Bronze figure of a boar. Bronze figure of a wild boar, Munich, Germany: description, photo, where it is on the map, how to get

A bronze sculpture of a wild boar is located near the entrance to Europe's largest Museum of Hunting and Fishing. So a walk to a popular animal can be combined with a visit to the museum.

bronze boar(Deutsches Jagd), located on Neuhauser Straße, in the center of Munich, is very popular with tourists. It is located directly opposite the German Museum of Hunting and Fishing, where the Church of St. Augustine was once located, performing a very important function - it contributes to financial well-being. According to legend, if you stroke a boar nickel well, you can get rich in the shortest possible time or simply find happiness. Whether these two concepts are connected with each other is not entirely clear, but the piglet of the bronze animal is fairly polished, which serves as evidence of the strength of people's faith in this legend. The second belief says that if a boar rubs its nose, the chances of a second visit to Munich increase many times over.

The animal is located on a massive stone podium, thus rising to almost full human height. The boar is in a semi-sitting position, and impressive fangs protrude from its mouth. Despite this, he looks pretty nice and many tourists, having rubbed a snout, are sure to arrange with him small photo session in various poses and angles. Opposite the museum, standing nearby, is a building made of white stone. It also looks quite colorful, and in combination with several other sculptures placed on this section of the street, the whole composition looks extremely attractive. To believe or not in the miraculous effect of a bronze boar on the fate of people, everyone, of course, decides for himself, but the long tradition of stroking his heel has remained unchanged for a long time.

One of the central attractions,; a figure of a wild boar in front of the largest European Museum of Hunting and Fishing. This sculpture is very popular with tourists. People come here for memorable photographs and for the fulfillment of desires. People say that if you rub a penny on a boar, then the wish will certainly come true.

According to another version, this bronze figurine leads to financial well-being. In any case, the animal's nickel is polished to a shine, which indicates its popularity among visitors and residents of Munich. It looks quite colorful from any angle. Next to it there are several more sculptural compositions. All of them are dedicated to the Museum of Hunting and Fishing.

The museum itself houses the richest collection of stuffed wild animals, hunting artifacts and thematic paintings. Since this building used to belong to the monastery of the Order of St. Augustine, it can captivate lovers of medieval architecture. Geographically, the attraction is located between the main square of the city of Marienplatz and the Church of St. Michael.

Attraction photo: Bronze figure of a wild boar

As it was written in the guide to Munich, all tours of the Old Town usually start from the Karlsplatz square. Karlsplatz (Karlsplatz ) , popularly called "Stakhus" ( Stachus) was founded in 1791 after the demolition of the city fortifications in front of the Karlstor gate. Along with the Old City Ring, it is the busiest transport point in the city...

In the 1960s, Karlsplatz was rebuilt and became a hub for metro and urban railway with shops and underground garages. Gabriel von Seidl (circa 1900) is the author of the half rotunda with a chain of shops in the New Baroque style. Updated in 1861, the Karlstor gate (formerly the Neuhausertor gate) was the entrance to Old city through the second annular wall that existed from 1319 to 1791.

The square named after Karl (more precisely, Karl Theodor) was founded exactly on the site of the demolished city defenses at the end of the 18th century. Apparently, the population of the city did not take this initiative with enthusiasm, because they persistently ignored the proud name and called the square in tune with the nearby pub named after St. Eustachius (Sankt Eustachius) - simply Stachus (Stachus).

Gate Karlstor (Karlstor) - one of the three old gates preserved in the city immediately attracts the attention of tourists. They are named in 1791, again in honor of Elector Karl Theodor.

Opposite the building Palace of Justice (Justice) (Justizpalast,just like a palace. Building built on Karlsplatz square between 1891-97 by the architect Friedrich von Thiersch. It still serves its purpose today, the Supreme Court of Bavaria sits here.

From Karlsplatz, passing through the old gate, we immediately get to the pedestrian street Neuhauserstrasse (Neuhauserstrabe), reminiscent of our Old Arbat. There are many shops, restaurants, cafes... and there are always enough people, even in rainy weather. A crowd of multi-colored snake stretches to the main square of Munich - Marienplatz.

But as we walk to this square, we see a few more notable objects along the way.

On the left side, among the facades of houses, we pay attention to the pink building with a sculpture of the Mother of God on the facade - this Church Burgershall(Buergersaal). The upper floor is made in the baroque style (they say that it is rarely possible to get there. We were on Saturday, the “hall” was open).

Below, where the bulk of the people go, is the grave of the Jesuit Rupert Mayer (in the floor), who dared to oppose Hitler in his sermons, was in a concentration camp, released when the Vatican stood up for him, the first with an allied army drove into Munich in a tank, died on November 1, 1945 during the service of the Holy Mass (by the way, on All Saints' Day), in 1987 he was canonized by Pope John Paul II. There is also a small museum dedicated to him - documents, books, photographs ... The bronze bust in the region of the heart was burnished to a shine by those who asked.

We walked along the street on the same side, on the left, -Jesuit Church of St. Michael (Jesuitenkirche St. Michael)with a sharp triangular pediment, on top of which is the figure of Jesus, so you won’t immediately understand that this is a temple.

H The beginning of construction dates back to 1583, but it was interrupted by the fall of one of the towers, so that the cathedral was consecrated only in 1597. However, the fate of this temple is unfair - in November 1944 it was destroyed by bombing, but in 1947-48. went to recovery.

At the entrance to the church under the marble portal stands bronze statue of Archangel Michael, which was created at the end of the XVI century. In addition, there are 15 statues of the patrons of this cathedral in the niches. Under the marble portal at the entrance to the church, a bronze statue of the Archangel Michael, created in 1588, "stands on guard" in the fight against the Evil of the world. In the niches there are stone statues of the Wittelsbach princes.

Inside the church under the choir is the Wittelsbach royal crypt, in which, among others, Duke William V, Elector Maximilian and are buried.For a fee of only 2 euros, you can go down blindly to the tombstones of the Bavarian kings, but the main place of "pilgrimage" for tourists (if, of course, one can say so) is the tombstone of LudwigII,love and memory to which his “children” keep in the form of one of the most beautiful palaces and castles in Europe (Neuschwanstein Castle, Linderhov Palace, etc.)

On the north side of the church there is a shrine with relics of Saints Cosmas and Damian (circa 1400).

We leave the church, admiring the column, covered with fine carvings with a bowl at the very top - this is a fountain against the background of the building of the Old Academy(Alte Academy, 1597), dedicated memory honorary resident of the city,composer Richard Strauss. The column is covered with images of scenes from the opera “Salome”, which glorified him, based on Oscar Wilde’s drama on a biblical story, while water pours out of the bowl, as if throwing off “Salome’s 7 Veils”. ;)

Nearby is located Museum of hunting and fishing(Jagd- und Fischerei-museum). At the entrance there are two bronze figures - a wild boar and a catfish. It is believed that touching the "patch" of a wild boar will bring you happiness. The same wild boar is still in Florence, however, there he needs to rub a coin on the “penny”, and then throw it into a special hole.

The house opposite this museum is a rather colorful building of white stone and scarlet flower beds with fresh flowers, which now houses the city's best men's department store, Hirmer. In the corner of the facade of the house there is a figurative composition: a sad man in a long mantle with a round hat in his hand bowed his head. According to legend, this house was inhabited by one the jeweler who once having received metal and stones for the manufacture of expensive jewelry, he could not hand over the work in due time, for which he was accused of theft and executed. The jeweler swore and swore that he had completed the work, but the decoration simply disappeared. And only many years later, when it was decided to dismantle the tower that stood on the site of today's composition, the decoration was found on its top, in a magpie's nest (that's forty thieves for you!). And for the edification of posterity and as a reminder of the perfect legal mistake, such a peculiar monument was erected, which returned the jeweler to his good name, even after a year.

Let's turn into an alley, and before us will appear built in the strict style of late GothicWITH Cathedral of Our Lady, or Frauenkirche (Frauenkirche), with two onion towers reaching into the sky (this is one of the symbols of Munich). The length of the cathedral is 100 m, the width is about 40 m, it can accommodate 2 thousand people. The houses around are so densely packed that the cathedral is practically “sandwiched” between them, it is impossible to see it in its entirety, only in separate fragments, moving around the block. But don't be discouraged if you climb observation deck in the tower of St. Peter's Church, then from a bird's eye view you will see good view to the churchFrauenkirche . It also has its own viewing platform. If you climb the south tower of the cathedral (you can even see the Alps in the distance (they are best seen during warm winds - foehns).

46 representatives of the Wittelsbach dynasty are buried in the crypt of the cathedral.

One interesting thing is connected with the cathedral itself. legend . According to legend, the Devil himself tried to destroy it, but the Frauenkirche withstood his power. Those who doubt the veracity of the legend are presented with proof - "Trace of the Devil" - the imprint of His foot and tail on the floor at the very entrance to the church.

On the square in front of the cathedral - a bronze model of the cathedral and the entire old part of Munich at 3 D for the visually impaired and the blind in Braille.

To be continued...

In Munich near central square of the city, the famous Marienplatz, a formidable animal, a wild boar, quite calmly reclines on a pedestal. You should not be afraid of him, this is the kindest boar, which, for a small manifestation of affection, will fulfill any of your desires.

A bronze sculpture of a wild boar is located near the entrance to Europe's largest Museum of Hunting and Fishing. So a walk to a popular animal can be combined with a visit to the museum. If the history of hunting and fishing does not interest you at all, you will still like the museum - it is located in the ancient monastery of the Order of St. Augustine, so you are guaranteed to enjoy medieval architecture.

According to the museum staff, the boar is a responsible guard, and the functions of fulfilling desires are in second place. Naturally, millions of tourists from all over the world will not agree with this statement. In confirmation of this - the nose of a wild boar polished to a dazzling shine.

The ritual that you need to perform when you are in Munich near the bronze boar is very funny: he needs to rub the snout very, very strongly. By the shine of the nose of the figurine, you will understand that the harder and harder you rub, the more likely it is that the wish will come true. If you simply have nothing to do and rub your nose without due enthusiasm, then you will simply return to the hospitable capital of Bavaria once again. If you take the process seriously, that is, rub your nose for a few minutes, and then also gently stroke a cute animal on the back, then it remains only to count the days until your dream comes true.

A bronze boar lay down on a marble pedestal, made almost in the life size of the animal. When numerous tourists rub their noses, the fangs involuntarily get it, so the formidable weapon of a wild boar can frighten you at first glance. Looking closely, you will be disarmed by a benevolent bronze smile, and fangs are just its integral part.

Around the Museum of Hunting and Fishing there are many other sculptures depicting animals, but only the wild boar has gained a certain magical fame. So while walking along the Neuhauserstrasse, on which the figurine of a wild boar is located, you will also visit an impromptu bronze zoo.

Whatever they say, Munich, among other things, has a non-standard place for making wishes.

Fountain Boar (Porcellino), located in the heart of Florence, next to the Central Market, which sells anything - souvenirs, leather goods, bags, scarves, food.

And now the boar does not inspire fear in anyone

Near it at any time of the day it is lively: musicians and artists are sitting. Lovers are photographed
According to a long tradition, you need to make a wish and put a coin in the boar's mouth.

The coin will slip under his hooves, where the grate is located, and if it falls into narrow cracks, then the wish made will certainly come true. After that, you should thank the boar and rub his piglet. Do you see what kind of queue lined up for the fulfillment of desires to the boar?

And finally - here is a charming FACT from the great storyteller, G.Kh. Andersen:

Bronze boar (real life)
In Florence, not far from Piazza del Granducca, there is a lane called, if I have not forgotten, Porta Rossa. There, in front of the vegetable stall, stands a bronze boar of excellent workmanship. Fresh flows from the mouth, pure water. And he himself turned black from old age, only his muzzle shines like polished. It was she who held on to hundreds of children and lazzaroni, who offered their mouths to get drunk. It's a pleasure to watch how a handsome half-naked boy hugs a skillfully molded beast, putting fresh lips to his mouth!
Any visitor can easily find this place in Florence: just ask any beggar about the bronze boar, and he will show the way. It was winter, there was snow on the mountains. It was long dark, but the moon was shining, and in Italy the moonlit night is not darker than the dull northern winter day. It is even brighter, because the air shines and encourages us, while in the north the cold leaden sky presses us to the ground, to the cold damp earth, which, the turn will come, will someday crush the lid of our coffin.
In the garden of the ducal palace, under the canopy of pine trees, where roses bloom in winter, a little ragamuffin sat all day, who could be considered the epitome of Italy - handsome, cheerful, and yet unhappy. He was hungry and thirsty, but they didn’t give him a penny, and when it got dark and the garden had to be locked up, the watchman kicked him out. For a long time he stood, thoughtful, on the magnificent marble bridge del Trinita, thrown over the Arno, and looked at the stars sparkling in the water. He went to the bronze boar, bent down to him, clasped his neck with his hands, put his lips to his muzzle and began to greedily draw fresh water. Nearby were lettuce leaves and a few chestnuts, they made up his supper. There was not a soul in the street, the boy was all alone; he climbed onto the back of a bronze boar, bowed his small curly head on the head of the beast and did not notice how he fell asleep

And the continuation of this lovely story -