The highest altitude fighter in the world. The highest altitude aircraft in the world

MOSCOW, March 3 – RIA Novosti, Andrey Kots. In the air battles of World War II, an iron rule was born: whoever is taller has an advantage. To suddenly dive onto an enemy plane from the direction of the sun, escape like a candle from anti-aircraft guns, photograph a fortified area and get out of the air defense zone unnoticed - only a high-flying bird is capable of this. Today, in the era of powerful radars and long-range anti-aircraft missiles, the old axioms are no longer so relevant. However, height still plays a vital role in military affairs. RIA Novosti publishes a selection of the highest altitude aircraft in Russia and the United States - both in service and sent to a well-deserved “retirement”.


The third generation supersonic high-altitude fighter-interceptor MiG-25 began entering the Soviet Air Force in 1970. At that time, there was no aircraft in the world capable of evading this machine. It reached speeds of up to 2,800 kilometers per hour and could climb to a height of more than 20 thousand meters in just nine minutes. Over decades of operation, the MiG-25 played the role of interceptor, reconnaissance aircraft, stratospheric bomber, air defense breakthrough fighter, and training vehicle. Powerful engines and a durable airframe allowed it to withstand enormous overloads, and the latest avionics for that time helped it to navigate perfectly in the air and see all types of targets.

The MiG-25 holds 29 world records. The most significant and not yet beaten by any manned jet aircraft was installed by test pilot Alexander Fedotov on August 21, 1977. He lifted his experienced MiG-25M to an incredible 37,650 meters! Of course, this was a lightweight “flying laboratory” and not a production copy. But the “standard” height for combat vehicles is 23 kilometers—an altitude unattainable for the vast majority of aircraft of that time. So, in the early 70s, Soviet pilots flying reconnaissance modifications of the MiG-25 freely flew over the entire territory of Israel, Turkey and Iran.

SR-71 Blackbird

American strategic reconnaissance aircraft SR-71 is one of the main symbols cold war. Even now, this aircraft, which first flew in 1964, looks like a guest from the future: futuristic design, a tailless layout that was rare at that time, stealth technology and outstanding flight performance. In 1976, Drozd set an absolute speed record among manned aircraft with turbojet engines - 3529.56 kilometers per hour. The maximum height reached by the SR-71 is 25,929 meters.

During the Cold War, these aircraft became a working tool of the CIA. They carried out reconnaissance flights over the territory of the USSR and Cuba, photographed military installations in Egypt, Jordan and Syria in 1973, and flew over Indochina. The SR-71 is the only type of American aircraft that North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gunners could not shoot down. He avoided the missiles by sharply gaining altitude and increasing speed - the reconnaissance officer did not even need to maneuver to break away from the pursuit. However, by the end of the 70s, MiG-31 fighters appeared in the USSR: they were quite capable of intercepting the SR-71. Ultimately, this led to the closure of the strategic reconnaissance jet program.


Of all the aircraft currently in service, the fastest and one of the highest altitude is the Russian MiG-31 interceptor fighter, a direct descendant of the MiG-25. Thanks to its powerful D-30F6 engines, it is capable of accelerating up to 3,400 kilometers per hour and rising to a height of up to 25 thousand meters. These indicators, coupled with a flight range of 2,240 kilometers without external fuel tanks, make the MiG-31 an ideal interceptor in an integrated air defense system. A group of four such aircraft is capable of controlling airspace with a frontal length of up to 1,100 kilometers. Today, the entire MiG-31 fleet is being upgraded to the BM version, which features a new weapons control system and on-board radar that detects targets at a distance of up to 320 kilometers.

The military leadership of the USSR tried to use the ability of the MiG-31 to quickly gain speed and altitude to solve many problems, including strategic ones. In the 1980s, Soviet designers were developing a special anti-satellite missile to arm modified interceptors. In the event of a major war, these MiG-31s ​​were supposed to go to maximum altitude and attack enemy satellites hanging in low orbits with new weapons.


The American U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft first flew on August 1, 1955. At that time, this vehicle was invulnerable to Soviet air defense systems. Subsonic U-2s were more than comfortable at altitudes above 20 kilometers and could remain in the air for up to seven hours. Naturally, US intelligence actively used the new aircraft, regularly sending them into Soviet airspace. However, this did not last long. On May 1, 1960, the scandal of CIA pilot Francis Powers, who flew a U-2C plane two thousand kilometers deep into Soviet airspace and was shot down by an S-75 anti-aircraft missile, thundered throughout the world.

“The desire to fly is an idea passed down to us by our ancestors, who, in their grueling off-road journeys in prehistoric times, looked with envy at the birds soaring freely through space, at full speed, without any obstacles on the endless road of air,” once Wilbur Wright said.

Could the Wright brothers, back in 1903, imagine what their idea of ​​controlled flight in the air would turn into? Now you won’t surprise anyone with supersonic planes and winged colossuses capable of transporting not only people, but also heavy equipment.

Well, we may not be able to fly like birds, but if we want, we can fly on one of the the most large aircraft in the world. Choose which of these giants you like best.

Role: multi-role aircraft.

Developer: KB Tupolev, USSR.

This aircraft, created at the Voronezh Aviation Plant in 1934, became the largest aircraft of its time. Its wingspan reached 63 meters, and its maximum take-off weight was 42,000 kg. The ANT-20 was served by a staff of 5 people, and the aircraft could carry 48 passengers.

When the Little Prince's "father" Antoine de Saint-Exupéry arrived in the USSR, he flew on the ANT-20. But the life of this model was short-lived. In 1935, during a demonstration flight, the aircraft took off together with the I-5 fighter, which was supposed to demonstrate the difference in size for newsreels. While performing aerobatic maneuvers, the I-5 entered the “Nesterov loop”, lost speed and crashed onto the ANT-20 from above. He, in turn, began to fall apart in the sky and fell on suburban village Falcon.

As a result of this accident, 49 people died. At the Novodevichy cemetery there is a memorial topped with a huge granite bas-relief of the crashed plane.

Role: transport aircraft.

Developer: Boeing.

An aircraft unsurpassed in terms of fuselage capacity. The volume of its transport compartment is 1840 cubic meters. It is used purely for transporting parts Boeing aircraft 787, which are designed by third party suppliers. A total of 4 Dreamlifters were put into operation.

The Boeing 747 LCF is unprepossessing in appearance and has even been compared to the Wienermobile, a bun-shaped car used to promote and advertise Oscar Mayer products in the United States. And Boeing CEO Scott Carson jokingly apologized to Joe Sutter, head of the Boeing 747 development team, for what he did to his plane.

Developer: Boeing.

Boeing knows how to develop aircraft that set records. The 747-8 became the longest passenger aircraft in the world. Its length is 76.4 meters.

The Boeing 747-8 is a representative of the new generation of the Boeing 747 series (eighth on our list). It features a longer fuselage, an improved wing and greater economic efficiency.

Role: passenger airliner.

Developer: Boeing.

Once upon a time, when asked what the largest aircraft in the world is in terms of passenger capacity, the designers of the double-deck Boeing 747 proudly answered: “Ours”! Depending on the modification, the aircraft can accommodate up to 624 passengers on board. But then the Airbus A380 appeared and displaced the Boeing 747 from the pedestal of the most spacious aircraft.

If you watched Casino Royale with Daniel Craig as James Bond, you may remember the SkyFleet S570 airliner that terrorists wanted to blow up. This airliner was a Boeing 747-236B, which was built in 1980 and flew until 2002. A worthy end to a career.

One of the largest air disasters in the world is also associated with the Boeing 747. It happened in 1977 on the island of Tenerife. In fog, two Boeing 747s collided with each other on the runway, killing 583 people.

Role: transport aircraft.

Developer: OKB im. O.K. Antonova.

This winged machine, named Antaeus in honor of the invincible giant from ancient Greek myths, is still the world's largest turboprop aircraft.

Transportation of goods during the war in Afghanistan and during the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, transportation of refugees and military personnel from countries of Eastern Europe and neighboring countries - this is not a complete “track record” of the An-22. And on one of the passenger flights organized during the air bridge between Egypt and Soviet Union in 1972, Antey set a record by taking almost 700 people on board. This is a real hard worker, reliable and unpretentious in operation.

Role: transport aircraft.

Developer: OKB im. O.K. Antonova.

The top five largest aircraft in the world is opened by a Soviet design, which, until the advent of the Airbus A380 (number four on the list), was considered the largest commercially produced aircraft.

However, no one has yet taken away the title of “largest military aircraft” from the An-124, as well as the title of the world’s most load-bearing serial transport aircraft.

And although the production of “Ruslan”, as Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov called this aircraft, has now been suspended, the existing fleet of aircraft will be modernized. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov in July 2018.

Role: passenger airliner.

Developer: Airbus.

The largest passenger aircraft in the world (of mass-produced ones) and one of the largest aircraft on Earth. When you watch a video of one of the largest aircraft in the world, it’s hard to believe that such a colossus is capable of taking off.

The Airbus A380 is capable of carrying up to 853 passengers in economy class configuration. By comparison, the A380's main competitor, the Boeing 747 passenger airliner, carries only 624 people in full economy class configuration.

It's not just airlines that own the luxurious Airbus A380. By order of the Saudi Prince Al-Walid ibn Talal, a private jet was built, which cost the owner $488 million.

Role: passenger airliner.

Developer: Airbus.

It is the largest member of the Airbus A340 family and the third longest aircraft in the world (75.36 meters). Aircraft like the Airbus A340 were produced until November 2011, but could not compete with the Boeing 777. However, they still fly Passenger Transportation in various countries of the world.

It is curious that during the entire period of operation (since 1993), only five A340 aircraft were lost. However, not a single passenger or crew member died.

Role: cargo aircraft.

Developer: OKB im. O.K. Antonova.

It is the largest transport aircraft ever built. Its maximum take-off weight is 640 tons and its payload capacity is 250 tons.

The An-225 is capable of transporting on its fuselage vehicles, construction and military equipment and other large cargo in different points peace. But this giant was intended for a different, much more ambitious purpose. It was created as part of a reusable project spaceship"Buran". It was assumed that the An-225 would transport Buran components and the launch vehicle from the place of creation and assembly to the launch site.

The first flight of the Mriya (dream in Ukrainian) took place in December 1988, carrying a Buran weighing sixty tons. However, after the collapse of the USSR, the “dream” was left without work. It began to be used again (after appropriate modernization) only in 2000, for commercial transportation.

And most recently, in September 2018, the giant aircraft set a new record by making a thirteen-hour non-stop flight from the Ukrainian Gostomel to the American Oakland Airport. He covered a distance of 9800 km.

Role: carrier aircraft.

Developer: Scaled Composites.

This huge plane will not carry regular cargo. Rather, it will serve as another way to deliver objects, namely satellites, into the stratosphere before launching them into space orbit. This type of transport will be more reliable and less expensive than traditional rockets.

Unlike the most big plane in the world - the Ukrainian "Mriya" - the American Stratolaunch does not yet fly. Its first demonstration took place in May 2017. In terms of wingspan - 117.3 meters, it is much superior to the An-225 (88.4 meters, respectively). On this moment Stratolaunch - the aircraft with the largest wingspan in the world.

However, the American is inferior to its Ukrainian “colleague” in terms of maximum take-off weight (589,670 kg and 640,000 kg, respectively) and length (73 meters for Stratolaunch versus 84 meters for the An-225).

The exact dates for new Stratolaunch tests are still unknown. Engineers hope the aircraft will enter service within the next 10 years.

Love learning all the little things about air travel? Then you will wonder what the plane's altitude is. The average figure is 10,000 m, but in practice it varies due to various factors. What defines it?

Main factors influencing flight altitude

The flight altitude indicator can be different types:

  • true is the value that actually separates the aircraft from the surface of the earth or water;
  • relative indicator determines how much the plane has risen above the point adopted for the reference (runway);
  • absolute altitude means the distance from the aircraft to sea level.

The height to which air transport rises is determined by the laws of physics: the further from the Earth’s surface, the thinner the air becomes. As a result, an aircraft that has risen to 10,000 m moves quickly and consumes little fuel. The term “ideal altitude” is associated with this feature - it means that the airliner is at a level that provides the best ratio of speed and fuel consumption.

But why don't planes fly higher? Technical issues play a role. After all, excessive rarefaction of the atmosphere is not useful: air currents support an airplane, like water in the ocean supports a ship. If you rise above 12,000 m, the liner will lose stability because its wings will be useless.

True, the rule applies only to passenger air transport. Military aircraft are capable of flying higher, but all records are broken by models built using NASA designs. The drone vessel, named Helios, flies at an altitude of 30 km.

Doug Morris, a pilot for Air Canada, explains, "The higher the better, because thin air means less friction."

What else affects flight altitude?

The altitude at which the plane flies is determined by the following nuances:

  • aircraft model;
  • load capacity;
  • speed;
  • congestion of air corridors;
  • acceptable fuel consumption;
  • amount of oxygen and rarefaction of the atmosphere.

Why is the standard option for civil aviation- 10,000 m? This is influenced by a number of factors:

  • Jet engines require cooling. If you rise to 10,000 m, the temperature outside will be – 50 ˚C.
  • For current aircraft, the failure of one engine would not be a tragedy, but birds getting into the turbines is undesirable. For this reason, the ship rises to a level where birds cannot reach.
  • If an unexpected situation arises, the crew and dispatchers will have more time to make decisions.
  • At this level the liner is above the clouds. Bad weather will affect it less.


The distance from a high-speed aircraft to the surface is shown by a special device - an altimeter. Usually it reaches 10,000 m, but models from well-known airlines rise to 12-13,000 m. The altitude is determined when drawing up air routes, so the pilot can change it only within the flight level.

And not the Su-27, but the MiG-31 high-speed interceptor. This aircraft, designated Foxhound by NATO classification, has become one of the most unusual examples of modern aviation weapons. He did not have to take part in active hostilities, however, the very fact of the existence of such a machine was already capable of cooling the ardor of any aggressor. Suffice it to say that the use of the MiG-31 can almost completely neutralize the massive cruise missile attacks that the United States and its NATO allies love to deliver. In addition, this interceptor poses a huge danger to any modern military aircraft that finds itself within its range, which is quite extensive.

The history of the creation of the MiG-31 interceptor fighter

In the early 60s, American B-52 strategic bombers were equipped with AGM-28 Hound Dog strategic cruise missiles. Despite the fact that this weapon was very inaccurate (the probable circular deviation was more than three kilometers), it posed a significant threat to the USSR. The greatest concern among the Soviet military was reports about the imminent creation of a special modification of the AGM-28, capable of flying to a target at ultra-low altitude while skirting the terrain.

It was almost impossible not only to shoot down, but even to simply detect such a missile at that time, especially in the northeastern part of the USSR, where there was not yet a continuous radar field or a network of air defense airfields. A need arose to create a new interceptor capable of independently, without assistance from the ground, identifying low-altitude objects against the underlying surface and destroying them as quickly as possible.

In those years, the Mikoyan Design Bureau was engaged in fine-tuning the ultra-high-speed fighter MiG-25, which had many advantages, but was still not suitable for combating cruise missiles. However, it could be used as a base for a new interceptor. Work in this direction began in 1968, after the Soviet government issued a decree on the creation of the E-155 aircraft. The designers had to prepare preliminary designs for three different modifications of this vehicle: the E-155MP interceptor, the E-155MR reconnaissance aircraft and the E-155MRB front-line bomber.

Over the next few years, various options for the layout of the future aircraft were considered. The most promising project turned out to be the “518-22” project, which was later converted into “518-55”. On its basis, in 1972, not preliminary, but full-scale design of the E-155MP interceptor began, which, after the transition to mass production, was to be called MiG-25MP.

It should be noted that in reality the new aircraft was significantly different from the MiG 25. It was created for different engines, the crew included a navigator, but the most important thing was the new on-board equipment - the Zaslon radar station, which had unprecedented capabilities for the 70s .

On September 16, 1975, the first flight of the E-155M prototype took place. Two years later in Gorky ( Nizhny Novgorod) 11 interceptors were produced, already designated MiG-31. Flight design tests began and continued until the end of 1978. During one of the flights, the new aircraft successfully attacked a low-altitude target. In addition, a radar was tested, which was able to detect and steadily track ten aircraft at once.

In 1981, the MiG-31 was adopted by air defense fighter aircraft, and from that moment its operation began. At the same time, test flights continued as work was already underway on new modifications of the interceptor. Subsequently, multi-purpose versions of the MiG-31 appeared, and in 2018 it became known that the aircraft became the carrier of the Kinzhal anti-ship aeroballistic missile.

Interceptor design features

Externally, the MiG 31 fighter is very similar to its “predecessor”, the famous MiG-25 aircraft, however, it would be a mistake to assume that these machines differ from each other only in electronic equipment. The layout diagram is indeed almost identical, but its elements have been significantly changed.

Wing and tail

The high-mounted trapezoidal wing of the aircraft has been somewhat strengthened; the frame now includes not two, but three spars. Another difference is the root influx, the sweep of which is 70 degrees. This detail allows the interceptor to maintain stability when flying at high angles of attack. The main part of the wing has a sweep of 41 degrees. The internal caisson houses 4 fuel tanks.

The trailing edge is equipped with ailerons and flaps along its entire length. The mechanization is complemented by deflectable wing tips (can be rotated at an angle of up to 13 degrees). There are aerodynamic ridges located on the upper surface of the consoles.

The vertical tail consists of two keels. Each of them is equipped with a rudder. The camber angle of the keels is 8 degrees. The horizontal tail is all-moving, its surfaces can be used as elevators, as well as to give the aircraft a roll, thereby complementing the ailerons. Two fuel tanks are located inside the keels.

Power point

The MiG 31 aircraft is equipped with two D-30F6 bypass turbojet engines; later modifications were equipped with D-30F6M. The development of this engine was carried out from 1972 to 1979. The design was carried out not from scratch, but on the basis of the D-30 engine (thrust - 6,800 kgf), which was used by Tu-134 airliners. Thanks to a number of improvements and after the installation of the afterburner, the thrust was increased to 15,500 kgf (later up to 16,500 kgf).

The air intakes had to be expanded, since the new engine has increased air consumption during operation.


The main power element of the airframe is the middle part of the aircraft fuselage, inside of which seven fuel tanks are located. The body in this part of the machine is welded. The design generally coincides with the MiG-25.

Part of the fuselage is a garrot, starting immediately behind the cockpit. Control rods are located inside the grotto, and on later modifications there is a fuel tank

The creators of the interceptor took into account that the maximum speed of the MiG 31 decreased slightly and the requirements for heat resistance of the material were reduced, which made it possible to significantly reduce the proportion of stainless steel in the fuselage - from 80 to 50%. Titanium content increased from 8 to 16%. The share of aluminum alloys is 33%. The remaining one percent is composite materials.

In some flight modes, approximately one quarter of the total lift is generated by the fuselage, which is one of the load-bearing parts of the aircraft structure. Two aerodynamic ridges are located in its tail section. The camber between them is 12 degrees.


In order to improve maneuverability on unpaved airfields, the main landing gear of the Mig-31 interceptor is made in a special configuration. The rear wheel on each of the carts is slightly shifted “outward”, and the front wheel is “inward”. This reduces the risk of getting stuck in a deepening rut.

The main landing gear retracts forward into niches located under the air intake ducts. The flaps covering them can be used as brake flaps. The front support is retracted back.

Fighter cockpit

The pilot and navigator-operator are housed in two sealed cabins located in the forward part of the fuselage. The lights open up and back. The cabins are separated by a plexiglass partition, the thickness of which is one centimeter. Both crew members have ejection seats, model K-36DM. Behind the cabins there is an equipment compartment, in front there is a radar station.

Aircraft control system

Unlike other fourth-generation fighters, the MiG-31 does not have fly-by-wire controls, but rather older mechanical controls. Its operation is ensured by special rods and cables. They are stretched from the cockpit to the control surfaces and wing mechanisms through the fuselage and covered with a garrot on top.

The fighter-interceptor is equipped with the KN-25 navigation complex, which includes short- and long-range radio systems, global navigation equipment and two inertial systems. The interceptor, in addition, can be controlled by the SAU-155MP autopilot.

Weapon control system

The MiG-31 supersonic fighter is equipped with a pulse-Doppler radar station RP-31 R007 “Zaslon”. It is the main part of the aircraft’s weapons control system. The main feature of this radar is the presence of a passive phased antenna array. It is noteworthy that before the MiG-31, such radar stations were not installed on production fighters even in the US Air Force.

The Zaslon radar is capable of detecting a target such as an American F-16 fighter at a distance of up to 120 kilometers. Bombers or transport aircraft can be detected at a distance of up to 200 kilometers. At the same time, nationality is determined. Automatic tracking is provided at a distance of 120 kilometers.

The radar can simultaneously detect up to 24 different targets, 8 of which can be targeted by missiles. The electronics itself determines the four highest-priority objects in terms of danger or importance, which should be struck first.

"Zaslon" can receive data from other interceptors or from the A-50 AWACS aircraft - the connection is made automatic. Thanks to this, protection against active interference is ensured - all the “pieces” of information are collected together, which makes it possible to detect hidden targets and point missiles at them. In addition, target designation data can be transferred to another fighter or ground-based air defense system, after which the enemy will receive an attack from a completely unexpected direction.

In general, the on-board equipment allows the MiG-31 to be used as a leader aircraft, controlling an entire aviation group covering a vast airspace.

A later modification of the radar, Zaslon-M, detects targets at a distance of up to 320 kilometers. Twenty-four of them are simultaneously escorted. Eight targets can be hit simultaneously. The equipment is complemented by a heat direction finder operating in passive mode and capable of detecting targets at a distance of up to 56 kilometers without turning on the radar.

The “main caliber” of the first modifications of the MiG-31 was the R-33 missile, which hit enemy aircraft at a distance of up to 120 kilometers. Modern versions of the interceptor are equipped with R-37, whose range is 300 km. The interceptor's armament kit also includes R-77 and RVV-BD missiles, which ensure the destruction of targets at medium and close range.

In close combat, the MiG-31 can use a rapid-firing six-barreled GSh-23-6 cannon (dismantled on some modifications).


There are many modifications of the MiG-31 fighter, between which there are sometimes significant differences. Nevertheless, the main operational characteristics are quite similar, since it was mainly the on-board equipment that changed.

The parameters of the initial interceptor are as follows:

For multi-purpose modifications, the combat load can be up to nine tons with a slight increase in the take-off weight of the vehicle.

Flight characteristics

The MiG-31 makes both short sorties to intercept specific targets and long loitering in the air on duty.

During takeoff of the MiG-31, the take-off run is from 950 to 1200 meters, and the landing run is 800 meters.

Advantages and disadvantages of the MiG-31

The main advantage of the interceptor is, of course, the excellent characteristics of its weapon control system.

This aircraft has other advantages:

  1. High speed in afterburner allows you to intercept the fastest targets, including American SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft;
  2. Excellent rate of climb. The plane is capable of “jumping” to a height of 30 kilometers;
  3. Interaction with anti-aircraft missile systems, other aircraft and ground command posts, which expands the capabilities of the MiG-31. A small unit of such aircraft can completely control the airspace over a medium-sized country;
  4. Onboard weapons make it possible to hit both large, slow-moving aircraft and highly maneuverable targets. When firing at cruise missiles, the hit accuracy approaches 100%;
  5. The latest modifications of the MiG-31 are capable of striking ground targets - the aircraft has become multi-purpose. In addition, it became a good launch platform for the Kinzhal hypersonic anti-ship missile.

Among the disadvantages, the first one to highlight is low maneuverability. In close combat, this aircraft is significantly inferior to any other modern fighters. True, for the Mig 31, maneuverability characteristics were not initially considered a priority. In addition, the cable control system has long been outdated; it complicates piloting and does not allow the full capabilities of automation to be realized.

MiG-31 modifications

At first, the fighter was a “pure” interceptor. The first attempts to modernize the MiG-31 involved development in the same direction. Then multi-purpose versions of the aircraft appeared. They were intended mainly for arming the Russian army, although there were also export models.


This modification of the machine made its first flight back in 1985. Changes have been made to the airframe, in particular, there are larger and more rounded root nodules on the wing, and an additional fuel tank is placed inside the gargrot. A monolithic visor is installed on the front cockpit, and the navigator-operator's canopy has been reduced in size. This was done in order to improve the readability of tactical situation indicators. The number of fuselage nests for long-range missiles has been increased to six. At the same time, the gun was dismantled.

In addition, the engine spacing relative to the longitudinal axis of the fighter has been increased. Larger rudders are installed on the keels. Power power plant increased by approximately 2000 kgf.

The main differences from the base model are the installation of an updated Zaslon-M radar station and improved on-board equipment, which for the first time included multifunctional indicators. The direction finder has been replaced with an optoelectronic system. The interceptor was able to use the R-37 missile, during testing of which the target was destroyed from a distance of 300 km.

This option was not built in series, since it was completed only in the 90s, when complete collapse reigned in Russian industry.


This version of the aircraft was equipped with a retractable boom for in-flight refueling, which made it possible to significantly increase the combat radius. The modernized fighter received the Zaslon-A radar and a slightly improved weapons control system as a whole. Such a replacement, among other things, made it possible to compensate for the damage caused as a result of the leak of secret information about the MiG-31 aircraft outside the USSR, identified in 1985. In addition, the armament kit included R-40TD medium-range missiles for the first time.


The development of this modification began in 1997 and was carried out in two directions at once. Firstly, the performance characteristics of the onboard radar and weapons control complex were brought to the parameters previously achieved on the MiG-31M aircraft, and secondly, the interceptor was turned into a multi-role fighter.

The mass of the combat load has increased and is 9 tons for this modification. The aircraft is capable of using adjustable bombs KAB-500 (up to eight units) and KAB-1500 (up to six units). The weapons complex also included Kh-31 missiles in anti-ship and anti-radar versions, Kh-59M and Kh-29T air-to-surface missiles, as well as Kh-25MP (or MPU) anti-radar missiles.

All surviving Russian MiG-31s, with the exception of carriers of the Kinzhal complex, will be converted into MiG-31BM. In addition, this option was also offered for export.


Non-serial experimental modification armed with the Kontakt (79M6) missile. With the help of this weapon it was supposed to destroy uninhabited orbital vehicles.


This interceptor variant provides an aerial platform for a satellite launch system, which can weigh between 120 and 160 kilograms. This is facilitated by both the high speed and the considerable practical ceiling of the aircraft. Injection into orbit up to 600 kilometers high is provided.


The plane is a flying laboratory. The MiG-31LL was based at the airfield in Zhukovsky.


This modification, shown at the 1995 Le Bourget Air Show, represents the first attempt to transform a two-seat interceptor into a multi-role aircraft. As with the MiG-31BM variant, the weight of the combat load has been increased to 9 tons. The set of weapons for destroying ground targets is also basically the same. At the same time, the MiG-31F is equipped with the original modification of the Zaslon radar, the capabilities of which are not as great as those of the MiG-31BM on-board equipment.

Combat use of the fighter

The MiG-31 interceptor has never used its missiles against real, rather than training, targets. Nevertheless, it cannot be said that it did not have combat use. For example, it was this aircraft that put an end to the clearly excessive activity of American SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft near the eastern and northwestern borders of the USSR.

In the early 1980s, Blackbirds regularly provoked the Soviet air defense system, forcing it to use secret combat modes. MiG-31 interceptors literally “pushed” the Americans away from the border. Soviet aircraft flew in groups of 8-10 aircraft, alternately transferring SR-71 escort to each other. This made it clear to the American pilot that even with the shortest and most accidental border crossing he would be immediately destroyed. As a result, reconnaissance flights ceased, and the Blackbird itself was eventually decommissioned.

In 2016, several MiG-31BM fighters were sent to Syria. The main purpose of these interceptors is to control airspace and coordinate the efforts of other aviation. In this regard, MiGs were able to partially replace A-50 aircraft, the operation of which is more expensive.

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We marvel at the speed a regular passenger plane can reach and how quickly it can take us from one point in the world to another. Few people know, but the speed of passenger airliners usually does not exceed 900 km/h. Almost any jet fighter can overtake such a ship, developing a speed of approximately three times greater.

But there are aircraft whose speed exceeds this indicator - hypersonic aircraft. Hypersonic devices are those that in flight are capable of reaching speeds several times greater than the speed of sound.

A specific indicator that would allow aircraft to be classified as hypersonic has not yet been determined by researchers.

Another criterion that causes constant controversy is the method of controlling the device. Some researchers are of the opinion that only those ships can be called airplanes controlled by a person. According to another point of view, drones can also be classified as aircraft. This division can be considered quite justified, since unmanned vehicles have more advanced technical characteristics. Also subject to dispute is the ability of the aircraft to take off on its own or using other powerful carriers.

As it were, most of There is a consensus among researchers that the determining factor in classifying a particular model as hypersonic is the maximum speed of the aircraft that it can develop while in the air. This approach allows us to expand the list of hypersonic aircraft models several times, the development of which is carried out by engineers from all over the world. Of course, many are interested in what the fastest aircraft in the world is already cutting through the skies, and what characteristics it has.

Heavenly Speed ​​Rating

To answer this interesting question, let’s make a rating: "The fastest planes in the world Top 10". In it we will highlight those air transport models that rightfully deserve to go down in history due to their characteristics.

10th place: Tupolev Tu-144

Photo of the Tupolev Tu-144 aircraft

The speed performance of the Tu-144 would not allow it to enter the top 10 fastest aircraft. However, it would be wrong not to mention him in this rating. Tupolev took an honorable tenth place, as it is the first supersonic passenger airliner in the world. Its first flight dates back to 1968. This event was literally a gift for the field of aviation development, since the flight took place on December 31, just before the New Year celebrations. But the most significant event in the history of the Tu-144 occurred on June 5, 1969, when it managed to break the sound barrier at an altitude of 11 km. Tupolev Tu-144 is the fastest passenger aircraft in the world, accelerating to 2,500 km/h.

9th place: General Dynamics F-111

In ninth place is a tactical bomber, accelerating to a speed of 3060 km/h. Unfortunately, the model was written off in the late 90s. At one time, the device became the first aircraft whose wing sweep could change, which gave it a significant advantage in the air.

8th place: McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle

The 8th position is given to the American all-weather fighter, which is one of the most successful aircraft. Now this model is still an important part of the US Air Force military and will not leave service until at least 2025. In addition, the American command plans to produce these devices for about three more years. The ship can reach a speed of 3065 km/h.

7th place: Mig-31

Domestic sky guard Mig-31

The seventh place was taken by a domestic aircraft capable of accelerating to 3463.92 km/h. The device boasts two powerful engines that allow it to develop supersonic speed being on both large and low altitudes. Unfortunately, the production of this combat vessel was stopped in the first half of the 90s.

6th place: XB-70 Valkyrie

Sixth place went to the strategic bomber, whose main task during the Cold War would have been the delivery of nuclear weapons. It was assumed that the device would need a speed of 3672 km/h in order to elude Soviet interceptors, but, more importantly, not to fall under the consequences nuclear explosion. Only two aircraft of this model were created.

5th place: Bell X-2 Starbuster

The next place goes to an experimental aircraft, the main purpose of which is to study flight conditions at high speeds. According to preliminary data, the plane could reach a speed of 3911.9 km/h. The first flight of the device took place in 1954, but after two years this program had to be stopped. The fact is that after the plane has reached maximum speed, the pilot will no longer be able to control it.

4th place: Mig-25

The Mig-25 aircraft was built specifically to organize interceptions of American reconnaissance aircraft, which took an honorable fourth place. The device has unique capabilities:

  • develops a speed of 3916.8 km/h;
  • hits targets at altitudes up to 25 km.

The aircraft performed well in some conflicts and is still in service with the armed forces of some countries. A total of 1,100 aircraft of this type were created.

3rd place: Lockheed YF-12

In 3rd place was a device that was developed as a prototype aircraft capable of reaching a speed equal to 3.35 times the speed of sound. This aircraft model received several honorary titles, which a little later went, roughly speaking, to Lockheed’s “brother” - the SR-71 Blackbird model. The development of both devices was carried out by designer Clarence “Kelly” Johnson. The maximum speed that the YF-12 could reach was 4100.4 km/h.

2nd place: SR-71 Blackbird

“Blackbird”, and this is how the name of this model can be translated into Russian, was used by the US Air Force and NASA. Moreover, the first aircraft was needed to carry out strategic reconnaissance missions, and the second - for research purposes. A total of 32 vessels were built, since the creation of the device was associated with an important problem: the high temperature of the device, to which it heated up in flight. In addition, this model requires special fuel to operate, and refueling can only be done in flight. The speed of the blackbird is 4102.8 km/h.

1st place: North American X-15

Fastest manned hypersonic aircraft

The speed of the fastest manned aircraft is 8200.8 km/h. The model was developed specifically for research related to hypersonic flights in which the ship is controlled by a pilot. The aircraft is equipped with a rocket engine and launches from a strategic bomber. It is noteworthy that the ship can rise to a height of 107 km. Actively used until 1970.

Unmanned Rivals

Currently, the fastest unmanned aircraft in the world is the Boeing X-43, built on a jet engine. The first flight of the device was unsuccessful, as the plane crashed after staying in the air for only 11 seconds. But already the third flight of the X-43A resulted in the setting of a new world speed record - 11,230 km/h.

Orbital Sciences Corporation X-34 could receive the title of the fastest aircraft, but there is one “but” that prevents this. In theory, the ship can accelerate to 12,144 km/h. However, during experimental flights he was unable to catch up with his main rival and reached a speed of less than 11,230 km/h.

Dangerous competition

Chinese hypersonic developments WU-14 deserve special consideration. Essentially, the WU-14 is a controlled glider carried on an intercontinental ballistic missile. The rocket complex launches the device into space, from where it sharply dives down, while gaining incredible speed. During testing, this device was able to reach speeds exceeding 12,000 km/h. But many researchers are of the opinion that this development does not belong to the class of aircraft, but to be classified as a warhead.

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