Packing the bags Alena packs things for her vacation. What you need to take with you to the sea - a list of clothes, medicines and cosmetics

Hello, dear readers of the site site. A long-awaited vacation ... All work issues are completed, a place to stay is chosen, tickets are bought or a route is laid for a car, a hotel is booked. Eyes are burning in anticipation of impressions and you really want to shout out: “We are packing a suitcase - we are going to the sea!”

Saying "collect" is easy - harder to do. After all, the hand reaches out to unload the entire closet with outfits, generously sprinkle everything with cosmetics and jewelry, decorate this splendor with new shoes, it’s good if somewhere there is a place for analgin with activated charcoal. At the end of the vacation, you understand: only shorts and a T-shirt were put on, the attempt to walk new shoes failed - they rubbed their legs terribly, but there was nothing to relieve an allergy attack, and an extra charge for the mobile would not hurt.

In order not to be excruciatingly painful for small, but annoyingly forgotten usefulness, we must make a list of necessary things on vacation at sea.

The most important and important: documents and money

As the well-known proverb says: “Without a piece of paper you are nobody, but with a piece of paper you are a person!”

Passport or international passport - we save copies of documents in the cloud storage, xerim on banal paper - we put them separately with things in a suitcase, aerobatics - notarize photocopies;

Train tickets or airline tickets, if applicable online shopping- print in advance

We also do not forget medical insurance, if any;

Driving license, international driver's license if you are traveling by your own car - the documents for the car and the insurance policy are required;

Do not forget to print out the reservation for a hotel room or apartment. It would also be nice to know the exact route to the place of future residence if there is no transfer;

Money - cash and credit cards, if necessary - currency, but do not store everything together!


Don't be intimidated by a long list - it takes longer to write than to assemble. And tablets, as a rule, are packed in blisters and do not take up much space, but they save time and nerves in case of illness. If there are medicines that you take regularly, buy enough of them.

On your trip you will need:



Sorbent - will help with indigestion, and with allergies as an auxiliary treatment;

Antihistamine - for the treatment of allergic reactions;


Probiotics and a remedy for poisoning;

Do not forget the enzymatic agent - it will help digest abundant and unfamiliar food;

Cream or balm for the treatment of insect bites;

Adhesive bactericidal plaster;

Sunscreen and sunscreen;

Means of protection (if necessary);

Thermal water in a small volume - will help with sunburn and refresh your face on a long flight.

We remember that in hand luggage, on the plane you can take liquids in total no more than one liter! Mascara, lip gloss and creams are liquids, so keep that in mind.

Hygiene items

Usually, hotels and apartments pamper their guests with branded hygiene products - shampoos, shower gels and soaps. If you do not trust their quality, then you should take all of the above with you, namely:

Shampoo is better to take "2in1";

Shower gel and soap;

Cleanser and tonic;

Mini toothpaste, toothbrush and floss;

Cream for hands and feet;

Body cream;

Deodorant and toilet water;



Manicure scissors and nail file, polishing grater for heels;

Funds for "critical days";

Washcloth and razor.


In our digital age, it is impossible to do without all kinds of devices. We prepare for the trip in advance and thoroughly: we charge powerbands (external batteries - recharging), we buy SIM cards for roaming.

When traveling, you must:

Mobile phone - clear the memory for new photos in advance, do not forget about an additional memory card, put a sufficient amount on the account;


Chargers for equipment;

Adapters for a euro socket or "tee";


Large flash drive;

Laptop or tablet;

Navigator with maps of the area, if you travel by car;

Selfie stick, so as not to ask others to take a picture of you in front of something.

Hairdryer and iron are quite bulky and cumbersome, they are usually present in hotels, so you should not pack them in suitcases, unless you have a personal porter.


Do not take with you evening dresses, wide-brimmed designer hats in boxes and high-heeled sandals with mink fur - unless you plan to relax at closed fashion parties and beaches.

For a democratic holiday, the following approximate list of things is appropriate:

Swimwear - one will not be enough, definitely;

Pareo or tunic for the beach;

Headgear - panama, soft hat or baseball cap;

Several changes of linen;

Knitted shorts and denim shorts;

A pair of blouses and T-shirts;

Knitted sundress;

Cocktail Dress;

Light trousers or jeans;

Don't forget a cardigan or windbreaker for chilly evenings;

Some jewelry and sunglasses;

Shoes: for the beach, "going out" and comfortable for walking;

Beach bag and evening clutch.

Try to choose things from natural fabrics - silk, cotton, linen and viscose, but with the addition of elastane - such things are easy to care for and almost do not wrinkle. Without synthetic additives, things made from these materials turn into crumpled rags in minutes.


This list is arbitrary, everyone collects it according to their needs, here are general items that may come in handy:

Small sewing kit;

Beach towel and bedspread;

Multiknife (multitool) - it has a corkscrew, a knife, and an opener;

Fumigator with liquid to repel insects;

Thermal mug - good for hot and cold drinking.

After the vacation, we save especially successful lists for ourselves in handwritten form or in electronic form - they will definitely come in handy for future trips. We wish you an endless sea, gentle sun, positive impressions and have a good rest!

Travel vacation: "Packing your suitcase: a list of things on vacation at sea"

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When going on vacation, we do not always understand what things to take with us. Since there is limited space in a suitcase, it is often necessary to give up some things in favor of others. How to quickly and how to pack your suitcase, in addition to what things you should take with you, you will learn from this article.

Choosing a suitcase

This question depends directly on how you plan to get to the resort. If you fly by plane, you will have to pay extra for a large suitcase, but when traveling by car, you can take a decent size one. Always be guided by the mode of transport, choosing luggage in order to avoid discomfort.

If you haven't bought your perfect suitcase yet, these simple tips will help you.

What to take

So, dealing with the question of how to properly pack a suitcase, you need to start from where you are going to go. If it's the beach and the sea - then take mostly light clothes, as well as a few outfits for the evening, if this sightseeing tour, in which you will have to walk a lot - it is better to take as many comfortable things with you as possible.

A week before departure, look at the weather forecast, all of a sudden, weather forecasters promise a storm at sea. What if the usually cool place where you plan to go gets too hot?


That's it, the ticket has been bought, and we are packing our suitcase at sea! Now you need to take with you different sets of things that combine with each other. It is better to take things from a thin fabric - after washing they will dry quickly. No need to take clothes from the principle of “suddenly come in handy” and “in reserve”: its main part will lie all your trip at the bottom of the suitcase.


When figuring out how to pack a suitcase for a vacation, you need to consider that it is better to take a few shoes. Ideally, a maximum of three pairs. Standard set: beach slates, sandals and sneakers. Women can also take high heels, which will come in handy when going to a restaurant.

Clothes for kids

For kids, don't pack too many things either. You will need several T-shirts, a jacket with sleeves and trousers, a pair of shorts, swimming trunks, 5-6 panties. In many resort countries, children's things are beautiful, shopping is excellent. You also need to take a few shoes, no more than 2 pairs of sandals. At the same time, children need to buy crocs to relax at sea.

Children's supplies

If the child is very small, then by all means take an ergo backpack with you, it will be a great alternative to a bulky stroller. The child can sit in it during bike rides, excursions, boat trips.

Of course, you should take children's toys to entertain the baby on the road. Molds, spatulas, buckets can be purchased at the resort, especially since they are not so expensive.

For a child on the road, you should take food packaged in jars. Don't forget juice, bottled water, fruit, yogurt, as well as a spoon, mug and plate with a lid. Dry and wet wipes will also come in handy on an airplane.


Thinking about how to pack a suitcase to Turkey or another resort country, it should be borne in mind that it is advisable not to save with linen by taking more of it - so you can avoid washing during your rest. The basic principle: the longer the journey, the more laundry. By the way, do not forget to take swimming trunks or a swimsuit with you, even if you are not going to the sea, they can come in handy for visiting pools, saunas, SPA.


Scarves, belts, hats - all this is desirable to take 1 piece. But if there is no place for them in a suitcase, then it is better to leave them at home altogether. At the same time, hats, beach umbrellas, towels, circles and the rest can be purchased directly at the resort.


Thinking about how to properly pack your suitcase, you need to understand that choosing cosmetics for the journey will require an individual approach. Toothpaste, deodorant, sunblock or sunscreen, shampoo and shaving foam can be bought on site. It should be borne in mind that in some hotels these hygiene products are provided completely free of charge.

If you prefer to bring your own cosmetics (this is especially true for lotions, tonics and face cream), then there are 2 options:

Jewelry and jewels

It is undesirable to take expensive and beloved jewelry on a trip, as “gold-diamonds” attract excessive, even unnecessary attention to you. You can get by with fun inexpensive jewelry, and update your own jewelry boxes with something new on the spot.


When thinking about how to properly pack your suitcase and what to take with you on the road, you need to consider that it is better to take pills and medicines from home. Medicines you know may be called differently in another country, and many of them still require a prescription from a doctor to purchase. If you suffer from chronic diseases, immediately take several packs of the necessary funds.

Suitable medications are:

Also, be sure to take a thermometer, a sterile bandage, a band-aid, brilliant green or iodine, cotton swabs and hygienic sticks with you.


When taking with you all the equipment you need for the trip (laptop, camera, phone, camcorder), don't forget about flash cards, chargers and adapters.

Money and documents

Documents are well stored in special holders. Passports, vouchers, birth certificate of a child, driver's license, insurance, diving certificates - all this can be packed in hand luggage, while putting photocopies in the luggage compartment in a suitcase or backpack.

There is no need to carry money with you, they can be withdrawn from the card in local currency at the resort. You should take $400-500 with you for possible unforeseen expenses.

How to pack a suitcase on the road and not take anything extra?

The most elementary way to correctly pack your suitcase, as well as take everything you need with you, is to make a list of things that you will need to take with you one week before your vacation. It must be extremely detailed. Look into it every couple of days - add something, and delete the other. Due to this, you will have time to weigh everything, think it over, while avoiding confusion.

A couple of days before departure, the necessary things from the list can be packed and stored already packed suitcases(photos of them can be seen in this article).

Packing a suitcase

  • If you have several shirts or blouses, then you need to fold those that do not wrinkle from the bottom, and place the rest on top.
  • Each pair of shoes must be placed in a bag. When packing shoes, fold the heel towards the toe. At the same time, place it along the edges of the suitcase, which will save a lot of space.
  • Dresses should be folded to the bottom so that the edges go down to the outside of the suitcase, and then, after filling with things, wrap them up.
  • In the pocket on the side of the bag, it is most convenient to fold the underwear.
  • To ensure compactness, fold the T-shirts in rollers, place them between the clothes in empty places.
  • Packages with various personal hygiene products, care, put in a bag, because the contents of the bottles can spill out during rough transportation of luggage or flights.
  • Put something soft in the upper part - a sweater or a towel. They will serve as a shock absorber in case of damage or unsuccessful transportation.
  • Place the things you least use at the bottom, put the things you use most often at the top.
  • It is advisable to keep money and documents with you so that you do not lose them in a pile of linen.

Before packing everything, things can be laid out on the floor, especially if you still don’t know how to pack your suitcase on vacation. At this stage, you can easily get rid of a fifth of the luggage.

Having already collected the luggage, to be sure, we look for things in it that you can safely do without during the trip, and we are already repacking the suitcase for vacation.

You can take a list of things with you on a trip and use it to collect things before flying home, as it will help you not to forget anything at the hotel.

Safety regulations

Carry valuables in your hand luggage. Your suitcase must be equipped with two identification tags, and one of them must be inside in case the outer one comes off. This guarantees that your luggage will be returned to you. Write a number on it mobile phone and also the place where you want to stay. You do not need to enter your home address, as this will be a warning that you are currently away from home. In addition, luggage must be secured with secure locks.

So, the suitcase is packed, you have taken all the documents necessary for the trip and are ready to leave the house at any moment. In this case, call the one who will help you carry your luggage and go on the road to plunge into the atmosphere of the holiday that you have been dreaming of all year!

The importance of such an event as a summer trip cannot be overestimated. This is what many people look forward to all year, having the opportunity to go somewhere just once. Of course, this event is very joyful and pleasant. But for the majority, it is overshadowed by a terrible problem: how to pack a suitcase at sea? That is, there seem to be few things, but it is still impossible to fit everything in your luggage.

As a rule, instead of the necessary slates on the beach, the girl takes sandals with massive heels with her. And then it turns out that there is nowhere to go in them, and in general they do not fit any dress. In order not to spoil your vacation with a banal lack of the necessary, you need to take a responsible approach to the fees.

Swimsuit, tunic and flip flops

You can start from the most obvious. In principle, any person knows, at sea, but for some reason forgets about it, wanting to take everything and even more with him on vacation. In fact, a trip to the sea involves a long stay on the beach, which means that you won’t need too many clothes and shoes in which you can’t walk on the sand. But what you definitely need to take is swimwear.

Every woman and girl should have at least two of them. Because in hot places with a humid climate, clothes, including bathing clothes, will not have time to dry overnight. In addition to two swimsuits, you need one slate in which you plan to move along the beach, as well as several options. If none are found, you can take a pareo with you.


The last thing that is also necessary in connection with the beach, tanning and sun, is a hat. One will be quite enough, but whether it is a hat or a scarf is not so important. The whole difference lies in the fact that a piece that is too large will definitely not fit in a suitcase, and, in addition, it can deform there. Therefore, the best solution is to take it with you on a plane or train.

Excursion sets and evening dress

Thus, you will take with you everything you need for the beach, and at the same time things will not take up much space. This is especially important when we pack a suitcase at sea. The list of things you need is not really big. But this does not mean that you can take a lot of everything unnecessary. So, if we talk about clothes, one set of shorts and a blouse or a blouse and a skirt will be enough. You need it to go on excursions.

The second option is that you can put on clothes and get to your destination in it. To this set we take one pair of shoes on a flat course. And this is more than enough. But such clothes are usually not a subject of controversy, in fact, when asking how to pack a suitcase at sea, a woman has something else in mind, how to fit fifteen evening dresses in her luggage? Here it is worth mentioning that, ideally, you need to take as many evening options with you as there are evenings on the trip waiting for you, but this is not always realistic. Shoes are definitely worth taking only one. Otherwise, the suitcase will simply burst.

We are going to the sea with a child. What to take?

Now suppose that it is not just a girl who is driving, but a woman with a child. In this case, all the previous tips are not suitable. Since, firstly, the suitcase remained the same size, and two people need to provide things. Secondly, you need to foresee everything and prepare more carefully. How to pack a suitcase at sea with a child? This question arises in all mothers, and this is natural. Here it is worth paying special attention to the age of the younger traveler. After all, if he is not even three years old, then you do not need to take a lot of children's outfits with you. It is better to leave a place for a first aid kit. Three, including the fourth, in which the child goes on the road, is enough for a week. To them one pair of shoes and swimming trunks. But if the age is a little different, then you have to change a lot.

Those who say that they know exactly how to pack a suitcase at sea are deeply mistaken. If the child is a girl aged 5 and older, then she needs to take seven or even eight sets of clothes. Naturally, the older children get, the more things they need. With boys, almost the same, but the reason is different. You never know where else they will climb and in what condition they will return after that. So, it is better to make sure in advance. It is unlikely that you will quickly be able to find an alternative to a damaged T-shirt or shorts.

First aid kit and cosmetics

In addition to clothes and shoes, the contents of the suitcase consists of many more things. We need to be especially careful when we pack a suitcase at sea with a child. The list of essentials is: sunscreen, toothbrushes, combs, first aid kit, including remedies for motion sickness, poisoning, antipyretic, antiviral, sore throat, burns, cotton wool, bandage, antiseptic. The list can be continued with medications that are individual, depending on the presence or absence of any diseases. If desired, you can include in the first aid kit and painkillers. Depending on the conditions in which your vacation will take place, decide whether to take soap, shampoo and other products. Refrain from taking with you to the sea all the usual arsenal of care: conditioner, oil or mask for hair, face, washing gel, foam, spray, dry shampoo, and more.

All this will take up too much space in the suitcase. Even if you know for sure that all dangers are over this month, take pads and tampons with you just in case. The body may respond in an undesirable way to climate change by accelerating or resuming recently completed cycle processes.


That's what it is simple rules. Now it’s clear how and what to do when we pack a suitcase at sea. The list can be supplemented with several items, but the list of things provided is quite enough for a comfortable stay. If you plan to go sunbathing alone, try not to take anything extra with you. It is important that two pairs of shoes match all clothing, and everything else can vary. When you have to travel with a child, approach the question of how to pack a suitcase at sea more rationally. Pay special attention to the first aid kit, and it may be worth reconsidering the decision about heels. All this will greatly facilitate both the fees and the rest itself.

Olesya Iva

The holidays are in full swing, and the main headache is packing the suitcase, which most of us pack four hours before departure, dumping all the best at once. We share tips on how to pack a bag and what to take with you, starting from the principles of healthy asceticism and rationality, so that you will have room for new things that you definitely want to buy, having left three miles from home.

Plan carefully what you want to take with you. It’s even better to make a list and then cross out everything superfluous. Why do you need a mountain of dresses and boots with you when you can find new ones on vacation? Take with you what you wear in life without hesitation. Buy everything else locally. You can go even further. Someone practices detox and fasting days in nutrition, arrange for yourself the same in relation to things. Take the necessary minimum of comfortable and functional things and do not go in cycles that you have nothing to wear. Enjoy the adventure and avoid the shops.

If you put things in a suitcase in layers, they take up much more space. The best thing is to roll each item tightly into a roll, then everything will easily fit even in hand luggage or there will be enough free space in your suitcase to bring home local wine, souvenirs and new clothes. In addition, twisted clothes wrinkle less.

In addition to your suitcase, take with you one roomy beautiful backpack, a small bag on a chain and a fabric bag-bag for going to the beach. Suddenly your plans will change, and you will want to go from the city for a couple of days to the sea or vice versa. You can leave your suitcase in a hotel or rented apartment and take only the essentials with you so that nothing distracts you from your adventures. In addition, put your iPad or laptop in your backpack, which is convenient to get on the plane, and documents in a bag on a chain (which will come in handy on vacation in the evening). Just roll up the bag and take it with you - it will come in handy.

City vacation set pretty simple: two dresses (a little black and a day dress), birkenstocks or other sandals, a pair of versatile sneakers, a shirt, tank top or crop top, a pair of favorite jeans, cozy basic knitwear like a vest or turtleneck, a few basic t-shirts, a sweater or cardigan, and one jacket (or bomber, or leather jacket, or denim). You can take a jacket with you - throwing it over your dress, you can go to some cultural event in the evening. Dresses, shorts, skirts, jewelry and smart shoes are best bought on the spot and then brought home.

If you are going to the sea You can get by with even fewer things. For the beach, take two swimsuits (one-piece and one-piece), one skirt or midi-length shorts, light trousers and one summer dress - all this will be needed not only on the beach, but also in the city. The same with slippers - it is better to take all the same orthopedic birkenstocks, in which it is comfortable to walk even on sand, even on paving stones and which, on occasion, can be worn with an evening dress of any length. The main condition for things on vacation is a double function. Think about where else this or that thing can come in handy. For example, if you plan to run past the beach in the morning, then a beautiful sports bra will come in handy, you can wear it in the city with a midi-length skirt or trousers (for example, light culottes) and not take extra T-shirts and crop tops. And you can always put on beautiful running bike shorts with a shirt and sandals on a tractor platform and go see the architecture. Sports will not go out of fashion in the near future. It’s better to take a towel with you, even if it’s small - it’s better than looking for a disposable towel for half a day instead of throwing things and going straight to the beach.

Holiday set for wild nature (in the forests or in the mountains) will differ in that you will take with you more cans (from mosquitoes, burns), medicines and other items: from a tent to dishes, which you are unlikely to buy on the spot. Here sports and warm clothes are the main thing. In addition, it is better to merge lightly with nature.

A couple of little things can make a big difference make your life easier: like earplugs, sleep mask, pillow, antiseptic, universal nourishing cream, thread with a needle, allergy pills, noshpa, aspirin, spare charger and second phone, condoms, copies of documents and a supply of interchangeable lenses - emergency little things better than extra clothes. Remember T-shirt rolls and reasonable asceticism. Separately, think about a set of medicines, especially if you have chronic diseases: for example, activated charcoal can be bought at a pharmacy in any country, but a proven antibiotic is not a fact.

About liquids in microbottles we won’t write much in a separate plastic bag: when traveling, something always bursts and spills. Well, you know. Therefore, it is better to pour everything into small containers, which are sold in any cosmetic chain stores, and put it in a waterproof cosmetic bag. In addition, home, as with clothes, you will probably want to bring local cosmetics.

A life modern man very dynamic – business trips, business trips, study abroad and, of course, a long-awaited vacation!

We boldly go to other cities, countries and even to other continents, we plan different routes, but one thing remains the same - we always take the necessary things with us.

First, determine the purpose and duration of the trip. If this is a short business trip, then it is enough to take a change of underwear, a shirt or blouse, personal hygiene products with you, and go on the road in a business suit (so that things do not wrinkle, you can take off your jacket on the way).

If it is a short weekend trip, all the necessary clothes can be compactly folded into a small suitcase or bag. Depending on weather conditions, you may need a pair of T-shirts, sweatpants or jeans, a warm sweater or jacket, a change of shoes, socks and underwear, a swimsuit and beach slippers, personal hygiene products, a first aid kit.

Life hack: to fit everything in a small suitcase, you can use vacuum bags. They are a great space saver, quickly compressing down jackets or “airy” chunky knit sweaters to a minimum size. However, keep in mind that things in the package can be very wrinkled.

You also need to make sure that there is a vacuum cleaner where you are going so that you can collect things in the same way on the way back.

If you plan a two-week vacation at sea, the list of things will be much longer!

Packing a suitcase at sea

A win-win option when planning a trip to a resort is to make a list of things in advance, put it in a prominent place and add to it if you remember something important.

This list will help you check the condition of your items a few days before your trip. Perhaps something will need to be washed, repaired or purchased on the way to work. On the eve of departure, all that remains is to put all the things on the list in a suitcase!

Useful advice: take this list with you, especially if you plan to live not in a hotel, but in the private sector or with relatives. So it will be easier for you to pack your suitcase for the trip when the vacation comes to an end. And you definitely won't forget anything!

We make a list of things:

1. Clothing

  • If you do not plan to do laundry on vacation, take clothes at the rate of 1 item for 1 day. This applies to T-shirts, tops, T-shirts, shirts. You put on something twice, on another day you have to change clothes twice. If the size of the suitcase allows, you can take 1 or 2 things in reserve. However, someone manages with two T-shirts for a week - the choice is yours. But still keep in mind that in this case it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid washing.
  • Shorts are also comfortable and practical on vacation (to the beach, for a walk, for an excursion).
  • For girls, light dresses and skirts are relevant, but you should not take a lot of dresses on a trip, especially if jeans and T-shirts are your everyday clothes.
  • Long trousers and a jumper will come in handy for walks on cool evenings. An alternative would be a tracksuit.
  • Underwear is also convenient to take on the basis of every day of the holiday, however, unlike T-shirts, it is much easier to wash it. The same applies to socks.
  • Swimsuits and swimming trunks do not take up much space, it is convenient to have two of them. Girls on the beach may need a pareo or a beach dress.
  • Sleepwear, especially if you're used to sleeping in your favorite pajamas.

2. Shoes

  • Beach slippers (flip flops, flip flops)
  • Sandals
  • Sneakers or boots if you plan a trip to the mountains or walks over rough terrain.

3. Hygiene products

To determine what products you definitely need, imagine all the morning and then evening procedures that you spend in the bathroom. Make a list of the tools you use.

Don't forget the ones you use one or more times a week if you think you can't do without them on vacation. It is also useful to find out what facilities are provided at the hotel, this can greatly lighten your suitcase.

Helpful Hint: Pour your favorite products from large bottles into small containers. Small bottles, in particular with a dispenser or sprayer, are sold in cosmetics and household chemical stores. Also, “hotel” bottles of shampoo or shower gel, brought from a previous trip, are perfect for this.

If you are traveling in Russia, your first aid kit may only contain a few emergency medications, such as: antipyretic, antiallergic (antihistamine), pain reliever, antidiarrheal and antiemetic. Any first aid kit may not be superfluous. Everything else, as a rule, can be bought at the nearest pharmacy if the need arises.

All medicines that you take regularly, especially prescription drugs, should be in full for the entire duration of the holiday, and preferably with a small margin.

If you plan to vacation in another country, the list of drugs can be expanded. In pharmacies in many countries without a prescription it is impossible to buy any medicine.

Helpful Hint: Make a list of the things you need to take with you. They should be packed in the suitcase first. In this case, if the suitcase is full before the list ends, you will not have to take everything out and sort it again - you will simply leave at home some of the things that you can easily do without.

It is also convenient to make a separate list of things that you will take on a plane or train: a light snack (in the case of a train trip, this can be a large bag of food), water, a change of clothes in case of an emergency, a book or magazine, money and documents, a charger for mobile phone.

Are you going to the sea with a child? The list of things will double!

With the advent of a child in the family, a man and a woman suddenly discover that a small suitcase for two is no longer enough. New items are added to the main list, how many and what - largely depends on the age of the child.

If you are traveling with a child under one year old (up to 1.5 years old):

1. Clothing

  • Bodysuits or T-shirts with short sleeves. You can safely take a lot of them, babies often spit up, douse themselves, and with the introduction of complementary foods, they are completely able to leave half the serving on their clothes!
  • Long sleeve bodysuits or T-shirts. 2-3 pieces for chilly evenings or to cover your shoulders and arms from the sun on the beach. Also useful if the room has air conditioning - at night the child will not freeze.
  • Cotton panties. They don't take up much space in your suitcase, so pack more. It’s too hot on the beach in diapers, and regular panties sometimes have to be changed 4-5 times in a couple of hours. Luckily, they are easy to wash.
  • Socks. 3-4 pairs will be useful for evening walks in a stroller, and if the baby is already starting to get up or walk, wear it under sandals to avoid blisters.
  • Warm things: sliders or trousers, a warm jacket, a thin hat.
  • A panama hat with a brim, a terry beach robe, a poncho or a large beach towel.
  • Smart clothes for the baby will surely be in your suitcase, because it's so cool to photograph a child against the backdrop of a sunset in a beautiful suit or dress! However, do not get carried away and take 10 different options for a week, you just won’t have time to put it all on.

2. Shoes

Shoes will come in handy if you are traveling with a child who has started walking. Light sandals or crocs are ideal.

3. Hygiene products

  • Diapers or disposable panties;
  • baby wipes;
  • antibacterial wipes or antibacterial spray (treat the hands of yourself and the child);
  • bathing gel or foam;
  • absorbent diapers;
  • toothbrush and toothpaste if teeth have already erupted;
  • scissors.

Helpful Hint: All hygiene products can usually be bought locally, but if you and your baby are used to a particular brand of diapers or foam, it's best to bring everything with you. The nearest store may not have them, and driving around the city in search of specific diapers is not the best start to a vacation. In addition, a new remedy can cause allergies or irritation, and a hot and humid climate will only enhance the effect.

On vacation with children, it is advisable to take medicines for all emergencies: SARS, allergies, diarrhea and vomiting, constipation, insect bites, cuts and abrasions, colic, teething and much more.

Most of the problems arise at night, when neighboring pharmacies can be closed, and in the daytime it is quite problematic to go to the pharmacy, especially if you are relaxing together with a child.

Talk to your pediatrician about medications that are right for your child and be sure to take them with you!

To determine what else you might need on a vacation with a baby, consider your grooming, feeding, play, and other rituals. Make a list of items that you will not be able to do without, these can be: bibs, plastic spoons, drinkers, teethers, rattles, cotton swabs. Take only what you really need!

If you are traveling with a child over 1.5 years old:

1. Clothing

  • T-shirts with short sleeves, one for each day of stay. Maybe less if you can wash it.
  • Long sleeve T-shirts and shirts, 2-3 pieces for chilly evenings.
  • Shorts, skirts, light dresses. Suitable for the beach and walking.
  • Swimwear, swimming trunks, rashguards. A few are better so that you can change the child's clothes into dry ones.
  • Underwear and socks for every day of your stay. They are easy to wash in any sink, so the quantity can be reduced.
  • Caps, panamas or hats.
  • Pants and a warm jacket or tracksuit.
  • Pajamas

2. Shoes

  • Light sandals.
  • Rubber sandals or flip flops (crocs).
  • House slippers, if you do not plan to walk barefoot in the hotel room.

3. Hygiene products

  • Toothbrush and paste;
  • antibacterial wipes or hand spray;
  • bathing gel and shampoo 2 in 1;
  • scissors and comb.

For older children, the first-aid kit may contain only the minimum set of drugs that you may need urgently or at night.

The most relevant are antipyretic, antiallergic, as well as disinfectants and wound care products.

Grab some of your child's favorite toys and books to help pass the time on the plane and make it easier for you to adjust to your new place. New toys can always be bought in the host city.

Helpful Hint: If your child is old enough to go to independent trip to a health or sports camp, then the list of things for him will not differ much from the list of an adult. Often detailed lists can be obtained from the organizers of the trip, coaches, counselors.

Packing your suitcase for Turkey? Girls should bring trousers or a long skirt. In a Muslim country, you may not be allowed to go sightseeing in short shorts.

In hot countries such as Thailand, Tunisia, Egypt, during the season you may need a rash guard with UV protection, especially if you plan to leisure on the water.

Are you going to the south of Russia, to Gelendzhik, Sochi, Anapa and other resorts? Stock up on diarrhea medicines last years on the south coast Enteroviral infections are widespread in Russia.

Are you going on vacation to Italy, Spain, France? Grab an extra power source for your camera or phone.
In Europe, the sights are literally at every step - just have time to take pictures!

Well, those who prefer to go to St. Petersburg or Moscow instead of relaxing on the coast should definitely include an umbrella and a windbreaker in the list! Even if your visit is in the middle of summer. The same advice is useful for tourists planning to go to Finland or the Baltic countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.

How to pack luggage on a plane, on your own or with a specialist

So, the suitcase is assembled and closed with all zippers, additionally protected by locks with a numerical code.

Often after this, questions arise, why and is it necessary to pack luggage additionally and how best to do it right? Is it possible to pack a suitcase in a film at home or is it better to entrust it to specialists at the airport?

As a rule, airlines do not have special requirements for how luggage should be packed. There are only general requirements: each piece of checked baggage must be properly packaged to ensure its safety during transportation and handling and exclude the possibility of harm to passengers, crew members, third parties, damage to the aircraft, luggage of other passengers or other property.

A securely zipped, durable suitcase may not be packed, but a worn, overloaded bag with a poorly functioning zipper will have to be packed.

To help you decide if you need to pack your luggage yourself, let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of different packing methods.

Method 1. Protective cover on the suitcase


  • Highly visible on the shipping tape, thanks to the bright colors;
  • protects the suitcase from light dirt;
  • complicates access to the contents of the suitcase;
  • reusable, and therefore the most environmentally friendly way of packaging.


  • high cost;
  • access to the suitcase is still possible without external signs of opening.

Method 2. Pack a suitcase in a plane with a film


  • Protects the suitcase from most types of dirt, including getting wet, as well as scratches and scuffs;
  • greatly complicates access to the contents of the suitcase; of course, the film can be removed and wound again, but this is much more difficult than removing the cover or opening an unpacked suitcase;
  • relative cheapness;
  • a packed suitcase is clearly visible on the shipping tape, especially if you stick a couple of bright stickers on top of the film (you can borrow it from a child) or put a sheet of colored paper under the last layer of film. The phone number on this sheet will save you time if your luggage gets lost.


  • Several layers of film (especially dense, which is used at the airport) increase the weight of the suitcase;
  • after packing, you yourself lose access to the suitcase, so you should make sure that everything you need is invested and there will be no excess.

The advantages of wrapping in film include the fact that it is easy to do it yourself. A child can also cope with this, and what kind of film to pack - colored or transparent, thin or dense - the choice is yours.

Helpful Hint: When packing your suitcase, leave the retractable handle under the wrap. So the movers at the airport will not be able to take it and damage the mechanism. This is especially true for large, heavy suitcases.

For passengers who prefer hiking, it often becomes necessary to pack a backpack in luggage, especially if it exceeds the dimensions allowed for hand luggage. You can also do this with the help of a film, while you do not have to look for a place inside for the foam - just wrap it tightly with a film or tape to the backpack.

When flying with a child, you can pack the stroller in a film or a special cover for a stroller-cane, but it is much more convenient to hand it over to an airport employee right at the gangway, and upon arrival also receive it at the gangway or in the baggage claim area on the platform for oversized cargo. This way you don't have to carry your baby in your arms while waiting for boarding.

Useful advice: in order to save money, you can pack your luggage yourself, remove the remnants of the film in your hand luggage and the issue of packing luggage on the way back will be resolved!

Didn't find any convincing arguments why wrap luggage in film and decided not to waste time and money? Why not! But still, we recommend hanging a suitcase zipper!

How much does it cost to pack a suitcase at the airport

For those who decide to entrust luggage packing to professionals, here are approximate prices at popular airports around the world:

Domodedovo, Moscow, Russia 600 rubles/place; 1150 rub/double packing; 2,200 miles/seat under the Aeroflot Bonus program
Vnukovo, Moscow, Russia 400-500 rubles/place
Sheremetyevo, Moscow region, Russia 500 rubles/place; 2,200 miles/seat under the Aeroflot Bonus program
Pulkovo, St. Petersburg, Russia 600 rubles/place
"Simferopol", Simferopol, Crimea 350 rubles/place
Burgas, Burgas, Bulgaria 10 leva/seat; 15 leva / piece over 158 cm in circumference or weighing over 32 kg
"Named after F. Chopin", Warsaw, Poland PLN 50/seat
"Antalya", Antalya, Turkey $10/seat
Phuket, Phuket, Thailand 200 baht/seat
"Batumi", Batumi, Georgia 15 lari/seat
"Larnaca", Larnaca, Cyprus 10 euro/seat

Prices are current at the time of writing and are subject to change.
Have a good trip!