Transportation of passengers and luggage on intercity routes. Rules for transporting people on a bus P 117 rules for transporting passengers and luggage

Over the past almost ten years, the Rules for the carriage of passengers in urban ground electric and road transport have been in force.

They spell out the rules for arranging bus stops, bus stations, bus stations, where to look for forgotten things, what should be on the front panel of a taxi, and what you can count on as a passenger of such transport.

The relationship between the carrier and the passenger is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 112, adopted in 2009, “On approval of the rules for the transportation of passengers and baggage by road and urban ground electric transport”, amended and supplemented five times.

The organization of regular cargo transportation falls under the control of Law 220-FZ of July 13, 2015 “On the organization of regular transportation of passengers and luggage by road and urban ground electric transport.”

Many provisions in road traffic relations can be defined in Federal Law 259-FZ of November 8, 2007 “Charter of Motor Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport” and in Federal Law 196-FZ “On Road Safety” of 1995.

But first of all, transportation is a service provided to the passenger. This means that you need to rely on the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” No. 2300-1 of 02/07/1992.

Rights and responsibilities of people in public transport

Passenger rights include only 6 points:

  1. Be delivered to your destination on time and safely.
  2. Bring a child under 7 years of age free of charge.
  3. Receive complete information on the travel route and under what conditions this is carried out.
  4. In the event of an accident and damage on the road, the passenger has the right to compensation.
  5. Free baggage allowance for one piece, in accordance with the requirements for it.
  6. Write claims and defend your rights in court.

There are many more responsibilities. The passenger must purchase, present upon request and keep to the destination a travel ticket (or a document confirming preferential travel) for himself and baggage in excess of the established allowance.

People are required to leave when they reach their destination, otherwise returning to their destination after the final stop must be paid again as for the next flight. In the salon, people should not litter or damage other people's property. During travel, people must move through the cabin without blocking the entry or exit of others or preventing doors from closing.

For their own safety, people are required to hold on to the handrails, and items found left behind by someone else must be handed over to the driver or conductor.

Regulations for people and luggage in road transport

In city public transport

The activity of transporting people (OKVED code - 60.21) can be carried out by an individual or legal entity that has received a special permit for this type of activity.

The rules in urban public transport also describe the rights and responsibilities of all people in the vehicle:

  • driver;
  • passenger;
  • conductor.

Movement can be carried out along a route agreed with the authorities authorized for this (regularly or as necessary in order to unload the direction), and outside the scheme. In the second case, restrictions can only be imposed by road markings, signs and traffic lights.

Drop off and pick up

These actions are prescribed in paragraphs. 11-18 Rules for the carriage of passengers and luggage in public transport.

Each parking point must be equipped with a stop, except for places on demand. You can only ask to stop the bus in advance. In such places it is mandatory to have the inscription “On request”.

Passengers are warned about stops in advance, despite the mandatory provision of signs (name of the place). At stops, information about all the routes on which it is included and their ending points should be posted.

Truck body

The regulations are spelled out in the Rules of the Road and in the Basic Provisions of the Traffic Regulations.

So, a driver with a cat can transport people in the back. C, but no more than 8 people, with cat. D – from 16 people. In this case, the driver’s experience cannot be less than 3 years (Traffic Regulations clause 22.1).

The body must be specially equipped with fixed seats at the height established by the standards. Also have sides with additional fixation and a stretched awning with lighting underneath. There should be a communication system with the driver, and a ladder on the tailgate to make seating for passengers easier.

Important! Transporting children is strictly prohibited.

Without special equipment, only people accompanying or receiving the cargo can be in the body.

Passenger taxi

Transportation in a passenger taxi is carried out subject to permission for this type of activity, namely a charter agreement. The route is determined by the customer; if there was no agreement on it, then the driver is obliged to build the shortest route.

Payment for travel is made by the passenger to the taxi driver in accordance with the established tariffs, based on the taximeter readings.

The trip may be refused if there is already another order for transportation at the moment. If the trip cannot be completed to the end of the route, then the untraveled remainder of the road should not be paid for.

Luggage is accepted in quantities as agreed between the driver and passenger. But the driver may refuse to accept oversized items if they do not meet the general luggage requirements.

Minibus taxi

Regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 112 of February 14, 2009 and Federal Law 196-FZ “On Road Safety” of 1995.

The capacity of a minibus is the same as that of an individual one (in terms of the number of seats and cargo capacity), but the movement is organized according to the principle of mass transportation of people (with the coordination of the route, adhering to all city stops along the way).

A license is obtained to transport people with luggage. The route is coordinated with the city administration. The right to travel is given by a paid ticket. A child under 7 years old can travel for free provided that they do not occupy a free seat. The passenger has absolutely the same rights and obligations for travel and baggage transportation, whether he is on public transport.

Mandatory requirements

To the city bus

A bus is considered to be a closed vehicle that has an engine and is equipped with seats for 8 or more people (the driver’s seat is not taken into account).

According to the law of the Russian Federation “On Road Safety”, any motor vehicles, regardless of the country of origin, must have a certificate of conformity from the authorized ministry or body.

A city route bus operating on regular routes, in accordance with clause 29 of the Transportation Rules, must be equipped with route number indicators and “Entrance” signs (clause 35). A mandatory requirement for the carrier is to indicate its full name on the windshield and on board at the entrance.

In the bus interior, information about the organization and the driver, about the body that controls them, and the cost of the ticket must be directly accessible. If tickets are sold based on a seat, the seats must be numbered.

It is also necessary to place all signs that allow you to quickly navigate in the event of an accident. Where is the button to communicate with the driver, fire extinguisher, emergency exit, etc. (item 37).

To the drivers

The reliability of the driver, which is required to be provided by individuals and legal entities traveling in accordance with the “Regulations on ensuring the safety of passenger transportation by buses”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated 01/08/1997 No. 2, must stem from the requirements presented to him:

  • documented qualifications and driving experience (at least 3 years);
  • completing internships and certification classes that improve skills;
  • mandatory medical examination of the driver or driver candidate;
  • the driver undergoes mandatory pre-trip inspections (and after the trip);
  • compliance with established standards for employment and rest.

To people and luggage

The passenger is responsible for the safety of hand luggage. You can hold one place free of charge, the total volume of which does not exceed 120 sq. m. cm, with a pair of covered skis, a stroller or a children's sled (Article 22 of Federal Law 259-FZ).

Luggage must be packed, breakable items secured or in a rigid container. Luggage should not emit an unpleasant odor or contain hazardous substances that can pollute both the vehicle and surrounding people.

You can transport animals and birds if the cages have a solid bottom and the dimensions fit within the established baggage allowances.

The risk of food spoilage remains with the passenger who wishes to check it in as baggage.

It is allowed to transport for a fee two pieces of luggage with a total volume of 80 square meters. cm each. A receipt must be issued for items accepted for transportation.


When stopping a bus, the driver, upon request, must have:

  • a copy of the license for organizing the transportation of passengers and luggage in the name of the employer - it is placed in the bus;
  • The driver personally has a license with category D;
  • MTPL insurance policy, which has no term limits;
  • printed waybill for the declared route;
  • temporary medical examination, pre-trip and the one that the driver underwent upon employment (and thereafter - every year);
  • unexpired technical inspection of the bus;
  • certificate of state registration of the vehicle;
  • technical passport of the vehicle.

In the absence of any of these documents, administrative liability may arise with the imposition of a fine.

Features of transportation by bus

First of all, safety. Therefore, the driver must be stress-resistant, attentive, and have a high degree of professionalism and skill.

The number of seats must correspond to the expected number of people transported, taking into account the standing areas provided.

The bus must be equipped with:

  • fire equipment;
  • medical supplies to provide first aid in an emergency;
  • a stop sign triangle in case of an accident;
  • safety belts;
  • anti-slip floor covering.

Around town

A bus operating within the city must:

  • follow the formalized schedule agreed with the city administration;
  • observe stops, staff must voice them;
  • passengers are allowed to stand in them if the internal structure allows them to travel while standing sufficiently safely (the bus is equipped with handrails and holders);
  • There can be no deviations from the route around the city.


A bus carrying passengers to suburban areas must:

  • follow the schedule agreed with the city administration;
  • standing position in them is also allowed under the same conditions as in buses with city routes.

Custom and regular

Transportation is carried out on the basis of a charter agreement concluded in writing (Article 29 of Federal Law 259-FZ). The route, as well as the volume and quality of hand luggage and baggage are prescribed in it.

It is mandatory to place a “Custom” sign on board the vehicle.

An additional condition for mandatory documents to be presented by the driver in the event of a stop and checking them is the presence of a tender paper within the approved route.


Buses operating on such routes must also have tender documents. Routes and schemes must be consistent with the technical capabilities of the vehicle and take into account the necessary work and rest regime of the driver.

The bus must also be suitable for the route and climate of the area. Deviations from the route and stops on demand are unacceptable.

Trips are carried out exclusively during daylight hours. In areas unsuitable for safe transportation, traffic is stopped. If the journey is long, there should be two drivers.


Business trips are carried out for the purpose of employees of the organization performing their immediate job responsibilities.

People transported in official transport do not have the status of passengers, similar to rights in relation to a contract for the provision of transportation services.

This is how employees can be delivered to their workplace, employees of government bodies to third-party organizations in order to carry out their activities (lawyer to court, accountant to bank, etc.). They are not charged for such transportation.


Transporting the population on a rotational basis is only possible based on the number of seats. Transport must be equipped with fire fighting equipment and a first aid kit.

Special requirements are also imposed on transport drivers. Shift transportation delivers enterprise employees to hard-to-reach places. Often the route is crossed by off-road areas and other extreme conditions. Therefore, the driver must have experience, qualifications and extensive driving experience.

Between cities

On intercity buses:

  • a standing position is allowed if the distance between the points of departure and destination does not exceed 70 km;
  • deviation from the route is allowed only in agreement with the employer’s organization;
  • luggage must be located in strictly designated places (above the seats and in the luggage compartment);
  • if the route duration is more than 500 km, the flight must be carried out by two drivers.

Between countries

When carrying out international transportation, the mandatory documents to be presented at a stop and checked include:

  • Green Card policy;
  • an international agreement (most often a copy) on car insurance of the country being visited;
  • tender documentation.

There is also an additional mandatory requirement for equipping buses for international flights:

  • there must be a toilet room,
  • flights are carried out by two drivers.

In winter time

Additional requirements for equipping a bus transporting people are:

  • serviceability of furnace equipment capable of providing full visibility of the route from the bus interior;
  • mandatory replacement of tires for winter modification.

What will be the violation of the rules?

To the driver and organization

Violation of traffic rules by the driver results in a fine or compensation for damage to the health of the passenger as a result of the accident.

In both cases, the responsibility lies with the organization or individual who performed the transportation and was the owner of the vehicle. This is evidenced by the norm of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Article 2.6.1).

An organization or individual may, in a general or judicial decision, attribute all damage incurred in recourse to the driver under Article 238 of the Labor Code.

If the Rules for the Transportation of People are violated by the driver, he also bears administrative responsibility, but personal. For each unbelted passenger, the driver may be fined.


The passenger also falls under administrative responsibility both for non-compliance with traffic rules and for violations of the rules for transporting passengers and baggage.

In both cases, consequences may occur in the form of an imposed administrative fine. Ticketless travel st. 11.18 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - a fine, but does not exempt from the need to pay for travel.

Useful video

Traffic police raid:

In accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Law "Charter of Road Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport" the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road transport and urban ground electric transport.

2. To recognize as invalid:

Charter of Road Transport of the RSFSR, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated January 8, 1969 N12 (SP RSFSR, 1969, N 2 and 3, Art. 8);

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of November 28, 1969 N 648 “On changing and invalidating decisions of the Government of the RSFSR in connection with the reorganization of the Ministry of Automobile Transport and Highways of the RSFSR” (SP RSFSR, 1969, N26, Art. 141);

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated September 17, 1974 N 510 “On the financial liability of motor transport enterprises and organizations, shippers and consignees for the improper use of containers when transporting goods by road” (SP RSFSR, 1974, N 24, Art. 134);

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated May 1, 1980 N253 “On amendments to the Charter of Road Transport of the RSFSR” (SP RSFSR, 1980, N 13,

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of March 20, 1984 N 101 (SP RSFSR, 1984, N 7, Art. 57);

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated November 18, 1988 N474 “On streamlining the system of economic (property) sanctions applied to enterprises, associations and organizations” (SP RSFSR, 1988, N 23, Art. 135);

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated February 18, 1991 N 98 “On increasing the amount of fines for excess vehicle downtime and delay of containers, as well as amending the Charter of Road Transport of the RSFSR” (SP RSFSR, 1991, N 12, Art. 156);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 26, 1992 N 347 “On strengthening the liability of shippers, consignees, railways, shipping companies, ports (piers), motor transport enterprises and organizations for violations of obligations for the transportation of goods” (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 1992, May 30) ;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1994 No. 95 “On increasing the amount of fines when transporting goods by rail, river and road transport” (Collected Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1994, No. 8, Art. 597);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 28, 1995 N 433 “On increasing the amount of fines when transporting goods by water and road transport” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995,

N 19, art. 1762);

paragraph 5 of the amendments and additions that are made to the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues of railway transport, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 8, 2003 N 476 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 33, Art. 3270).

3. In the Regulations on the implementation of cash payments and (or) settlements using payment cards without the use of cash register equipment, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2008 N 359 “On the procedure for making cash payments and (or) settlements using payment cards without the use of cash register equipment" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 19, Art. 2191):

a) in the first paragraph of clause 3, replace the words “clauses 5 and 6” with the words “clauses 5 - 6”;

b) add clause 5 as follows:

"5. Documents used in the provision of services for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road and urban ground electric transport must contain the details established by the Rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road transport and urban ground electric transport.";

c) paragraph 8 should be stated as follows:

"8. When filling out a document form, it must be ensured that at least 1 copy is completed at the same time, or the document form must have detachable parts, except for the following cases:

a) the regulatory legal acts of the federal executive authorities specified in paragraphs 5 and 6 of these Regulations establish a different procedure for filling out the document form;

b) all details of the document are filled in typographically when preparing the document form;

c) all or part of the document details are indicated in electronic form."

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
V. Putin

Rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road and urban ground electric transport

I. General provisions

1. These Rules establish the procedure for organizing various types of transportation of passengers and baggage, provided for by the Federal Law "Charter of Road Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport", including requirements for carriers, charterers and owners of transport infrastructure, conditions for such transportation, as well as conditions for providing vehicles for such transportation.

2. The terms used in these Rules mean the following:

“bus station” is a transport infrastructure facility that includes a complex of buildings and structures located on a specially designated area designed to provide services to passengers and carriers during regular transportation of passengers and luggage;

"luggage vehicle" - a vehicle that transports luggage separately from passengers;

“commercial act” - a document certifying the shortage, damage or deterioration of baggage;

"conductor" - an official who sells tickets in a vehicle;

“passenger taxi” is a vehicle of category “M1” used for the transportation of passengers and luggage in accordance with a public charter agreement;

"taximeter" - equipment designed to calculate the cost of transporting passengers and luggage by passenger taxi based on established tariffs per unit of mileage and (or) unit of time for using the vehicle;

"vehicle of category "M1" - a vehicle that is used to transport passengers and has, in addition to the driver's seat, no more than 8 seats;

“vehicle of category “M2” - a vehicle that is used to transport passengers, has, in addition to the driver’s seat, more than 8 seats and whose maximum weight does not exceed 5 tons;

"vehicle of category "M3" - a vehicle that is used to transport passengers, has, in addition to the driver's seat, more than 8 seats and whose maximum weight exceeds 5 tons.

II. Regular transportation

3. Regular transportation of passengers and luggage is carried out according to schedules.

4. A schedule for regular transportation of passengers and baggage (hereinafter referred to as the schedule) is drawn up for each stopping point on the regular transportation route, which provides for a mandatory stop of the vehicle.

5. The schedule contains departure intervals for vehicles, including by time periods of the day, or a time schedule for the departure of vehicles from a stopping point.

6. The schedule regarding intercity transportation, in addition to the information specified in paragraph 5 of these Rules, contains a time schedule for the arrival of vehicles at the stopping point.

7. The schedule is posted at all stopping points on the regular transportation route, where a mandatory stop for the vehicle is provided.

8. If the need for regular transportation of passengers and baggage significantly depends on the time of year or days of the week, the schedule can be drawn up for the summer and autumn-winter periods of the year and (or) separately for working days, weekends and holidays.

9. Changes made to the schedule are brought to the attention of the population no later than 10 days before the start of regular transportation of passengers and baggage according to the changed schedule.

10. Schedules indicate local time.

11. Stopping of vehicles for boarding (disembarking) passengers is carried out at all stopping points on the route of regular transportation, with the exception of stopping points at which boarding (disembarking) passengers is carried out at their request.

12. Stopping of vehicles for boarding (disembarking) passengers at their request is carried out if:

a) the passenger in the vehicle will notify the conductor or driver in advance of the need to stop the vehicle at the appropriate stopping point;

b) there are people at the stopping point waiting for the vehicle to arrive.

13. The driver or conductor is obliged to warn passengers in the vehicle in advance about stopping points at which passengers can be picked up or dropped off at their request.

14. Stopping points are equipped with signs indicating where the vehicle stops for boarding (disembarking) passengers.

15. The following information is placed on the signs (with the exception of signs at stopping points located on the territory of bus stations):

a) symbol of the vehicle (bus, trolleybus, tram) used for regular transportation of passengers and luggage;

b) name of the stopping point;

c) numbers of regular transportation routes that include a stopping point;

d) the name of the final stopping point of each regular transportation route;

e) schedule for all regular transportation routes that include a stopping point, with the exception of stopping points at which passengers are boarded (disembarked) at their request;

f) the inscription “On request” at stopping points where passengers are boarded (disembarked) at their request;

g) name, address and contact telephone numbers of the body providing control over the transportation of passengers and baggage.

16. In addition to the information provided for in paragraph 15 of these Rules, the signs may contain other information related to the regular transportation of passengers and luggage.

17. The final stopping points of regular transport routes at which vehicles arrive and which do not coincide with the points of departure are equipped with “No boarding” signs.

18. Stopping points from which more than 100 passengers depart per day, with the exception of stopping points located on the territory of bus stations, are equipped with protective equipment against precipitation, if land plots adjacent to the stopping point allow this.

19. A stopping point is located on the territory of the bus station if, according to the general schedule for all regular transportation routes that include this stopping point, the maximum departure interval of vehicles on one or more regular transportation routes exceeds 2 hours, and the total number of vehicles departing from the stopping point There are more than 1000 passengers per day on these routes.

20. The equipment of bus stations must meet the requirements established by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

21. A passenger has the right to free use of waiting rooms and toilets located at the bus station if he has a ticket that has not expired and which provides the right to travel along the route of regular transportation from this bus station.

22. The operating hours of the bus station must correspond to the schedule of arrival and departure of vehicles. On the front side of the main building of a bus station with non-24-hour operating hours, a general schedule for all regular transportation routes must be posted, which includes a stopping point located on the territory of the bus station, or an information terminal for issuing information about the arrival and departure of vehicles.

23. The following information should be posted in the main bus station building:

a) a general schedule for all regular transportation routes, which include a stopping point located on the territory of the bus station;

b) the layout and numbering of seats in vehicles of those brands that depart from this bus station;

c) scheme of regular transportation routes;

d) rules for using the services of the bus station.

24. The general schedule for all regular transportation routes, which include a stopping point located on the territory of the bus station, is posted in the ticket office or waiting room, as well as at the entrance to the main building of the bus station. The specified schedule must contain information about the arrival and departure of vehicles along each regular transportation route, including days of the week and time (in hours and minutes):

a) arrival of the vehicle at the bus station;

b) departure of the vehicle from the bus station;

c) arrival of the vehicle at the final destination of the regular transportation route.

25. The layout and numbering of seats in vehicles of those brands that depart from this bus station is posted in the ticket office of the bus station or directly at the ticket offices on the outside. This diagram indicates the location and numbering of seats.

26. The regular transportation route diagram is a conventional graphic image that indicates the route of the vehicle from the bus station to the final points of the regular transportation routes. The specified diagram is posted in the waiting room or ticket office of the bus station. The following information is written on the diagram using symbols:

a) populated areas where stopping points are located on regular transportation routes;

b) numbers of regular transportation routes passing through the settlements indicated on the diagram.

27. Rules for using the services of the bus station are posted in the ticket office, waiting room and other places at the discretion of the owner of the bus station.

28. In the main building of the bus station there are signs for the location of the main services, including the waiting room, mother and child room, food stations, medical aid station, storage rooms, toilets, as well as waiting areas for the arrival and departure of vehicles on platforms and landing areas.

29. Vehicles used for regular transportation of passengers and luggage are equipped with regular transportation route indicators, which are located:

30. The names of the starting and final stopping points and the number of the regular transportation route are indicated on the regular transportation route indicator, placed above the windshield of the vehicle and (or) in the upper part of the windshield.

31. The height of the regular transport route indicator placed on the windshield must not exceed 140 mm, and the height of the regular transport route indicator placed on the windshield of vehicles of category "M3" - the minimum distance between the upper edge of the windshield and the upper boundary of its zone cleaning with a glass cleaner.

32. The regular transport route indicator, placed on the right side of the body along the vehicle’s path, contains the number of the regular transport route, as well as the names of the starting, final and main intermediate stopping points.

33. The regular transportation route indicator placed on the rear window of the vehicle is marked with the regular transportation route number.

34. It is allowed to use an electronic information board as an indicator of the route of regular transportation.

35. In a vehicle with 2 or more doors through which passengers enter, with the exception of vehicles of category "M2", a sign with the inscription "Entrance" is fixed above each door on the outside or the inscription "Entrance" is applied.

36. The full or short name of the carrier is indicated above the windshield and (or) on the right side of the body along the direction of the vehicle.

37. The following information is placed inside a vehicle used for regular transportation of passengers and luggage:

a) the name, address and telephone number of the carrier, the surname of the driver, and if there is a conductor, also the surname of the conductor;

b) name, address and contact telephone numbers of the body providing control over the transportation of passengers and baggage;

c) seat numbers, except for cases when the vehicle is used for regular transportation on tickets that do not indicate the seat number;

d) the cost of travel, hand luggage and baggage transportation;

e) signs of seats for passengers with children and people with disabilities, except for cases when the vehicle is used for regular transportation on tickets that indicate the seat number;

f) indicators of fire extinguisher locations;

g) indicators of the location of the vehicle stop buttons;

h) emergency exit signs and rules for using such exits;

i) rules for using a vehicle or an extract from such rules.

38. In a vehicle with 2 or more doors through which passengers exit, with the exception of vehicles of category "M2", a sign with the inscription "Exit" is fixed above each door on the inside or the inscription "Exit" is applied.

39. Instead of the signs provided for in subparagraphs “d” - “h” of paragraph 37 of these Rules, the use of appropriate symbolic images (pictograms) is allowed.

40. In addition to the information specified in paragraph 37 of these Rules, other information related to the regular transportation of passengers and luggage may be placed inside the vehicle.

41. In order to verify compliance with the requirements for registration and equipment of vehicles provided for in paragraphs 37 and 38 of these Rules, the carrier is obliged to allow officials of the federal executive authorities authorized to carry out such an inspection into the vehicle.

42. Travel of passengers on regular transport routes is carried out using tickets.

43. The ticket must contain the required details. Forms and mandatory ticket details are presented in Appendix No. 1. Additional details may be placed on the ticket.

44. If on a regular transportation route tariffs are applied that take into account different levels of service in the vehicle (the presence of air conditioning, a VCR, a toilet, luggage racks, sun blinds, individual lighting and ventilation, the provision of food, newspapers, magazines, modern design and comfortable accommodation seats, etc.), the carrier has the right to indicate in the ticket the details that determine the class of service. In this case, the carrier informs passengers in advance about the class of service.

45. In the case of using tickets in which all or part of the details are indicated in electronic form, the carrier, when a passenger contacts him, is obliged to provide him with information about all the ticket details indicated in electronic form, including the expiration date of the ticket and the remaining number of trips.

46. ​​In the case of using tickets that are recognized as valid if there is a cancellation mark, the inscription “Invalid without a cancellation mark” is placed on them.

47. If, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, personal data about passengers is subject to transfer to automated centralized databases of personal data about passengers, regular transportation is carried out using personalized tickets.

48. The ticket must contain explanations of the details containing abbreviations, codes or symbols. If there is insufficient space on the ticket, the specified explanations must be brought to the attention of passengers in any accessible form.

49. Tickets for travel on urban and suburban routes are sold:

a) in vehicles (conductors or drivers);

b) at specialized points and other places where tickets are sold outside of vehicles.

50. Tickets for intercity travel are sold at ticket offices at bus stations or other ticket sales points, and in the absence of such points, by drivers or conductors directly when passengers board the vehicle before it departs from the stopping point.

51. The sale of tickets for intercity travel begins at least 10 days in advance and ends 5 minutes before the departure of the vehicle.

52. The sale of a ticket may be refused if the capacity provided for by the design of the vehicle is exceeded, or if transportation is carried out only with the provision of a seat if there are no free seats. Monitoring compliance with capacity standards and the availability of free seats is carried out by the conductor, and in the absence of a conductor - by the driver.

53. In case of termination of a trip in the provided vehicle due to its malfunction, accident or other reasons, passengers have the right to use the purchased ticket to travel in another vehicle specified by the carrier. The transfer of passengers to another vehicle is organized by the conductor or driver of the vehicle for which the tickets were purchased.

54. Items are allowed to be carried as part of hand luggage, regardless of the type of packaging.

55. Ensuring the integrity and safety of hand luggage is the responsibility of the passenger. Placing hand luggage in places intended for sitting, in the aisle between seats, near the entrance or exit of a vehicle, including an emergency vehicle, is prohibited.

56. Allowances for the carriage of hand luggage and luggage, including free luggage, are established by the carrier taking into account the requirements provided for in Article 22 of the Federal Law “Charter of Road Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport”.

57. Carriage of hand luggage, the quantity or size of which exceeds the established free baggage allowance, is carried out in the presence of a receipt for the carriage of hand luggage.

58. The receipt for the carriage of hand luggage must contain the mandatory details, which are presented in Appendix No. 2. Additional details may be placed on the receipt, taking into account the special conditions for the regular transportation of passengers and luggage.

59. Baggage handed over to the carrier is transported in the luggage compartment of the vehicle used to transport the passenger, or separately from the passenger in a luggage car.

60. Loading and unloading of luggage transported in the luggage compartments of vehicles is carried out by the passenger.

61. Baggage is accepted for transportation without opening the container or packaging.

62. Foul-smelling and dangerous (flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive and other) substances, bladed weapons and firearms without covers and packaging, as well as things (objects) that contaminate vehicles or clothing are not allowed for carriage as baggage or as part of hand luggage. passengers. It is allowed to carry animals and birds as part of hand luggage in cages with a solid bottom (baskets, boxes, containers, etc.), if the dimensions of these cages (baskets, boxes, containers, etc.) meet the requirements stipulated by paragraph 56 of these Rules.

63. Containers and packaging must ensure the integrity and safety of luggage during the entire period of transportation.

64. Transportation of food products, including perishables, in luggage compartments of vehicles and luggage cars without maintaining temperature conditions is carried out under the responsibility of the sender without declaring the value of this luggage.

65. The delivery of baggage to the carrier is documented using a baggage receipt.

66. The baggage receipt must contain the required details. The forms and mandatory details of baggage receipts are presented in Appendix No. 3. Additional details may be placed on the baggage receipt, taking into account the special conditions for regular transportation of passengers and luggage.

67. A baggage tag is attached to each piece of baggage, a copy of which is given to the passenger.

68. When checking in baggage with a declared value for transportation, the baggage receipt shall indicate the declared value of the baggage, as well as the amount of the additional fee for accepting baggage with a declared value for transportation.

69. When checking in several pieces of luggage for transportation, the passenger has the right to indicate in the baggage receipt the declared value of each piece or the total amount of the declared value of all pieces.

70. Baggage is issued to the person who presents the luggage receipt and luggage tag. In case of loss of a baggage receipt or baggage tag, the baggage may be handed over to a person who proves his right to it by indicating in writing the exact characteristics of the things included in the baggage.

71. At the request of the passenger, luggage can be given to him along the route, if the time the vehicle is parked at the stop point where the passenger wishes to receive his luggage and the loading conditions of the luggage compartment of the vehicle allow this. In this case, the passenger is obliged to warn the driver in advance about the desire to receive luggage along the route. If baggage is issued to a passenger along the route, money for the untraveled distance will not be returned.

72. Acceptance of baggage for transportation by baggage car is carried out upon presentation of a ticket.

73. Baggage checked in for transportation by a baggage car must not impede loading and placement in the baggage car, or cause damage to the luggage of other passengers.

74. Baggage, the packaging of which has defects that do not cause fear of its loss or damage, may be accepted for transportation by baggage truck, with these defects indicated in the transportation documents.

75. Baggage delivered by a baggage truck is issued at the destination no later than the day the passenger arrives at this point in accordance with the passenger carriage contract.

76. For storage of baggage that is not claimed at its destination for more than 24 hours from the date of its delivery by baggage truck (incomplete days are considered full), a fee is charged in the amount established by the carrier. If baggage arrives at its destination before the passenger, no fee is charged for storing such baggage from the day of its delivery until the day following the day of arrival of the passenger.

77. If loss, shortage of items or damage (damage) to luggage is detected, the carrier, at the request of the person who presented the luggage receipt and luggage tag, draws up a commercial act in 2 copies, one of which is handed over to the specified person for filing a claim with the carrier.

78. If the luggage, for the loss or shortage of which the carrier has paid appropriate compensation, is subsequently found, this luggage is returned to the bearer of the commercial act, subject to the return of the money previously paid to him for the loss or shortage of this luggage.

79. Refunds for travel, baggage transportation and carry-on luggage are made at the ticket sales point where the passenger purchased the ticket, as well as at other ticket sales points specified by the carrier.

80. Money is issued to the passenger against his signature in the statements for accepting tickets, baggage receipts and receipts for the carriage of hand luggage, which indicate the date and route number of regular transportation, the number and cost of the ticket, baggage receipt and receipt for the carriage of hand luggage.

81. Redemption of a ticket, baggage receipt and hand luggage receipt is confirmed by the signature of the ticket sales point cashier.

82. The availability of tickets, baggage receipts and hand luggage receipts for passengers is controlled by officials, authorized carriers, as well as other persons who are entrusted with such control in accordance with federal laws or the laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the controller).

83. A person who is stowaway is:

a) found during inspection in a vehicle without a ticket;

b) presenting a ticket without a cancellation mark, if cancellation of the ticket is mandatory;

c) who presented a counterfeit ticket;

d) who presented a ticket that has expired or which contains a surname and number of an identity document that do not correspond to the surname and number indicated in the identity document presented by this person;

e) who presented a previously used ticket;

f) presenting a ticket intended for a person who has been granted an advantage in paying for travel, and not having with him a document confirming the right to provide the specified advantage.

84. A person who is a ticketless person pays for travel from the point of embarkation to the point of destination in the manner established by the carrier. If the specified person declares a desire to leave the vehicle, payment is required for travel to the point at which such person leaves the vehicle. If it is impossible to determine the pick-up point, the fare is calculated from the initial point of departure of the vehicle.

85. A ticket intended for a person who has been granted an advantage in paying for travel, if a document confirming the right to the specified advantage is not provided, is confiscated. The confiscation of a ticket is documented by an act, the first copy of which is given to the person who presented the specified ticket.

86. In the case of transportation of children traveling with a passenger, controllers have the right to require such passenger to present documents confirming the age of the child (birth certificate or parents’ passport with a record of the child’s birth).

87. If luggage or hand luggage is found in a vehicle, the transportation or transportation of which is subject to payment and for which a baggage receipt or a receipt for the carriage of hand luggage is not issued, the owner of this baggage or this hand luggage is obliged to pay for their transportation from the point of embarkation to the destination in the manner established by the carrier. If the owner of the specified baggage or specified hand luggage declares a desire to leave the vehicle, transportation of the luggage or carriage of hand luggage to the point at which this owner leaves the vehicle is subject to payment. If the boarding point cannot be determined, the cost of transporting baggage or carrying hand luggage is calculated from the initial point of departure of the vehicle.

88. Payment of the cost of travel, transportation of baggage and carriage of hand luggage, provided for in paragraphs 84 and 87 of these Rules, does not exempt from payment of fines for travel without a ticket, transportation of baggage without payment and transportation of hand luggage in excess of the established free allowance established by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative offenses and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

III. Transportation of passengers and luggage upon request

89. Transportation of passengers and luggage upon request is carried out by a vehicle provided on the basis of a charter agreement, the terms of which are determined by agreement of the parties in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law “Charter of Motor Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport”.

90. The charter agreement may provide for the use of vehicles for the transportation of a certain group of persons or an indefinite number of persons.

91. A charter agreement providing for the use of vehicles for the transportation of a certain group of persons establishes the procedure for admitting these persons to board the vehicle in accordance with paragraph 92 of these Rules.

92. The boarding of persons specified in the charter agreement into a vehicle provided for the registered transportation of passengers and luggage is carried out upon presentation by these persons to the charterer of documents (service ID, excursion voucher, etc.) certifying their right to travel in this vehicle, and (or) in accordance with the list of passengers provided to the charterer by the charterer.

93. A charter agreement may be concluded in the form of an order for the provision of a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and luggage, issued by the charterer. The specified work order must contain the mandatory details, which are presented in Appendix No. 4. In the work order for the provision of a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and luggage, it is allowed to place additional details that take into account the special conditions for the transportation of passengers and luggage under orders.

94. The charter agreement or a copy thereof, as well as the work order for the provision of a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and luggage, if the charter agreement is concluded in the form of the specified work order, are kept by the driver from the beginning to the end of the transportation of passengers and luggage according to the order and are presented mandatory at the request of officials of federal executive authorities authorized to monitor the availability of such documents among drivers.

95. A vehicle provided for the transportation of passengers and luggage on request is marked with signs with the inscription “Custom” placed:

a) above the windshield of the vehicle and (or) in the upper part of the windshield;

b) on the right side of the body along the direction of the vehicle;

c) on the rear window of the vehicle.

96. The height of the plate placed on the windshield must not exceed 140 mm, and the height of the plate placed on the windshield of vehicles of category "M3" must not exceed the minimum distance between the upper edge of the windshield and the upper boundary of its cleaning zone with a windshield wiper.

97. The short name of the freighter is indicated above the windshield and (or) on the right side of the body along the direction of the vehicle.

98. If the charter agreement provides for the use of vehicles for the transportation of an indefinite number of persons, a route indicator is installed on the right side of the body along the direction of the vehicle, on which the names of the starting and ending points, as well as intermediate stopping points of the route (if any), are placed.

99. Passenger pick-up (disembarkation) points used for transportation of an indefinite number of persons are equipped with signs on which the following information is posted:

a) a conventional image of a vehicle (bus, trolleybus and tram) used to transport passengers and luggage on request;

b) names of the final and intermediate points of boarding (disembarkation) of passengers;

c) the start and end time of vehicle movement along the route;

d) schedule (for transportation of passengers and baggage carried out according to a schedule);

e) name, address and contact telephone numbers of the body providing control over the transportation of passengers and baggage.

100. Passenger pick-up (disembarkation) points used for transportation of an indefinite number of persons may be combined with stopping points on regular transport routes.

101. In addition to the information specified in paragraph 99 of these Rules, in addition to the information specified in paragraph 99 of these Rules, other information related to the transportation of passengers and baggage under orders may be placed on the signs at passenger pick-up (disembarkation) points used for transportation of an indefinite number of persons.

IV. Transportation of passengers and luggage by taxi

102. Transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxi is carried out on the basis of a public charter agreement concluded by the charterer directly with the driver of the passenger taxi or by accepting the charterer’s order for execution by the charterer.

103. The charterer’s order is accepted using any means of communication, as well as at the location of the charterer or his representative.

104. The charterer is obliged to register the charterer’s order accepted for execution in the registration log by entering the following information into it:

a) order number;

b) date of acceptance of the order;

c) order completion date;

d) place of pickup of a passenger taxi;

e) brand of passenger taxi, if the charter agreement provides for the charterer to choose the brand of passenger taxi;

f) the planned time of delivery of a passenger taxi.

105. In addition to the information specified in paragraph 104 of these Rules, the registration log may contain other information related to the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxis.

106. The number of the order accepted for execution is communicated to the charterer.

107. Upon arrival of a passenger taxi at the place of its delivery, the charterer informs the charterer of the location, state registration plate, make and body color of the passenger taxi, as well as the surname, first name and patronymic of the driver and the actual time of delivery of the passenger taxi.

108. When traveling to a permanent parking place after the end of the working day, a passenger taxi can be provided for transportation only to a destination located near the permanent parking place.

109. The route for transporting passengers and luggage by passenger taxi is determined by the charterer. If the specified route is not determined, the passenger taxi driver is obliged to carry out transportation along the shortest route.

110. Payment for the use of a passenger taxi provided for the transportation of passengers and luggage is determined regardless of the actual mileage of the passenger taxi and the actual time of use (in the form of a fixed fee) or on the basis of established tariffs, based on the actual distance of transportation and (or) actual time use of passenger taxis, determined in accordance with the readings of the taximeter, which in this case is equipped with the passenger taxi.

111. The charterer issues to the charterer a cash receipt or a receipt in the form of a strict reporting form confirming payment for the use of a passenger taxi. The specified receipt must contain the mandatory details, which are presented in Appendix No. 5. In the receipt for payment for the use of a passenger taxi, it is allowed to place additional details that take into account the special conditions for the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxis.

112. In a passenger taxi, it is allowed to carry as hand luggage things that freely pass through doorways, do not dirty or damage the seats, and do not interfere with the driver’s control of the passenger taxi and the use of rear-view mirrors.

113. Baggage is transported in the luggage compartment of a passenger taxi. The dimensions of the luggage must allow it to be transported with the luggage compartment lid closed.

114. In passenger taxis it is prohibited to transport smelly and dangerous (flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive, etc.) substances, bladed weapons and firearms without covers and packaging, things (objects) that contaminate vehicles or passengers’ clothing. It is allowed to transport in passenger taxis dogs in muzzles with leashes and bedding, small animals and birds in cages with a solid bottom (baskets, boxes, containers, etc.), if this does not interfere with the driver of driving a passenger taxi and using rear-view mirrors.

115. A passenger taxi is equipped with an orange identification lamp, which is installed on the roof of the vehicle and turns on when the passenger taxi is ready to transport passengers and luggage.

116. A color scheme is applied to the body of a passenger taxi, which is a composition of squares of contrasting colors arranged in a checkerboard pattern.

117. The following information is placed on the front panel of a passenger taxi to the right of the driver:

a) full or short name of the charterer;

b) terms of payment for using a passenger taxi;

c) driver’s business card with photo;

d) name, address and contact telephone numbers of the body providing control over the transportation of passengers and baggage.

118. A passenger taxi must contain rules for using the relevant vehicle, which are provided to the charterer upon his request.

119. A passenger taxi traveling to a permanent parking place is equipped with a sign with the inscription “To the park”, which is placed in the upper part of the windshield. The height of this plate must not exceed 140 mm.

120. To verify compliance with the requirements for registration and equipment of passenger taxis provided for in paragraphs 110, 117 and 118 of these Rules, the charterer is obliged to allow officials of the federal executive authorities authorized to carry out such an inspection into the passenger taxi.

121. The taxi rank is equipped with an information sign containing the following information:

a) the inscription “Taxi rank”;

b) operating hours of the taxi rank;

c) name, address and contact telephone numbers of the body providing control over the transportation of passengers and baggage.

V. Forgotten and found things

122. Persons who find forgotten items in a vehicle or on the territory of a bus station are obliged to report this to the conductor (driver) or an authorized official of the bus station.

123. The conductor (driver) or an authorized official of the bus station, having received a message about the discovery of forgotten items, organizes a check for the absence of items in these items that threaten the life and health of passengers, road transport workers and urban ground electric transport.

124. If the check does not establish the presence of forgotten items that threaten the life and health of passengers, workers of road transport and urban ground electric transport, the conductor (driver) or an authorized official of the bus station who organized such a check draws up a general act with a detailed description the appearance of the things found and the circumstances of their discovery. A copy of the act is issued to the person who discovered the forgotten items.

125. The conductor (driver) transfers forgotten and found items in a vehicle, along with a receipt against receipt, for storage to an authorized official of the bus station, which is located at the final point of the regular transportation route, or to an authorized official of the carrier or charterer.

126. Found and unclaimed items after the expiration of the storage period established by the owner of the bus station, the carrier or the charterer are subject to sale in the manner prescribed by Part 10 of Article 22 of the Federal Law “Charter of Motor Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport”.

127. If, at the end of an intercity trip, a passenger who has arrived at an intermediate stopping point on a regular transport route discovers that he has forgotten things in the vehicle, this passenger has the right to contact the attendant of any bus station where this vehicle stops. The duty officer at the bus station, upon a written request from the passenger, is obliged to immediately send a telegram, fax, e-mail message or telephone message to the nearest bus station along the route of the vehicle, indicating the place occupied by the passenger, a description of the forgotten things and the requirement to forward them to the passenger’s location. In such cases, all costs associated with the return of items (sending a telegram, fax or telephone message, packaging, transportation, etc.) are borne by their owner.

128. The person who has demanded the release of the found things must prove his right to them by indicating in writing the exact characteristics of the things.

129. Upon receipt of things, the person who requested their release must pay for the services provided to him by the bus station, carrier or freighter who issued the found things, and also issue a receipt for the receipt of things indicating his permanent place of residence and the number of his identity document.

VI. The procedure for filing claims and drawing up reports

130. The circumstances that are the basis for the emergence of liability of carriers, charterers, charterers and passengers when transporting passengers and baggage or providing vehicles for transporting passengers and baggage are certified by commercial acts and acts of general form.

131. A commercial act is drawn up when the following circumstances are identified:

a) discrepancy between the name and number of pieces of baggage and the data specified in the baggage receipt;

b) damage (damage) to luggage;

c) absence of baggage indicated in the baggage receipt;

d) detection of unclaimed baggage.

132. A commercial act is drawn up by the carrier on the day the circumstances subject to formalization by the act are discovered. If the commercial act cannot be drawn up within the specified period, it must be drawn up within the next 24 hours.

133. The commercial act is drawn up in 2 copies and filled out without blots or any corrections.

134. A commercial act must contain the following information:

a) a description of the condition of the luggage and the circumstances under which it was discovered to be unsafe;

b) information on whether the baggage was loaded, placed and secured correctly;

c) a description of the violation of the requirements for loading, stowing or securing baggage.

135. The commercial act is signed by the carrier, as well as by the passenger if he participates in checking the baggage. At the request of the passenger, the carrier is obliged to issue a commercial act within 3 days. If the carrier refuses to draw up a commercial act or when drawing up a commercial act in violation of established requirements, the passenger submits to the carrier a statement of such violations in writing. The carrier is obliged to give the passenger a reasoned response to the application within 3 days. If the validity of the application is confirmed, the passenger will not be charged for storing luggage during the time spent on drawing up the commercial act.

136. If other circumstances are identified that are not provided for in paragraph 131 of these Rules, acts of general form are drawn up.

137. Claims arising in connection with the transportation of passengers and luggage or the provision of vehicles for the transportation of passengers and luggage are presented to carriers or charterers at their location.

138. The following documents confirming the applicant’s right to file a claim, or copies thereof, certified in the prescribed manner, are attached to the claim:

a) commercial act - in case of damage, shortage or damage to baggage accepted for transportation;

b) a general form act - in case of delay in delivery of baggage or termination of transportation of passengers and baggage on order at the initiative of the charterer;

c) ticket - in case of delay in departure or delay in arrival of a vehicle performing regular transportation of passengers and luggage in intercity traffic;

d) a charter agreement or work order for the provision of a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and luggage - in the event of failure to provide a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and luggage as ordered.

Appendix No. 1

Forms and required ticket details

1. The following forms of tickets are allowed:

a) form N 1 - a one-time ticket for travel in suburban and intercity traffic with a fixed date and time of departure;

b) form No. 2 - a one-time ticket for travel in urban and suburban traffic with an open departure date within the specified period;

c) form No. 3 - a one-time ticket for travel in urban and suburban traffic in the vehicle in which the ticket was purchased;

d) form No. 4 - a long-term ticket for travel in urban and suburban traffic, granting the right to a fixed number of trips during a specified period of validity;

e) form N 5 - a long-term ticket for travel in urban and suburban traffic, granting the right to travel within a fixed amount;

f) form No. 6 - a long-term ticket for travel in urban and suburban traffic, granting the right to an unlimited number of trips during the specified period of validity;

g) form N 7 - one-time personalized ticket.

2. A ticket in Form No. 1 must include the following mandatory details:

d) ticket validity area;

e) date of departure;

f) time of departure;

g) date of arrival;

h) time of arrival;

k) date of ticket sale;

l) time of ticket sale.

3. A ticket in Form No. 2 must include the following mandatory details:

a) name, series and number of the ticket;

b) name of the organization that issued the ticket;

c) the type of vehicle transporting the passenger;

d) the period of use of the ticket;

e) ticket validity area;

e) the cost of the ticket.

4. A ticket in Form No. 3 must include the following mandatory details:

a) name, series and number of the ticket;

b) name of the organization that issued the ticket;

c) the type of vehicle transporting the passenger;

d) the cost of the ticket.

5. A ticket in Form No. 4 must include the following mandatory details:

a) name, series and number of the ticket;

b) name of the organization that issued the ticket;

c) the type of vehicle transporting the passenger;

d) number of trips;

e) period of use of the ticket;

f) validity period of the ticket;

g) ticket validity area;

h) ticket price;

i) the number of unused trips.

6. A ticket in Form No. 5 must include the following mandatory details:

a) name, series and number of the ticket;

b) name of the organization that issued the ticket;

c) the type of vehicle transporting the passenger;

d) the amount deposited;

e) ticket validity area;

f) the balance of the deposited amount.

7. A ticket in Form No. 6 must include the following mandatory details:

a) name, series and number of the ticket;

b) name of the organization that issued the ticket;

c) the type of vehicle transporting the passenger;

d) validity period of the ticket;

e) ticket validity area;

e) the cost of the ticket.

8. A ticket in Form No. 7 must include the following mandatory details:

a) name, series and number of the ticket;

b) name of the organization that issued the ticket;

c) last name, first name and patronymic of the passenger;

d) date and place of birth of the passenger;

e) the type and number of the document that identifies the passenger and with which the ticket is purchased;

f) type of vehicle transporting passengers;

g) ticket validity area;

h) date of departure;

i) time of departure;

j) date of arrival;

k) time of arrival;

o) date of sale of the ticket;

n) time of ticket sale.

9. If the ticket is intended for travel of citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are provided with benefits in paying for travel, the details “name, series and number of the ticket” must indicate that certain groups of citizens can use it.

10. The requisite “name of the organization that issued the ticket” indicates the name of the carrier (if the ticket is valid on regular transportation routes served only by the relevant carrier) or the organization authorized to organize regular transportation of passengers and baggage (if the ticket is valid on routes served by several carriers).

11. The detail “type of vehicle transporting a passenger” indicates 1 or more types of vehicles transporting a passenger.

12. The “ticket validity area” details indicate the numbers of regular transportation routes on which the corresponding ticket is accepted for payment (if the ticket is intended for travel between any stopping points of the specified routes), or the numbers of the specified routes and the name of the pick-up (disembarkation) point. passenger or departure and arrival zones (if the ticket is intended for travel between specified stopping points on specified routes or specified zones).

13. The “period of use of the ticket” details indicate the date after which the ticket is considered invalid even if it has never been used to make a trip.

14. The “ticket validity period” specifies the month, quarter and year (if the ticket is intended for an unlimited number of trips within a specified period of time) or the period during which the ticket can be used (indicating the day of the first trip), and the date expiration of the ticket validity period (if the ticket is intended for a fixed number of trips during a specified period).

15. To indicate route numbers, use the entry “valid on routes with numbers __________” or “invalid on routes with numbers ________________”.

16. The “date of departure” details indicate the day, month and year of departure of the vehicle from the point of departure according to the schedule.

17. The details “departure time” indicate the hours and minutes of departure of the vehicle from the point of departure according to the schedule.

18. The “date of arrival” details indicate the day, month and year of the vehicle’s arrival at the destination according to the schedule.

19. The “time of arrival” details indicate the hours and minutes of the vehicle’s arrival at the destination according to the schedule.

20. In the “seat” detail, the number of the seat in the vehicle is indicated or the entry “b/m” (without seat) is made.

21. The “number of trips” detail indicates the total number of paid one-time trips.

22. The “amount” detail indicates the amount in rubles and kopecks, taking into account the paid fare and insurance fee.

23. The “ticket cost” detail indicates the funds collected from the passenger for travel in rubles and kopecks.

24. The “amount deposited” detail indicates the amount in rubles and kopecks contributed when selling a ticket or when replenishing a previously deposited amount.

25. The details “information about completed trips” indicate the date of each trip made (for tickets for a fixed number of trips) or the date, the embarkation point or departure zone, the disembarkation point or arrival zone and the cost of each trip made, and if the fare is paid regardless from the distance of transportation - the date and cost of each trip made (for tickets with the number of trips within a fixed amount).

26. The “number of unused trips” details indicate the current date (day, month) and the number of unused paid trips.

27. The details “balance of the deposited amount” indicate the date (day, month) and the unspent part of the deposited amount in rubles and kopecks.

28. The “date of ticket sale” details indicate the day, month and year of ticket sale.

29. The “time of ticket sale” details indicate the hours and minutes of ticket sales.

Appendix No. 2

Mandatory details of the receipt for carriage of hand luggage

1. The receipt for carriage of hand luggage must include the following mandatory details:

a) name, series and number of the receipt for carriage of hand luggage;

b) the name of the organization that issued the receipt for the carriage of hand luggage;

c) the type of vehicle carrying hand luggage;

d) number of places;

d) the cost of carrying hand luggage.

2. In the details “name, series and number of receipt for carriage of hand luggage”, the entry “Receipt for carriage of hand luggage, series _____, number ____” is made.

3. The requisite “name of the organization that issued the receipt for the carriage of hand luggage” indicates the name of the carrier (if the receipt for the carriage of hand luggage is valid on regular transportation routes served only by the relevant carrier) or the organization authorized to organize regular transportation of passengers and luggage (in (if the hand luggage receipt is valid on routes served by several carriers).

4. The detail “type of vehicle carrying hand luggage” indicates 1 or more types of vehicles carrying hand luggage.

5. The “number of seats” detail indicates the number of paid pieces of hand luggage.

6. The detail “cost of carriage of hand luggage” indicates the amount collected from the passenger in rubles and kopecks for carriage of hand luggage.

Appendix No. 3

Forms and mandatory details of baggage receipts

1. The following forms of baggage receipts are permitted:

a) form No. 1 - for transportation of luggage in the luggage compartment of a vehicle used to transport passengers;

b) form N 2 - for transportation of luggage by luggage vehicles.

2. The baggage receipt in Form No. 1 must include the following mandatory details:

d) point of departure;

e) destination;

f) number of places;

g) declared value of baggage;

h) declared value of a piece of baggage;

i) the cost of transporting luggage;

j) additional fee;

k) position, surname, initials and signature of the person who accepted the luggage;

l) position, surname, initials and signature of the person authorized to carry out settlements.

3. The baggage receipt in Form No. 2 must include the following mandatory details:

a) name, series and number of the baggage receipt;

b) the name of the organization that issued the baggage receipt;

c) type of vehicle transporting luggage;

d) point of departure;

e) date of departure;

f) time of departure;

g) destination;

h) date of arrival;

i) time of arrival;

j) number of pieces of luggage;

k) declared value of baggage;

l) declared value of a piece of baggage;

m) cost of luggage transportation;

o) additional fee;

o) position, surname, initials and signature of the person who accepted the luggage;

p) position, surname, initials and signature of the person authorized to carry out settlements.

4. In the details “name, series and number of the luggage receipt”, the entry “Luggage receipt, series ______, number _______” is made.

5. The details “name of the organization that issued the baggage receipt” indicate the name, address, telephone number and TIN of the carrier.

6. The “point of departure” detail indicates the name of the stopping point at which the luggage is presented for transportation.

7. The “date of departure” details indicate the day, month and year of baggage departure from the point of departure according to the schedule.

8. The “time of departure” details indicate the hours and minutes of baggage departure from the point of departure according to the schedule.

9. The “destination” requisite indicates the name of the stopping point to which the luggage is traveling.

10. The “date of arrival” details indicate the day, month and year of baggage arrival at the destination according to the schedule.

11. The “time of arrival” details indicate the hours and minutes of baggage arrival at the destination according to the schedule.

12. The “number of pieces of luggage” detail indicates the number of paid pieces of luggage.

13. In the “declared value of baggage” detail, the total amount of the declared value of baggage in rubles and kopecks is indicated in numbers and words.

14. In the detail “declared value of a piece of luggage,” the declared value of each piece of luggage in rubles and kopecks is indicated in numbers and in words.

15. The details “cost of baggage transportation” indicate in numbers and words the funds collected from the passenger in rubles and kopecks for the transportation of baggage, including the amount of the additional fee for accepting baggage with a declared value for transportation.

16. In the “additional fee” detail, the amount of the additional fee for accepting luggage with a declared value in rubles and kopecks is indicated in numbers and in words.

17. The details “position, surname, initials and signature of the person who accepted the baggage” indicate the position, surname and initials of the person authorized to accept baggage for transportation, and his signature is affixed.

18. The details “position, surname, initials and signature of the person authorized to make payments” indicate the position, surname and initials of the person authorized to make payments for the transportation of baggage, and his signature is affixed.

Appendix No. 4

Mandatory details of the work order for the provision of a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and luggage

1. An order for the provision of a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and luggage must contain the following mandatory details:

a) the name of the document and the date of its execution (day, month and year);

b) name, address, telephone number and INN of the charterer, and if the charterer is an individual - surname, initials, passport details, address and telephone number of the charterer;

c) name, address, telephone number and tax identification number of the charterer;

d) make of the vehicle and its state registration plate;

e) surnames and initials of drivers;

f) the address of the point of delivery of the vehicle, the date and time of delivery of the vehicle to this point;

g) names of the final and intermediate points of the route where the vehicle is expected to stop along the route;

h) the cost of using the provided vehicle in rubles and kopecks;

i) position, surname, initials and signature of the person authorized to make payments for the use of the provided vehicle;

j) hours and minutes of arrival of the vehicle at the point of delivery;

k) hours and minutes of departure of the vehicle after completion of transportation;

l) number of passengers transported;

m) position, surname, initials and signature of the charterer or his authorized person certifying the execution of the work order.

Appendix No. 5

Required details of a receipt for payment for the use of a passenger taxi

1. A receipt for payment for the use of a passenger taxi must include the following mandatory details:

a) name, series and number of the receipt for payment for the use of a passenger taxi;

b) name of the freighter;

c) the date of issue of the receipt for payment for the use of a passenger taxi;

d) the cost of using a passenger taxi;

e) last name, first name, patronymic and signature of the person authorized to carry out settlements.

2. In the details “name, series and number of the receipt for payment for the use of a passenger taxi”, the entry “Receipt for payment for the use of a passenger taxi, series ______, number ______” is made. The series and number are printed typographically.

3. The details “name of the freighter” indicate the name, address, telephone number and tax identification number of the freighter.

4. The details “date of issue of the receipt for payment for the use of a passenger taxi” indicate the day, month and year of issuing the receipt for payment for the use of a passenger taxi.

5. The details “cost of using a passenger taxi” indicate in numbers and words the funds collected from the charterer in rubles and kopecks for using a passenger taxi. If the fee for using a passenger taxi is based on tariffs for the distance of transportation and (or) the time of using a passenger taxi, the taximeter readings are indicated, on the basis of which the cost of using a passenger taxi is calculated.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2009 N 112
"On approval of the Rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road transport and urban ground electric transport"

In accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Law “Charter of Road Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport”, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road transport and urban ground electric transport.

2. To recognize as invalid:

Charter of Road Transport of the RSFSR, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated January 8, 1969 N 12 (SP RSFSR, 1969, N 2 and 3, Art. 8);

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated November 28, 1969 N 648 “On changing and invalidating decisions of the Government of the RSFSR in connection with the reorganization of the Ministry of Automobile Transport and Highways of the RSFSR” (SP RSFSR, 1969, N 26, Art. 141);

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated September 17, 1974 N 510 “On the financial liability of motor transport enterprises and organizations, shippers and consignees for the improper use of containers when transporting goods by road” (SP RSFSR, 1974, N 24, Art. 134);

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated May 1, 1980 N 253 “On amendments to the Charter of Road Transport of the RSFSR” (SP RSFSR, 1980, N 13, Art. 106);

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of March 20, 1984 N 101 (SP RSFSR, 1984, N 7, Art. 57);

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated November 18, 1988 N 474 “On streamlining the system of economic (property) sanctions applied to enterprises, associations and organizations” (SP RSFSR, 1988, N 23, Art. 135);

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated February 18, 1991 N 98 “On increasing the amount of fines for excess vehicle downtime and delay of containers, as well as amending the Charter of Road Transport of the RSFSR” (SP RSFSR, 1991, N 12, Art. 156);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 26, 1992 N 347 “On strengthening the liability of shippers, consignees, railways, shipping companies, ports (piers), motor transport enterprises and organizations for violations of obligations for the transportation of goods” (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 1992, May 30) ;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1994 No. 95 “On increasing the amount of fines when transporting goods by rail, river and road transport” (Collected Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1994, No. 8, Art. 597);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 28, 1995 N 433 “On increasing the amount of fines when transporting goods by water and road transport” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, N 19, Art. 1762);

paragraph 5 of the amendments and additions that are made to the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues of railway transport, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 8, 2003 N 476 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 33, Art. 3270).

3. In the Regulations on the implementation of cash payments and (or) settlements using payment cards without the use of cash register equipment, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2008 N 359 “On the procedure for making cash payments and (or) settlements using payment cards without the use of cash register equipment" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 19, Art. 2191):

b) add clause 5.1 in the following wording:

"5.1. Documents used in the provision of services for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road and urban ground electric transport must contain the details established by the Rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road transport and urban ground electric transport.";

c) paragraph 8 should be stated as follows:

"8. When filling out a document form, it must be ensured that at least 1 copy is completed at the same time, or the document form must have detachable parts, except for the following cases:

a) the regulatory legal acts of the federal executive authorities specified in paragraphs 5 and 6 of these Regulations establish a different procedure for filling out the document form;

b) all details of the document are filled in typographically when preparing the document form;

c) all or part of the document details are indicated in electronic form."

transportation of passengers and luggage by road and urban ground electric transport
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2009 N 112)

With changes and additions from:

September 7, 2011, May 14, November 26, 2013, June 9, 2014, April 28, 2015, November 10, 2018

I. General provisions

1. These Rules establish the procedure for organizing various types of transportation of passengers and baggage, provided for by the Federal Law "Charter of Road Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport", including requirements for carriers, charterers and owners of transport infrastructure, conditions for such transportation, as well as conditions for providing vehicles for such transportation.

2. The terms used in these Rules mean the following:

“bus station” - a transport infrastructure facility that includes a complex of buildings and structures located on a specially designated area designed to provide services to passengers and carriers when transporting passengers and luggage, providing the possibility of departure of more than 1000 people per day;

“bus station” is a transport infrastructure facility that includes a complex of buildings and structures located on a specially designated area designed to provide services to passengers and carriers during the transportation of passengers and luggage, providing the possibility of departure from 250 to 1000 people per day;

"luggage car"- a vehicle transporting luggage separately from passengers;

"commercial act"- a document certifying the shortage, damage or spoilage of luggage;

"conductor" - an official who sells tickets in a vehicle;

“passenger taxi” is a vehicle of category “M1” used for the transportation of passengers and luggage in accordance with a public charter agreement;

"taximeter" - equipment designed to calculate the cost of transporting passengers and luggage by passenger taxi based on established tariffs per unit of mileage and (or) unit of time for using the vehicle;

"vehicle category "M1"- a vehicle that is used to transport passengers and has, in addition to the driver’s seat, no more than 8 seats;

"vehicle category "M2"- a vehicle that is used to transport passengers has, in addition to the driver’s seat, more than 8 seats and whose maximum weight does not exceed 5 tons;

"vehicle category "M3"- a vehicle that is used to transport passengers, has more than 8 seats in addition to the driver’s seat and whose maximum weight exceeds 5 tons.

II. Regular transportation

3. Regular transportation of passengers and luggage is carried out according to schedules.

4. A schedule for regular transportation of passengers and baggage (hereinafter referred to as the schedule) is drawn up for each stopping point on the regular transportation route, which provides for a mandatory stop of the vehicle.

5. The schedule contains departure intervals for vehicles, including by time periods of the day, or a time schedule for the departure of vehicles from a stopping point.

6. The schedule regarding intercity transportation, in addition to the information specified in paragraph 5 of these Rules, contains a time schedule for the arrival of vehicles at the stopping point.

7. The schedule is posted at all stopping points on the regular transportation route, where a mandatory stop for the vehicle is provided.

8. If the need for regular transportation of passengers and baggage significantly depends on the time of year or days of the week, the schedule can be drawn up for the summer and autumn-winter periods of the year and (or) separately for working days, weekends and holidays.

9. Changes made to the schedule are brought to the attention of the population no later than 10 days before the start of regular transportation of passengers and baggage according to the changed schedule.

10. Schedules indicate local time.

11. Stopping of vehicles for boarding (disembarking) passengers is carried out at all stopping points on the route of regular transportation, with the exception of stopping points at which boarding (disembarking) passengers is carried out at their request.

12. Stopping of vehicles for boarding (disembarking) passengers at their request is carried out if:

a) the passenger in the vehicle will notify the conductor or driver in advance of the need to stop the vehicle at the appropriate stopping point;

b) there are people at the stopping point waiting for the vehicle to arrive.

13. The driver or conductor is obliged to warn passengers in the vehicle in advance about stopping points at which passengers can be picked up or dropped off at their request.

14. Stopping points are equipped with signs indicating where the vehicle stops for boarding (disembarking) passengers.

15. The following information is placed on signs (except for signs at stopping points located on the territory of bus stations and bus stations):

a) symbol of the vehicle (bus, trolleybus, tram) used for regular transportation of passengers and luggage;

b) name of the stopping point;

c) numbers of regular transportation routes that include a stopping point;

d) the name of the final stopping point of each regular transportation route;

e) schedule for all regular transportation routes that include a stopping point, with the exception of stopping points at which passengers are boarded (disembarked) at their request;

f) the inscription “On request” at stopping points where passengers are boarded (disembarked) at their request;

g) name, address and contact telephone numbers of the body providing control over the transportation of passengers and baggage.

16. In addition to the information provided for in paragraph 15 of these Rules, the signs may contain other information related to the regular transportation of passengers and luggage.

17. The final stopping points of regular transport routes at which vehicles arrive and which do not coincide with the points of departure are equipped with “No boarding” signs.

18. Stopping points from which more than 100 passengers depart per day, with the exception of stopping points located on the territory of bus terminals and bus stations, are equipped with protective equipment against precipitation, if land plots adjacent to the stopping point allow this.

19. A stopping point is located on the territory of a bus station or bus station, if the total number of passengers departing from the stopping point according to the general schedule for all regular transportation routes that include this stopping point is from 250 to 1000 people and more than 1000 people per day, respectively, and the maximum departure interval for vehicles on one or more regular transportation routes exceeds 2 hours.

21. A passenger has the right to free use of waiting rooms and toilets located in the buildings of a bus station, bus station, if he has a ticket confirming the right to travel along a regular transport route, which includes a stopping point located on the territory of this bus station or bus station:

within the time established by the owner of the bus station, bus station, but not less than 2 hours from the actual time of arrival of the vehicle - for a stopping point that is the destination;

during the validity period of the ticket (taking into account the actual delay in departure and (or) late arrival of the vehicle) - for other stopping points.

22. The operating hours of the bus station must correspond to the schedule of arrival and departure of vehicles.

23. On the front side of the main building of the bus station, bus station with non-24-hour operation, a general schedule for all regular transportation routes must be posted, which includes a stopping point located on the territory of the bus station, bus station, or an information terminal for providing information about the arrival and departure of vehicles .

24. The following information should be posted in the main building of the bus station:

a) a general schedule for all regular transportation routes, which include a stopping point located on the territory of a bus station or bus station;

b) a diagram of the location and numbering of seats in vehicles that depart from a stopping point located on the territory of a bus station or bus station;

c) a diagram of regular transportation routes, which includes a stopping point located on the territory of a bus station or bus station;

d) rules for using the services of a bus station or bus station.

25. The information provided for in paragraph 24 of these Rules is posted in a convenient place for familiarization with it in the ticket office, waiting room of a bus station or bus station, as well as in other places at the discretion of the owner of the bus station or bus station.

26. The general schedule for all regular transportation routes, which include a stopping point located on the territory of a bus station, must contain information about the arrival and departure of vehicles on each regular transportation route, including days of the week and time (in hours and minutes):

a) arrival of the vehicle at the stopping point;

b) departure of the vehicle from the stopping point;

c) arrival of the vehicle at the final points of the regular transportation route.

27. The scheme of regular transportation routes is presented in the form of a conventional graphic image of the route of vehicles from the stopping point of the bus station, bus station to the final points of the regular transportation routes. The specified diagram is posted in the waiting room or ticket office of a bus station or bus station. The following information is written on the diagram using symbols:

a) populated areas where stopping points are located on regular transportation routes;

b) numbers of regular transportation routes passing through the settlements indicated on the diagram.

28. On the territory and in the main building of the bus terminal, bus station, information about the location of the main services and premises of the bus station, bus station intended to serve passengers and carriers, including waiting rooms, ticket offices, mother’s rooms and child (if available), food stations (if available), first aid station (if available), storage room (if available), toilets, and also indicates the direction of movement to them and to vehicles on the corresponding routes.

29. Vehicles used for regular transportation of passengers and luggage are equipped with regular transportation route indicators, which are located:

30. The names of the starting and final stopping points and the number of the regular transportation route are indicated on the regular transportation route indicator, placed above the windshield of the vehicle and (or) in the upper part of the windshield.

31. The height of the regular transport route indicator placed on the windshield must not exceed 140 mm, and the height of the regular transport route indicator placed on the windshield of vehicles of category "M3" - the minimum distance between the upper edge of the windshield and the upper boundary of its zone cleaning with a glass cleaner.

32. The regular transport route indicator, placed on the right side of the body along the vehicle’s path, contains the number of the regular transport route, as well as the names of the starting, final and main intermediate stopping points.

33. The regular transportation route indicator placed on the rear window of the vehicle is marked with the regular transportation route number.

34. It is allowed to use an electronic information board as an indicator of the route of regular transportation.

35. In a vehicle with 2 or more doors through which passengers enter, with the exception of vehicles of category "M2", a sign with the inscription "Entrance" is fixed above each door on the outside or the inscription "Entrance" is applied.

36. The full or short name of the carrier is indicated above the windshield and (or) on the right side of the body along the direction of the vehicle.

37. The following information is placed inside a vehicle used for regular transportation of passengers and luggage:

a) the name, address and telephone number of the carrier, the surname of the driver, and if there is a conductor, also the surname of the conductor;

b) name, address and contact telephone numbers of the body providing control over the transportation of passengers and baggage;

c) seat numbers, except for cases when the vehicle is used for regular transportation on tickets that do not indicate the seat number;

d) the cost of travel, hand luggage and baggage transportation;

e) signs of seats for passengers with children and people with disabilities, except for cases when the vehicle is used for regular transportation on tickets that indicate the seat number;

f) indicators of fire extinguisher locations;

g) indicators of the location of vehicle stop buttons;

h) emergency exit signs and rules for using such exits;

i) rules for using a vehicle or an extract from such rules.

38. In a vehicle with 2 or more doors through which passengers exit, with the exception of vehicles of category "M2", a sign with the inscription "Exit" is fixed above each door on the inside or the inscription "Exit" is applied.

39. Instead of the signs provided for in subparagraphs “d” - “h” of paragraph 37 of these Rules, the use of appropriate symbolic images (pictograms) is allowed.

40. In addition to the information specified in paragraph 37 of these Rules, other information related to the regular transportation of passengers and luggage may be placed inside the vehicle.

41. In order to verify compliance with the requirements for registration and equipment of vehicles provided for in paragraphs 37 and 38 of these Rules, the carrier is obliged to allow officials of the federal executive authorities authorized to carry out such an inspection into the vehicle.

42. Travel of passengers on regular transport routes is carried out using tickets.

43. The ticket must contain the required details. Forms and mandatory ticket details are presented in Appendix No. 1. Additional details may be placed on the ticket.

44. If on a regular transportation route tariffs are applied that take into account different levels of service in the vehicle (the presence of air conditioning, a VCR, a toilet, luggage racks, sun blinds, individual lighting and ventilation, the provision of food, newspapers, magazines, modern design and comfortable accommodation seats, etc.), the carrier has the right to indicate in the ticket the details that determine the class of service. In this case, the carrier informs passengers in advance about the class of service.

45. In the case of using tickets in which all or part of the details are indicated in electronic form, the carrier, when a passenger contacts him, is obliged to provide him with information about all the ticket details indicated in electronic form, including the expiration date of the ticket and the remaining number of trips.

46. ​​In the case of using tickets that are recognized as valid if there is a cancellation mark, the inscription “Invalid without a cancellation mark” is placed on them.

47. If, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, personal data about passengers is subject to transfer to automated centralized databases of personal data about passengers, regular transportation is carried out using personalized tickets.

Personalized tickets are issued on the basis of a passenger's identification document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (for children under 14 years of age - birth certificate).

48. The ticket must contain explanations of the details containing abbreviations, codes or symbols. If there is insufficient space on the ticket, the specified explanations must be brought to the attention of passengers in any accessible form.

49. Tickets for travel on urban and suburban routes are sold:

a) in vehicles (conductors or drivers);

b) at specialized points and other places where tickets are sold outside of vehicles.

50. The sale of tickets for intercity travel is carried out at the ticket offices of bus stations, bus stations or other ticket sales points, and in the absence of such points - by drivers or conductors directly when passengers board the vehicle before it departs from the stopping point.

51. The sale of tickets for intercity travel begins at least 10 days in advance and ends 5 minutes before the departure of the vehicle.

52. The sale of a ticket may be refused if the capacity provided for by the design of the vehicle is exceeded, or if transportation is carried out only with the provision of a seat if there are no free seats. Monitoring compliance with capacity standards and the availability of free seats is carried out by the conductor, and in the absence of a conductor - by the driver.

53. In case of termination of a trip in the provided vehicle due to its malfunction, accident or other reasons, passengers have the right to use the purchased ticket to travel in another vehicle specified by the carrier. The transfer of passengers to another vehicle is organized by the conductor or driver of the vehicle for which the tickets were purchased.

54. Items are allowed to be carried as part of hand luggage, regardless of the type of packaging.

55. Ensuring the integrity and safety of hand luggage is the responsibility of the passenger. Placing hand luggage in places intended for sitting, in the aisle between seats, near the entrance or exit of a vehicle, including an emergency vehicle, is prohibited.

56. Allowances for hand luggage and baggage, including free baggage, are established by the carrier taking into account the requirements provided for in Article 22

57. Carriage of hand luggage, the quantity or size of which exceeds the established free baggage allowance, is carried out in the presence of a receipt for the carriage of hand luggage.

58. The receipt for carriage of hand luggage must contain the required details, which are presented in Appendix No. 2. Additional details may be placed on the receipt, taking into account the special conditions for regular transportation of passengers and baggage.

59. Baggage handed over to the carrier is transported in the luggage compartment of the vehicle used to transport the passenger, or separately from the passenger in a luggage car.

60. Loading and unloading of luggage transported in the luggage compartments of vehicles is carried out by the passenger.

61. Baggage is accepted for transportation without opening the container or packaging.

62. Foul-smelling and dangerous (flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive and other) substances, bladed weapons and firearms without covers and packaging, as well as things (objects) that contaminate vehicles or clothing are not allowed for carriage as baggage or as part of hand luggage. passengers. It is allowed to carry animals and birds as part of hand luggage in cages with a solid bottom (baskets, boxes, containers, etc.), if the dimensions of these cages (baskets, boxes, containers, etc.) meet the requirements stipulated by paragraph 56 of these Rules.

63. Containers and packaging must ensure the integrity and safety of luggage during the entire period of transportation.

64. Transportation of food products, including perishables, in luggage compartments of vehicles and luggage cars without maintaining temperature conditions is carried out under the responsibility of the sender without declaring the value of this luggage.

65. The delivery of baggage to the carrier is documented using a baggage receipt.

66. The baggage receipt must contain the required details. The forms and mandatory details of baggage receipts are presented in Appendix No. 3. Additional details may be placed on the baggage receipt, taking into account the special conditions for regular transportation of passengers and luggage.

67. A baggage tag is attached to each piece of baggage, a copy of which is given to the passenger.

68. When checking in baggage with a declared value for transportation, the baggage receipt shall indicate the declared value of the baggage, as well as the amount of the additional fee for accepting baggage with a declared value for transportation.

69. When checking in several pieces of luggage for transportation, the passenger has the right to indicate in the baggage receipt the declared value of each piece or the total amount of the declared value of all pieces.

70. Baggage is issued to the person who presents the luggage receipt and luggage tag. In case of loss of a baggage receipt or baggage tag, the baggage may be handed over to a person who proves his right to it by indicating in writing the exact characteristics of the things included in the baggage.

71. At the request of the passenger, luggage can be given to him along the route, if the time the vehicle is parked at the stop point where the passenger wishes to receive his luggage and the loading conditions of the luggage compartment of the vehicle allow this. In this case, the passenger is obliged to warn the driver in advance about the desire to receive luggage along the route. If baggage is issued to a passenger along the route, money for the untraveled distance will not be returned.

72. Acceptance of baggage for transportation by baggage car is carried out upon presentation of a ticket.

73. Baggage checked in for transportation by a baggage car must not impede loading and placement in the baggage car, or cause damage to the luggage of other passengers.

74. Baggage, the packaging of which has defects that do not cause fear of its loss or damage, may be accepted for transportation by baggage truck, with these defects indicated in the transportation documents.

75. Baggage delivered by a baggage truck is issued at the destination no later than the day the passenger arrives at this point in accordance with the passenger carriage contract.

76. For storage of baggage that is not claimed at its destination for more than 24 hours from the date of its delivery by baggage truck (incomplete days are considered full), a fee is charged in the amount established by the carrier. If baggage arrives at its destination before the passenger, no fee is charged for storing such baggage from the day of its delivery until the day following the day of arrival of the passenger.

77. If loss, shortage of items or damage (damage) to luggage is detected, the carrier, at the request of the person who presented the luggage receipt and luggage tag, draws up a commercial act in 2 copies, one of which is handed over to the specified person for filing a claim with the carrier.

78. If the luggage, for the loss or shortage of which the carrier has paid appropriate compensation, is subsequently found, this luggage is returned to the bearer of the commercial act, subject to the return of the money previously paid to him for the loss or shortage of this luggage.

79. Refunds for travel, baggage transportation and carry-on luggage are made at the ticket sales point where the passenger purchased the ticket, as well as at other ticket sales points specified by the carrier.

80. Money is issued to the passenger against his signature in the statements for accepting tickets, baggage receipts and receipts for the carriage of hand luggage, which indicate the date and route number of regular transportation, the number and cost of the ticket, baggage receipt and receipt for the carriage of hand luggage.

81. Redemption of a ticket, baggage receipt and hand luggage receipt is confirmed by the signature of the ticket sales point cashier.

82. The availability of tickets, baggage receipts and hand luggage receipts for passengers is controlled by officials, authorized carriers, as well as other persons who are entrusted with such control in accordance with federal laws or the laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the controller).

If regular transportation is carried out using personalized tickets provided for in paragraph 47 of these Rules, passengers are boarded into the vehicle upon presentation of a personalized ticket to the controller, as well as an identification document of the passenger in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (for children under 14 years of age - certificate birth certificate), on the basis of which a personalized ticket was issued.

83. A person who is stowaway is:

a) found during inspection in a vehicle without a ticket;

b) presenting a ticket without a cancellation mark, if cancellation of the ticket is mandatory;

c) who presented a counterfeit ticket;

d) who presented a ticket that has expired or which contains a surname and number of an identity document that do not correspond to the surname and number indicated in the identity document presented by this person;

e) who presented a previously used ticket;

f) presenting a ticket intended for a person who has been granted an advantage in paying for travel, and not having with him a document confirming the right to provide the specified advantage.

84. A person who is a ticketless person pays for travel from the point of embarkation to the point of destination in the manner established by the carrier. If the specified person declares a desire to leave the vehicle, payment is required for travel to the point at which such person leaves the vehicle. If it is impossible to determine the pick-up point, the fare is calculated from the initial point of departure of the vehicle.

85. A ticket intended for a person who has been granted an advantage in paying for travel, if a document confirming the right to the specified advantage is not provided, is confiscated. The confiscation of a ticket is documented by an act, the first copy of which is given to the person who presented the specified ticket.

86. In the case of transportation of children traveling with a passenger, controllers have the right to require such passenger to present documents confirming the age of the child (birth certificate or parents’ passport with a record of the child’s birth).

87. If luggage or hand luggage is found in a vehicle, the transportation or transportation of which is subject to payment and for which a baggage receipt or a receipt for the carriage of hand luggage is not issued, the owner of this baggage or this hand luggage is obliged to pay for their transportation from the point of embarkation to the destination in the manner established by the carrier. If the owner of the specified baggage or specified hand luggage declares a desire to leave the vehicle, transportation of the luggage or carriage of hand luggage to the point at which this owner leaves the vehicle is subject to payment. If the boarding point cannot be determined, the cost of transporting baggage or carrying hand luggage is calculated from the initial point of departure of the vehicle.

88. Payment of the cost of travel, transportation of baggage and carriage of hand luggage, provided for in paragraphs 84 and 87 of these Rules, does not exempt from payment of fines for travel without a ticket, transportation of baggage without payment and transportation of hand luggage in excess of the established free allowance established by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative offenses and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

III. Transportation of passengers and luggage upon request

89. Transportation of passengers and luggage upon request is carried out by a vehicle provided on the basis of a charter agreement, the terms of which are determined by agreement of the parties in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law “Charter of Motor Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport”.

90. The charter agreement may provide for the use of vehicles for the transportation of a certain group of persons or an indefinite number of persons.

91. A charter agreement providing for the use of vehicles for the transportation of a certain group of persons establishes the procedure for admitting these persons to board the vehicle in accordance with paragraph 92 of these Rules.

92. The boarding of persons specified in the charter agreement into a vehicle provided for the registered transportation of passengers and luggage is carried out upon presentation by these persons to the charterer of documents (service ID, excursion voucher, etc.) certifying their right to travel in this vehicle, and (or) in accordance with the list of passengers provided to the charterer by the charterer.

93. A charter agreement may be concluded in the form of an order for the provision of a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and luggage, issued by the charterer. The specified work order must contain the required details, which are presented in Appendix No. 4. In the work order for the provision of a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and luggage, it is allowed to place additional details that take into account the special conditions for the transportation of passengers and luggage under orders.

94. The charter agreement or a copy thereof, as well as the work order for the provision of a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and luggage, if the charter agreement is concluded in the form of the specified work order, are kept by the driver from the beginning to the end of the transportation of passengers and luggage according to the order and are presented mandatory at the request of officials of federal executive authorities authorized to monitor the availability of such documents among drivers.

95. A vehicle provided for the transportation of passengers and luggage on request is marked with signs with the inscription “Custom” placed:

a) above the windshield of the vehicle and (or) in the upper part of the windshield;

b) on the right side of the body along the direction of the vehicle;

c) on the rear window of the vehicle.

96. The height of the plate placed on the windshield must not exceed 140 mm, and the height of the plate placed on the windshield of vehicles of category "M3" must not exceed the minimum distance between the upper edge of the windshield and the upper boundary of its cleaning zone with a windshield wiper.

97. The short name of the freighter is indicated above the windshield and (or) on the right side of the body along the direction of the vehicle.

98. If the charter agreement provides for the use of vehicles for the transportation of an indefinite number of persons, a route indicator is installed on the right side of the body along the direction of the vehicle, on which the names of the starting and ending points, as well as intermediate stopping points of the route (if any), are placed.

99. Passenger pick-up (disembarkation) points used for transportation of an indefinite number of persons are equipped with signs on which the following information is posted:

a) a conventional image of a vehicle (bus, trolleybus and tram) used to transport passengers and luggage on request;

b) names of the final and intermediate points of boarding (disembarkation) of passengers;

c) the start and end time of vehicle movement along the route;

d) schedule (for transportation of passengers and baggage carried out according to a schedule);

e) name, address and contact telephone numbers of the body providing control over the transportation of passengers and baggage.

100. Passenger pick-up (disembarkation) points used for transportation of an indefinite number of persons may be combined with stopping points on regular transport routes.

101. In addition to the information specified in paragraph 99 of these Rules, in addition to the information specified in paragraph 99 of these Rules, other information related to the transportation of passengers and baggage under orders may be placed on the signs at passenger pick-up (disembarkation) points used for transportation of an indefinite number of persons.

IV. Transportation of passengers and luggage by taxi

102. Transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxi is carried out on the basis of a public charter agreement concluded by the charterer directly with the driver of the passenger taxi or by accepting the charterer’s order for execution by the charterer.

103. The charterer’s order is accepted using any means of communication, as well as at the location of the charterer or his representative.

104. The charterer is obliged to register the charterer’s order accepted for execution in the registration log by entering the following information into it:

a) order number;

b) date of acceptance of the order;

c) order completion date;

d) place of pickup of a passenger taxi;

e) brand of passenger taxi, if the charter agreement provides for the charterer to choose the brand of passenger taxi;

f) the planned time of delivery of a passenger taxi.

105. In addition to the information specified in paragraph 104 of these Rules, the registration log may contain other information related to the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxis.

106. The number of the order accepted for execution is communicated to the charterer.

107. Upon arrival of a passenger taxi at the place of its delivery, the charterer informs the charterer of the location, state registration plate, make and body color of the passenger taxi, as well as the surname, first name and patronymic of the driver and the actual time of delivery of the passenger taxi.

108. When traveling to a permanent parking place after the end of the working day, a passenger taxi can be provided for transportation only to a destination located near the permanent parking place.

109. The route for transporting passengers and luggage by passenger taxi is determined by the charterer. If the specified route is not determined, the passenger taxi driver is obliged to carry out transportation along the shortest route.

110. Payment for the use of a passenger taxi provided for the transportation of passengers and luggage is determined regardless of the actual mileage of the passenger taxi and the actual time of use (in the form of a fixed fee) or on the basis of established tariffs, based on the actual distance of transportation and (or) actual time use of passenger taxis, determined in accordance with the readings of the taximeter, which in this case is equipped with the passenger taxi.

111. The charterer issues to the charterer a cash receipt or a receipt in the form of a strict reporting form confirming payment for the use of a passenger taxi. The specified receipt must contain the required details, which are presented in Appendix No. 5. In the receipt for payment for the use of a passenger taxi, it is allowed to place additional details that take into account the special conditions for the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxis.

112. In a passenger taxi, it is allowed to carry as hand luggage things that freely pass through doorways, do not dirty or damage the seats, and do not interfere with the driver’s control of the passenger taxi and the use of rear-view mirrors.

113. Baggage is transported in the luggage compartment of a passenger taxi. The dimensions of the luggage must allow it to be transported with the luggage compartment lid closed.

114. In passenger taxis it is prohibited to transport smelly and dangerous (flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive, etc.) substances, bladed weapons and firearms without covers and packaging, things (objects) that contaminate vehicles or passengers’ clothing. It is allowed to transport in passenger taxis dogs in muzzles with leashes and bedding, small animals and birds in cages with a solid bottom (baskets, boxes, containers, etc.), if this does not interfere with the driver of driving a passenger taxi and using rear-view mirrors.

115. A passenger taxi is equipped with an orange identification lamp, which is installed on the roof of the vehicle and turns on when the passenger taxi is ready to transport passengers and luggage.

116. A color scheme is applied to the body of a passenger taxi, which is a composition of squares of contrasting colors arranged in a checkerboard pattern.

117. The following information is placed on the front panel of a passenger taxi to the right of the driver:

a) full or short name of the charterer;

b) terms of payment for using a passenger taxi;

c) driver’s business card with photo;

d) name, address and contact telephone numbers of the body providing control over the transportation of passengers and baggage.

118. A passenger taxi must contain rules for using the relevant vehicle, which are provided to the charterer upon his request.

119. A passenger taxi traveling to a permanent parking place is equipped with a sign with the inscription “To the park”, which is placed in the upper part of the windshield. The height of this plate must not exceed 140 mm.

120. To verify compliance with the requirements for registration and equipment of passenger taxis provided for in paragraphs 110 and these Rules, the charterer is obliged to allow government officials authorized to carry out such an inspection into the passenger taxi.

121. The taxi rank is equipped with an information sign containing the following information:

a) the inscription “Taxi rank”;

b) operating hours of the taxi rank;

c) name, address and contact telephone numbers of the body providing control over the transportation of passengers and baggage.

V. Forgotten and found things

122. Persons who find forgotten items in a vehicle or on the territory of a bus station or bus station are required to report this to the conductor (driver) or an authorized official of the owner of the bus station or bus station.

123. The conductor (driver) or an authorized official of the owner of the bus station, bus station, who received a message about the discovery of forgotten items, organizes a check for the absence of items in these items that threaten the life and health of passengers, workers of road transport and urban ground electric transport.

124. If the check does not establish the presence of items in the forgotten things that threaten the life and health of passengers, workers of road transport and urban ground electric transport, the conductor (driver) or an authorized official of the owner of the bus station, the bus station that organized such a check, draw up a general act with a detailed description of the appearance of the things found and the circumstances of their discovery. A copy of the act is issued to the person who discovered the forgotten items.

125. The conductor (driver) transfers the forgotten and found items in the vehicle, along with the document against receipt, for storage to the authorized official of the owner of the bus station, bus station, which is located at the final point of the regular transportation route, or to the authorized official of the carrier or charterer.

126. Found and unclaimed items after the expiration of the storage period established by the owner of the bus station, bus station, carrier or charterer are subject to sale in the manner prescribed by Part 10 of Article 22 of the Federal Law “Charter of Road Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport”.

127. If, at the end of an intercity trip, a passenger who has arrived at an intermediate stopping point on the transportation route discovers that he has forgotten things in the vehicle, this passenger has the right to contact the duty officer of any bus station or bus station where this vehicle stops. The duty officer of a bus station, bus station, upon a written application from a passenger, is obliged to immediately send a telegram, fax, e-mail message or telephone message to the nearest bus station, bus station along the route of the vehicle, indicating in them the place occupied by the passenger, a description of the forgotten things and the requirement to forward them to passenger's location. In such cases, all costs associated with the return of items (sending a telegram, fax or telephone message, packaging, transportation, etc.) are borne by their owner.

128. The person who has demanded the release of the found things must prove his right to them by indicating in writing the exact characteristics of the things.

129. When receiving things, the person who demanded their release must pay for the services provided to him by the owner of the bus station, bus station, carrier or freighter who issued the found things, and also issue a receipt for the receipt of things indicating in it his permanent place of residence and the number of the document certifying his personality.

VI. The procedure for filing claims and drawing up reports

130. The circumstances that are the basis for the emergence of liability of carriers, charterers, charterers and passengers when transporting passengers and baggage or providing vehicles for transporting passengers and baggage are certified by commercial acts and acts of general form.

131. A commercial act is drawn up when the following circumstances are identified:

a) discrepancy between the name and number of pieces of baggage and the data specified in the baggage receipt;

b) damage (damage) to luggage;

c) absence of baggage indicated in the baggage receipt;

d) detection of unclaimed baggage.

132. A commercial act is drawn up by the carrier on the day the circumstances subject to formalization by the act are discovered. If the commercial act cannot be drawn up within the specified period, it must be drawn up within the next 24 hours.

133. The commercial act is drawn up in 2 copies and filled out without blots or any corrections.

134. A commercial act must contain the following information:

a) a description of the condition of the luggage and the circumstances under which it was discovered to be unsafe;

b) information on whether the baggage was loaded, placed and secured correctly;

c) a description of the violation of the requirements for loading, stowing or securing baggage.

135. The commercial act is signed by the carrier, as well as by the passenger if he participates in checking the baggage. At the request of the passenger, the carrier is obliged to issue a commercial act within 3 days. If the carrier refuses to draw up a commercial act or when drawing up a commercial act in violation of established requirements, the passenger submits to the carrier a statement of such violations in writing. The carrier is obliged to give the passenger a reasoned response to the application within 3 days. If the validity of the application is confirmed, the passenger will not be charged for storing luggage during the time spent on drawing up the commercial act.

136. If other circumstances are identified that are not provided for in paragraph 131 of these Rules, acts of general form are drawn up.

137. Claims arising in connection with the transportation of passengers and luggage or the provision of vehicles for the transportation of passengers and luggage are presented to carriers or charterers at their location.

138. The following documents confirming the applicant’s right to file a claim, or copies thereof, certified in the prescribed manner, are attached to the claim:

a) commercial act - in case of damage, shortage or damage to baggage accepted for transportation;

b) a general form act - in case of delay in delivery of baggage or termination of transportation of passengers and baggage on order at the initiative of the charterer;

c) ticket - in case of delay in departure or delay in arrival of a vehicle performing regular transportation of passengers and luggage in intercity traffic;

d) a charter agreement or work order for the provision of a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and luggage - in the event of failure to provide a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and luggage as ordered.

Appendix No. 1
to the Rules for the carriage of passengers and
luggage by road and
urban ground
electric transport

Forms and required ticket details

With changes and additions from:

1. The following forms of tickets are allowed:

a) form N 1 - a one-time ticket for travel in suburban and intercity traffic with a fixed date and time of departure;

b) form No. 2 - a one-time ticket for travel in urban and suburban traffic with an open departure date within the specified period;

c) form No. 3 - a one-time ticket for travel in urban and suburban traffic in the vehicle in which the ticket was purchased;

d) form No. 4 - a long-term ticket for travel in urban and suburban traffic, granting the right to a fixed number of trips during a specified period of validity;

e) form N 5 - a long-term ticket for travel in urban and suburban traffic, granting the right to travel within a fixed amount;

f) form No. 6 - a long-term ticket for travel in urban and suburban traffic, granting the right to an unlimited number of trips during the specified period of validity;

g) form N 7 - one-time personalized ticket.

2. Ticket in form N 1

d) ticket validity area;

e) date of departure;

f) time of departure;

g) date of arrival;

h) time of arrival;

k) date of ticket sale;

l) time of ticket sale.

3. A ticket in Form No. 2 must include the following mandatory details:

a) name, series and number of the ticket;

b) name of the organization that issued the ticket;

c) the type of vehicle transporting the passenger;

d) the period of use of the ticket;

e) ticket validity area;

e) the cost of the ticket.

4. A ticket in Form No. 3 must include the following mandatory details:

a) name, series and number of the ticket;

b) name of the organization that issued the ticket;

c) the type of vehicle transporting the passenger;

d) the cost of the ticket.

5. A ticket in Form No. 4 must include the following mandatory details:

a) name, series and number of the ticket;

b) name of the organization that issued the ticket;

c) the type of vehicle transporting the passenger;

d) number of trips;

e) period of use of the ticket;

f) validity period of the ticket;

g) ticket validity area;

h) ticket price;

i) the number of unused trips.

6. A ticket in Form No. 5 must include the following mandatory details:

a) name, series and number of the ticket;

b) name of the organization that issued the ticket;

c) the type of vehicle transporting the passenger;

d) the amount deposited;

e) ticket validity area;

f) the balance of the deposited amount.

7. A ticket in Form No. 6 must include the following mandatory details:

a) name, series and number of the ticket;

b) name of the organization that issued the ticket;

c) the type of vehicle transporting the passenger;

Approved by Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 2, 2008 No. 797-PP (as amended by Moscow Government Decrees No. 663-PP dated November 20, 2012, No. 55-PP dated February 18, 2014, No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014, December 15, 2015 No. 880-PP, dated 03/01/2016 No. 62-PP, dated 08/30/2017 No. 596-PP)

1. General Provisions

1.1. The rules for the use of public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences, the Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 N 2300- 1 "On the protection of consumer rights", Federal Law dated November 8, 2007 N 259-FZ "Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport", Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 N 1090 "On Road Rules" traffic" (hereinafter - Traffic Rules), Moscow City Law No. 45 of November 21, 2007 "Moscow City Code on Administrative Offences".

(Clause 1.1 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

1.2. These Rules determine the procedure for using public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) equipped with automated fare control system devices and carrying passengers using travel tickets and tariffs established by the Moscow Government.

1.3. Lost power. - Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP.

1.4. These Rules must be located in the interiors of rolling stock of public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses).

1.5. The operating mode of public ground urban transport in the city of Moscow is established by the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow. Information about the operating hours of public ground urban transport routes is posted at stopping points located along the routes and on the official website of the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow.

(Clause 1.5 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 55-PP dated February 18, 2014)

2. Passenger transport enterprises (carriers) are obliged to:

2.1. Ensure the transportation of passengers of all categories, including persons with disabilities, to their destination according to the established route.

2.2. Ensure that there are stencils at stopping points with information about the names of stops, numbers and operating modes of passing routes, indicating the final stops of these routes, ensuring access to information for people with visual and hearing impairments.

2.3. Observe the established schedules of traffic intervals on public ground urban transport routes (trams, trolleybuses, buses).

2.4. In case of planned changes or closures of routes, notify the population through the media or by posting announcements at stopping points.

2.5. When promptly changing the route, notify the population by placing announcements at stopping points and by equipping rolling stock with information signs.

2.6. Before leaving for the line, ensure the proper technical and sanitary condition of the salons, equipment, internal and external design of the rolling stock in accordance with established requirements.

(Clause 2.6 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

2.7. Ensure the safety of passenger transportation. For improper fulfillment of the transportation conditions established by the relevant regulatory and legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, the carrier’s liability arises in accordance with current legislation.

3. Responsibilities of the driver of public ground urban transport (tram, trolleybus, bus)

3.1. The driver is obliged:

3.1.1. If you discover or receive information from passengers about the presence of objects in the cabin of the rolling stock that may pose a danger to life and health, as well as the smell of burning, smoke, fire, or exposure to electric current, act according to the instructions.

3.1.2. Strictly comply with the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulations.

3.1.3. Ensure the transportation of passengers in strict accordance with the requirements of the operation of rolling stock, road safety and passenger transportation.

3.1.4. Dispatch a tram, trolleybus, or bus from a stopping point only with the doors closed after passengers have boarded and disembarked.

3.1.5. Inform passengers, including those with visual and hearing impairments, about the name of each stopping point and the one following it, and transmit other necessary information using a voice recorder and special means.

3.1.6. In the event of a malfunction of warning devices, their absence, as well as in case of a prompt change in the route, announce information via microphone along the entire route until the malfunction of the devices is eliminated or the warning devices are installed and until the route is restored.

3.1.7. Sale of travel tickets only at bus stops.

3.1.8. Issue travel tickets to passengers after receiving payment for travel at the established tariff.

3.1.9. Limit the boarding of passengers depending on the occupancy of the tram, trolleybus or bus after notifying passengers about the end of boarding.

3.1.10. Lost power. - Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP.

3.1.11. Observe the route of the established route and the given schedule of public ground urban passenger transport.

3.1.12. Carry out boarding and disembarking of passengers at equipped stopping points provided for by the route diagram, with the exception of emergency situations.

3.1.13. When driving along an established route of public surface urban transport, ensure that the vehicle has information signs about the route number, as well as the names of the starting, final and main intermediate stopping points.

(Clause 3.1.13 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

3.1.14. Ensure safe boarding and alighting, including through the second door, as well as comfortable travel conditions for wheelchair users, people with mobility impairments and people with visual and hearing impairments.

3.2. Other responsibilities of the driver are determined by his job description.

4. Entry and exit procedures

4.1. Entry and exit of passengers is permitted only at stopping points after a tram, trolleybus, or bus has completely stopped.

4.2. Passengers are required to follow the order when entering a tram, trolleybus, or bus and when exiting them.

(as amended by the resolution of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

4.3. Entrance to a tram, trolleybus, or bus equipped with turnstiles is through the front door. With a turnstile-free travel system, passengers enter through all doors of the vehicle and pay for the fare through ticket control and redemption devices located at the corresponding doors.

(Clause 4.3 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

4.4. Exit from a tram, trolleybus, or bus equipped with turnstiles is made through all doors except the front door. With a turnstile-free travel system, exiting a tram, trolleybus, or bus is done through all doors. To exit, passengers must signal the driver in advance by pressing the bell button.

(Clause 4.4 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

4.5. Passengers with a stroller, disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders, visually impaired people with a guide dog, or those with a white cane can enter a tram, trolleybus or bus equipped with turnstiles through the second door after passengers exit.

(Clause 4.5 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

4.6. Wheelchair users are allowed to enter a tram, trolleybus, or bus specially equipped for the disabled through the second door after passengers exit.

4.7. When entering or exiting a tram, trolleybus, or bus, passengers must hold on to the handrails to avoid injury.

4.8. Entry of passengers with a bicycle into a tram, trolleybus, or bus is permitted if it is possible to place the bicycle on the storage area of ​​the tram, trolleybus, or bus. Passengers with a bicycle can enter a tram, trolleybus or bus equipped with turnstiles through the second door after the passengers exit.

(Clause 4.8 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

5. Procedure for paying for travel and carrying hand luggage

5.1. Payment for travel in accordance with current tariffs is made at the entrance to the tram, trolleybus, bus by redeeming the ticket through the control and ticket redemption device. Travel tickets on magnetic stripe media are passed through the tray of the ticket control and redemption device. Travel tickets on a medium without a magnetic stripe (hereinafter referred to as contactless travel tickets) are brought to the target of the ticket control and redemption device. It is not recommended to store travel tickets with sources of electromagnetic radiation in places of high humidity and high temperatures, or expose them to chemical and mechanical influence. When exercising the right to free travel, passengers, upon entering a tram, trolleybus, or bus, register their trip by presenting a Muscovite social card (SKM), a social card of a resident of the Moscow region (SKMO), to the target of the ticket control and redemption device. The categories of passengers specified in paragraphs 4.5, 4.6 and 4.8 of these Rules, when entering a tram, trolleybus, bus, equipped with turnstiles, pay for travel through the second door (register the trip) in transport through a ticket control and redemption device installed at the second door, and in its absence - through the ticket control and redemption device installed at the front door.

(Clause 5.1 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 596-PP dated August 30, 2017)

5.1(1). To pay for travel (register a trip), a contactless travel ticket, SKM, SKMO must be brought parallel to the target of the ticket control and redemption device, applied to it and held in this position for at least 2 seconds.

(clause 5.1(1) introduced by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 30, 2017 N 596-PP)

5.1(2). Payment for travel (registration of a trip) is confirmed by the green indication of light elements located on the bodies of the turnstile and (or) the ticket control and redemption device, and (or) the corresponding message in the information line on the display of the ticket control and redemption device.

(clause 5.1(2) introduced by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

5.2. Payment for the carriage of hand luggage (the size of which in the sum of measurements in length, width, height exceeds 120 cm) is made by redeeming a ticket for the carriage of hand luggage, which does not give the passenger the right to travel. When transporting paid hand luggage, the passenger must first redeem through the control and redemption device tickets, a ticket for carrying hand luggage, and then a travel ticket to pay for your travel. Travel documents for categories of citizens entitled to free travel or travel with incomplete payment for travel do not entitle them to free transportation of hand luggage.

5.3. Travel tickets for paying for travel on trams, trolleybuses, buses are purchased at specialized points for the sale of travel tickets for travel on public urban passenger transport, from drivers, conductors, distributors, as well as in retail outlets of organizations that have contracts for the sale of travel tickets.

(Clause 5.3 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

5.4. Valid tickets are only travel tickets intended for travel on public ground transport in the city of Moscow.

5.5. Invalid travel tickets are:

5.5.1. Expired tickets.

5.5.2. Tickets for a limited number of trips with the travel limit exhausted.

5.5.3. Unlawfully used SKM, SKMO, discount ticket for pupils and students on public ground urban passenger transport, on a commuter bus without a travel limit (discount ticket for students).

(Clause 5.5.3 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 596-PP dated August 30, 2017)

5.5.4. Tickets placed on the stop list. Stop list - a list of numbers and series of travel tickets, SKM, SKMO, discount tickets for students, the validity of which was stopped by the carrier in connection with the receipt of information about identified facts from the authorized government body or subordinate organizations (state institutions and unitary enterprises) of government bodies unlawful issuance or withdrawal from circulation of these travel tickets, SKM, SKMO, discount tickets for students.

(Clause 5.5.4 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

5.5.5. Faulty tickets are travel tickets that have a damaged magnetic stripe or recording on the magnetic stripe, tickets that have mechanical damage, as well as contactless travel tickets that cannot be read. A faulty ticket is not accepted by the ticket control and redemption device.

5.6. Exchange of faulty travel tickets is carried out at specialized points for the sale of travel tickets for travel on public urban passenger transport in accordance with the current instructions for the exchange of travel tickets, approved by the transport company. Travel tickets that have external damage, including mechanical, thermal, cannot be exchanged , chemical or other. A travel ticket without a travel limit, as well as a “Wallet” travel ticket, which provides the right to make trips within the amount paid, that have mechanical, thermal, chemical or other external damage, are restored by the transport company after paying the cost of their production (with the restoration of the paid validity period) after the passenger has handed them over to a specialized point for the sale of travel tickets for travel on public city passenger transport.

(as amended by the resolution of the Moscow Government dated December 15, 2015 N 880-PP)

Lost travel tickets (including those on contactless media) cannot be restored or blocked.

(Clause 5.6 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

5.7. In case of failure of a tram, trolleybus, bus equipped with turnstiles, SCM or other documents on the basis of which the right of free travel or travel with incomplete payment is granted, and not included in the stop list, the driver is obliged to let the passenger into the vehicle through the second door .

(Clause 5.7 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

6. Directions

6.1. The list of categories of citizens entitled to free travel or partial payment of travel in public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) is determined in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

6.2. The passenger is obliged:

6.2.1. Pay for travel (register a trip) in the manner established in paragraph 5.1 of these Rules. One redemption of a travel ticket entitles the passenger to only one pass for a trip in one direction.

(Clause 6.2.1 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

6.2.1(1). With a turnstile-free travel system, make sure that the fare payment (trip registration) is processed through the ticket control and redemption device in accordance with clause 5.1(2) of these Rules.

(clause 6.2.1(1) introduced by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

6.2.2. Keep travel tickets redeemed in the ticket control and redemption device until the end of the trip.

6.2.3. When traveling, have documents confirming the passenger’s right to free travel or partial payment for travel.

6.2.4. Present for verification (hand over) to the controllers of public ground urban transport and conductors all types of travel tickets, as well as documents for the right to travel free of charge or for partial payment of travel. The controllers of public ground urban transport in the city of Moscow are officials authorized by the carrier (carrier controllers), as well as officials of the State Public Institution "Transportation Organizer" (controllers of the State Institution "Transportation Organizer").

(Clause 6.2.4 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

6.2.5. If the carrier's controllers identify the fact of travel without payment, carriage without payment of paid hand luggage in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of these Rules for hand luggage, as well as the fact of presentation of invalid travel tickets to confirm payment for travel, transportation of paid hand luggage, the passenger is obliged to pay for travel, transportation of paid hand luggage by purchasing travel ticket sold by the carrier's controllers at a set price, and redeem the travel ticket through the ticket redemption control device. In case of refusal, present the travel document (ticket) to the carrier's controller for verification in accordance with paragraph 6.2.4 of these Rules, pay for travel and (or) transportation When carrying paid hand luggage, the passenger must leave the tram, trolleybus or bus at the nearest stop.

(Clause 6.2.5 as amended by the resolution of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

6.2.6. To avoid injury while moving a tram, trolleybus, or bus, hold on to the handrails.

6.2.7. The front seats in the cabin, marked with special inscriptions or symbols, are intended for disabled people, the elderly, passengers with children and pregnant women. Other passengers occupying these seats are required to vacate them for the indicated persons.

6.2.8. Maintain public order in public ground transport.

6.2.9. Upon arrival at the final stop of the route, vacate the interior of the tram, trolleybus, or bus.

6.2.10. When purchasing a ticket from the driver, prepare payment for the fare in advance, do not delay or impede the movement of other passengers.

(clause 6.2.10 introduced by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

6.3. The passenger has the right:

6.3.1. Carry with you free of charge: Children under 7 years of age. Baby stroller. Children sledges. One piece of hand luggage not exceeding the sum of three dimensions (height, length, width) 120 cm. One pair of skis in a case or other sports equipment in a case or bag. Animals and birds in cages with a solid bottom (baskets, boxes, containers, etc.), if the dimensions of these cages (baskets, boxes, containers, etc.) do not exceed the dimensions of hand luggage established in paragraph of these Rules.

(Clause as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014) Musical instrument in a case or cover. One bicycle on the storage area of ​​the interior of a tram, trolleybus, bus, subject to conditions that exclude inconvenience for the passage of passengers (the bicycle must be held by the passenger while moving, excluding its spontaneous movement around the cabin, subject to the requirements of paragraph 6.2.6 of these Rules).

(clause introduced by Decree of the Moscow Government dated February 18, 2014 N 55-PP)

6.3.2. Travel without additional fare in the next tram, trolleybus or bus that has left the line due to a fault if you have a travel ticket redeemed on the faulty tram, trolleybus or bus.

6.3.3. If you discover a fault with your travel ticket, contact a specialized point for selling travel tickets for travel on public city passenger transport to exchange it.

(as amended by the resolution of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

6.3.4. Carry pets, including guide dogs for the visually impaired, under conditions that do not disturb passengers (dogs must be muzzled and on a short leash).

(Clause 6.3.4 as amended by the resolution of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

6.4. Passengers are prohibited from:

6.4.1. Travel on a tram, trolleybus, or bus without paying a fare.

6.4.2. Travel in soiled clothing, carry foul-smelling and dangerous (flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive and other) substances, bladed weapons and firearms without cases or packaging, as well as things (objects) that contaminate vehicles or passengers’ clothing.

(Clause 6.4.2 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

6.4.3. Smoking in the cabin.

6.4.4. Be in a state of intoxication in the cabin, drink alcohol or alcohol-containing products, use narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.

6.4.5. Damage rolling stock and equipment located in the cabin.

6.4.6. Unauthorizedly activate door opening mechanisms, fire extinguishing equipment, emergency hatch levers, emergency exit rings and other equipment, as well as interfere with the closing and opening of doors, unless this is required to prevent accidents associated with a threat to the life and health of passengers.

6.4.7. Leaning out of windows, placing hand luggage on seats and contaminating seats.

6.4.8. Distract the driver and talk to him while driving.

6.4.9. Travel on invalid travel tickets.

6.4.10. Travel on a preferential travel document or ticket issued to another person.

6.4.11. Carry hand luggage whose total dimensions in length, width and height exceed 180 centimeters, as well as long items over 190 centimeters (except for skis in a case).

(Clause 6.4.11 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

6.4.12. Ride on the running boards and other elements of the body of rolling stock of public surface urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) that are not intended for travel.

6.4.13. Lost power. - Decree of the Moscow Government dated March 1, 2016 No. 62-PP.

6.4.14. Pick up objects and things that have been forgotten or left by unidentified persons. If you find forgotten (abandoned) objects, things, documents or any valuables in public ground public transport (tram, trolleybus, bus), as well as feeling the impact of electric current, the smell of burning, smoke or fire, the passenger must immediately inform the driver about it .

6.4.15. Carry out professional photography and video shooting in the interiors of rolling stock of public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) without permission from the administration of transport enterprises.

6.4.16. Violate the procedure for transporting pets set out in paragraphs and 6.3.4 of these Rules.

6.5. It is prohibited to apply inscriptions, images, place information and advertising materials on the external and internal surfaces of public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses), as well as on public urban transport infrastructure facilities, except those related to the order of their operation and (or) applied (placed) as part of the execution of a government contract or other agreement concluded with the authorized executive body of the city of Moscow, a state unitary enterprise of the city of Moscow or a government agency of the city of Moscow.

(as amended by the resolution of the Moscow Government dated March 1, 2016 N 62-PP)

7. Monitoring compliance with these Rules by passengers, payment of travel, carriage of hand luggage and responsibility of passengers

7.1. Control over compliance by passengers with these Rules, as well as over the availability of tram, trolleybus, and bus passengers with tickets that have been redeemed in these vehicles, during the entire operation of public ground urban transport is carried out by controllers of public ground urban transport.

(Clause 7.1 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

7.2. A person traveling without a ticket is:

7.2.1. Found during an inspection in a vehicle without a travel ticket, with the exception of persons accompanying disabled people of the first group and disabled children.

7.2.2. Presenting a travel ticket without a redemption mark.

7.2.3. Presenting a fake travel ticket.

7.2.4. Presenting a travel ticket whose validity has expired.

7.2.5. Presenting a SKM, SKMO or student discount ticket that does not belong to this person or whose validity has expired.

(Clause 7.2.5 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 596-PP dated August 30, 2017)

7.2.6. Presenting a previously used travel ticket.

7.2.7. Presenting a travel ticket intended for a person who has been granted an advantage in paying for travel, but does not have a document confirming the right to provide the specified advantage.

7.2.8. Refused to present a travel document (ticket) confirming the fact of payment for travel.

(Clause 7.2 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

7.3. Checking payment for travel and carriage of hand luggage is carried out in the cabin of the rolling stock of public ground public transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses).

7.3(1). When a passenger presents to the controller of public ground transport to confirm the fact of payment for travel, the travel ticket specified in paragraphs 7.2.3, 7.2.4, 7.2.6, 7.2.7 of these Rules, as well as SKM or SKMO or a discount ticket for students who do not belong to this person or whose validity period has expired, these documents are subject to seizure in the prescribed manner. The seizure of a travel ticket (document) is documented in an act in two copies, the first copy is issued to the passenger who presented the specified travel ticket (document), and the second copy remains with the controller.

(clause 7.3(1) introduced by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

7.4. For damage to the rolling stock of public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses), as well as their equipment and road maintenance facilities (tram tracks, contact lines, etc.), liability arises in accordance with the law. Damages may also be recovered from the perpetrators in accordance with the procedure established by law.

7.5. Violation of these Rules entails administrative liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow. Payment of the cost of travel, carriage of paid hand luggage in the manner prescribed by paragraph 6.2.5 of these Rules, or refusal to pay does not exempt the passenger from paying fines for ticketless travel and carriage of unpaid baggage in public land transport, established by the legislation of the city of Moscow on administrative offenses .(paragraph introduced by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

The powers to draw up protocols and consider cases of administrative offenses provided for in Articles 10.1, 10.5 of Moscow City Law No. 45 of November 21, 2007 “Moscow City Code on Administrative Offences” are assigned to the controllers of the State Public Institution “Transportation Organizer”. (paragraph introduced by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

8. Responsibilities and rights of the controller of public ground urban transport

8.1. When working on the line, the controller of public ground transport is required to have an official identification card and present it at the first request of the passenger and state his last name.

(Clause 8.1 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

8.2. When working on the line, the controller of public ground urban transport has the right and obligation to:

8.2.1. Monitor passengers' compliance with these Rules, including the correct payment for travel and carry-on luggage.

8.2.2. If it is established that passengers have violated the requirements of these Rules, take, within the limits of their powers, in relation to the persons who committed the violations, measures provided for by law and clauses 6.2.5, 7.3(1) and 7.5 of these Rules.

1. The rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are valid throughout Russia and are mandatory for all legal entities and individuals transporting passengers and luggage by road in the Russian Federation.

2. The rules are approved, put into effect, amended, supplemented and canceled by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

3. The purpose of these rules is to establish the rights, duties and responsibilities of passengers and carriers, as well as the procedure for their relationships when carrying out passenger transportation by road in the Russian Federation.

4. Passenger transportation on urban, suburban, intercity routes is carried out by carriers regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership according to the uniform Rules for the transportation of passengers and baggage in the Russian Federation in the presence of a valid license, a compulsory insurance agreement for passengers on intercity routes, according to schedules agreed upon with the relevant executive authorities.

5. Terms contained in the Rules:

bus - a motor vehicle designed to transport passengers and having at least 9 seats, not counting the driver's seat;

bus station (an association of bus stations and passenger bus stations) - an organization that provides transport, forwarding, transportation activities and other services to passengers;

bus station - a structure on a highway for serving passengers;

luggage - items packed for departure and transported separately from passengers;

baggage receipt - a document confirming acceptance of baggage for transportation;

ticket - a document of the established form, approved by the Ministry of Finance of Russia, certifying the passenger’s right to use the bus for a fee and confirming the conclusion of a public contract of carriage between the passenger and the carrier;

driver - a person who drives a vehicle and is directly involved in the process of road traffic;

road - a strip of land or a surface of an artificial structure equipped and used for the movement of vehicles;

hand luggage - items packed for transportation, carried by the passenger free of charge;

route - the established route of the bus between certain points;

passenger - an individual who, in pursuance of a contract of carriage (public contract), concluded on his behalf or by himself, is transported for a fee or free of charge by the carrier;

carrier - an organization or entrepreneur providing transport and forwarding services to passengers on transport routes of all categories;

traffic schedule - a schedule, table containing information about the time, place and sequence of the flight;

flight - the route of the bus from the starting point to the final point of the route;

route diagram - a graphic representation of the route with symbols;

tariff - a set of payment rates for the transportation of passengers and luggage;

stencil - a pointer to inform passengers about the route and operating hours of the bus.

6. Passengers are transported:

a) on route buses;

b) on buses provided to enterprises, institutions and organizations, as well as under contracts or individual orders;

c) in taxis, incl. route;

d) in passenger cars provided for official use, as well as to citizens on separate orders or on rental terms.

7. The movement of route buses and route taxis is organized according to schedules.

Traffic schedules on urban, suburban and intra-district routes are approved in agreement with the relevant local governments or structures authorized by them.

Schedules for buses and taxis on intercity and intraregional routes are approved by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

8. Approval of interregional, interkrai, interrepublican bus routes, as well as schedules and tariffs, is carried out by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that connect this route, in agreement with the regional transport structures through whose territory the route passes.

9. Carriers provide transportation of passengers to the point of destination, and in the case of the passenger handing over their luggage to the carrier, also delivery of the luggage to the point of destination and handing it over to the passenger or the person authorized to receive the luggage.

10. The passenger is responsible for traveling without a travel document (ticket) or with invalid travel documents, as well as for causing damage to rolling stock in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities.

Categories of passengers entitled to preferential travel, the procedure for providing these benefits are established by state authorities of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, as well as local government bodies within their competence.


Requirements for city routes

Urban routes include routes passing within the city limits (another populated area).

12. Routes must provide transport links between residential and industrial areas of the city, connections with cultural, social, sports and recreational enterprises, train stations, airports, stations, platforms, marinas, etc.

13. In accordance with the specifics of serving the population, routes can have several operating modes:

a) permanent routes, operating during a specified period of the day, all days of the week, months;

b) additional routes operating during limited periods of the day, usually during peak hours;

c) seasonal routes, organized during the operation of recreation areas, sports and recreation complexes, fairs, etc.;

d) special routes operating on a contractual basis;

e) temporary routes, introduced in the event of unforeseen situations on the road network, closure of individual sections, transport hubs and areas.

14. The routes pass along the city’s road network, including federal and local highways, streets and driveways, road structures, subject to operating requirements:

b) on the placement and maintenance of stopping points;

c) by lighting the route;

d) on the presence and maintenance of the alarm system and communications, road signs and road markings;

e) for timely pruning of green spaces located along routes.

15. Routes according to traffic modes are divided into:

a) regular routes with all stops (with an average haul length of 0.4 - 0.6 km);

b) semi-express routes with stopping points at large passenger-generating and transfer hubs with a haul length of 1.0 to 2.5 km;

c) express routes with a minimum number of intermediate stopping points, connecting large passenger generating points with train stations, airports, marinas, etc.;

d) excursion routes.

16. Stopping points on routes are located taking into account the safe and convenient approach of passengers, subject to the rules of the road and the rules of technical operation of such points.

17. The stopping point must be equipped with:

a) a stop sign with information about the type of passenger transport, route numbers, the name of this point, the final points of the route, traffic intervals by periods of the day, and for traffic intervals of more than 30 minutes. - time of passage of rolling stock through this point. If the route operates only during certain periods of the day, the relevant information is provided on the stop sign;

b) a landing area limited by a side stone on the side of the roadway;

c) a pavilion (if there is space on the street network) for passengers waiting for transport.

18. The creation of new routes is carried out by passenger transport organizations in agreement with local governments.

Fare payment

19. The level of tariffs for passenger transportation and baggage transportation is established by local government bodies, as well as executive power.

20. The passenger must have a travel document (ticket) of the established form or another document confirming his right to travel.

21. Pre-sale of travel tickets is carried out at the ticket offices of bus stations, bus stations, specially created sales points, as well as through trade organizations, by drivers or conductors of passenger transport.

22. Notification of the population about the upcoming change in tariffs for passenger transportation must be carried out through the media no later than 15 days before the introduction of new tariffs.

Conditions and procedure for passenger travel

23. Passengers can board and disembark only at stopping points. If there are on-demand stops along the route, the passenger must notify the driver in advance of the need to stop the vehicle. When passengers are at this stopping point, the driver is obliged to stop the vehicle.

24. When traveling, a passenger is obliged to keep the purchased travel document for the entire duration of the trip and present it or a document confirming the right to travel at the first request of persons specially authorized to carry out control.

25. The driver (conductor) is obliged, when boarding passengers, to periodically remind them of the need to pay for the fare.

26. Boarding and disembarking of passengers is carried out in the following sequence:

a) in buses with one door - first disembarkation and then boarding;

b) in buses with two doors - passengers disembark through both doors and board through the back door;

c) on buses with three doors - disembarkation through all doors, and boarding through the back and middle doors.

27. Passengers with preschool children, pregnant women, disabled people and elderly citizens have the right to board through the front door of the bus.

28. A passenger who has a monthly or single ticket or other document confirming the right to travel must present it when boarding the bus.

29. On urban and suburban routes, a passenger has the right to carry with him free of charge one child under 7 years of age inclusive, if he does not occupy a separate seat.

When traveling with a passenger several children under the age of 7 years inclusive, travel tickets are purchased for each child except one.

30. For passengers with preschool children, pregnant women, disabled people and elderly citizens, 6 to 12 front seats are allocated in the bus, depending on its capacity. Other passengers occupying these seats must vacate them for the indicated persons.

31. The driver is obliged to send the bus away from the stop only with the doors closed after the complete disembarkation and boarding of passengers, to clearly and correctly announce the stops, and when changing the route, to announce this at each stop point. Overcrowding of the bus interior beyond the established total capacity established for a particular type of bus is not permitted.

32. In the event of a bus being removed from the line due to a malfunction, accident, etc. The travel documents issued to passengers are valid for travel on another bus on the same route. Passengers are transferred to another rolling stock by the driver of the bus removed from the route.

33. When traveling on a bus, the following is prohibited: passengers traveling while intoxicated, passengers and the driver smoking in the bus, opening windows without the driver’s permission, carrying items prohibited for transportation specified in these Rules.

Baggage transportation

34. The passenger has the right to carry with him free of charge - one piece of hand luggage measuring up to 60 cm x 40 cm x 20 cm, including small animals and birds in cages, one pair of skis (children's sleds), and a baby stroller. Carriage of one piece of baggage measuring more than 60 cm x 40 cm x 20 cm, but not more than 100 cm x 50 cm x 30 cm is subject to a fee in accordance with the tariff.

35. Packing and transportation of luggage must completely exclude the possibility of causing any damage to passengers and the vehicle.

36. The cost of baggage transportation is established in the same manner as the cost of passenger travel.

Registration of deposit of found items

127. Found items are subject to mandatory surrender at the end of the trip or shift to the head (duty officer) of the bus station (bus station), and in their absence - to the duty dispatcher of the motor transport organization.

128. The head (duty officer) of a bus station (bus station) or the duty dispatcher of a motor transport organization is obliged, in the presence of the person who delivered the found items, to draw up a report in two copies.

129. At bus terminals (bus stations), in the control rooms of motor transport organizations there should be two books of report forms.

If one of the deed books is missing, registration of the next delivery of found items is carried out using the second book.

These books are issued by the accounting department of the motor transport organization, where they are recorded in off-balance sheet accounts as strict reporting forms.

130. After drawing up the act, things are subject to delivery to the warehouse of forgotten things against the receipt of the storekeeper on both copies of the act, one of which remains in the book of acts, and the other is transferred to the storekeeper along with the things.

131. The head (duty officer) of a bus station (bus station) or the duty dispatcher of a motor transport organization is obliged to give the passenger an appropriate explanation on the issue relating to the search for his lost things.

Accounting for found items

132. When things arrive at the warehouse, their compliance with the entries in the deed book must be checked.

133. Items accepted into the warehouse must be entered into a special book of records of found items, which is maintained in the prescribed form () and issued by a motor transport organization for safekeeping to the manager of the warehouse of found items.

134. If things do not correspond to the entries in the act, the things are not accepted into the warehouse and are returned along with the act for clarification and appropriate registration.

Storing found items

135. Found items, with the exception of those specified in these Rules, must be stored directly in the warehouse of found items for three months in a room specially equipped for this purpose, preventing theft or damage.

Cardboard labels are attached to items accepted at the warehouse indicating the place of initial delivery of the items found, the date of delivery and the act number.

136. Food products, including canned ones, after 10 days, and in loose form and perishables - after 24 hours of storage, must be transferred to local catering organizations as food waste or destroyed.

The transfer or destruction of food products is formalized by an act of the commission, which in each specific case is appointed by order of the motor transport organization.

137. Found items received at the warehouse:

a) weapons, cartridges and explosives must be immediately transferred according to the act to local internal affairs bodies;

b) identity cards and passports are transferred according to the act to the relevant authorities at the location of the motor transport organization;

c) money, including foreign currency, government loan bonds, other securities, gold, silver items and other valuables are subject to transfer according to an act no later than the next day to the cash desk of a motor transport organization, which, within 24 hours after receiving these valuables, must transfer them for storage to local branch of the bank serving the motor transport organization, with registration of the transfer of valuables in the prescribed manner.

138. If the owner fails to claim things or valuables within six months of storage, motor transport enterprises or organizations are obliged to:

Transfer the money temporarily in the current account to the local budget;

Other items located in the warehouse of found items, at the direction of local authorities, become municipal property.

Delivery of found items

147. Orders from organizations, as well as citizens, for buses are made in writing ().

Orders for the provision of buses for transporting passengers over a distance of up to 50 km inclusive are submitted to the motor transport organization no later than one day before the delivery date of the bus, and for transporting passengers over 50 km - no later than three days.

148. Tourist and excursion transportation is carried out by transport organizations under contracts with tourist and excursion organizations, as well as independently, in the provision of paid services to the population.

The movement of tourist and excursion buses on long routes is allowed from 6 to 22 hours.

149. Execution of contracts for tourist and excursion transportation is carried out upon receipt from the customer organization of a completed order form indicating the destination, route, intended stopping places, the number of passengers transported, the name of the person responsible for the transportation (group leader, tour guide), duration of stay with the customer.

150. In the case of regular tourist and excursion transportation outside the region (region, republic), the customer organization enters into contracts with organizations of other regions (regions, republics) for maintenance, security and preparation of the bus for the return trip or pays the carrier the cost of services upon conclusion them contracts themselves.

Group leaders maintain proper order among passengers, paying special attention to children, disabled people and the elderly while driving, when boarding and disembarking the bus, and during stops along the route.


175. Passenger cars - taxis for individual use must be technically sound, ensure traffic safety, and have appropriate equipment inside and outside the car.

176. Taxi transportation is carried out on the basis of a license issued by the territorial bodies of the Russian Federation transport inspection to organizations or entrepreneurs.

In addition to organizational issues, the license specifies the list of services provided to passengers, the type and procedure for determining the applicable tariffs, and the mode of operation of cars - taxis on the line.

Travel conditions

177. Boarding and disembarking of passengers into cars - taxis is possible:

At specially equipped taxi stands;

On sections of the street and road network where stopping of the corresponding rolling stock is permitted;

At the places where cars are delivered there are taxis according to passenger orders.

178. At designated parking lots, taxi cars are hired on a first-come, first-served basis.

The right of priority boarding in taxi cars is enjoyed by passengers with infants, pregnant women, disabled people with obvious signs of disability or upon presentation of a document certifying their disability, participants of the Great Patriotic War who have the appropriate certificate, as well as passengers with special trans-agency coupons purchased en route travel by other modes of transport.

Taxi cars are not provided for the transportation of infectious patients and persons in a drunken state.

Collective car rental - taxis in parking lots are permitted with the consent of the first passenger in line.

It is prohibited for free taxi vehicles to pass by persons standing at taxi stands waiting for a taxi vehicle.

Free cars - taxis along the route can be stopped and occupied if they are no closer than 300 meters from the parking lot.

An unoccupied car - a taxi - moving in one of the two right lanes can be stopped with a hand gesture.

Stopping a taxi car moving in traffic beyond the second row is not allowed.

It is not allowed to stop and occupy a taxi car in places where the Traffic Rules prohibit stopping and parking of vehicles, namely:

Closer than 15 meters from a street intersection, signs for bus, trolleybus, tram stops;

At pedestrian crossings and at entrances to courtyards or closer than 5 meters from them;

On sections of streets with sidewalk fencing. Stopping an occupied taxi vehicle along the route and boarding other persons in it is permitted only with the consent of the passengers in it. When boarding a taxi, the passenger offers the driver a driving route. If one is not offered, then the driver is obliged to deliver the passenger to the place by the shortest route.

Getting into and out of a taxi car is carried out on the right side of the car after it has come to a complete stop.

Smoking in the cabin and opening windows is permitted only with the mutual consent of passengers and the driver.

Smoking is prohibited for passengers in the rear extra seat in GAZ-24-04 "Universal" vehicles and in gas-cylinder vehicles.

It is the passenger's responsibility to load and unload all belongings.

179. Orders for the delivery of taxi cars within the city are accepted by telephone (except for automatic machines) and in person from passengers, depending on the availability of taxi cars in the city. The cost of providing a taxi car upon request is paid by the customer according to the taximeter reading or according to the current tariff.

Accepting orders for taxi cars can also be organized in hotels, sanatorium and resort complexes, entertainment events, hospitals, on board airplanes, long-distance trains, etc.

If the customer has a telephone number, he is informed of the number of the car being sent - a taxi - and the estimated cost of delivery.

Pre-orders are accepted for the next day at least 12 hours before the delivery time.

Urgent orders must be completed within a specified period of time from the date of acceptance.

Establishing the period of time between accepting an order and delivering a taxi car, within which the order is considered urgent, as well as the procedure and amount of payment for preliminary and urgent orders are established in agreement with local executive authorities.

Fulfillment of orders should be ensured, as a rule, with the help of radio-equipped cars, as well as by sending taxi cars from transport companies.

At telephone taxi stands, the driver, when calling the dispatcher, is obliged to inform him about the presence of a queue in the parking lot. If an order is received from the dispatcher, the driver is obliged to inform passengers waiting in the parking lot about this.

180. Simultaneous passage is permitted:

In a passenger car - a Volga taxi - no more than 4 adult passengers and 2 preschool children;

In a passenger car - a Moskvich taxi - no more than 3 adults and 2 preschool children;

In a GAZ-24-04 "Volga" passenger car with a station wagon body, it is allowed to carry 6 adult passengers and 2 preschool children or 4 passengers and 140 kg of luggage, and with 1 passenger it is allowed to transport luggage with a total weight of 400 kg .

When traveling with children under 12 years of age, it is prohibited for them to be in the front seat of a taxi car.

181. Transportation of passengers by cars - taxis outside the city limits is carried out at a distance not exceeding that established by local government bodies.

In exceptional cases, trips over long distances can only be made with the permission of the duty dispatcher. The permit is issued on the vehicle's waybill. If it is impossible to deliver the passenger to the designated place for reasons beyond the driver’s control (impassed roads, etc.), the passenger pays the cost of travel to the drop-off point according to the taximeter readings at the current tariff.

When traveling outside the city limits, the passenger in the front seat must use a seat belt.

If a malfunction is detected in a car outside the city, the driver is obliged to help send the passenger to their destination as quickly as possible or to the nearest passenger transport stop.

182. Idle time of a taxi car while waiting for a passenger (at his request) is allowed for no more than 30 minutes.

Idle time of a taxi car while waiting for a disabled person or a participant in the Great Patriotic War (at his request upon presentation of a certificate of a disabled person or a participant in the Great Patriotic War) is allowed for no more than 1 hour.

If it is necessary to wait for a passenger (at his request), the driver makes a full payment to him for the trip made at the current rate, and for the stipulated waiting time he receives a preliminary appropriate advance payment.

Passengers are prohibited from leaving documents with the driver of the car or taxi as security for waiting or as payment.

Procedure for paying for travel

183. Payment for the use of a taxi car is made according to tariffs established by local governments.

The fare is paid by the passenger after the end of the trip and unloading of luggage, regardless of the number of passengers traveling with him and the cargo transported. Payment to the driver is made in cash.

184. In the case of hiring a taxi car at a parking lot by several passengers (with the consent of the first in line) or boarding passing passengers with the consent of the passenger who hired the taxi, the total amount of the fare is distributed among the passengers in proportion to the distance traveled by each passenger.

185. When boarding passengers in a taxi car, the driver is obliged to assist in packing luggage, and at the end of the trip, remind the passenger about unloading all things and luggage.

When pre-ordering a taxi car, the driver is obliged to ensure delivery of the car by the time specified in the order.

186. Persons who refuse to pay for using a taxi car are handed over to the police, and the amount due from them is collected by the carrier in the prescribed manner.

Baggage transportation

187. In the luggage compartment of a passenger car - a taxi - it is allowed to carry cargo with a total weight of no more than 50 kg and only with the trunk closed.

In the cabin of a taxi car, it is allowed to transport various objects and things that freely pass through the doorways of the car (without removing the restrictors), do not spoil or contaminate the upholstery and its equipment, and do not interfere with the driver’s control of the car and the use of the rear-view mirror.

In the cabin of a passenger car - taxi GAZ-24-04 "Volga" with a station wagon body - it is allowed to transport small furniture, refrigerators, washing machines, televisions and other items that can freely pass through the door opening without damaging the equipment and upholstery. The rear door of the vehicle must be completely closed during transportation.

It is allowed to transport cats, muzzled dogs with leashes and bedding, small animals in baskets, bags and birds in cages with a solid bottom.

188. In passenger cars - taxis - it is prohibited to transport building materials, flammable, flammable, explosive, poisonous, caustic and foul-smelling substances, piercing, cutting objects, weapons without covers or packaging.

General provisions for passengers enjoying the right of reduced or free travel

189. Travel of persons entitled to free or discounted travel is permitted on shuttle buses. Travel of these persons on tourist buses, as well as on buses allocated on special orders, is carried out on a general basis.

190. For passengers traveling for free, as well as using travel benefits, the rules and conditions of transportation in force on public transport are mandatory.

191. Passengers entitled to free or reduced travel on buses, baggage transportation and payment of commission fees are carried out on a general basis.


192. Contractual tariffs for transport services are applied when the requirements for the quality (comfort) of transportation increase, the demand for services increases, and when organizing new types of transport transportation and services.

New forms of road transport services involve organizing transportation with maximum consideration of the individual needs of the population on the basis of requests, supplying transport to the place and time of demand for transportation, providing passengers with the most convenient and comfortable travel conditions.

193. Negotiated tariffs apply for the following transportation:

Transport of passengers from airports, sea and river ports, bus stations, stadiums, sports palaces, theaters, cinemas, cultural centers, shopping centers, etc.;

Transportation of the population to garden plots;

Transportation of passengers on weekend routes for servicing: fishermen, mushroom pickers, skiers, etc.;

Transportation of passengers from rural areas to the city and back for the intended purpose of travel (markets, shops, public service enterprises, theaters, etc.);

Transportation of passengers to places of ceremonies (cemeteries, churches, etc.) on religious holidays;

Transportation of passengers at night (from 22.00 to 6.00) on special routes connecting hotels and residential areas with sea, river and car stations, airports;

Transportation of children to out-of-school institutions (sports, music, art schools) using an accompanying person (guide);

Transportation of disabled people in wheelchairs in a specially converted bus;

Serving the population with passenger cars that carry out non-traditional types of transportation, including those that may require long waits for passengers and intermittent service (trips to medical institutions, shops, restaurants, excursions, etc.).

194. Services provided at negotiated rates include advertising and informational services on orders from organizations and citizens, provided by motor transport organizations by decorating the bodies, interiors of buses and passenger cars - taxis with advertising and informational texts, advertisements, as well as using them for these purposes autoinformers installed in radio-equipped buses.

195. Negotiable prices (tariffs) may be established for other types of transport services (services) provided by motor transport organizations and citizens. These services include: re-equipment of bus interiors at the request of the customer, provision of the opportunity to use a radiotelephone, operation of a specially equipped buffet, refrigerator, toilet, individual radio broadcasting points, video recorder in the bus interior, provision of various household equipment to passengers during the trip.

196. By agreement with local authorities, the list of new types of services provided by motor transport organizations can be expanded based on local conditions.

197. Negotiated tariffs (prices) are documented in a protocol and put into effect by order of the local executive authority.

For one-time services, agreement on contractual tariffs (prices) by the customer can be formalized without a protocol. In this case, on the document used to place an order for transport services (service), the customer indicates that payment is guaranteed.

198. Contractual prices (tariffs) may be revised by proxy of the parties when changes are made to the quality of transport services (services).

199. In case of violation of the procedure for establishing and applying contractual prices (tariffs), including the sale of transport services (services) at contractual prices (tariffs) upon expiration of their validity period, the perpetrators bear responsibility in the prescribed manner.


200. The relationship between the customer of transportation (local government bodies), the transport organization and passengers is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts issued by the President and Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

In relation to foreign passengers, additional legal relations may be established by international treaties between the Russian Federation and the relevant states.

The customer of transportation represents the interests of passengers before transport organizations.

201. The relationship between the customer of transportation and the transport organization is built on a contractual basis, with the obligatory presence of a license for the organization to carry out transportation.

202. The relationship between the transport organization and passengers is built on a contractual basis in compliance with the norms of civil law, the rights of consumers of products (services), established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts.

203. The customer of transportation determines and approves the main technical, operational and economic indicators characterizing the passenger transport system (routes, communication speeds, traffic intervals, tariffs, level of service, etc.), which are the basis of the contract with the transport organization.

204. A service contract is concluded between the transportation customers and the transport organization for each specific route with a mandatory list of indicators to be fulfilled and the obligations of each contracting party, indicating the procedure for extending, amending and terminating the contract.

205. The passenger has the right, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, to make claims to determine the damage caused and the amount of material compensation.


206. Transport organizations, as well as passengers, in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations arising from contracts for the carriage of passengers and baggage, bear financial liability only to the extent provided for by these Rules.

Any agreements between transport organizations and passengers aimed at eliminating the liability imposed on motor transport organizations, as well as on passengers, are considered invalid, and any notes about this in waybills and other documents not provided for by these Rules have no force.

207. Circumstances that may serve as a basis for financial liability of transport organizations, as well as passengers during transportation, are certified by acts of the established form.

Responsibility of transport organizations

208. Transport enterprises and organizations bear financial responsibility and compensate for damages for loss, shortage, damage or damage to luggage accepted for transportation, as well as for delay in its delivery, unless they prove that the loss, shortage, damage or damage, as well as delay occurred not their fault.

209. In the event of loss, damage, shortage or damage to baggage accepted for transportation, at the request of the passenger, an act in the established form is drawn up, which is signed by the passenger and a representative of the transport organization (driver, storekeeper). One copy of the act is given to the passenger and serves as the basis for filing a claim.

Documents on the reasons for the loss of luggage, drawn up by the Carrier unilaterally, are subject to evaluation by the court in the event of a dispute, along with other documents certifying circumstances that may serve as a basis for liability of the Carrier or the owner of the luggage.

210. For loss and shortage of luggage, the transport organization is liable in the following amounts:

a) baggage accepted for transportation with a declared value - in the amount of the declared value. The declared value of baggage must correspond to its actual value;

b) baggage accepted for transportation without declared value - in the amount of the cost of lost or missing baggage.

211. For delay in baggage delivery, the transport organization pays a fine in the amount of 10% of the carriage charge for each day, counting partial days as full, but not more than 50% of the carriage charge.

212. Delay in baggage delivery is calculated from 24 o'clock on the day on which the baggage should arrive.

213. Payment of a fine for late delivery of baggage is made by the transport organization when issuing baggage on the basis of an act drawn up at the request of the passenger.

214. Concern for the integrity and safety of hand luggage carried by passengers with them lies with the passenger.

216. If baggage, for the loss or shortage of which the transport organization has paid its owner appropriate compensation, is subsequently found, the owner of the baggage has the right to demand the release of this baggage, returning the compensation received for its loss or shortage.

217. If the transport organization fails to provide buses, the work of which is paid at a time rate, in the quantity stipulated by the contract or a one-time order accepted for execution, or if the delivery of these buses is late, the transport organization pays the organization that customer of the buses 10% of the cost of using the buses based on the time of use, specified in the contract or order.

Passenger liability

218. Passengers bear financial responsibility for damage to or damage to equipment and inventory of rolling stock.

A report on the nature of the damage is drawn up and signed, indicating the person at fault, the place and time of the violation, the amount of damage caused, as well as witnesses, if any.

If the passenger refuses to reimburse the cost of the damage caused on the spot, which is noted in the act, the latter serves as the basis for the collection of a sum of money to repay the damage forcibly.

219. For violating the rules for using passenger transport, those responsible are subject to a fine, the amount of which is established by local executive authorities.

220. A person who presents a ticket or certificate during control that does not give the right to travel or carry luggage on a given bus (route taxi) is classified as a ticketless passenger. Fake, incorrectly issued or issued travel tickets and certificates issued to another person are subject to confiscation.

221. Fines are imposed by controllers - auditors, ticket inspectors, other authorized employees of passenger transport or police authorities.

222. When paying a fine, the passenger is given a receipt in the prescribed form indicating the amount collected. Payment of a fine does not relieve the passenger from purchasing a travel ticket or paying for baggage transportation.

If it is impossible to determine the starting point of the trip of a passenger who does not have a ticket for travel or baggage transportation, the cost of travel and baggage transportation is calculated based on the distance from the initial point of departure to the destination.

223. If you refuse to pay a fine, a protocol (act) is drawn up and signed on the spot, indicating the identity of the violator, the nature, place and time of the violation, as well as witnesses, if any.

If the violator does not have documents proving his identity and there are no witnesses who can provide the necessary information about the violator, he is taken to the nearest police station to establish his identity and draw up a protocol (act) giving the right to compulsorily collect an administrative fine.

224. If the organization - customer of the buses refuses to fully or partially use buses, the work of which is paid at a time-based tariff, in the quantity specified in the contract or a one-time order accepted for execution, the organization - customer of the buses pays the transport organization 10% of the cost of using the buses, based on time use of buses specified in the contract or order.

Claims, lawsuits

225. Claims arising during the transportation of passengers or baggage may be presented to the transport organization at the point of departure or destination at the discretion of the claimant.

The claim statement must be accompanied by documents confirming the claim.

226. Claims against a transport organization can be filed within six months, and claims for payment of a fine within 45 days. The specified periods are calculated:

a) from the day of baggage delivery - for claims for compensation for spoilage, damage or shortage of baggage;

b) after 10 days after the deadline for baggage delivery - for claims for compensation for loss of baggage;

c) from the day of baggage delivery - for claims of delay in baggage delivery;

d) from the date of the occurrence of the event that served as the basis for filing a claim - in all other cases.

227. The transport organization is obliged to consider the stated claim and notify the applicant of its satisfaction within the following periods from the date of receipt of the claim:

a) within 3 months - for claims arising from transportation by road;

b) within 6 months - for claims arising from direct or intermodal transportation;

c) within 45 days - for claims for payment of fines. If the claim is partially satisfied or rejected, the transport organization must indicate in the notification the reasons for the decision and return the documents attached to the claim to the applicant.

If the claim is satisfied in full, the documents attached to the application will not be returned.

228. Claims for the transportation of passengers and baggage can be brought against a transport organization only in cases of complete or partial refusal of the transport organization to satisfy the claim or failure to receive a response from it within the time limits specified in paragraph 227 of these Rules.

These claims are filed in accordance with the established jurisdiction in the court at the location of the transport organization to which the claim was presented, within two months from the date of receipt of the response from the transport organization or from the date of expiration of the period established for the response.

229. Claims of a transport organization against passengers arising from the transportation of passengers and baggage may be brought in accordance with the established jurisdiction to the court within 6 months.

The specified six-month period is calculated from the date of the occurrence of the event that served as the basis for filing a claim.