Beautiful beaches of Kos. Beaches of Kos: photos and personal impressions

The island of Kos is the birthplace of Hippocrates. At least that's what they say local residents and the myths of Ancient Greece familiar to us from childhood. From above, the island reminded me of a sand castle surrounded by the sea. It blinked and beckoned with lights. And I was already imagining how I would go around it on a bicycle. And in one day. But more on that later.

Colors and facts of Kos island

The island of Kos is part of the so-called Dodecanese archipelago, which consists of 17 miniature Greek islands. Having coastline Just 112 km away, the island has something to surprise you. Even in winter, flamingos come here. And in summer the island is surrounded by greenery and silvered with olive trees. The inhabitants of Kos boldly call themselves Greeks and are very proud that after 400 years of Turkish and then Italian “patronage” they have finally returned to their roots. Industry here is not at all developed, but olives and tourists provide local jobs almost all year round.

The capital of the island with the same name is truly a city of contrasts. A sort of mixture of Italian courtyards with oriental bazaars. A city inside a village. A ten-minute walk from the port, with its majestic fortress and bustling restaurants, takes you to the outskirts where goats, sheep and cows graze peacefully. Other resorts on the island: Kefalos, Mastichari, Marmari, Psalidi, Agios Fokas are more designed for a relaxing, beach holiday.

Short video about Kos

How to get there

There are two main ways to get to Kos: by plane or by ferry. By plane it is faster and more convenient, but by ferry you can travel with your car. But you can’t get to the island by bus or train.

By plane

The island of Kos is lucky. With an area of ​​290 km², it even acquired international airport. Charter flights from the Russian Federation, Ukraine and CIS countries fly here from May to October 1-2 times a week. To purchase a charter you will need to contact a travel agency. From Moscow (Vnukovo) the flight takes 3.5 hours, from St. Petersburg (Pulkovo) - 3 hours 17 minutes. There are no direct (not charter) flights from Moscow or St. Petersburg. If you book on your own, you will have to change planes in Athens. The flight to Kos from Athens takes 1 hour. The best time to fly is in April/May or October. During these months, you can fly from Moscow (DME) to Kos (KGS) with a transfer in Athens for 9,000 rubles, from St. Petersburg (LED) - for 14,000 rubles. (Aegean Airlines). In the middle of the season, prices for flights to Kos from both capitals increase by one and a half times. There is absolutely no need to avoid transfers in Dusseldorf, Munich, Athens, Thessaloniki in low season- from October to April. You can find air tickets on search engine sites, for example.

A little about Kos airport. Hippocrates Airport is located in the center of the island, about 1 km from the town of Antimachia. It has only two small terminals, signs in English and Greek are accompanied by international icons, some of the staff even speak Russian. It's hard to get lost. In summer there are queues here - plan your time. At the airport there is Duty Free, but the prices there are higher than in city shops.

I will tell you about the most convenient way to get from the airport to the city of Kos or resorts in the section on urban transport.

By ferry

You can fly to Athens, get to the port of Piraeus and take a ferry to Kos. This method takes longer, but in winter or when charter flights are expensive, it can help out. In addition, the ferries are comfortable and you will admire the views to your heart's content. The most convenient way to get from Athens Airport (ATH) to Piraeus port is by bus X96. The trip takes 90 minutes and costs 5 euros. You can get there by metro in 1 hour 20 minutes and 8 euros. The ferry ride from Piraeus to Kos will take about 12 hours (with a stop at). The most economical ticket for one will cost about 40 euros. You can see the schedule

Between Greek islands There is also a ferry service. For example, you can take a ferry from Rhodes to Kos. It will take about 4 hours. However, ferries may not run every day - check in advance. All ferries land at Port Kos.

To moor to the island. You can use Kos on your own yacht, which is a 10-minute walk from the port.

If Kosmarina is crowded, you can use the Old Port or the ports at Kardamena and Kefalos-Bay.


Kos - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 0

Kazan 0

Samara 1

Ekaterinburg 2

Novosibirsk 4

Vladivostok 7

When is the season? When is the best time to go

The season on the island of Kos lasts from April to October. The main flow of tourists occurs in the summer months. In July-August, prices for flights and accommodation become significantly more expensive. Thanks to the more famous neighboring islands, you won’t feel the crowds on Kos even in summer. In winter, mostly European retirees come here for sedate walks along the sea. Many hotels/shops/restaurants are closing altogether.

You can find prices for tours to the island of Kos in the travelask section.

Kos in summer

Summer on Kos is hot. The air temperature can rise to +45C. The weather is calm. If you are a sightseeing hunter, you shouldn’t go in the summer. In the heat, climbing through ruins or just walking is a dubious pleasure. But fans of beach holidays will like to plunge into the coolness after a sunbath Aegean Sea.

The sea is pleasant, it doesn’t look like warm soup at all, because... does not heat up more than +25C. There are fragrant fruits on Kos all year round. Considering the heat, I advise you to indulge in watermelons and peaches for lunch.

Kos in autumn

September and early October are truly velvet here. Water +20C, air +25C. This time seems to be created for walks, excursions, and bike rides. It's nice to spend the first part of the day on the beach, get a light tan, and then go in search of adventure. Local almonds appear in shops. This is in addition to peaches, which do not disappear from the shelves.

But there is also bad news. It may start raining from mid-October. Rain on Kos is like a flood. The entire sky is covered with black clouds, thunder roars, and rain pours down on the unfortunate tourists for two or three days in a row. You can only walk through the streets in knee-length rubber boots. In addition, it gets sharply cold. Tourists can only sit in bars and unanimously complain about their fate. Although bars may close due to bad weather. Umbrellas are sold here on every corner, but the quality is so-so. Better grab it from home. But after the rains, the island looks happy, and the sun is so warm that tourists forgive everything and continue to have fun until the end of October. November is no longer the season.

Kos in the spring

In spring the island blooms. No wonder it is called the garden of the Aegean Sea. Already in February, everything that can blooms. Even cacti. And almond and bougainvillea bloom especially exotic to the Russian eye.

For spring secluded walks around the island, you can arrive in March-April. Air temperature +18C, water temperature +17C. In addition, the first nectarines and cherries are ripening. But in May there are more tourists. Obviously, due to May holidays in Russia. Just like autumn, late spring in the Mediterranean is considered velvet season. You can get a beautiful tan and explore the entire island.

Kos in winter

In winter, you can fly to Kos for only one purpose. Live as a hermit. Look at the sea in a storm, listen to the wind. Chill and warm up with almond liqueur in a nearby cafe.

From December to February the weather is cloudy. Temperature is about +10C. We haven't seen snow here in winter, but there has been plenty of rain. Of course, the extinct resort has its own charm, but visiting in the spring will delight you with completely different colors.

Kos - weather by month


Kos - weather by month

Conditional areas. Descriptions and features

Tourists choose the area of ​​the island depending on the type of vacation. The majority settle directly in the capital, the city of Kos, or in nearby villages. I usually look for hotels on Booking - by, check if there are more favorable price, Can . If you prefer to rent private apartments, go for it.

Kos town

The beaches here are equipped and clean. In the evening you can take a walk into the city without spending money on a taxi. By the way, the beaches in the city of Kos have an interesting system. They belong not to hotels, but to bars. Bartenders stand at the entrance to the beach and invite vacationers to join them. Sunbeds are free, but the client must order something: beer, ice cream, juice. However, you can make friends with the bartender: they don’t mind chatting. Then you, as a friend, will be able to use the sunbed without ordering anything.

Kamari and Kefalos

The resort of Kamari near the town of Kefalos is also suitable for those wishing to Ancient Greece take a look and lie on the beach. It is located 43 km west of Kos. In Kefalos it is worth visiting the ruined castle and the ancient basilica. Active travelers You can also use your energy here. Kitesurfing and windsurfing equipment can be rented at the beaches of Kamari and nearby Kollihari. An hour's rental of one set of equipment costs approximately 25-30 euros; it is more profitable to rent equipment for a day - pay about 70 euros.


Food. What to try

On Kos they believe that Greek, not Italian, cuisine rules the world. It's useless to persuade - I tried, don't mess with me. Nod, smack your lips, and you will become the favorite guest of every cafe.

There are a lot of snacks here. But what seemed most unusual to me was the cheese fried in olive oil. It's called saganaki. They bring a briquette 10 by 10 cm, golden, salty and very fatty. But you will never forget this taste.

Local olives are neither green nor black. They are oblong, irregular in shape and some kind of light purple or brown. Depends on the lighting. I only admire them, because I don’t eat. A plate of appetizers usually costs 4-7 euros.

Greek salad. The kitchen cannot be described without it. A proper Greek salad is eaten with a fork and spoon. Just like pasta. Apparently, a spoon to scoop up the oil, tomato juice and vinegar that flows from the vegetables to the bottom of the plate. The salad portions are large. If you are not very hungry, you can get by with them. Costs 5-8 euros depending on the level of the establishment.

Fish dishes are simple, juicy and relatively expensive, despite the fact that the sea is nearby. But for some reason their octopuses taste like rubber. Hot fish will cost 9-15 euros.

The local goulash captivated me. It’s prepared like this: pieces of beef are stewed in a pot with feta and potatoes. They bring it hot. Smells of spices and comfort. Be sure to try it. Costs about 10 euros.

Wine. Be patient until you return to Russia. Decent red wines local stores expensive - from 10 euros (in Moscow stores you can buy similar wine for 6 euros). In local restaurants you can’t even approach the prices of wine. I tried homemade wine in several establishments - very weak.

I would recommend The Fish House Taverna at 25th Martiou St, Kos Harbor (see map). The place is in the center, colorful, white with blue accents. It is located on a hill, and there is a terrace on the stairs. It’s more pleasant to sit on the terrace, but people often take pictures there. No wonder this is the most beautiful corner in the city. The food is delicious, we even met a Russian waitress. We were able to talk about life in exile. Main course + salad cost about 15 euros.

And if you go down the stairs and turn left, you can go to the most popular pub on Kos. At least among the locals. The bartender on the beach assured me that they make the best cocktails in all of Kos. I don’t remember what it was called, but there were large tables in the open air, and inside the room was small, with mirrors. There are a lot of people, although this is by no means a cheap place - all cocktails start from 7 €. But stop by and see where the locals relax.

Safety. What to watch out for

It's quite calm on Kos. Serious crimes are unheard of and sensational. You should only be wary of minor thefts. Keep track of your bags, wallets, phones. It is better to take a minimum amount of money to the beach, and keep expensive jewelry, money, and a passport in a safe. If your room doesn't have a safe, put everything in your suitcase and zip it all up. It’s even better if you get a lock for your suitcase in advance.

Outside of Kos there is a lot of talk about Syrian refugees. In vain - they are completely harmless here. We set up a small camp at the port and live in tents. There are always police patrols around the refugees, so they speak in whispers. It’s really a pity for them, but you should be afraid of pickpockets.

Things to do

Top 3 non-tourist activities on Kos

Go visit the Metropolitan by bicycle

Of course, you won’t be able to travel around the entire island by bicycle. I shouldn't have hoped. But at least try to travel outside your resort. If you move a decent distance from the port of Kos (about 4 km) and drive through the hills, you can stumble upon the house of the local metropolitan (entrance is free). And there are cages with parrots, and a pebbled floor, and silence.

Get to know the fauna in the vicinity of the resorts

Excursions and sightseeing are useful things to do. But they are very well planned. But if you just go for a walk, you can make an unexpected acquaintance. For example, with a turtle. My new friend got stuck in the fence and couldn’t get out for so long that she even bent her shell.

Taste Kos

What does Kos taste like? It will be great if upon arrival you can answer this question. Therefore, while on the island, try everything. The Greeks are very hospitable people, in every shop they smeared me with creams, fed me honey, butter, and nuts. At the restaurant, when they found out that I didn’t drink strong drinks, they said that I hadn’t tried raki. And then they brought a glass. Raki, the local grape vodka, tart and bitter, burned my throat, and the Greeks smacked their lips joyfully. And they didn't include it in the bill.

How to get around the region

The most convenient way to get around Kos is by bus or rented car. You can also ride a bicycle, but you won’t be able to travel around the island in a day, and there are a lot of hills here - you’ll have to work hard. Excursion buses there are many on the island, but this method of transportation is more expensive and ties you to the group.

Taxi. What features exist

Taxis on Kos are usually located at special parking lots and have “TAXI” checkers. The cars are new, with air conditioning, but driving them is quite expensive. For example, a trip from the airport to the center of Kos will cost about 35-40 euros. Prices are fixed, listed at each resort. Bargaining is not very appropriate. Reservation information can be viewed

Public transport

It is convenient to travel around the city of Kos and its immediate surroundings by city buses. Tickets can be purchased at special booths at bus stops. There they will also advise you on which bus to get to the desired place. The ticket costs 1.6 euros. To go to the thermal baths or other resorts on the island, use the commuter buses. Long-distance trips can cost 7-8 euros. Tickets to commuter buses buy directly from the driver. All buses depart from Central bus station(Kleopatras 7) and make a stop near the Neratzia fortress.

A bus ride from the airport to Kos Town costs €3.20. Stop next to the terminal exit. You will arrive in 45 minutes. The route passes through the Mastichari resort. Buses from the airport run from 7.55 to 19.50 (or until 16.15 from November to April).

Transport rental

You can rent a bike at your hotel or in the city. Rental points usually have a large parking lot, which can be seen from afar. This pleasure costs about 4 euros per day. Documents and age are not important; no contracts will have to be drawn up or signed. The bike must be returned by a certain time to where you picked it up. You pay in advance. Be sure to check that the bike is moving and ask for a lock for it. The castle is usually included in the rental price.

You can rent a car at the airport and at any of the resorts. If you plan to pick up a car at the airport, it is better to book in advance so as not to waste time comparing prices. Look for "Rental Car" signs around town. The cost of renting a car per day starts from 40 euros. You can select and reserve a car in advance. To sign the contract, you must have a license, a passport with a visa and approximately 200 euros on the card. Requirements for the age and experience of the driver: age from 21 years and driving experience from 1 year. It’s great if you know English, you can study the lease agreement. There are no problems with parking on the island, but they are paid. In resort centers and near attractions, parking costs from 1.50 euros per hour. Gasoline 95 costs about 1.50-2 euros per liter.

  • Last minute tours to Greece

The island of Kos, the third largest of the Dodecanese islands after Rhodes and Karpathos, is located in the Aegean Sea. Due to its lush greenery and luxurious parks, it is called the “Garden of the Aegean Sea”. Therefore, tourists are primarily attracted here by the unique nature and ecology. However, the island is famous not only for its vegetation - a detailed examination of all local attractions will take more than one day. And a considerable number of tourist centers with a lot of entertainment and vibrant nightlife will completely take away from them last hope for a boring vacation.

Among the island’s attractions, perhaps the most famous is the Asklepion, which is well preserved for a monument of ancient times. temple complex, dedicated to the healing god Asclepius, son of Apollo. Hippocrates once founded his medical school on Kos.

Resorts Kos

The small island (with an area of ​​about 290 km) stretches from west to east - a little more than 45 km in length, and no more than 11 km in width in the central part. All tourism infrastructure concentrated on the northern and southern coasts. In the central part there is an airport (near the village of Antimachia) and villages, many of which are loved by tourists: Zia, Pili, Asfendiou, Kefalovrisi.

North coast

Kos. Port and administrative center(capital). Although the most famous monuments of the island have been preserved here, the city was raised from ruins after the earthquake of 1933. There are almost no residential buildings higher than two floors, and yet more than half of the island’s population lives here. Shops, souvenir shops, markets, restaurants and even discos - this is all Kos. The Lambi resort, the center of the capital's tourist and party life, is adjacent to the city.

Psalidi is a resort area stretching east from Kos. Essentially, it is a string of hotels sandwiched between a long pebble beach and a highway. Hotels attract lovers of comfort here, and strong winds attract windsurfers.

Tigaki is a multi-kilometer (more than 10 km) beach area to the west of Kos. There are not so many hotels, so it is considered a sparsely populated area. Area of ​​shallow sandy beaches.

Deeper to the west there are resorts formed around villages of the same name, with a developed hotel network - Marmari and Mastichari. The first is a fishing village, the second is a small port.

South coast

Kefalos - arose on the spot ancient capital islands. The village has many Greco-Roman and medieval monuments. To the east of it begins a series of beaches untouched by civilization.

Kardamena is another picturesque port town, the second largest tourist center after Kos (especially for nightlife). Besides medieval castle, here you can see the ruins of ancient temples and the Kos amphitheater.

Agios Fokas is an actively developing resort in the south-eastern part. It is interesting not only for its new hotels, but also for its proximity to Therme beach with its hot spring.


Public transport on Kos is buses. Timetables and routes are posted at each stop. They may be delayed by 10-15 minutes, or even more; The flights themselves are almost never cancelled. By commuter bus you can travel from the capital to any resort and to every village in the center of the island.

This means that tourists can get to most attractions on their own. Bus stops are unexpectedly found in the most deserted parts of the island. City buses run in the capital of the island - from 1.2 EUR. In suburban areas, the fare depends on the distance - from 1.5-4.4 EUR. Payment in cash to the driver or controller. It is customary to warn about a stop by pressing a button at the exit.

Taxis are perhaps an even more common transportation option. You can stop the car on the road, go to the parking lot or call by phone, ordering for a certain time (this will add about 2-4 EUR to the fare). A trip between neighboring resorts (distance less than 10 km) - from 7-10 EUR, for 20 km - 22-25 EUR. From the airport to the main resorts - from 34 EUR.

The most popular transport on the coast is a bicycle. Many hotels give bikes to guests free of charge as a bonus. At numerous rental points, 2-3 hours will cost from 2-3 EUR, a day - from 5 EUR.

Tourist trains run from the capital - without rails, with 2-3 open carriages. There are only 4 routes: to Asklepion, to Tigaki, through the city center, through the surrounding villages. The fare is from 5 EUR in both directions.

Maps of Kos

Rent a Car

Renting a car on Kos Renting a car on Kos is an excellent opportunity to explore the island and visit all the beaches. There are convenient road junctions here, good roads, with the exception of unpaved ones leading to wild beaches.

The traffic is busy thanks to tourists who travel along the highway on all types of transport: mopeds, ATVs, even their own right-hand drive cars. You should be as careful as possible, since traffic rules are not always followed. There are no traffic jams on Kos.

Most international chain car rental companies operate on the island (Hertz, Avis, Europcar, Budget, etc.); The car can be booked online and picked up at the airport. There are also numerous rental offices located there.

At all resorts, tourists are served by dozens of local firms; their offices are also open outside the city, in hotel areas on the coast. As a rule, such companies do not require “freezing” the collateral on the card and do not take the data of the card itself. They check documents less carefully, and the cost of services is slightly lower than that of “network specialists”. However, they may offer reduced coverage or none at all.

The cost of renting a five-door economy class car is from 35-40 EUR per day without insurance. Discounts start from the second day of rental. You won’t have to spend money on parking on Kos. At attractions, parking is free, but in cities there may not be any parking spaces available during the season. Most hotels have free parking. The cost of gasoline is about 2 EUR per liter.

Communications and Wi-Fi

The main cellular operators in Greece demonstrate stable reception on the island: Cosmote, Wind, Vodafone. It is believed that the latter has better coverage and does not lose signal even in the mountains. It is with Vodafone that everyone has roaming contracts. Russian operators. To connect, the tourist must show an identification document; You can only purchase prepaid tariffs (without a subscription fee) by crediting a certain amount to your account (from 5-10 EUR).

Prices for voice communications will not be cheaper than when you connect roaming options with your operator - from 0.13-0.15 EUR per minute of conversation with Russia. If you can find a package of minutes from a local operator for calls abroad - from 0.8-0.9 EUR per minute. Many people buy a Greek SIM card to get mobile Internet “outside of roaming”. So, on the Wind network, 1 GB costs 5 EUR, 5 GB - from 15 EUR.

The situation with free Wi-Fi in Kos is slightly worse than in Rhodes or Crete. Most cafes and restaurants provide it, but there are simply no large shopping centers or international chain stores with Wi-Fi here. Wi-Fi has not yet taken root on Kos buses (but is available at the airport), in in public places. But hotels are moving away from the practice of paid distribution. If in large complexes free Wi-Fi can only be at the reception, then guest houses, like apartments, provide the service throughout the territory and for free.

Beaches of Kos

The beaches of the island amaze with their diversity: long and very small, with white, golden or black volcanic sand, small pebbles, with picturesque bays. Thus, in some places in shallow water you can find a natural “jacuzzi”, where countless bubbles rise from the bottom. And on the coast near Psalidi there are thermal springs that contain a lot of sulfur.

Kefalos is one of the most picturesque resorts on the island. From here stretched famous beaches Spit: “Kamari”, “Agios Stefanos” (a textbook landscape with the ruins of a Byzantine basilica and a coastal island with a church), “Paradise Beach”. The purest water and soft sand.

Kefalos is located 43 km from the capital in the western part of the island. On the local sandy beach, due to the current, the sea is colder than on others, but the authentic architecture of the island has been preserved here, including the ancient windmill. There is a well-equipped rental point for water sports equipment. Thanks to its favorable location, the bay is one of the main centers for windsurfing, but the wind here is not as powerful as on the northern beaches.

On all the beaches on the southern coast there is less wind than in the north, and the sea is calmer. In addition, most of them are sandy. This makes the resorts in the south of the island a popular place for families with children.

Kardamena is also located on south coast. Approximately 70% of the nearby beaches are wild: sand alternates with rocky areas, and there may be boulders in the sea. Part of the coastal area is occupied by the port. Vacationers who prefer beach comfort walk 1.5-3 km to the fully equipped Atlantis and Banana Beach beaches.

On the northern coast there are the resorts of Marmari, Mastichari and Tigaki with a 10-kilometer beach. Gorgeous sand, shallow, but there are strong waves. On such days, vacationers sunbathe, isolating themselves from the wind blowing from the sea with special awnings. Pebble beaches begin in the eastern part of the island - from the capital to Psalidi on the northern shore, including Agios Fokas in the southeast.

There is quite a lot of entertainment on the main beaches of all resorts: boats, catamarans, banana boats, rental centers for diving and surfing equipment.

On public beaches you have to pay for sunbeds. The beach is shared by tavern owners - sometimes a drink or snack is included in the price. The price for using two sun loungers and an umbrella is from 3 to 15 EUR. If you order food, you use the sun loungers for free. In order not to pay rent, you can leave the “sunbed area” and stay in the “uncultivated” part of the beach.

Surfing on Kos

The north wind of the Aegean Sea, Meltemi, blows on Kos all summer, from June to the end of September. European windsurfers owe him excellent riding conditions. The wind is constant: it blows in the morning, gets stronger towards lunchtime, and subsides after 18:00. However, breaks of several days are possible.

Almost all beaches of the island are suitable for windsurfering, as well as kitesurfing (surfing with a kite): public and wild, on the southern and northern shores. On civilized beaches you can rent equipment or work with an instructor at a surf station. There are several of them on the island: in Psalidi, Marmari, Mastichari, Kefalos, Kardamena. 2 hours with an instructor cost from 70 EUR, group lessons - from 60 EUR. Kitesurfing is more expensive: from 120 EUR for 2 hours.

On the western tip of the island (wild beaches) and on the eastern (resorts of Psalidi and Agios Fokas) the wind is stronger. But only in the bays is the accelerating effect of a wind tunnel created, for which professionals come here. So, in Psalidi it is achieved due to several factors - the angular position of the bay and the location opposite the coast of Turkey. At the same time, the first 50-70 m near the shore are relatively calm - here, as on the shore of Marmari, beginners learn. On the northern coast, on the beaches of Kefalos (Kamari, Agios Stefanos), popular with Russian surfers, the “pipe” in the bay is formed by the neighboring island and mountains to the west.

Kos Hotels

When choosing accommodation, you should start not from the hotel, but from the coast, or more precisely, from the beach where you would like to spend most time. Hotels in the northeast, in Psalidi, have pebble beaches; from the capital Kos towards Tigaki - fine sand, further west - more and more wild beaches. If civilization is needed, then we choose between the northern part of the island (the capital and Lambi, the villages of Marmari, Mastichari) and the southern (primarily Kardamena and Kefalos).

There are more than 350 hotels, guest houses, and apartment complexes on the island - not counting the owners who rent out rooms and houses. Economy class (the simplest apartments and 2* hotels) - from 23 EUR for a double room during the season, superior apartments and 3* hotels - from 40-50 EUR for two. A hotel room from 4 stars and above, with half board or all inclusive - from 110-120 EUR for two.

There are many high-level chain hotels on Kos, with a huge area that includes swimming pools water slides(or even a whole water park), children's and sports grounds. The cost of living is higher - from 160-180 EUR per room.

Most hotels have their own parking; Increasingly, free Wi-Fi is available not only at the reception, but also in the rooms. In addition, guests can be offered free bicycle rental for several days as a bonus.

What to bring

From the island of Kos, tourists bring the same “Greek” set: feta and halloumi cheeses, honey and halva, canned olives, olive oil, wine, cosmetic creams and soaps with added oil, souvenirs. Only a small part is produced on Kos, but you can still find local oil or wine here.

Wine produced on the island costs from 3 EUR. Many hotels treat guests to their own signature wine. As a rule, it is bottled in the continental part of the country, but the grapes themselves may be local. If you want to try local oil, then you should not limit yourself to the assortment of stores - many farms sell it cheaper, from 15 EUR for 1.5 liters.

Something is brought to Kos from neighboring islands. So, there are a lot of wines from the island of Rhodes (from 5 EUR per bottle), natural sponges that are caught in Kalymnos (from 2-3 to 200 EUR for large specimens).

On Kos, an unspoken rule is observed: small private shops and shops are more expensive than chain stores. It is cheaper to buy products and even souvenirs in chains (Spar, Konstantinos, etc.). Most of the things that mini-markets are filled with are brought from Turkey - after all, Bodrum is just over 20 km away. The low price fully corresponds to their controversial quality.

Cafes and restaurants in Kos

There are enough establishments of different formats on Kos: not only cafes and restaurants, but also pubs, wine bars, coffee shops, including “ouzeri”, where coffee is mixed with ouzo. But so-called “home” restaurants predominate on the island; the owner greets guests right at the entrance.

There are such cafes all over the island: on central streets, in mountain (but tourist) villages, in ports, in markets. The cheapest hot item is a homemade burger (from 8-10 EUR), served with French fries. As a rule, the side dish is already included in the price. The menu has a lot of fish and seafood - from 15 EUR for a hot dish (usually vegetables as a side dish). An abundance of vegetable salads (Greek - from 8 EUR, with seafood - from 10 EUR). Water and even homemade lemonade are served free with your order at some establishments. Thus, you can have a snack for 10-15 EUR per person, a full lunch with wine - from 30 EUR. In establishments that claim to serve restaurant cuisine - from 50 EUR.

The famous “huge” portions can already be classified as Greek myths. Even in home restaurants they are replaced with medium ones.

The second most popular format of establishments is bistro. A “set lunch”, a burger or sandwich, will be served along with a soda for 10 EUR. About the same range of food is available in beach bars. Beer - from 2-3 EUR per can.

Pubs with local beer and coffee shops where Greek coffee is brewed can only be found in large tourist centers (Kos, Kardamena, Lambi). In the capital, the tourist “street of bars” stretches for almost a kilometer. Classic English pubs coexist with party establishments where cocktails and shots are mixed.

The best photos of Kos

Guides on Kos

Entertainment and attractions

For travelers, this island leaves the impression of being very sweet, patriarchal and homely. The familiar landscape of Kos - small villages scattered here and there, goats grazing near them, the ruins of destroyed fortresses.

Many attractions are concentrated in the capital and surrounding areas. Fortress of the Knights of St. John from the 15th century, built from dismantled buildings ancient agora, is located in the old part of Kos town. The castle is destroyed, you should walk through its territory overgrown with weeds carefully; a busy port life is in full swing under the walls.

Opposite the fortress, across the bridge, stands the Hippocratic Plane Tree in supports. This tree is no more than 500 years old and is considered a descendant of the one under which the “father of medicine” held conversations with his students about 2,500 years ago. Here you can see the ruins of the Roman agora and go to central square Eleftherias (and the market) with its main attraction, the Gazi Hassan Mosque, and many nice cafes. In the city center is another Greco-Roman monument, the Casa Romana. Construction of the 2nd century AD. e. recreated from the ruins, including sculptures, dishes, pools, and fragments of bas-reliefs.

The island's main monument, Asklepion (dating from the 3rd century BC), just a few kilometers from the town of Kos, is one of the first hospitals in world history. The Asklepion consists of several terraces: on the lower one doctors were trained, on the middle one they were treated and prayed (temples and a hospital, to which pipes were connected to local sources), the upper terrace was crowned by another temple. According to legend, Hippocrates studied here (in total, there were several hundred similar complexes in Greece in honor of the god of medicine, Asclepius).

The only sulfur-hydrogen source on the island goes directly into the sea, about 12 km to the east. Therme beach is wild, without any infrastructure. The source is fenced off from the sea by boulders, thereby forming a pool. The water is hot (temperature above +40-50 °C), there are a lot of people during the season. To obtain a therapeutic effect, regular procedures are recommended.

There are monuments all over the island different eras. In Kefalos, in the town of Agios Stefanos, right on the beach - the remains of a Christian basilica from the 5th century. In the depths of the island, in the mountains, rises the mysterious Paleo Pyli - a ruined Byzantine fortress, which until the mid-19th century played the role of the local capital. From here the island is visible in all directions, up to the strip of sea on the northern coast. On south coast Above Kardamena stands the well-preserved Italian fortress Antimachia, rebuilt in the 15th century by the Johannites.

10 things to do on Kos island

  1. Find your favorite beach by exploring the coastline far and wide.
  2. Visit a remote cape in the west and feel lost in the ocean.
  3. Finally find these Kos coffee shops. And what, do they add ouzo to coffee?
  4. In the city of Kos, walk along the overgrown bridge from the fortress to the Platanus of Hippocrates.
  5. Take a bike and ride around night capital and the night port.
  6. Surprisingly end your night walk with a swim on the deserted beaches of Tigaki.
  7. “Get out”: experience international fun in the pubs of Kardamena or Kos.
  8. Dedicate a day to panoramic photos: Asklepion and the mountain fortress of Paleo Pyli.
  9. Take photos and swim on the beach in Agios Stefanos! Without a photo of the famous basilica and an island off the coast, you wouldn’t be on Kos.

The beaches of Kos Island deserve special attention and are probably of interest to everyone. People speak of the beaches on Kos as excellent places for swimming and sunbathing. Almost the entire coastline of the island is strewn with beaches. There are more than four dozen beaches on the island of Kos, each beach has its own name. The beaches of Kos can be divided into sandy, pebble, or consisting of the first and second. The beaches on Kos are clean and water samples taken regularly confirm their environmental friendliness and safety for swimming.

On Kos, as elsewhere in Greece, there is no such thing as paid beaches. There may be a fee for renting umbrellas and sun loungers. Sometimes payment for services is mistakenly taken for paid beach. Despite the fact that all beaches are public and free, on the beaches assigned to hotels you are unlikely to meet anyone other than guests.

On some beaches you can have fun with jet skiing, parasailing over the sea and other similar attractions.

A couple of beaches have become famous thanks to ancient structures located right on the shore. Beaches with amazing natural effects, such as hot thermal springs or the “jacuzzi effect” in the form of bubbles near the shore, resulting from underground activity. Many beaches boast stunning views.

Modern beaches existed in one form or another hundreds of years ago and have their own history. For example, Hippocrates loved to relax at the hot springs, and pirates once moored their ships on the site of another beach.

Beaches of Kos

Among the capital's beaches there are both completely sandy and those consisting of a mixture of sand and pebbles. Nice beaches, as a rule, are under the patronage of cafes or taverns. During the daytime there is practically no wind or strong waves.

Beaches of Psalidi and Agios Fokas

In these places, the beaches are covered with sand and small pebbles, and most often belong to hotels and cafes. Sometimes there can be a slight breeze that gets stronger towards night.

Beaches in Tigaki, Marmari and Mastichari

The beaches of Kos island located on the west coast are mostly sandy. The sea depth here is shallow and the descent is smooth. It can sometimes be windy on the beaches of Marmari and Mastichari, but the wind not only does not cause any inconvenience to anyone, but also saves you from the heat.

Beaches of Kardamena

Kardamena itself has excellent sandy beaches that occupy the entire coastline in front of the settlement. Near Kardamena, where some of the hotels are located, there are pebble beaches. The wind in these places is light and the waves are moderate. There are many cafes, taverns and shops nearby.

Beaches of Kefalos

Near Kefalos and Kamari there are many sandy beaches with shallow sea depth. From the beaches of Kamari you can see the small but famous island of Castries, on which there is a single building - the chapel of St. Anthony. In Kamari itself there is a pebble beach with fairly cool water.

To summarize, we can safely say that a holiday on the beaches of Kos will leave only pleasant impressions.

There are several on the islandsandy coasts. The beaches on the northern side of the island are open to all winds. Most of them have a developed tourist infrastructure and all kinds of services are available. Some of the most visited beaches are: The sandy beach of Nomiku Barbayani stretches from Kos town to the surrounding area. This is the official beach with umbrellas and sun loungers, aquatic species sports, restaurants and bars. Sand beachZuruniis also an official beach with umbrellas and sun loungers, water sports, bars and loud music. The beach at the Marine Club and Milos Beach are covered with fine sand and are marked " Blue flag» European Union. Milos has a beachside music bar that often hosts a variety of concerts.

On the beach Lambi There is small rocks, mixed with fine sand. There are always waves on this beach.
Beach Carnagio located in a quiet place: there is fine sand and shallow water.
On the beach Psalidi there are rocks making it an ideal spot for spear fishing. There are restaurants and taverns here.
Beach Agios Fokas located in a quiet place: there is black sand and deep.
On the beach Esperides sticky sand and pebbles; the beach is located in a quiet place.
On the beach Termes the depth begins immediately, the beach is surrounded by steep rocks. There are warm mineral springs here.

On north side the island has a beach Tigaki with white sand and shallow entry into the water; The beach is marked with the EU Blue Flag. It is an organized beach with umbrellas, sun loungers, water sports, restaurants, taverns and bars. The location is ideal for windsurfing.
Shallow beach Marmari with fine sand is also awarded the EU Blue Flag. There are many seaside taverns here.
Beach There-there with white sand located right in front of the town of Masticari. This is an organized beach with umbrellas, sun loungers, water sports, ideal for windsurfing.
On the beach Limnionas small White sand and usually strong waves.

On south side islands you can swim at the following beaches:
Carmedena with fine sand and shallow entry into the water. This is an official beach with umbrellas, sun loungers, water sports, restaurants and bars.
In a place called Kefalos located sunny Beach, Marcos Beach and Paradise Beach with fine sand. These are official beaches with umbrellas, sun loungers, water sports, restaurants and bars.
Here, in the bay among the rocks, there is a beach Kamel with white sand and coastal bars.
On the beach Agios Stefanos the water is very cold.
On the sandy beach Kamari a lot of rocks. There are sports facilities for water sports and taverns.
On the beach Agios Theologos White sand; The beach is ideal for spear fishing.

The city of Kos is the capital of the “crab” island. It is known that this particular arthropod was minted on the island’s coins. So the locals know what it's like to live like a "galley crab."

The city is located near the coast of Turkey. On a clear morning you can see him waking up neighboring country. After the terrible earthquake of 1933, Kos was actually rebuilt. But every cloud has a silver lining - after the earthquake, so many ancient Greek artifacts were found in the ruins!

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How to get there

The important question here is how to get to the island. Because from transport hubs you can then easily get to the city, for example, by taxi. For example, Hippocrates Airport is located 25 kilometers from the capital of the island. The way to get from Moscow is usually a flight to Athens or Thessaloniki, and from there to Kos. It turns out that three capitals are involved in the flight: Russia, Greece and the islands. It all takes a little over 4 hours of pure travel.

You can also get to the island by ferry from the following ports: Thessaloniki, Rhodes, Piraeus, Samos. Sometimes these are not direct flights, but with stops in other cities.

Search for air tickets to Kos Town (the nearest airport to Kos Town)


Kos is a small town; it is best to get around on foot. Moreover, all the attractions are located close to each other.

For tourists, special city buses and trams run around the city. Green trams are designed for sightseeing tour around the city, blue - going to archaeological site Asklepion. On average, each tram takes 20 minutes to travel.

Many hotels offer bicycles and motorcycles for rent. The price per day will be about 5 EUR.

Beaches of Kos

The island is famous for its cleanest sandy beaches, but the sand did not reach the capital of Kos. On the local coast there are large pebbles. But the water is clear, like dew in the morning, when you can see Türkiye waking up.

The main city beach is like an anthill: it is constantly crowded with people rushing back and forth with umbrellas and sun loungers. If you want to get to a quieter place, go to the beaches nearby, which are located 5-10 kilometers from the city. There you will ride on a sailboat, jump on the waves on a banana boat, and water skiing wait.

Views of the capital Kos

The shops

The best place to shop on the island is in the capital. There are many souvenir shops in the city - they are located in the old town and along the embankment. The market in the city center sells fiery spices and pure olive oil.

The main area for shopping is the place between Eleftherios Square and the ancient Nymphaion. Tourists most often choose clothes, jewelry and leather goods as gifts.

Cuisine, restaurants

Kos is a multinational city where cultures of different peoples are closely intertwined. This mix also affects the kitchen. The city is very stormy night life. Restaurants offer dishes of Italian, Greek, Chinese and other cuisines. There is nothing better than sitting in a cafe on the coast in the evening and watching the returning yachts and fishing boats.

In the morning you can eat Greek pancakes, try local pizza or order a large lamb chop, which is a great help for those who had too much last night.

Hotels in Kos Town

Most hotels in Kos town collect positive reviews. It’s not surprising, because any insignificant detail that might annoy you pales in comparison to the nature of the city and the view from the window. Everywhere you look there is the sea, there is a swimming pool under the windows, and girls, girls, girls.

Local hotels offer themselves profitably and tastefully. There are rooms from 3 to 5 stars; if you want, rent a hotel house. Fans of “wild” holidays can live on the beach. Unless, of course, the police close your motel.

The cost of accommodation in a standard hotel is from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. Higher class hotels charge up to 5,000 rubles per night. This is, in general, a small amount for the list of services that you can receive.

4 things to do in Kos town

  1. Ride a yacht - rental points are located in the ports. If you document that you know how to operate a boat, you will go on the trip on your own. Otherwise, you will have to pay for the team's services.
  2. Drink retsina or ouzo - these are local alcoholic drinks. National Greek alcohol can only be found in glass bars. The choice is great. A bottle of strong or red dry goes well with stories about the history of the island.
  3. Eating shish kebab is another gastronomic necessity. Barbecue on Kos is prepared with great responsibility. The dish is served with vegetables and light wine. Sometimes you can order meat to take away.
  4. Don’t forget about the rules of decency - the Greeks really don’t like rowdy people, although they themselves are sometimes not averse to organizing a demonstration. But it’s better not to make noise in public places, otherwise you will get a fine or even arrest.

Entertainment and attractions of Kos

Many ancient antiquities of Kos surfaced after the city was destroyed by an earthquake.

Ancient Agora

The Ancient Agora is a collection of ruins from different eras. They were found after the earthquake and restored by the Italians, who occupied the city in the 30s of the last century. At least some benefit came from the invaders.

The remains of the Temple of Hercules (3rd century BC), the gallery of the Forum (3rd century BC), and the ruins of the Temple of Aphrodite attract the greatest attention. By the way, a Christian basilica from the 5th century BC was found nearby.

Castle of the Knights of St. John

You can get to this castle through the bridge that connects the fortress with the city. The fortress, built in the 15th century, is protected by double walls and a moat. On the gates of the fortress are depicted strange figures and the coat of arms of the Grand Master of the Order.

The castle contains fragments of ancient columns and statues that survived the earthquake. Standing on the castle wall, you can see almost all the streets, the embankment and - hello again! - coast of Turkey.

Antique ruins

The ruins are carefully collected on Grigoriou Street. There are columns, Mycenaean buildings, Roman houses with mosaics telling about lion hunts and gladiator fights. Among the ruins, a small antique theater stands out - with marble seats for VIPs and limestone slabs for everyone else.

The highlight of the program is the Roman house Casa Romana. It has 26 rooms, 3 swimming pools, a painted hotel and a mosaic floor.

Archaeological Museum

It is located in the city center on Eleutherias Square. There is a collection of exhibits from the Hellenic and Roman periods. For example, statues of Aphrodite, Hippocrates, Dionysus, Satyr, Pan, mosaics and giant Roman statues.