Slovenian keys or keys of the twelve apostles. Famous Nizhny Novgorod springs and springs How to get to Baranov Klyuch from Nizhny Novgorod

Dalnekonstantinovsky village of Bogoyavlenie Kstovsky Kozlovka village Kstovsky Fedyakovo village Kstovsky Frolovskoe village Nizhny Novgorod Green City

Maryevsky spring

Maryevsky spring is located in the Arzamas region, near the village of Maryevka.

How to get to Maryevka from Nizhny Novgorod

By bus: You can get there from the Shcherbinki bus station by bus Nizhny Novgorod - Arzamas. From the Arzamas bus station there are local buses to Kovaksa. Exit at the turn to Maryevka. There is a sign "Marievsky Spring".

By car: along the P-158 highway Nizhny Novgorod - Saransk to Arzamas. Further in the direction of Kovaksa to the village of Maryevka (about 15 km). There is a sign "Marievsky Spring".

Directions to Maryevsky spring from Nizhny Novgorod

Currently, the spring is equipped: there is a chapel, a cross of worship to Seraphim of Sarov, images of saints, a bathhouse and a place for collecting water.

Spring in the Oran Monastery

The source is located in the village of Oranki, Bogorodsky district, on the territoryOransky Bogoroditsky Monastery . Entrance to the source is free. There is an equipped indoor swimming pool.

How to get to Oranki from Nizhny Novgorod

By bus: You can get there with a change in Bogorodsk. To Bogorodsk - by bus from the Shcherbinki bus station. In Bogorodsk, at the bus station, transfer to bus No. 115 Bogorodsk - Oranki (departure time 8.30; 12.00; 16.20). In Oranki there is a return timetable at the bus stop.

From the bus stop, walk along the asphalt road, past shops, to the blue gate to the monastery. Upon entering the monastery, go straight, past the parking lot and the church bench. Near the red brick bishop's house there will be a flight of stairs down to the spring.

By car: along the Bogorodskaya highway. Get to the traffic police post before turning to Bogorodsk. From the post, go along the main road (along the highway to Pavlovo). After 8 km there will be an intersection where you need to turn left following the sign for Oranki, Klyuchishchi (before this there will be another turn to Laksha, there is no need to turn there).

From the highway, drive along an asphalt road. There will be a left turn again with a sign for Oranki. The total distance from the highway to the village of Oranki is 36 km. Having entered Oranki, drive along the asphalt road, past the bus stop, drive past two shops to the blue gate to the monastery. You have to open the gate yourself. There is a large parking lot on the territory of the Oran Monastery.

After entering the blue gate of the monastery, go straight, past the parking lot and the church bench. Near the red brick bishop's house there will be a flight of stairs down to the spring.

Directions to Oranki

Source Prince Vladimirsky (in Sartakovo)

The source Prince Vladimirsky is located in the Bogorodsky district in the village of Sartakovo. Near the source there is the temple of Prince Vladimir and the Berezopole museum of folk crafts.

How to get to the Prince Vladimirsky spring in Sartakovo from Nizhny Novgorod

By bus:

Buses No. 218 Shcherbinki - Doskino and 219 Shcherbinki - agricultural Burevestnik, or bus Nizhny Novgorod - Pavlovo, depart from the bus station "Shcherbinki". Get to the village of Sartakovo (after Novinki). Next, walk along the asphalt road to the village of Sartakovo (in the direction from Oka) until the first turn to the right. Turn right to the village of Sartakovo, walk to the monument. Immediately after the monument, turn left and go down the steep road to the source.

By car:

Towards Bogorodsk, leave the city, pass the traffic police post. After Novinki, turn left (there is a sign “Sartakovo” and “Prince Vladimirsky Spring”). Drive along the road until you reach a fork with a sign for the church and the spring. ATTENTION! If you go straight following the sign, you will come to the church (from there you can also go down to the source along the path, but you cannot drive there). If you go right through the village, you will come to a source (and you can climb to the church on foot).

Having entered the village of Sartakovo, drive to the monument. Immediately after the monument there will be a left turn, a steep descent down to the source. There is a small parking area at the spring.

The spring flows in the consecrated chapel. There are men's and women's indoor baths and a church shop. The territory is well-groomed and resembles a miniature ethnographic museum (a well, a cart, a small pond with ducks). The baths at the source are open daily from 7.00 to 22.00, on Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 7.00 to 23.00.

The water in the source contains lime, so it is not recommended to boil it.

You can learn more about Sartakovo and its attractions.

Holy springs of the 12 apostles

The Holy Springs of the 12 Apostles are located in the village of Vad.

How to get to the springs of the 12 apostles from Nizhny Novgorod

By bus:

The Nizhny Novgorod - Vad bus departs from the Shcherbinki bus station. Get to Vada, change to an internal bus going to the “Holy Springs” stop. From the stop, walk to the red brick gate, then into the ravine with springs.

By car:

Along the Arzamas highway. Pass Epiphany, get to the Seryozha River. After crossing the Seryozha River in the village of Kriusha, turn left onto Krutoy Maidan. Drive through Steep Maidan towards Vada. Get to Vada. There will be a billboard “Holy Springs” on the road; turn left near this billboard. Go to the “Holy Springs” stop (there is a sign there, a bus stop, you will see a red brick gate). Park at the red gate. Go through the gate and go down into the ravine.

The springs gush out in a shallow ravine. There is a swimming pool nearby.

According to legend, the Holy Keys were found by Seraphim of Sarov when he went to the Zelenogorsk convent.

Kibelek Spring (spring on Lake Svetloyar)

The Kibelek key is located in the Voskresensky district, the village of Vladimirskoye, near Lake Svetloyar.

How to get to Lake Svetloyar and the Kibelek spring from Nizhny Novgorod

By bus:

The Nizhny Novgorod - Voskresenskoye bus departs from the Kanavinskaya bus station. Get to the village of Vladimirskoye. Walk through the village to a large parking lot, from there along a birch alley to the lake.

By car:

Along the Kirov highway. Pass Semenov, get to Bokovaya station, right turn to Vladimirskoye and Voskresenskoye, get to the village of Vladimirskoye (turn right), drive through the village to a large parking lot.

Directions to Lake Svetloyar

From the parking lot you need to walk along a birch alley, at the end of which you will see a view of Lake Svetloyar and the church. Just before reaching the church, turn onto the path leading to the left. The path will lead to the barrier. After the barrier you need to go right along the road. The road through the field will lead to the forest. Then go into the forest along the same road. Soon the road will end and there will be a path. Walk along the path - platforms should appear on the path. Follow them all the way to the spring. The distance from Lake Svetloyar to the Kibelek spring is about 2 km.

There is also a well here, the water from which is also considered holy, and nearby there are three crosses in memory of the fallen soldiers. A little further, in the forest, there is a clearing with three graves of warriors. From these graves, believers take earth, which helps to heal from various ailments.

Nikola key

The Nikola Klyuch spring is located 28 km from Gorodets (in the direction of Kovernino) in the village of Beloglazovo.

How to get to the Nikola Key spring from Nizhny Novgorod

By bus:

Bus Nizhny Novgorod - Kovernino, departs from Kanavinskaya bus station. After driving through Gorodets, you reach the village of Beloglazovo.

The Nizhny Novgorod-Gorodets bus leaves from the Kanavinskaya bus station; in Gorodets you need to change to a bus to Kovernino. Get to the village of Beloglazovo. Next, follow the asphalt road to the parking lot.

By car:

In the Chkalov direction, through Balakhna, Trans-Volga region. After passing the Volga region, turn right onto the dam (to Gorodets). After passing through the dam, go along the main road and after 5 km turn left onto the highway to Kovernino. There is no need to go to Gorodets.
Get to the village of Beloglazovo, turn right from the highway (near the village there is a sign "Nikola Klyuch"). Distance from Gorodets - 28 km. Having entered the village, drive along the asphalt road to the parking lot. From the parking lot to the spring - 200 meters, there is no access to the spring, only on foot.

Spring of the Vladimir Mother of God

The spring of the Vladimir Mother of God is located in the Dalnekonstantinovsky district near the Epiphany, near the village of Bortsovo.

How to get to the spring of the Vladimir Mother of God from Nizhny Novgorod

By bus:

The Nizhny Novgorod - Arzamas bus departs from the Shcherbinki bus station. After Epiphany, go out to the village of Bortsovo. Cross the road and enter the village. Walk along the dirt road through the entire village. On the road, leave the village, walk along the ravine, which will be on the left. Go around the ravine, reach the cross. Go down to the source. It can be seen from afar (the green house is a chapel).

By car:

Along the Arzamas highway. Drive through Epiphany. Cross the Pechest River. Immediately after it there will be a sign to the left - the village of Bortsovo, turn according to the sign, enter the village along a dirt road. Drive straight through the entire village. Drive out to the ravine, drive along the ravine (it will be on your left). Go around the ravine, get to the cross. Leave the car and go down to the source.

Directions to the spring of the Vladimir Mother of God

There is a chapel near the spring and a bathhouse. It's quite a long way down to the spring along a steep path.

Baranov key

The source of Baranov Klyuch is located in the Kstovsky district in the village of Kozlovka.

How to get to Baranov Klyuch from Nizhny Novgorod

By bus:

Bus No. 215 Shcherbinki - Kstovo departs from the Shcherbinki bus station. Get to the village of Kozlovka (after the Beshentsevo stop). Next - through the village of Kozlovka along the asphalt road to the source, first straight to the fork with a playground, then to the right (focusing on the power line). The source is located next to the lake and power lines. Go down the stairs.

By car:

From Shcherbinki - leave the city, get to the roundabout at the traffic police post, follow the sign for Olgino. Pass the village of Beshentsevo. Next you will see a power line. Having passed under the power line, immediately take the first right turn (before the Kozlovka stop). Drive through the village (straight ahead to the fork with the playground, then right), focusing on the power lines. Get to the site, you can leave your car there. Go down the stairs to the source.

Directions to Baranov Klyuch

The key has been known since ancient times, as the road to the Makaryevskaya Fair passed by it. But the news of its holy properties spread throughout Rus' in the first half of the 19th century. The chronicle of the village of Bolshoye Borisovo says that one merchant named Baranov fell ill and went blind. In a dream, the Mother of God appeared to him and showed him the place where, after praying and washing himself with the water of the holy spring, he would receive healing. Accompanied by his relatives, the merchant arrived at the place and, having washed himself with spring water, regained his sight.

From that moment on, the key was nicknamed Baranov and pilgrims flocked here from all over Russia. A temple-chapel was built with the money of the merchant Baranov.

There is a stone chapel and a covered washroom on site.

Spring in the village of Fedyakovo

The spring in Fedyakovo is located near the Fedyakovo Church.

How to get to the spring in the village of Fedyakovo from Nizhny Novgorod

By bus:

Bus Shcherbinki - Kstovo, departs from the Shcherbinki bus station, or minibus No. 300 Proletarskaya - Kstovo, departs from the Proletarskaya metro station. Get to the Fedyakovo stop. Next - walk towards the church on the mountain. A spring flows in a ravine. The bathing house is clearly visible from the highway; it is located exactly opposite the church. A path leads to it from the church.

By car:

From Pechery, take the roundabout of the Mega shopping center and go towards Olgino. The first turn to the right is towards Fedyakovo.

From Shcherbinki - leave the city, get to the roundabout at the traffic police post, follow the sign for Olgino. Pass Beshentsevo, village. Breeding station. Turn left onto Fedyakovo.

In Fedyakovo, go straight, without turning, to the Fedyakovskaya Church. From the church - walk down towards the highway. The source flows in the lowlands, highway there is no path there, just a path. There is an indoor swimming pool.

Directions to the spring in Fedyakovo

Spring in Frolovsky

The source is located in the village of Frolovskoye, Kstovsky district (next to the Green City).

How to get to the spring in Frolovsky from Nizhny Novgorod

By car:

In the direction to Kstovo. Before reaching the traffic police post, turn following the sign for Green City. After crossing the railway crossing, turn right onto the country road (next to the Berezovaya Roshcha bus stop). Get to Frolovsky. Having entered the village, turn left. Drive along the main street for 300 meters to the left steep descent to the source.

The spring flows in the chapel. There is an indoor swimming pool.

Mineral water source in Green City

How to get to the sanatorium of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions in Green City from Nizhny Novgorod

By bus: bus Nizhny Novgorod - Green City, departs from Sennaya bus station. In Green City you need to get to the final stop (sanatorium of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions).

By car: in the direction of Kstovo. Before reaching the traffic police post, turn following the sign for Green City. Go to the sanatorium of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions and the bus turning area.

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Source of Patriarch Nikon Where is it located: Veldemanovo village, Perevozsky district How to get there: from the Lyadova Square bus station there is a bus to Perevoz. Next, go to the village of Veldemanovo by local bus. The spring is located next to Krasnaya Gorka Street, the chapel stands on a mountain and can be seen from afar. From the chapel go downhill. History: The village of Veldemanovo is known to all believers: it was there in 1605 that the seventh Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', known by the monastic name Nikon, was born. In the world his name was Nikita Minov (Minich, Minin). The house of the Minov family stood on Krasnaya Gorka, under which a spring flowed from time immemorial. In 2005, on the 400th anniversary of Nikon’s birth, a chapel was built here by the Nizhny Novgorod diocese. The spring is well-maintained and there are indoor baths for men and women. The water in the source is icy all year round, blessed.

Holy Keys of the 12 Apostles Location: Vad village, Vad district. How to get there: take a regular bus from the bus station on Lyadov Square to Vada, and then about 7 km along the road to the village of Zelenye Gory (Green Dol). History: According to legend, Seraphim of Sarov found the Holy Keys when he went to the Zelenograd fair. The number of keys was named after the apostles: in honor of John the Theologian, Luke, Mark, etc. Previously, there was a swampy ravine in this place. Several years ago, 13 springs (in honor of the 12 apostles and St. Paul) were landscaped: bridges were made, a bathhouse, a cross, an icon of the apostle and the text of a prayer were installed on each stream. The springs flow into the bathhouse. The bathhouse is divided into men's and women's. Water from the springs is considered healing - it treats depression and other nervous disorders.

Maryevsky spring Where is it located: Maryevka village, Arzamas district How to get there: from the bus station pl. Lyadova to Arzamas-2 station. From the Arzamas-2 bus station there are local buses to Kavaksa, Leech, etc. Exit at the turn to Maryevka. There is a sign “Marievsky Spring”. Or from the Arzamas-2 station by train to the Shumeika station. From it, along the road from the mountain to the spring, 500 meters. History: The spring has existed for many years. It is called the spring of John the Baptist. Each of the residents of Maryevka will tell you their own legend of the appearance of the holy key. What is known for certain is that there is a lot of silver in water; it has remarkable antibacterial properties. There is a separate bathhouse and a chapel.

Source of St. Tatiana Where is it located: the city of Arzamas How to get there: by bus from the bus station pl. Lyadova to Arzamas. Then take bus No. 6 or minibus No. 4 to the “408 kilometer” stop. There is a sign to the spring. History: The spring of St. Tatiana was consecrated this year on Tatiana’s day - January 25. There were times when the spring fell into disrepair. But it was landscaped and cleaned at his own expense at the beginning of the last century by the archpriest of the Trinity Church, the famous public figure Fyodor Vladimirsky. The water in the source is very clean and healing. Nearby there is a small chapel with an icon of the Most Holy Martyr Tatiana.

Holy Spring of Archangel Michael Where is it located: Gremyachevo village, Kulebaksky district How to get there: by bus from the Lyadova Square bus station to Gremyachevo. Stop - church on Ulyanov street. The administration is located nearby, and under the hill, in the lowland, there is a miraculous spring. History: The source of the Archangel Michael is located near the ancient church in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. In our time, by the efforts of the rector of the temple and parishioners, a chapel and a bathhouse were built at the source. The source is located under the mountain, steps lead to it, the water in it is plus 4 degrees in both summer and winter. For believers, there are baths right in the middle of the lake, and springs come out from under the shore. They say that the water of the miraculous spring helps with stomach diseases.

Source of John the Evangelist Where it is located: at the entrance to the village of Gremyachevo. On the side of the road there is an information stand “Holy springs of the village of Gremyachevo”. How to get there: by bus from Lyadova Square bus station to Gremyachevo. History: In the lowland, among the trees, a spring flows. Now a bathhouse for pilgrims is being built there. There is a sign, there is a chapel. Local residents They claim that spring water helps against thyroid diseases. Vladimir source Where is it located: Gorodets district, Nikolo-Pogost village. How to get there: by bus “Nizhny Novgorod - Gorodets via Zinyaki”. Get off at the Gorodetsky sanatorium stop. From this stop, a regular bus departs to the village of Nikola-Pogost. History: The source is located next to the 17th century white stone church in the name of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God. The temple stands on the high shore of Lake Nikolskoye. Another spring can be found after walking one kilometer; it is located in a ravine between the villages of Nikolo-Pogost and Suzdalevo. It is also called Vladimirsky. Today these are one of the famous and revered springs in the region. The rector of the temple, Father George, and his parishioners plan to build a bathhouse and a chapel at the source. The spring water helps with gastrointestinal diseases and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The key near the village of Bledny Location: Bledny village, Gorodetsky district. How to get there: at the Moskovsky Station bus station, take the bus going to Kovernino, get off at the Selo Bogomolovo stop. Then walk 500 meters along the asphalt road to the village of Bledny. History: The spring bubbles up in the very village near the lake. The water in the well is silver, healing, and does not spoil for months. A canopy was built over the well. For a long time local residents were treated with this water. Helps with thyroid diseases and colds.

Startsev corner Place: Buldakovo village, Sechenovsky district (on the border with Mordovia). How to get there: from the bus station pl. Lyadova by bus to Sechenov. A bus departs from Sechenov around noon every day to Torgovy Talyzino. Get to Buldakovo. Go beyond Chadayevka (a village in which no one lives) through the field for 7-8 kilometers. History: The legend tells: once upon a time, on the site of the Startsevaya Heath (corner) there was a monastery, and then it went underground. And from then on, springs began to flow on the surface. There are five of them, they spring up in a ravine, and a chapel is placed above each of the springs. There is a “female” spring, there is a “male” spring, and the font is well-equipped. On the mountain, above the Elder Springs, a large chapel was built two years ago, and in the place where the monastery once went under water, there is a cross. Local residents say that water from Startsev Corner was taken for examination, and they found a lot of useful properties in it.

Keys of Elder Gerasim Where is it located: Vetluzhsky district, Pustosh village How to get there: There are two options: by bus from the Kanavinskaya bus station to Vetluga, or by train to Uren, and then to Vetluga by regular bus. The village of Pustosh can be reached by bus from Vetluga, and then three kilometers on foot. History: Near the springs there is a cave in which, according to legend, the elder Gerasim lived. He treated those who came to him with prayer and lamp oil. In two ravines there are seven springs with wonderful healing properties water. Recently, a bathhouse with images and a lamp appeared near the springs. Over the past years (starting from the end of the 19th century), thousands of people came to this source, and everyone found physical and mental healing here.

Source of Tikhon of Amafuntsky Where is it located: Yasenevo village, Balakhninsky district How to get there: From the Kanavinskaya bus station, get to Balakhna. Next, transfer to bus No. 102 or 104 and get to the village of Gridenino. Follow the asphalt road through the village and reach the village of Yasenevo. History: The source is located next to the lake, in which swimming was previously allowed only twice a year: on Epiphany and on June 29, the day of the patronal feast. And now this belief is in effect: in order to be healed, you need to draw some water on these two days; the rest of the time, the water is simply clean, spring water. Until 1917, a temple in the name of Tikhon of Amafunt stood near the source; in the 30s it was blown up. Two years ago, a decision was made to erect a chapel on the site of the destroyed church in the name of St. Tikhon of Amafunt. A log house with a dome now rises above the spring.

Key of St. Paphnutius of Balakhninsky Location: Bolshoye Kozino, Balakhninsky district. How to get there: at the Moskovsky Station bus station, take minibus No. 319 and get to the final stop “Bolshoye Kozino”. Continue walking along railway towards Balakhna about two kilometers. There is a healing spring in the fishing line on the shore of the pond. History: They say that this spring has been flowing on the shore of the pond since time immemorial. There are many icons nearby. The water, according to local residents, is rich in silver, good for colds and very tasty. They are planning to develop the area here in the near future.

By the way Help Desk bus station "Kanavinskaya" - tel. 246-20-21 Information service of the Bus Station (Lyadov Square) - tel. 433-55-98 Information service of the Shcherbinki bus station - tel. 462-70-79 Information service of the Sennaya bus station - tel. 436-15-13

Holy Keys of the 12 Apostles are located in the Vad region Nizhny Novgorod region and is one of its attractions.

History of appearance and legends

According to one legend, natural springs arose from tears Alena- a young girl who accompanied her beloved boyfriend to the army. After seeing her off, she went to the bank of the ravine, sat down and cried.

Another legend says that when Seraphim of Sarov I was traveling to the Zelenograd Fair from the Sarov Desert, and accidentally discovered this wonderful place. They say that there used to be a monastery in this area, which was later destroyed.

Seraphim of Sarov rode for a long time to the fair and was tormented by thirst. Seeing a small forest ravine, he sat down on the bank. And after I prayed, I saw holy faces holding holy moisture in their handfuls. Seraphim decided to go down. As soon as he found himself at the bottom of the ravine, he discovered that springs with cold, thirst-quenching water were gushing around him.

Historical documents say that in the 19th century this ravine was ennobled by local residents of the village Elkhovka, which was nearby at the time. Then these springs were called - Elkhovskie springs. At the same time, a small chapel was built next to the ravine, in which holy water prayer services were constantly held. Very often the deacon came here - blessed Vladimir Alekseev (Krutovsky). He loved to spend a lot of time in this place, getting comfort and peace here.

After the October Revolution, all the chapel churches in this area were closed, and 12 springs in this ravine fell into disrepair. Only one of them continued to “live” and spew out life-giving moisture in a strong stream.

Restoration and arrangement of springs

At the end of the 1990s of the 20th century, local residents began to put the springs in this place in order and equip them; an asphalt road, a gazebo and a chapel were built. By 2000, it was decided that it was necessary to find and restore all 12 keys, about which there are so many legends. During this work, another 13th spring was discovered. The local flock decided to consecrate this key and name it in honor of the holy Apostle Paul, because Paul is not one of the 12 apostles, but is still revered by all Christians.

In 2002, work on the arrangement of the “Holy Keys of the 12 Apostles” complex was completed, and the clergy consecrated this place.

How to get to the springs?

Route: Nizhny Novgorod - Epiphany - Kriusha - Green Mountains - springs.

The main attraction of the Vadsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region is, of course, Holy Keys of the 12 Apostles, which are located a few kilometers from Vada in the direction of the village Green Mountains, in a small ravine. Not only the amazing natural location of the springs is noteworthy. The legends associated with them are interesting.

According to one legend, these springs appeared from the tears of a girl named Alena. Seeing off her beloved as a soldier, she sat down on the bank of a ravine and cried from her grief. Another legend says that Seraphim of Sarov discovered the springs on the way from the Sarov desert to the Zelenograd fair, which took place under the walls of the now destroyed monastery. After a long journey, exhausted by thirst, Seraphim of Sarov sat down on the edge of a forest ravine and after prayer he saw the saints standing with fistfuls of life-giving moisture. Having descended, Seraphim of Sarov discovered springs gushing everywhere in the ravine. The legend dates back to the 18th century, when the young monk Seraphim could visit the Zelenogorsk fair.

All that is known from reliable sources is that in the 19th century these springs were already developed by residents of the nearby village of Elkhovka and were called Elkhovskie springs. Even then there was a chapel here and holy water prayer services were held regularly. It is also known that a deacon from the Zelenogorsk church, Vladimir Alekseev (Krutovsky), then revered as a blessed one, liked to spend time here. After the revolution, all the churches in the surrounding villages were closed, and 12 springs also fell into disrepair. Only one of the most powerful springs continued to flow with a strong stream.

Only in the late 1990s did the Holy Springs begin to be redeveloped. With the help of PMK “Vadskaya”, an asphalt approach to the springs was made, a gazebo and a chapel were built. In 2000, it was decided to find and revive all 12 springs, previously named after an individual holy apostle. During the development work, a thirteenth spring, previously unknown, was found. It was decided to consecrate it in honor of the Apostle Paul, who was not one of the 12 apostles, but also revered by all Christians. In September 2002, after the final arrangement, the complex “Holy Keys of the 12 Apostles” was consecrated.

Drive from Nizhny Novgorod to the Holy Springs of the 12 Apostles on Vada You can follow the Arzamas highway along the following route: N. Novgorod - Epiphany - Kriusha (Arzamas district), in Kriusha turn left - Steep Maidan - Vad. When passing Lake Vadskoe, go straight to the signpost “Holy Springs” and turn left there. Then go to the “Holy Keys” bus stop.

The main attraction of the Vadsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region is, of course, Holy Keys of the 12 Apostles, which are located a few kilometers from Vada in the direction of the village of Green Mountains. The remarkableness of these 12 springs on Vada, located in a small ravine and dedicated each to one apostle, lies not only in the amazing natural location, but also in the legends associated with them. According to one legend, it is said that these springs appeared from the tears of a girl named Alena, who, seeing off her beloved as a soldier, sat down on the bank of this ravine and cried from her grief. Another legend says that these springs were discovered by Seraphim of Sarov on the way from the Sarov desert to the Zelenograd fair, which took place under the walls of the now destroyed monastery. After a long journey, exhausted by thirst, Seraphim of Sarov sat down on the edge of a forest ravine and after prayer he saw the saints standing along the bank of the ravine with fistfuls of life-giving moisture. Descending into the ravine, he discovered springs gushing throughout the ravine. The legend dates back to the 18th century, when the young monk Seraphim could visit the Zelenogorsk fair.

All that is known from reliable sources is that in the 19th century these springs were already developed by residents of the nearby village of Elkhovka and were called Elkhovskie springs. Also, even then, there was a chapel here, and holy water prayer services were held regularly. It is also known that a deacon from the Zelenogorsk church, Vladimir Alekseev (Krutovsky), revered and then blessed, liked to spend time here. After the revolution, all the churches in the surrounding villages were closed and 12 springs also fell into disrepair, and only one of the most powerful springs continued to flow with a strong stream. Only at the end of the 1990s Holy Keys began to re-equip. With the help of PMK "Vadskaya", an asphalt access road to the springs was equipped, a gazebo and a chapel were built. In 2000, it was decided to find and revive all 12 springs, each previously named after a different holy apostle. During the development work, a thirteenth spring was found, previously unknown; it was decided to consecrate it in honor of the Apostle Paul, who was not one of the 12 apostles, but also revered by all Christians. In September 2002, after the final arrangement, the complex " Holy Keys of the 12 Apostles"was consecrated.

Nowadays, when you arrive at the “Holy Keys” complex, you will find two asphalt parking lots, a comfortable gazebo where you can relax and have a snack, and where newlyweds and friends often come after their wedding; at the entrance to the complex there is a red brick arch with a dome, to the springs from The parking lots are led by reliable stairs, the slopes in the ravine are reinforced with limestone slabs, and memorial steles with the faces of the apostles are erected above each spring. The springs are lined with concrete and tiles and sprinkled with granite chips, which apparently they didn’t particularly like, because most of the springs ooze from the side of the equipped drain.

The first of the 12 springs is the spring consecrated in honor of the Apostle Bartholomew, followed by the spring of the Apostle Matthew. Nearby there is a source consecrated in honor of James Zebedee, the brother of John the Theologian. Next comes the spring of the Apostle James Alpheus, the least known of the apostles. Further, the path will lead you to the key consecrated in honor of St. Andrew the First-Called. The fifth spring is located somewhat further from the rest and is named in honor of John the Theologian, the beloved disciple of Christ. At the confluence of two branches of the ravine, a chapel was built with icons of Christ, the Mother of God, Seraphim of Sarov and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on all four sides. Opposite this chapel flows the strongest source, consecrated in the name of the Apostle Peter, brother of Andrew the First-Called. Behind the chapel is the spring of the Apostle Thomas. A little further there are three nearby holy springs - consecrated in the name of the apostles Simon the Canaanite (Zealot), Levi Matthew and Philip of Bethsaida. Next to these three springs, the spring of the Apostle Judas Thaddeus, brother of the Apostle James Alpheus, flows out of the ground. The last thirteenth holy key is consecrated in honor of the Apostle Paul, one of the most revered in Christianity. All the springs are connected by a cascade of stairs, and you can approach any of them in any weather without getting dirty in the mud. At the very bottom, the stairs will lead you to a well-built bathhouse, where the waters of all the holy springs, with their different tastes and properties, are combined. The bathhouse is divided into male and female sections and you can perform ablutions here at any time of the year.

Travel from Nizhny Novgorod to Holy springs of the 12 apostles on Vadu You can follow the Arzamas highway along the following route: N. Novgorod - Epiphany - Kriusha (Arzamas district), in Kriusha turn left - Steep Maidan - Vad. When passing Lake Vad, go straight until the sign “Holy Springs” is sold out, and after the sold out sign, turn left. Then go to the “Holy Keys” bus stop. From the road there is a turnoff to the right to a red brick arch. You can park here or drive a little further to another parking lot. You can go down to the springs using equipped stairs.

GPS coordinates of the Holy Springs: N 55° 34.537′ E 44° 14.575′

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