In a Turkish all-inclusive hotel, even a fight. Three of the group of tourists were absolutely sober, and “the rest were drinking because they were seeing off a friend”

The three of us vacationed with a child.
Let me make a reservation right away: this is not the first time in Turkey and there is something to compare with.

In general, the impression is positive. I really wanted to write a wonderful review and gratitude to the hotel, but the recent fight at the hotel spoiled everything. First things first.

We arrived late in the evening, checked in literally in 3 minutes and instead of the reserved standard room we were given a family room, for which we are very grateful to the reception staff. The suitcases were brought to the room by a pleasant bellboy, he explained everything in detail about where it was, right down to how to turn the air conditioning on and off and use the safe) The room was nice, new, it was a pleasure to stay. The air conditioner worked properly. They cleaned every day, towels and bed sheets were changed. A couple of times they took away dirty towels and forgot to leave clean ones, but this was quickly resolved and we were given even more towels than we needed. The quality of cleaning was average: the dust was not wiped off, the plumbing fixtures were not shiny, but the floor was clean, nothing stuck to my feet.

Nutrition. Not deluxe, but we were quite pleased. We are not meat eaters, so I cannot evaluate the quality and variety of meat dishes. We liked the pastries and pies. I was surprised that in the restaurant there were no figures carved from watermelons, melons, etc., this is the first time I’ve encountered this... The waiters worked quickly, dirty dishes and napkins were removed from the tables quickly. There were dishes with cracks, but for me this is a minor thing, I simply did not take such dishes. In the afternoon there was ice cream, waffles, and chips. It’s quite difficult to stay hungry there, but you won’t be able to taste different dishes there either)

Animation. Here I want to express my sincere gratitude to the animators! The guys tried their best. In the morning, Anya had wonderful morning exercises; I really regret that I didn’t start attending her from the first day. Later she did aqua aerobics and step. During the day there were competitions in the pool. Those who complained about loud music during the day by the pool are wrong: the pool is large and we were lying at the opposite edge of the pool from the animation, and no one and nothing bothered me and my 5-year-old daughter. We went to competitions or swam to look at another part of the pool. It was always fun and interesting. My daughter only went to the miniclub once, and she liked it there too, but she still found swimming in the pool more interesting. In the evening we visited only the minidisco, which was also good, a standard minidisco of Turkish hotels. The only “but”: The behavior of one of the animators is not very clear, I don’t want to distort names, but in my opinion his name is Sahan, personal hostility towards me because I did not buy a ticket for playing bingo???

Staff. I wouldn’t say that Russians are treated badly. The young people at the reception are very polite and pleasant; Alsou left a very good impression, in the spa they didn’t bother us, but they always greeted us and politely gave us towels, the waiters were polite, the room cleaners were always smiling and “hello”. But there was an impression that the bartenders believed that it was all the service staff around, and not them... Although in this “ill-fated” bar I took a non-alcoholic cocktail to the child a couple of times and once water, and did not drink it myself, they could have done it better do. I’ll also include the above-mentioned animator Sahan here. In general, in my opinion, there were not many Russians there: Russian speech was often heard, but in reality it turned out. that these are Ukrainians or representatives of other countries... As soon as they began to introduce the participants in the daytime animation competitions, out of 10 Ivanov, Lesh, Katya, Yul and Seryozha, only 3 were Russian. But you can’t say that...)))))))))

In general, I liked the location of the hotel: opposite it there are many small shops, a pharmacy with a Russian-speaking pharmacist, and a currency exchange office. Once a week on Wednesdays there is a market where you can find everything from garlic to exotic fruits.

My plans were to return to this hotel next year, and also recommend it, since I had the best impression. In my opinion, the best price-quality ratio. The impressions were very good. But after the conflict with Russian tourists, there is some feeling and confusion. I do not rule out that drunk people could provoke a conflict, but in case of conflict there are police and security. And it's not even about the Russians. Let's not forget about the subordination: you didn't pay me, but I paid you, and you are the service personnel, not me. It is your job to do with dignity and well, as many of your hotel staff did. And I, having paid for my accommodation (from which your salary is also paid), expect respectful treatment and quality service.
And yet, if my husband found out or, even worse, saw the habits of your animator Sahan in my direction, then my husband would not have to drink any alcohol to break this animator’s head.

I expected a lot more regarding the price.
I vacationed with my wife and two children from June 24 to July 8, 2019. This is not my first vacation in Turkey, so there is something to compare with. I'll start in order.
We arrived late in the evening, the day was paid for, so there were no problems with checking in or waiting for a room. In general, I try to calculate the time so that either the arrival is after 14.00 or the day is paid for. If you are tired of the road, waiting in the hotel lobby until your room is available is quite a quest, especially if you are traveling with children. Personally, my advice is not to skimp on this.
Huge hall good climate comfortable sofas, everything is very high standard. Very pleasant and competent reception staff. Several people speak Russian. Minor problems arising during rest technical problems were resolved instantly. Special greetings to Christina. You are simply a miracle, the hotel owners are very lucky with their employee)
The room was given on the 5th floor with a view of Granad and the sea. I usually try not to find fault with little things, so I can’t say anything bad about the room. There are similar rooms in 3, 4, and 5 stars, there are few differences There are 135 TV channels, 5 or 6 Russian, but the little ones didn’t mind watching Disney in Turkish at all.
The air conditioner is programmed to be at least 23 degrees. This caused problems when moving in, because... During the day the room warmed up and for about an hour it was really hot until the air conditioner cooled it down. Then it was fine, they even turned it off periodically.
They cleaned every day, towels were changed without reminders, and water was supplied. Leaving a dollar or two in this regard is usually very motivating for the staff. Very convenient buttons with output to a display outside the door: cleaning is needed or, conversely, not to disturb.
The balcony is very shallow; of course, there was no desire to sit on it, but... it was mainly used for drying things, this is again a small thing.
I was very pleased with the playpen-type crib for the youngest child. He felt really comfortable in it.
I didn't really like the elevators. Sometimes they had to wait quite a long time. Well, this is standard, because... Those living on the 1st or 2nd floors usually do not understand that it is faster to go down or up from their floor on foot than to push in the elevator. Classic.
What else can be said good... The food for lunch and dinner is very, very good and varied. Always a choice of meat dishes, fish day on Tuesdays, grill in the evenings. I didn’t like that there was a very limited choice in the morning. By and large, there is nothing to take except scrambled eggs and cheesecakes.
Yes, the hotel states a children's menu. This is an exaggeration, it is not there in the morning and during the day. In the evening, some instantly cooling nuggets and rings are placed in the children's room, and that's all. You can go up to the administrator and ask for a couple of cans of baby fruit food. Considering that almost all dishes are quite spicy, feeding a two-year-old child for lunch becomes even more of a quest.
The situation with places is 4-. Finding a place for 1-2 people is not a problem, but with two children, if you don’t come to the opening, it becomes problematic.
The restaurant staff seemed very adequate and responsive, in this regard everything was +
What I also really didn’t like was the schedule. Lunch from 12 to 14 - in my opinion, too early and inconvenient. If you consider that the opening time of the snack bar is also 12 hours, then there is no logic.
I hardly used the bar, I’m not a fan of Turkish alcohol. Cocktails are standard with a huge amount of chemical juice and ice and a minimum of alcohol. Every time discussing with bartenders what and how to pour, as many did, is not for me.
The flatbreads are unrealistic, the queue lasts for two hours, but that’s usually the case everywhere.
Snacks are very decent and there is a lot of everything, but again they are made at the same time as lunch. Or or.
On the plus side, I would like to mention a very good, polite and relatively inexpensive photographer. I talked with my neighbors, they praised the bathhouse, but I didn’t get to it myself.

And now the introductory part is over and I will write about the huge number of disadvantages of this hotel, which really spoiled my vacation.
The first and most important disadvantage, from which almost all the others follow, is that it’s just a microscopic area of ​​the hotel and the beach. It feels like the entire territory was allowed into a huge hall, with nothing left for everything else. It would be logical if this hotel was in the center tourist city, rather than being marketed as a resort and spa.
There are never any seats by the pool. At 9 am, finding at least one is already an achievement. Get up at 7 am like the people in the next room and go take a seat? Sorry, I paid and arrived at 5 stars, not 2-3.
Seats by the sea - please, in rows 6-7, if you're lucky again. Due to the microscopic area, the sunbeds are practically in the sea. There is a pier, there are places there, but with children on it it is absolutely not an option.
Children's pool - under an awning. We averaged 35-36 degrees. But it was really cold in there; the youngest child didn’t like it there.
Children's club. The hotel announcement again stated a lot, but as a result, the minimum. It was a dark room; my 9-year-old daughter was not interested in it at all, although usually you can’t drag her out of children’s clubs by the ears. The site looks like they brought illicit goods there just to have it. A couple of gurneys and a climbing frame that is scary to climb. Ball pool where the balls ran out, table tennis and table football, that's it. Neither my daughter nor my son had any desire to go to the children's club.
In general, the hotel has a major problem with animators. I repeat, I have something to compare with, even in the hotels the professional animation team was much simpler than stated. Here there was a feeling that people were recruited on a residual basis. In the morning there seems to be a lot of them passing by, but in reality it is not clear what this crowd of idlers is doing. Although no, I’m deceiving, they are constantly trying to sell lottery tickets. Terribly annoying, zero professionalism.
Competitions that are already monotonous are spoiled even more by the presenters. Within 5 minutes, the participant is asked where he is from, what his name is, what brought him to this hotel. Then humor usually begins at a level below the belt, and after that, participation in jumping on the board, getting spoons, etc. is long and tedious. Spectators usually didn’t stay until the end of the competitions, and the participants also tried to quietly sneak away.
I was especially “pleased” when my daughter was allowed to play Bocha for two days in a row, but on the third they said that children were not allowed. The reason was trivial - in the first days there were not enough adults, and in the third day the child turned out to be superfluous. The animator showed his highest professionalism.
Evening animation is standard. But again, there is a huge disadvantage due to the hotel territory, or rather its absence. If you want to see at least something on stage, you need to come very early, because there is no amphitheater here and there never was, the chairs are placed in rows on the floor, where in the morning there are sun loungers by the pool. Already from the 6-7th row it is impossible to see anything behind their heads, and at the same time you will be smoked from hookahs, which are standing right there almost on your heads.
Well, you get the idea. In the morning at 7 am, take the sun loungers, in the evening run to dinner and then to the cartoons, so that in an hour and a half you will see something on the show. 5 star hotel, bravo.
What else can you remember... The gym, again, “to be in the photo in the announcement.” Broken exercise equipment in a 5 star hotel. With a weight of 88 kg, I couldn’t run on the track; I had the feeling that she would die under me. Everything creaks and falls apart, the same feeling as in the children's club, that a written-off illicit asset was brought here. By the way, the hotel is only a few years old. It’s basically impossible to sell new equipment like this; it was originally second-hand. This is an indicator of how the hotel owners treat their guests; this usually comes out in small things.
And the last big minus concerns the hotel contingent. Citizens of the Russian Federation, I really missed you. There were literally a few people from the Russian Federation and a few more Belarusians and Kazakhs.
Honestly, it’s better to tolerate your relatives from “Our Russia” than to communicate with Hungarian-German-Slovak characters. I won’t describe it for a long time, the moderators won’t let me through, just swearing, pushing a child out of the queue for potatoes is the norm for them. Climbing forward in a bar or coffee shop and stealing the drink set for you, throwing your towel off the sun lounger and then rolling your eyes, jumping from the bridge onto your heads is again in the order of things. In response to comments, they usually hide their eyes and run, making faces behind their backs. Europe, however.
By the way, the hotel staff, especially the bars, and the animators treat them better than ours, this is very noticeable and very annoying.

As a result, unfortunately, the number of disadvantages in this case significantly outweighed the pros and, despite the fact that some things were very good, I will not go to this hotel again and do not particularly recommend it to you.

Tourists from Yekaterinburg were injured in a fight in Turkey. A shocking story was told on one of the forums by a friend of the injured tourists under the nickname S_M, the correspondent reports

According to her, the tourists were vacationing in Side, at the five-star Grand Prestige Hotel & Spa.

“The guys are now resting there in a hotel, late yesterday evening they were attacked by the Turks: they broke them, cut our guys, they didn’t seem to touch the girls. They wrote a statement, but the police convinced them that it was useless, their presence was needed, and home on September 27, and others trawl-wali, - they took him away. The consulate is not working. Several people are broken, one has 15 stitches on his stomach and 23 on his arm! The tour operator simply offers to move one family to another hotel and that’s it,” said a forum user.

At the same time, answering questions from other forum members, the girl admitted that the tourists were drunk, but “as far as I know them well, they never took part in any fights.”

Note that an almost similar situation occurred with other tourists from Yekaterinburg. About what happened in social network a local resident reported.

According to him, on September 24 at the Turkish five-star hotel Azura Deluxe Resort & Spa Hotel 5* city Avsallar there was a mass fight involving hotel staff and Russian tourists.

“The conflict occurred due to an attempt to leave a complaint against the bartender of this hotel, who refused to serve young people due to hostility towards Russians. Instead of adequately responding to the complaint, the hotel staff began to be rude and use their hands in every possible way. In particular, one of the tourists was grabbed "by the throat and began to threaten. Then a real fight began, to which the rest of the staff, including the hotel management and security, arrived," said the citizen.

“Not only the young people, but also their girls got it. In addition, the hotel employees did not hesitate to use improvised objects, bottles, chairs. Then one of the workers, noticing that a video was being filmed, took the phone from one of the girls. As they themselves report The victims were pushed out of the hotel building, began to be chased and beaten with bats until they lost consciousness,” he explained.

The young man also clarified that one of the young men had a cut on the back of his head from being hit with a bat. He was taken away in an ambulance.

“It became known about nationalist sentiments and hostility towards Russians only upon arrival. Before the incident, during their stay at this hotel, young people received repeated threats and provocations of extremist content. No measures were taken by the police,” noted the Yekaterinburg resident.

Let's start with the territory. She is very small. You could say tiny in size. But we must pay tribute to the hotel; they included all the necessary infrastructure here. Eat large swimming pool, big stage. There is a children's pool and children's slides for little ones. There are also 2 low slides for adults and children. But there is no greenery in the hotel at all. There are a lot of people in the hotel but still there are no queues anywhere. But still, the hotel is noisy and you won’t find a secluded corner here. The animation is active but not intrusive. No one will force you to participate in events. But there's music all day. Every day there are discos, sometimes parties, and good evening shows. There are also various events during the day. Sometimes even water shows. Children here are not bored. There is a children's room and children's animators who entertain and look afterchildren. There is a good spa where they provide high-quality but inexpensive massages. The beach is short but quite wide, 5 rows of sunbeds but the sunbeds are close to each other. The sunbeds are close to the water, which is actually good if you are relaxing with a child. And there is a very large pier with a bar and sun loungers with umbrellas. In general, there are enough sun loungers. It’s just that if you didn’t come in the morning, you won’t rest in rows five or four in general best places but you will still find free ones. Entering the water is sandy on the beach. The hotel itself is very stylish and beautiful. The rooms are in good condition. The staff is responsive and does an excellent job. I especially note the Russian-speaking girl at the reception who helps resolve literally all issues. Room cleaning is good. In bars and restaurants they also do everything quickly and without asking for tips. Everyone is very friendly. They try to check you in immediately upon arrival, and this speaks of thoughtful management at the hotel. In general, the main thing for us was to stay within the budget and get a hotel of a decent level. And we got all this here. Special thanks to our travel agent Dmitry Mir for the perfectly selected hotel. I recommend contacting him. I immediately understood what we expected from our vacation and in ten minutes found us options that suited us in everything and suited our price. It’s easy to find him on the social network VKontakte by his last name. The food is very good and varied. Feeding a child is not a problem. The restaurant has a children's area with children's tables and chairs and a TV with cartoons. There are dietary meals and themed dinners. A good choice fruit. The hotel is not a party hotel, but there are a lot of active events and therefore it is perfect for young people. Although you can go on vacation with children.

In an interview with RIA Novosti, one of the girls (Alena) said that on Sunday night three married couples were finishing their vacation in Turkey and decided to see off a young man, also a Russian, whom they met on vacation.

After some time, the Russians had a conflict with the bartender, after which he, according to the interlocutor, began to behave aggressively, “jumping out from behind the bar.” An attempt to complain to the administration provoked an attack by hotel employees: a representative of the hotel management grabbed one of the tourists by the neck. As a result, the Russians were forced out onto the streets.

“Our girl’s nose was broken. The guy hugged her and began to calm her down. At this time, he was hit from behind with a wooden bat and his head was broken. I began to attract attention. In the end, they (the hotel employees) saw the blood, saw that they were filming, and began to disperse. One of them, leaving, looked into my eyes and, smiling, said: “Welcome to Turkey,” said Alena.

According to her, three of the six victims, a girl and two men, “received more severe injuries.” The rest have bruises received from hotel employees when they tried to take the phones from the Russians.

Three of the group of tourists were absolutely sober, and “the rest were drinking because they were seeing off a friend.” According to the girl, the Turks “specially sent the sober ones to the police, and the drunk ones to the hospital - they only took blood from the drunk ones.”

Alena called the hotel director's comments shocking. According to her, “they don’t even understand who the fight happened with and why.”

As the Russian woman clarified, after the incident, the hotel administration allowed only women to return to their rooms for half an hour so that they could pick up their things. The tourists contacted the nearest Russian consulate in Turkey, where, according to her, they limited themselves to the answer that their “application was accepted.”

A representative of the Russian Consulate General in Antalya told RIA Novosti, in turn, that no appeals had been received from the parties to the conflict at that time.

Alena added that now the affected families are thinking about how to defend their interests from a legal point of view.