The best holiday resort in India. Holidays in India

Traveling and vacationing in India is always a huge explosion of emotions. India is a country of tea and cinema, elephants and tigers, ancient temples and picturesque resorts. Perhaps, with each new trip it opens up in a new way, endless amazing finds are discovered. We bring to your attention all the most important things about India for tourists planning to visit this fascinating country.

Ancient culture and exotic nature

Unique culture architectural monuments, incomparable cuisine, wonderful nature, traditions and rituals, a stunning combination of leisurely monks and energetic business centers - all this attracts tourists from all over the world to India every year.

Where is

The exoticism in this ancient country begins with its geographical location. It is located in South Asia and is the largest state in terms of territory and population in this region. India is often referred to as a “continent country”. This is due to the fact that it almost completely occupies the spacious Hindustan Peninsula, as well as the surrounding territories, right up to the Himalayas and Kashmir. It is washed by vast expanses of water Indian Ocean. The capital of this country is the city of New Delhi.

How to get there from Moscow

It’s more comfortable and easier to first take a direct flight to New Delhi, and then carry out domestic flights around the country. Direct flights are operated by Aeroflot, AirIndia and other airlines.

There are also flight options with transfers: flights to Jaipur, Mumbai, Goa and others big cities. There are an order of magnitude more flights with transfers.

We also note that there is no railway connection at all. Overland travel (by car or bus) is theoretically possible, but is quite challenging.

Where is the best place to go: popular destinations

There are many interesting and popular places in India that are worth visiting. However, if you do not organize your trek in advance, the journey can be tiring. In addition, you risk experiencing real culture shock from this “land of contrasts.” Therefore, if you are just starting to get acquainted with this country, the right decision would be to choose one or at most two popular destinations for the trip. We list the most famous tourist routes:

  • New Delhi;
  • Mumbai;
  • Kerala;
  • Himalayas (Rishikesh, Dharamsala, Manali, Rewalsar, Manikaran);
  • Northern India (Delhi, Agra);
  • Bodhgaya;
  • Calcutta.

Having made your choice, focus on the characteristics of a particular region. Fortunately, every state of India has a huge list of attractions.

Weather and climatic conditions

There are no traditional four seasons in India. Indians live in three seasons: hot, humid and cool.

Water temperature

In the most popular resorts in India (Goa and Kerala), the season for holidays by the sea lasts all year round. The prevailing water temperature here is +28…+29 °C. The maximum water temperature occurs in May and is 30 degrees plus.

Air temperature

The change of seasons in India is determined by the monsoons (steady winds). The climate in India can generally be called tropical, that is, mild weather prevails. The average air temperature throughout the year is +25…+27 °C. Temperature in summer season is +24…+33 °С, and in winter - +21…+32 °С with a plus sign.

The wet season here falls on June - October; relatively cold and dry weather occurs in November - February; and from March to May the climate tends to be very hot and dry. Therefore, if you are wondering when is the best time to go on holiday to India, give preference to the period from November to March. The air temperature at this time does not drop below +20 °C (even at night). In April comes the hellish heat, and in the summer comes the season of rains and downpours. However, during this conditional “off season” you can significantly save money on flights.

Did you know? small town in India, Cherrapunji is the rainiest area on Earth, and the Thar Desert in the North-West of the country is, on the contrary, one of the hottest and driest places on the planet. This fact once again confirms that India is a country of contrasts.

Where to go for beach lovers

For those who go to India for a relaxing beach holiday, we present an overview of the most popular resorts.

Goa is considered the main international Indian resort and the real pearl of the country. The resort is rich in golden beaches, magnificent nature, palm forests, and charming old alleys. Tour to Goa - this is, among other things, an ideal option for those who want to combine inert rest with study local color. This state combines local exoticism and Western European traditions.

One more the most beautiful place A must-visit destination on our planet is Kerala. This is a green region stretching
along the southeastern coast of the country. Local residents nicknamed this state “God’s Country.” Here you will discover an abundance of vegetation, azure beaches, gorgeous rivers and lakes, as well as bright green mountains.

To relax by the sea in the summer season, as an alternative to the popular resorts of India, you can come to the state of Tamil Nadu. Here you will be greeted by picturesque beaches washed by the warm waters of the Bay of Bengal.

Also pay attention to the almost deserted Andaman and Nicobar Islands. After traveling through the archipelago in the Bay of Bengal, vacationers are provided with vivid impressions of a lifetime.

Another wonderful place for lovers beach holiday are the quiet shores of the Lakshadweep Islands, whose beaches are strewn with white sand, fabulous corals and clear waters.


Those looking to add some outdoor activities to their schedule can visit the mountainous regions of India. The mysterious Indian mountains are often called the “abode of the gods.”

Take a short trip to Himachal Pradesh, where the peaks of the Himalayas are covered with snow. Traveling through this state, you will find it difficult to get used to the idea that you are still in India.

The state of Sikkim is surrounded by the wonderful Himalayas and preserves the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. From here you will have the most beautiful view of the Himalayan mountain range and the majestic Mount Kanchenjunga.

Also don't forget about the Kashmir Valley, famous for its fabulous beauty. Here the magical Dal Lake reflects the mountain slopes in its waters.

Sacred places of India

To experience the spirit and history of India, visit the country's religious capital - "immortal city" Varanasi. It is also the oldest inhabited city in the world. Varanasi is home to the waters of the legendary Ganges River, which have served as a place of ritual ablutions for more than two thousand years. The most important historical and architectural monuments are located not far from the city.

Ladakh - high mountainous region of the Himalayas, called Little Tibet. There is no place in India better than Ladakh where you can relax your soul and body. Ladakh preserves the unchanging traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. The area is rich in secluded monasteries and shrines, prayer wheels and divine chortens.

The cities of Rishikesh and Haridwar stand on the banks of the sacred Ganges and have been awarded the title of world capitals of yoga practice. Yoga tour in India - A wonderful method of replenishing your reserve of vitality.

For nightlife lovers

Let's also consider where in India it is better to relax for lovers of nightlife. In all major cities and resort areas of India, various clubs and bars are open. Many night bars with live music, excellent cocktails and delicious fish and seafood dishes will not leave you indifferent. Great attention is paid to interior design in establishments. The toilets in the establishments are not just clean, but artistically decorated.

Most of the clubs and bars in Delhi are located in luxury hotels. These establishments do not allow single men to enter, making them fairly safe for single women. Club life comes alive on weekends.

The famous Buddha Bars (B-Bars) are so named due to the predominance of religious themes there.

The Capitol club was created for lovers of Bollywood music.

Did you know? You will not find alcoholic beverages on sale in India. Alcohol is not prohibited in the country, but it is not particularly encouraged. Findit is possible only in specially designated places. Most cafes also officially do not have it (sometimes they sell it illegally); it is only available in restaurants.

Today, one of the most popular night spots is Hauz Khas Village (in Delhi). In the evenings, local golden youth gather here. There are also Mediterranean-style restaurants.

Features of accommodation

India is considered an inexpensive country for tourism: housing, food, travel can cost you a minimal amount. Although, of course, it all depends on your appetite.


Taxis and autorickshaws (motorcycle taxis) operate in large cities. In data vehicles Meters are not always available. If there is a meter, make sure that it is reset for you. In addition, taxis come with or without air conditioning.

Taxi fares change periodically, so the price does not always correspond to the meter readings. However, the driver must have a copy of the current fare.

The price of a three-wheeled rickshaw is approximately half the price of a taxi.

In tourist centers there are a large number of cars with drivers at your service. The approved price list for their services is slightly higher than that of regular taxis. Renting a car without a driver is unpopular, but you can rent a motorcycle or scooter.


When traveling to any country, it is important to have an idea about its culinary traditions.

Most of the people in India religious reasons do not consume meat from cows or other cattle. People prefer fish and seafood. The basis of the Indian diet is plant foods: various legumes, vegetables, flatbreads made from chapatis (low-grade flour). Hot milk tea is very popular among Indians.

IN national dishes cooks use a lot of hot pepper and garlic. Everyone knows the famous Indian curry seasoning!

It is strictly undesirable to drink raw tap water. Also remember to wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with soap. Wash vegetables and fruits using mineral water and soap. During the rest period, it is better to exclude fresh vegetable dishes from your diet. Always keep sanitary napkins with you when traveling.


India is one of the most affordable countries on Earth in terms of living. Several types of housing are available:

  • Ashrams (spiritual communities where pilgrims from all over the world come) and monasteries.
  • Guesthouses (small private hotels) and standard hotels.
  • Private houses.
  • Bambu hats (modest temporary huts in the coastal area).

Renting a home can be done in advance or on the spot (upon arrival at the holiday destination). If you rent housing for a long period (3 or more months), the cost is significantly reduced.

Important! Do not leave valuables and money in visible places. It is advisable to use a safe in hotels, as there are cases of theft.

Payment for public utilities often carried out separately. The price of prestigious housing assumes the provision additional services(for example, ordering breakfast, bartending services).

Go shopping!

When planning a trip to India, be prepared for the fact that your friends will make you a lot of orders for souvenirs. In order not to get lost in the variety of choices on the market, be sure to familiarize yourself with the list of everything you need in advance.

In addition, be wary of any recommendations from sellers. You always need to be prepared for an “attack” from very intrusive sellers of all sorts of small things. Whatever you end up purchasing, you will remember the aroma of incense in the shopping arcade for a long time.

It is customary to bargain in shops and markets, but in shopping centers prices are fixed.

Here is a small list of what is worth buying in India:

  • tea (black or expensive green);
  • various fabrics, carpets;
  • wood crafts;
  • jewelry (bracelets, necklaces);
  • traditional musical instruments;
  • leather products;
  • cosmetics and incense.

Important!When purchasing jewelry (for example, made of silver), ask for a quality certificate. Only with this document will you be able to return or exchange the product if necessary.

Features of Indian culture: rules of behavior on vacation

In India, it would be a good idea to adhere to certain rules of behavior to avoid possible problems.

It is advisable for women to wear closed clothing before leaving the hotel boundaries. Bare-shouldered, short dresses, skirts or shorts are not allowed into most shrines. Therefore, when going on a trip, women should take a scarf with them to hide their shoulders. Male tourists are advised to wear trousers. When entering a sanctuary or monastery, you are required to take off your shoes, although sometimes it is permissible to enter in socks.

In the interior of the country, indigenous people can show a lively and disinterested curiosity towards travelers. Don't be surprised or react harshly if you are stared at or urged to shake hands.

Today, a holiday in India is considered the main competitor to traveling to any other country in the world. We hope that our small guide will be useful to you on your way to exploring this ancient country, on the path of spiritual enlightenment, in search of an active or relaxing beach holiday.

The coast of India stretches for almost 6000 kilometers. Here are some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Perhaps each of them is unique, has its own atmosphere, and offers vacationers something of its own. The most “developed” and popular beaches today are located in the state. Almost all beaches in Goa are equipped with everything necessary for a civilized holiday, but therefore they are noisier and more crowded. Top hotels and centers water sports located in Goa. The noisiest and brightest beach parties are held here, lasting until dawn.

On the beaches Mumbai also boiling stormy night life. The capital's beaches are famous for their crazy, incendiary discos, which attract not only the local “golden youth”, but also wealthy European heirs of famous families.

Beaches Andaman and Nicobar islands and islands Lakshadweep Ideal for diving, snorkeling and treasure exploration underwater world. In addition, they are the most sparsely populated beaches in India. It is quite difficult to get here and enjoy the beauty wildlife true lovers of solitude, simple and natural life come.

On some beaches, majestic temples and ruins of ancient forts have been preserved, which adds additional charm to the life of vacationers. There are especially many forts located on the beaches Gujarat. The climate along almost the entire length of the coast is soft and pleasant for Europeans. The population is incredibly friendly; on all developed beaches you can meet sellers of handicrafts, souvenirs and local delicacies. In many places colorful bazaars are regularly held and various festivals are held.

The eastern states offer lovers of monumental spectacles rocky beaches that are stunning in their grandeur. In such places, the approaches to the water are quite difficult, even dangerous in some areas, and sharp reefs and sea urchins await swimmers in the water. There are even police officers in the most risky places, warning tourists about the problem.

In the southwest there are truly paradises: beaches with golden sand, blue lagoons and palm groves. On most sandy beaches, the sea near the shore is shallow; to get to deep water you need to walk for quite a long time. The calmest waters are on the beaches Maharashtra. These places are ideal for family vacation. Beaches Karnataka promise to become serious competitors in the near future Goa beaches- large funds are allocated for their development. The beaches of the state are very original Andhra Pradesh. There are many ancient port cities and various religious buildings here. Andhra Pradesh is called the Kohinoor of India. Several of the country's most picturesque beaches are located on its territory.

State Kerala offers except sea ​​beaches Amazing places for relaxation on inland canals, lakes and rivers. This fantastic tropical world attracts lovers of wildlife and long boat rides through shady green tunnels.

All beaches are municipal, but those sections of the beach that are assigned to specific hotels are protected. Use of beaches and equipment is free. Swimming and sunbathing in the nude is prohibited almost everywhere.

India is mysterious country, in which religious and cultural traditions that appeared many centuries ago still dominate. To visit the resorts of India means to find yourself in a world of unique adventures, to feel the spirit of ancient wisdom, to find yourself in a different reality, in which human abilities have no limits, and absolutely everything is possible. Hindu sects and ancient Buddhist monasteries, in which mysterious, mysterious rituals are practiced. There are opportunities for both beach holidays and skiing.

Ski resorts in India: Auli

The open spaces and views that open up in this marvelous place are simply breathtaking. IN summer time Years ago, the slopes of Auli are covered with grass and wild flowers, but as soon as snow starts falling, the picture changes completely. The main snow slope of Auli stretches for 5 kilometers, it has five-hundred-meter ski lifts and eight-hundred-meter chairlifts. In this area, snow compactors and snow machines are used to maintain the condition of the snow cover. The Auli resort is so luxurious that Austrian experts compared it with the best slopes in Switzerland. In this place it is possible to organize a two-week or one-week training course for anyone who is just starting to ride.


This tourist village is located in the state of Kashmir. Looking at best resorts India, we can say that the place in this region for skiing is considered ideal. This explains his weather conditions- plenty of snow and suitable terrain.

The complete absence of trails and 2000 m of vertical elevation difference is a real dream for all freeride and backcountry lovers!

Due to its remote location and the lack of popularity of skiing among the local population, the resort delights with untouched virgin lands and free slopes for several days after the snowfall.


When assessing the best resorts in India, Solang can be highlighted separately. This is one of the most picturesque ski villages in the country. Solang offers slopes of various levels: from slopes for beginners to extreme routes.

Solang is a traditional Indian style resort. Two blue full-fledged slopes and 2 lifts, one of which is government-owned, therefore, tourists are prohibited from using it. But if you pay the operator of the second one, he will probably launch it for you at odd hours. In this area, shortcomings are compensated by the literacy of local workers - all trainers were trained on the best slopes of Switzerland.

This resort has many local families and couples spending their holidays here. Honeymoon. There are several cafes and eateries outside the resort.

Ayurvedic resorts in India

Kerala (southern state of India) is the birthplace of Ayurveda. The largest concentration of Ayurvedic resorts and clinics is located here. The resort of Kerala (India) offers recreation opportunities for every budget and taste - from inexpensive treatment in public hospitals to health courses in prestigious Ayurvedic clinics.

The climate of this Indian state is ideal for treatment, and an uninterrupted supply of raw materials was established several centuries ago. Today, renting floating villas is becoming increasingly popular here. Traveling in this way through the swamps of Kerala, the client receives treatment combined with the pleasure of contemplation picturesque views around.

In addition, several Ayurvedic offices and clinics are located in the states of Karnataka and Goa. In addition to specialized clinics, such services are provided by every 5* hotel and beauty salon.


The state of Goa is located in the southeast of the country. This small piece of land consists almost entirely of beaches, unspoiled by civilization. 40 of them stretch for almost 100 km along the coast of the Arabian Sea. Although not all are equipped for swimming.

Goa is divided into 2 parts - South and North. At the same time, the state has the most popular resorts India. The border is Fort Aguada. The beaches of the southern part are clean, sandy, designed for wealthy vacationers. The sea here is calm and warm. But in the north, poor tourists stay - hippies, students, musicians. Data beach resorts India has a lot of shops, noisy bazaars, eateries, and 24-hour discos.

North Goa

This is the most suitable area of ​​the country for tourists who choose leisure when they come to a country like India. Goa Resorts offer their guests constant parties and non-stop entertainment that takes place around the clock. In hotel rooms, unpretentious living conditions are compensated by their low cost. Renting housing in the private sector is also popular among tourists.


Above sandy beach rises a majestic structure called “Fort Tirakol”, today the Heritage Hotel. This is the northernmost beach in the region and the most untouched by civilization, wild.


Also Arambol beach is called “Harmal”. Here the sand is white and soft, and on the lateral red soil among the stones there is a freshwater pond and cottages. The road leading to the beach is surrounded by aboriginal huts selling clothes and souvenirs to tourists. The beach is limited by the river. Tiracol.


Tour operators mastered Vagator a long time ago, so it is quite difficult for “wild” tourists to find a place in a hotel. In addition, the resort is experiencing quite serious difficulties with water supply, although this is generally different from India. Goa resorts have many shops with clean bottled water. Under no circumstances should you drink liquid from the tap.

The steep hillside leading down to Vagator Beach is adorned with the Chapora Fort. It was built by the Portuguese in 1617 on the ruins of an ancient Islamic structure. This place offers amazing views of the surrounding area. The place where the river flows into the sea is impressive. Juari. This part of the beach has high cliffs, which are popular with newlyweds who want to take memorable photos, as well as those who are looking for privacy.


The beach is located 8 kilometers from Mapusa. The city in the 10th-12th centuries. was Arabic commercial port, for which it received the name “Chamber of Commerce”. Currently, a flea market is organized here every Wednesday, the richest and most famous in the entire state. In this place you can find whatever your heart desires - from various products of Tibetan weavers to porcelain cups from the period of British colonization.

If you want to know which resorts in India are the most popular among tourists, then it is worth considering that this is the most photographed beach in the state. Therefore, you will not be able to find privacy here. Exotic lovers come here from everywhere. In addition, during the full moon, night raves take place in this place, which means you need to be wary of drug dealers and petty thieves.


There is a small one in this place picturesque beach with a small number of hotels. It is difficult to pinpoint where Calangute begins and Baga ends. The area here is clean, the sand is brown, there are many local residents - fishermen and hawkers. The main advantage is the Baga River, in which children enjoy swimming. At the point where the river flows into the sea, there are black beautiful stones, with water constantly seething around them. An evening (Saturday) market began to be held here not long ago. He is quite good, walking to the market in Anjuna is a long way for him.


Calangute was once a major hangout for hippies. Currently, the seven-kilometer crescent of the beach is being chosen organized tourists. The quality of relaxation is affected by the huge number of beachgoers. This is not very good for those who want privacy, although the infrastructure here is well developed. In this place you can always find somewhere to sleep and eat. Some nightclubs are open until the morning.

South Goa

This is a calm and quiet hotel holiday that is suitable for people who want to get out of winter for a week without being disturbed by anyone. Entertainment is difficult to find in South Goa. Of the beaches, only Palolem (the southernmost) deserves attention - it’s actually a nice place.

Dona Paula

At the point where two famous Indian rivers flow into the Arabian Sea, Dona Paula Bay is located with stunning views of Mormugao. This is a cozy nest, hidden on the southern side of the plateau separating the rivers. To the west of the beach is the official residence of the state governor. Not far from it are the remains of a small British military cemetery.

This beach is a paradise for lovers. He received his name in honor of the daughter of the vice-governor Dona Paula de Menezes. Legend has it that she threw herself off a cliff after being separated from the fisherman she had fallen in love with. And to this day her rebellious spirit wanders around the area. Locals say that sometimes, on moonlit nights, they see her swinging on sea ​​waves in a pearl necklace.


This beach is located in Kurlavangni Bay. The name comes from the word "vaingon". The locals called rice this way when they sowed their fields with it. The Jesuits lived here in the 16th century and turned it into paradise the coast of the bay, planting it with exotic plants brought from everywhere. Today tourists have the opportunity to admire the remnants of that luxury.


This is a strip of beaches that united sections of the coast near the villages from Mobor to Velsao (Arossim, Velsao, Majorda, Utorda, Colva, Betalbatim, Varga, Benaulim, Betul, Cavellosim, Mobor). The sands here are not the whitest. Groves of fruit trees and palm trees descend to the sea everywhere; at low tide, among the sand you can see various marine inhabitants: sea ​​urchins and stars, crabs, sea cucumbers, snakes, etc.


Kolva is the main one tourist centre the southern part of the state, although there are noticeably fewer tourists in this place than in Calangute. This part of the coast is a little less developed, therefore, the resort is avoided by people who are afraid of facing various difficulties. At the same time, the lack of visitors is more than made up for local residents, attracted by the many hotels and excellent restaurants. All these bright and numerous buildings slightly spoil the splendor of the beach. But lovers of solitude can reach the secluded corners of the resort on foot along the shore.


There are even fewer tourists here than in Kolva. At the same time, there is more than enough local color. People come to Benaulim who prefer noisy bars to cozy little cafes, and the scorching sun to cozy shady country roads. Locals come to the beach in the evenings and on weekends.

The wave height here in September reaches half a meter. Groups of dolphins are frequent visitors to local waters, swimming almost to the very coast. The village of Benaulim is famous for its rosewood products and furniture, which are sold everywhere.


A long sandy spit that formed at the confluence of the river. Sal is in a lagoon, surrounded on 3 sides by water. A huge number of charming islands, white lilies, sand dunes- this is all that makes Mobor different from other resorts in India. The luxurious white sands are municipal property, so there is no need to pay attention to hotel advertisements stating that a certain part of the coast is intended exclusively for their guests.


Palolem was not included in the sphere of interests of travel agencies until recently. Because of this, the atmosphere of naturalness and tranquility has still been preserved here, which not all resorts in India can boast of. There is blue sea, white sands, green palm trees. The seascape is diversified by several wooded tiny islands. You can swim to them by paying the fishermen. There are still a few stalls with souvenirs here. In addition, in the northern part of the beach there is a spring with fresh water. The most popular activities here are trips to the dolphin gathering place and fishing.

There are currency exchange offices here, but no banks. Nearest railroad station located 3 kilometers, between settlements and the beach there are taxis and buses running all the time.