Switzerland winter. Winter holidays in Switzerland

To some, Switzerland may seem like a quiet, modern village in the center of Europe. However, if you take a closer look, you can find a lot of interesting things in this country besides the mountains. There is so much going on here that even skiing or snowboarding may have to be squeezed into your busy schedule.

For example, we recommend heading to Geneva this coming weekend. There from 7 to 12 December will celebrate the victory of 1602 in the Escalade. As part of this holiday, it is planned to hold a torchlight parade with medieval weapons and a costume show. In addition, the city will host the traditional generous distribution of local soup and hot wine amid cheers of victory and joyful laughter.

If you still have a curious child inside you who would like to spy on who is putting gifts under the tree, free up the evening December 15. This night, a huge number of Santa Clauses will not let the beautiful city of Lausanne sleep, staging a loud and crazy joyful race through its streets.

In Zurich 20th of December one of the most romantic events of the Swiss winter will take place. From the pier, 800 burning candles will be lowered onto the water of the Limmat River, which will float through historical Center cities. This exciting spectacle is best admired from the Weinplatz square - here everyone will be offered hot drinks and goodies to create a perfect fairy-tale atmosphere.

If you stay in Zurich until the New Year, you can become a participant in a street festival of many thousands, one of the most spectacular parts of which is the fireworks display over the lake. Another Swiss city can be chosen to celebrate 2013: Piazza Reforma in Lugano in New Year's Eve will turn into a dance floor, in addition to music, a special performance is planned in Vevey, and a New Year's festival will be held on the main street of Grindelwald until 4 am.

After a noisy New Year's Eve, perhaps it's time to head to the mountains. Recently, mountain hiking has become almost as popular as skiing and snowboarding. There is no need for special skills here, just choose a route and move along the path. It is simply impossible to get lost - everything is clearly marked with landmarks. And in the end you can count on a hot dinner and a cozy overnight stay in a massencamp.

In the most fashionable resort of the Alps, St. Moritz, with January 16 to 19 There will be an annual car race. Starting January 18, racing adrenaline and sharp turns of mountain roads can be replaced by the sounds of a blues festival. You can relax with hot blues against the backdrop of snowy peaks in the vicinity of St. Moritz until January 20.

International week balloons will begin January 26 in the small village of Chateau d'O near Gstaad. Participants from different countries the world will lift into the air the most varied colors and shapes of balloons. The action is truly impressive!

February in Switzerland can be called the month of carnivals. Almost every city offers its own carnival every year, but Lucerne is the oldest and most fun of them. Its guests are treated to a celebration, tastings, theater, and the main highlight of the event. It will be Guggen music performed by skillfully made-up musicians who, with an excellent sense of humor, will perform famous melodies on a wide variety of instruments. Carnival in Lucerne will take place from 7 to 12 February.

A little later you can go to the Ascona Film Festival. A nice feature of this event is the public screenings of films, but otherwise it will have everything that any film festival should: participants, spectators, jury and awards for the winners.

You need to end your stay in winter Switzerland boldly - just like they do in Grindelwald. They organize sleigh races here, completely forgetting that the calendar is already 2nd of March! Racing is both a competition and at the same time great, crazy fun for those who really love life, snow and Switzerland.

Switzerland, or the Swiss Confederation, is a state in Western Europe, bordered by Germany to the north, Italy to the south, France to the west and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east.

The state does not have a legal capital; the actual capital is the city of Bern. Other big cities— Zurich, Geneva, Basel, Lausanne.

The population of Switzerland is 8,508,898 people (2018 data). State languages are German, French, Italian, Romansh (Romansh).

Switzerland is landlocked. Geographically, the country's territory can be divided into three natural regions: the Jura Mountains in the north, the Swiss Plateau in the center and the Alps in the south (occupying 61% of the country's territory).

The name of the state comes from the name of the canton of Schwyz, (a territory within Switzerland), derived from the ancient German word for “burn.” Also common is the country's Latin name - Confoederatio Helvetica or Helvetia (Helvetia in Russian), which can be seen in the abbreviation of the Swiss currency, on car license plates, on postage stamps and in the name of the Swiss Internet domain (.ch).

Current time in Bern:
(UTC +1)

Today's Switzerland is a recognized tourism center. It attracts guests with a developed tourism infrastructure, high level of service, favorable geographical location, excellent opportunities for winter sports. Picturesque landscapes have become the calling card of the country: small colorful towns, cleanest lakes and high snowy mountains.

How to get there


Flight to Switzerland from Russia

The most common way to get to Switzerland is by plane. The country's main air gates are Zurich and Geneva. Airports in Basel, Bern and Lugano also receive some international flights.

Daily regular direct flights to Geneva and Zurich from Moscow are operated by "" and. Travel time is a little over 3 hours. Swiss Airlines also flies from St. Petersburg to Zurich and Geneva (since July 25, 2013). State Transport Company Rossiya also flies directly from St. Petersburg to Zurich.

IN ski season often organized charter flights from Moscow to Geneva, Basel or Sion, located near winter resorts.

In addition to direct regular flights, there are flights to Switzerland with connections in European cities. So, besides the obvious option of getting to Switzerland from various Russian cities with a connection in Moscow, there are other ways: various flights fly from both the Russian capital and from the regions to Swiss cities European airlines with connections at their home airports. Below we list these airlines (connection cities are indicated in brackets).

Connecting flights to Zurich

  • Czech Airlines (Prague): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • Lufthansa (Frankfurt am Main): Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Samara. You can also fly from Moscow and St. Petersburg with a connection in Munich.
  • Austrian Airlines (Vienna
  • Finnair (Helsinki
  • AlItalia (Rome): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • Air France (Paris): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • KLM (Amsterdam): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • Air Malta (La Valletta): Moscow.
  • SAS (Stockholm and Copenhagen): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • Air Baltic (Riga
  • Turkish Airlines (Istanbul
  • Germanwings (Cologne): Moscow.
  • Air Berlin (Berlin): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • Niki (Vienna): Moscow.
  • Kyiv): Moscow, Rostov.
  • LOT (Warsaw): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • British Airways (London): St. Petersburg.

Connecting flights to Geneva

  • Czech Airlines (Prague): Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod.
  • Lufthansa (Frankfurt am Main): Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara. You can also fly from Moscow and St. Petersburg with a connection in Munich.
  • Austrian Airlines (Vienna): Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar.
  • Finnair (Helsinki): Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg.
  • AlItalia (Rome): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • Air France (Paris): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • KLM (Amsterdam): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • Brussels Airlines (Brussels): Moscow.
  • Air Malta (La Valletta): Moscow.
  • Norwegian (Oslo): St. Petersburg.
  • SAS (Stockholm and Copenhagen): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • Air Baltic (Riga): Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad.
  • Turkish Airlines (Istanbul): Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Rostov, Ufa, Sochi, Novosibirsk.
  • Ukraine International Airlines (Kyiv): Moscow, Rostov.
  • British Airways (London): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • LOT (Warsaw): Moscow, St. Petersburg.

Connecting flights to Bern

  • Air France (Paris): Moscow, St. Petersburg.

Connecting flights to Basel

  • BMI (London): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • Turkish Airlines (Istanbul): Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Rostov, Ufa, Sochi, Novosibirsk.
  • Austrian Airlines (Vienna): Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar.
  • Brussels Airlines (Brussels): Moscow.
  • Air France (Paris): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • Lufthansa (Frankfurt am Main): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • British Airways (London): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • KLM (Amsterdam): Moscow, St. Petersburg.

Connecting flights to Lugano

  • Swiss (Zurich): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • AlItalia (Rome): Moscow.

Flight to Switzerland from the CIS

UIA (Ukraine International Airlines) flies from Kyiv to Zurich and Geneva, and Swiss Airlines operates a Kyiv-Zurich flight. Austrian Airlines also flies from Odessa to Geneva via Vienna and LOT via Warsaw.

Belavia and LOT airlines jointly operate flights from Minsk to Geneva, as well as Lufthansa) which flies via Frankfurt twice a week. You can get to Zurich from Minsk on joint flights of Belavia with LOT (via Warsaw), with Czech Airlines (via Prague), with Austrian Airlines (via Vienna).

Cities and regions

Switzerland is made up of 26 administrative units - cantons (more precisely, 20 cantons and 6 half-cantons) (German Kantone, French cantons, Italian cantoni, Roman chantuns). Each canton has its own constitution, parliament, government and is completely independent in solving internal problems. The central government resolves international issues, deals with the federal budget and is in charge of issuing money. The cantons, in turn, are divided into communities (German: Gemeinde). There are more than 2000 communities.

It is worth noting that some cities in Switzerland have different names in different languages. In addition, geographically the country can be divided into 5 parts.

Western Switzerland

Western Switzerland is a French-speaking region of the country, covering the territories of several cantons (Vaud, Geneva, Neuchâtel, Jura, Solothurn, Friborg, parts of Valais and Basel-Lands). Western Switzerland stretches from Lake Geneva in the south to the Rhine Valley in the north. This picturesque region is different deep canyons, slopes of low mountains, planted with vineyards, green forests and clear lakes (Neuchâtel, Biel, Geneva, etc.).

Northern Switzerland

Northern Switzerland is the northern flat part of the country, occupying the Swiss Plateau (Plateau suisse, Schweizer Mittelland, Swiss plateau), stretching from the shores of Lake Geneva to Lake Constance. It consists of the territories of the cantons Basel-Stadt, Aargau, Zurich, Thurgau, Schiffhausen, Appenzell-Ausserrhoden, Appenzell-Innerrhoden. This area is the most densely populated region of the country, its economic and political center. In addition, Northern Switzerland is a very picturesque region: with the Jura Mountains in the north and northwest, with the foothills of the Alps in the south, with clear lakes, powerful waterfalls and vineyards.

Eastern Switzerland

Eastern Switzerland - East End countries that have long been loved by tourists. It consists of the cantons of St. Gallen, Glarus, and partly Grisons. It is in the local mountains that many famous resorts with boarding houses and hotels are located, and pastoral villages with cozy chalets are located on the shores of lakes. In addition, this region is the main sports center of the country, attracting lovers of active recreation at any time of the year.

Central Switzerland

Central Switzerland, or Zentralschweiz, Innerschweiz is one of the most popular parts of the country among guests, which has shaped its tourist image. The cantons of Lucerne, Schwyz, Zug, Uri, Obwalden, Nidwalden, and Bern are located here. In Central Switzerland there are northern slopes Alps and Lake Lucerne. All local lakes are elongated and very deep; they were formed in the basins of ancient glaciers. The local landscapes include mountain peaks, green valleys and alpine meadows of the Bernese Highlands, clear lakes and mountain rivers originating in glaciers, ancient castles and modern hotels.

Southern Switzerland

Southern Switzerland is a region of the country located on the territory of three large cantons. The canton of Valais (located in the west, predominantly French-speaking) and the canton of Grisons (in the east, German-speaking) are famous for their ski resorts. The canton of Ticino is Italian-speaking, the southernmost, and offers tourists recreation on the shores of large lakes, as well as walks in the mountains.

What to see

Castles of Switzerland:

  • Habsburg Castle
  • Gruyere Castle
  • Aigle Castle

Natural attractions of Switzerland:

Sights of Switzerland:

  • Sights of Zurich
  • Sights of Geneva
  • Attractions Berna
  • Sights of Lausanne
  • Sights of Lugano
  • Sights of Locarno
  • Attractions of Ascona
  • Sights of Lucerne
  • Attractions Vitznau
  • Sights of Bürgenstock
  • Attractions Montreux
  • Sights of Vevey
  • Attractions Yverdon-les-Bains
  • Sights of St. Moritz
  • Sights of Davos
  • Sights of Engelberg
  • Sights of Zermatt
  • Attractions Jungfrau
  • Sights of Interlaken
  • Sights of Winterthur
  • Sights of Appenzell
  • Sights of Martigny
  • Sights of Hergiswil

Where to go in Switzerland


Museums and galleries


Parks and Recreation



Wellness holiday

Private guides in Switzerland

Russian private guides will help you get acquainted with Switzerland in more detail.
Registered on the Experts.Tourister.Ru project.

Things to do


Since two thirds of the country's territory is occupied by mountains, Switzerland has become a real Mecca for skiers and climbers. The Swiss Alps are considered the birthplace of mountaineering and skiing. Local resorts are distinguished by a high level of service and comfort, and Swiss pistes are certainly some of the best in the world. Swiss slopes are unlikely to be suitable for beginners and intermediate tourists, but they will bring a lot of pleasure to professionals.

The most popular mining ski resorts: Murren, Grindelwald, Wengen, Gstaad, Engelberg, St. Moritz, Zermatt, Verbier, Davos.

Holidays on the lakes

Switzerland is famous for its abundance of lakes. Tourists who choose to relax on the lakes are guaranteed to receive peace, tranquility, picturesque scenery and high-quality service. Beaches on lakes are usually grassy, ​​free and municipal; there are no paid or private hotel beaches. Sun loungers and umbrellas are located only at hotel pools.
The swimming season on the lakes lasts for different times. Yes, on Lake Geneva, the largest in Europe, the water is cool and suitable for swimming only in July - August. Tourists are attracted here not so much by the beaches as by the clean air, the combination of subtropical vegetation and snowy peaks. In Lake Lucerne the water is even colder than in Lake Geneva. Lake Lugansk and Lake Maggiore have the warmest water in Switzerland, which is determined by their geographical location. The swimming season lasts from June to September. The local climate is subtropical, not at all typical for the rest of Switzerland.

The ten largest lakes in Switzerland:

  • Lake Geneva (582.4 km 2)
  • Lake Constance (539 km 2)
  • Lake Neuchatel(217.9 km 2)
  • Lake Maggiore (212.3 km 2)
  • Lake Lucerne (Lake Lucerne)(113.8 km 2)
  • Lake Zurich (88.4 km 2)
  • Lake Lugano (48.8 km 2)
  • Lake Thun (48.4 km2)
  • Lake Bil (40 km 2)
  • Lake Zug (38 km 2)

Health improvement

You can go to Switzerland for anything, but not for cheapness, and medical services in this situation is an excellent illustration of how the highest standards of treatment and at the same time respectable prices can be found. Switzerland is well known for the quality of its specialized clinics, where professionals of the highest level work in their specific field. In particular, plastic surgery is especially in demand among wealthy citizens. The service and treatment of patients in Swiss clinics deserves five stars out of five. Naturally, you will have to fork out a lot for such standards. If serious treatment in a hospital ward is not necessary, then you can combine a pleasant alpine holiday with wellness treatments.

The purest mountain air, combined with healing thermal waters and a high level of Swiss medicine, makes the country attractive for treatment and recovery. Switzerland, on whose territory there are about 250 healing springs, is famous for its clinics equipped with the latest technology and highly qualified specialists. Thanks to the mountainous landscape, the Swiss thermal springs contain highly concentrated sulfur, magnesium, calcium and other active components that are effectively used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, diseases of the nervous system, as well as for post-traumatic rehabilitation and restoration of tone and immunity. From balneological resorts the most famous are Baden, Bad Ragaz, Baie-les-Bains, St. Moritz, Schinznach. The main healing factors here are mineral waters used for baths, irrigation, bathing, drinking treatments, as well as mud treatments.

Among the mountain climatic resorts, it is worth noting such resorts as Arosa, Davos, Interlaken, Leysin, Pontresina, St. Moritz, Zermatt. The main healing factors at these resorts are clean, dry, ozone-rich air and a mild climate. Treatment there is recommended for patients suffering from lung diseases, anemia and functional disorders of the nervous system.

The country has a developed network of private clinics that are members of the association of medical institutions.

Clinics Montreux


  • Clinique G e n e rale-Beaulieu
  • With linique Genolier



  • Network of private clinics "Hirslanden"
  • University Hospital Zurich


Wellness centers Bad Ragaz

  • Health complex Grand Hotel
  • Medical Center Bad Ragaz

SPA in Scuol and Leukerbad

  • Thermal complex of Bon Engadin

Getting around the country

Trains in Switzerland

Main view intercity transport There are trains in the country. The railway network, considered the densest in Europe, is operated by Swiss State Railways ().

The railway system in Switzerland works as smoothly as a Swiss watch. The staff is competent, friendly, speaks several languages European languages. Trains run strictly on schedule, despite the difficult terrain. Train schedules are well coordinated with bus and river transport.

At any station you can buy a ticket to any destination in Switzerland, you can also do this in advance.
Swiss trains have dining cars and children's playgrounds. The train schedule is very convenient for passengers: trains depart hourly in all directions throughout the country, and to major cities every half hour.

There are many narrow gauge railways in the Swiss Alps. railways, often private, which during winter snowfalls are the only transport arteries connecting high-mountain villages with the rest of the country. Moreover, many trains are equipped with special platforms on which tourists can take a rented car with them.

Among such railway lines, it is worth noting the Jungfrau railway (Interlaken Ost - Lauterbrunnen/Grindelwald - Kleine Scheidegg - Jungfraujoch), located at an altitude of 3454 m, and is the highest railway line in Europe; railway of the Chablais region (Aigle - Leysin, Aigle - Les Diablerets, Aigle - Ollon - Monte - Champery / Morjans, Baie - Villars (- Breteuil)); railways of the Swiss Riviera (Montreux - Caux - Rocher de Naye, Vevey - Blonay - Pleiades, Vevey - Mont Pelerin).

In addition, train trips along well-known panoramic routes are very popular among tourists:

"Glacier Express"

  • Route: Zermatt - Brig - Andermatt - Chur - St. Moritz
  • Travel time: 7.5 hours
  • Valid: all year round
  • Website:

Bernina Express

  • Route: Chur - St. Moritz - Bernina Pass - Poschiavo - Tirano (Lugano)
  • Travel time - 4 hours
  • Valid: all year round
  • Website:

« Goldpass»

  • Route: (Zurich) Lucerne - Brünig Pass - Interlaken - Zweisimen - Montreux (Geneva)
  • Travel time - 5.5 hours
  • Valid: all year round
  • Website:

"San Bernard Express"

  • Route: Martigny - Orsières - Grande Saint-Bernard
  • Travel time is 1 hour. 2-3 flights per day
  • Valid: all year round, however winter time transfer to bus is expected in Orciera
  • Website:

"Express Mont Blanc"

  • Route: Martigny - Chatelard Frontiere - Chamonix (France)
  • Travel time - 1.5 hours
  • Operates: all year round, several flights per day
  • Website:

"Wilhelm Tell Express"

  • Route: Lucerne - Lake Lucerne - Fluelen - St. Gotthard - Bellinzona - Lugano (Locarno). The train trip is combined with a boat trip on Lake Lucerne
  • Travel time: 5 hours
  • Valid: from May to October
  • Website:

"Chocolate Express"

  • Route: Montreux - Gruyères - Broc and back. Ride in a historic Belle Epoque carriage (1915) or in a special modern panoramic carriage to choose from. The price includes visits to Gruyères Castle, the Gruyères cheese factory and the Nestle confectionery factory.
  • Travel time: from 9:30 to 17:30
  • Valid: from June to October
  • Website:


All cities in Switzerland have a very convenient public transport bus system. Some cities have trolleybuses and trams. Intercity bus services are provided by Swiss Post, so intercity buses- These are “postal buses” of bright yellow color. Like all other transport in the country, buses are very punctual.

Bus tickets are sold from vending machines located at each stop (they only accept coins!).
All city public transport is covered by the single Swiss Travel System travel pass.

Like the railway system, the Swiss bus network has several panoramic routes, among which the following are particularly popular:

"Romantic Road"(Romantic Route Express)
Route: Andermatt - Furkapass - Gletsch - Grimselpass - Meiringen - Grosse Scheidegg - Grindelwald


Tickets for travel in Swiss transport are the same for all types of transport. In addition to regular tickets for one trip, there are round-trip tickets for the same route, passes lasting from one day to one month. In addition to them, there are also tickets for travel in public transport in Swiss cities. Their cost varies from city to city and ranges from 2 to 7.5 CHF.

However, tourists in Switzerland are better off using a specially created, very convenient transport fare payment system - the Swiss Travel System. This is a travel card system valid for all types of regular transport, giving a discount on many types tourist transport. Also, the Swiss Pass is a subscription for free admission to about 450 museums in the country; holders of such a ticket also receive discounts on excursions to Mountain peaks and for many other services.

If you complete at least two long trips throughout the country, purchasing such a pass will pay off. In the case of more trips, you simply cannot do without them.

Travel cards are of the following types:

Swiss Pass- allows you to move freely an unlimited number of times throughout the entire railway network, on buses and on water transport. They are available for a period of 4, 8, 15, 21 days or 1 month. Swiss Passes are also available for youth. They provide young people under 26 years of age with a significant discount.

Swiss Flexi Pass- allows you to move freely an unlimited number of times on all transport for 3, 6 or 8 days within one calendar month.

Both tickets also include travel on trams and buses in 36 cities across the country, as well as discounts on many cable cars in the mountains. If there are more than two people traveling, the Swiss Pass and Swiss Flexi Pass provide each additional passenger with an additional 15% discount.

Swiss Transfer Ticket- a special travel pass that allows you to travel in both directions from the Swiss border or arrival airport to your destination. Valid for one month.

Swiss Card- provides the same opportunities as the Swiss Transfer Ticket, plus the opportunity to travel for one month on all types of transport in the country at half price.

In the case of both passes, travel from the Swiss border or from the airport to the destination or back must be carried out on the same day.

Swiss Family Card(family pass) - issued free of charge when purchasing any of the ones described above travel tickets. This additional service, provided by the Swiss Travel System to its clients. The pass allows children under 16 years of age to travel for free with parents who have purchased a ticket.

Children aged 6 to 16 years who are not part of your household receive a 50% discount on all passes listed above.

Ticket prices:

1 person from 2 people Youth
Swiss Pass II class
4 days 245 208 184
8 days 350 298 263
15 days 425 361 319
22 days 490 417 368
1 month 540 459 405
Swiss Pass I class
4 days 370 315 278
8 days 525 447 394
15 days 640 544 480
22 days 735 625 552
1 month 810 681 608
SwissFlexi Pass II class
3 days during 1 month 235 200
4 days during 1 month 185 243
5 days within 1 month 330 281
6 days during 1 month 375 319
8 days during 1 month 440 374
SwissFlexi Pass I class
3 days during 1 month 355 302
4 days during 1 month 430 366
5 days within 1 month 500 425
6 days during 1 month 565 481
8 days during 1 month 660 561
Swiss Transfer Ticket
2nd class 120
1st class 184
Swiss Card
2nd class 174
1st class 246

Travel tickets are regularly checked by inspectors. Traveling without a ticket will result in a large fine.

Travel tickets can be purchased at most train stations and major railway stations in Switzerland. The Swiss Cards ticket is only sold at airports and border crossings. railway stations. Tickets can also be received by mail. Within Switzerland, the above tickets are delivered within 3 days free of charge. Abroad, the travel pass is sent by mail or DHL, the delivery cost is from 8 to 42 CHF, the parcel will arrive in 4-14 days.

Useful sites:


Today's Swiss cuisine, formed from a mixture of French, Austrian-German and Italian culinary traditions, is recognized by gourmets around the world.

Each part of Switzerland has its own national cuisine. Thus, on the shores of Lake Geneva they prepare delicacies from local perch, in Zug the specialty is cherry cake, in Graubünden - barley soup, in Zurich - fried potatoes Resti (Roesti) with chopped veal in wine sauce, in St. Gallen - veal sausages, in Ticino - vegetable minestrone soup, polenta, saffron risotto and ravioli. Schaffhausen is famous for its onion pie, and Neuchâtel for its famous cheese fondue.

Swiss cheese

Cheese is a symbol of Switzerland, main supplier squirrel on the table local residents, and cheese fondue is the hallmark of Swiss cuisine. According to the classic recipe, this delicacy is prepared from a mixture of Gruyère and Vacherin cheeses, melted and mixed with white wine, flour, cherry vodka and garlic. Also known far beyond the country's borders are such brands of cheese as Emmental, Appenzellern, and Tête de Moine.

Despite the fact that livestock farming in Switzerland is very developed, little pure meat is eaten here, but many types of pork sausages and sausages are consumed, for example, “Beinwurst”, “Engadinerwurst”, “Kalbleberwurst” (veal liver pate), “Knackerli” , "Landjaeger" and "Leberwurst" (pate).

National delicacies also include Viande seche (dried beef or pork) from Valais, served with green onions; Reshti - fried potatoes; meat fondue Bourguignon.

In terms of the number of types of bakery products in Europe, Switzerland has no equal: the Swiss bake about 300 types of bread. Along with the varieties familiar to the regions and cantons, there are also types of flour products baked only on special occasions.

For dessert in Switzerland, you can try Lekerli - spicy honey cakes with sugar icing, which in Bern are usually decorated with a white sugar bear. It is also worth trying the Basel Brunels and Lotus Petals cookies, and in Zurich the sweet flour dishes Hühli and Kräpfli.

Swiss chocolate

Do not forget that the attractions of Switzerland are not only natural beauties and architectural structures, but also the famous Swiss chocolate!

Switzerland has long vied with Belgium for the title of country producing the best chocolate in the world. Be that as it may, there is no doubt that Swiss chocolates are incredibly tasty. Chocolate production in Switzerland has a long tradition. Thus, the world-famous Nestlé company, founded in Switzerland, is one of the largest chocolate manufacturers. In addition to it, in Switzerland there is a large number of other manufacturers who make excellent chocolate, including by hand. The Swiss chocolate recipe uses only high-quality ingredients, most of which are imported. The milk that makes up the chocolate is only local, obtained from cows that are grazed in green alpine meadows.

Chocolate production is different in each region, you can find chocolate that differs not only in taste, but also in shape: chocolate bears, clocks, Easter bunnies in the spring, chocolate mushrooms and chestnuts in the fall. Thus, in Zurich they produce two types of traditional chocolate: Teuscher and Sprüngli, as well as Pamaco sweets made from noble varieties of cocoa beans, which are considered one of the best in Switzerland. Other world-famous varieties of Swiss chocolate are Frey, Lindt, Maestrani, Schmerling, Nestle, Toblerone.

We recommend chocolate connoisseurs to visit the very first Cailler chocolate factory in Broc, where chocolate is produced according to original recipes developed by founder François-Louis Cailler. Founded in 1819, the Cailler factory is the founder of chocolate production not only in Switzerland, but throughout the world.

The national spirits are Kirschwasser (clear fruit brandy with cherry flavor and 40 proof), Pflumli plum schnapps and Williams pear brandy.

Throughout the country there is also wide choose local wines. Among the white wines, it is worth noting “Johannioberg”, “Ferdan”, “Lavyu”, among the red ones - “Lamey”, “Coron” and “Dol”.

Swiss beer is also very tasty. Among the local brands, the best known are the strong Rheingold (produced by the Cardinal brewery), the golden Ittinger Klosterbier (Actienbrauerei Frauenfeld), Barbara-Brau De Luxe (Eichhof Luzern), as well as two varieties of corn beer from Interlaken and Einsiedeln.

Tourists in Switzerland can eat at one of the various catering outlets, of which there are a huge number in the country - for every tourist taste and budget: from expensive French, Italian and Swiss gourmet restaurants to cheap pizzerias, Mexican eateries and self-service canteens. Most restaurants and cafes have a "menu of the day" called "Tagesteller" or "Plat du Jour". This is a full lunch costing from 15 to 25 CHF. The cost of service in bars and restaurants in Switzerland is included in the price of services, so there is no need to leave a tip.

  • Last minute tours Worldwide

Holidays in Switzerland are synonymous at any time of the year with quality, excellent service and well-spent (albeit often considerable) money. Switzerland like tourist destination not as popular as other neighbors in Europe - at least the closest France, Germany and Italy; however, this in all respects unique country noisy crowds of tourists would only do harm, destroying the fragile and charming atmosphere of a European country with a rich and glorious history, carefully preserved traditions and a noble, not pompous, dignity.

Holidays in Switzerland - pros and... pros

Switzerland is a universal destination. Whatever inclinations tourists have, this country is guaranteed to find something to their liking. This is confirmed by the frequency with which Switzerland appears in tour operator catalogs. Interesting excursion program? There is, and even what: Zurich and Basel, Bern, Lucerne and Geneva can boast of an amazing number of attractions for such a small country, both historical, cultural, and natural. Ski resorts? For every taste: high-society and democratic, located in the foothills of the Alps and “high-altitude”, ordinary and on the glacier, where you can ride in the midst of the summer heat. Holidays on the lakes? Please - Geneva, Zurich, Lucerne, Lugansk and Maggiore - each with a lot of cozy resort towns, a string of spa hotels and a rich cultural life included. Treatment? Although not as famous as in some Baden or Karlovy Vary, but with the closest attention to the client, in the healing air and miraculous mineral water. Finally, shopping, in addition to the obvious quality (who doesn’t know Swiss watches!) can also be profitable here - for this you should go to Switzerland during the New Year sales or visit the largest Foxtown outlet with more than 250 stores of famous brands.

Surprisingly, Switzerland is home to one of the most unusual diving places in the world - the clear Verzasca River, at the bottom of which you can spend hours looking at stones of all imaginable colors, and lifting your head, admire the coastal life almost undistorted by the water column.

In winter...

Winter is the “X hour” for Switzerland and the time of the largest number of tourists in its hospitable lands. Ski resorts in Switzerland welcome millions of adherents of alpine and cross-country skiing, snowboarding, snow scooters and other types of entertainment “transport”. The love of tourists for winter Switzerland is quite understandable: the local snow resorts have, without exaggeration, everything necessary for a quality and comfortable holiday. The Alps cover more than half of the state's territory, and a chain of majestic ridges stretches along the southern border of the country for 200 km. What keen skiers especially appreciate is the large number of glaciers that provide a reliable “refrigerator” under the slopes. When the July heat is in the valleys, in Zermatt and Saas-Fee you still know how to cut through the virgin snow and drive around on motor sleighs through the immaculately fluffy white valleys.

A separate line worth mentioning is the opportunity to combine a ski holiday with an excursion, which is especially suitable for those families where not all household members are eager to join the exciting everyday life of a skier. While the sports-minded part of the family is exploring new slopes, its passive members may well go to explore the many attractions of Swiss cities. For example, the ski resorts of the canton of Bern - Grindelwald or Gstaad - are located just half an hour from the capital of the country, so from here it is not difficult to pay a visit to the bears in the Bear Pit, pay tribute to Einstein and Paul Klee, check the time in the Clock Tower or introduce your offspring to didactic fountain "Child Eater".

Traveling around Switzerland

in summer...

Switzerland in summer is slightly inferior in terms of tourist “population” to the winter season - but not at all because there is nothing to do here from May to September - it’s just that the “thousanders” of the Alps are too tasty a morsel for skiers from all over the world. Summer Switzerland gives tourists a comfortable and cool beach holiday on the most picturesque shores any of the country’s 16 lakes, excellent conditions for excursions for days on end average temperature air +22.. +26 °C and a lot of opportunities for active activities - from hiking to rock climbing, mountain biking and even diving.

The recreational wealth of Switzerland is evidenced by the nickname given to the northern shore of Lake Geneva - the Swiss Riviera. However, other lakes are in no way inferior to this one. Montreux and Vevey are resorts with a rich history that have seen many representatives royal families, writers, artists and world-famous musicians - in addition to exceptional relaxation and very high-quality treatment (in particular, the world-famous La Prairie clinic is located here) can offer a serious “excursion” (at least the Chillon Castle is worth it!) and a brilliant cultural life: jazz festival Montreux has been hosting the best performers on the planet for almost half a century.

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...and at any time of the year

However, let’s digress from exclusively summer or only winter holidays in Switzerland - after all, the vacation may well fall in the off-season. We hasten to reassure “spring” and “autumn” tourists - charming Switzerland will be able to please you at any time of the year. First, let us recall that on ski resorts countries you can ride all year round. Secondly, although a holiday on the lakes, say, in April or October, will not please you with comfortable water temperatures, relaxation in top-class spa centers has not been canceled. Thirdly, Switzerland has a certain mysterious charm, thanks to which you don’t feel sad here even on the worst weather days. Finally, let’s mention the sights of Switzerland: the capital Bern can boast, for example, such unique places, like perhaps the best Historical Museum in Europe, the ancient Clock Tower with a whole procession of figures marking the end of each hour, and real bears in the very center of the Old Town. In Lucerne, it is worth seeing the oldest covered pedestrian bridge in Europe, the Kapellbrücke, the incredible Glacier Garden, the stunningly interesting Transport Museum with exhibits from model cars to a real airplane, and nine ancient towers, each of which is different from its peers. In short, any Swiss city will definitely find something to charm tourists of all ages, nationalities and interests - just come!

Switzerland is one of the most comfortable and suitable countries for winter holidays. You can get to this country by direct flights from Moscow. You will fly to Geneva or Zurich. As a rule, the flight takes no more than 3 hours. A two-way flight will cost 208 euros.

This is the state that provides the visa. If you have more than 10 thousand euros with you, the amount must be declared. Switzerland is one of the leading countries in terms of high living standards. Holidays in Switzerland in the winter of 2016-2017 will bring you mostly positive impressions, which is confirmed by reviews from other vacationers.

In the specified country, perfect transport system. You can purchase a special travel card that allows you to travel to public transport will be free for you. If you are not used to inconvenience, you can rent a car. By the way, cycling is common here.

It is worth understanding that medicine is very expensive in this country. It would be wise to take out insurance before you arrive. Switzerland has a temperate continental climate. In winter, the temperature is within 1 degree below zero. Sometimes it rises to 5 degrees Celsius.

It’s better to decide on a hotel right away. There is a whole association of hotels in the country. This means that all rooms, regardless of price, meet basic requirements. The rooms are always clean and comfortable. They can easily accommodate a small family with children. You will be able to have breakfast at the hotel's expense. If you pay extra, you will get three meals a day. This issue is left at the discretion of the client.

After breakfast you can go shopping. The most popular purchase is a watch. Here you can buy originals of famous brands for more affordable price. It is also worth trying the famous Swiss cheese. You can buy it in Swiss cheese shops or in a supermarket. For those who have a sweet tooth, there is a unique offer to try real Swiss chocolate. All products and goods in Switzerland High Quality. In stores you can buy branded Swiss knives and other tools. Bells and beautiful music boxes are very popular among souvenirs. This will be a suitable gift for a child that will ring the bells with an interesting sound.

Switzerland has cozy cafes and large restaurants. The most commonly served national dish is Cheese Fondue. It has a special taste that everyone will remember. Also worth trying is "resti". These are potatoes prepared according to a special Swiss recipe. In restaurants, tips are not required, but are always appreciated.

The main entertainment in the country is ski resorts. The most famous ski resorts are in the cities of Lucerne and Lausanne and Montreux and Tuna. Here you can rent equipment and, if necessary, use the services of an instructor. But don't limit yourself only ski holiday. You can visit the Rose Garden, which is located in Bern. Among the attractions of Switzerland, the castles of Gruyères and the Aletscher glacier should be noted.

You will also have the opportunity to go on an excursion to the brewery and cheese factory and see with your own eyes the technology for preparing your favorite products. This will be especially interesting for your children.

Tourists come here to see the mighty Alps with their own eyes and appreciate the beauty of Lake Thun. Switzerland has very clean, healing air, which will have a beneficial effect on the lungs throughout your vacation. Here you can relax both physically and spiritually. The price of a tour to Switzerland for 6 days is about 300 thousand rubles.

Despite the diversity of the Swiss climate, which is determined by the mountainous landscape, the country is located in only one climate zone - temperate continental, which is typical for most European countries. And, this means pleasant warmth in the spring-summer period (about +20-25 degrees) and moderate cold in the autumn-winter period.

Separately, it is worth noting only one region - the canton of Ticino, where the climate is close to almost Mediterranean. During the cold season, a warm but quite strong wind often blows in Switzerland - Föhn .

Note to skiers. It is Föhn that is often the “culprit” of frequent snow falls in the mountains.

Climate of Switzerland by region

Switzerland is rightly considered a country with a “universal” climate, since there are neither severe frosts nor sweltering heat here. In fact, the country is open to tourists all year round: in any of the regions everyone will find something interesting for themselves and the weather will not let you down.

Since the country has a powerful alpine massif, the climate in different regions has significant differences. Thus, the country can be divided into four holiday destinations: skiing, medical, recreation on lakes and urban (recreation in cities).

Ski resorts are located mainly in the southern and southwestern parts of the country. Average winter temperatures in the mountains and foothills range from 8-10 degrees minus. In summer, the temperature stops at the thermometer mark of 18-20 degrees. Precipitation in the mountains is heavy and reaches 2500 mm per year.

The largest resort cities in Switzerland - Zurich, Geneva, Lucerne - are located in the northern, northwestern part of the country, where the climate is almost entirely dependent on the influence of the Atlantic. In winter, the air temperature in these parts of the country fluctuates between 4-6 degrees below zero, in summer – 18-26 degrees above zero. There is little precipitation - only about 800 mm per year, and most of it occurs in the spring and late autumn.

Tourist seasons in Switzerland

Ski season in Switzerland it begins during the Christmas period and ends by the end of March (sometimes even by the beginning of April). Although, many ski resorts open their doors in November, with the arrival of the first cold weather. Switzerland is rightfully considered the “queen” of countries suitable for winter holidays: it has an incredibly developed, state-of-the-art infrastructure for winter sports and simply respectable holiday in the mountains.

Beach season in Switzerland it is quite short (from the beginning of June to the end of August) and involves relaxation on the coast of lakes, of which there are a great many in the country. Despite the fact that almost all lakes have glacial origin, millions of tourists annually come to the lakeside beaches, which, by the way, are equipped at the highest level. It is worth noting that on each lake the season begins at a different time: for example, on Lake Geneva - in the second half of July, on Lugansk - in early summer.

Since the Swiss climate is exceptionally mild for a continental one, in the summer you can not only swim in the lakes (during the peak season the water warms up to +27), but also sunbathe. In addition, holidays on Swiss lakes will not be passive: you will be offered numerous active entertainment like yachting, windsurfing and much more.

Concerning wellness holidays, then tourists visit Swiss healing springs all year round. Each of the existing ones in the country thermal resorts offers millions of vacationers not only bathing procedures with hot water from healing springs: you can visit the Turkish bath, a variety of gyms, and also have fun in numerous relaxation areas.

Most often, therapeutic thermal complexes operate on the basis of hotels that are located in picturesque places Switzerland (at the foot of the mountains or lake shores). Despite year-round operation health resorts, the most successful period for visiting them is considered to be from mid-spring to early summer and the first month of autumn.

Special mention should be made about urban and extreme vacation . Switzerland is famous for its numerous cultural and architectural monuments, incredibly beautiful ancient cities, an abundance of various museums and, of course, all kinds of active recreation that will appeal to the most ardent adrenaline lovers (mountain climbing, canoeing, caving, etc.)

Clothing: what to take with you to Switzerland

Regardless of when you are planning your trip to Switzerland, stock up on warm clothes, since the country has quite cool nights. In the mountains, for example, frosts (albeit not very strong) are a common occurrence, and coupled with the famous Föhn, the feeling of cold intensifies many times over.

Spring in Switzerland is usually very warm and sunny(especially in the southern part of the country). It can even be hot during the day, so make sure you have some lighter items in your suitcase, and don't forget sunglasses and a hat.

For women, the issue regarding shoes is especially relevant. If you are planning leisure, then you should avoid wearing high-heeled shoes. In addition, if the trip is planned in early spring, then be sure to take warm shoes (including waterproof ones) and a comfortable demi-season jacket.

Tourist flow

Every year Switzerland ranks among the top five most popular countries to visit in the world. Despite quite high prices, the country remains attractive to most representatives of European countries, especially the Germans, British and French. Residents of Russia are also not averse to relaxing in excellent Swiss resorts.

Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the number of inhabitants of the Celestial Empire by mountain resorts Switzerland, who are attracted not only by profitable geographical position Switzerland, but also an acceptable (for the Chinese) price level (oddly enough).

If you are planning a trip to Switzerland, you should be prepared for the fact that prices will be very steep. Many tourists note that when they come to the country, they are initially shocked by the prices there, but gradually “merge” into the atmosphere and even feel the desire to spend a lot of money.

If your trip around the country will be long and over long distances, then it makes sense to purchase a universal travel card - SwissTravelPass, the cost of which will be “recovered” in full.

For those who like to drive a car, you can purchase a car for rent, but keep in mind that only those who have reached 21 years of age and have in their hands can get behind the wheel. international law and driving experience of at least 3 years.

Any tourist traveling to Switzerland should know about the things that the country is famous for. These are cheese, chocolate, watches and pocket knives. Be sure to buy yourself at least one souvenir and try a traditional dish called “cheese fondue” - cheese melted in wine (white/red) with the addition of mild spices.

Switzerland is famous for its castles, so be sure to visit at least one of them if you are no stranger to medieval grandeur and history.

In general, in almost every city in the country you can find a large number of attractions, cultural recreation places, culinary establishments with excellent cuisine, and much more.

Weather in the country by month

Despite the year-round tourist season, it’s probably worth starting with the winter period, since Switzerland is one of the most popular countries for lovers of ski holidays.

Winter in Switzerland

December Most often, you should still wait for snow and pleasant frost - the air temperature will fluctuate within +4 degrees. But skiers can already pack their bags and prepare for the trip.

In January The high season begins at ski resorts. The weather on the foothills is no more than -1 degree, but high in the mountains there is a sharp drop in air temperature to -15. With the arrival of winter, active precipitation in the form of snow also begins. By the way, after Christmas, sales begin almost throughout the country.

In February The air temperature is gradually warming up, and while skiers are still skiing hard on the high mountain slopes, in the cities the snow is gradually melting, marking the beginning of winter carnivals, which are definitely worth visiting at least once.

Spring in Switzerland

In March spring is rapidly rushing into the country, giving the first warm rays of the sun. On some days the air temperature can rise to +15, but the ski season is still going on in the mountains. True, the first spring month Sudden snowfalls are still possible, which then also quickly disappear.

In April The ski season ends, and the weather becomes warm like summer, reaching 23-24 degrees plus. But at the same time, sudden drops in temperature (for example, from +20 to +10) and sudden and cold rains are possible. The month of April is the time of Easter, which all Swiss look forward to. May weather conditions are practically no different from April.

Summer in Switzerland

June July- the warmest time in the country. With the arrival of the first summer days opens beach season and crowds of vacationers pour out onto the lake shores. And, if in June the weather can still be unpleasantly surprising with cool days, then by July a pleasant heat sets in, when the air temperature reaches 26-27 degrees. By the way, on July 1, sales begin throughout the country (even discount price tags appear in outlets).

In August The weather is still pleasantly warm, and the water is suitable for swimming. But those who vacation on Lake Geneva should be careful: the water there rarely heats up above 20 degrees, so it will always be cool. But in Lugansk the water is the warmest - up to 26 degrees.

Autumn in Switzerland

September The month in Switzerland is warm like summer, with little precipitation and no wind. The heat recedes and a pleasant warmth remains. And here in October autumn gradually begins to make itself known: the first gusts of cold wind appear, the air temperature drops to +15 and the sun increasingly hides behind the clouds.

November– not the best period for a holiday in Switzerland. The air becomes damp, the sky is cloudy, and the real autumn cold is felt: the air temperature drops to 5-8 degrees. But in the highlands the first resorts are already opening, as there is fluffy snow in the mountains.

Weather in cities and resorts by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 3 5 10 13 18 22 24 24 19 14 7 4
Average minimum, °C -4 -3 0 3 7 11 13 12 9 5 0 -2
Weather in Bern by months


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C -0 0 3 6 11 14 17 16 13 9 3 0
Average minimum, °C -6 -7 -5 -2 3 6 8 8 5 2 -3 -5
Arosa weather by month

Bad Ragaz

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 4 5 11 15 20 22 25 24 20 16 9 5
Average minimum, °C -3 -2 2 5 10 13 15 15 11 7 2 -1
Bad Ragaz weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 5 6 11 15 20 23 25 25 20 15 9 5
Average minimum, °C -1 -1 3 5 9 12 15 14 11 7 3 0
Basel weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 3 5 9 12 17 21 23 23 19 15 8 4
Average minimum, °C -8 -7 -4 -0 4 7 9 9 6 2 -3 -6
Gstaad weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C -0 1 4 7 12 16 18 17 14 11 4 0
Average minimum, °C -9 -9 -6 -2 2 5 7 7 4 1 -4 -8
Davos weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 5 6 11 15 20 24 27 26 21 15 9 5
Average minimum, °C -1 -1 2 5 9 12 14 14 11 7 2 0
Geneva weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 3 5 10 14 19 22 24 24 19 14 8 4
Average minimum, °C -4 -3 0 3 8 11 13 13 10 6 1 -2
Interlaken weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 4 6 10 14 19 22 25 24 20 15 9 5
Average minimum, °C 0 1 4 6 11 14 16 16 13 9 4 1
Lausanne weather by months


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 7 9 14 17 21 24 27 26 22 16 11 7
Average minimum, °C 1 2 5 8 12 15 18 17 14 10 5 2
Locarno weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 7 9 13 16 20 24 27 26 22 17 11 7
Average minimum, °C 1 2 5 8 12 15 18 17 14 10 5 2
Lugano weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 3 5 10 14 19 22 25 24 19 14 8 4
Average minimum, °C -2 -2 1 4 9 12 14 14 11 7 2 -1
Lucerne weather by months


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 5 6 10 14 18 22 25 24 21 15 9 6
Average minimum, °C -1 0 2 6 10 13 15 15 12 8 3 0