherents found shelter in these places. Raskolniki was built their sceutes under the ground, masterfully masking outside moss, granite blocks and tangled roots of trees. In the uninitiated practically there was not a chance to find them. The favorite place of the Raskolnik was the area of \u200b\u200bstone remains. Three brothers standing in the valley between the distant tagana and the Kruglitsa, where they spent the secret rites.