Away from the bustle of the city. Away from the bustle of the city: the concept of a futuristic mansion on the water surface

It often happens that tired of the hustle and bustle of megacities, you want to escape somewhere closer to nature. Guided by precisely this idea, the Polish architect created a project for a country mansion located on the water surface of the lake. The black and white geometric façade blends in quite harmoniously with the mountainous landscape.

Polish practice architect 81.WAW.PL. Michal Novak ( Michal Nowak) developed the concept of a suburban residential mansion called The Crown House. The sharp rays of the house really resemble a kind of futuristic crown located on the water surface of the lake.

The architect calls his project an excellent example of how clear geometric lines of a building can be successfully combined with a natural landscape.

The house can only be accessed via a platform on one side. The entrance to the garage is almost invisible, it merges with the smooth surface of the wall. The area of ​​the entire plot is 250 square meters, 160 of which falls on the house.

This mansion is under development. The House is a space of 85 square meters, including a number of spheres, as if "penetrating" into the main volumes. Some geometric shapes replace others.

Many Krasnoyarsk residents note that the regional center has recently become less and less suitable for life. Crowding of buildings and people, noise, dust, gas pollution, endless traffic jams - all this gradually negates the prestige and convenience of life in the city. Nevertheless, the townspeople are also not ready to settle somewhere in the "outlying area", in villages and remote towns - work, study, developed social and entertainment infrastructure do not let Krasnoyarsk residents go far from the city. Therefore, many choose for themselves the "golden mean" - they buy housing in the suburbs of Krasnoyarsk - where the environment is normal, and "civilization" is within easy reach.

Moreover, even if you initially do not have the money to order turnkey construction from the company, you can build a frame house on your own and in stages. The Karkas-Sibir company at its own factory in Krasnoyarsk produces the so-called house kits - sets of wall panels, roof trusses, etc. By purchasing such a "constructor", you can build a house with your own hands and in several stages. It will take a little longer, but cheaper. Attached to the kit detailed instructions, drawings and even an online consultant who can remotely advise by phone.

The same is with utility bills - there is a "horror story" that is on the content country house can be ruined. However, the Karkas-Sibir company also refutes this myth. The advantage of low-rise construction is precisely that it is possible to apply modern energy-saving technologies and materials, thanks to which the cost of public services at home will approximately equal the cost of servicing a city apartment. “Many of our clients after the very first winter in our houses refused wood heating and switched to electric heating. Houses retain heat so much,” the company's employees explain.

Experts point out that in over the past few years, buyers of country houses have increased interest in remote from the city cottage settlements located in forests near rivers and lakes. As a rule, such cottages, located to the north of St. Petersburg, are purchased not for permanent, but for seasonal residence.

"Gatchinsky and Pushkinsky districts- not the most attractive place for amateurs active rest, - says Anastasia Tuzova, President of E3 Group. - These directions are preferred by people who are closer to cultural leisure. But many places that can interest those who prefer to get away from the bustle of the city can be found today in the Vyborgsky, Vsevolozhsky and Priozersky districts.

According to the E3 Group, in Vsevolozhsky District, which is one of the most popular suburban real estate buyers, there are about 200 villages for sale. However, this direction is more popular among those who need a well-developed infrastructure. But the Vyborgsky district attracts buyers with forests and the proximity of the bay. Today, about 70 cottage settlements of various price segments are being sold there. It is also important that a significant part of them is located on the banks of lakes and rivers. Priozersky district is popular with real fishermen and hunters. In addition, residents of St. Petersburg often began to look at cottage settlements in neighboring regions - the Pskov and Novgorod regions.

suburban backwoods

According to the head of housing program "Moving to St. Petersburg", Nikolai Lavrov, general director of the company "Real Estate in St. Petersburg", many citizens consider the Karelian Isthmus a wild place because of its remoteness from St. Petersburg alone. They find it hard to accept that after driving 70 km, you find yourself in the same gardening as in the suburbs. northern capital. “But there really are a lot of lakes and large forests that are not spoiled by roads and many villages,” Nikolai Lavrov agrees. Lake Ladoga designed for anglers, there are moorings for boats. In the same place, on the other side of Sukhodolskoye Lake, there are protected forests. The only way to get there is by boat."

Settlements that will surely attract There are really a lot of outdoor enthusiasts in the Leningrad region now. This is, for example, "Spruce Alley" located among the wonderful landscapes of the Karelian Isthmus and surrounded by coniferous forest. The country complex "Berezovka" is surrounded by the Korkinsky nature reserve, a river flows nearby, there are lakes Korkinskoye and Lazurnoye. Ecovillage "Khutor near Izvara" is located next to the river, on the edge of a beautiful deciduous forest. “You can enumerate for quite a long time - there are many such offers in the Leningrad Region,” says Nikolai Lavrov. “However, houses for hunting are extremely rarely bought in cottage settlements. Hunters prefer farms 100 km or more towards Vyborg and Finland. For 1–5 million rubles, depending on the buildings, you can find a remote farm in the forest."

For hunters and fishermen...

Although the complete absence settlements for true nature lovers today, one cannot complain, the market for objects of this format, however, is in its infancy.

The reason is that the cost of building a house a hundred or more kilometers from St. Petersburg is high, and the need for such real estate arises only periodically. It is easier for hunters and fishermen to rent a ready-made cottage from time to time than to spend 10–30 million rubles on buying a plot and building a house. The same applies to cottage settlements with a contract. Many of them were founded in 2006, when there was a boom in cottage construction. So far, many of them have not been completed. Therefore, for those who really need a house a hundred or two kilometers from the city, it is easier and easier to buy a plot with the rudiments of infrastructure and communications and engage in construction on their own.

…retirees and programmers

The E3 Group is still confident that if there is a proper commercial and social infrastructure nearby, such projects are also suitable for permanent residence. “Yes, settlements in forest areas are primarily suitable for seasonal living, temporary recreation. The reason for this is the desire of people to retire, to get away from the city noise for a while,” says Anastasia Tuzova. “It is important to assess the presence of polyclinics or ambulances nearby. the presence of a settlement, village or small town you can live in such a village permanently. Their residents can be families with children, in which parents have the opportunity to work remotely, or pensioners who prefer suburban life."

Main highways and roads highways developed in all directions Leningrad region. However, buyers should pay attention to the condition of the branches that lead to the village from the main roads. It is important that in summer they are graded by the administration of the settlement to which the settlement belongs, and in winter they are cleared. Recently, there have been more and more cases when own closed roads are being laid to elite villages. It would seem that this develops the transport network of the region, but at the same time destroys the forest.

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Have you ever wanted to escape to nature? In a place as far away from the bustle of the city as possible. AT modern world few such places remain. One of them will be discussed below.

Everyone has heard about the Republic of Karelia and its most popular sights, but not everyone knows the place with the Finnish name Paanajärvi - a specially protected park in the very north of the republic, in the Loukhsky district, where the population density is 0.57 people / km². There is no cell service in the park. Here a person is left alone with nature, which gives quite unusual sensations, which are complemented by the lack of electricity and running water, but first things first.
True connoisseurs of untouched wilderness

The park was opened to the public in 1992. Until that time, the territory of 103 thousand hectares was closed and was under the supervision of border guards, which made it possible to preserve the pristine beauty of these places. Today, the park receives a limited number of visitors for several reasons.

Firstly, the tourist zone is equipped with a small number of residential houses, and the territory allocated for tent camps also has its limits. Thus, a limited number of guests can be in the park at the same time. According to expert estimates, no more than 200 people per 5,000 hectares. So it is necessary to book the time and place in advance, and practice shows that it is better to make a choice 3-4 months before the trip.

Secondly, not everyone is ready to spend their holidays away from civilization. The nearest grocery store is in the village of Pyaozersky, 70 km from the checkpoint, but given the quality of the road, one trip will take 4 hours, so full set food for the entire period of stay is better to bring with you. In addition, the assortment in the store is very modest.

Thirdly, poor quality road leading to the park. After the turn from the village of Loukhi, a real test for the suspension of your car will begin. The road has its own characteristics, for example, in some sections there are tree trunks lying across, high stones sticking out of the ground, and sometimes stumps. You need to be extremely careful in such areas, especially if you are not driving an SUV.
But these factors will not scare away a real connoisseur of pristine nature, since, according to the park workers, they have regular visitors who come here from year to year. Indeed, it is safe to say that this place is worthy of a second visit.

One of interesting features park: a fairly large number of Finns rest here, although they also have their own Oulanka park, bordering Paanajärvi. It would seem, why would Finns come to Russia and live in such conditions? The fact is that the territory of the Oulanka park is too ennobled and the Finns, tired of civilization, want to get closer to nature. And although there are many wild places in the Russian outback, Paanajärvi is closest to the Finns. As the park staff say: "In Oulanka [from frequent touching] all the stones are polished."

Atmosphere of "autonomous life"

Residential houses for guests are quite cozy and pretty. They are log cabins with a capacity of 3 to 20 people. Inside each house there is a potbelly stove. Bed linen is issued upon registration at the visitor center of the park. Food is cooked on a fire, for which you first need to chop wood.

"Kruglyaki" are located in the woodsheds next to the houses - the park administration provides guests with the necessary amount of firewood and other equipment, including utensils. The water supply in the park is “natural”, since there are a great many rivers and streams in Karelia. They also did not deprive the territory of the park. So water for drinking and cooking can be taken from a nearby river. Near each tourist camp there is an equipped access to the river for collecting water.

As for cleanliness and hygiene, this was also taken care of: each residential house has its own toilet attached. There is also a bath - either one per house, or one for two houses. After fetching water, chopping firewood, preparing food, and refreshing yourself, there are plenty of activities you can do. We list the most interesting sights.
Lake Paanajärvi

The lake of the same name is 21.5 km long and with a maximum width of 1.5 km (the greatest depth is 128 m). There is a hiking trail across the lake. old village, from which only the foundation of the school and several logs of a water mill have been preserved. The village consisted of several farms and in its heyday had about 700 inhabitants. It had its own police station, 3 schools, a post office, a hut for the sick, several shops, a bank branch and ceased to exist in 1944. Now this place is interesting because there is a picturesque Mäntykoski waterfall.

There are two ways for tourists to get to Mäntykoski. The first, most interesting (and the only one before the opening of the tourist season) is to rent a boat and independent trip. The second - on a common boat with a capacity of 20-30 people.
Of the 21.5 km of the lake, only 16 km are open to tourists. This is enough to see the waterfall, but then the official boat will not carry you. It is better not to explore the rest of the lake by boat, as you will not have enough fuel and at some point you will have to row with oars. It is worth mentioning that when renting a boat on your own, you will be asked to sign papers about the briefing. After a short instruction on the features of engine control on a boat, you will be allowed to sail on your own. If you do not return 8 hours after sailing, the park staff will go in search of you.

Not far from the waterfall there is another of the attractions - Red Rock, or Ruskeakallio (the effect of red rocks is achieved by stones overgrown with orange lichen). The trout route also passes through the lake. This fish from the salmon family belongs to noble breeds and is listed in the Red Book. Finns who come to Paanajärvi always try to catch at least one such fish. Their goal is simple - a photo for memory. After that, the fish is usually released. Locals say that it is not so easy to catch a trout.

After a rather difficult trip across the lake and a walk to the waterfall, you can rest and refresh yourself. Fire in the park is allowed to make only in strictly designated areas. They have everything you need for a halt: a firewood shed with firewood, an ax, an equipped fire pit, a gazebo with a table in case of rain.
Mount Nuorunen

It is considered the highest in Karelia (576 meters). From the top, you can see a significant part of Karelia and a thin “stripe” of Finland. At the top there is a rich vegetable world, and in order to climb it, you need to walk 21 km, and only in one direction!

The steep ascent begins only at the end of the path, but most of The route runs through swamps, swamps, streams and forests teeming with mosquitoes.

Experienced travelers advise taking rubber boots with you, but it is difficult to walk such a distance in rubber boots, so you need to change shoes. Needless to say, there are much fewer guests on this route than visitors in more equipped parts of the park. Not everyone will agree to such a test.

In winter, you can climb the mountain on a snowmobile - experienced employees will take you to the top with a breeze.

But if you decide on an independent “feat”, then you should not deviate further from the path by more than 5 meters, otherwise there is a chance of easily losing it. The path is so narrow and so it merges with the monotonous landscape. Solo travelers should be especially careful.
The park workers have a story about a lost tourist from Moscow fresh in their minds: a man decided to walk to the top alone, and in the end he was found a few days later, but he was already in a less optimistic mood than before the trip.

However, at the base of the mountain there is an equipped place for parking and a tent camp. It is suitable for those who decide to stretch the pleasure and take a walk for two days.

There are several seids at the top, but this one is the most pronounced.

Kivakkakoski waterfall

Located on the Olanga River. It is a series of rapids stretching for a length of about 100 meters. At overall height drop of about 12 meters Kivakkakoski is considered the largest unregulated waterfall in Karelia.

The flow of seething water is so noisy that it can be heard for a couple of kilometers, and so powerful that a huge amount of small spray soars above it in the form of a cloud, so that in sunny weather a rainbow can almost always be observed above the waterfall.

During spawning, the brown trout rises against the current of the Olanga, so if you carefully peer into the streams of water, you can become a happy witness to the scene when the fish, emerging from the seething stream, tries to overcome the force of the waterfall. The energy of the water here is so powerful that even after a couple of hours of being on the shore, you don’t want to leave here at all.
Mount Kivakka

The third largest mountain in Karelia with a height of 499.5 meters. Translated from Finnish, its name means "Stone Baba". This is a place that offers a breathtaking view of Pyaozero. The top of Kivakki is more accessible than the top of Mount Nuorunen.

The path to the top is about 4.5 km and includes places to rest. Kivakka is in the majority tourist routes must-visit.

This is a truly peaceful place, which, according to the locals, has a "white" energy (in contrast to Mount Vottovaara, which the locals associate with dark forces).

On Kivakka, as well as on other Karelian mountains, there are seids - huge blocks mounted on small pebbles - "stands".

Small pebbles are arranged in such a way that they allow the main boulder to remain stable for many hundreds of years.

The age of these structures is so great that it is now very difficult to determine their meaning and purpose. Until now, there is no consensus on why all this was created. There is an assumption that the Sami (the ancient inhabitants of Karelia, who were engaged in fishing and hunting) set seids on the high shores of the seas and lakes so that they could be seen from afar.

Among the Sami, it was not the stone itself that mattered, but the deity living in it, helping in crafts. It was assumed that the souls of dead ancestors were infused into the stones. The seidas were sacrificed. As a rule, these were the tails or heads of fish. Women were not allowed to see the seids, and men approached the stones on their knees.

Stones resembling a person in shape were especially revered. For example, this one looks like an old lady?! Perhaps, in honor of this old woman, the Finns called the mountain "Stone Woman".

The surface of the mountain, like everything in Karelia, is covered with swamps. The swamps at the top of the mountain are called hanging swamps. There are quite a lot of them on the flat tops of the local mountains.

Nevertheless, some tourists from year to year come to these places for the sake of communicating with such “friends”.

Having already driven several tens of kilometers from the borders of the park, I suddenly realized that there was a pause in the car, everyone was strongly impressed by what they saw, scrolling in memory those, unfortunately short-lived, moments of being in the arms of hospitable Karelian nature.