Taiwan vacation at sea. The best beaches in Taiwan: description, how to get there, beautiful photos

Taiwan is an island located in the Pacific Ocean and has an area of ​​34.5 thousand square kilometers. It's hard to say how to plan your trip around this island, but there are several places in Taiwan that you simply must visit. One of them is the National Palace Museum, which has more than 700 thousand exhibits. In this place you can see various works of art that belonged to different Chinese dynasties at different times. The museum halls display luxurious porcelain sets, all kinds of jewelry, books and many other antiques.

The surrounding area of ​​the museum is also of considerable interest, represented by picturesque parks and squares where you can stroll, hide from the heat and simply relax.

Try to ensure that your travel route includes the town of Wanli, which attracts tourists with Cape Ye-Liu and the geopark of the same name located on it. For a long time, this park was formed under the influence of natural factors such as wind and water. All the sculptures that can be seen in this park appeared regardless of the will of man. In addition to this, there is an observation deck on the outskirts of the cape, which offers a beautiful view of the East China Sea. The length of the park is about two kilometers, but when walking through its territory you should not forget about precautions, especially during storms. It is worth paying attention to the special red rope that lies along the shore and it is forbidden to go beyond it (there have been several cases when people were carried out to sea).

20 kilometers from the capital of Taiwan, Taipei, is the incredibly beautiful Yangmingshan National Park. The park covers an area of ​​11 hectares and is located at an altitude of 200 to 1120 meters above sea level. In order to attract as many visitors as possible, the park administration came up with a very interesting attraction (if you can call it that). Its essence is that anyone can put on rubber boots and walk through a clearing that is dotted with such beautiful flowers as calla lilies. At the same time, tourists are offered not just a walk, but to collect a bouquet of these flowers, which will be packed right on the spot. There are comfortable paths throughout the park, and there is a restaurant where visitors are offered to try the dishes. national cuisine. Also, park visitors can stay longer in this place by staying at a local hotel and visiting the hot springs.

About four hours' drive from the capital of Taiwan, the interesting city Kaohsiung. First of all, this city is known among tourists for the fact that on its territory there is such a landmark as the Sacred Hall of Military and Literary Arts. It was built to worship the famous thinker Confucius and the local warrior god. At the bottom of the complex you can see a beautiful memorial and altars, which are decorated with original carvings. The hall, entirely dedicated to Confucius, is located on the second floor. The most beautiful is the third floor, where the chambers of the Jade Emperor are located (not the original, but an exact copy). This room can delight you with beautiful paintings on the ceiling, numerous frescoes on the walls, a memorial decorated precious stones etc. What many visitors see causes delight and amazement.

Not far from the city of Kaohsiung is Lake Chengqing, which is considered one of the most interesting natural attractions of the island. Locals They call it Lotus Lake. This is due to the fact that every year these beautiful flowers bloom on the surface of the lake, the beauty of which can be talked about endlessly. If you come out of season and you won’t be able to watch the lotuses bloom, then you can take a walk in the nearby picturesque park with numerous temples. Also of considerable interest is the original zigzag bridge that connects the small islands. Tourist travel This place is not limited to observing nature; in this place, vacationers can go horseback riding, play golf or rent a boat.

Directly in the city of Kaohsiung there is one of the most beautiful and frequently visited temples on the island - the Temple of the Three Phoenixes. At the entrance to the temple there are two large stone lion statues; they are believed to guard the entrance to its territory. The temple has several halls, but the most interesting is the Buddha hall with its three satuys. Around these statues there are constantly novices reciting prayers. Entrance to this temple is free and it is open for visits around the clock; the main requirement is to behave quietly, calmly and with maximum restraint.

These are the main attractions and places in Taiwan that you should definitely include in your trip around the island, and how best to do this will depend on your financial capabilities ( public transport well developed in Taiwan).

Taiwan is an island located in the waters of the Pacific Ocean at a distance of 150 km. from southeastern mainland China. This island has an elongated shape, due to which it is located in two climatic zones at once. The northern part of the island of Taiwan is subtropical, and the southern part is tropical. Because of this geographical location, summers on the island are very hot and last from early May to late September, and winters are mild and warm. Length coastline The islands are approximately 1566 km. Most The area of ​​the island of Taiwan is occupied by mountains that are covered with unimaginably beautiful tropical forests. It is quite natural that this part of the world with such a location, climate, nature and landscape has become a real oasis for tourists from all over the world. Along the entire coastline of the island there are large and small resort towns with its unique beaches. The most popular beaches on the island of Taiwan are Fulong, Kenting and Baisha.

Fulong Beach.

Fulong Beach is located on the northern coast of Taiwan. Its width is about 60 m and its length is more than 3000 m. Once on this beach, even at the height of the season, every vacationer will feel quite free, comfortable and definitely will not get bored. On the back side of the beach there is a resort area with a fairly large number of hotels, entertainment venues and various attractions for both children and adults, and the Yangliao Seaside Park with unforgettable vegetation and historical sights. Fulong ranks 2nd in the ranking " Best beaches East Asia", perhaps for this reason, the number of people who want to visit this corner globe very large. During holiday season local hotels They cannot always accommodate all visitors, however, you should not be upset. You can live in the capital of the island, Taipei, and just go to Fulong to relax. Getting to the beach is very easy. There is a regular train service from Taipei, or you can use local taxi services.

Kenting Beach.

Kenting is considered the best beach south coast islands of Taiwan. The weather here remains warm all year round, allowing you to enjoy swimming in the azure waters of the Philippine Sea and basking in the warm rays of the sun. There are quite a lot of hotels located directly on the beach, ready to welcome tourists. Numerous restaurants, cafeterias, and clubs make Kenting Beach attractive to its guests not only during the day, but also at night. Like Fulong Beach, the easiest way to get to Kenting is by train from the island's capital, however, it will take longer.

Baixa beach.

One of the ten best beaches in the world is Taiwan's Baisha Beach. This chic place is considered the highlight of the entire island of Taiwan. Baixa Beach is located directly in national park Taiwan's Kenting National Park. In this regard, it is simply impossible to settle on the beach itself. Maintaining the pristine nature of the reserve where the beach is located is carried out at the state level. The construction of any modern buildings or structures on this territory is prohibited. By visiting the sandy beach of Baisha, every vacationer will be able to feel the true Chinese flavor and actually see and feel what the nature of the island of Taiwan was like in ancient times. You can get to this beach by train, bus or taxi from Taipei city.

There is no reputation yet as the best place for a beach holiday, and yet this beautiful island there are many stunning beaches and amazing seaside towns. The beaches of Taiwan, as you can see in the photo, are rich and varied: from beautiful coasts with white and golden sand to black, strewn with polished pebbles and sparkling white coral. Some of the amazingly beautiful beaches in Taiwan can be found on its remote islands, where it has not yet been developed tourist destination. If you're lucky, you might even stumble upon a delightful secluded spot.

When to go to Taiwan for a beach holiday?

The best time to visit the beaches of Taiwan is summer and early autumn. Taiwan's hot and humid subtropical climate can make the summer months of July and August extremely unpleasant.

During high season, you will find that most beaches in Taiwan offer a variety of water activities: diving, surfing, rafting, sailing, windsurfing, kayaking and fishing. However, it should be noted that the beaches on Taiwan's main island tend to be quite crowded during this period.

Top 10 beaches in Taiwan

Taiwan has many beaches. We invite you to briefly get acquainted with the best of them:

  1. Fulong(Fulong). This is a magnificent beach with golden sands on the northeast coast of Fulong Village, Gongliao Township, . The Shuangxi River, quite deep, runs parallel to the sea coast here, and the two beaches are connected by a bridge. This is a great place for windsurfing, canoeing and sailing. The beach, covering 3 km along the coastline, has always been a popular summer destination in northern Taiwan.

  2. (Kenting Baisha). The popular beach is surrounded by a national park in southern Taiwan. Its golden sands are washed by the Taiwan Strait from the west, and Pacific Ocean. The coral reefs are rich in a variety of marine life and are considered a paradise for scuba divers and snorkelers. Here you can enjoy tropical weather all year round, and the beach has all the facilities for water sports for children and adults. Long cycling route gives you the opportunity to walk through the rainforest.

  3. Baishavan(Baishawan Beach). White sands and crystal clear waters This beautiful beach is located on the northern coast of Taiwan between Linshanbi and Fugeijiao (Cape Fugei). The beach is not equipped with sun loungers and umbrellas. It is more suitable for amateurs active rest, which, except aquatic species sports and boating, can enjoy hang gliding from the hill at the foot of which the beach is located. At the western end of the bay there is a pebble beach called Lingshanbi. It is famous for its volcanic rock formations and hiking trails.

  4. Chinshan(Jinshan Beach). Another popular one beach resort located in the northeastern region of Taiwan, north of . Its golden sands are ideal for sand sculptures and sunbathing. Behind it there is a large seating area that can be used for barbecuing and camping. The highlight of the beach is the indoor swimming pool.

  5. Sizikhwan(Sizihwan.) The beach, located in the west of the city in Taiwan, is known for its sparkling blue water and natural coral reefs. Sunset at Sizihwan Bay is recognized as one of Kaohsiung's 8. Sizih Bay, located on the beachfront between Wanzhou Shan and Chichin Island in Taiwan, offers magnificent views of the sandy beach and beautiful coral formations along the coast.

  6. Tongxiao Marine Park(Tongxiao Marine Life Park). This beach, located on west coast Miaoli County is the largest in Taiwan. Tongxiao Marine Holiday Park is not only a large beach, but also a mangrove reserve, an artificial lake and picturesque forests. In addition, this place is popular with surfers.

  7. Feiquaiwan(Feicueiwan Beach). A huge white sand beach over 1500 m long, also known as Green Bay, is located on the northern coast. This place is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. Water skiing, sailing, windsurfing, surfing, jet skis, scuba diving, as well as paragliding and hang gliding - this is not even a complete list of local entertainment.

  8. Honey Bay(Honey moon Bay). A true honeymoon paradise, Yilan County is 90 minutes from Taipei City by train. For surfers, Honey Moon Bay is one of the most... best places in northern Taiwan. An amazing panorama of Guishan (Turtle Mountain) opens from the bay.

  9. (Green Island Lyudao). This small island you can get around in an hour on a scooter. Green Island is famous for its green mountains and plains, sandy white beaches and sparkling blue tropical waters, rich in marine life, pools of water from natural hot springs. The tourist season here lasts from March to June.

  10. (Orchid Island Lanyu). There are wonderful beaches here, surrounded by high mountains and lush tropical forests. Offered on the coast wide choose water sports. Dongling Bay is located on east coast Lanyu. This beautiful white sandy beach is the perfect place to watch the sunrise.

1. The leader in attendance among all the beaches in Taipei is Baishawan beach (白沙灣). I explain how to get to this beach.
You need to take the metro to the final station Danshui (MRT Tamsui station - 淡水站), then you need to change to bus 862, 863, 865, 867, 892 and drive about 40 minutes to the Administration of North Scenic area stop (北觀風景區管理處) or to the Baishawan stop (白沙灣).
From the first stop it is more convenient to go to the further part of the beach; from the second stop you will go to the central part of the beach.
The most popular beach in North-east coast of Taiwan is Baishawan beach (White sand beach - 白沙灣). Here is the explanation of how to get there.
Take the MRT to Tamsui station (淡水站) then switch to the bus number 862, 863, 865, 867, 892 and go til the bus stop called Administration of North Scenic area (北觀風景區管理處) or to the bus stop Baishavan (白沙灣). Bus ride will take about 40 minutes.
From the first stop it is more convenient to go to a more distant part of the beach, from the second stop you can easily reach the central part of the beach.

2. This far part of the beach. There are much fewer people here because most people are too lazy to come here. Tents are paid, cost 300 Taiwanese dollars for the whole day (300 rubles).
My advice: get to the beach either on a weekday or early on a weekend. The majority of vacationers arrive at 13-14 hours and leave at 17-18, so try to leave the beach either at 16 or 19 hours. At other times the buses will be packed.
This is the distant part of the beach. There are not many people here cause most of them are too lazy to go here. You can rent these awnings, for the whole day it will cost you 300 ntd (about 10 USD).
My advice is to come to the beach either on a weekday or on a weekend early in the morning. The main part of people arrive around 1pm-2pm and leave at 5pm-6pm. In order to make your stay non-stress try to leave the beach at 4pm or after 7pm. Otherwise the buses will be fully packed with the people.

3. On the right side of the beach there are picturesque rocks.
On the right side there are picturesque rocks.

4. In the rocks is Atlantis, a Greek-style photo wall. Just one wall, a couple of doors and windows. Everything would be fine, but the cafe put up a terrible cardboard monkey advertisement here. The most interesting thing is that this advertisement is visible only from the windows of the cafe. The view is ruined by this monkey.
In the rocks you can find the ruins of Atlantis wall in the Greek style where all the Taiwanese take photos. There is only one wall, two doors and two windows. It would look perfect but a cafe put there a terrible cardboard ape-advertising. Most interesting is that this ad is visible only from the side of cafe. View is not perfect because of this monkey.

5. Pseudo-Greece.

7. View of the beach from the rocks. On the left is a crowd of people central beach. There's no one on the right.
View to the beach from the rocks. On the left side is a central part of the beach which is packed with people. On the right side there is no one.

8. Our beach. As you can see, there are not many people, although I went there on Sunday.
This is the distant part of the beach where I stayed. Even on Sunday there are not many people.

9. Rescuers' house. I'll tell you one terrible secret: the majority of Taiwanese do not know how to swim (well, like the majority, 80 percent). When someone starts to drown, the rescuers hide in the house and pretend that nothing is happening. Jokes aside, the Taiwanese swim in the following way: a person goes waist-deep into the water, sits down and enjoys life. Sometimes you can make a splash-splash with your hands in the water, which means “the weekend was a success.”
Little cabin of the rescuers. I"ll shae with you one secret: most Taiwanese cannot swim (well maybe 80 percent). When someone starts to drown rescuers hide in the cabin and pretend that nothing is happening. Just kidding. Taiwanese way of swimming is like that: a person goes in water till the level of the waist, sits down and enjoys the life. Sometimes person will make splashes in the water which means "I have good time."

10. Kite.

11. Now let’s take a walk to the central part of the beach, where all the lazy holidaymakers settle.
Let's go to the central part of the beach where all the lazy people stay.

12. It’s low tide now, the water has receded. I can’t get close to the water, I feel like I’m in Anapa.
Right now it"s a low tide. There are so many people so it"s almost impossible to get access to the water.

Taipei, Taoyuan, Kaohsiung, Kenting National Park

Arrival in Taipei. Individual transfer (without a guide) to Taoyuan railway station. Moving to high speed train to Zuoying Station.
Upon arrival, private transfer to Kenting National Park.
Accommodation in the selected hotel: or.

National Park Kenting, located in the southern part of the island, is one of the oldest national parks in Taiwan. The park is famous for its coral reefs, waterfalls, sandy beaches and a lighthouse. It also contains the southernmost point of Taiwan.
The village of Kenting, after which the park is named, consists of just one street with shops, bars and hotels, as well as a night market.

Day 2 - 5

Kenting National Park

Breakfast in the hotel. Holidays on the picturesque coast.

Day 6

Kenting National Park, Kaohsiung, Taipei

Breakfast in the hotel. Extract.
Individual transfer (without a guide) to Zuoying railway station. Travel by high speed train to Taipei.
Upon arrival, private transfer to the hotel. Accommodation in the room Superior. Rest.

Day 7


Breakfast in the hotel. Individual sightseeing tour around Taipei with a Russian-speaking guide (8 hours).
Excursion objects according to the program:
* museum Imperial Palace;
* Chiang Kai Shek memorial;
* Longshan Temple (on the way to the temple you will pass by the President's residence);
* photo stop at the Taipei 101 skyscraper;
* visit to the night market.