The morning dawn flares up soon a ray of the sun. Working on mistakes: Textbook for students of the specialty "Philology"

Spelling in prefixes and roots of words. Path to the lake.

The dawn is slowly getting brighter. Soon a ray of sun will touch the bare tops of the trees in autumn and will gild the shining mirror of the lake. And nearby is a smaller lake, of a bizarre shape and color: the water in it is not blue, not green, not dark, but brownish. It is said that this specific shade is explained by the peculiarities of the composition of the local soil, the layer of which covers the lake bottom. Both of these lakes are united under the name of Borovoe lakes, as the old-timers of these places dubbed them in ancient times. And to the southeast of the Borovoye Lakes, giant swamps stretch. These are also former lakes that have been overgrown for decades.

In this early hour of a wonderful golden autumn, we are moving towards a lake with an unpleasant name - Pogany Lake. We got up a long time ago, even before dawn, and began to equip ourselves for the journey. On the advice of the watchman who sheltered us, we took waterproof raincoats, hunting wading boots, prepared travel food so as not to waste time on kindling a fire, and set off.

For two hours we made our way to the lake, trying to find convenient approaches. At the cost of supernatural efforts, we overcame a thicket of some tenacious and thorny plant, then a half-rotted slum, and an island appeared ahead. Before reaching the wooded hillock, we fell into the thickets of lily of the valley, and its regular leaves, as if aligned by an unknown master who gave them a geometrically precise shape, rustled near our faces.

In these thickets for half an hour we indulged in peace. You raise your head, and above you the tops of pine trees rustle, retracting into a pale blue sky, through which not heavy, but half-air, fidget clouds move in a summery way. Having rested among the lilies of the valley, we again began to look for the mysterious lake. Located somewhere nearby, it was hidden from us by a dense growth of tall grass.

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Arrange the accents
Asymmetry, pampered, bows, blagovest, bombard, grader, religion, gas pipeline, corrugated, croutons, dispensary, satiety, contract, mining, shaft, dogma, nap, blinds, sign

Write down the words in which the consonant before the letter e is pronounced firmly.
Antithesis, baroness, academy, parcel post, brunet, benefit performance, barter, steak, sandwich, decade, detective, decoration, demobilization, defect, hyphen, indexation, inert, intellect, clarinet, four of a kind,

Form gender from the indicated nouns. n. pl. numbers
Bananas, lemons, apples, oranges, tomatoes, tangerines, croutons, tomatoes, waffles, eggplants, pasta, Bashkirs, Bulgarians, Buryats, Georgians, Ossetians, Romanians, Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Yakuts, tour

Choose the test words and fill in the missing letters
Swallow, teacher, reincarnate, vd_leke, heritage. expansion; single, closing, getting carried away, surprising, pouring. When choosing single-root words, one should

Fill in the missing letters by choosing test words
Flag unfolds; industry is developing; guarded our city; st_rozhil food warehouse; think about help; diminish merit; pay taxes; compact concrete; enlightened monarchy; life, p

Full-vowel and non-vowel combinations in the root
There are many words in Russian where vowels in the root cannot be checked by a strong position, i.e. it is impossible to find an example in which the vowel would be stressed: boot, ax, vinaigrette. AT

What does the word dust mean in these texts?
a) They grappled on horseback; Exploding black dust to the sky, Under them the greyhounds horses are fighting. (A. Pushkin) b) Boris: But Dmitry is dead! He is dust! There is no doubt! (A.K. Tolstoy) Dictionaries

1. Insert unstressed vowels: int_llekt, opt_mysm, v_teran, man_fest, original, un_v_rsitet; fantasy, appl_disments, aquarelle, ant_go-nism, c_infl ict, forecast_

Orthograms in the roots of words "
1. After c in the roots of words I write and: circus, figure, shell; except: A gypsy on tiptoe yelled at a chicken: "Shush!" 2. Whisper - whisper, twine - twine, but chocolate - chocolate. (VK

O or A?
Dog ..raet z..rya, bow to the ground, suppose ..gat something, developed bizarre river. .required

visual dictation
1) The dawn slowly flares up, touches the bare treetops in autumn, is located somewhere nearby, extends to the southeast of New York, overgrown for decades.

Write down phrases (on topics 1-2) under dictation
Dip in pear jam, jump out from behind a turn, take an excellent position, trim an uneven edge, pre-anniversary celebrations are dedicated, with a fearless circus performer, do not contradict the

What are the sounds of the words?
bow - hatch - table - became - meadow - bow - languid - dark - 8. Underline the word where all consonants are voiced.



Exercise 1. Analyze and memorize the spelling of the highlighted words and punctuation marks in the texts.

In bold Words that often contain spelling errors are highlighted.

Underlined are those parts of the sentences where punctuation errors are possible.

In a snowstorm

We drove for a long time, but the blizzard did notweakened on the contrary, it seemed to increase. Day waswindy , and even downwindfelt , Howincessantly the wind hums into some well below from under the skids. my feetfrozen and I tried in vainstiff throw something on them with your fingersabove .

Coachman every now and thenturned yours to meweathered face with reddened eyes and shouted something, but Ido not make out was that. He wantedcheer up me, assuring that to the windsget used to possible, only I, a southerner and a homebody, endured these inconveniences of my journey withconsiderable labor.

By evening the blizzard subsided, butimpenetrable darkness in the field toosad painting. There was complete silence in the field, white, frozen; no pole orwind mills -nothing can not see. Horsesas if hurried, and you can hear howsilver, the bells rang on the arc.Log off from the sleighimpossible : snow coveredhalf an arshin , sledcontinuously entered into the snowdrift and Iviolently waited until we arrived at the inn.

Hospitable hosts longbabysitting with us:scrubbed , heated,regaled and vodka and tea, which is drunk here so hot that Iburn own language. It didn't stop ustalk in a friendly way , as if we've known each other for ages.irresistible nap,inspired warmth and satiety, of course, drove us to sleep, and I, putting myfelted boots on the heated stove, lay down andnothing did not hear: neitherbickering coachmen, norwhispering hosts.

The next morning hosts feduninvited and uninvited dried venison, and shot hares, and baked potatoes, they gave baked milk to drink.


Meanwhile the dawnlittle by little flares up. Soon the sun will touchin autumn bare tops of trees and gilding the shining mirror of the lake. And nearbylocated slightly smaller lakewhimsical shapes and colors: the water in it is not blue, and not green, and not dark, but some kind of brown. southeast of the lakesstretch wide water surfaces and swamps. These are also former lakes, overgrownduring decades and turnedlater into gigantic swamps . At this early hourmiraculous golden autumn wewe are moving to the lake withunpleasant name - Filthy Lake. On the advice of the watchman who sheltered us, we took with uswaterproof raincoats , hunting bog boots, prepared travel food so as not to waste time onkindling fire, and set off.

Two hoursmade their way we are to the lake, bypassing the bogs and trying to find convenient approaches. at the costsupernatural efforts weovercame thickets of some thorny plant, thenthicket , and the island appeared ahead. Before reaching the wooded mound, we fell into the thickets of lilies of the valley. Their correct leaves, as ifaligned by an unknown master who skillfully gave themgeometrically correct shape, stirred in our faces.

In continuation half an hour weindulged peace. Raise your head, and pine trees rustle above you, majestic, slender, topsstubborn into the pale blue sky, through which not heavy things move, butsummery semi-air clouds. And somewhere nearsway , whispering, something importunately babble dry reeds. Around no one and nothing.


Suddenlyfar away lead clouds appeared,flashed lightning Low, black clouds floated across the sky with unusual speed. Needget out from the forestto take cover from the rain in time and not get wet in the downpour. Fortunately, there was a forest house nearby.buster - low logbuilding in which one has to linger on the goodhalf an hour . little son master, brieflyshorn little boy dressed in a shortleather jacket, treats usmelted milk with rye cakes. But hereshone lightning,rumbled thunder.Furious downpour firstsuspended , and then completely stopped its chatter. The elements are no moreargue and notquarrel and notare fighting. Upset hordes of clouds are carried away somewhereinto the distance . Onpurified the sky is sharply outlinedslightly swaying the top of an old birch.because of cloudletexactly the sun will come out. Looking around andmarvel like instant after the rainis displayed everything around.refreshed rye gratefullyflutters . All living things fuss and rush about. Overreeds dark blue dragonflies are circling the stream. bumblebee buzzingnot listening his insects, no longer feelingdanger . Their neighborsgroves , from arable lands and pastures - from everywhere comesjoyful bird discord. After kindly saying goodbye to the hosts, we set off.

Task 2. Insert the missing letters where necessary and expand the brackets:

In a snowstorm

We drove for a long time, but the blizzard did not weaken, on the contrary, (like) it was (like) intensified. It was a windy day, and even from the leeward side it was felt how (not) incessantly the wind was buzzing into some well (s) below from under the skids. My legs froze, and I tried in vain with my stiff fingers to throw something (c) on top of them.

Every now and then the coachman turned his weather-beaten face towards me with reddened eyes and shouted something, but I (could not) make out what. He wanted to encourage me, assuring me that it was possible to endure the winds, only I, a southerner and a homebody, endured these (un)conveniences of my journey with (not) little difficulty.

By evening the blizzard subsided, but the (un)penetrable gloom in the field is also (not) a cheerful picture. There was complete silence in the field, white, frozen; no pillar, no windmill - (no) anything (not) visible. The horses (like) bud (then) hurried, and more audibly, like silver, the bells tinkled on the arc. It was (impossible) to get out of the sleigh: the snow had covered (half) a arshin, the sleigh continuously drove into the snowdrift, and I (for) strength waited when we drove up to the inn.

The guest hosts nursed us for a long time: they thrashed us, warmed us up, gave us both vodka and tea, which they drink here so hot that I burned my tongue. This did not prevent us from talking._sya (by) friendly, if (then) we had known each other for a century. Irresistible drowsiness, evoking warmth and satiety, of course, made us sleepy, and I, putting my boots on the heating stove, lay down and (neither) heard anything: neither the shouting of the coachmen, nor the whispering of the owners.

(On) the morning, the hosts fed the uninvited and uninvited guests with sluggish venison, and arrowed hares, and baked potatoes, and gave them warm milk to drink.

Task 3. Place the necessary punctuation marks:

In a snowstorm

We drove for a long time, but the blizzard did not weaken, on the contrary, it seemed to intensify. It was a windy day, and even from the leeward side one could feel how the wind was constantly buzzing into some well below from under the skids. My legs were icy and I tried in vain with my stiff fingers to throw something on top of them.

The coachman kept turning his weather-beaten face with reddened eyes towards me and shouting something, but I couldn't make out what. He wanted to cheer me up, assuring me that you can only get used to the winds, I am a southerner and a homebody, I endured these inconveniences of my journey with considerable difficulty.

By evening, the blizzard had subsided, but the impenetrable darkness in the field was also a gloomy picture. In the field there was complete silence, white frozen; neither a pillar nor a windmill is visible. The horses seemed to be in a hurry and it was more audible how the silver bells tinkled on the arc. It was impossible to get out of the sleigh; the snow had covered half an arshin, the sleigh continuously drove into a snowdrift, and I hardly waited until we drove up to the inn.

The hospitable hosts nursed us for a long time, rubbed, heated, regaled us with vodka and tea, which they drink here so hot that I burned my tongue. This did not prevent us from talking in a friendly way, as if we had known each other for a century. An irresistible drowsiness, inspired by warmth and satiety, of course, put us to sleep, and I put my felted boots on the heated stove and lay down and did not hear anything either the bickering of the coachmen or the whispering of the owners.

The next morning, the hosts fed the uninvited and uninvited guests with dried venison and shot hares and baked potatoes and gave them baked milk to drink.

Task 4. Find spelling and punctuation errors in texts.

In a snowstorm

We drove for a long time, but the blizzard did not weaken, on the contrary, it seemed to intensify. It was a windy day, and even from the leeward side one could feel how the wind was incessantly humming into some well from below from under the skids. My legs became stiff, and I tried in vain with my stiff fingers to throw something over them from above.

Every now and then the coachman turned his weather-beaten face towards me, with reddened eyes, and shouted something, but I couldn't make out what. He wanted to cheer me up, assuring me that only I can get used to the winds.

the southerner and homebody endured these inconveniences of my journey with no small difficulty.

By evening, the blizzard had subsided, but the impenetrable darkness in the field was also not a cheerful picture. In the field there was complete silence, white frozen; no pillar, no windmill, nothing to be seen. The horses seemed to be in a hurry, and the bells on the arc tinkled more audibly, like silver ones. It was not possible to get out of the sleigh - the snow had covered a polar inch, the sleigh drove incessantly into a snowdrift, and I waited for strength when we drove up to the inn.

The hospitable hosts nursed us for a long time, scrubbed us, warmed us up, gave us both vodka and tea, which they drink here so hot that I burn my tongue. This did not stop us from talking in a friendly way, as if we had known each other for a century. Irresistible drowsiness, inspired by warmth and satiety, naturally made us sleepy, and I, putting my boots on the heated stove, lay down and did not hear anything, neither the wailing of the coachmen, nor the whispering of the owners.

In the morning, the hosts fed the uninvited and uninvited guests: dried venison and shot hares, and baked potatoes, and gave them baked milk to drink. (46 spelling and21 punctuation error)


In the meantime, the dawn is slowly flaring up. Soon a ray of sun will touch the bare tops of the trees in autumn and gild the shining mirror of the lake. And nearby is a slightly smaller lake, of a bizarre shape and color, the water in it is neither blue nor green, nor dark, but some kind of brown. To the south-east of the lakes are wide expanses of water and swamps. These are also former lakes, overgrown for decades and turned into gigantic swamps as a result.

In this early hour of a wonderful golden autumn, we are moving towards a lake with an unpleasant name - Filthy Lake. On the advice of the watchman who sheltered us, we took with us waterproof raincoats, hunting boots - swamps, prepared travel food so as not to waste time on kindling a fire and set off.

For two hours we made our way to the lake, bypassing the bogs, and trying to find convenient approaches. At the cost of supernatural efforts, we overcame a thicket of some kind of thorny plant, then a thicket and an island appeared ahead. Before reaching the wooded mound, we fell into the thickets of lilies of the valley. Their regular leaves, as if aligned by an unknown master who skillfully gave them a geometrically regular shape, began to stir near our faces.

For half an hour we rested. You raise your head, and majestic, slender pines rustle above you, their tops resting on a pale blue sky, through which not heavy, but semi-airy clouds move in summer. And somewhere nearby, dry reeds are swaying, whispering, something annoyingly babble. Around no one and nothing.

(25 spelling and 9 punctuation errors)


Suddenly, leaden clouds appeared in the distance, lightning flashed. Low black clouds swept across the sky with unusual speed. You need to get out of the forest in order to take shelter from the rain in time, and not get wet in the downpour. Fortunately, there was a forest ranger's house nearby - a low, log building, in which one has to linger for a good half an hour. The owner's son, a short-haired boy, dressed in a short leather jacket, treats us to baked milk with rye cakes. But then lightning flashed, thunder rumbled. The furious downpour first stopped, and then completely stopped its chatter. The elements no longer argue and quarrel and fight. Disordered hordes of clouds are carried away somewhere into the distance. In the cleared sky, a slightly swaying

the top of an old birch. The sun is peeking out from behind a cloud. You look around and are inspired by how quickly everything around you appears after the rain. Fresh rye trembles gratefully. All living things fuss and rush about. Dark blue dragonflies circle over the reeds of the stream. The bumblebee buzzes to insects that do not listen to him, no longer feeling danger. Their nearby grove, from arable lands and pastures: joyful, bird-like discord is heard from everywhere. After kindly saying goodbye to the hosts, we set off. (35 spelling and 8 punctuation errors)

Return toTask 1 and check your literacy. Work on your mistakes: write down, analyze and remember spelling and punctograms that are difficult for you.

Methodical development for the textbook Ermakova G.A. "Russian language on a concentric basis" (Ermakova G.N. Russian language on a concentric basis. A guide for a teacher. - Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash book publishing house, 2006. - 368 p.)

Spelling repetition
Spelling prefixes

Review the table and explain the spelling of prefixes

1. ..C + deaf. acc. heartless, disappear.
..Z+call. acc. boundless, limitless.
(At the end of the prefix I write with, if it goes deaf; z if it is voiced further. Remember all the deaf consonants with the phrase: Foka, do you want to eat cabbage soup?)
Make, collect, because adj. s- no. Remember: here, building, health, hello.
2. acc. -\-b-\-e, yo, yu, I entrance, rise, pre-anniversary, announcement. (I write a solid sign after a prefix to a consonant if the root begins with iotized letters e, e, u, i.)
Remember: adjutant, injection, conjuncture, subject, pan-European (foreign).
3. The collapse of the sledge, the story of the tale.
(Prefix once-(ras-) unstressed, rose-(ros-) percussion.)
4. The spelling of pre- and pre-prefixes depends on the meaning:
==re-: obstruction
(what is blocking)
pre-=very: very interesting (very interesting)
= approach: arrive
=attachment: glue
=proximity (=about): school
at- (located near the school)
\u003d incomplete action: get up (get up not completely)
Distinguish by context:
Stay in the city (where?)
= "to stay" there, to be
Arriving in the city (where?)
^arrive (approach) .

To bow before a feat == to respect very much.
bow down to the ground
= to bend down to the ground (approach).

Make something come true
=="transfer" from plans.

close the door
^cover (incomplete action).

Limit of patience
= edge.
Chapel of the temple == what is attached (attachment).

Successor of ideas = one who adopts
Receiver (radio) = one that receives (proximity).

To betray someone = to hand over.

To give a look to something = to bring it closer to some kind of shape. Contemplate the orphan

Despise a traitor == disrespect very much
Contemplate an orphan \u003d shelter

5. Prefixes in agreement + root with yy interesting uninteresting. (Except for inter-, super-, foreign prefixes.) (If the prefix (except for foreign prefixes, inter- and super-) ends in a consonant, and the root of the original word began with and, then in the new word after the prefix. s.)

Training exercises
Exercise 1
To forward documents, a heartless person, stupid stripes, excessive efforts, disappear over the horizon, make an announcement, in an excellent building, overcome a difficult obstacle, arrive at the station square, perfectly explained, make a dream come true, play a super interesting game, counterplay a notorious opponent.
(Explain using the prefix spelling reference.
Exercise 2
Gave form to something, betrayed someone, interrupted the conversation, lied in the conversation, pretended to loosely put it into practice, the dissolution of the congress disbanded the congress, a detour next to the detour on the right, a clear calculation was well calculated, the successor to excellent traditions, an excellent successor was acquired,
heartless person ruthless person
save time supernatural efforts,
read the call to rebellion, stay at the location of the army arrive at the location of the army,
a notorious scoundrel to agitate the working people.
(Explain, using reference material, the differences in the spelling of words in paired phrases.
(Make up and write sentences with these phrases.

Exercise 3
1) Acquire an excellent radio receiver, transform from a lone experimenter into a naturalist,
to respect the successor of excellent traditions, to bow before a feat for many years, to despise the traitor.
2) Make supernatural efforts, drive away from the seaside area for half a kilometer,
a shot angry predator, shooting takes place in the pavilion for an hour,
whimsical tales of an interesting storyteller.
3) Excellent presumptuous adjutant,
prepare for unpleasant explanations, take a closer look at the three-story building, the acquired book is not without interest, but not overly interesting, advancement into the depths of the vast country.
(For 1-2 minutes, say the words in syllables, then do the same, closing your eyes, look at the record again. Try to write down the phrases from memory.

Exercise 4
Compressed rye, overcame a difficult obstacle, found it on the school site, do not have to count on help, a nameless river, the building of a medical institute, is sold in bottling, a search bureau, do not contradict the vicissitudes of fate, without underestimating success, greatly exaggerating, turn into life is a plan for the transformation of nature, embracing horror, lurking, bowing to the ground, immortal poetry, an excellent acquisition, after the expiration of the announced period, inexplicable charm, make the necessary explanations, immortal works of art, stay at the railway siding, reconcile those who quarreled, present a priceless gift, destroy the striped strip , to agitate the participants in the uprising, the worldview of a notorious writer, to be in a pre-infarction, and not in a post-infarction state, an excellent detective.
(Write down phrases as each other dictates. If mistakes were made, work through them.

Control dictation
The supernatural efforts made by the hero to overcome various kinds of road obstacles were not in vain: the visit promised to be by no means without interest.
As soon as Chichikov, crouching down, stepped into the dark, wide passage, which had been added somehow, a cold breeze immediately blew over him, as if from a cellar. From the passage he got into a room, also dark, with the curtains drawn down, slightly illuminated by light that did not descend from the ceiling, but ascended to the ceiling from under the wide crack at the bottom of the door. Throwing this door open, he found himself at last in the light, and was overwhelmed by the disorder that presented itself.
It seemed as if the floors were being washed in the house and all the things were taken here and piled up at random. On one table there was even a broken chair and here was a clock with a stopped pendulum, to which a spider had already attached a bizarre web. Right there, leaning sideways against the wall, was a cupboard with antique silver, which had almost disappeared under a layer of dust, decanters and excellent Chinese porcelain, acquired God knows when. On the bureau, which had once been lined with a lovely mother-of-pearl mosaic, which had already fallen out in places and left behind only yellowish grooves filled with glue, lay a great variety of all sorts of things: a pile of papers covered with small handwriting, covered with a greenish marble press with a handle in the shape of an egg at the top, some an old book bound in leather with a red edge, a lemon all shriveled up, no bigger than a hazelnut, a broken arm of long-lost chairs, a glass with some unattractive liquid and three flies, covered with a letter, a piece of rag somewhere raised and two feathers, stained with ink. To complete the strange interior, the walls were hung very closely and stupidly; several pictures.
(N. V. Gogol)

Root spelling
Review the table and explain the spelling of the roots

1. After c in the roots of words I write and: circus, figure, shell; except: A gypsy on tiptoe yelled at a chicken: "Shush!"
2. Whisper to whisper, string is string, but chocolate is chocolate. (At the root, after hissing, I write e, if it is possible to pick up a single-root word in which, when pronounced, it does not sound about, in other cases I write about: seam, rustle, jockey, gooseberry.)
3. Soft acc. T-t-t-e, yo, yu, me. Bindweed, pour. drink. (I write a soft sign inside the word before e, e, u, i, and; in a number of foreign words like broth.)
lit tan
bow bow creature create
(In the indicated roots, the vowel that is heard is written under stress, without stress.) Remember: utensils.
2) -zor-/-zar- without stress
3) The roots of "IRA": if behind the root a, I write and at the root (the combination "IRA" is formed).
-ber-/-ber- will pick up pick up
-ter-/-tir-wiped wipe
-per-/-per-locked lock
-der-/-dir- rip off rip off
-mer-/-peace- died to die
-stelet-/-steel-stelet spreads
-shine-/-shine- shines shines
-burn-/-burn-burn burns
-even-/-chit- deduction subtracts (except: combine, combination)
as well as:
-i-(-a-) -im- borrow borrow
take heed,
compress compress

I-(-a-) -in- take over take over
start - begin
4) -lag-/-false--cas-/-kos-
I write a if there is a suffix o behind the root:
make an offer, touch touch. (For the roots -lag-1-false-, the composition of the root is also important: before g I write a, before jo.)
5) -rast-/-rasch-/-ros-
The spelling of the root depends on the consonant in it: grown, plant, but grown.
Remember: Rostov, Rostislav, a moneylender, a sprout, but an industry.
6) The spelling of the roots depends on the meaning:
-poppy- (“immerse something in a liquid”) dip a pen in ink
-mok- ("to pass moisture") to wet the feet
-roen- ("smooth, smooth") trim the edges of the sheet
-equal- (“equal, identical”) command “Equal
Remember: level, plain
-jump- (long action) to jump someone
-spock- (short action) jumped out unexpectedly
7) -floating- (if the word is education): floating.
-plov- I write in the words swimmer, swimmer
-float- I write in all stops. (Floating away, swimmer, floating).
5. Don't forget to check:
unpronounceable consonants
surrounding area,
but dangerous is dangerous:
2) unstressed vowels:
dedicated (romance) shone in the dark);
3) dubious consent mixed (mixed) - mixed
6. Remember: in words, from words with a double consonant, consonants before the suffix are preserved: group group.
Training exercises
Exercise 1

Banners fluttering in the wind, a cheap thing, a descending order of numbers, thickets of strange climbing plants, collecting a ratchet, supposed explanations, a dancer dancing like a gypsy, pushing through a thicket, a dawn flares up, knowing the area perfectly, wiping a painted table, excellent bitter chocolate, making their way past groves, touched the sprout, arrives without delay, transform the combination, waterproof parachute silk, leveled alleys disappearing into the distance, brilliant solution, excellent millet porridge, unloaded the gun, sat for half an hour.
(Using the table, explain the spelling of the underlined words.
Exercise 2
The dawn is dying down, bowing to the ground, assuming something, a fancy plant grown, an unprofitable industry, sunbathing on a sandy shore; light touch, necessary utensils, solution unfulfilled, shines in the illumination of the dawn, amazing painted vase, looking for a moneylender, turned to the local old-timers for an explanation, rinse the laundry, the clouds gradually dissipate, crimson dawn, waterproof cloak with a hood, the light flares up, caress the dog , trim the edges.
(Using the table, explain the spelling of vowels in the root.
Exercise 3

The dawn is slowly flaring up,
touches bare trees in autumn,
extend southeast of New York,
grow within a decade.
2) Not reaching the coastal zone,
as if specially prepared
give a geometrically correct shape,
perfect summer day
half-air clouds are approaching.
Stay somewhere in the coastal zone in
continuation of the month, grind white,
choose an excellent three-story building,
acted, defying danger, about a swimmer swimming in seedlings.
4) Through a loosely closed door,
nestled in reed beds,
outlandish plants twist,
purchase a hall with a bunk bed,
settled down near a half-rotten stump.
(Write down the word combinations as dictated by the teacher and carry out a mutual check.
Exercise 4
Dip in pear jam, jump out from behind a turn, take an excellent position, smooth out a jagged edge, dedicate anniversaries, with a fearless circus performer, do not argue with the vicissitudes of fate, unimpressive results, make their way through an unknown area, participate in a swimmer's competition, in a luxurious collection works of art, stop in indecision, gather in a beautiful three-story wooden building, rub yourself with a canvas towel, freeze from intermittent screams, find a pawnbroker, get a magnificent raincoat with a hood, give a bizarre shape to a stone, miscalculate a drawing, a dog with silk fur, stay on a railway passing, build a chapel to the church, does not take into account any explanations, without using the advantages, approaches the spreading thickets, despise for a dishonorable act, stand on tiptoe, start uninteresting work, arrive at the location of the army, overcome the press a false obstacle, achieved at the cost of supernatural efforts, touches the shell of a lovely turtle.
(Explain, using the table, the spelling of vowels and consonants in the root.

Control dictation
Path to the lake
The dawn is slowly getting brighter. Soon a ray of sun will touch the bare tops of the trees in autumn and will gild the shining mirror of the lake. And nearby is a smaller lake, of a bizarre shape and color:
the water in it is not blue, not green, not dark, but brownish. It is said that this specific shade is explained by the peculiarities of the composition of the local soil, the layer of which covers the lake bottom. Both of these lakes are united under the name of Borovoe lakes, as the old-timers of these places dubbed them in ancient times. And to the southeast of the Borovoye Lakes, giant swamps stretch. These are also former lakes that have been overgrown for decades.
In this early hour of a wonderful golden autumn, we are moving towards a lake with the unpleasant name Pogany Lake. We got up a long time ago, even before dawn, and began to equip ourselves for the journey. On the advice of the watchman who sheltered us, we took waterproof raincoats, hunting wading boots, prepared travel food so as not to waste time on kindling a fire, and set off.
For two hours we made our way to the lake, trying to find convenient approaches. At the cost of supernatural efforts, we overcame a thicket of some tenacious and thorny plant, then a half-rotted slum, and an island appeared ahead. Before reaching the wooded hillock, we fell into the thickets of lily of the valley, and its regular leaves, as if aligned by an unknown master who gave them a geometrically precise shape, rustled near our faces.
In these thickets for half an hour we indulged in peace. You raise your head, and the tops of pine trees rustle above you, resting on the pale blue sky, through which not heavy, but half-air, fidget clouds move in a summery way. Having rested among the lilies of the valley, we again began to look for the mysterious lake. Located somewhere nearby, it was hidden from us by a dense growth of tall grass. (K. Paustovsky)

Spelling of suffixes
Part I. Vowels in suffixes of verb forms
To see saw- In all forms, the gap, the past saw, seeing the tense vowel
infinitive suffix.
He who sowed sowed, he sowed.
build built
built, (by) building.
hear heard
hearing, (u) hearing.
Vowels in the suffixes of the passive participles of the past tense. From ch. on –et
-it en(n): knead-kneaded
From ch. on -at, a (i) -\-n (nn) ~. stir mixed.
Note: and is replaced by E, a. i are saved.
3. Vowels in suffixes of active and passive participles, depending on the conjugation of the verb. From ch. I ref. -usch-, -yusch- action, crust. temp.
-om-, -em- suffering, present. temp.
From ch. II ref. -ash-, -yash- action, present. temp.
-im- suffering, present. temp.
Cherish (I) cherish, cherish.
Hear (excl., II) hearing, audible.
Note. Ch. on -it in the infinitive refer to II sp. + 11 ch.-excl.:
drive, breathe, hold, offend, see, hear, hate, and also endure, twirl, and depend, and look.
The rest of the verbs to I sp. + 2 ch.-excl.: shave, lay.
Real participles characterize the action that the object itself performs.
A passive action that is performed on an object.
It is possible to replace participles with turnovers:
playing the one who plays himself (act.),
played (etude) one that is played by someone (str
4. Spelling -ova-/-eva, -yva-/-iva-: verbs ending in STOCKS -vot, -vayu have the same vowel before -vo- as in n. f. without them:
overcome overcome overcome;
verbs ending in unstressed -vat, and verbs that do not exist without va in the initial form, I check in the form of 1 l. units h. (bud.) time:
draw (without wa does not exist; the suffix fell out, I write about), paint, paint.
Training exercises
Exercise 1
1. Form verb forms in the suffixes of which the infinitive vowel is preserved (see paragraph 1 of the "Reference Material"):
depend, fold, knead, interfere, deflate, roll out.
Exercise 2
2. What is the difference between words in pairs:
to decorate, to paint, to be late to participate, to count on advising, to manage to admonish, to confess, to educate, to dance and sing.
(Explain the difference between the words in pairs and their spelling.
Exercise 3
Creeping, barking, barking, chasing, noticing, noticed, kneaded (in dough) kneaded "(dough), sawing, stabbing, fighting, developed, cherished, seeded, pumped out (oil from a barrel) pumped out (barrel from the basement), provided , hung (pictures in the gallery), hung (sugar per kilogram), circled, well-worn, fanned, secured, healing, gluing, glued, enduring, loving, dispelled, traveled, dependent, breathing, flowing.
(Using the table, explain the spelling of the vowels -а, -я, -е in the suffixes of verb forms.

Exercise 4
Corrected by someone work, dropped cargo, cleared paths; The building is about to be built; alarmed by unpleasant news, crowned with laurels, scattered rays, no one noticed a friend, tangled hare tracks, leaf-strewn alleys of a coastal park, a girl offended by someone, lost time; The snow melted unexpectedly, without offending anyone.
(Explain the spelling of the vowels before n and nn.
Exercise 5
Lined alleys of the park, disappearing into the distance
excellent cartridges fired within half an hour,
seen outside the window, illuminated by diffused moonlight,
trodden sandy path leading to the forests,
extremely white flour sifted by someone.
Remember the spelling: extremely establish, institution, excessively.
(Write down the phrases from memory.
Exercise 6
Leveled paths, trusting no one student, woolen and silk fabrics hung up somehow, able to calculate time, well-mixed solution, hung portrait, desperate attempts, did not notice in the swing, undeserved accusation, tells delightfully, unsown field, of a hotly breathing, with those who see well, having heard an intermittent cry, suffering oppression, an independent opinion, carts dragging in the dust, hearing. someone, shot cartridges, a shot predator, twirling a ring, cherished by someone, from a thawed earth, awarded, doing something, waving his hands, spreading mist creeping along the ground, looking through a magnifying glass, outshine others, raek! in the deed, implicated in the crime, visible from afar, a gilded silver chest.
(Write down the word combinations as each other dictates and do the work on the mistakes.
Part II

1. O and E after hissing and C. In suf. noun, adj., adverb under stress I write O, without stress E.
In all verbs. forms and verbs. Formations I write E, regardless of the accent
pear, but overnight (because from the main] spend the night),
river. but the river
canvas. but plush,
doctor. but comrade,
DO NOT CONFUSE: canvas (from canvas) and cheap (from cheapness) spellings in different parts of the word, therefore, they are regulated by different rules!
2. Spelling of noun suffixes.
1) -chik after -d-t, s, f: detour bypasser,
-schik after all other letters: stone mason.
(After the letters d, t, s, s, and w I write h, in all other cases I write u.)
2) -en- in words with -mya, except for seeds- and stirrups.
(In the forms of the words seed, stirrup, banner, flame, tribe, crown, burden, time, udder, the name in an unstressed position is written in the suffix E: the seed is not the seed. Under the stress, what is heard is written: the seed is no seeds, the banner is not. famous)
3) Suffixes -ek and -ik: son son; finger finger (R. p. unit h. And save.)
(If the vowel drops out in the form of R. p. singular, then it is written E; if it is preserved, then it is written I.)
4) Suffixes of nouns and adjectives to remember:
-in--+-k- straw, (not to be confused with suf.
-enk-: cherry cherry;
straw straw straw).
-out- whiteness,
-living - distinct,
-chiv - gullible,
-ist- cocky.
3. Spelling of adjective suffixes:
-k- after k, h, c or at kr. f., in ost. case -sk-
(In an adjective, the suffix -k- is written if it has a short form or is formed from a noun with a stem on the letters c.h.c:
sharp (because there is a short f. sharp), weaver weaving, well done young, kulak kulak, but: Uzbek Uzbek.)
4. Spelling of adverb suffixes:
long ago (from the window)
dark (out the window).
(The spelling of the adverb suffixes -o and -a can be checked by the “window rule”: imagine that the prefix with which the adverb begins is a preposition; under the window, the ending of this word will tell you what letter the adverb ends with.)

Training exercises
Exercise 1
A beggar pea, a bathing suit, a friendly soy, an eraser pencil, a lock key, blue blue, stirrups, occasionally together, a bath attendant oiler, cheap brocade, a hacksaw overnight.
(Explain the difference in spelling of the words in pairs.
Exercise 2
Girl, pear, twine, cheap, rustle, overnight, boy, cricket, ok, with locust, calico, chintz, canvas, ruff, hot, good, uproot, shade, brocade, bangs, thicket, big, with a roof, bug, scourge, carriage, strongman, tornado, bee, rosary, silk.
(Explain the spelling of vowels after sibilants.
Exercise 3
Replace these phrases with one word according to the model:
Caring caring. Clear, easily distinguishable. Little pea. Constantly picking up. The desire to rise above others. Dazzling white color (in the meaning of a feature, such as a material). The tendency to trust everything and everyone.

Exercise 4
Known as a thoughtful experimental researcher,
bitterly crying freckled boy,
a charming French woman who speaks German,
no matter what, don't give up on anything.
The intermittent sounds of the crane's cooing are heard in the vicinity of the forest lake.
(Write the phrase from memory and do the work on the mistakes.
Exercise 5
Despise the defector, writes in French, approaches a fishing village, acquires an excellent loom, admires the city landscape, by no means an experienced ranger, counts on fraternal help, fascist ideology, with a wide sailor's collar, German-Swedish dictionary, slowly moves along one of the san francisco streets, day-to-day leads climbing groups on Caucasus mountains, slippery steps of an ancient cathedral, a notorious drummer, playing with a peer, a long-known work of a carver.
(Write a phrase under dictation.
Control dictation
The dawn flares up over the scorched steppe, prizes won at the swimmers' competition, the girl is ill-mannered, to acquire a canvas bag, stretches over an unmowed meadow, did not prepare a delicious bag due to the lack of pear juice, someone's impudent arson of the house, bizarre plants grown by young naturalists, make supernatural efforts to achieve the goal, a darkly kindled fire is burning, a meadow mowed with dew, broken rods, the size of a pea, are located on a wooden terrace, who hated arrogance, an untimely corrected mistake, suffering countless oppressions; The Turkish delegation will arrive in the city later; paints with oil paints, grows on sandy soil; decision not implemented within six months; whimsical painted clay vases; about an unlucky detective; at a performance at the Nice Opera. (Text selected by A. V. Shafran)

Part 111
Н and НН in adjective suffixes,
participles, adverbs
1. The spelling of adjectives depends on the composition of the suffix:
I write in Suf.: -in-
-yang-: bee, sand, silver.
pig, young, green, ruddy. I write NN in suffixes: -onn--enn-, base on k + and in the suffix (foggy fog). Remember:
glass, tin, wood, windy (day), wind (operating under the influence of wind) engine, but windless.
In the short form, the same number of N is written as in the full one:
foggy foggy.
2. Spelling participles. NN is written in full participles that have one of the following conditions:
1) a prefix, except NOT: scattered,
2) suffix -ova- (-eva-): lined,
3) dependent word: a meadow mowed by someone,
4) is formed from Ch. owls. type: resolved. Remember: wounded, but wounded in battle.
H is written in a word that satisfies all the conditions:
1) no prefix (the prefix is ​​not taken into account and does not affect the spelling H HH), oblique
2) no suf. -ova-(-eva-),
3) there is no dependent word,
H is written in short adverbs: things are scattered ..
3. Spelling of adverbs.
In the adverb, as many N are written as in the word from which it is formed: abstract (topics) speaks abstractly, confused (answer) speaks confusedly.
Do not confuse adverbs formed from participles (has the same H as the participle from which it is formed) and short participles (always have one H):
speaks (how?) absent-mindedly (adverb from participle absent-minded), can be replaced by another adverb: speaks inattentively; the army (what?) is scattered through the forest,) (a short form of participle scattered), you can substitute a noun that answers the question by whom?:
the army is scattered through the forest (by whom?) by the commander.
Compare: a woman is agitated (short adjective == upset) the sea is agitated (short adjective excited by the wind).

Training exercises
Exercise 1
The woman is smart and educated. The commission was formed the other day;
The children were inattentive and scattered - Troops scattered through the forest;
He speaks despondently. The uprising was put down;
The decision hastily, ill-conceived. The decision is not thought out by anyone;
sauerkraut sauerkraut for the winter;
unmowed meadow mowed meadow;
come to a dinner party uninvited guests;
named brother named after you;
windy day windless day.
uninvited, named, unseen, unheard, unexpectedly, unexpectedly.
(Explain the difference in spelling in paired phrases

Exercise 2
Bee honey, millet porridge, with condensed milk, oil stain; a picture drawn with oil paints; earthenware vase, wooden building, located in the hotel, imperfections noticed, sown rye field, not yet mowed meadow, things hung in a wardrobe, about a virgin harvest, the girl is very educated, the distance is foggy, draw a broken line, silver and gold-plated jewelry, a wounded man, a seriously wounded soldier, in the morning dawn.
(Explain, using the table, the spelling H and HH.

Exercise 3

A forged chest, a car loaded with bricks, spent cartridges, mowed meadows, well-trodden paths, a film seen, sowed rye, wounded in the shoulder, named after someone, hidden gifts.
(Rearrange the phrase to illustrate all possible spellings of the participle.
Exercise 4

Luxurious living room in by no means a cheap hotel,
a windmill flapping its wings, an angry predator shot down, a forged silver chest.
Rivers bound by an ice shell, uninvited guests who unexpectedly came,
outlandish plants twist, a favorite trick skillfully applied.
(Check what you wrote from memory; if there were errors in what you wrote, write out these words (phrases) again, giving your examples to the corresponding rules.

Exercise 5
Excellent millet porridge with condensed milk, touches the polished surface, handcrafted earthenware vase; a dream not realized; flapping windmill.
(Write word combinations as each other dictates.
Exercise 6
A wonderful windless afternoon; forged with gold, not gilded silver chest; a meadow not cut by dew; you touch the sprout of an outlandish plant; The girl is well-mannered and educated; cheap leather short coat; Silk curtains don't go well with straw furniture; The leveled paths are strewn with crushed bricks; buy used things and used books; A group of troops is scattered along the roadside thickets; fitted silhouette dress; draw a broken line; unlined coated paper; Movements are constrained; The river is bound by an ice shell.
(Write word combinations from dictation and parse the mistakes.

Control dictation

It was a wonderful July day: windless, not hot, but warm and pleasant like in summer.
I slowly, in deep thought, walked along the alley of a wild garden, drowned out by overgrowth of weeds and thickets of some outlandish shrub. Unnoticed, I reached a low wooden house, surrounded by half-rotted chiselled posts. Walking around the building on the right, I found myself in front of an old two-story landowner's house.
Climbing up to the glazed terrace, I sat down on a wicker straw chair with faded linen upholstery. Near the house, as I noticed, old birch trees grew; on the top of one of them was a jackdaw nest, in which a restless gluttonous jackdaw crowed incessantly. And through a small glass door, one could see a living room with a parquet floor; engravings hung on the walls in polished mahogany frames; in one corner stood a broken piano, in the other two large armchairs.
I knocked on the door with my cane, and a minute later an old man came out to me in a shabby frock coat, felt boots and a wonderful shaggy cap. I found out that his name was Philip Kuzmich and that he was the valet of the gentleman, who had never come to the estate during all recent years. My new acquaintance kindly invited me to inspect the house, and I, of course, willingly agreed. I was especially attracted by the library filled with works of Russian and French classics. You rarely see such an abundance of books: Lermontov, and Pushkin, and Turgenev, and Tolstoy, and Hugo, and Maupassant, in a word, a Russian-French library.
I looked around the house with genuine interest, and, after thanking the old man, went out into the garden. Only peonies and poppies survived from the former flower beds, which raised their pale pink and bright red heads from the grass. On the sides of the alley, traces of desolation were also visible: here and there tall untrimmed poplars and sprawling lindens of the same age as the old house grew. Away from the house, the garden was cleared for haymaking. Here, aside from the estate, in the open, many beautiful fruit trees grew: pears, apples, cherries, sweet cherries, and their branches touched in the air. The paths, once leveled and strewn with crushed bricks, were thickets and, running forward, beckoned into cool thickets.
From everywhere emanated peace, silence, desolation and silence.
(Text selected by A. Shafran)

Spelling endings
Review the table and explain the spelling of the endings
1. The letter b at the end of words is written after hissing:
a) noun and. R. units black mouse, daughter;
b) verb:
in the beginning. f,: take care of beware (spelling b is checked on the question:
if b is in the question, then it is written in the word:
(what does it do?) it seems; but it starts (what to do?) to seem to me);
in the 2nd l. units h. and bud. vr.: you eat;
c) at the end of adverbs for hissing, except for the words "too, married, unbearable." Wed: backhand, wide open, but deputy.
2. Case endings for nouns:
-and in noun. 3rd sk.
+ R. p. n. 1 fold from uncle;
words in -iya (no) shadows, armies;
+ P. p. -iya about mother, army, -y, -iv. (but in hoarfrost);
+ D. p. on -iya (ladies) daughters, army.
To 1 cl. words belong. and m. p., ending in I. p. in -a (-ya) uncle, aunt, mother, father;
to 2 cl. include the words cf. R. on -o (-e) and the words m. with a zero ending or on the th field, village, horse, hoarfrost;
to 3 cl. words belong. R. on the mouse, daughter, mother.
3. Spelling ending adjectives and participles. App endings and moreover. in full form are checked on the question:
(admire) the lake (what?) Blue, turning blue;
(says) about the lake "(what?) blue, turning blue.
4. Spelling of verb endings:
a) insane vowels depending on the ref.:
in vb. I sp .: -eat, -eat, -et, -ut, -yut:
know, know, know, know;
in vb. P ref.: -im, -ish, -it, -yat, -at:
love, love, love, love.
K I ref. refer to Ch. not on -it + shave, lay;
to II ref. refer to Ch. to -it +11 words:
drive, breathe, hold, offend, hear, see, hate, and also endure, twirl, and depend, and look;
b) in the form of commands, incl. before -te write ^ and: love love. Wed in the above sentence there are two forms of one chapter: command, incl. bud. temp. will express, inc.:
Rake out (pov. nak.) the ash from the furnace when you rake out (I bud. vr.), the furnace will be better heated;
c) in the form of commands, incl. at the end of the stem is written b; get up, cut off;
b is preserved before -te: cut cut off;
ь is not written in the word lie down (lie down).

Training exercises
Exercise 1
Studying studying, foggy foggy, (about) good (with) good, blue-blue, blue-blue, (in) spring (with) spring, (with) approaching - (o) approaching, disappearing disappearing.
(Using reference material, come up with phrases with words from these pairs according to the given sample:
blue blue; stretches over the blue (what?) Sea, talks about the blue (what?) Sea.

Exercise 2

The wind is powerful, generous help, sit down to rest, glad to help, hordes of clouds are approaching, you avoid meetings, a pretty rook, the attending physician will arrive, you walk for half an hour, the lovely lily of the valley smells, the mason tries, touches the climbing plant, overcome the barrier, chasing each other, demonstrate power, tries to preserve traditions; you open it wide open, you hit it backhand, you get married, you stay in the coastal zone for a week, you make your way through the forest thicket, you climb into the wilderness, you leave the pastures.
(Explain the spelling of the ь sign after the broads.
Exercise 3
They are located in a hotel building, located in a fragrant valley, they speak in a letter from a teacher to a student; about a drink stored in a bottle (bottle); to expect a meeting in the lobby for half an hour, to be treated in a sanatorium in Primorye; for a month, to go on an excellent excursion in the planetarium, to participate in an outstanding research, to be cured in a hospital, to rush into the blue water of a river, to move along an autumn alley, to spend the night in a gorge, strange trees in hoarfrost, to remain in great tension for only a month, to be located on a plateau overgrown with shrubs, to admire the noisy stream, the winter forest numbing in silence, it is said in a speech at the pre-anniversary meeting, to meet the successor of ancient traditions, in conclusion he added, turned to Natalia (Natalya), you will find a pencil on the coffee table, to present a bizarre bouquet to the teacher, touches the forged stirrup, did not see it with his own eyes.
(Explain the spelling of vowels in case endings.

Exercise 4
Drives a lot of lead clouds, mutters something indistinctly, sleeps well, corrects inaccuracies and shortcomings in interesting work, splits and saws firewood, does not bother anyone, praises someone, dozes in the fresh air, fights for their independence, breathes heavily, vegetable beds are watered, they burn out in the sun, they glue a funny hare, flies in the air, breathes the aroma of a rye field, grinds grain, masters virgin lands, builds a two-story building, look into the distance of the sea, it does not depend on us, you won’t keep up with him when you leave, ask, to weaken the enemy and to weaken yourself, you will not find a limit, it will inspire sadness, dispel anxieties and doubts; The waves rise as if they are murmuring against something; The little boy will surely be offended; The worker bees are busy.
(Write word combinations from dictation.
Exercise 5
A warm summer wind blows through the wide open window,
little by little they make their way into the depths of the forest thicket,
located on a wooden balcony, also rotten from dampness,
seen through greenish-clear waters,
are located on a barrel rolled out of the basement.
(Explain the spelling of the vowels in the endings.

Control dictation

I. Most Russian words, which we sometimes do not notice in everyday speech, in poetry, like precious stones, radiate brilliance. It would seem that by no means an unusual, distant comparison. But let's think about it anyway. The brilliance of stones, which any scientist will explain from the point of view of physics, nevertheless reveals some kind of mystery, beckons to itself. It is difficult to reconcile with the fact that inside the stone, from where a ray of light or a stream of rays breaks through, there is no own source of light.
This applies to many precious, semi-precious, semi-precious stones. Take, for example, aquamarine. Its color cannot be accurately determined; they have not yet found a suitable word. Aquamarine has long been, for many centuries, considered by its name (aquamarine sea water) a stone that transmits, reflects color sea ​​waves, but this is only partly true. In nature, perhaps, you will no longer meet this charming, incomparable shade. Aquamarine combines reflections of pale green and pale blue, but a special originality is given to it by a silver (precisely silver, not white) fire that illuminates it from the inside. It seems that if you look into the aquamarine, you will see a sea with star-colored water and hear the whisper of the waves. Apparently, this feature of the stone makes us feel mysterious: its beauty, no matter what, seems and will always seem inexplicable.
Obviously, the word seems to us poetic and holds it captive if it conveys a concept filled with poetic content. Listen and look closely at the usual words: silence, silence, rustle, rustle, night, blueness. They contain sound, color and partly smell. Hear, feel them, and you will discover the inexplicable beauty of the world around you. (Text selected by A. Shafran)

Speech development

The time has come when Moscow regained its great native. She did not take it away from Petersburg - and this is impossible - but shared with him the honor of being considered the city of Pushkin.
In 1880, with a huge gathering of people, the grand opening of the monument to the poet on Tverskoy Boulevard took place. Prior to that, in Moscow, monuments were erected only to crowned persons and generals. The monument was built, like a temple, with the people's money. To these celebrations, F.M. Dostoevsky prepared a speech about Pushkin, which he delivered at a meeting of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature. This speech, which revealed the national and universal meaning of Pushkin's unique phenomenon, became a major literary, historical and social event.
The Opekushinsky monument turned out to be the center of attraction for Moscow, every guest of the capital considered himself obliged to bow to the bronze Pushkin, poems were written about him, lovers met near him3, children played, the girl Marina Tsvetaeva was bewitched forever3 by him. The long Tverskoy Boulevard, now in green foliage, now in gold and crimson, now in sparkling snow, was its train ...
(Yu. Nagibin)
1. Determine the topic, the main idea. Title the text.
2. Explain the meaning of the words: literature, plume, crimson, triumph. What is the stylistic coloring of the word crimson (Refer to the dictionary). Which of these words is used in the text in a figurative sense?
3. Pick up synonyms for the words: unique, huge, forever.
4. Prove that this is a connected text. With the help of what linguistic means (lexical, grammatical) are sentences connected into a single whole?
5. Explain the division of the text into paragraphs. Plan your text.
6. Replace the last sentence of the second paragraph (orally) with its synonym - a complex sentence. Make a diagram of this sentence, make its syntactic analysis.
7. Explain spelling and punctograms.
8. Prepare for expressive reading of the text.

Control dictation

I recall with inexplicable joy my childhood years in an old landowner's house in middle lane Russia.
Quiet, summer-like clear dawn. The first ray of sun gilds the tiled stove, freshly painted floors, freshly painted walls hung with pictures on themes from children's fairy tales through the loosely closed shutters. What colors shimmering in the sun did not play here! Against a blue background, lilac princesses came to life, the pink prince clutched his sword, hurrying to help his beloved, the trees shone blue in the winter hoarfrost, and spring lily of the valley bloomed nearby. And outside the window, a lovely summer day is gaining strength.
The dewy freshness of the early flowers of peonies, light and tender, bursts into the wide open old window.
The low house, hunched over, leaves, grows into the ground, and over it the late lilac is still blooming violently, as if in a hurry to cover its squalor with its white-purple luxury.
Along the wooden narrow steps of the balcony, also rotten from time to time and swaying underfoot, we go down to swim to the river located near the house. The closed locks of a small water mill raised the waters, forming a narrow but deep backwater. In the cold greenish-transparent water, flocks of silver fish slowly pass, and on an old, dilapidated barrel rolled out of the basement, which lacks several boards, a huge green frog sits, watching the sunbeams playing on the ash-gray plank walls of the bathing place of its favorite place. frog couple.
After swimming, we lie down to sunbathe near the thickets of coastal reeds. After a minute or two, touching a branch of a dense hazel growing on the right, closer to the sandy slope, a magpie scatters on a tree. About what only she does not burst! A ringing chirping rushes towards her, and, growing, gradually, the many-voiced bird's hubbub fills the brightly colored summer garden.
After enjoying the swim, we return back. The glass door leading from the terrace is ajar. On the table in a simple earthenware pot is a bouquet of skillfully picked freshly plucked flowers that have not yet blossomed, and nearby, on a snow-white linen napkin, is a plate of honey, over which bright golden bees hover with an even buzz.
How easy it is to breathe in the early morning! How long do you remember this feeling
happiness that you experience only in childhood!
(Text selected by A. Shafran)
List of used literature

1. Grekov V. F., Kryuchkov S. E., Cheshko A. A. Manual for classes in the Russian language in high school. Moscow: Enlightenment, 2000
Gorshkov A.I. Russian literature. M.: Enlightenment, 1995
3. Rosenthal D. E. A practical guide to the Russian language. For university applicants. M.: Enlightenment, 1994
4. Russian language. A large reference book for schoolchildren and university applicants. M.: Bustard, 1999
5. Tkachenko N. G. Tests on the grammar of the Russian language, Part 1, M: Iris-press, 1997
6. Khazanova A. S., Zvaig L. V. Russian language. Practical guide, Part 5, Minsk, TPC "Polifact", 1992.
7. Shafran A. V. Complex repetition of spelling in high school / / Russian language at school. - №1-4.- 1993.

Control dictation for grade 11 - September

Path to the lake

The dawn is slowly getting brighter. Soon a ray of sun will touch the bare tops of the trees in autumn and gild the shining mirror of the lake. And nearby is a smaller lake, of a bizarre shape and color: the water in it is not blue, not green, not dark, but brownish. They say that this specific shade is explained by the peculiarities of the composition of the local soil, the layer of which covers lake bottom. Both of these lakes are united under the name of Borovoe Lakes, as the old-timers of these places dubbed them in ancient times. And to the southeast of the Borovoye Lakes, giant swamps stretch. These are also former lakes, overgrown for decades.

In this early hour of a wonderful golden autumn, we are moving towards a lake with an unpleasant name - Pogany Lake. We got up a long time ago, even before dawn, and began to equip ourselves for the journey. On the advice of the watchman who sheltered us, we took waterproof raincoats, hunting wading boots, prepared travel food so as not to waste time on kindling a fire, and set off.

For two hours we made our way to the lake, trying to find convenient approaches. At the cost of supernatural efforts, we overcame a thicket of some tenacious and thorny plant, then a half-rotted slum, and an island appeared ahead. Before reaching the wooded hillock, we fell into the thickets of lily of the valley, and its regular leaves, as if aligned by an unknown master who gave them a geometrically precise shape, rustled near our faces.

In these thickets for half an hour we indulged in peace. You raise your head, and above you the tops of pine trees rustle, resting on a pale blue sky, through which not heavy, but half-air, fidget clouds move in a summery way. Having rested among the lilies of the valley, we again began to look for the mysterious lake. Located somewhere nearby, it was hidden from us by a thick overgrowth of grass.

(247 words)

grammar task

  1. Find a one-part sentence in the last paragraph, determine its type.
  2. Find in the dictation 3 phrases with a subordinating connection, agreement, 3 - with a control connection, 3 - with an adjoining connection.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Control dictations for grade 6 according to the program of V.V. Babaitseva.

Final and for intermediate control dictations on all topics of the section "Morphology. Parts of speech. Spelling", studied in grade 6 ....

Control dictations. 10 - 11 grades

Extraordinary days

Voropaev entered Bucharest with a wound that had not yet healed, received by him in the battle for Chisinau. The day was bright and perhaps a little windy. He flew into the city on a tank with scouts and then was left alone. As a matter of fact, he should have been in the hospital, but how can you lie down on the day you enter the blindingly white city, seething with excitement? He did not sit down until late at night, but still wandered the streets, entering into conversations, explaining something or simply hugging someone without words, and his Chisinau wound healed, as if cured by a magic potion.

And the next wound, accidentally received after Bucharest, although it was lighter than the previous one, it healed inexplicably long, almost to Sophia herself.

But when, leaning on a stick, he got off the staff bus to the square in the center of the Bulgarian capital and, not waiting to be hugged, he himself began to hug and kiss everyone who fell into his arms, something pinched in the wound, and she froze . At that time he could hardly stand on his feet, his head was spinning, and his fingers grew cold - he was so tired during the day, for he spoke for hours in the squares, in the barracks, and even from the pulpit of the church, where he was carried in his arms. He talked about Russia and the Slavs as if he was at least a thousand years old.


There was silence, all that could be heard was the snorting and chewing of the horses and the snoring of the sleeping ones. Somewhere a lapwing was crying, and occasionally there was a squeak of snipes, who flew in to see if the uninvited guests had left.

Yegorushka, out of breath from the heat, which was especially felt after eating, ran to the sedge and looked around the area from there. He saw the same thing that he had seen before noon: the plain, the hills, the sky, the purple distance. Only the hills stood closer, but there was no mill, which remained far behind. Having nothing to do, Yegorushka caught the violinist in the ravine, raised him in his fist to his ear and listened for a long time as he played his violin. When the music got tired, he chased after a crowd of yellow butterflies that flew to the sedge to drink, and did not notice himself how he found himself again near the britzka.

Suddenly, a soft hum was heard. The song, quiet, lingering and mournful, like a cry and barely audible, was heard now from the right, now from the left, now from above, now from under the ground, as if an invisible spirit was hovering over the steppe and singing. Yegorushka looked around and did not understand where this strange song came from. Later, when he listened, it began to seem to him that the grass was singing. In her song, half-dead, already dead, without words, but plaintively and sincerely, she convinced someone that she was not to blame for anything, that the sun burned her out in vain; she assured me that she passionately wanted to live, that she was still young and would be beautiful if it were not for the heat and the drought. There was no guilt, but she still asked someone for forgiveness and swore that she was unbearably hurt, sad and sorry for herself.(According to A.P. Chekhov) (241 words)


Often in autumn I would watch the falling leaves closely to catch that imperceptible split second when the leaf separates from the branch and begins to fall to the ground. I have read in old books about the sound of falling leaves, but I have never heard that sound. The rustle of leaves in the air seemed to me as unbelievable as stories about hearing the grass grow in spring.

I was, of course, wrong. Time was needed so that the ear, dulled by the rattle of the city streets, could rest and catch the very clear and precise sounds of the autumn earth.

There are autumn nights, deafened and dumb, when calmness hangs over the black wooded edge.

It was such a night. The lantern illuminated the well, the old maple tree under the fence, and the wind-torn nasturtium bush.

I looked at the maple tree and saw how a red leaf carefully and slowly separated from the branch, shuddered, stopped for a moment in the air and began to fall obliquely at my feet, slightly rustling and swaying. For the first time I heard the rustle of a falling leaf - a vague sound, like a child's whisper.

Dangerous profession

In pursuit of interesting shots, photographers and cameramen often cross the line of reasonable risk.

Not dangerous, but almost impossible in nature, shooting wolves. It is dangerous to shoot lions, very dangerous - tigers. It is impossible to say in advance how the bear will behave - this strong and, contrary to the general idea, a very mobile beast. In the Caucasus, I broke a well-known rule: I climbed a mountain where a she-bear and cubs were grazing. The calculation was that, they say, autumn and the mother no longer protects her offspring so jealously. But I was wrong... At the click of a camera that captured two babies, a mother dozing somewhere nearby rushed towards me like a torpedo. I understood: in no case should you run away - the beast will rush after you. On the spot, the remaining man puzzled the bear: she suddenly braked sharply and, looking at me intently, rushed after the baby.

When shooting animals, you must, firstly, know their habits and, secondly, do not go on the rampage. All animals, with the possible exception of connecting rod bears, tend to avoid meeting people. Analyzing all the misfortunes, you see: the carelessness of man provoked the attack of the beast.

Telephoto lenses have long been invented to shoot animals without frightening them and without risking attack, most often forced. In addition, non-scared animals that do not mean your presence behave naturally. Most of the expressive shots were obtained by knowledge and patience, by understanding the distance, breaking which is unreasonable and even dangerous.

Path to the lake

The dawn is slowly getting brighter. Soon a ray of sun will touch the bare tops of the trees in autumn and gild the shining mirror of the lake. And nearby is a smaller lake, of a bizarre shape and color: the water in it is not blue, not green, not dark, but brownish. It is said that this specific shade is explained by the peculiarities of the composition of the local soil, the layer of which covers the lake bottom. Both of these lakes are united under the name of Borovoe Lakes, as the old-timers of these places dubbed them in ancient times. And to the southeast of the Borovoye Lakes, giant swamps stretch. These are also former lakes, overgrown for decades.

In this early hour of a wonderful golden autumn, we are moving towards a lake with an unpleasant name - Pogany Lake. We got up a long time ago, even before dawn, and began to equip ourselves for the journey. On the advice of the watchman who sheltered us, we took waterproof raincoats, hunting wading boots, prepared travel food so as not to waste time on kindling a fire, and set off.

For two hours we made our way to the lake, trying to find convenient approaches. At the cost of supernatural efforts, we overcame a thicket of some tenacious and thorny plant, then a half-rotted slum, and an island appeared ahead. Before reaching the wooded mound, we fell into the thickets of lily of the valley, and its regular leaves, as if aligned by an unknown master who gave them a geometrically precise shape, crackled near our faces.

In these thickets for half an hour we indulged in peace. You raise your head, and above you the tops of pine trees rustle, resting on a pale blue sky, through which not heavy, but half-air, fidget clouds move in a summery way. Having rested among the lilies of the valley, we again began to look for the mysterious lake. Located somewhere nearby, it was hidden from us by a thick overgrowth of grass.(247 words)


The supernatural efforts made by the hero to overcome various kinds of road obstacles were not in vain: the visit promised to be by no means without interest.

As soon as Chichikov, crouching down, stepped into the dark, wide passage, which had been added somehow, a cold breeze immediately blew over him, as from a cellar. From the passage he got into a room, also dark, with curtains drawn down, slightly illuminated by a light that did not descend from the ceiling, but ascended to the ceiling from under the wide crack at the bottom of the door. Throwing open this door, he finally found himself in the light and was overwhelmed by the disorder that presented itself. It seemed as if the floors were being washed in the house and all things were taken here and piled up at random. On one table there was even a broken chair and here - a clock with a stopped pendulum, to which the spider had already attached a bizarre web. Right there, leaning sideways against the wall, was a cupboard with antique silver, which had almost disappeared under a layer of dust, decanters and excellent Chinese porcelain, acquired God knows when. On the bureau, which had once been lined with a lovely mother-of-pearl mosaic, which had already fallen out in places and left behind only little yellow grooves filled with glue, lay a great variety of all sorts of things: a pile of papers covered with small handwriting, covered with a greenish marble press with a handle in the shape of an egg on top, some an old book bound in leather with a red edge, a lemon all shriveled up, no bigger than a hazelnut, a broken arm of long-lost chairs, a glass with some unattractive liquid and three flies, covered with a letter, a piece of rag somewhere raised and two feathers, stained with ink. To top off the strange interior, several paintings were hung very closely and stupidly on the walls.

(According to N.V. Gogol)


I recall with inexplicable joy my childhood years in an old landowner's house in central Russia.

Quiet, summer-like clear dawn. The first ray of sun through the loosely closed shutters gilds the tiled stove, freshly painted floors, freshly painted walls, hung with pictures on themes from children's fairy tales. What colors shimmering in the sun did not play here! Against a blue background, lilac princesses came to life, the pink prince took off his sword, hurrying to help his beloved, the trees shone blue in the winter hoarfrost, and spring lily of the valley bloomed nearby. And outside the window, a lovely summer day is gaining strength.

The dewy freshness of the early flowers of peonies, light and tender, bursts into the wide open old window.

The low house, hunched over, leaves, grows into the ground, and over it the late lilac is still blooming violently, as if in a hurry to cover its squalor with its white-purple luxury.

On the wooden narrow steps of the balcony, also rotten from time to time and swaying underfoot, we go down to swim to the river located near the house.

After swimming, we lie down to sunbathe near the thickets of coastal reeds. After a minute or two, touching a branch of a dense hazel growing on the right, closer to the sandy slope, a magpie scatters on a tree. What does she not talk about! A ringing chirping rushes towards her, and, growing, gradually, the many-voiced bird's hubbub fills the brightly colored summer garden.

After enjoying the swim, we return back. The glass door leading from the terrace is ajar. On the table in a simple earthenware pot is a bunch of skillfully picked, just picked, not yet blossoming flowers, and next to it, on a snow-white linen napkin, is a plate of honey, over which bright golden bees hover with an even buzz.

How easy it is to breathe in the early morning! How long do you remember this feeling of happiness that you experience only in childhood!

Greatest shrine

Through the care of a dear friend, I received from Russia a small box of Karelian birch, filled with earth. I belong to people who love things, are not ashamed of feelings and are not afraid of crooked smiles. In youth, this is forgivable and understandable: in youth we want to be self-confident, reasonable and cruel - rarely respond to offense, control our face, restrain our heart from trembling. But the burden of years wins, and strict restraint of feelings no longer seems to be the best and most important thing. Now I am the way I am, I am ready and able to kneel in front of a box of Russian soil and say out loud, without fear of other people's ears: "I love you, the land that gave birth to me, and I recognize you as my greatest shrine."

And no skeptical philosophy, no intelligent cosmopolitanism will make me ashamed of my sensitivity, because love guides me, and it is not subject to reason and calculation.

The earth in the box dried up and turned into lumps of brown dust. I pour it carefully and carefully so as not to scatter it on the table in vain, and I think that of all the things of a person, the earth has always been both the most beloved and close.

For dust you are, and to dust you shall return.

(According to M.A. Osorgin)


Early in the morning, as soon as dawn broke, I returned to familiar places along untrodden paths. In the distance, obscure and foggy, I already imagined a picture of my native village. Hurriedly stepping on the uncut grass, I imagined how I would approach my house, rickety from antiquity, but still friendly and expensive. I wanted to quickly see the familiar street from childhood, the old well, our front garden with jasmine and rose bushes.

Immersed in my memories, I imperceptibly approached the outskirts and, surprised, stopped at the beginning of the street. At the very edge of the village stood a dilapidated house, not changed at all since I left here. All these years, for many years, no matter where fate threw me, no matter how far from these places, I always invariably carried in my heart the image of my home, as a memory of happiness and spring ...

Our house! He, as before, is surrounded by greenery. True, the vegetation here has become more. In the center of the front garden, a large rose bush has grown, on which a delicate rose has blossomed. The flower garden is neglected, weeds are intertwined on the flowerbeds and paths that have grown into the ground, which have not been cleared by anyone and have not been sprinkled with sand for a long time. The wooden lattice, far from new, was completely peeled off, dried out and fell apart.

Nettles occupied a whole corner of the flower garden, as if serving as a backdrop for a delicate pale pink flower. But next to the nettle was a rose, and nothing else.

The rose blossomed on a fine May morning; when she opened her petals, the morning dew left a few tears on them, in which the sun played. Rose was crying. But everything around was so beautiful, so clean and clear on this spring morning ...


Behind the big house was an old garden, already wild, drowned out by weeds and bushes. I walked along the terrace, still strong and beautiful; through the glass door one could see a room with a parquet floor, probably a living room; an old piano, and engravings on the walls in wide mahogany frames - and nothing more. Only peonies and poppies survived from the former flower beds, which raised their white and bright red heads from the grass; young maples and elms, already plucked by cows, grew along the paths, stretching out, interfering with each other. It was dense, and the garden seemed impassable, but this was only near the house, where there were still poplars, pines and old lindens of the same age that had survived from the former alleys, and further behind them the garden was cleared for haymaking, and there was no longer soaring, the cobwebs did not climb into the mouth and eyes, the breeze blew; the farther inland, the more spacious, and cherries, plums, sprawling apple trees and pears were already growing in the open, so tall that it was not even believed that they were pears. This part of the garden was rented by our city merchants, and it was guarded from thieves and starlings by a foolish peasant who lived in a hut.

The garden, more and more thinned, turning into a real meadow, descended to the river, overgrown with green reeds and willows; near the mill dam there was a pool, deep and fishy, ​​a small mill with a thatched roof roared angrily, frogs croaked furiously. On the water, smooth as a mirror, circles occasionally went round, and river lilies trembled, disturbed by cheerful fish. A quiet blue stretch beckoned to itself, promising coolness and peace.


It happens that in the forest near some golden-red pine a knot will fall out of a white pine body. A year or two will pass, and a dawn will look at this hole - a small bird of exactly the same color as the bark of a pine tree. This bird will drag feathers, hay, fluff, twigs into an empty knot, build a warm nest for itself, jump onto a twig and sing. And so the bird begins spring.

After some time, or even right here, after the bird, a hunter comes and stops by a tree in anticipation of the evening dawn.

But now the song thrush, from some height on the hill, was the first to see the signs of dawn, whistled its signal. The dawn bird responded to him, flew out of the nest and, jumping from twig to twig, higher and higher, from there, from above, she also saw the dawn and answered the signal of the song thrush with her signal. The hunter, of course, heard the signal of the thrush and saw how the golden robin flew out, he even noticed that the golden robin, a small bird, opened its beak, but he simply did not hear what she peeped: the voice of the small bird did not reach the ground.

The birds were already praising the dawn above, but the man below could not see the dawn. The time has come - the dawn rose over the forest, the hunter saw: high on a knot, a bird will open its beak, then close it. It is the dawn sings, the dawn praises the dawn, but the song is not heard. The hunter still understands in his own way that the bird praises the dawn, and why he doesn’t hear songs is because she sings to praise the dawn, and not to be famous herself before people.

And so we believe that as soon as a person begins to praise the dawn, and not to be famous for the dawn himself, the spring of the person himself begins. All our real amateur hunters, from the smallest and simplest person to the largest, breathe only in order to glorify spring. And how many good people there is in the world, and none of them know anything good about themselves, and everyone will get used to him so much that no one even suspects how good he is, that he exists in the world for the sole purpose of glorifying the dawn and starting his own spring man.


The dawn was breaking, it was getting fresh, and it was time for me to get ready for the road. Passing through dense reed thickets, making my way through a thicket of inclined willows, I went to the bank of the river and quickly found my flat-bottomed boat. Before leaving, I checked the contents of my canvas bag. Everything was in place: a can of pork stew, smoked and stewed fish, a loaf of black bread, condensed milk, a skein of strong twine and many other things needed on the road.

Having driven away from the shore, I let go of the oars, and the boat quietly drifted downstream. Three hours later, around the turn of the river, the gilded domes of the church appeared clearly visible against the background of lead clouds near the horizon, but, according to my calculations, it was still not close to the city.

After walking a few steps along the cobbled street, I decided to mend my boots, or chaebots, which had been wet for a long time. The shoemaker was a dashing man of gypsy appearance. There was something extraordinarily attractive in the precise movements of his muscular arms.

Satisfying my hunger in the nearest cafe, where I had beetroot soup, liver with stewed potatoes and borzh, I went to wander around the city. My attention was drawn to the boardwalk stage, where multi-colored flags fluttered. The juggler has already finished his speech and bowed. He was replaced by a freckled dancer with reddish bangs and a yellow silk fan in her hands. After dancing some kind of tap-dance, she gave way to a clown in a star-shaped leotard. But the poor fellow was devoid of talent and not at all funny with his antics and jumps.

Having bypassed almost the entire town in half an hour, I settled down for the night on the banks of the river, hiding in an old waterproof raincoat.