Presentation about Lake Ladoga. Presentation on the topic of Lake Ladoga

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Ladoga lake

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1. Why did I choose this topic?
2. Features Lake Ladoga.
3. Rivers.
4. Islands.
5. Animal world.
6. Curious situations associated with Lake Ladoga.
7. Conclusion.

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Why did I choose this topic?

I am interested in this topic, due to the fact that Lake Ladoga is located in Leningrad region and is the most large lake Europe. By this lake interesting story, associated with the Patriotic War, and it is also very beautiful. The lake is rich in its flora and fauna.

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Features of Lake Ladoga.

Lake Ladoga is the largest in Europe. The Neva River flows from it and flows into the Gulf of Finland Baltic Sea. The lake basin has glacial origin. About 12 thousand years ago it was finally freed from ice. And now seals continue to live in the lake, who liked it natural conditions. The area of ​​Ladoga with islands is more than 18 thousand square meters. km. The endless expanses of the lake resemble the sea. In its open part, the shores are not visible, and strong winds often turn it into a raging element, more treacherous than some of the seas. Maximum length Lake Ladoga is 219 km long, and the average width is about 83 km. Average depth - 50 m.

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The lake is characterized by low mineralization and the water of Ladoga is quite clear. In winter in warm years the lake does not freeze completely, and the open central part of the lake remains ice-free. The thickness of the ice on the lake, depending on the severity of winter, ranges from 50 to 110 cm. The ice reaches its greatest thickness in late March - early April. The lake begins to open in April near the southern shore and in the skerries of the northern part. If the strong ones blow north winds, then the mass of ice is driven into the Shlisselburg Bay, and from there into the Neva River. Then the second - Ladoga - ice drift passes along it. Ladoga has a stormy temperament, but is not always completely covered by stormy winds. Often, increased wind in one part of the lake is combined with almost calm weather in another. Calms are observed here most often in June, but for a very short time. In July and August, in calm weather, mirages occur. Peering into the distance, you suddenly discover islands where there have never been any. Sometimes, instead of an island, the contours of a ship are outlined on the horizon, or a real island rises before our eyes and hovers above the water.

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Shipping on Ladoga has been known since ancient times. In the 9th-12th centuries, a water trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” passed through it, connecting Northern Rus' with Southern Russia, Scandinavia and the Baltic states with Byzantium. Ladoga acquired its most intensive transport significance in Peter's times. Shipyards and canals began to be built on the shores of the lake. At the beginning of the 18th century, Lake Ladoga was connected to the Upper Volga by a canal system. But frequent disturbances have long been a huge obstacle to shipping. At the mouth of the Volkhov, sometimes up to 500 ships gathered in anticipation of favorable weather. This was the reason for the construction of bypass canals along the southern shore of Ladoga. During the Great Patriotic War, transportation along Ladoga was the only link between besieged Leningrad and the country. During navigation, transportation was carried out by the Ladoga flotilla, and in winter a route was laid across the ice of the lake. highway, called "Road of Life". In total, during the blockade, about 1 million people were evacuated to the rear through Lake Ladoga and 1.7 million tons of cargo were transported.

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There are about 660 islands on Lake Ladoga with total area 435 km², most of them are concentrated in the northern part of the lake, in the so-called skerry area, as well as as part of Valaam (about 50 islands), Western archipelagos and the Mantsinsari island group (approx. 40 islands). The largest islands are Riekkalansari, Mantsinsari, Kilpola, Tulolansari, Valaam, Konevets.

Rocky shore of an island in Lake Ladoga.

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Lighthouse on Suho Island in Lake Ladoga.

Putsaari - almost desert island Lake Ladoga.

Island in Lake Ladoga.

The most famous on Lake Ladoga are the Valaam Islands - an archipelago of about 50 islands with an area of ​​about 36 km², due to the location of the Valaam Monastery on the main island of the archipelago. Also known is the island of Konevets, on which the monastery is also located.

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The mouth of the Olonka River is Lake Ladoga.

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The lake is fed through the Svir River from Lake Onega, and across the Volkhov River - from Lake Ilmen. The rivers Vuoksa, Syas, Nazia and others also flow into it. The Neva is the only river flowing from Lake Ladoga.
The northern part of the region is occupied by the Svirskaya Depression - a narrow strip between Lakes Ladoga and Onega, which is a terraced plain of lacustrine-glacial origin, consisting of a series of steps descending to Lake Ladoga. In the middle of the Svir depression the Svir River flows to the west. Almost the entire population in the eastern part of the Svir depression is concentrated directly in the valley of the Svir River. A significant area is occupied by the Prinevskaya lowland, covering the valley of the Neva and its tributaries - Tosna and Izhora. It is mostly treeless, with only isolated forest areas remaining in the east. The flat topography and proximity to the surface of waterproof rocks led to large swamps.
The area to the south to Lake Ilmen is occupied by the swampy, wooded Volkhov Lowland, which is crossed from the north by the Volkhov River.

On the shore of Lake Ladoga beyond the Morye River.

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IN last years On the shores of Lake Ladoga, young Ladoga ringed seals are often found. The species is listed in the Red Book.
At the bottom of Lake Ladoga there are 385 species of invertebrates, which means that this fauna is quite diverse. Most species are in the littoral zone (about 290).
Much less - in the deep-sea part (about 80).
The composition of the benthofauna is dominated by insect larvae (52% of all types of benthofauna), worms are in second place (17%), hydracarines, or water mites, are in third (14%), mollusks are in fourth (9.3%), fifth place belongs to crustaceans (4.5%); other groups of animals - 4.3%.

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Lake Ladoga is home to about 60 species of fish, 30 of which are of commercial importance. Ladoga is predominantly a salmon reservoir. Salmonidae include almost all valuable commercial fish: salmon, trout, palia, vendace. Other valuable fish include whitefish, grayling and smelt. About one third of the species living in the lake are cyprinids - roach, ide, bream, and raw fish. Most species live in the lake permanently, and only a few of them, for example, Baltic sturgeon, Baltic salmon, Neva lamprey, conger eel, occasionally enter Ladoga from the Baltic and the Gulf of Finland. In the past, sterlet was found in Lake Ladoga, but now it is gone. In recent years, new fish have appeared in the lake - carp and peled. The carp came from Lake Ilmen, where it was released in 1952-1953, and the peled came from the lakes of the Karelian Isthmus, where it has been bred since 1958.
Local lake salmon are extremely valuable fish. Its weight reaches 10 kg. Best places Salmon fisheries are located in the northern part of the lake. However, fishing has been prohibited since 1960, as the salmon herd is recovering very slowly. The reason for the slow resumption is a sharp deterioration in spawning conditions; the rivers are clogged with timber rafting, Vuoksa is polluted, poachers cause great damage on Burnaya, Svir is blocked by hydroelectric dams.

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Pike perch is one of the main fishing grounds on Ladoga. It lives everywhere in the lake, but especially readily in the southern shallow part. Here, in the south, are its largest fishing concentrations. Individual specimens of pike perch weigh 8 kg.
Bream, despite its good nutritional and taste qualities, is not of great importance in Ladoga fishing. It lives mainly in the southern region of the lake and in its southern bays.

Palia is found in the northern deep-sea part of Ladoga. Due to the insignificant catches, the palya fishery has almost ceased.
Whitefish in Lake Ladoga are represented by 7 different forms. Four of them are lake (Ludoga, lake Ladoga, Valaam and black) and three -
lake-river (Volkhov,
Svirsky and Vuoksinsky).
Vendace and ripus
different from each other
sizes. Small form
called vendace and
everywhere in the lake.
The large form is called
ripus, and it is found mainly
way in the southern part of the lake,
This is where they spawn in the fall.

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It's not about fishing
limited to mining only the most
the best fish breeds, since it is massive
catches of less value may not yield
less economic effect,
than mining a small amount is more
valuable. And first place in catches on
Lake Ladoga occupies a modest
smelt (Arkhiptseva, 1968).
Distributed throughout the lake,
but in the southern part there live more of her
a large form, and in the northern one - a smaller one, similar to smelt.
Pike, which prefers to live in thickets of aquatic vegetation in shallow places, is caught in small quantities.

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Curious situations related to Lake Ladoga

1. Emergency Situations Ministry rescuers rescued 21 fishermen from a broken ice floe on Lake Ladoga

published time: January 20, 2003, 5:44 pm last updated: January 20, 2003, 8:44 pm

2. Graduation ceremony at the Leningrad Zoo. Today the seal Ira will receive freedom. She is the last of 11 seals rescued this spring to remain in a cage. Let us remind you that for the first time this year the staff of the Leningrad Zoo and foreign volunteers were closely involved in the fate of pinnipeds. Due to global warming, the ice in the bay is melting earlier and seals do not have time to feed their cubs. Babies are dying in the hundreds. Now the found seals are brought to the zoo, treated and released. True, each time separation becomes a small tragedy, if not for the animal, then for those who cared for it. The seal Ira was found on April 9, she was dying of hunger. In 3 months, the baby gained approximately four times her weight. And instead of fish porridge, he happily eats herring. True, on the day of departure I was so worried that I refused to eat, and only gnawed on the microphone of St. Petersburg Vesti. Ira will be released today into the native waves of Ladoga on one of the islands of the Valaam archipelago.

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Having such a unique miracle of nature as Lake Ladoga, it is necessary for the attitude towards it to change in better side: take more care of the flora and fauna of the lake, preserve rare and valuable fish species, fight poaching, help preserve the Ladoga seal. It is necessary to strictly monitor the pollution of lakes and rivers, industrial enterprises and individual citizens.

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Contents 1. Why did I choose this topic? 2. Features of Lake Ladoga. 3. Rivers. 4. Islands. 5. Animal world. 6. Curious situations associated with Lake Ladoga. 7. Conclusion.

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Why did I choose this topic? I am interested in this topic due to the fact that Lake Ladoga is located in the Leningrad region and is the largest lake in Europe. This lake has an interesting history connected with the Patriotic War, and it is also very beautiful. The lake is rich in its flora and fauna.

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Features of Lake Ladoga. Lake Ladoga is the largest in Europe. The Neva River flows from it and flows into the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea. The lake basin is of glacial origin. About 12 thousand years ago it was finally freed from ice. And now seals continue to live in the lake, who liked its natural conditions. The area of ​​Ladoga with islands is more than 18 thousand square meters. km. The endless expanses of the lake resemble the sea. In its open part, the shores are not visible, and strong winds often turn it into a raging element, more treacherous than some of the seas. The greatest length of Lake Ladoga is 219 km, and the average width is about 83 km. Average depth - 50 m.

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The lake is characterized by low mineralization and the water of Ladoga is quite clear. During warm years in winter, the lake does not completely freeze, and the open central part of the lake remains ice-free. The thickness of the ice on the lake, depending on the severity of winter, ranges from 50 to 110 cm. The ice reaches its greatest thickness in late March - early April. The lake begins to open in April near the southern shore and in the skerries of the northern part. If strong northern winds blow, then the mass of ice is driven into the Shlisselburg Bay, and from there into the Neva River. Then the second - Ladoga - ice drift passes along it. Ladoga has a stormy temperament, but is not always completely covered by stormy winds. Often, increased wind in one part of the lake is combined with almost calm weather in another. Calms are observed here most often in June, but for a very short time. In July and August, in calm weather, mirages occur. Peering into the distance, you suddenly discover islands where there have never been any. Sometimes, instead of an island, the contours of a ship are outlined on the horizon, or a real island rises before our eyes and hovers above the water.

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Shipping on Ladoga has been known since ancient times. In the 9th-12th centuries, a water trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” passed through it, connecting Northern Rus' with Southern Russia, Scandinavia and the Baltic states with Byzantium. Ladoga acquired its most intensive transport significance in Peter's times. Shipyards and canals began to be built on the shores of the lake. At the beginning of the 18th century, Lake Ladoga was connected to the Upper Volga by a canal system. But frequent disturbances have long been a huge obstacle to shipping. At the mouth of the Volkhov, sometimes up to 500 ships gathered in anticipation of favorable weather. This was the reason for the construction of bypass canals along the southern shore of Ladoga. During the Great Patriotic War, transportation along Ladoga was the only link between besieged Leningrad and the country. During navigation, transportation was carried out by the Ladoga flotilla, and in winter, a road was built across the ice of the lake, called the “Road of Life.” In total, during the blockade, about 1 million people were evacuated to the rear through Lake Ladoga and 1.7 million tons of cargo were transported.

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The shores of the lake are sparsely populated. The cities on the coast are ancient, but small - Priozersk, Sortavala, Novaya Ladoga, Shlisselburg. Rest settlements(about 90) are small, these are villages of lumberjacks, fishermen and watermen.

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There are about 660 islands on Lake Ladoga with a total area of ​​435 km², most of them are concentrated in the northern part of the lake, in the so-called skerry area, as well as as part of the Valaam (about 50 islands), Western archipelagos and the Mantsinsari group of islands (about 40 islands) . The largest islands are Riekkalansari, Mantsinsari, Kilpola, Tulolansari, Valaam, Konevets. Rocky shore of an island in Lake Ladoga.

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Lighthouse on Suho Island in Lake Ladoga. Putsaari is an almost uninhabited island in Lake Ladoga. Island in Lake Ladoga. The most famous on Lake Ladoga are the Valaam Islands - an archipelago of about 50 islands with an area of ​​about 36 km², due to the location of the Valaam Monastery on the main island of the archipelago. Also known is the island of Konevets, on which the monastery is also located.

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The lake is fed through the Svir River from Lake Onega, and through the Volkhov River from Lake Ilmen. The rivers Vuoksa, Syas, Nazia and others also flow into it. The Neva is the only river flowing from Lake Ladoga. The northern part of the region is occupied by the Svirskaya Depression - a narrow strip between Lakes Ladoga and Onega, which is a terraced plain of lacustrine-glacial origin, consisting of a series of steps descending to Lake Ladoga. In the middle of the Svir depression the Svir River flows to the west. Almost the entire population in the eastern part of the Svir depression is concentrated directly in the valley of the Svir River. A significant area is occupied by the Prinevskaya lowland, covering the valley of the Neva and its tributaries - Tosna and Izhora. It is mostly treeless, with only isolated forest areas remaining in the east. The flat topography and proximity to the surface of waterproof rocks led to large swamps. The area to the south to Lake Ilmen is occupied by the swampy, wooded Volkhov Lowland, which is crossed from the north by the Volkhov River. On the shore of Lake Ladoga beyond the Morye River.

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In recent years, Ladoga ringed seal cubs have often been found on the shores of Lake Ladoga. The species is listed in the Red Book. At the bottom of Lake Ladoga there are 385 species of invertebrates, which means that this fauna is quite diverse. Most species are in the littoral zone (about 290). Much less - in the deep-sea part (about 80). The composition of the benthofauna is dominated by insect larvae (52% of all types of benthofauna), worms are in second place (17%), hydracarines, or water mites, are in third (14%), mollusks are in fourth (9.3%), fifth place belongs to crustaceans (4.5%); other groups of animals - 4.3%.

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Lake Ladoga is home to about 60 species of fish, 30 of which are of commercial importance. Ladoga is predominantly a salmon reservoir. Salmonidae include almost all valuable commercial fish: salmon, trout, palia, vendace. Other valuable fish include whitefish, grayling and smelt. About one third of the species living in the lake are cyprinids - roach, ide, bream, and raw fish. Most species live in the lake permanently, and only a few of them, for example, Baltic sturgeon, Baltic salmon, Neva lamprey, conger eel, occasionally enter Ladoga from the Baltic and the Gulf of Finland. In the past, sterlet was found in Lake Ladoga, but now it is gone. In recent years, new fish have appeared in the lake - carp and peled. Carp came from Lake Ilmen, where it was released in 1952-1953, and peled - from the lakes of the Karelian Isthmus, where it has been bred since 1958. Local lake salmon is an extremely valuable fish. Its weight reaches 10 kg. The best salmon fishing spots are in the northern part of the lake. However, fishing has been prohibited since 1960, as the salmon herd is recovering very slowly. The reason for the slow resumption is a sharp deterioration in spawning conditions; the rivers are clogged with timber rafting, Vuoksa is polluted, poachers cause great damage on Burnaya, Svir is blocked by hydroelectric dams.

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Pike perch is one of the main fishing grounds on Ladoga. It lives everywhere in the lake, but especially readily in the southern shallow part. Here, in the south, are its largest fishing concentrations. Individual specimens of pike perch weigh 8 kg. Bream, despite its good nutritional and taste qualities, is not of great importance in Ladoga fishing. It lives mainly in the southern region of the lake and in its southern bays. Palia is found in the northern deep-sea part of Ladoga. Due to the insignificant catches, the palya fishery has almost ceased. Whitefish in Lake Ladoga are represented by 7 different forms. Four of them are lake (Ludoga, Lake Ladoga, Valaam and Black) and three are lake-river (Volkhov, Svir and Vuoksa). Vendace and ripus differ from each other in size. The small form is called vendace and is ubiquitous in the lake. The large form is called ripus, and it is found mainly in the southern part of the lake, where it spawns in the fall.

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In fishing, the matter is not limited to the extraction of only the best species of fish, since mass fishing of less valuable ones can give no less economic effect than the extraction of small quantities of more valuable ones. And the first place in catches on Lake Ladoga is occupied by the modest smelt (Arkhiptseva, 1968). It is distributed throughout the lake, but its larger form lives in the southern part, and the smaller one, similar to smelt, lives in the northern part. Pike, which prefers to live in thickets of aquatic vegetation in shallow places, is caught in small quantities.

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Curious situations associated with Lake Ladoga 1. Rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations removed 21 fishermen from a broken ice floe on Lake Ladoga publication time: January 20, 2003, 17:44 last update: January 20, 2003, 20:44 2. Graduation at the Leningrad Zoo . Today the seal Ira will receive freedom. She is the last of 11 seals rescued this spring to remain in a cage. Let us remind you that for the first time this year the staff of the Leningrad Zoo and foreign volunteers were closely involved in the fate of pinnipeds. Due to global warming, the ice in the bay is melting earlier and seals do not have time to feed their cubs. Babies are dying in the hundreds. Now the found seals are brought to the zoo, treated and released. True, each time separation becomes a small tragedy, if not for the animal, then for those who cared for it. The seal Ira was found on April 9, she was dying of hunger. In 3 months, the baby gained approximately four times her weight. And instead of fish porridge, he happily eats herring. True, on the day of departure I was so worried that I refused to eat, and only gnawed on the microphone of St. Petersburg Vesti. Ira will be released today into the native waves of Ladoga on one of the islands of the Valaam archipelago. 03-07-2008

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Conclusion Having such a unique miracle of nature as Lake Ladoga, it is necessary that the attitude towards it change for the better: treat the flora and fauna of the lake more carefully, preserve rare and valuable fish species, fight poaching, and help preserve the Ladoga seal. It is necessary to strictly monitor the pollution of lakes and rivers, industrial enterprises and individual citizens.

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Lake Ladoga (also Ladoga; historical name- Nevo) - lake in Karelia (northern and east coast) and Leningrad region (western, southern and southeastern shores), the largest freshwater lake in Europe. Belongs to the Baltic Sea basin Atlantic Ocean. The area of ​​the lake without islands is from 17.6 thousand km² (with islands 18.1 thousand km²), the volume of water mass is 908 km³; length from south to north - 219 km, greatest width - 138 km

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The depth varies unevenly: in the northern part it ranges from 70 to 230 m, in the southern part - from 20 to 70 m. On the shores of Lake Ladoga there are the cities of Priozersk, Novaya Ladoga, Shlisselburg in the Leningrad region, Sortavala, Pitkyaranta, Lakhdenpokhya in Karelia. 35 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga, but only one originates - the Neva.

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The climate over Lake Ladoga is temperate, transitional from temperate continental to temperate maritime. There is an average of 62 sunny days. Therefore, for most of the year, days with cloudy, cloudy weather and diffuse lighting predominate.

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Day length varies from 5 hours 51 minutes at the winter solstice to 18 hours 50 minutes at the summer solstice. The so-called “white nights” are observed over the lake, occurring on May 25-26, when the sun drops below the horizon by no more than 9°, and the evening twilight practically merges with the morning. The white nights end on July 16-17.

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35 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga The largest river, which flows into it is the Svir River, which carries water from Lake Onega into it. Water also enters the lake through the Vuoksa River from Lake Saimaa, and through the Volkhov River from Lake Ilmen. The Morye, Avloga, and Burnaya rivers also flow into it.

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River Svir

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    There are about 660 islands on Lake Ladoga

    The most famous on Lake Ladoga are the Valaam Islands - an archipelago of about 50 islands with an area of ​​about 36 km², due to the location of the Valaam Monastery on the main island of the archipelago. Also known is the island of Konevets, on which the monastery is also located.

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    Valaam Islands Valaam Monastery.

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    Flora and fauna

    Northern and east coast Lake Ladoga belongs to the middle taiga subzone, and the southern and western lakes belong to the southern taiga subzone. The middle taiga is characterized by blueberry spruce forests without undergrowth, with a closed tree stand and a continuous cover of shiny green mosses. The subzone of the southern taiga is dominated by dark coniferous species with an undergrowth, where linden, maple, and elm are sometimes found, a herbaceous layer appears with the participation of oak forest grasses, and the moss cover is less developed than in the middle taiga. The most typical type of forest is spruce-sorrel forests.

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    The lake is rich in freshwater fish, which go into the rivers to spawn. Lake Ladoga is home to 53 species and varieties of fish: Ladoga slingshot, salmon, trout, palia, whitefish, vendace, smelt, bream, raw fish, bluefish, silver bream, rudd, asp, catfish, pike perch, roach, perch, pike, burbot and others .

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    In the Ladoga region, 256 species of birds belonging to 17 orders are regularly found. More than 50 bird species have been recorded here during transit migration in spring and autumn. Migration connections of the Ladoga region cover the space from Iceland to India and from South Africa to Novaya Zemlya. The most attractive areas for birds are the southern Ladoga region.

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    Swans, geese, ducks, waders, gulls, terns, cranes and rails are found here on migration, as well as the nesting grounds of dabbling ducks, tufted ducks, red-headed ducks, gulls, terns, great and middle curlews, godwit, herbal duck, golden plover and others waders, gray crane, white-tailed eagle, osprey, falcon, eagle owl, great gray owl, short-eared owl and a number of other birds

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    The lake is navigable and is part of the waterway that is part of the Volga-Baltic Waterway and the White Sea-Baltic Canal. The most intensive vessel traffic occurs in the south of the lake from the river. Lake Ladoga, despite the cold water even in summer, attracts many vacationers: there are good beaches from the Neva to the Svir River.

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    Ladoga lake. Interdisciplinary project “ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF LAKE LADOGA”. Subjects: ecology, biology, chemistry, geography.

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    Ladoga lake

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    Presentation Transcript

      PROBLEMS OF LAKE LADOGA" Subjects: ecology, biology, chemistry, geography. The goal of the project: to study the degree of water pollution in Lake Ladoga, identify the causes of pollution, and propose measures to improve the ecological condition of the reservoir with the involvement of environmental organizations.

      Work in a team of 6 people. Preparation of a model of Ladoga as a visual aid for ecology and geography lessons. Preparation of a theoretical basis for the issue (study of the history and geography of the lake, biological and chemical-ecological aspects of the life of the reservoir).

      Stage 1: studying specialized literature, information from the Internet, personal trips to Ladoga, photographing the lake and surrounding nature. Stage 2: identification of sources of pollution and description of environmental activities on the territory of Lake Ladoga (presentation). Stage 3: organization and performance at the city interactive event “Let’s Save natural heritage!”, dedicated to Earth Day.

      Due to the environmental situation in Ladoga, it was proposed to eliminate garbage dumps on the territory of Lake Ladoga and install containers. local businesses are encouraged to install smoke eliminators and wastewater treatment plants.

      Lake Ladoga About 600 industrial enterprises (Volkhov chemical plant, boiler houses, petrochemical production, as well as vehicles, burning landfills), including pulp and paper mills (Syasky pulp and paper plant, Svetogorsk and Priozersky (closed in 1986) paper mills) and several hundred agricultural enterprises discharge industrial wastewater into Ladoga and its tributaries. Ladoga is considered a moderately polluted body of water and is assigned class III.

      Volkhov Chemical Plant Morozovsky Chemical Plant on the map Okhtinsky Chemical Plant

      Chemical plant When the Volkhov Aluminum Plant was being built, no one was worried about the Ladoga problem. Moreover, it was believed that nitrogen and phosphorus are food for algae, and therefore for everything living in the lake. They didn’t think about the problems of eutrophization then, but it was nitrogen and phosphorus that brought the lake to the brink of death. In the late 80s - early 90s, every year the Volkhov Stream brought “water” to Ladoga, each liter of which contained 45 milligrams of phosphates, 12.5 milligrams of sulfates, 0.21 milligrams of fluorine... Such a “gift” can kill all living things. It is estimated that about 7,000 tons of phosphorus enter the lake annually.

      Chemical plant Fluoroplastic is a polymer material produced chemically. Fluoroplastic contains fluorine atoms, due to which it has high chemical resistance. The strongest oxidizing agents have no effect on it even at high temperatures. Fluoroplastic is poorly soluble or insoluble in many organic solvents, and is insoluble in water and is not wetted by it. Fluoroplastic is intended for the manufacture of products and films with high dielectric properties, resistance to strong aggressive environments and operating at temperatures up to plus 260 degrees Celsius.

      Plant “Ladoga” Trailer Company on the map Sredne-Nevsky Shipbuilding Plant

      Trailers Products: Tank trucks for the transportation of gasoline and diesel fuel. Thermally insulated tank trucks for the transportation of fuel oil, bitumen, oil. Tank semi-trailers for the transportation of gasoline and diesel fuel. Tank semi-trailers for the transportation of oil, fuel oil, bitumen. Tank semi-trailers for the transportation of bulk cargo .Tank semi-trailers made of aluminum for transporting gasoline and diesel fuel.

      Factory The factory is currently being built missile boats, minesweepers, passenger and work vessels for various purposes and is preparing for large-scale construction of a new generation of mine-resistant ships. It is the main polluter of Ladoga with petroleum products.

      Lake The ichthyofauna of Lake Ladoga is represented by 14 families: lampreys, sturgeon, salmon, grayling, smelt, pike, carp, loach, catfish, eels, cod, stickleback, perch and sculpin. There are 53 species and varieties of fish in Ladoga.

      Skerries off the northwestern and northern coast of Lake Ladoga. Until 2009 it was natural Park, and on this moment it is considered a national park.

      They say it right: don’t spit in the well. “Lake Ladoga may soon become unsuitable for drinking water supply,” says the head of Vodokanal St. Petersburg. “Ladoga is the only source of drinking water supply for St. Petersburg.” And not only for St. Petersburg. In total, it supplies drinking water to approximately 15-20 million people. The draft law “On the protection of Lake Ladoga” has reached the State Duma for the second time. Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi. The first Russian painter to paint a picture of Lake Ladoga in 1873 was A.I. Kuindzhi

      Was selected from the sites: Worked on the project: Students: Gudzyk N. Shevchenko A. Zimarina A. Romanova N. Ershova A. Yanush S. Ermakov P. Supervisor: Balysheva I.L. Ladoga-art.html.\content

    • Lake Ladoga is the largest freshwater lake in Europe, its length is 219 km and its greatest width is 138 km. The northern and eastern parts of the reservoir belong to Karelia. Western, southeastern and South coast Lake Ladoga is located in the Leningrad region. The lake holds 908 km³ of water. Replenishment water resources occurs mainly due to 35 inflowing rivers. Only one river flows out of Ladoga - the Neva.

    • For Russia, Ladoga has always had strategic importance: in the 9th century, an important part of the waterway “from the Varangians to the Greeks” passed through its expanses. Documentary mention of the “great Lake Nevo” (as Lake Ladoga was called in the old days) is first found in the ancient Russian chronicle, dated 1228. The first capital before Kievan Rus was located near the confluence of the Volkhov River into Lake Ladoga.

    • The bottom of Ladoga to this day preserves numerous interesting and valuable artifacts dating back to various time periods. The ancient Vikings and soldiers of the Northern and Great Patriotic Wars left their mark. Of course, first of all, Lake Ladoga hides traces of the Second World War. A striking example of this is “Death Bay”. In this place in August 1941, an urgent evacuation of the Soviet rifle and motorized divisions took place. For two weeks, under fierce artillery and mortar fire, the ships removed the fighters from the shore. The small bay was literally bombarded with shells. Until now, the entire bottom of the lake is covered with a layer of shell casings, shell fragments and iron.

    • Many areas near Lake Ladoga have been preserved in their pristine beauty. In the picturesque faults of harsh rocks, one can see ancient history this region. Islands, rocky shoals, mountain slopes covered with pine wilds were once covered by the waters of a prehistoric sea that stretched in the north to the ocean.