Not yourself. The most, the most, the most... in the world - history, facts

Incredible facts

Humanity has always been impressive huge things, be it landscapes created by nature, waterfalls and mountains, or man-made structures, vehicles and machines.

The largest plane in the world

Transport jet aircraft An-225 "Mriya" ("Dream")– Ukrainian transport aircraft, which is considered today the largest jet aircraft in the world. It is capable of not only transporting multi-ton cargo, but is also capable of lifting another smaller aircraft into the air. For example, a Boeing 737 can fit inside its cargo bay.

Built in 1988, this plane immediately entered the book of records as the largest aircraft in the world, and remains there to this day. After the collapse of the Union, it was not used for about 7 years, but then it was repaired and since 2001 began to be widely used, since this aircraft is capable of lifting such large loads that no other aircraft can handle it.

Attempts were made to build another similar aircraft, but work was stopped, probably due to lack of funds. To complete construction, $300 million was required.

The plane has whole 32 chassis, he can lift into the air 560 tons, and the total weight including cargo will be 640 tons. His wingspan is the length of a football field.

The largest swimming pool in the world

In most hotels, swimming pools are not of particular interest: they are usually small, not too deep and constantly crowded with vacationers. However, the designers of the resort complex San Alfonso Del Mar Resort in Chile decided to correct the situation by building the most impressive swimming pool on the planet.

This giant pool is like a clear blue lagoon that stretches between the hotels and the ocean shore. The length of this huge pool is about 900 meters. By the way, the second largest pool in the world is located in Morocco and has a length only 137 meters.

The deepest part of the pool is 35 meters(this is also a world record). In him 250 million liters of water, that is, it is 20 times more than in the Olympic pool. It took 5 years and 1 billion dollars. Every year it costs 2 million.

The pool has an advanced filtration system and no chemicals are added to clean it, so it's amazingly environmentally friendly.

The largest cave in the world

In 2009 One Vietnamese farmer showed British researchers the entrance to a cave he had discovered several years earlier in the area of ​​Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park. They were amazed by the beauty that this amazing cave contained. Inside the cave that had only one wide passage, an underground river flowed.

This cave is located in a fairly wild area; early expeditions to these places never reached it. The cave has depth at least 5 kilometers and height (in some places) – about 300 meters. Sunlight sometimes penetrates into the cave.

Largest vacuum chamber

Vacuum chambers are used to create conditions close to space conditions to conduct various experiments in the absence of gravity or to test space suit components.

There are very large vacuum chambers, but only one in the world is large enough to hold fully assembled spaceship.

Plum Brook vacuum chamber in Sandusky, Ohio, USA, was used to test a reusable spacecraft "Orion". This ship, NASA officials hope, will one day will be able to send people to the moon again, and maybe even to Mars or distant asteroids.

The Plum Brook chamber has a height 37 meters, with length and width 23 meters. She can be seen in one of the first episodes of the sci-fi action movie "The Avengers", when the god Locky gets his hands on the cosmic cube. This scene of the film was filmed there.

The largest waterfall in the world

Inga Falls near the city of Matadi in Congo is not the tallest waterfall in the world. Its height is only 21 meters. It is also not the longest waterfall with a total length of 4 kilometers. However, this waterfall can boast that it can move largest volumes of water.

We're all familiar with unforgettable images Niagara Falls or impressed by the size Victoria Falls, from which many tons of water are literally drained.

For example, Victoria Falls moves 1076.5 cubic meters of water per second. Niagara Falls is even more powerful: it moves approximately 2408 cubic meters of water per second.

Inga Falls, in turn, “uses” on average 10 times more water than Niagara - 25500 cubic meters of water per second. Its closest competitor is Livingston Falls- in the lower reaches of the Congo River it drains everything at 708 cubic meters of water per second less than Inga. By the way, Niagara and Victoria Falls are ranked 11th and 15th in terms of power, respectively.

The largest dry lake

The Uyuni Salt Flat is located on the plain of southwestern Bolivia (South America) at an altitude of almost 3600 meters above sea level. The layer of salt in this dry lake reaches several meters in some places. The total area of ​​the lake is also amazing - more than 10 thousand square kilometers.

In these places, in addition to large reserves of salt, there are also lithium reserves. These vast untapped reserves lie beneath the surface of the salt marsh, amounting to about half of the world's total supply. Although these places seem quite deserted and lifeless, here you can find the largest number of pink flamingos and about 80 other bird species.

The Salar de Uyuni has another unusual feature: for most of the year, a thin layer of water covers the surface, so if you visit these places, you get the impression that you walk on water. The water reflects the sky like a giant mirror.

The largest zoo in the world

If we need to name the largest zoo in the world, we should think about who should give the palm. Is it the largest in terms of number of species, area of ​​territory or number of cells? For example, one of the world's largest zoos by area - Red McCombs Wildlife in Texas boasts a huge territory, but lives in it only 20 species of animals.

Zoo Henry Doorley in the state of Nebraska, USA, has not only a huge territory, but also amazing variety of species. This zoo can be considered the largest due to the fact that it combines both characteristics.

On an area of ​​53 hectares lives about 17 thousand animals 960 species. About 1.5 million people come here every year. This zoo also has the world's largest enclosure, the largest feline facility, and the largest geodesic dome in North America.

The largest power plant in the world

The Chinese government has been pursuing the dam project for almost 20 years. "Three Gorges", despite warnings about possible negative consequences. Threat to the environment and historical areas was downplayed by the government in every possible way.

A huge number of people were evicted from their homes during construction. Only after the completion of the work did it become clear what threat this project brought to the environment and ecology. 23 billion project.

More than a million residents of the Yandza River valley were forced to move, and reservoirs in the area became dumping grounds for industrial waste. After the completion of the dam, not only environmental problems emerged, but also other problems, for example, after the drought of 2011 navigation in the lower reaches of the river became impossible.

However, the amount of electricity from this hydroelectric power station is amazing in its numbers. Dam length - 2.4 kilometers, height – 180 meters. The power plant is capable of producing as much electricity as 18 nuclear power plants.

The largest screen in the world

Stadium Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo - a huge building. It includes 50 thousand seats, but is only the 11th major stadium in Brazil. Several football matches will be held here in 2014 FIFA World Cup. This stadium is notable for the fact that its façade is one giant video screen.

The screen is capable of showing images, videos, information about matches, and it can be seen at a fairly large distance from the stadium. The height of this huge screen is 200 meters, length - 170 meters. This is the largest video screen on the planet.

The largest building in the world

Global Center "New Age" was opened in Chengdu, China in July 2013. Today, this building is considered the largest solid building on the planet: its area is 1.8 million square meters.

The building took about 3 years to construct. Inside it, in addition to shops and offices, you can find an IMAX cinema, a huge skating rink capable of hosting international competitions, a complete copy of a Mediterranean village and, of course, a water park. Only the water park itself can accommodate 6 thousand visitors. The building also has hotels with 2 thousand rooms.

The building is so large that it can accommodate 20 Sydney theaters or 30 football fields.

As Ostap Bender said, “A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation!” And this phrase is even more true in relation to a bicycle, which today is the most popular way to travel long distances. However, such a practical purpose of a bicycle does not prevent a large number of creative people from experimenting with its design. Today we will find out what the largest bike in the world was created by engineers, designers, cyclists and just eccentric amateurs from different countries.

The world's tallest great

Cuban worker Felix Guirola boasts the largest bicycle in height. The master managed to create a bicycle with a height of 5.4 meters! This whole structure looks very exotic: two familiar wheels at the bottom, but the steering wheel and pedals, and with them the driver, are at the very top of the head, located on a high “mast”. Surprisingly, such a bicycle really moves: you can ride it, even turn it. And in general, if we put aside the strange appearance and unprecedented height, Felix Guirola’s bicycle is a bicycle familiar to us. All the same two wheels, steering wheel, frame. And the principle of the bicycle itself is not violated: it moves due to the pedals, which transmit their movement to a chain that turns the wheels.

According to Felix himself, he has been engaged in such an unusual craft for quite a long time. Back in 1983, he assembled a functioning bicycle with a height of 1.9 m. Since then, the “height” of bicycles has increased, gradually reaching today’s 5.4 m. It is possible that this is not the limit for Felix. I wonder if his bikes will ever reach 10 meters?

The longest bike in the world

Terry Tessman from New Zealand is another oddball designer who loves big sizes. But his bicycles do not grow in height, like Felix’s, but in length. In 1988, the engineer managed to create a bicycle with a length of 22.24 m. The weight of the structure is 340 kg. Of course, such a vehicle had enough space to comfortably accommodate 4 riders. They managed to travel 246 meters. It is under this figure that the name of Terry Tessman is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

Big with the biggest wheels

A giant bicycle with huge wheels is the creation of American engineer Dave Moore from California. The wheels of this bike, designed in 1989, reached a record 3.05 m. Dave Moore called his unusual creation “Frankencycle”. Apparently, by analogy with Frankenstein's monster. Dave himself did not dare to ride his creation, leaving it to his friend Steve Gordon, who successfully rode the big-wheeled bike on June 4, 1989.

The most expensive bike in the world

The biggest bike in terms of price was the Butterfly Trek Madone, created by British designer Damien Hirst. The bicycle was auctioned for a fabulous sum - half a million dollars! Not every luxury car can boast such a high price. What's so expensive about this bike? Oddly enough, it does not differ in special driving characteristics and does not reach sky-high speeds; trimmed with gold, not even gilded, not decorated with diamonds.

Its main feature is decorating the frame and the inside of the wheels with butterfly wings. Yes, it was the butterflies specially grown by Damien Hirst for this design miracle that became the reason for such a high price. By the way, Damien Hirst dedicated his unusual creation to Louis Armstrong, the famous American cyclist.

The absolute record for the fastest speed achieved on a regular pedal-powered bicycle belongs to Fred Rompelberg, a native of the Netherlands. In 1995, on the Bonneville Plain in the USA, the athlete managed to accelerate his bicycle to 268.8 km/h. Yes, yes, this is not a joke, an ordinary bicycle accelerated to such a mind-blowing speed that not every car can do. Even a jet-propelled bicycle could not be accelerated to more than 263 km/h. Of course, a little trick was used: a racing car was driving directly in front of the bike. No, he did not drag the bike on a cable, but it was needed in order to completely eliminate air resistance. And the bicycle was not quite ordinary: at the first glance at it, it becomes clear that the sprockets and gears there are far from like those of the bicycles we are accustomed to. However, this is still a very large figure and, of course, a world record, for which we congratulate Fred Rompelberg.

By the way, on a bicycle with one wheel, a unicycle, the maximum speed was 29.72 km/h. Peter Rosendahl, a native of the USA, almost accelerated this little car to thirty.

The world's largest bike

And finally, the real record holder for the largest bicycle was a giant bicycle from the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The height of the bike exceeds 5 meters, all proportions correspond to the classic model of a bicycle, which means that the bike is truly huge. Can't find anything else in the world. But we hasten to disappoint you, this bike is not running. This is just a metal sculpture dedicated to cyclists around the world. This interesting monument can even be seen from the airplane window when you land at the Jeddah airport - such is its scale.

So which bike is considered the largest? From the city of Jeddah? So this is an inferior bicycle: just a statue. Maybe then the creation of Felix Guirola? 5.4 meters tall, big enough to be a record. But Terry Tessman’s longest bike then has exactly the same rights to the record. Dave Moore's iron horse, of course, didn't stand out in size, but what numbers! He also rightfully took a place on our list. Or the biggest bike - Damien Hirst's $500,000 designer bike? Yes, it is the largest not in size, but in price. But money is the main thing?

Yes, however, it doesn’t matter which bike is the biggest. The main thing is that there are new and new people who never tire of coming up with something new and interesting in the design of such a familiar and “worn out” bicycle.

2016.08.23 by

Eternal human interest in everything very special in the world - big, small, long, high, deep - is inexhaustible in the search for new interesting facts and unusual records. And if it is not possible to outdo exceptional natural masterpieces, then in the fields of construction and industrial production people from generation to generation tirelessly strive to establish at least temporary superiority over competitors in height, size and a number of other parameters. The material below contains the most amazing sights of the world, created by nature and human hands.

The biggest country in the world

According to a 2015 estimate, its population does not exceed 1,000 people, and almost all are subjects of the Holy See.

The next largest state in terms of territory (other autonomous territories are not taken into account) is Monaco with an area of ​​2.02 square meters. km and with a population of approximately 38,800 people, according to a 2014 estimate.

The largest city in the world

The largest city in the world in terms of population and at the same time the largest seaport is Shanghai, China. According to 2015 data, this metropolis is home to 24,152,700 people.

The largest urban agglomeration is Tokyo-Yokohama, 37,843,000 people. The population of Tokyo alone is 13,617,445 people (as of 2016).

There is no single assessment of cities by area, since official city limits around the world are formed and indicated in different ways: with or without suburbs. Currently, one of the largest cities in terms of area is Beijing, 16,411 square meters. km (according to other sources - 16,801 sq. km), of which the city itself accounts for approximately 1,368 sq. km. km (and this territory is steadily growing every year due to the suburbs), for the suburbs - about 15,042 sq. km.

The largest and smallest island in the world

The volume of wood was taken as the main criterion for “calculating” the winner with such a vague definition. The volume of the trunk of this sequoiadendron at the time of setting the record was 1487 cubic meters, while the mass of the entire tree is estimated at 1900 tons - “General Sherman” is not only the largest, but also the heaviest living organism on Earth at the present time, if you do not take into account the aspen poplar grove - clonal colony of Pando (about 6000 tons). And this sequoiadendron, whose age is estimated at 2300-2700 years, continues to grow and adds about 1.5 cm in width every year. The measured height of the tree is 83.8 meters, the circumference of the trunk at the ground is 31.3 meters, the maximum diameter of the trunk is 11.1 meters.

However, in terms of diameter, the giant is inferior to the Mexican Tule Tree in the city of Santa Maria del Tule. According to measurements in 2005, its diameter at the ground is 11.62 meters, its circumference is 36.2 meters. The exact height of the tree is difficult to measure due to its wide crown; according to approximate measurements - about 35.4 meters. Scientists are still arguing about its age and the actual number of trunks, but this did not prevent the Tule Tree from being included in the UNESCO list as a natural monument of international importance back in 2001.

The largest animal in the world

The largest animal on the planet is the blue whale (aka blue whale, vomit). The body length of these marine mammals reaches 33 meters, and their weight can exceed 150 tons. Historically, the habitat of this species of cetacean was the entire World Ocean, but now their populations are scattered. Blue whales are found throughout the year in the equatorial waters of the Indian Ocean and can be seen from the coasts of Sri Lanka, the Maldives and the Seychelles.

The largest whale ever caught by humans is a female blue whale, caught in 1926 in the waters of the South Shetland Islands. The length of its body from the fork of the caudal fin to the end of the snout is 33.27 meters, weight is 176.792 tons.

The largest animal on land is the savannah elephant (a species of African elephant). As a rule, males weigh on average 7 tons, females - about 5 tons. With a body length of about 6-7.5 meters, the height of the elephant at the shoulders is close to 3-3.8 meters. The recorded weight of the largest savannah elephant was 12.24 tons. The animal was shot in 1974 in the village of Mucusso (Angola). Tourists can see savannah elephants in Africa in national parks and reserves.

The fastest animal in the world

The cheetah is the fastest land mammal. According to various sources, these predators can accelerate in 3 seconds to a speed of 96.6 - 112 km/h. National Geographic magazine named a female named Sarah (also called Sahara) the fastest cheetah: she ran 100 meters in 5.95 seconds. The sprint run of cheetahs for prey lasts no more than 20 seconds and is limited to a distance of 400 meters.

Moreover, among all the animals in the world, cheetahs occupy only 13th place in speed. The championship belongs to the birds. And the fastest bird and generally the fastest representative of the animal kingdom is the peregrine falcon, which in a diving flight reaches a speed of 322 km/h, the record recorded by researchers is 389 km/h. However, in horizontal flight, the peregrine falcon is inferior to the Brazilian folded lip (a species of bat and the fastest mammal) with its speed of over 160-200 km/h and swifts (species - black, needle-tailed), capable of maximum acceleration up to 169 km/h.

Among fish, black marlin stands out for its speed: on average, these large oceanic fish are capable of cutting through water at a speed of 85 km/h, the maximum established speed of a representative of the species is 129 km/h.

Of the insects, horseflies fly the fastest - on average 60 km/h, maximum - 90 km/h.

Some representatives of the reptile class can reach speeds of up to 35-40 km/h, but no more. These include bearded dragons, green iguanas, and in the water, leatherback turtles.

The biggest fish in the world

The largest fish of our time is the whale shark, which is harmless to humans and lives in the warm waters of the tropics. It feeds mainly on plankton, and its average length varies between 10 and 12 meters, although such specimens are extremely rare for fishermen.

The second largest species is the basking shark (giant shark). Like the whale shark, this shark feeds on small organisms - plankton. On average, adult individuals reach 6-8 meters, and only a few sharks grow to 9-12 meters.

Beluga is the largest freshwater fish and belongs to the sturgeon family. This species is listed in the Red Book. The largest fish caught in the Caspian Sea and at the mouth of the Volga were more than 4 meters in length and weighed about 1.5 tons.

The largest shark in the world

The size and weight of the largest sharks have been debated for decades. Currently, the existence of exceptional specimens of whale sharks over 20 meters in length is allowed. In particular, information that inspires the confidence of researchers includes reports of a shark 20 meters long and weighing 34 tons, caught near Taiwan in 1997, and a shark 17.5 meters long and weighing 15 tons, caught in the Arabian Sea off the coast of the city of Veraval, India.

The last report of a very large whale shark was on February 7, 2012. Then Pakistani fishermen caught a dead shark near Karachi, 11 to 12 meters long and weighing about 15 tons.

The largest shark that has ever existed is considered to be the megalodon - an extinct species, the size of whose representatives can be judged by paleontological finds: the average length is about 15 meters, while megalodons were predators.

The largest snake in the world

The largest snakes on the planet are representatives of constrictors and pythons, namely the green anaconda and the reticulated python.

The heaviest snake in the world is the common or green anaconda, and the name “water boa” also refers to it. National Geographic indicates that the largest female anacondas can grow up to 8.8 meters and weigh more than 227 kg. However, at the moment this indicator remains only a theoretical estimate. There have now been a lot of reports about giant anacondas, but most of them do not have any material evidence and are classified as legends. The largest recorded specimen of anaconda in captivity was kept at the Pittsburgh Zoo. The snake grew to 6.27 meters, and was weighed at a length of 5.94 meters - 91 kg.

The longest snake, the reticulated python, originally from Asia, grows up to 1.5 - 6.5 meters in nature. The largest measured representative of the species was 6.95 meters long and weighed 59 kg, but had not eaten for almost 3 months before the measurement. Pythons, like anacondas, have a lot of unconfirmed evidence, including a length of more than 8 meters.

The largest spider in the world

The world's largest spider is the goliath tarantula of the genus Tarantula, in Latin - Theraphosa blondi. The specimen described in the Guinness Book of Records was discovered by members of Pablo San Martin's expedition in the tropical forests of Venezuela in 1965. The leg span of the goliath tarantula was 28 cm. In 1998, the same size was recorded in a two-year-old spider raised in captivity, and it weighed 170 grams.

Some species of the family Sparassidae grow with a leg span of about 25 cm or more; their sonorous and often used name is giant crab spiders.

The largest spiders in Russia are the South Russian tarantula and several species of spider spiders. Basically, the size of the largest individuals does not exceed 2.5-3 cm.

The biggest dog in the world

The title of the tallest dog in the world with a mention and photographs in the Book of Records belongs to Zeus, a Great Dane (aka Great Dane), a favorite of the Durlag family from Otsego, Michigan, USA. The height of Zeus is 111.8 cm, the dog weighs more than 70 kg. If Zeus stands on his hind legs, his “height” will be 224 cm. The record was set on October 4, 2011. At the same time, Zeus is not much taller than the previous record holders - Giant George (109.2 cm) and Titan (107.3 cm), which, by the way, are the same breed - Great Dane.

The English mastiff Zorba was named the heaviest dog back in 1987: a six-year-old dog weighed 142.7 kg. Two years later, when weighed again, he was even heavier: 155.6 kg with a height of 94 cm.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest dog that ever existed lived on Earth approximately 15.3 million years ago, during the late Miocene era. The average weight of this ancient wild dog is estimated at 170 kg.

The biggest cat in the world

The longest living pet cat is Maine Coon Ludo, a favorite of Kelsey Gill from Wakefield, UK. The cat was measured for the Guinness Book of Records on October 6, 2015. As expected, measurements were taken three times, and then the average length was calculated - 118.33 cm. At the time of measurement, the pet was 17 months old and weighed 11 kg. Now several active pages on social networks are devoted to news from his life.

The record of Ludo's famous predecessor, also a Maine Coon, the cat Stewie, is 123 cm, he was named the domestic cat with the longest tail. He died in 2013 at the age of 8.

Officially, the largest living cat in the world is the liger Hercules (a hybrid of a lion and a tigress). He was born in 2002 at the Institute of Endangered and Rare Species in Miami, at the time of the last measurements at the age of 11 years, he weighed 418.2 kg, was 3.33 meters long and 125 cm high at the withers. Hercules is active and does not suffer from obesity.

Tallest man in the world

The height of the tallest man in history, American Robert Pershing Wadlow, recorded in the Guinness Book of Records is 272 cm. With this height, he weighed 199 kg. The giant was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor and acromegaly, so he grew rapidly from the age of four until his death at the age of 22 in 1940.

The second tallest man in the entire history of observation is John Rogan, whom contemporary newspapers dubbed him the “Negro giant.” However, already in adolescence, due to his height, he began to develop ankylosis - immobility of the joints. His exact weight was measured only posthumously, in 1905 at the age of 40, and was 267 cm with a weight of only 79 kg.

The tallest living person is Turkish farmer Sultan Kösen, born in 1982, whose height is 251 cm. Gigantism in his case is also caused by a tumor of the pituitary gland, but as a result of treatment, doctors managed to slow down the man’s further growth.

Currently, the history of medicine knows of 17 people who have reached a height of more than 244 cm.

Fastest man in the world

Usain Bolt

Kai Pfaffenbach / Reuters / Scanpix / LETA

The fame of Usain Bolt, a Jamaican runner, has been thundering since the 2008 Beijing Olympics, and now the athlete already has 9 gold medals from the Olympic Games and 11 from the World Championships. The athlete, nicknamed "Lightning Bolt" - literally "Lightning Bolt"), set 8 records.

The fastest man achieved his first world speed record in 2008 at the age of 22 - 100 meters in 9.72 seconds. In 2009, he improved his 100-meter mark to 9.58 seconds. His world record for 200 meters is 19.19 seconds.

Tallest building in the world

The tallest building and structure ever built by mankind is the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai, also known as the Dubai Tower.

The grandiose eastern skyscraper, shaped like a futuristic center or stalagmite, rises 828 meters from the ground, includes 163 floors and a sharp spire directed upward. The grand opening of the skyscraper, which thundered throughout the world, took place in 2010, on January 4, then the ceremony included a light show and fireworks, and was broadcast online.

The Dubai skyscraper was built with a large margin, because the earlier (and also not yet overcome by the third high-rise) record corresponded to the Warsaw radio mast (646.38 meters), which fell in 1991.

The tallest building in Russia and Europe is the Federation Tower (about 374 meters) as part of the Moscow City complex, followed by two more skyscrapers of the same complex - OKO (South Tower, 354 meters) and Mercury City (339 meters). The fourth tallest building in Europe after the Moscow towers remains the pyramidal London skyscraper The Shard (309 meters), which opened for tourists in 2013.

The unspoken international competition to build super-skyscrapers continues, and perhaps very soon we will learn about taking a new height.

Tallest tower in the world

Among the already built television towers, the leader is the Tokyo Skytree, 634 meters high, rising in the special Sumida area. It is also the second tallest building in the world after the Burj Khalifa. The tower was built by February 29, 2012 as part of the program for the complete transition of Japanese television to digital format, since the height of the Tokyo Tower (332.6 meters) was insufficient for this task. The observation decks on the Tokyo Skytree are located on several levels, the highest being at 451 meters.

The Guangzhou TV Tower is 34 meters lower than the Tokyo Sky Tree, but from its highest observation deck you can see the panorama of the metropolis from a height of 488 meters.

In the Western Hemisphere, high-rise superiority remains with the famous CN Tower in Toronto, Canada, built back in 1976. Its height is 553.3 meters, and the observation deck at 447 meters welcomes more than 2 million people annually. By the way, the Ostankino Tower in Moscow is only 13 meters lower than the Canadian CN Tower, and it has the 4th place in the world.

The longest bridge in the world

The three longest bridges are railway ones, all of which are located in China.

The maximum length is at the Danyang-Kunshan Viaduct (164.8 km), commissioned at the end of June 2011. The bridge is part of the Beijing-Shanghai High Speed ​​Railway, and approximately 9 km of the bridge passes over the water surface. The largest body of water crossed by the Danyang-Kunshan Viaduct is Lake Yangcheng. The other two operating railway bridges out of the top three record lengths - the Tianjin Viaduct (113.7 km) and the Wei Bridge (79.732 km) - are two to three times longer than the largest of comparable structures in other countries.

The longest sea girder bridge is laid along the route Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macau. The second longest girder bridge, the Qingdao Bridge, is also located in China.

The longest bridge-type above-ground structure currently remains the Bang Na Highway in Bangkok, which opened in 2000 and is 54 km long.

The largest plane in the world

Air giants make the dreams of many travelers come true when they travel to new countries and even to other continents.

Passengers who frequently fly internationally have the chance to see the largest production airliner, the Airbus A380, which is operated by several leading airlines. The wingspan of the airliner is 79.75 meters, length - 72.75 meters, width - 24.08 meters. The capacity of this double-deck passenger aircraft is 853 passengers or 525 passengers in a three-class configuration.

The status of the largest and heaviest aircraft in the world is held by the only copy of the An-225 Mriya, which was put into operation in 1988. The board is used for cargo transportation and has already managed to break over a hundred records, including transporting the heaviest monocargo in the history of aviation, weighing 187.6 tons, while the maximum carrying capacity it achieved was much larger - 253.8 tons.

The largest ship in the world

The infamous Titanic, which amazed the whole world with its size at the beginning of the 20th century, can hardly be compared with new cruise ships these days. The Titanic, launched in 1912, was 269.1 meters long and 28.19 meters wide. At that time, these figures were record-breaking.

Currently, the leader in the race of the size of cruise giants is the ship Harmony of the Seas, with a length of 362 meters and a passenger capacity of 5479 / 6500 people, which was put into operation relatively recently - in the summer of 2015. It is noteworthy that Harmony of the Seas is the third vessel of the Oasis class and is only two meters longer than its predecessors - the twin ships Oasis of the Seas of 2008 and Allure of the Seas of 2010.

The largest floating facility currently is the Korean floating liquefied natural gas plant Prelude FLNG, which is currently under construction but has already been launched. The 488-meter-long factory ship is reminiscent of other smaller industrial ships in its appearance.

The fastest train in the world

A new world train speed record was achieved relatively recently - in April 2015. The Japanese L0 Series magnetic levitation train (maglev train) reached a speed of 603 km/h on the Shinkansen high-speed railway.

Since 2007, the championship among rail trains has been held by the French TGV POS train, which reached a speed of 574.8 km/h. Now trains of this series serve regular routes in France and Europe, without exceeding the design speed of 320 km/h.

In constant operation, the Shanghai Maglev train maintains the highest speed - 430 km/h, but only on a number of routes (on others - 300 km/h) and at a distance of 30 km.

The largest metro in the world

When comparing the largest metropolitan areas in the world, it is customary to highlight several records: this is the deepest and longest metro, the leading subways in terms of the number of stations and the number of passengers per year.

The longest metro (in terms of the total length of completed lines) is Shanghai; the total length of the underground transport network is 588 km, and this is not the limit - the expansion of the subway is planned in stages for several decades to come.

The New York subway has the most stations and routes. This subway includes 472 stations (or 425 unique transfer hubs) on 36 lines.

The busiest metro (based on maximum daily load) is in Beijing, its daily load is an average of 9.998 million people, its peak is more than 12.69 million people, the annual figure is 3,660 million passengers. At the same time, the consistently expanding network of the Beijing Metro maintains its position as the second longest - 574 km.

The next highest daily load is the Moscow Metro: at the end of 2015, the volume of traffic reached 2384.5 million people per year or 6.533 million per day, the peak load was recorded on December 9, 2014 - 9.5 million people.

The undisputed leader in annual passenger traffic is the Tokyo Metro (3,334 million). And Seoul ranks third and is behind Beijing - according to the latest official data, it serves 2,619 million people annually.

The depth record belongs to the Arsenalnaya station of the Kyiv metro: it is located 105.5 meters underground. Sometimes there are attempts to “calculate” the deepest metro in the world based on the average occupancy rate of all its stations, but the clear champion for this indicator has not yet been precisely determined.

The longest car in the world

The car, recorded in the Guinness Book, was assembled according to the design of Jay Orberg, a Hollywood collector, designer and creator of unique cars. It was the 100-foot (about 30.5 meters) limousine that brought Orberg worldwide fame.

The car is placed on 26 wheels and the inside can hardly resemble the interior of a classic car. It has a swimming pool with a diving board and a double water bed; In addition, there are about a dozen sleeping places, satellite TV, a sunbathing area and other amenities. For safe driving of this, essentially an exhibition model, a second driver’s cabin is provided.

The fastest car in the world

The land speed record, set in 1997, is amazing: it is the world's first officially confirmed breaking of the sound barrier. In a Thrust SSC with turbofan engines, Briton Andy Green reached a speed of 1227.985 km/h. Speed ​​measurements were taken in the Black Rock Desert, USA.

The Guinness Book of Records stipulates that the first attempt to break the sound barrier was claimed by a race in a Budweiser Rocket Car in 1979 at the American Edwards Air Force Base, but this experience was not officially sanctioned by the USAF, and its results were never counted.

The fastest production car is the Hennessey Venom GT. The acceleration record - up to 300 km/h in 13.63 seconds was set on this car on January 21, 2013. In addition, the car showed the best result in average acceleration to 200 mph, its figure was 14.51 seconds. The maximum speed achieved by this car is 435.31 km/h.

Large and very large objects, animals, people have always attracted people, and we are equally interested in both man-made objects, for example, the Great Wall of China, and natural ones, for example, the Pacific Ocean. Let's leave the galaxies and the Universe aside, otherwise everything that we can see in comparison with them will be no more than an atom.

1. Robert Wadlow - the tallest man

In the Guinness Book of Records he is recorded as the tallest man on Earth. The poor fellow suffered from acromegaly and a pituitary tumor, which is why he did not stop growing throughout his short life. He died at the age of 22, having reached 272 cm in height and 199 kg in weight. Until the age of 4, he fit within the standard growth range, but after that he retained infant growth rates and began to attract attention to his appearance. At the age of 8, he already had the height of a tall adult - 188 cm, and at the age of 9 he could easily carry his father up the stairs in his arms. At the age of 10, his weight reached 100 kg with a height of 198 cm. At the age of 18, Wadlow wore shoes 49 cm long. By that time, he had become famous throughout America, so he received shoes for free. The giant's parents were anthropometrically ordinary people; his father was 180 cm tall. The length of Robert's hand on his 21st birthday was 32.4 cm!
However, the colossus’s health began to deteriorate rapidly: he began to feel bad in his legs and had to walk on crutches. The last time his height was measured was on June 27, 1940 in St. Louis, it was 272 cm. During a speech on July 4 on the occasion of Independence Day, Wadlow rubbed his leg with a crutch and contracted an infection that ended in sepsis. Attempts to save his life with blood transfusions and surgery did not help, and he died on July 15.

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2. The blue whale is the largest living animal

Whales, along with dolphins and killer whales, are mammals, and the blue whale is the largest living creature known to humans. Usually these giants weigh 100-120 tons, but the largest specimen caught weighed 150 tons, which is approximately equal to the mass of 40 African savannah elephants - the largest land animals. The giant's body length reaches 33 m. The blue whale has a huge heart, weighing approximately 0.5 tons, and its lungs can hold up to 14 cubic meters of air. The diameter of the dorsal aorta of a blue whale can exceed 30 cm. But this giant feeds on tiny plankton in places where its accumulation is observed. An adult whale needs about a thousand kilocalories per day, for this it requires a stomach that can hold 1.5-2 tons of plankton.

3. Sequoia is the tallest tree currently growing

Red sequoia or evergreen from the cypress family reaches a height of over 110 meters. Groves with these giants grow in the southwestern United States. Every big tree is in spades here, more than 130 of them have already reached an impressive height of 106 meters or more. In 2006, a new record-tall sequoia (115.61 m) was found in Redwood National Park, north of San Francisco, which was named “Hyperion.” Moreover, the researchers who found it claim that the work of the woodpecker damaged the top of the tree and did not allow it to grow another 20 cm. In general, red sequoias grow quite quickly (by a meter in 4 years), so we can expect that they may soon be found in Redwood Park new record holder. On average, the tallest redwoods are 1,600 years old, but they are thought to be capable of living for 2,000 years.

4. BELAZ-75710 - the largest car in the world

In 2013, the first copy of this mining dump truck with a payload capacity of 450 tons was produced by order of the Siberian Business Union holding company. This giant began its activities in the city of Berezovsky, Kemerovo region, at the Chernigovets coal mine. At the beginning of 2014, he set a new record for the CIS countries and Europe, transporting 503.5 tons of cargo across the test site. Such a “mastodon” costs about 10 million dollars. Mining dump trucks are designed to operate in very harsh conditions found in open-pit mines, as well as in deep quarries in a wide temperature range (+/- 50 degrees). The dump truck has 8 huge wheels with tubeless tires, and two diesel engines have a power of 3550 kW.

5. Bagger-288 - the largest mobile vehicle

In 1978, the German Krupp built this giant walking excavator, commissioned by Rheinbraun, which began working in the Hambach open-pit mine in the west of the country. The giant machine was engaged in stripping work - cutting off soil and waste rocks from coal seams, on which other equipment was already working. However, Bagger-288 itself is capable of mining coal. Its length is 220 m, its height is 96 m, and the height of its gigantic rotor is equal to an 8-story building. The colossus is capable of moving 240 thousand tons of rock per day. With its current productivity, this excavator is capable of completely depleting this deposit in 23 years.

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6. An-225 Mriya - the largest aircraft

This ultra-high-capacity jet transport aircraft was designed and built in the Soviet Union. It was developed by the OKB im. Antonov, and the assembly was carried out in 1984-88 at the Kiev Mechanical Plant. On December 21, 1988, the first flight of the transport giant took place. Only two such aircraft were built, but only one is still in flying condition, operated by the Ukrainian company Antonov Airlines. The main purpose of creating the aircraft was to transport the reusable Buran spacecraft and its components from production sites to the launch point. The Dream's wings have a span of 88 meters, which is 4 meters longer than the length of the plane itself, and its height (18.2 m) is approximately equal to a six-story building. An empty plane weighs 250 tons. For such a colossus to take off, a runway of at least three kilometers long is required. Until now, Mriya has remained the heaviest machine ever taken into the air. Mriya made its first commercial flight only in 2016, when it delivered an electric generator weighing 135 tons from the Czech Republic to Australia.

7. Burj Khalifa - the tallest building

This colossus, built in Dubai, is 828 meters high, which is equal to 163 floors. In shape it somewhat resembles a slender stalagmite. The grand opening of the building took place in 2010. The skyscraper was immediately built with the goal of breaking the height record, so during the construction process its design height was kept secret from competitors, otherwise amendments would have to be made to it in order to maintain leadership. And this tower was also supposed to become a “city within a city”, containing everything: boulevards, offices, apartments, hotels, parks, lawns, shopping centers. The construction of this “needle” cost about one and a half billion dollars. On the 124th floor (472 meters) there is the highest observation deck on the Burj Khalifa, although it is still inferior in height to its competitor from the Shanghai financial center. With the help of special membranes, the air in the building is not only cooled, but also saturated with an aroma specially created for this skyscraper. The glass of the building has a reflective and dust-repellent layer, thanks to which a comfortable temperature is maintained inside, and they are also washed frequently.

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8. Tanker Knock Nevis - the largest cargo ship

This floating oil tanker had a length of 458.5 m, and in order for it to turn 180 degrees, it had to swim at least 2 km, and that was when turning with the help of tugs. The width of the tanker is almost 69 meters, that is, approximately equal to the width of a football field. There could be five such football fields on the upper deck. This is generally the largest ship ever created by man. But this giant discovered a flaw, which actually became his death. We are talking about a draft of 24.6 meters (about a 7-story building). The designers did not take into account that with such a draft the tanker would not be able to pass through either the Panama or Suez Canals; it was not even allowed into the English Channel, because they were afraid that it would run aground there. As a result, the tanker was resold several times, and when it finally sank, it was raised and repaired, replacing 3,700 tons of crumpled steel. Finally, in 2004, a new owner appeared for the ship, but by that time a lot of time had passed, and the tanker was outdated, so they found a new use for the ship - they made it into a floating tank for loading and storing oil in the port of Dubai.

9. Everest - the highest mountain

In its homeland it is called Chomolungma, the peak of which is 8848 meters above sea level. Everest, in its shape, resembles a pyramid; it once arose due to the “collision” of the Hindustan lithospheric plate onto the Asian plate. The mountain is located near the border separating Nepal and China. At the “top of the world” the strongest winds often blow. In January, the average temperature at the top is -36 degrees, and at night it can drop to -60 degrees. Even in July it is near zero here. The majestic view of Everest has always attracted brave climbers to it, many of whom remained forever on its slopes and in icy cracks. Since the first conquest of Everest in 1953, death has reaped a considerable harvest here - over 260 people.

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10. Cullinnan - the largest diamond

In 1905, the largest diamond in history was found, which amazed everyone with its size - 3106.75 carats or 621.35. It was named after Thomas Cullinnan, the owner of the mine. The mineral was presented to King Edward VII. Later, the stone was cut into 9 large and about a hundred smaller diamonds. The largest of them was called the "Great Star of Africa" ​​or "Culinnan I", it was given a teardrop shape with 74 sides, and then inserted into the scepter of Edward VII. In total, six of the largest diamonds from Cullinnan began to adorn one or another royal regalia.

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In truth, the largest diamond in the world is considered to be the Cullinan diamond, which was presented to Edward VII on November 9, 1907. The largest diamond in the world, named after mine owner Thomas Cullinan, was presented by the Colony of Tronsvaal to the British king in honor of his birthday.

The diamond weighed 3106.75 carats, which is 621.35 grams. The dimensions of this diamond are 100x65x50 mm.


Truly the most famous drink in the world is Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola was recognized as the most valuable brand in the world in 2005-2015 in the ranking of the international research agency Interbrand.

The Coca-Cola drink was invented in Atlanta (Georgia, USA) on May 8, 1886 by pharmacist John Stith Pemberton, a former officer in the American Confederate Army. He just wanted to get rid of his headaches. Being a pharmacist, he came up with a recipe that consisted of two ingredients - coca leaves and kola nuts. The resulting drink had tonic properties, but was diluted with ordinary water; one day, by chance, the seller, diluting the syrup, poured carbonated water - and so the drink was born.

At first, an average of only 9 people bought the drink every day. Sales revenue during the first year was only $50. The production of Coca-Cola cost $70, meaning the drink was unprofitable in the first year. But gradually the popularity of Coca-Cola increased, and so did the profits from its sales. In 1888, Pemberton sold the rights to produce the drink. In 1892, businessman Asa Griggs Candler, who owned the rights to Coca-Cola, founded The Coca-Cola Company, which continues to produce the drink today.

The highest mountain in the world

Chomolungma (Everest) is the highest peak on Earth - 8848 m above sea level.

Located in the Himalayas, in the Mahalangur-Himal range (in the part called the Khumbu Himal). The southern peak (8760 m) lies on the border of Nepal and the Tibet Autonomous Region (China), the Northern (main) peak (8848 m) is located in China.

Everest has the shape of a triangular pyramid, the southern slope is steeper. On the southern slope and ribs, snow and firn are not retained, as a result of which they are exposed. The height of the North-Eastern shoulder is 8393 m. The height from the foot to the top is about 3550 m. The top consists mainly of sedimentary deposits.

The longest river in the world

The longest river in the world is the Amazon. River in South America. Formed by the confluence of the Marañon and Ucayali rivers. The length from the source of the Marañon River is 6992.06 km, from the source of the Apachet River - about 7000 km, from the source of Ucayali over 7000 km. The Amazon, with its longest source, claims, together with the Nile, to be the longest watercourse in the world, and is also the world's largest river in terms of basin area and full flow.

From the largest island in the world

It is believed that the largest island in the world is Greenland. The area of ​​the island is 2,130,800 square meters. km. The island belongs to Denmark and is part of its autonomous unit Greenland. Island in northeastern North America. It is washed by the Atlantic and Arctic oceans.

From the largest ship in the world

The largest liner and ship in the world is Knock Nevis. Supertanker flying the Norwegian flag. Its dimensions were 458.45 meters long and 69 meters wide, which made it the largest ship in the world before the commissioning of the supertanker-gas plant Prelude FLNG. Built in 1976, rebuilt in 1979, in recent years used as a floating oil storage facility, then transported to Alang, where it was disposed of in 2010.

The second place is occupied by the passenger liner Oasis of the Seas. This liner was launched on October 28, 2009. And to this day, this ship has no equal in its boldness... The length of the “Oasis of the Seas” is 361 meters, width – 66 meters, and height – 72 meters.

The tallest building in the world

The tallest building is the Burj Khalifa skyscraper. skyscraper 828 meters high in Dubai, the tallest building in the world. The shape of the building resembles a stalagmite. The opening ceremony took place on January 4, 2010 in the largest city of the United Arab Emirates - Dubai. The building was planned to open on September 9, 2009, simultaneously with the opening of the Dubai Metro, but the opening was postponed to January 2010 due to a reduction in funding from the developer.

From the very first computer in the world

The very first programmable computer was introduced to the world on February 14, 1946 in the United States of America - ENIAC. It weighed 30 tons and contained 18,000 vacuum tubes. True, the speed of the machine was only 5,000 operations per second. In total, this computer model worked for 9 years.

The most expensive doll in the world

The world record holder for the price is a doll named L’Oiseleur, which translates from French as bird tamer. Her height is as much as 120 centimeters. She wears a Renaissance dress and can play the flute. She holds a sword in her hands, and birds sit on her shoulder, which she tames. They can flap their wings and even sing. The price of this doll is 6.2 million dollars.

The most expensive painting in the world

It is believed that the most expensive painting in the world is the painting “When is the wedding?” Painting by Paul Gauguin, painted by the artist in Tahiti in 1892. For half a century it belonged to the family of Rudolf Stechlin and was exhibited at the Kunstmuseum Basel. In 2015, the painting was sold to the Qatar Museum Authority for a record $300 million.

The painting by Pablo Picasso – “Women of Algeria”, which was painted in 1955, was sold at the Christie’s auction house on 05/11/2015. The painting was bought by Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani for $179.3 million.

The most expensive coin in the world

The most expensive coin in the world bears the romantic name “Flowing Hair” - the first US one-dollar coins. It is not as old as some pieces in numismatists' collections, but it is incredibly valuable, last purchased for $7,850,000. This silver dollar is a dream for many collectors. Minting years: 1795-1804.

The most expensive apartment in the world

1st place in the list from various sources is occupied by a penthouse of 3,300 sq.m. in Monaco, worth 300 million euros. The dwarf state of Monaco is considered very rich and its real estate attracts oligarchs from all over the world. The most expensive apartment in the world is located in the Sky Penthouse - it is 5 floors at an altitude of 170 meters above sea level and overlooking it. Its area includes a cinema, fitness center, water slide, swimming pool, children's playroom, and the price includes driver and concierge services.

With the most expensive coffee in the world

The most expensive coffee in the world is Luwak coffee (Kopi Luwak). Every true coffee lover has heard about the world-famous Indonesian coffee luwak (kopi luwak). A variety of coffee known for its specific processing method. This coffee is produced commercially in Indonesia, the Philippines, South India and Vietnam. Kopi Luwak is one of the most expensive coffees in the world: its cost ranges from $250 to $1,200 per kilogram.

The longest day of the year

The date of the longest day of the year depends on the hemisphere and leap year. In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice occurs on June 20 if there are 365 days in the year. Well, accordingly, if there are 366 days in a year, then the longest day is June 21. The longest day of the year is the summer solstice. It will be followed by the shortest night of the year.

The coldest country in the world

The coldest country in the world is considered to be the United States due to Alaska, where the temperature regime remains low for nine months (temperatures reach minus 62 degrees). But not only too low temperatures make Alaska very cold - the strong winds that often rage here add additional frostiness. It is in Alaska that one of the coldest mountain peaks is present - McKinley.

The most expensive bra in the world

Red Hot Fantasy Bra

Every year, from all the participants in the Victoria’s Secret show, one “angel” is chosen, who goes to the catwalk in a special bra - the Fantasy Bra, encrusted with precious stones. The good tradition began more than 20 years ago, in 1996.

The very first model that Claudia Schiffer presented to the world was at the same time the most inexpensive - its cost was $1 million, and the highest cost was the 2000 bra in which Gisele Bündchen walked the catwalk - $15 million. Red Hot Fantasy Bra was even included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most expensive piece of women's underwear in the world. The red silk bra is decorated with 1,300 diamonds and rubies weighing a total of 300 carats.

The most expensive book in the world

The most expensive book in the world is considered to be the Leicester Codex, written by Leonardo da Vinci. The richest man in America, Bill Gates, has become the owner of the world's most expensive book. The Codex was sold for $30.8 million in 1994.

Leicester Code

A notebook of scientific notes made by Leonardo da Vinci in Milan in the years 1506-1510. The manuscript consists of 18 sheets of paper, written on both sides and forming a 72-page notebook. Leonardo's notes are written in his own mirror script - they can only be read with the help of a mirror. The entries are devoted to various phenomena whose nature Leonardo thought about: why the Moon glows, how and why water flows in rivers, where fossils come from, what minerals are made of, and so on. The notebook also contains a large number of mathematical calculations, diagrams and drawings. The Codex Leicester was named after the Earl of Leicester, who purchased the manuscript in 1717.

The most expensive pen in the world

Today the most expensive pen is the Fulgor Nocturnus Tibaldi. The price of the pen is 9 million dollars. It was produced by Tibaldi, a well-known company from Florence that produces exquisite writing instruments. At an auction in Shanghai, Fulgor Nocturnus was sold for an astronomical sum of $9 million. The master jewelers made the body of the future masterpiece from 18-karat gold, which was subsequently coated with platinum.

The entire surface of this precious accessory is strewn with the rarest black diamonds. There are over a thousand black diamonds on the case, 945 black diamonds and 125 bright red rubies on the cap. A total of 2197 gems spent.
On the gold feather you can see the image of an eagle - the family coat of arms of the Aquila family; for several centuries it has been used to decorate accessories produced under the Tibaldi brand.
Fulgor Nocturnus is based on the divine proportion, called the phi proportion in many cultures.

The most visited country in the world

The most visited country in the world is France. According to 2013 data, 84.7 million tourists visited the country. Let us remind you that Paris is located in France and it is in Paris that you can see the Eiffel Tower, Disneyland, the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe, Versailles, Notre Dame Cathedral, etc.

From the smallest but famous country


A dwarf enclave state within the territory of Rome, associated with Italy. The status of the Vatican in international law is an auxiliary sovereign territory of the Holy See, the seat of the highest spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. Country area - 0.44 km?, Population -1,000 people.

The most, the most, the most... in the world - history, facts updated: November 10, 2017 by: website