Ancient giants on earth. giant people

The existence of giants mentioned in a number of sacred books of the past, including the Bible, is officially recognized in. The Supreme Court of the country ordered the Smithsonian Institution to release documents showing how tens of thousands of skeletons of people from 1.8 to 3.6 meters tall were destroyed in the early 1900s!


For several decades, photographs from excavations showing skeletons have been appearing on the Internet. giant people. Someone considers them authentic, someone - a skillful fake. official science, of course, categorically refuses to recognize these pictures, because then the whole history and evolution of mankind, and at the same time the academic titles of professors and academicians will be in question. Since the giant skeletons only appeared in photographs, the parties maintained the status quo for a long time.

Everything changed after a high-profile legal scandal in the United States. The American Institute for Alternative Archeology has said that the Smithsonian Institution attempted a large-scale falsification of human history in the first decades of the 20th century, destroying tens of thousands of gigantic human skeletons. The accusations are serious, especially for a respected organization with a history of almost 200 years. In an attempt to save face, Smithsonian leaders filed a libel suit and ended up in the position of a non-commissioned officer's widow who flogged herself. As soon as the case got to the court in Washington and the interrogation of witnesses began, it became obvious that the accusations of the American Institute of Alternative Archeology were not at all groundless.

During the trial, as the representative of the defendant James Charward told the Western press, a number of witnesses confirmed the information about the destruction of the skeletons of giants by the Smithsonian Institution. The decisive blow was dealt by one of the former curators of the institute, literally from the next world. The scientist's suicide note was shown to the High Court, in which he shed light on the destruction of the bones of giants by his colleagues. As evidence of the authenticity of what was written, the public was shown a human hip bone 1.3 meters long, saved at one time by the author of the note from destruction.

The US Supreme Court had no choice but to officially recognize the existence of the giants and oblige the Smithsonian Institution to publish all the destruction documents in its possession. unusual artifacts. The institution must comply with the court's orders by the end of 2015. However, the sensational papers still have not left the institute's vault.


The most interesting thing is that not single instances of giant people were destroyed, whose existence could be explained by a natural anomaly or mutation, but several tens of thousands of skeletons - in fact, the remains of the population of several cities. And that's just in America!

The largest find - several thousand skeletons - was made in the Mississippi River valley. The ruins of cities of amazing creatures were also discovered there. Thousands of huge skeletons have been found near Mount Bulder, and in the Spirit Cave in Nevada, scientists have even found the mummies of giants. Their age dates back to 8000 BC. Red-haired mummies of giants have also been found along the coast of Florida, and their cities have been discovered in Arizona, Oklahoma, Alabama and Louisiana. Moreover, the population of cities during their heyday around 7500 BC totaled more than 100,000 people. The Indians have always treated with great respect the burial places of tall people who once inhabited America.

Other parts of the world do not lag behind America in terms of the number of gigantic remains found. In 1899, in the Ruhr region, miners found fossilized skeletons of people 2.5 meters tall.


Where have the giants gone? What killed them? Epidemic, global cataclysm or evil aliens? Everything is much simpler: they were exterminated by our ancestors, who were weaker, but took them in quantity. This version is confirmed by the history of the discovery, which occurred in 1877 in the United States. That day, near the town of Evreki, Nevada, prospectors working on a gold pan, accidentally discovered strange white bones that appeared from the ground. When the workers climbed the rock to inspect the find, they were amazed - a giant part of the foot and a shin with a kneecap appeared before their eyes. Later, doctors said: the owner of the limb was at least 3.5 meters tall! Geologists have calculated the age of the rock in which the bone was found: 185 million years! Scientists interviewed the local Indian population if there are any legends about giants living in these places in their folklore. It turned out that such legends exist! They were preserved by the Paiute Indians. Their epic says that once in ancient times, tribes of red-haired giants from 2.5 to 4 meters tall lived on the territory of modern Nevada. The giants were strong and cruel, but not numerous. This allowed the Indians to kill almost all the giants during the war, and the rest went to live in Lovelock Cave, not far from the city of the same name. Indeed, in 1911, the mummified remains of giants over 2.5 meters high were discovered in this cave, but scientists, without motivating their decision, refused to explore them.


The mythology of Karelia also testifies to the sad fate of the giants. A few years ago, the famous ethnographer Alexei Popov even discovered the islands where these amazing creatures lived in ancient times. According to him, even today in Karelia many archaeological sites of that era. One of them is the island of Ohsanlahti (Forehead Bay), located in Lake Ladoga. From ancient times locals preferred not to settle on this island, believing that a terrible tribe of giants of the Vesi people lives there. The giants had a height of 4 to 6 meters and had amazing strength. It is known from Lapland legends that as people settled in the northern territories, the giants moved further and further north. The Danish historian Saxo Grammatik (1140-1206) wrote bluntly: "The giants have now retired to those deserts that lie on the other side of Gandvik (White Sea), to the north of". Nevertheless, to this day, many nationalities - Finns, Swedes, Saami, Karelians - have preserved the memory of the resettlement of giant people in ancient times. Relatively modern stories about giants are collected in the book "Folk Traditions of the North-Western Ladoga Region", published a little over 100 years ago, by the outstanding Finnish ethnographer and archaeologist Theodor Schvindt. It speaks of "giants ancient land Korelskaya”, in particular, that there is still a lot of evidence of the activities of the giants. These are "fields cleared of forests, and from time to time huge human bones found in the ground, and abandoned plows, as well as huge ramparts in the mountains and on islands."

It is quite obvious that a large array of finds of the remains of giant people requires not only painstaking research, but also a revision of the entire world history.

Giant people. Do you think this is a myth or reality? In the article, we will analyze the findings and compare the facts, which will help to solve this mystery or get very close to the result.

The existence of giants is evidenced by finds of bones of unusual sizes around the world, as well as myths and legends, living mainly among the American Indians. Scientists, however, have never paid due attention to the collection and analysis of this evidence. Probably because they considered the existence of giants impossible.

The book of Genesis (chapter 6, verse 4) says:“At that time there were giants on earth, especially since the time when the sons of God began to enter into the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them. These are strong, glorious people from ancient times.”

giants in history


The most famous among the giants described in the Bible is the warrior Goliath of Gath. The book of Samuel says that Goliath was defeated by the shepherd of sheep, David, who later became the king of Israel. Goliath, according to the biblical description, had a height of more than six cubits, that is, three meters.

His military equipment weighed about 420 kg, and the weight of the metal spear reached 50 kg. There are many stories among the people about giants who were afraid of rulers and leaders. Greek mythology tells of Enceladus, a giant who fought Zeus and was struck by lightning and covered by Mount Etna.

In the fourteenth century in Trapani (Sicily) was discovered the skeleton of the alleged Polyphemus, the one-eyed king of the Cyclopes, 9 meters long.

The Delaware Indians say that in the old days east of the Mississippi there lived a giant people called the Alligewys who would not let them pass through their lands. declared war on them and, in the end, forced them to leave the area.

The Sioux Indians had a similar legend. In Minnesota, where they lived, a race of giants appeared, which, according to legend, they destroyed. The bones of the giants are probably still in this land.

Giant's footprint

On Mount Sri Pada in Sri Lanka there is a deep imprint of a man's foot giant size: it is 168 cm long and 75 cm wide! Legend says that this is the footprint of our ancestor - Adam.

The famous Chinese navigator Zheng He speaks about this find in the 16th century:

“There is a mountain on the island. It is so high that its peak reaches the clouds and on it one can see the only imprint of a man's foot. The depression in the rock reaches up to two chi, and the length of the foot is more than 8 chi. It is said here that this trace was left by the holy A-Tang, the forefather of mankind.”

Giants of different countries

In 1577, huge human bones were found in Lucerne. The authorities quickly convened scientists who, working under the guidance of the famous anatomist Dr. Felix Plater from Basel, determined that these were the remains of a man 5.8 meters tall!

36 years later, France discovered its own giant. His remains were found in a grotto near Chaumont Castle. This man was 7.6 meters tall! The Gothic inscription "Tentobochtus Rex" was found in the cave, as well as coins and medals, which make it possible to believe that the skeleton of the Cimbri king was discovered.

Europeans who began to study South America, also talked about people of great stature. The southern part of Argentina and Chile was named Patagonia by Magellan from the Spanish "pata" - hoof, because footprints resembling large hooves were found there.

In 1520 Magellan's expedition encountered in Port San Julian with a giant, whose appearance was recorded in the magazine: "This man was so tall that we only got him to the waist, and his voice sounded like a bull's roar." Magellan's men probably even managed to capture two giants who, chained on deck, did not survive the journey. But because their bodies stank terribly, they were thrown overboard.

British explorer Francis Drake claimed that in 1578 in South America he got into a fight with giants, whose height was 2.8 meters. Drake lost two men in this battle.

More and more researchers met their giants and the number of papers on the subject grew.

In 1592, Anthony Quinet summed up that the growth of famous giants is, on average, 3-3.5 meters.

Giant Man - Myth or Reality?

When, however, Charles Darwin arrived in the 19th century in Patagonia, did not find a trace of the giants. Earlier information was discarded, as it was considered greatly exaggerated. But stories of giants continued to come from other regions.

The Incas claimed, what people are giants descend from the clouds at regular intervals to live with their women.

It is often difficult to tell the difference between a very tall person and a giant. For a pygmy, a person with a height of 180 cm is probably a giant. However, anyone who is over two meters tall should be classified as a giant.

That's exactly what it was Irishman Patrick Cotter. He was born in 1760 and died in 1806. He was known for his height and made a living performing in circuses and fairs. His height was 2 meters 56 centimeters.

At the same time, he lived in the USA Paul Bunyan - lumberjack about which there are many legends. According to them, he kept moose as pets, and when he was once attacked by a buffalo, he easily twisted his neck. Contemporaries claimed that Banyan's height was 2.8 meters.

There is also a very interesting document in the English archives, namely the History and Antiquities of Allerdale. This work is a collection of folk songs, legends and stories about the Cumberland and tells, in particular, about the discovery in the Middle Ages of remains of enormous size:

“The giant was buried at a depth of 4 meters in what is now agricultural land, and the grave was marked with a vertically set stone. The skeleton was 4.5 meters long and was fully armed. The dead man's sword and ax lay beside him. The sword was over 2 meters long and 45 centimeters wide.”

In Northern Ireland, there are 40,000 closely spaced and driven into the ground conical poles with convex and concave ends, which are considered natural formations. Old legends say, however, that these are the remains of a colossal bridge that connected Ireland and Scotland.

In the spring of 1969, excavations were carried out in Italy and 50 brick-lined coffins were discovered nine kilometers south of Rome. There were no names or other inscriptions on them. All of them contained the skeletons of men from 200 to 230 cm tall. Very tall, especially for Italy.

Archaeologist Dr. Luigi Cabalucci said that people died at the age of 25-40. Their teeth were in remarkably good condition. Unfortunately, the date of the burial and the circumstances under which it took place have not been established.

Where do giants come from

So, the number of finds increased, and in different countries. But the most intriguing question is “where do people are giants' remains unanswered.

French writer Denis Sora has formulated a fascinating version. Thinking about what might have happened if some other heavenly body began to approach the Earth, he came to the conclusion that the effect of such an event would be a sharp increase in the gravity of our planet.

The tides would be stronger, which means land flooding. Another, less well-known consequence of this state of affairs would be the gigantism of plants, animals, and humans. The latter would reach a height of 5 meters. According to this theory, the size of living organisms increases along with the growth of radiation, in this case cosmic.

“The increase in radiation, including cosmic radiation, probably has two effects: it causes mutations and damages or transforms tissues. Some illustration of the theory and the effects of radiation on growth can be seen in the events of 1902 in Martinique, where Mount Pele erupted, killing 20,000 people in St. Pierre.

Immediately before the start of the eruption, a purple cloud formed over the crater of the volcano, consisting of dense gas and water vapor. It grew to an unprecedented size and spread throughout the island, whose inhabitants were not yet aware of the threat.

Suddenly, a 1,300-foot-high column of fire erupted from the volcano. A cloud that burned at a temperature above 1000 degrees also took up from the fire. All the inhabitants of St. Pierre died, with the exception of one who was sitting in a prison cell protected by thick walls.

The ruined city was never rebuilt, but the island's biological life revived faster than expected. The plants returned and, but they were all much larger now. Dogs, cats, turtles, lizards and insects were larger than ever before, and each successive generation was taller than the last."

The French authorities placed a scientific station at the foot of the mountain and soon discovered that the mutations in animals and plants were the result of radiation from minerals thrown out during a volcanic eruption.

This radiation also affected people: the head of the research center, Dr. Jules Gravue, grew by 12.5 cm, and his assistant, Dr. Powen, by 10 cm. It was found that the irradiated plants grew three times faster and reached the level of development in six months, which, under normal circumstances, would take two years.

The lizard, called the copa, which had previously reached 20 cm in length, turned into a small dragon 50 cm long, and its bite, previously harmless, became more dangerous than the poison of a cobra.

The strange phenomenon of anomalous growth disappeared when these plants and animals were brought from Martinique. On the island itself, the apogee of radiation was reached within 6 months after the explosion, and then its intensity slowly began to return to normal levels.

Is it possible that something similar (perhaps on a larger scale) happened once in the past? Increased doses of radiation could contribute to the formation of abnormally large organisms. This theory finds some support in the fact that huge animals existed on Earth long after the extinction of the dinosaurs.

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In the history of any nation, there are always more questions than answers. So the question of the existence of giants never on Earth is attributed to the realm of fantasy and mythology. However, one can also recall the legends about dragons and giant serpents, which were also classified as fantasy, myths, but only relatively recently confirmed that they existed and were dinosaurs that inhabited our planet long before mankind.

The image of dragons is inherent in almost every nation and has appeared in the mythology of all nations. The same is true with the image of giants and giants. Maybe this is also a legend until we find one hundred percent evidence of their existence?

There are stories about the existence of giant people not only in the Bible, which mentions the myth of David and Goliath, and the myths that in antediluvian times the earth was inhabited by huge people. Such myths are found all over the world: from South America to Australia. Every nation has, to one degree or another, information about the giants. And only relatively recently around the world began to discover products and objects that are more than one thousand years old, and which ordinary people could not use.


So in South America in the Okavango River area, during excavations ancient settlement huge axes and axes were found. One of them was taken by archaeologists to America, where they were exhibited in the US Historical Society. The exhibit is more than a meter long, more than half a meter wide, and its weight is 150 kg. Age over 49 million years.

AT South Africa in 1912, the footprint of a huge man was discovered. It was 1.3 meters long and even the dirt that could have remained between the toes of that person was visible on the imprint of the left foot. The imprint, but already of the right foot, was discovered by the Arab navigator Ibn Battuta in the 14th century on the island of Ceylon. According to the rumors that prevailed then at that time, it was this island that was the cradle of mankind and it was there that Adam was born.

There is a mountain on the island, which has been referred to as "Adam's Peak" for quite a long time. It was this place that the traveler wanted to visit in order to find the remains of the forefather of mankind. He did not find the remains, but found the footprint of a giant man. 1.5 meters long and 80 cm wide. As scientists later found out, the growth of such a person could be more than 10 meters. Converges with the description of the antediluvian people inhabiting the earth in the Bible.

In the 1930s in Basarsta, Australia, jasper miners often found huge human footprints. The size of their owners was supposed to be 210-365 cm. Anthropologists called the race of these people meganthropuses. This race is similar to the Gigantopithecus race found in China. Judging by the remains of teeth and legs found in various provinces, Asian giants were 3 to 3.5 meters tall and weighed about 400 kg.

An anthropological examination, which was carried out in 1985 at the place where footprints were found in 1930, ended in a sensation. At a depth of more than 3 meters, a human tooth was found, 67 mm high and 42 mm wide. The owner had to be at least 7.5 meters tall and weigh at least 370 kg. Hydrocarbon analysis showed the age of the find - 9 million years.

In 1979, in the Blue Mountains, local farmers discovered a stone with a small human footprint. Having fully restored the imprint, it turned out that the age of the trace is more than 10 million years, and it belonged to a 6-meter giant. And at the beginning of the 20th century, in the Gobi Desert, in southern Mongolia, fossilized bones of a humanoid creature were discovered, whose age is more than 45 million years. Its main feature was 15 meters long arms and 7 meters long legs. In 1936, on the shores of Lake Elizi, in Central Africa, during archaeological work, a mass grave was discovered, in which they found the skeletons of people whose height during their lifetime was about 3.5 meters.

In Alaska, in 1950, while building a road, a local bulldozer discovered two fossilized skulls, vertebrae, and foot bones. The skulls were 58 cm high and 30 cm wide. Ancient giants had a double row of teeth and disproportionately flat heads. The vertebrae, like the skulls, were three times larger than those of modern man. The length of the leg bones ranged from 150 to 180 centimeters. And during the Second World War, when the Germans dug a huge grave for the executed prisoners, a skull 55 cm high was discovered, which is three times the skull of modern people. The giant to whom the skull belonged had proportional facial features and was over 3.5 meters tall.

The remains of giants are found all over the world. Secrets of the Giants and ancient history land Is it fiction, or is there really truth in it?

Giants in ancient Karelia

A living folk tradition throughout Finland and some corners of Karelia ascribes belonging, in some places to the still preserved grave stone piles and mounds, to the Nefin people, who inhabited all of Finland, the northern part of Scandinavia and even Karelia in the present territories of the Kem and Olonets provinces in ancient times. The Finnish name for this ancient people is Hiisi. A people who, according to ancient Finnish legends, were famous for their growth.

An excerpt from one saga about the discovery of Norway begins like this: “Forniot was called the king: he ruled over Jotland, as Finland was then called, and Kvenlandt. This king was Nora's great-grandfather, but we do not know other details about him. These lines were written about the times when neither Norway nor Finland were inhabited by historical peoples. The more interesting for us is the very name Forniot, which means "the giant of former times."

As the northern territories settled, the giants moved farther north. So the Danish historian Saxo Grammaticus (1140-1206) mentions that "the giants have now retired to those deserts that lie on the other side of Gandvik, north of Norway." By the way, many nationalities (Finns, Swedes, Saami, Karelians) have preserved the memory of the resettlement of "giant people" in ancient times.

The Arab historian Ibn-Fadlan, having learned at the beginning of the 10th century that “there is some extraordinary giant in the Volga Bulgar”, turned with a request to the Bulgar king himself. The king answered that there really was such a giant in his country, but he died; and he was not one of his people and "not a real person." “And he was twelve cubits tall (about six meters), his head was the size of a large cauldron, a huge nose, eyes and fingers were enormous. He was from the peoples of the Vesi. I saw his bones - they are of immense size, ”Ibn-Fadlan notes.

The Danes have a hero, Olaf, who lived in the area where the Hiisi lived. There are legends in which he could lift a boat with one hand, helped drag stones that even groups of people could not lift, and lived in such a taiga in which no ordinary person would have survived.

The book of the outstanding Russian ethnographer and archaeologist Theodor Schvindt “Folk legends of the northwestern Ladoga region, collected in the summer of 1879”, which has long become a bibliographic rarity, provides unique information about the “giants of the ancient land of Korelskaya”.

“Legends about metelilayinens,” T. Schwindt points out further, “are preserved almost everywhere, but there are especially many of them in the Kurkijoki volost (now the village of Kurkijoki, Lahdenpohsky district). Probably because in some places there are many real evidence the activities of giant people: these are fields cleared of forests, and from time to time huge human bones found in the ground, and plows abandoned by metelilyaynens, as well as huge ramparts in the mountains and on islands.

So the ancient giants - a myth, or a reality? This question cannot be answered at this stage. The only thing that remains is to wait for new research on this topic, which will be able to shed light on the past of our kind.

Giants of antiquity - fiction or reality? Here is what recently appeared on the Internet: The Smithsonian Institution admitted that it destroyed thousands of giant human skeletons in the early 1900s.

The U.S. Supreme Court has ordered the release to the Smithsonian of classified documents dating back to the early 1900s proving that the organization was involved in a major historical cover-up of evidence showing that the giant human remains in the tens of thousands were found throughout America, and destroyed by order of high-ranking leaders to protect the dominant chronology of human evolution that existed at that time.

Suspicions from the American Institute for Alternative Archaeology (AIAA) that the Smithsonian Institution had destroyed thousands of giant human remains were taken aback by the organization, which responded by suing the AIAA for defamation and attempted to damage the reputation of the 168-year-old institution.

New details surfaced during the trial when a number of Smithsonian insiders acknowledged the existence of documents that supposedly prove the destruction of tens of thousands of human skeletons ranging in size from 6 to 12 feet tall, according to AIAA spokesman James Charward. ;), the existence of which traditional archeology, for various reasons, does not want to recognize.

Let's find out more about this...

But first, let's define this topic: yes, you are right, the photos in the post are a collage and photoshop.

The turning point in the case was the demonstration of a human femur 1.3 meters long as evidence of the existence of such giant human bones. This evidence blew a hole in the defense of the institute's lawyers, as the bone was stolen from the organization by a high-ranking curator in the mid-1930s, who kept it all his life and wrote a written confession on his deathbed about the cover-up operations of the Smithsonian Institution.

“It's terrible what they do to people,” he writes in his letter. “We hide the truth about the ancestors of mankind, about the giants who inhabited the earth, which are mentioned in the bible, as well as other ancient texts.”

The U.S. Supreme Court has ordered the Institute to release classified information about anything related to “destruction of evidence relating to pre-European culture” as well as elements “associated with larger-than-usual human skeletons.”

“The publication of these documents will help archaeologists and historians revisit current theories about human evolution and help us better understand pre-European culture in America and the rest of the world,” said AIAA director Hans Guttenberg.

The release of the documents is scheduled for 2015, and all this will be coordinated by an independent scientific organization to ensure the political neutrality of the operation.

Historical chronicles of the 19th century often report finds in different parts of the world of skeletons of people of abnormally tall stature.
In 1821, in the United States in Tennessee, the ruins of an ancient stone wall were found, and under it were two human skeletons 215 centimeters tall. In Wisconsin, during the construction of a granary in 1879, huge vertebrae and skull bones were found "of incredible thickness and size," according to a newspaper article.

In 1883, several burial mounds were discovered in Utah, in which there were burials of people of very tall stature - 195 centimeters, which is at least 30 centimeters above the average height of the Aboriginal Indians. The latter did not make these burials and could not provide any information about them. In 1885, in Gusterville (Pennsylvania), a stone crypt was discovered in a large grave mound, in which there was a skeleton 215 centimeters high. Primitive images of people, birds and animals were carved on the walls of the crypt.

In 1899, miners in the Ruhr region in Germany discovered fossilized skeletons of people ranging in height from 210 to 240 centimeters.

In 1890, in Egypt, archaeologists found a stone sarcophagus with a clay coffin inside, which contained the mummies of a two-meter red-haired woman and a baby. The features of the face and the addition of the mummies differed sharply from the ancient Egyptians. Similar mummies of a man and a woman with red hair were discovered in 1912 in Lovelok (Nevada) in a cave carved into the rock. The growth of a mummified woman during her lifetime was two meters, and men - about three meters.

Australian finds

In 1930, near Basharst, Australia, jasper miners often found fossilized imprints of huge human feet. The race of giant people, whose remains were found in Australia, anthropologists called megantropus. The growth of these people ranged from 210 to 365 centimeters. Meganthropus are similar to Gigantopithecus, the remains of which were found in China Judging by the fragments of jaws and many teeth found, the growth of Chinese giants was 3 to 3.5 meters, and the weight was 400 kilograms Near Basarst, in river deposits, there were stone artifacts of enormous weight and size - clubs, plows , chisels, knives and axes. Modern Homo sapiens would hardly be able to work with tools weighing from 4 to 9 kilograms.

An anthropological expedition, which specifically investigated the area in 1985 for the presence of the remains of meganthropus, excavated at a depth of up to three meters from the surface of the earth. Australian researchers found, among other things, a petrified molar 67 mm high and 42 mm wide. The owner of the tooth had to be at least 7.5 meters tall and weigh 370 kilograms! Hydrocarbon analysis determined the age of the finds, amounting to nine million years.

In 1971, in Queensland, farmer Stephen Walker, while plowing his field, came across a large fragment of a jaw with teeth five centimeters high. In 1979, in Megalong Valley in the Blue Mountains, locals found a huge stone protruding above the surface of the stream, on which one could see the imprint of part of a huge foot with five fingers. The transverse size of the fingers was 17 centimeters. If the print had been preserved in its entirety, it would have been 60 cm long. It follows that the imprint was left by a man of six meters in height
Near Malgoa, three huge footprints were found, 60 centimeters long, 17 wide. The giant's step length was measured 130 centimeters. Traces were preserved in the petrified lava for millions of years, even before Homo sapiens appeared on the Australian continent (if the theory of evolution is considered correct). Huge footprints are also found in the limestone bed of the Upper Maclay River. The fingerprints of these footprints are 10 cm long and the width of the foot is 25 cm. Obviously, the Australian Aborigines were not the first inhabitants of the continent. It is interesting that in their folklore there are legends about giant people who once lived in these territories.

Other evidence of giants

In one of the old books entitled "History and Antiquity", now kept in the library of Oxford University, there is an account of the discovery of a giant skeleton made in the Middle Ages in Cumberland. “The giant is buried to a depth of four yards and is in full military dress. His sword and battle ax rest next to him. The length of the skeleton is 4.5 yards (4 meters), and the teeth " big man"measured 6.5 inches (17 centimeters)"

In 1877, near Eureka, Nevada, prospectors were working for gold panning in a deserted, hilly region. One of the workers accidentally noticed something sticking out above the ledge of the cliff. People climbed a rock and were surprised to find the human bones of the foot and lower leg, along with the patella. The bone was immured in the rock, and the prospectors freed it from the rock with picks. Assessing the unusualness of the find, the workers delivered it to Evreka. The stone, in which the rest of the leg was embedded, was quartzite, and the bones themselves turned black, which betrayed their considerable age. The leg was broken above the knee and consisted of a knee joint and intact bones of the lower leg and foot. Several doctors examined the bones and came to the conclusion that the leg undoubtedly belonged to a person. But the most intriguing aspect of the find was the size of the leg - 97 centimeters from the knee to the foot. The owner of this limb during his lifetime had a height of 3 meters 60 centimeters. Even more mysterious was the age of the quartzite in which the fossil was found - 185 million years, the era of dinosaurs. Local newspapers vied with each other to report the sensation. One of the museums sent researchers to the place of discovery in the hope of finding the rest of the skeleton. But, unfortunately, nothing more was found.

In 1936, the German paleontologist and anthropologist Larson Kohl found the skeletons of giant people on the shores of Lake Elisey in Central Africa. 12 men buried in a mass grave had a height of 350 to 375 centimeters during their lifetime. Curiously, their skulls had sloping chins and two rows of upper and lower teeth.

There is evidence that during the Second World War in Poland, during the burial of the executed, a fossilized skull 55 centimeters high was found, that is, almost three times more than that of a modern adult. The giant to whom the skull belonged had very proportional features and was at least 3.5 meters tall.

giant skulls

Ivan T. Sanderson, a well-known zoologist and frequent guest on the popular American show Tonight in the 60s, once shared with the public a curious story about a letter he received from a certain Alan McShir. The author of the letter in 1950 worked as a bulldozer operator on the construction of a road in Alaska. He reported that the workers found two huge fossilized skulls, vertebrae and leg bones in one of the grave mounds. The skulls were 58 cm high and 30 cm wide. The ancient giants had a double row of teeth and disproportionately flat heads. Each skull had a neat round hole in the upper part. North America. The vertebrae, as well as the skulls, were three times larger than those of modern humans. The length of the leg bones ranged from 150 to 180 centimeters.

In South Africa, in diamond mining in 1950, a fragment of a huge skull 45 centimeters high was discovered. Above the superciliary arches were two strange protrusions resembling small horns. Anthropologists, in whose hands the find fell, determined the age of the skull - about nine million years.

There is not quite reliable evidence of the finds of huge skulls in South-East Asia and on the islands of Oceania.

Almost all peoples have legends about the Giants who lived in ancient times on the territory of a particular country. Armenia is no exception, but unlike other places, local stories cannot be dismissed so easily. And, although not all anthropologists and archaeologists believe that we are talking about a whole race of giants, and not about single tall specimens, attempts to discover last resort our distant ancestors or traces of their economic activities.

So, during the scientific and practical expedition that took place in 2011, a number of evidence was collected, from which it followed that rather large people, 2 meters or more tall, inhabited some regions of Armenia.

Fragments of a skeleton found in the crypt of the village of Khot.

Artsrun Hovsepyan, director of the Goshavank historical complex, said that in 1996, when laying a road through the hills, bones of such a size were found that when they were applied to oneself, they reached the level of the throat. Komitas Aleksanyan, a resident of the village of Ava, says that local residents found skulls and leg bones of very large sizes, almost the size of a person. According to him: “Once it was last autumn (2010) and 2 years ago (2009), on the territory of our village, where the grave of St. Barbara is located.”

Ruben Mnatsakanyan, an independent researcher, mentioned in an interview for the “City of Giants” program (Culture TV channel) that he found bones that were very large, the length of the entire skeleton was approximately 4 m 10 cm. “I carried the skull in my hands and could see no closer than 2 meters in front of you. That was his size. The lower leg was higher than my lower back, it was about 1 m 15 cm. This bone was also not easy. In 1984, a new plant was being built near the city of Sisian. Tractors were digging the foundation. Suddenly one of them, discarding a layer of earth, stopped. An ancient burial was opened before the observers, where the remains of a very large man lay. The burial, in which the second giant lay, was littered with huge stones from above. Up to the middle of the ribs, the skeleton was covered with earth, there was a sword along the body, with two hands he held its handle, which was made of bone. Before that, I thought that the giants lived in ancient times. Maybe I would not have paid attention to it, but the sword was made of metal, because along the whole body there was a layer of rust left from iron.

Pavel Avetisyan, director of the Institute of Archeology, claims that on the territory of Gyumri, in the area of ​​the Black Fortress, huge skulls and even whole skeletons of the ancient period were found, which they showed him. “I was just taken aback, because, probably, the thumb of such a person would be thicker than my hand. I myself participated in the excavations and often met the remains of people who were much taller than me. Of course, I won’t name their height for sure, but more than 2 meters. Because the discovered tibia or hip bone, when I applied it to my leg, was much longer.

Human bone found at excavations in Armenia. Shot from the film "City of Giants". Although human growth, according to the authors, reached 2 meters, it still did not reach the “giant”

Movses Khorenatsi (representative of Armenian feudal historiography, lived in the 5th-early 6th centuries) wrote that the cities of the giants were also located in the gorge of the Vorotan River. This is the Syunik region, located in the southeast of Armenia. Here in the mountain village of Khot in 1968 a monument to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War was built. When the top of the mound was leveled, ancient tombs with unusual remains were opened. The already mentioned Vazgen Gevorgyan: “The entire population of the village of Khot talks about the skeletons of giants found there. In particular, Razmik Arakelyan many years ago during earthworks personally saw the graves of two giants. The headman of the village also told about this, to whom his father showed the exact place. Everyone who saw it was very surprised at what huge people once lived here. There apparently was their cemetery, and this place should be explored.

In the neighboring village of Tandzatap, there are also witnesses who spoke about giant bones - the tibia reached the waist of the tallest of them. This happened in 1986 when they were making terraces for fruit trees. Tractors dug up the side of the mountain many meters deep. Thanks to this, very ancient layers turned out to be accessible. The tractor bucket demolished the lower slab, and then the burial itself was opened, from which the bone of a real giant was removed. Mikhail Ambartsumyan, at that time personally supervised the work.

Mikhail Ambartsumyan, former headman of the village: “I saw that a small hole had opened, lined with flat stones on the sides. There I found a leg bone: from the knee to the foot, about 1.20 cm long, I even called the driver, showed him, and he is a tall guy. We tried to see what else was in this hole, but it was too deep, and it was already dark, it was not visible. So they left it. Then, in the same hole, I found a karas, that is, a huge jug, but, unfortunately, when I tried to pull it out, it broke. In height, the carp reached about 2 meters.

Sometimes there are also finds of mammoth skulls, which, due to their structure, are often mistaken for “one-eyed skulls”. Seda Hakobyan, a resident of Yeghvard, mentioned that she once decided to break the concrete floor on the balcony, under the column, in order to pour concrete again and put a beam. When the concrete was broken, a flat stone was found under it, and a hole was found under the stone. “And in the pit they found a skull, one-eyed, the eye was on the forehead, the mouth, and a small hole from the nose, very small. And there were also legs, very long, both together probably about 3 meters. From the bottom to the waist, the length reached 3 m. They got it out of the pit. My husband was advised to take the find to the museum. He took the skull, I don’t know if he took the rest or not.” This suggests that the bones of mammoths or other animals may have been confused with human bones.

A scandal is also connected with the quoted film "City of Giants", so the leading researcher of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of History, Ph.D. Maria Borisovna Mednikova addressed an open letter to the Kultura TV channel and stated that her words were misrepresented in the film, since she is an opponent of the existence of a “race of giants”. As a result, the program began to be broadcast without her interview. In general, M.B. Mednikova expressed very interesting thoughts, noting that the so-called "alpine type" of a person has always been "head and shoulders above" his fellows. Both the Caucasus and the territory of Armenia are one of the centers of tallness, so the appearance here of people taller than the average highlander of that time is quite normal.

The finds of human skeletons significantly exceeding the size that modern science can imagine does not mean that it was a whole race, it may be more correct to talk about only some of its representatives, endowed with divine properties during their lifetime, and buried in special stone burials with more honors than their compatriots, who have not been touched by the hand of all the genetic advantages of the “alpine type”?

By the way, I can explain the story, for example, this photo:

At first, the scandalous photo was distributed without any details. They appeared only in 2007 in the Indian magazine Hindu Voice.

Where the correspondent reported that the skeleton of a giant 18 meters tall was discovered in northern India during excavations organized by the National Geographic Society, its Indian branch and with the support of the Indian army.

The publication emphasized that clay tablets with inscriptions were found along with the skeleton. And from them it followed that the giant belonged to a race of superhumans, which were mentioned in the Mahabharata (Mahabharata) - the Indian epic of 200 BC.

The editor of the magazine - one P. Deivamuthu - then apologized to the National Geographic Society by sending a letter. Say, he fell for the facts obtained from sources, which, as it has now become obvious, were not trustworthy.

But the thirst for knowledge was already unsatisfied. Information about the "Indian find" climbed out of all Internet cracks with renewed vigor. And, of course, along with a photo of a giant.

In short, the public suspects a conspiracy. And she's right. There really was a conspiracy. It was organized back in 2002.

There are so many skeletons

As the investigation showed, the photo specifically of the "Indian skeleton" was made by an artistic photoshop specialist from Canada, a certain IronKite. But not for malicious intent, but in the form of participation in the annual competition called "Archaeological Anomalies 2". Where the author was awarded the third place (which works were awarded the first and second prizes, it is not possible to determine now - access to the competition website is closed). Participants were asked to fabricate some amazing archaeological find. Some of them were very talented. And it fell on fertile ground - many do not doubt that giants once lived on Earth.

Also - no less than an Indian

Giant graves are also found underwater

IronKite reported by mail to National Geographic News that it was only for highly artistic purposes and had nothing to do with subsequent fools. But he does not want to reveal his name. From sin.

The original photograph was also discovered, which served as a kind of background and archaeological entourage for the skeleton. The picture was taken in 2000 in New York's Hyde Park (Hyde Park, New York) at the site of a real excavation. The skeleton of a mastodon, a prehistoric relative of the elephant, was discovered here.

Regarding the “Indian skeleton of a giant”, only one thing remained unclear: whose bones played its role?

And the trailblazer IronKite seems to be followed by followers. And now the Internet is full of giant skeletons.

An excavation site that was used to "make" a fool with an Indian skeleton.

Myths and legends, pictures of ancient people, archaeological excavations, anthropological studies, written sources of different years tell about people of abnormal growth. Were our ancestors really Atlanteans, or is all this nothing more than fiction?

archaeological finds

Remains of gigantic size are found in many countries of the world. In Turkey, archaeologists discovered a human leg bone 1.2 m long. With such dimensions, the growth of its owner should have been more than 5 meters.

Found bone, presumably belonging to a man about 5 meters tall. On the right - Robert Vodlow, a giant from Illinois, was the tallest man in history - height 272 cm.

Ancient giants also lived on the territory of present-day China - skeletons almost 3.5 m long were found there. Scientists have found that their lifetime weight reached 300 kg.

Anthropologists also discovered a curious find in Australia - a petrified tooth of enormous size. After a thorough analysis, it was possible to establish its age - more than 9 million years. According to scientists, the growth of the owner of the tooth exceeded 7 meters, the weight approached 400 kg.

Prospectors who washed gold in the desert region of Nevada accidentally stumbled upon the remains of giant people of antiquity. The terrain was hilly - under one of the ledges, the worker noticed a protruding bone. The gold miners climbed the hill and froze in shock when they saw the bones of the foot and lower leg, partially immured in stone.

The black color of the bones testified to their solid age. The workers took the find and brought it to the nearest medical center. A group of doctors who examined the remains came to a consensus - human bones. According to them, the dimensions of the lower leg were later recreated - the distance from the foot to the knee was 97 cm, and the height of the owner was 3.60 m.

Of even greater interest to science was the stone in which the foot was embedded. It turned out that this is quartzite, which is more than 185 million years old. It turns out that giant people lived in the era of dinosaurs?

After that, the local museum sent an expedition to the place of discovery. The search did not give a result - anthropologists did not find other parts of the skeleton.

The existence of giants is also confirmed by written sources. The folio "History and Antiquity" is kept in the Oxford University Library. It contains information about a 4.5 yard (4 m) long skeleton and a 6.5 inch (17 cm) tooth found in Cumberland. The finds were made in the Middle Ages.

Giants existed in the prehistoric period and later. In 2006, researchers discovered almost 200 burials in the Sahara Desert. The age of all the bones found is about 5 thousand years. In addition, they all belonged to people above 2 meters.

Myths and legends

Heroes, endowed with enormous growth and strength, existed in the myths and legends of different peoples of the world. One of them is the mythical hero Goliath. The three-meter giant fearlessly fought with enemies, but the brave shepherd David managed to defeat him.

In legends Ancient Greece the Titans are often mentioned, who opposed the gods of Olympus, but were defeated by Hercules.

In the Middle Ages, there were heroes - Svyatogor, towering above the trees and under the weight of which the earth collapsed, Ilya Muromets, a fellow of enormous size and remarkable strength.

Myths and legends do not arise from scratch - many heroes of epics had real prototypes. For example, the legend of a giant devil from a stone gorge ended with a sensational discovery by paleontologists.

From legends to real finds

This discovery was made at the end of the last century and concerns the race of ancient people. The Gobi Desert has always been full of secrets. It is associated with the legend of a giant devil that lives in stone gorge Uulakh.

The tradition is old, passed down from generation to generation. Professor-paleontologist Higley became interested in its reliability, gathered colleagues from England and France to conduct excavations.

The group worked hard, examining layer after layer of rock. Expectations were justified - in one of the layers, the researchers found the skeleton of a creature similar to a human. Scientists were struck by two things:

  1. The age of the rock in which the remains were located is 45 million years!
  2. The length of the skeleton is almost 17 meters.

It is not clear how the locals learned about the existence of a human civilization of giants? The participants of that expedition found only one plausible explanation - their ancestors saw the bones of a giant and decided that they were diabolical.

Canadian scientist Roger Wingley, referring to research data, argued that for billions of years the planet Earth rotated faster than it does now. There were about 10 hours in a day. Dinosaurs and huge lizards existed under such conditions, so why couldn't humanoid creatures exist?

Perhaps the clue to the origin of the giant people of antiquity lies in the theory of the British scientist Tones. Analyzing the find from the Gobi Desert, he came to the conclusion that the creature is a representative of an alien race. It lived and developed according to laws that are not characteristic of earthly civilization.

Earth giants through the eyes of eyewitnesses

And yet, huge people existed on earth - this is confirmed by the testimonies of great travelers. In 1520, the famous navigator Magellan met a giant native in Argentina - he was twice as tall as a Spaniard.

Magellan ordered to catch the Argentine and load it onto a ship in order to give it as a gift to the Spanish king. Navigators caught two giants, but they could not endure a long voyage - they died on board.

After 58 years, the Englishman Francis Drake went on a trip around the world. On the shores of Patagonia, the navigator saw people whose height was approaching 3 meters. He made an entry about this in the logbook.

Russian hero of the 20th century

In 1906, the newspapers of St. Petersburg wrote about him as a Russian hero "of growth hitherto not seen in the globe". The hero's name was Fedor Makhnov.

He was born near the Belarusian village of Kostyuki in 1878, and from the age of 14 he performed all over the world. In the contract, dated 1894, Makhnov's height was listed as "3 arshins 9 vershaks" - 253 cm.

The young man continued to grow and already in 1903 reached 285 cm. The magazine "Nature and People" then wrote that the giant's boot reaches the chest of a person of ordinary height, and a 12-year-old boy is placed inside the boot.

Body features did not prevent Fedor from marrying and becoming the father of five children. The children did not inherit their father's height.

Fedor performed in public for some time, and as soon as he saved up money, he moved with his family to his homeland and built a farm. Makhnov died at the age of 34 from pneumonia, although it was rumored that his competitors had poisoned him.

The cases described are far from the only ones. Researchers suggest that the representatives of the Lemurian civilization, which disappeared 3 million years ago, were 10-20 meters tall, and the Atlanteans - 5-6 meters.

The early Aryans, whose race originated about 1 million years ago, were 3-4 meters. And each successive generation is lower and lower.