Why can they get kicked off the train? Visa news for the countries of the former USSR

According to clause 36 of the Rules for the carriage of passengers and baggage by rail

A passenger can be removed from the train:
a) by employees of internal affairs bodies - if, when boarding a train or en route, he violates the rules of travel, public order and interferes with the peace of other passengers. In this case, funds in the amount of the cost of travel for the untraveled distance and the cost of transporting baggage are not refunded;

Excerpt from the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses
Article 20.20. Drinking beer and drinks made on its basis, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, or consuming narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in in public places
1. Drinking beer and drinks made on its basis, as well as alcoholic and alcohol-containing products with an ethyl alcohol content of less than 12 percent of the volume of finished products in children's, educational and medical organizations, in all types public transport(transport common use) urban and commuter service, in cultural organizations (except for organizations or points located in them Catering, including without forming a legal entity), physical education, health and sports facilities - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one hundred to three hundred rubles.

2. Drinking alcoholic and alcohol-containing products with an ethyl alcohol content of 12 percent or more of the volume of finished products on the streets, stadiums, squares, parks, vehicle in public places, in other public places (including those specified in part 1 of this article), with the exception of trade and public catering organizations in which the sale of alcoholic beverages by the glass is permitted - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to seven hundred rubles.

Previously, an exception was made for dining cars, which on trains long distance are considered catering establishments. Their menu always included strong alcoholic drinks. But now, according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation (Law No. 171-FZ), dining cars are non-stationary (mobile) points of sale, where the sale of alcoholic beverages with an ethyl alcohol content of no more than 16.5% is permitted. In fact, only beer, some types of wine and low-alcohol drinks fall into this category.

It turns out that in Russia you can only drink low-alcohol drinks on the train and only in a specially designated place - the dining car.

The conductor draws up a protocol, and two witnesses from the passengers sign it (indicating contacts). Then, via the train radio, a police squad is called to the nearest station to the carriage.

A story that could have had a very sad ending happened on one of the trains. A 13-year-old girl was dropped off a train by a ticket inspector in a deep forest - at a station 85 kilometers from Moscow, in company with a drunk man. The girl's parents, who were waiting for her on another platform, did not know what had happened and spent several hours in a state of wild anxiety. Now the Transport Prosecutor's Office has taken over the case.

Silent stop. 85 kilometers from Moscow. On one side there is a forest, on the other there are rails. The controller dropped 13-year-old Yulia into such scenery commuter train. Afterwards he called him a hare. And there, on the platform, he escorted a drunken man of 40 years old.

"This unknown place, there’s a forest all around, I don’t know what to do next. I was a little scared somehow,” Yulia said in an interview with the Moscow 24 TV channel.

The controller dropped her off because she slept through her station. I moved on with a ticket to Biryulev. Now Yulia says she’s lucky. The drunk passenger immediately fell asleep on the bench. For an hour the girl fished the net and tried to call her parents.

“He dropped her off on a remote platform, kilometer 85, where there are no buses, residential areas or trains for the next two hours! Where there is only a bench and a sign! Couldn’t your vigilant conductor have been vigilant one station later?!” - Alena Bochenkova wrote on Facebook.

The next station is Zhilevo. Large. From there you can leave by any transport. But the 85th kilometer is irrevocable, only electric trains from Moscow stop there. It’s difficult to get there even by car - you end up in the forest.

When Yulia got through to her dad, who was waiting for her at the station in Biryulyovo, he couldn’t find a place for himself.

“Of course, we were terribly scared. In every case, I drove away bad thoughts. What gave it additional color was the fact that they dropped an adult man on a platform in the forest,” says the girl’s father, Vladimir Pesnya.

One more thing - Julia didn’t feel well. She got on the train with a fever. From Moscow children's camp I had to return home earlier than usual. Perhaps, in such a state, she would benefit from being accompanied by counselors.

“A call was made to dad, dad confirmed to the counselors that the girl could go home on her own. In addition, she has signed an official statement from her parents that she is leaving the Cultural Center on her own,” said Anastasia Krivich, PR manager of the ZIL Cultural Center.

I sat down at the Paveletsky station. And then I fell asleep to the sound of wheels. Happens to everyone. But even if 13-year-old Yulia were a malicious free rider, the conductor is obliged to act differently.

“What he should have done was first of all find out how old she was. If she is 13 years old and does not have a ticket, he should have called the police and handed over the child to her, and then the police should have contacted the parents,” explains lawyer Alexander Spirichev.

This is part of the job description that every train or any other transport controller knows about. Worked too hard - Central Suburban employees justify their colleague passenger company.

“The controller was probably just already working like a robot and therefore didn’t think about the fact that there was a child in front of him. “I worked like with an ordinary adult,” says Sergei Rusov, sales director of OJSC Central Suburban Passenger Company.

This is how the conductor in Yekaterinburg apparently acted automatically. The girl lost her travel card. She obediently went out into the cold and walked home for two hours.

And in Moscow, volunteers and police searched for the schoolgirl for seven hours. It turned out that I had lost money and could not pay for the minibus fare. She was confused and did not ask other passengers to help. They also dropped me off. Wandered around the city.

“It’s quite an emergency situation because the child is not ready for this. When he finds himself in such circumstances, this is a state of insecurity, a state of defenselessness, a lack of understanding of what actions should be taken now, this, of course, leads to the child being traumatized,” says psychologist Anetta Orlova.

There are many stories, but they end differently. In Barnaul, the mother of a teenager with mental retardation did not have time to pick him up on the bus. He could only howl in response to the fact that he was literally thrown out at the end. Frostbite. Amputation. A month later - death.

The controller who dropped the girl off in the forest has already been reprimanded. After publicity in the media, the Transport Prosecutor's Office took over the case. The investigation is also under the control of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

Liability under the article “Leaving in danger” is possible. This is a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles or imprisonment of up to a year. The girl's parents do not insist on punishment. They just want this to never happen to another child. After all, Yulina’s journey could have ended either way.

“I am now telling all this so that those same people in uniform, the controllers, will think and show some human feelings,” says Yulia’s father.

According to clause 36 of the Rules for the provision of services for the transportation of passengers by rail, as well as cargo, luggage and cargo luggage for personal, family, household and other needs not related to business activities, approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated 03/02/2005 No. 111, a passenger can be removed from the train:

a) by employees of internal affairs bodies - if, when boarding a train or en route, he violates the rules of travel, public order and interferes with the peace of other passengers. In this case, funds in the amount of the cost of travel for the untraveled distance and the cost of transporting baggage are not refunded;

b) medical workers - in the event of a passenger’s illness, which prevents his further travel or threatens the health of other passengers, if it is not possible to place him separately. The passenger is removed from the train only at that railway station where the necessary medical facilities are available.

c) carrier employees who, in accordance with the established procedure, are entrusted with monitoring the availability of travel documents (tickets) for passengers - if the passenger travels without a travel document (ticket) or on an invalid travel document (ticket) and refuses to pay the fare in the manner determined rules for the transportation of passengers, luggage, cargo luggage;

d) in other cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for example, the detention of a person by employees of internal affairs bodies on suspicion of committing a crime in the manner prescribed by the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation.

In this case, a passenger removed from the train by medical workers due to illness when returning a partially unused travel document (ticket) to Long-distance trains has the right to receive at the ticket office at the station where the passenger is removed from the train the cost of a ticket for the untraveled distance based on the mark on the stop along the route and a document from the medical institution affixed to the travel document (ticket). In this case, a fee will be charged for processing a refund for an unused travel document (ticket).

In other cases, the ticket price is not refundable.

According to clause 48 of the Rules for the transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo luggage on federal railway transport, approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation by order of December 19, 2013 N 473, when a passenger boards a carriage, a travel document (ticket), a document proving his identity, are checked on the basis whose travel document (ticket) is issued, if there are travel benefits - documents confirming the right to benefits, as well as compliance with weight and dimensions hand luggage passenger to established standards.

If the passenger's last name or identification document number does not correspond to the last name or document number indicated in the presented travel document (ticket), in the absence or change (correction) of the last name or identification document number, and other information in the travel document (ticket) Passengers are not allowed to board long-distance and commuter trains with designated seats.

In case of discrepancy between the data of the passenger's identity document and the data specified in the travel document (ticket) (no more than one letter in the surname and no more than one digit in the number), the passenger is allowed to travel on a long-distance train or commuter train, indicating the seats .

If, when boarding a train, a passenger presents a travel document (ticket), the passenger's surname in which does not correspond to the surname in the passenger's identity document, and a document confirming the fact of a change in surname, then such a passenger is allowed to travel on a long-distance and suburban train with the indication places

Passengers are boarded in the carriage indicated in the travel document (ticket). At intermediate stations, passengers are allowed to board any train carriage with subsequent transfer to the carriage indicated in the travel document (ticket).

Travel on a commuter train of a certain category is permitted only upon presentation of a travel document (ticket) for a commuter train of that category.

When boarding a commuter train without designated seats, the passenger, in the event of control, presents a travel document (ticket), and if there are travel benefits, he also presents documents confirming the right to benefits.

A ticketless person is a citizen found without a travel document (ticket) or who presented an invalid travel document (ticket) during control:

A ticketless citizen found on a long-distance train is required to pay the fare from the boarding station to the nearest station at which he is removed from the train, if it is not possible to arrange travel for an empty seat on the train. Travel is issued without providing a seat.

A stowaway found on a commuter train is required to pay the fare from the boarding station to the station of his destination. In this case, he is charged a fee for issuing a travel document (ticket) on the train. If a ticketless citizen declares a desire to leave the train, he pays the cost of travel to the station where he will leave the train and a fee for issuing a travel document (ticket) on the train.

In case of refusal to pay the fare and leave the train, the ticketless citizen is removed from the train by the carrier at the nearest station or stopping point.

A ticketless citizen discovered during control after the end of a trip on a commuter train is obliged to pay at the destination station the cost of travel from the boarding station to the destination station and the fee for issuing a travel document (ticket).

A passenger who boards a commuter train at stations stopping points, where there are no ticket offices and self-service terminals, is not a ticketless citizen and is obliged to pay the fare from the boarding station to the station of his destination on the train or after the end of the trip at the destination station. However, there is no fee for issuing a travel document (ticket) or carrying hand luggage.

After this post by an indignant woman on Facebook, the transport prosecutor’s office began an investigation.

Muscovite Alena Bochenkova spoke on social networks about the incident with her daughter. Yulia is 13 years old. For the summer, the girl was enrolled in a city camp in Cultural center ZIL. The family lives in Biryulyovo, there is no metro in this Moscow area, so Yulia gets to the camp by train - from the Biryulyovo-Tovarnaya platform to Paveletsky Station and back. On Tuesday morning she went to camp, but felt unwell and her parents asked the counselor by phone to let her go home. A friend accompanied the schoolgirl to Paveletskaya, where she was supposed to catch the train. And the girl stopped communicating.

“I hoped that Yu fell asleep on the train,” writes Alena Bochenkova. - She sleeps in the subway, in the car, on the plane. She was sick and could have fallen asleep on the train. Yulka’s phone either simply missed calls or was out of reach. I sat next to the computer with the schedule of this damn train and, using a timer, I kept track of where my child was probably sleeping. Then she, sleepy, finally picked up the phone. I immediately asked Yulka not to get off at the nearest platform “85 kilometer”, but to get off after 7 minutes at “Zhilnevo”, where there are many return trains. And my child, who has learned to trust people in uniform, said that there was a controller in the carriage - he woke her up.”

Mom asked Yulia to go to the controller and explain the situation: they said, she overslept her station, help me get off at the right platform and buy a ticket in the opposite direction. The girl had money with her. And let us remind you that she is only 13 years old.

“Yu hung up. And she called 3 minutes later: “Maaam... I was dropped off from the train...” the woman continues. - The controller asked her to go out to the vestibule. And there he politely asked to leave the train, because she did not have a ticket to this station, but only to Biryulyovo-Tovarnaya. And he dropped her off on a piece of concrete in the forest. Chesslovo, Muscovites - look at the map - there is NOTHING there. You can't take a bus or taxi - there are none. You cannot buy return tickets - there is simply NO return platform to Moscow. And this mother controller knew all this! And he dropped her off with another stowaway, a drunk man. Deliberately dropped a 13-year-old girl with a drunk man in the forest!”

IN in this case lucky. The drunkard fell asleep as soon as he sat down on the bench. There were no maniacs at the deserted station (where the next train is three hours away). The girl had a phone with her. The father rushed after the child in the Moscow region, in the Sutpinsky district - to this station “85 kilometer” along the highway 60-odd kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road.

Employees of the Central Suburban Passenger Company promptly responded to this message.

We promptly carried out an inspection, as a result of which we identified a discrepancy in the fulfillment of the duties of the cashier-controller, - reported the press service of the CPPC. - Such situations are unacceptable, we always thoroughly investigate them and react sharply. The controller will definitely be subject to disciplinary action.

As it turned out, the controller did not have the right to drop off the child at all.

We have special instructions that directly prohibit controllers from taking children off the train under any circumstances and instruct them to provide them with any necessary assistance,” the company says. - In this case, the cashier-controller did not help the girl in a difficult situation for her, which is unacceptable. All staff of the Central Commuter Passenger Company will be given additional unscheduled training in connection with this incident to ensure that similar incidents are never allowed to happen in the future.

As usual, in September my family and I returned to Tula after a vacation in Anapa. We always go to Anapa by sea by train, which is convenient for a family of four. Me, my wife and daughter Katerina three years We boarded a reserved seat carriage in Anapa. We were lucky with the fourth passenger: Baba Valya was traveling with us in the same compartment, who happily played and answered our Katka’s many “whys.”

However, the picture was spoiled by a couple of young guys who turned out to be neighbors with us in the side places, Artyom, one of our subscribers in his account, spoke about this in social networks"Notepad".

We settled in perfectly and drove almost all the way to Rostov without any incidents. The guys went to the next compartment, where they met the students and accompanied them to the capital of Don, and when the girls got out, the guys got bored and decided to drink beer, bought in the stalls right there on the platform. After a few stations, the guys started arguing and swearing, our comments and calls to what was nearby in the compartment Small child, the guys weren't stopped.

Young people now all speak in such slang and curse words fly in different directions with every word. The conductor also made a remark to them and warned them to go drink beer in the dining car, but the guys, declaring that they were not bothering anyone, continued to express themselves and opened another can of strong drink.

Heated up by the “conversation” and the argument over which of the students was prettier and more accessible, they did not notice anyone around. However, Baba Valya, who came out of our reserved seat, warned the guys that if they did not stop disturbing us, she would call the police and the train manager. The guys suggested that the grandmother sit quietly and not rock the boat. Needless to say, the trip was ruined, but our granny suddenly got up and left, and, already approaching Voronezh, she returned to the carriage along with the police.

Law enforcement officers checked the young people's documents and tickets and asked them to leave with their belongings. The train, having stopped for the allotted time, slowly moved away from the station, leaving two tipsy young people in a large and unfamiliar city, and a debate broke out between us about whether all young people are like this now or only certain individuals.

Baba Valya turned out to be an honorary retired railway worker. She then told us that there was an order from the Ministry of Transport “On approval of the Rules for the transportation of passengers, luggage, cargo luggage by rail.” Previously, in Soviet time, it was strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages on trains, but then with perestroika this clause was removed from the Rules, but, as Valentina Ivanovna (Baba Valya) explained to us, passengers today can be removed from the train if they are sick and there is a threat to the health of other passengers, if a passenger travels on an invalid ticket in other cases if the passenger violates public order in public places, and the train is precisely that very public place.

According to the Administrative Code, drinking alcoholic beverages in public places is strictly prohibited. So, even if your neighbors in the carriage are not rowdy, do not express themselves, but simply drink alcohol, you can safely call the traffic police and the violators will be dropped off at the nearest station. Accordingly, no one will return the cost of the tickets to them. And they had to go to Kaluga.

We reached Tula safely and without incident, and Katyukha became such friends with Baba Valya that she never wanted to part with her. We thanked Valentina Ivanovna for her help and participation and wished her health and well-being.

As Anapa Notebook previously wrote,