Which waterfall is the highest? The world's widest waterfalls

Large waterfalls climb over several ledges before they hit the ground. They are of the cascade type. The fastest flows of water in the world crash down mountainsides into lakes or into fog. Some have remained untouched and inaccessible to travelers, others have become real attractions.

Most big waterfall It is not easy to determine in the world; scientists are constantly debating. All indicators are taken into account: height, width, flow speed and volume of falling water. The tallest waterfall in the world is Angel. A large stream of water falls from a height of 979 m of free fall.

List of large waterfalls:

  1. Niagara Falls connects 3 waterfalls. It is not the largest, but it has the largest volume. Approximate age: 12 thousand years. The cause of its occurrence was a glacier, from which, as it melted, streams of water formed. According to scientists, the waterfall continues its movement and in a few thousand years will connect with the lake and become one large reservoir. The discovery of the waterfall occurred at the beginning of the 17th century. Samuel de Champlain. While mapping the rivers, local residents told him about a small water ledge. 40 years later, the creation of nature was called “a waterfall of terrible height.” Extreme fun in the waters of the waterfall gained popularity in the 19th century. – descent in wooden barrels. Daredevils were injured or lost their lives. Now the descent is prohibited and is punishable by a fine.

    The largest waterfall in the world is Niagara Falls.

  2. Dettifoss. Water consumption (average) – 193 cubic meters. m/s., during high tides - up to 600 cubic meters. m/s. There was no approach to the waterfall, but 8 years ago, after the construction of a road, tourists gained access to it. Thanks to the waterfall, a large number of travelers come to Iceland to look at the creation of nature. The water stream is located in a picturesque place, in a national park. The river it falls into is surrounded by vertical rocky cliffs. The water is brown and turns black at high tide. The most favorable time to watch this fascinating spectacle is the end of spring - the beginning of summer. The waterfall reaches 100 m in width and 44 m in height. A huge stream of water falls with a deafening roar. Tourists, standing at the very edge of the waterfall, can feel slight vibrations under their feet. The road to it is not equipped, so visitors follow along the edge of the cliff, and may get wet due to the large amount of splashes.
  3. Yosemite Falls, 739 m high, consists of 3 cascades; located in America's National Park. Its founder, Galen Clark, rests near the waterfall. The river from which the flow of water appeared originates high in the mountains, passes through a valley 16 km away, or falls from a cliff. Largest quantity water was recorded in the spring, when melting glaciers fill the river; in summer and autumn it practically dries out. The age of the waterfall is more than 5 thousand years. It appeared as a result of melting glaciers. One of them divided the valley, and rocks appeared along which streams of water flow today.

  4. Kaieteur. The waterfall is located in a picturesque place; The middle cascade offers breathtaking views. The flow rate is 633 m/s. For a long time, the public did not know about the existence of the waterfall, since it is located in a place inaccessible to humans. At the end of the 19th century. one of the geologists discovered a creation of nature. The waterfall was named in honor of the Kaya Indian leader, who crossed the river in a canoe to save his people. The waterfall is located near Venezuela and is considered one of the highest in the world (height 226 m, width 105 m). This natural wonder is located in the National Park of the same name.
  5. Victoria. The widest waterfall in the world (1800 m) first became known in the mid-19th century. A scientist from Scotland discovered a creation of nature and was stunned by what he saw. There is no other waterfall in the world this wide and with a continuous flow of water. He gave the name of Queen Victoria to the creation of nature. At the beginning of the 20th century. construction work has started railway across the Zambezi River, this contributed to an increase in the number of travelers. Since that time, many people have had the opportunity to see the waterfall with their own eyes. In the 80s XX century South Africa became independent and the number of travelers increased to 300 thousand people/year. On the surface of the river from which the water falls, there are several small islands that divide the waterfall into several parts. Below, the water flows into a narrow stream, which stretches 120 cm. The “devil’s font” is of great interest to tourists. This is a small area near the cliff of the waterfall, where the current weakens and there is a small rocky fence. This is how it is formed large swimming pool. There have been fatal cases where travelers were carried over the edge of the pool.

  6. Langfossen. The stream of water, 612 m high, occupies the western part of Norway. The waterfall is of the cascade type. Flowing from the mountain peak, the water enters the Akra fjord. The tourism business is well developed in the vicinity of the waterfall. Hotels and holiday homes have been built for travelers who want to enjoy the breathtaking mountain scenery and water flow views. Main city Norway, Oslo is 396 km away. Tourists get to the area by bus, which follows a route located at the foot of the water stream.
  7. Gullfoss. The name of the creation of nature means “golden waterfall”. There is no exact version of where this name came from. It may be related to the rainbow that is constantly present at the waterfall. The reason for this is the large number of water droplets in the air. Streams of water rush down along 2 cascades, which are located 90˚ relative to each other. At their junction, a natural observation deck has been formed, from which tourists can enjoy the view of the waterfall and the surrounding area. Representatives of the flora: lichens, mosses and dwarf trees. In sunny weather with good visibility, tourists observe the glacier-covered peaks from the northeast side. The waterfall is protected by the state. In Iceland, a sightseeing tour is organized for travelers lasting one day. It includes a tour of the valley of geysers, national park and a waterfall. Travelers get to observation deck along a narrow path that is constantly wet due to the large amount of splashes. Equipped parking, shops and cafes are located near the observation deck.

  8. Kukenan. A special type of mountain in Venezuela, tepuis, from which a stream of water flows, is part of the highlands. It existed at a time when the continents of Africa and Latin America were one.
  9. Tugela. The waterfall consists of 5 cascades (the highest is 411 m). To get to its base, tourists pass through a gorge, dense forest and boulders. Water flows from the cliff of the Drakensberg Mountains.
  10. Angel. The water falls from such a height that it becomes fog before it reaches the ground.

The largest waterfall in the world is named after the pilot who flew over it in the 30s. XX century Travelers reach a natural site only by air or water.

general characteristics waterfalls:

Name Location Height, m Width, m Volume of falling water, m³/s
Niagara Canada, USA 53 792 5700
Dettifoss Iceland 45 100 600
Yosemite North America 739 137 746
Kaieteur Guyana 226 90-105 663
Victoria South Africa 120 1800 980
Langfossen Western Norway 612 76 322
Gullfoss Iceland 32 109-130
Kukenan Venezuela 610 54 556
Tugela South Africa 933 15 1
Angel Venezuela 979 107 300


The largest waterfall in the world is located in the National Park in Venezuela; it is more than 15 times the size of Niagara Falls. Mount Auyantepui serves as the starting point for the water flow. It is penetrated by several layers of sandstone; It is in them that water accumulates after tropical downpours. This contributes to the existence of the waterfall.

The name of the hill means “devil’s mountain.” This name was given by local residents due to the impenetrable fog that accumulated around the mountain. Such hills are characterized by a smooth flat top, a vertical cliff and a high height. The mountains, which are characteristic of the Guiana Highlands, were inaccessible to humans due to their topography for many centuries.

Rare plants grow here and unprecedented animals live.

Many centuries ago, local residents knew that there was a waterfall in the country, but the public learned about it only at the beginning of the 20th century. American pilot James Angel in the 30s. XX century flew over a hill. Together with his group, he went in search of ore and diamonds.

James's plan was to land on the top of the mountain, but an accident occurred during landing, due to which the group was unable to take off and return home. They had to make their own descent from the mountain. It lasted about 10 days. After a dangerous adventure, James Angel and his group became famous throughout the world, and the waterfall was named after the pilot (Angel - Angel).

For more than 30 years, the plane was on the top of the mountain, and then it was evacuated. In the 50s and 90s. XX century American scientists made a trip to the waterfall. In 2005, Russian climbers went to him. In 2009, the ruler of Venezuela issued an order to change the name of the waterfall, since it could not be named after a foreigner.

This change applies only to Venezuela; on world maps the waterfall remained under its previous name. The largest waterfall in the world is visited by tourists in the spring, summer and autumn months. They get to the waterfall by water or air, since there is no road to it. Inns, hotels and restaurants for vacationers have been built in the nearest village.

The planes operate regular or private flights (tickets cost $110-350). Visitors pay a small amount for entry to the National Park. Cloudy or foggy weather can prevent you from enjoying a picturesque place.


The waterfall is second only to Angel in size; located in Africa in the Natal National Park. It consists of several cascades, the largest of which is more than 400 m. The river with the same name originates in Drakensberg Mountains, a waterfall originates from it. The water flow is narrow, no more than 15 m, even in the rainy season. Only during the dry season does the water flow decrease.

The waterfall is clearly visible after rain or at sunset. Tourists reach the natural wonder along a path from one of the parking lots, and then climb a rickety hanging staircase. There is a road of over 7 km from the National Park, which passes through forest, boulders and suspension bridge.

Travelers book sightseeing tours with guides or take a walk on their own. Information about the excursion can be obtained from any hotel in Africa.

Information about the waterfall:

  1. A group of scientists from the Czech Republic recorded the height of the waterfall at 983 m in 2016. This means that it is the highest in the world.
  2. The name of the waterfall translates as “sudden”. The local people gave this name to the water flow due to the fact that during rains the speed of the water increases several times.
  3. The mountainside along which the water flows is covered with snow during the winter months.
  4. There is very little information about the waterfall. Encyclopedias Soviet Union and Great Britain give a brief description of it. Wellington's book on Africa contains the most detailed information.

Three sisters

The waterfall is located in South America, on the territory of the state of Peru. The miracle of nature was discovered by chance. A group of photographers came to photograph another waterfall (Katarata). While working, they accidentally discovered the Three Sisters.

Its name is explained by the fact that it consists of three separate waterfalls: 2 of them are clearly visible to tourists located near the waterfall, and 3 is a large pool into which water flows. The waterfall takes beautiful place, surrounded by trees rising more than 30 m. Height - 914 m.


The waterfall is located on one of the Hawaiian islands, Molokai. Its height is 900 m. It is located in a mountainous area, surrounded by volcanic hills. Due to the fact that the stream of water is narrow and located in the recess of the mountain, it could not be discovered for a long time.

The water does not fall down like other waterfalls, but flows down the rock.

Tourists vacationing in the Hawaiian Islands book guided excursions to the waterfall and its surroundings. A helicopter is the most common means of transport to access the water stream.


The waterfall is located on the territory of the state of Peru. The water flow falls from the east side mountain range Andes, belongs to the Amazon basin. For a long time, there was debate among scientists about the height of the waterfall, but laser measurements by geographers determined the figure to be 895 m. The waterfall was discovered in 2007 by researchers from the Peruvian Geographical Institute.

They showed photographs and information about the water flow, and then it was broadcast by the media mass media on the international level. The name of the waterfall means "heartfelt love." Many centuries ago, local residents knew about the existence of a creation of nature and gave it such a name because one of the cascades looks like a heart. Researchers are also arguing about the number of cascades: 4 or 5.

Interesting information about the waterfall:

  1. Compared to other waterfalls, Umbilla does not look as exciting due to the amount of water. During the dry season, the waterfall completely disappears.
  2. The creation of nature is in a place not touched person, so it is impossible to examine and study the waterfall in detail.
  3. Tourists need to hire an accompanying person during the excursion, since there are no equipped roads or signs here.
  4. The waterfall is surrounded by tropics with amazing and rare representatives of flora and fauna.


The waterfall (height 860 m) is located in Norway and is considered the highest in Europe. The water flow originates from the Vinnu River, then falls from a cliff and turns into a ghostly tail. Its length is 179 m.

Tourists, admiring the miracle of nature, remain enchanted by the spectacle, as the flow of water diverges into several waterfalls that intertwine with each other. They are separated by vegetation and rocks. As you approach the bottom of the rock, all the water flows unite. The widest section of the waterfall is at the bottom and is 152 m.

Tourists are interested in the immediate surroundings and attractions of the waterfall:

  • mountain range Trollheim ("house troll");
  • Snøhetta is part of the national park. This is one of the mountains in the Dovrefjell chain;
  • the tallest wall in Europe, the Troll Wall;
  • national park"Dovrefjell."

To get to the waterfall, tourists arrive in Norway from Moscow or Bergen by plane, train or bus. When choosing a train, travelers will have to cover a distance of 500 km in 8 hours. Along the way you can see Mountain peaks in the snow, fjords and valleys. In one day, 6 trains transport tourists. Exists international route via Sweden.

The bus (No. 100) takes travelers from the train station and bus station to the city center for free. The bus journey from Oslo to Bergen takes 10 - 11 hours.


The waterfall, 849 m high and 6 m wide, is located in Norway, occupies the eastern side of the Åsa fjord, Ulvik municipality. The water flow begins from the Bala stream, which flows out of a mountain lake.

At the foot of the mountain slope along which the waterfall rushes down, there is a small village where local residents receive tourists. From here you have a breathtaking view of the natural wonder. It consists of 3 cascades, the length of the largest is 452 m.


The height of the water flow is 840 m. It is located on the island of Molokai (Hawaiian Islands). A distinctive feature of nature’s creation: it flows from the top of the mountain, and does not fall down like a rapid stream.

At any hotel in the Hawaiian Islands, tourists can order sightseeing tour to the waterfall. It can be accessed from the air, since the waterfall is located in a place that humans could not reach, so the area is not equipped for visitors.

James Bruce

The North American waterfall is considered the largest on the continent and reaches a height of 840 m. The creation of nature is located in the Princess Louise National Park (Canada).

The water stream originates on the flat top of a mountain covered with snow and rushes down in several cascades. The waters of 2 streams, which are parallel to the waterfall, feed it. One of them exists regardless of the season; the other dries out during the summer months.

Brown Falls

The waterfall is the largest in New Zealand. It is located in the southern part of the country, near the Hall Arm fjord, within the Fiordland National Park. The water flow comes out of Brown Lake and rushes down in 6 cascades. Height – 836 m, angle of incidence – 42˚. This is a small degree compared to other waterfalls, so the spectacle of the water flow is not particularly impressive.

The width of the waterfall is 12 m. At high tide, the volume of water reaches 14 cubic meters. m/s.

In the 40s XX century aerial photographer Victor Carlile Brown flew over the fjord. During his journey, he discovered a lake named after him and a waterfall that flowed from the reservoir.

The most big waterfalls serve as the main attraction of the country, as in Iceland. They are protected by the authorities, who develop tourism businesses in the areas where they are located. There are several waterfalls left in the world that are impossible to reach, and they preserve their nature in their original form.

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Video about the largest waterfalls

The largest and most beautiful waterfalls in the world:

Waterfalls - a wonder of the world

Among all the wonders given to man by nature, waterfalls are perhaps the most popular. Their beauty fascinates tourists, their power inspires admiration. "Falling water", as the most majestic phenomenon of nature, has long attracted people with its unique beauty. It has been noticed that any waterfall, with its thunderous peals for many kilometers, serves as a guide for birds during migration.

A very interesting pattern: all the largest waterfalls in the world in width are located on the border of two or even three states. And this, apparently, is not accidental - wide waterfalls represent insurmountable natural boundaries along which boundaries were established.

There are entire clusters of “water diamonds” on our planet. In the Caucasus, on the territory of the Teberda Nature Reserve in the gorge of the river. Salynngan (a tributary of the Kizgych River) is the valley of the “Thirty Waterfalls”. In Japan, in the Honshu Island National Park, 100 waterfalls fall into the Osugidani Valley. And Norway is even called the Land of Waterfalls. But few people know that the small highland kingdom of Lesotho in Africa on the territory of South Africa is a unique intricacy of 3,000 waterfalls.

And if you ask someone a question: what is the largest waterfall on our planet, be sure that the majority will answer: Niagara. Some will remember Victoria Falls, discovered in Africa famous traveler David Livingston in 1855. And only a few, specialist geographers, will ask: what is meant - width, height or power, since the term “largest” in relation to waterfalls sounds very vague.

Angel and Con

The tallest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls, and the highest in Russia is the Talnikovsky waterfall. You can read about these two waterfalls and the height of the tallest waterfalls in the world in our article - The highest waterfall in the world.

The widest in the world waterfall - Kon waterfall(Khon) on the Mekong River, on the border of Laos and Kampuchea (12-13 km). The width of its drainage area is more than 12.5 kilometers.

Kohn was discovered in 1920 by researcher E. Khokhan and was named after him.

Kon Falls is a cascading structure that includes many waterfalls flowing from different levels of the Mekong Plateau. The beauty of this waterfall comes from the vibrant colorful flowers growing along its banks.

Kon waterfall is good for health

Kon is also a well-accessible spot for observation. Its viewing area is well landscaped. Tourists appreciate this.

This waterfall is the most tranquil of all the waterfalls. His disposition is most favorable to sick people. The power of this waterfall is aimed at a calming effect, it has magical energy. Many people who visited the Kon waterfall were convinced of its positive effect on the human body.

Kon Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. He is under guard national reserve and is recognized as a national treasure of the Earth.

The most powerful waterfall - Iguazu

The most powerful waterfall in the world - Iguazu(“Devil’s Throat”), whose height is only about 80 m.

A monstrous mass of water falls over the crest of the ledge of this waterfall - more than 700 thousand cubic meters per minute.

The roar of this powerful waterfall can be heard for many kilometers.
Iguazu - 275 cascades in one system - this is the most beautiful panorama on our planet. It was opened to Europeans in 1541 by the Spanish conquistador Alvaro de Veca. Crossing the Brazilian Highlands with his squad and hearing a distant rumble, he came to a waterfall. The religious Spanish conqueror, who exterminated the aborigines with fire and sword, was so shocked by the grandiose grandeur of Nature that he did not find better name waterfall, like the “leap of St. Mary” - the “mother of God”. And the border between Brazil and Argentina along the “Devil’s Throat” was finally established only in 1928.

It is impossible to take in the entire front of Iguazu Falls from one point - the cascades are interspersed with rocks, and the tropical forest gets in the way. Therefore, at the service of numerous tourists from all over the world, 2 kilometers of bridges have been laid here, connecting the “rock-islands” protruding from the boiling foam at the crest of the abyss. Several hotels, bars and restaurants, an airfield (the nearest railroad station 400 km).

The greatest waterfalls in the world

In Iguazu National Parks (180 thousand hectares in Brazil and 55 thousand hectares on the Argentine side) palm trees and Quebracho ironwood grow, and a variety of animal world, inhabited by hummingbirds and rare butterflies the size of saucers, the most unimaginable colors.

The greatest waterfalls in the world:

NameHeight, mWidth, mWater consumption, cubic m/s Location
Con21 12500 8700-45000 R. Mekong, border of Kampuchea and Laos (Eurasia)
Guaira40 4800 9000-13000 R. Parana, Brazil and Paraguay (South America)
Iguazu80 4000 1700-12000 R. Iguazu, borders of Brazil and Argentina (South America)
Victoria120 1800 1400-7500 R. Zambezi, border of Zambia and Zimbabwe (Africa)
Niagara50 1200 1350-6000 R. Niagara, US-Canada border (North America)

The most famous waterfall is Niagara Falls

A "most famous" Niagara Falls- only 50 meters high, and inferior in power to Iguazu and even Victoria.

And for some reason, many people believe that Niagara belongs to the United States. This is not entirely true. Niagara, at the very ledge, is divided by Goth Island into two streams: the left, Canadian - 914 m wide and the right, American - 305 m wide.

But the Americans skillfully present the miracle of nature. They installed dozens of multi-colored floodlights here with a total capacity of 1.5 million kW. As soon as it gets dark, their rays are directed onto the continuously moving wall of the waterfall, creating a fabulous illumination.

Bridges have been built above and below the waterfall for the convenience of tourists, and hotels, motels, observation towers 100-meter height, suspended road. There are adits on both banks, their lifts lower tourists down to the very base of the waterfall. Standing on concrete platforms a meter away from the giant wall of the collapsing elements (on the other side), tourists experience awe at the unbridled forces of nature.

Based on materials from gorodokn.ru and ru.wikipedia.org

Did you know that the height of the tallest waterfall in the world is comparable to the height of 33 nine-story buildings? Interesting Facts Read about the most beautiful waterfalls in the world below.

No. 10. Sutherland Falls, New Zealand

Sutherland Falls is one of the highest waterfalls in Oceania. Its height is 580 meters. The waterfall is located in one of the most picturesque corners of New Zealand - in the Fiordland National Park, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The source of the waterfall is a mountain lake that flows into the Arthur River and falls in a powerful stream from the top of the Southern Alps.

No. 9. Dettifoss waterfall, Iceland

Iceland is known for its beautiful waterfalls, lakes, geysers and glaciers. One of the most famous and beautiful waterfalls Iceland has Dettifoss Waterfall, which is considered the most powerful waterfall in Europe.

The waterfall is located in the Jökulsargljuvur National Park, and is a continuation of the Jökulsargljuvur River.

Among the sparse, arid landscape, the waterfall looks like a real miracle. The width of Dettifoss is about 100 m, the height is 44 m (9 m less Niagara Falls), average water flow is -193 m³/sec, during floods - up to 600 m³/sec.

No. 8. Gullfoss waterfall, Iceland

Gullfoss waterfall is located in the southwest of Iceland in the canyon of the Hvita River. Gullfoss means “Golden Waterfall”.

Gullfoss is a huge waterfall located on the cliff of a mountain range. The waterfall has a unique shape and structure. It is formed by three separate levels and two cascades. The height of the upper level is 11 meters, and the lower level is 21 m. The depth of the gorge is 70 m.

The volume of water passing through Gullfoss averages 109 m3/sec and rises in summer to 130 m3/sec. During major floods, this figure increases many times over.

No. 7. Kaieteur Falls, Guyana

Kaieteur Falls is one of the most powerful and beautiful waterfalls in the world. Kaieteur is located on the Potaro River in Guyana. The height of the waterfall is 226 meters - this is 5 times higher than Niagara Falls and 2 times higher than Victoria Falls.

No. 6. Yosemite Falls, California

Yosemite Falls is located in California in the national park of the same name. This waterfall is one of the tallest waterfalls in North America and 20th tallest in the world. The height of Yosemite is 739 meters. The height of the upper, reaching the first terrace of the Upper Yosemite Falls, is 435 meters, and the middle and lower waterfalls have heights of 206 and 98 meters, respectively.

No. 5. Angel Falls, Venezuela

Angel is the tallest waterfall in the world! Angel's height is 979 meters, width is 107 m, flow rate is 300 m3/sec. The waterfall was named after pilot James Angel, who flew over the waterfall in 1933.

The waterfall is located in the Canaima National Park in tropical forests Venezuela. The waterfall falls from the top of Mount Auyantepui. The height of the water fall is so great that only fog reaches the ground.

No. 4. Sastavci Waterfall, Croatia

Sastavci Waterfall is the largest and most beautiful waterfall in the Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia. Perfectly clear turquoise water falls from a height of 72 meters.

No. 3. Niagara Falls, USA/Canada

Niagara Falls is located on the Niagara River, which carries the waters of 4 of the 5 Great Lakes of America. Niagara Falls is considered the most powerful in North America due to the volume of water passing through it.

Niagara Falls consists of three waterfalls: the American Falls (on the American side), the small 20-meter Veil Falls and the Horseshoe or Canadian Falls (on the Canadian side).

The height of the waterfall is 51 meters. The total length of the waterfall is 1150 meters, of which 323 meters are the American Falls and 792 meters are the Horseshoe Falls.

No. 2. Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world! This wonder of the world was discovered by Scottish traveler and African explorer David Livingstone in 1855.

Victoria Falls is located on the Zambezi River. The width of the waterfall is 1800 meters, height is 107 meters. Hundreds of millions of liters of water per minute crash down to the bottom of the gorge. The noise from the waterfall can be heard at a distance of 20-30 km.

Victoria refers to objects World Heritage UNESCO.

No. 1. Iguazu Falls, Brazil/Argentina

Iguazu consists of 275 waterfalls, with a total width of more than 3 km, and a height of 82 m. The noise from the waterfall can be heard 20-25 km away. Iguazu is located on the border of Brazil and Argentina; two rivers form the waterfall - Iguazu and Parana.

This is a unique sight. The Indians gave the waterfall the name “iguazu” - “big water”. Among Europeans, it was first discovered by the Spanish conquistador Don Alvaro Nunez Caseso in 1541.
Igusau Falls is considered the eighth wonder of the world; tens of thousands of tourists come here every year.

Any person who has been to a waterfall at least once is sure that this a natural phenomenon is one of the most amazing sights.

Even small streams evoke a feeling of delight, what can we say about giant streams. What is the largest waterfall in the world? It is quite difficult to give a definite answer, since the waterfall may be the tallest, widest or with the largest volume of water. In this rating, we will consider the waterfalls that have the greatest width and deepest water.

1. Khon

In terms of size, Khon ranks first in the world. The waters of the Mekong River, cascading from heights of up to 21 meters, cover thousands of islets and countless channels.

Wikimedia Commons/PIERRE ANDRE LECLERCQ ()
The total width of the waterfall system is 9.7 km, and the volume of water reaches record numbers - 49,000 m³ per second. The waterfall is located in Champasak province in Laos and among local residents is called "4000 Islands".

2. Kongu

Kongou Falls are located in eastern Gabon on the Ivindo River and are a series of cascades 3.15 km wide. Every second they carry up to 900 m³ of water, and the maximum height of their flows reaches 56 meters.

Wikimedia Commons/Lengai101()
Many tourists consider this place one of the most beautiful in Central Africa, because the waterfall is surrounded on all sides by lush thickets of green jungle.

3. Iguazu

Iguazu is not only one of the widest, but also the most powerful in the world. You can see it in South America, on the border of the Brazilian state of Parana and the Argentine province of Misiones.

Wikimedia Commons/Wilson r vieira ()
Iguazu is a cascading complex 2.7 km wide and consists of 275 individual waterfalls up to 82 meters high. The water flow in its channels is 6,000 m³/s. For his beauty in 2011 he was included in the list of 7 natural wonders Sveta.

4. Mokona

Mocona Falls, located in northeastern Argentina, extends 2,743 km into the upper reaches of the Uruguay River and is considered one of the most stunning in the world.

Wikimedia Commons/Skyfoto-Marcos Alexandre ()
Its streams, rolling down 11-meter cliffs, form an arc, under which a multi-colored rainbow constantly shines. It differs from other waterfalls in that it is located not along the river bed, but across it.

5. Victoria

Victoria is one of South Africa's premier natural wonders and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is the only one in the world with a width of over 1 km and a height of more than 100 meters. If you give exact numbers, then its width is 1800 meters, and its height varies in different areas from 80 to 108 meters.

Wikimedia Commons/LBM1948()
Typically, about 1088 m³ of water per second falls along the Victoria Cascades, but during the rainy season the flow power reaches enormous levels.

6. Stanley

On the Lualaba River in the African Congo there is a series of picturesque waterfalls named after their discoverer, journalist Henry Stanley.

Wikimedia Commons/Foto Ad Meskens ()
In total, the complex includes 7 water streams with a width of 1.35 km. Although it is quite deep and throws down up to 17,000 m³ of water every second, its height reaches only about 5 meters.

7. Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is one of the most popular in North America. It is located in the Canadian province of Ontario, on the Niagara River, and has a width of 1200 meters. The waterfall complex includes three streams - American, Horseshoe and Veil.

Wikimedia Commons/isol()
The widest is considered to be the Horseshoe, stretching across the river bed for 792 meters. The total width of Niagara Falls reaches 1200 meters.

8. Livingston

Livingstone is a whole group of waterfalls, rapids and rapids up to 800 meters wide, located in the lower reaches of the Congo River. There are a total of 32 streams with a maximum height of 270 meters.

Wikimedia Commons / I, Alaindg ()
Every second, Livingston consumes 42,000 m³ of water, making it one of the deepest waterfalls in the world.

9. Gersoppa

In terms of the volume of water transferred, Gersoppa ranks second among the waterfalls in India, and in terms of height it is among the ten highest streams in the world. Its picturesque water system is located on the Sharavati River and includes four cascades with a total width of 472 meters.

Wikimedia Commons/Vinodtiwari2608 ()
At a speed of 153 m³ per second, Gersoppa rushes into a huge abyss 253 meters high, and then splits into several small branches.

10. Dettifos

Dettifos is considered the most powerful in Europe. Located on the Jökulsau au Fjödlum river in northeast Iceland, it rushes its waters from a height of 44 meters.

Wikimedia Commons/Peter Heuveling ()
The total width of the waterfall is quite small - about 100 meters, but the water flow sometimes reaches 500 m³ per second.

Everyone loves to make lists. Forbes magazine annually publishes a list of the wealthiest people. Children make up New Year list of gifts, sending it to Santa Claus or Father Frost. The music industry constantly creates lists of the best singles, and there are many nature-themed lists too. In this article we will describe the largest waterfalls in the world. But in this case it is not the size that is meant, but their height.

A waterfall is a river that goes around a rocky outcrop and creates a cascading stream. Surely you have already seen this magnificent spectacle. And the higher the waterfall, the more beautiful it is. So let's get closer to the topic. Let’s make a rating called “The Largest Waterfalls in the World.” Photos of these giants will be attached to the article. So you can see these natural masterpieces at least in the picture.

1. Angel

Its height of 986 meters gives it the title of “The Largest Waterfall in the World.” This miracle of nature is located in South America on the Carrao River. The waterfall is hidden from everyone by the thick tropical forest, it's not easy to get to. Additional difficulties are created by the complete absence of roads. Tepui is what the natives call the flat mountain from the top of which Angel falls. Its full name is Auyan Tepuy (translated as “Devil’s Mountain”), and it takes its place among hundreds of similar mountains.

The main characteristics of these dormant rocks are flat tops and vertical slopes, which are continuously eroded due to the effects of heavy rains. In 1910, the Spanish explorer Sanchez La Cruz discovered it, but this event did not receive wide publicity.

The official discovery was made by the American gold miner and pilot James Angel, after whom this miracle of nature was named. In 1935, he flew over Mount Tepuy and landed on its flat top in search of gold. But James' monoplane fell into the swampy jungle, and the gold miner had to go in search of civilization on foot. It was then that he noticed this impressive giant and soon told the world about it.

2. Tugela

This is the second largest waterfall in the world. This is evidenced by its height of 947 meters. The Tugela is located in the Natal Drakensberg National Park ( South Africa) and consists of five falling waterfalls. It can be seen in its brightest colors after rain. To do this, you just need to walk along the main excursion road.

This giant got its name in honor of the source of the river of the same name, located near the cliff in By the way, the water in the river above the waterfall is clean and suitable for drinking. During the winter months the cliff is covered with snow. At the same time, the entire surrounding area becomes like a postcard depicting a magical winter country.

The Drakensberg is a separate world of solitude and majestic landscape. Tourists are treated to a landscape of cliffs, farmland, river valleys and vast areas of untouched wilderness. Anyone can find a vacation to their liking. For adherents active rest There is hiking, mountain biking, mountaineering and canoeing. And lovers of passive pastime can choose scenic tours, day walks, bird watching or fishing.

Two paths lead to the foot of the waterfall. The first is to the top of Mount-Aux-Sources, starting at the car park at Witsishoek and then on to Futujabu, from where there is a short climb to the top of the Amphitheater. The total travel time (round trip) is 10 hours. Another trail to the Tugela leads from the national park. The seven-kilometer climb up the gorge winds through the local forest. Any tourist visiting the Drakensberg should definitely visit this wonderful creation nature.

3. Three Sisters Waterfall

It is no coincidence that this beautiful Peruvian waterfall, located in the Ayacucho region of the country, received this name. It consists of three separate tiers. The top two are clearly visible from the air, and the third is a huge pool into which water flows.

“Three Sisters” were discovered by a group of photographers who came to photograph a completely different waterfall - Katarata (267 meters). Needless to say, how happy they were with the find. "Three Sisters" is almost completely surrounded by forests with more than 30-meter trees. The creation of nature itself rises to 914 meters.

4. Olupena Waterfall

This beautiful waterfall is located in the USA, but you have to walk a lot to see it. All this is because its location is the most remote Hawaiian island Molokai. Most people have never heard or seen this waterfall. Even among enthusiasts, a significant part of the visual information about this giant was obtained using aerial photography.

Olupena Falls is surrounded on both sides by huge mountains. Despite the fact that the giant does not have enough water to discharge, it is considered the highest waterfall in the United States (900 meters). The Olupena waterfall is multi-level and extremely delicate. Therefore, in the general classification it is registered as tape.

5. Yumbila

The fifth is located in Peru, in the region. The height of this giant is still disputed. According to the National Institute of Peru, it is 895 meters. Other sources indicate a height of 870 meters. Yumbila is a multi-level system with 4 descents.

Previously, Gocta with its 771 meters was considered the highest waterfall in Peru. Therefore, the discovery of Yumbila greatly delighted the Peruvian government. And this event prompted the Ministry of Tourism to develop a 2-day excursion during which you can see all the largest waterfalls in the country. Tourists should take note of this.

6. Vinnufossen

This Norwegian giant is not the largest waterfall in the world. But overall height at 860 meters gives it the title of the highest in all of Europe. It is located in the municipality of Sunndal. Vinnufossen is cascading. 420 meters is the size of the largest step. The maximum height of water fall is 150 meters.

To feel Vinna on your body, you just need to walk five minutes in its direction from the nearest highway. This giant is especially beautiful in summer and spring, when the river is filled with water from melted glaciers. As it falls, Vinnufossen splits into parts and flows through the trees.