Vietnam, Hoi An: attractions, description, history and interesting facts. Vietnam Hoi An: all useful information about the city

I will continue my favorite part of "Vietnam Travel". Now we went to explore the center of the country and the first city was Hoi An(Hoi An, Hoi An). This small town on the coast South China Sea, just 25-30 km from Da Nang. Today you will learn how to get to Chojn, what to see, where to go and where to live. Read on, it will be interesting and again a lot of photos.

A little history of the city. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Hoi An was of great importance as an international trading center. At that time it was called Faifo. Now only the taxi service of the same name reminds of the old name of the city. Later, the center of trade moved to Da Nang, but in the heart of Hoi An - the Old Town, the spirit of the ancient trading city was preserved. In those days, many ships called at the port of Hoyna, most of which were from Japan, China, Holland and India.

Some merchants stayed in Hoi An for up to six months, opened shops here, in which they traded all kinds of goods. I would like to add that little has changed in the city since the 16-17th century, some sights have survived to this day.

Hoi An is called the city-museum under open sky, it is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. There are more than 800 historical buildings in the Old Town area. You can walk endlessly along the streets of the city! Correctly noted in one of the comments in my Instagram: "Hoi An is a city for girls :-)". This, of course, does not mean that men have nothing to do here. It's just that girls are more impressionable to such small, cozy, romantic and insanely soulful cities. I'm not an exception:-). Walking around the city, I could not breathe in the atmosphere, I wanted to walk in silence and “listen” at home, imagining how everything was a couple of centuries ago. Modernity is indicated here by the presence free wifi all over the Old City :-).

What to see in Hoi An?

Since the whole city is a tourist attraction, it is difficult to single out any individual attractions in Hoi An. The greatest concentration of attractions is concentrated in the Old Town area. Since Hoi An is a small town, one day is enough to get to know it, but I know firsthand that people stay here longer.

Here you can try lotus tea

You can just walk the streets of the Old Town (Old Town), or you can buy a ticket for 120,000 dong ($ 5.5) and go into some houses. In total, there are 22 most famous and popular places to visit in the Old Town (according to the bulletin). With a ticket you can visit only 5 of them. Detailed information you will receive at the points of purchase of tickets, and together with the ticket you will also receive a card indicating and brief description attractions.

Cash register

Little trick: after 19-00 entrance to the sights is free and you can visit them without buying a ticket. For example, for entering the Japanese bridge, one ticket will be torn off, and after 7 the entrance is free for everyone. We also noticed that during the day you can also walk around some houses freely during the lunch break, but I won’t say the exact time. Now I’ll tell you a little about some of the sights of the Old City:

Covered Japanese bridge is not only a landmark, but also a symbol of the city. It is he who is depicted on many postcards, magazines, notebooks. The Japanese bridge was built in 1593 and has been preserved in excellent condition to this day. It was built by craftsmen from the Japanese community of Hoi An in order to connect the Japanese quarter with the Chinese.

The bridge is especially beautiful in the evening when it is illuminated in different colors.

This is a favorite place for honeymooners and couples. Many come to Hoi An specifically for photo shoots.

Old houses of Tang Kee, Kun Tang, Fung Hung and many others. These are mostly private houses, whose families have been living in them for more than one generation. The sizes of such houses are small, but the owners are happy to talk about every detail of the house. You can get here on a general ticket. To visit some houses, tickets are not needed and we could easily walk there looking at the details of the houses.

There are also many temples and pagodas. Some will require a ticket to visit, but no one will forbid you to take photos of the territory.

Museum of Ceramics, Museum of History and Culture of Hoi An, Folklore Museum Thanks to these museums, you can get even closer to the culture of the city.

Wooden figurines are a great gift from Vietnam

In fact, there are many more interesting and fascinating things in the Old Town. Explore and find what inspires you. This city will definitely not leave you indifferent.

Maybe a cup of coffee?

In addition to everything, I would like to highlight a large number of sewing workshops. Many tourists come here to sew suits, dresses, blouses, skirts from natural silk, linen or cotton. If the model is simple, then the work can be done in a couple of hours.

Men's suits are sewn in a day, and their cost will be from $80.

There are also many in the city shoe shops, where you can buy ready-made shoes or, again, make them to order. The cost of leather shoes starts from $ 20. I think that this is very good price for a pair of quality shoes.

Skin, lots of skin!

Oh, how much jewelry stores: one is better than the other. I could not resist and left them with new jewelry. It's not for nothing that my mother says that I am a magpie-crow

One of the shops in Hoi An will offer you a bamboo bike or a bag.

Hoi An Cuisine- This is a completely separate conversation. In numerous cafes and restaurants that light their lights for visitors in the evenings, you can taste incredible culinary delights. After all, Hoi An is a city of artists and craftsmen. And the chefs here are also artists. A unique feature of Hoi An restaurants is the cooking classes or cooking classes. You can learn how to cook the most popular Vietnamese dishes. The cost of such courses starts from $ 15 per person. You just need to ask if there are courses in the cafe and the job is almost done!

Separately, I want to show you the art galleries of Hoi An. They liked me very much. My hands itched to buy one of the works, but Gleb stopped me.

Separately, I want to highlight the photo book of Vietnam. It shows Vietnam in person: from children to the elderly, as well as the nature of the country. I was very impressed with the book. The photos are insanely beautiful and, most importantly, alive. The feeling that the person is looking directly at you. If you see this book anywhere, I highly recommend checking it out.

And before useful information on how to get to Hoi An and where to live, a little evening city.

One of the many souvenir shops

Lanterns are the symbol of Hoi An.
Cozy and quiet cafes on the waterfront
Beautiful illumination of shops in the evening.

How to get to Hoi An?

As always, there are several options: plane, train and bus.

From Da Nang- by bus (2-3 dollars) or by taxi (about 10-12 dollars per car).

From Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi there are direct flights to Da Nang, from where you can take a taxi, bus or rented bike to Hoi An.

From Nha Trang can be reached by bus. A distance of 530 km on a bike will be very difficult to cover, but the bus from Nha Trang leaves at 19-00 and you can be there in the morning. We used the services of the bus company The Sinh Tourist and already at 6 am were on the spot. The nearest railway station is in Da Nang.

Where to stay in Hoi An?

The hotel infrastructure is very well developed: from budget hotels for $10-15/day to luxury villas for $500/day. We chose a beautiful villa just 2 km from the Old Town - Aquarium Villa, where the price included breakfast, free bike rental and a large spacious room with a balcony. By the way, this hotel is close to Thanh Ha pottery village. This is another attraction of the city.

Good prices for hotels and guesthouses in Hoi An are still available on You can rent an AirBnB apartment. When renting on AirBnB, you can take advantage of my $21 discount on your first booking.
It is better to compare hotels through the service, it checks prices for a dozen booking systems.

I think you have now learned more about the city and will find the opportunity and time to visit it. Follow the news in

Let's face it - Hoi An with its restored old houses, hundreds of shops and temples is an interesting place! Now a UNESCO-protected, once the main Vietnamese trading center for silk, porcelain, pepper, cinnamon and medicinal plants, Hoi An is a wonderful and unusual city. And here are the sights you can find here:

Old city Hoi an

The traces of Hoi An's thriving 16th and 17th century southeast Asian trading port are today concentrated in the Old City, an open-air museum where the architecture is a unique mixture of East and West. architectural heritage area - Chinese temples, Japanese bridge, pagodas, wooden houses, French colonial houses and old canals. Although large-scale trading activity has long moved to another place, this part is still of great interest.

Two facts about Hoi An Old Town are that it is very small, so it can be easily explored on foot, and the traffic is quite adequate compared to other larger cities in Vietnam.
Some streets of the Old City are only allowed to be traveled on foot, by bicycle or motorbike, while others are exclusively on foot. These factors make the Old City even more attractive to most travelers, especially those coming from the frenetic Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi.

Many of the buildings in the Old City were built over a hundred years ago and are "very Chinese". Particularly touching are wooden signs with the names of shops and hotels, with gilded Chinese characters - this reflects the fact that quite a lot of Chinese have lived in Hoi An since ancient times. Traditions are still alive in the Old City.
Even though many of the old shops have been converted into modern tourist boutiques, including countless tailor shops, gift shops, art galleries, restaurants and cafes, they have all been carefully remodeled to retain the spirit of yesteryear.

Hoi An Riverside

Hoi An's riverside (Riverside) is very beautiful, especially at night, as it is lit with strange old-fashioned lanterns, making the area atmospheric and very romantic.
Of all the east-west streets of the Old City, Riverside is the busiest. The traditional buildings and shops of this alley have welcomed foreign merchants since the city was known as Hai Pho ("seaside town"). Currently, the street welcomes, perhaps, tourists. Seemingly untouched by time, the architecture of Riverside is up to 200 years old and is a perfect mix of Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese and colonial styles. Those who would like to see the oldest buildings should go further inland where they can find, for example, a 15th century pagoda.

My Son Sanctuary (Mỹ Sơn)

Michonne is on the list world heritage UNESCO. This is a great piece of architecture. ancient civilization Champa (or Champa), which once occupied the territory of the middle and southern parts of Vietnam.

Michon is a complex that was a political center and a royal burial ground. The complex consisted of more than 70 buildings dedicated to Hindu gods and goddesses (for example, Shiva, the patron deity of the kings of Champa). Michon's buildings are made of red brick and sandstone, everything is very skillful and subtle - just a miracle! Like many historical places around the world, Michon was destroyed by time and wars and was forgotten for many years until it was remembered and restored by the French in 1898. Unfortunately, one of the last wars caused great damage to the complex - the Americans bombed this area, because they knew that the Viet Cong were hiding there (they, the poor, believed that the enemies would not encroach on the holy places, but no!)

Nevertheless, most of the central complex has survived, and the destroyed parts have already been restored.

In general, this sanctuary is reminiscent of other similar places in Southeast Asia, such as Angkor Wat in Cambodia. You should definitely visit Michon and touch the history. temple complex operates all year round. Best time to visit - early in the morning, until it gets too hot and until people pile up.

Location: in a valley in Duy Tan, Duy Xuyen district, Quang Nam province (about 40 km from Hoi An)

Hoi An Central Market

With a soaring aroma of herbs and spices and the vibrant colors of Vietnamese silk, this market is definitely one of the attractions. The prices here, however, are overpriced, especially in the kiosks closer to the entrance, so make your way deeper into the bazaar to make the most profitable purchase.

The market sells a lot of food: spices, exotic fresh fruits and vegetables, a huge selection of fresh fish.
The market is famous for its tailors, who can sew a suit for you very quickly, in less than a day. Souvenir shops and shops of local hunters and artisans - all this is also here. The market is open during the day, but it is better to come in the morning. They start trading fish somewhere from 7:00, as the fishermen only bring their catch - the opportunity to buy the freshest fish. Wear closed shoes to the market as the market floor is often damp and sticky, especially if you are visiting the fish section.
And here, sometimes, it smells just disgusting (especially where they sell meat), but, nevertheless, this is still a sight! Well, yes, be prepared to bargain. The first price named by the trader will certainly be overpriced, moreover, specifically. Do we need it? We trade until we lose our pulse, otherwise we will leave all the money there!

Location: on Nguyen Hue and Tran Phu streets, on the banks of the Thu Bon river

Museum of History and Culture of Hoi An (Hoi An Museum of History & Culture)

Most of the museum's objects date back to the 16th and 18th centuries, although the exhibits represent historical and cultural events before and after those turbulent trading years. The museum has a collection of ceramics and historical photographs and drawings, a number of Cham artifacts, including bronze temple bells and gongs.

The museum is located in the picturesque Quan Am Pagoda, one of the oldest in Vietnam (it was built in 1653). All in all, the museum's relics cover 2,000 years of Hoi An's history.
The museum also offers interesting information heritage of this region, including here you will learn more about traditional burial rites (and look at very old tombs). Some of the exhibits have explanations in English, but are not very detailed, so it would be wise to bring your own guidebook.

Opening hours: 8:00 - 17:00

Location: 7 Nguyen Hue

Hoi An City (Vietnam) is located on the banks of the Thu Bon River, south of Da Nang (30 km). With one-story houses covered with tiled roofs, narrow streets, endless beaches, excellent diving and many interesting sights, this city attracts tourists from all over the world.

Historians claim that the first settlements on this land appeared more than two thousand years ago. Hoi An, which is under the protection of UNESCO, is often called. Over eight hundred historical buildings are located here: temples, commercial and Chinese houses. The town is famous for its sewing workshops and souvenir shops.

This Vietnamese city provides tourists with the opportunity to choose a variety of hotels for accommodation. Hoi An (Vietnam) has both very modest hotels and luxurious five-star apartments. There is no public transport here, people move around the city on foot or on bicycles. Bus tickets to neighboring settlements or excursions are sold at hotels.

Tourist season

You can visit Vietnam (Hoi An in particular) at any time of the year, but the period from April to September is most suitable for a trip. Open at this time beach season. The air warms up to +30 ... +35 °C. The rest of the time, a strong wind blows from the sea, the sky is covered with clouds, heavy rains begin. Despite this, the air temperature does not fall below +23 °C.

From the second half of September to January it is very hot here, but at this time, hotels, as a rule, provide a significant discount on accommodation (almost thirty percent). Winter in Vietnam is also very warm (+24 °C). In the city of Hoi An (Vietnam) the rainy season lasts from September to December, the main share of precipitation falls on October - November. During this period, typhoons and floods are not uncommon.


Fans of a beach holiday feel quite comfortable in this city. Spread two kilometers away sandy beaches. Getting to them is easy. You can rent a motorcycle or bicycle, order a taxi or rent a shuttle bus for free.

If you are tired of traveling, we recommend that you stay at one of the hotels that are located right on the seashore. You can choose your favorite beach. Hoi An (Vietnam) has two of the most popular holiday destinations - Cua Da Beach and An Bang Beach. They are located on the same coast and have only a conditional border.

In fairness, it should be said that the beaches are not very well equipped - you can rent a sunbed, use free parking for bike or motorcycle. And here water activities there is practically none here. Nevertheless, the beaches of Hoi An resemble the paintings of famous landscape painters - sandy, almost deserted, clean. In some places, there are casuarina trees and palms leaning towards the water, as well as fishing boats.

The cleanest Cua Dai beach delights with its white sand. Even walking along it will give you pleasure. These places are made for a relaxing holiday and contemplation of the magnificent nature. On the island of Cham, closest to the city, a diving school accepts everyone. This kind active rest very popular in Hoi An.


Hoi An impresses everyone who comes to Vietnam with the number of attractions and memorable places. In the city you can admire ancient buildings and temples, see the famous Japanese bridge (covered), many the most interesting museums, Phuc Kien Assembly Hall. Many interesting places located in the vicinity of Hoi An - My Son ruins, Marble Mountains or Cham Island.

You don't need to rent a taxi or a bike to visit the city's sights. All of them are very compactly located on the streets of the Old Town. You can easily get around them on foot.

Old city

Vietnam is famous for many amazing monuments of history and architecture. Hoi An is no exception. Its Old Town occupies a small area (0.5 ha) bounded by the Cam Pho, Minh An and Son Phong quarters. The most interesting and most significant buildings are located in the Minh An quarter.

Since the 17th century, the city of Hoi An (Vietnam) has been the international port of central Vietnam. Ships of other countries entered its harbor for six months a year to hold fairs, exchange goods, and buy and sell. Many merchants from Japan, China, Holland, and India stayed here and built their quarters in the traditional style. The old city was practically managed to be preserved in its original form. There are ancient temples and pagodas, residential buildings and bridges, piers and narrow streets, which are arranged in a checkerboard pattern.

Japanese covered bridge

Russian tourists have long discovered Vietnam. Hoi An attracts them primarily with its unique architecture. famous bridge connects Nguen Thi Minh Khai and Tran Phu streets. It was built at the beginning of the 17th century. In the past, the Chinese community lived on one side of the building, and the Japanese community occupied the other. He became peculiar to these peoples.

On the north side is a small but very beautiful temple- Chua Kou. It's funny that during the day the inspection of the monument is paid, and in the evening everyone can visit it completely free of charge.

Museum of History and Culture

This small museum will allow you to get acquainted with the history of the ancient city. Its central exposition is made up of valuable exhibits that were previously kept in the Quan Am pagoda. Here are collected photographs and furniture, bells and dishes, an ancient altar. And in this museum there is a wonderful pond, which is inhabited by goldfish.

carpenter village

Many memorable places in the city are famous throughout Vietnam. Hoi An and its carpenter village Kim Bong is well known in the country. Since the 16th century, it has played an important role in the reconstruction of almost all artistic and architectural structures in Vietnam. Magnificent craftsmen are known for creating unique works of art, the finest wood carvings, and exquisite products made from sativa.

The village itself is very picturesque - pagodas and family houses will certainly be of interest to tourists.

Tang Kee's house

Most travelers who come to Vietnam, Hoi An (reviews confirm this) amazes with a variety of monuments and their unusual architecture. The Tang Ki House was built over two centuries ago. He is strikingly different beautiful architecture and is one of the best preserved

Today, this house is residential, and for several decades it has belonged to the same family. However, since the 80s of the XX century, it has been turned into a museum. Guided tours are conducted by the owner of the house. He communicates with tourists in English. The house is small, so you can see it pretty quickly. If you own English language, then you can stay here - the owner will tell you in detail about the history of the building and its inhabitants.

Chapel of the Tran family

This chapel was built at the beginning of the 19th century. It reflects the life of the aristocrats of Vietnam and cultural values. The building today is a very popular attraction, tourists from all over the world come to take a look at it.

It got its name in honor of the owner - Tran Tu Nhuk. In 1802 he built a house and a chapel to make it a place of veneration for the ancestors. The graceful structure is distinguished by a pronounced Chinese style. Traditional gifts and antiques are stored here.


As we have already mentioned, tourists will not have problems with resettlement in this Vietnamese city. There are many different hotels and inns here. We will tell you only about those that are popular with Russian tourists.

Agribank Beach 4*

Modern comfortable hotel guarantees to its guests great vacation. It is distinguished by first-class service, well-developed infrastructure and friendly staff.

Guests are offered to stay in wonderful villas with spacious rooms, a swimming pool, a restaurant, a bar and a conference room. Here, guests can visit the Health Center, where they will be offered a variety of medical treatments. The hotel has a laundry, car rental, transfer to the airport. The hotel is located on Cua Dai Beach, and therefore is an ideal place for those who like to relax on the coast.

Maison Vy 3*

This hotel is decorated in modern style. All of its rooms feature pleasant neutral tones. Includes LCD TV, cable channels, minibar and safety deposit box. Most rooms offer great views of the pool or garden. Each room has a well-equipped bathroom with a shower. The friendly and helpful staff at the hotel can assist with express check-in (24 hours). The hotel is located two kilometers from historical museum Hoi an. It is 25 km from Da Nang Airport.

Hoi An (Vietnam): reviews of tourists

Travelers remember this city with warmth and admiration. Many were especially struck night city. With the onset of evening, all the streets are illuminated with multi-colored lights. Chinese lanterns are hung everywhere, which create a festive mood.

The beaches of the resort delight guests with their cleanliness. True, sophisticated travelers note that they are not well equipped. Anyone who wants to relax alone can visit wild beaches where there are practically no tourists. The sand and water there are as clean as on the rest of the coast.

I went to Hoi An for one day, but stayed there for a month... In my mind, an Asian city is a noisy anthill with frantic traffic on the streets, smelly food and barracks adjacent to skyscrapers. Imagine my surprise when I saw Hoi An.

Old cobbled streets, neat two-story houses with a tiled roof, cute cafes, workshops and art galleries - this is Hoi An, a typical port city of the 16th-18th centuries. The first impression when you find yourself in the center is that you are not in Asia, but in Europe.

This is the only city in Vietnam that survived the war. The entire center is protected by UNESCO, more than 800 objects: temples, houses and bridges have historical meaning.

Hoi An is considered tourist mecca for Europeans and Americans. Here you will not meet “packagers” from Russia, this direction has not yet been chosen by travel agencies. Hoi An is a paradise for curious solo travelers and backpackers. The city has a large selection of hostels, budget hotels and villas.

Hoi An is located on the banks of the Thu Bon River. Many tourists compare it with Venice. Only instead of inflated gondoliers here, colorful Vietnamese grandmothers offer to ride local gondolas.

Shopping is another reason to go to Hoi An. No, there are no huge shopping centers, supermarkets and outlets. This city is famous for its tailors. For little money, they will sew an evening dress or suit no worse than in Italy.

Hoi An is also called the city of lanterns. They are lit every evening in the streets: red, yellow, orange, of various shapes and sizes.

How to get there

The easiest and fastest way to get to Hoi An from Russia is to fly to Danang airport with transfers in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City, and from the airport take a taxi or bus to the desired city.

There is another option: take a direct ticket to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, and from there to Hoi An by bus. Between these cities there is a so-called sleeping bus, in which you can sleep lying down, which is very convenient for long distances. On the way, you will have to spend more than 12 hours, of course, with small stops.

By plane

There are no direct flights from St. Petersburg to Vietnam, it is more convenient to get from Moscow.

From Moscow to Da Nang

There is no airport in Hoi An itself. The nearest one is located 30 km to the north in the city of Da Nang. It is the third largest international Airport country and the largest in central Vietnam. It is small, but very comfortable: there is duty free and a few cafes vietnamese cuisine at reasonable prices.

Planes arrive there from Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Dalat, as well as Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Siemrial, Seoul.

From Moscow to Da Nang, as I said, you can get with a transfer in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City. Aeroflot and Vietnam Airlines planes fly 5 times a week. To Hanoi - 9 h. 15 min. in the sky, to Ho Chi Minh City - 10 hours. The cost of a round-trip ticket is 450 €.

There are also flights from Moscow with transfers in Singapore (Singapore Airlines). It takes 10 hours to fly from Moscow to Singapore, and from there to Da Nang - 2 hours 50 minutes. You will have to pay 500 € for a ticket.

Tickets can be viewed on well-known aggregator sites, or, for example, in the Travelask section.

From Da Nang to Hoi An

By taxi

From Da Nang Airport to Hoi An you can take a taxi - $ 20-25, but you need to bargain.

Taxi drivers are waiting at the entrance to the airport.


You can order a transfer from your hotel, it will cost less than a taxi. A minibus ride costs $5 (VND 110,000), and a private car costs $14 (VND 300,000-350,000). I booked a minibus through the hotel. Arrived for $5 (110 VND) and 40 minutes.

IN last years the Vietnamese dong has fallen heavily against the dollar, so locals they will be glad if you pay with American currency.

By bus

Between Da Nang and Hoi An, there is a yellow bus number 1 with the inscription Danang-Hoian. It leaves from the local bus station, which is located at Dien Bien Phu, after the junction with Highway 1A. It is better to get to it by taxi ($5-10).

Further the bus is coming along the streets of Dien Bien Phu, Hung Vuong, Ong Ich Khiem, Nguyen Thi Minh Kha. It is better to catch on the streets, you need to raise your hand up, and the driver will slow down. Buses in Vietnam do not stop completely, you need to jump on the go.

In Hoi An, the bus will bring you to the northern station, where taxi drivers will stand. I took a motorcycle taxi at my own risk. Taking into account the bargain, he drove me with a large suitcase for $ 3 (60 thousand dongs). If you print out a map of the city in advance, you can walk to the hotel on foot - the Old Town is small.

By train

Vietnam has a well-developed network of railways along the coastline, to any big city can be reached by train. in Hoi an railway no, the nearest station is in Da Nang.

Trains run to Da Nang from Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, Hue.

If you are going from Hoi An to Da Nang, you can take a taxi, bus or buy a ticket in Hoi An at travel agency- they will take you to the railway station.

By bus

Vietnam has public buses where the locals go. Here they are "killed". The people in the salon are planted to the eyeballs, people sit in the aisles between the seats. In addition, they are very slow, as the driver constantly picks up people on the street. And tourists usually want to take a double or triple rate.

This mode of transport can only be used for short distances. Tickets are sold at the station. I drove one from Hue to Da Nang, the impressions are indescribable. If you want to feel local flavor, then you here.

There are also tourist buses and sleeping bus (buses in which you can sleep). They are just right for long journeys around the country: the salons are clean, they distribute water and even something to eat. In the sleeping bus, separate beds (unlike neighboring Laos, where two people sleep on the bed) give a blanket.

You can buy tickets at hotels and agencies throughout the city. Tourist buses come to Hoi An from Hanoi ($30), Ho Chi Minh City ($40), Nha Trang ($24), Hue ($13), Da Nang ($5).

On such a bus you can get to Vietnam from neighboring Laos. I traveled from the city of Pakse (southern Laos) to Da Nang ($ 33), and from there by taxi to Hoi An. Travel time is about 10 hours with several stops.

You can rent a scooter ($5 per day). Anyone who has been to Asia knows that this is a more convenient mode of transport.

From Da Nang to Hoi An there is a route that leads through the Marble Mountains.


Hoi An - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow - 4

Kazan − 4

Samara − 3

Yekaterinburg - 2

Novosibirsk 0

Vladivostok 3

How to get there

By plane


Hoi An - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow - 4

Kazan − 4

Samara − 3

Yekaterinburg - 2

Novosibirsk 0

Vladivostok 3

Hoi An is located in the central part of Vietnam. In the region, the high season lasts from March to September, this time is favorable for a beach holiday. The greatest amount of precipitation falls in autumn. In winter, the sea is very cold, but this period is perfect for sightseeing, as there is little rainfall, and average temperature daytime +22.

You can pick up a package tour to Hoi An on various search engine sites, or, for example, follow the link.

Hoi An in summer

Summers in Hoi An are dry and hot. June and early July is a more comfortable time for a beach holiday.

In August, the temperature rises to +40, this is for true lovers of the heat.

Hoi An in autumn

Autumn is the rainy season in Hoi An. The weather is still hot, but there is a lot of rainfall. The wettest months are October and November. At this time of the year the sea is restless, coastline blurs.

Hoi An in spring

The dry season starts in March. At this time, the sea is still cool, but the average air temperature rises to +30. You can already sunbathe on the beaches.

In April-May, tourists flock to Hoi An for a beach holiday, ticket prices rise significantly.

Hoi An in winter

Winter in Hoi An is wet and warm, but there is much less precipitation than in autumn. The sea is very cold, there is a storm.

From December to March, there is no swimming in Hoi An, but this time is perfect for walking around the old town.

Hoi An - monthly weather


Hoi An - monthly weather

When is the season. When is the best time to go

Hoi An - monthly weather


Hoi An - monthly weather

Districts. Where is the best place to live

Conventionally, Hoi An can be divided into three zones:

  • Old city,
  • coast,
  • outskirts.

Old city

If you are planning a trip in the low season, then it is better to stay in the Old Town and the territories closest to it. A double room in the Old City costs $40-70.

Hostels are suitable for young people and backpackers, there are many of them in the area. For a bed in a dormitory you will have to pay $ 8-9.

Pros of living in the Old Town:

  • There are many cafes and shops around.
  • Prices are higher than on the outskirts.
  • Far from the sea.


If the main purpose of the trip is beach holiday, then choose hotels near two beaches: "An Bang" and "Kua Dai" (about them below).

On the coast there are expensive hotels with a large territory and their own beaches. Price per night: $100-250 per room, depending on the season. Cheaper hotels are within walking distance from the beach. The room costs $50-70.

Cons of living on the coast:

  • Far from the Old City. You need to take a taxi or rent a motorbike to get to the historic center.
  • During the rainy season, the coastline is heavily washed out.

You can book a hotel in Hoi An at Booking - by, and you can compare prices from different sites.

Where is it more comfortable to stay

In Hoi An, the most popular housing are villas - these are two-story houses converted into hotels, the owners themselves live there. Usually these hotels have private rooms and common rooms (as in a hostel). The atmosphere is very homey. I stayed in this villa.

The advantages of such a residence:

  • You are in a beautiful villa and you can watch how wealthy Vietnamese people live.
  • The hosts prepare breakfast for you.
  • Clean and comfortable. At least that was the case where I stayed. It felt like I was visiting relatives.

You can view offers for renting private apartments.


The cost of food, lodging, transportation, etc.

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It is difficult to single out the main attractions of Hoi An, the entire Old Town is an open-air museum.

Hoi An has been preserved since the 16th-18th centuries, when the city was a major trade and port center South-East Asia. Chinese and Japanese merchants sailed the Thubon River and traded in silk, ceramics, porcelain, spices, and Chinese medicines. Many of them stayed in the city and built houses, temples, pagodas in their national style. The entire center consists of yellow two-story houses, the first floor of which is equipped for cafes, shops, art galleries and workshops, and the second floor for living quarters.

The greatest number of attractions is located on the streets of Tran Phu St, Nguyen Thai Hoc and Bach Dang promenade. All of them lead to the symbol of the city - the Japanese bridge.

Hoi An has a special ticketing system for attractions. You can buy one ticket for 120,000 dong ($5) and see five of the 22 attractions. This can be:

  1. one of four museums;
  2. one old house;
  3. one meeting room;
  4. traditional workshop or theater;
  5. pagoda or bridge.

Tickets are sold at small kiosks in the old town.

Each time, coupons are torn off the ticket until it runs out. To see other attractions, you need to buy a ticket again for five visits. For entry to old houses that are not included in the list, the owners themselves can charge a small fee. Many temples are free to visit.

In addition to self-guided sightseeing in Hoi An, there are many city tours. You can buy bike tours around the city and its surroundings, photo tours of sights. Tours are conducted in English.

Top 5

Covered Japanese bridge (Japanese Covered Bridge)

Cau Nhat Ban Bridge, built in 1593, connects the Chinese and Japanese quarters. There is a legend associated with him.

Once upon a time there lived a huge monster Ku, whose head was in India, the tail in Japan, and the body in Vietnam. And when the monster moved, cataclysms occurred in Vietnam: earthquakes and floods. This bridge was built on the monster's weakest point in order to kill it.

Inside there is a small temple with an exhibition of old photographs. The two entrances are decorated with figures of dogs on one side and figures of monkeys on the other. According to legend, the Japanese emperors were born in the year of the Monkey and the Dog, so people revered these animals. According to another version, the construction of the bridge began in the year of the monkey and ended in the year of the dog.

Entrance to it is possible with a general ticket, but I never paid. In the evening there are no controllers, you can freely walk across the bridge and look into the temple. Every evening the bridge is illuminated with different colors.

Phuc Kien Assembly Hall

The assembly hall was built in 1679. The Vietnamese themselves call Phuc Kien pagoda. Initially, the Fujian Chinese met and communicated here, so the building became famous as an assembly hall.

Inside is Thien Hau Temple. It is dedicated to the goddess who guards the ships at sea. The territory is decorated with picturesque gardens, fountains and statues.

Entrance by general ticket.

Opening hours: daily 07.00-11.30 and 13.30-17:00.

Address: 46 Tran Phu St.

Cantonese Assembly Hall

It is difficult to pass by this pagoda while walking near the Japanese Bridge. The assembly hall of the Cantonese Chinese community, built in the 18th century, attracts tourists with unusual architecture.

The entrance is decorated with columns carved from solid granite and decorated with breadfruit wood. Notice the carvings on the wooden beams.

Entrance by general ticket.

Opening hours: 8.00–17.00.

Address: 176 Tran Phu St.

Night market

In the evening, multi-colored lanterns are lit on the streets of Hoi An, bridges and figurines on the river bank are illuminated, and the main action moves to the Anhui Peninsula, where a night market opens.

Its main difference from all Asian markets is a huge selection of flashlights of all colors and sizes. You can buy them as a gift or just admire and take pictures against the backdrop of this beauty. Sellers before your eyes show how these beautiful "lights" are made from silk and paper.

Night market- a great place to try street food and buy a variety of souvenirs. And do not forget to haggle, initially sellers call a double price.

Opening hours: after sunset until 22.00.

Address: Nguyen Hoang Street.

Old House of Tan Ky

Tang Kee's house, built two centuries ago, belonged to a wealthy Vietnamese merchant. The interior, old inlaid furniture and some relics have survived to this day: engravings, ceramic dishes and family seals. The house has a flood mark. It was often flooded, so the goods were stored on the second floor.

The back facade of the house overlooks the Thu Bon River. Goods were unloaded from ships here. The owner gives a tour of the house in English.

Entrance with a combined ticket.

Opening hours: 8.00–12.00 and 14.00–16.30.

Address: 101 Nguyễn Thái Học, Minh An, tp. Hội An, Quảng Nam.

Beaches. Which is better

There are two sandy beaches in the vicinity of Hoi An:

  • "An Bang" (An Bang Beach) 3 km from the city center;
  • "Cua Dai" (Cua Dai) 4 km from the city center.

"An Lang"

There are many sunbeds on An Bang beach belonging to neighboring cafes. If you dine at their establishment, the sun lounger is free. On the coast there are several expensive beach hotels. There are budget options for $30-50 per day, a 15-minute walk from the sea.

The beach is popular among tourists, in the high season there are quite a lot of people. I would recommend this particular beach, it is cleaner.

"Qua Dai"

Cua Dai beach is often washed away by monsoons. If you come during the low season, you will find sandbag dams.

There are several 4-star and 5-star hotels with private beach. The price per night is $100-200. Also on the coast there are cafes with their sun loungers.

The best way to get to the beaches is by bike, which you can rent for $1 per day.

Churches and temples. Which are worth a visit

Quan Kong Temple

Quan Kong Temple was built by the Chinese in the 17th century. It is dedicated to the hero Quang Kong, whose gilded figure is on the central altar. It is made of papier-mâché and is supported by wooden frames. In Chinese mythology, this hero is similar to the Greek Hercules - strong, brave and courageous. Also, visitors can see the figures of his comrades and horses.

Wooden nameplates hang on the walls - this is a list of people who donated money for the construction of the temple. Mostly they were Chinese merchants. Pay attention to the rain gutters on the roof, which are made in the form of carps. This fish in China symbolizes patience, and very often its images can be found in Hoi An.

Opening hours: 08.00–17.00.

Address: 168 Tran Phu St.

Tran Family Chapel

This chapel was built almost 200 years ago for ancestor worship. The Chinese Chang family moved to around 1700.

The architecture of the building is made in Chinese and Japanese styles. The altar is decorated with wooden boxes with stone tablets engraved with Chinese characters.

Opening hours: 8.00–17.00.

Address: 21 Le Loi.

Chapel of the Truong Family (Nguyen Tuong Family Chapel)

The chapel is the tomb of Truong's ancestors. Family members who served as officials and mandarins in the imperial court were given some of the plaques as honors by the emperors of Vietnam.

Opening hours: 08.00-17.00.

Address: 8 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, tp.

Hoi An Cathedral

In the courtyard of the church there are graves of Europeans. When this modern building was built to replace an earlier one located elsewhere, the remains of several 18th-century missionaries were reburied here.

Address: 4 Nguyen Truong To Street.

Museums. Which are worth a visit

Assembly Hall (Chaozhou Hall Trieu Chau)

This Assembly Hall was built by Chinese merchants in the 19th century to worship the Goddess of the Sea.

Entrance by general ticket.

Opening hours: 08.00–17.00.

Address: 157 Nguyen Duy Hieu st.

Diep Dong Nguyen House

The house was built for a Chinese merchant at the end of the 19th century. On the ground floor there used to be a pharmacy of Chinese medicine, medicines were stored in closed glass vessels along the wall. The atmosphere of that era still reigns there.

On the second floor there is a private collection of porcelain, furniture and photographs. Items are not for sale. Two of the available chairs were once given by the family to Emperor Bao Dai.

Entrance by general ticket.

Opening hours: 08.00–12.00 and 14.00–16.30.

Address: 80, Nguyen Thai Hoc.

House on st. Chan Fu, 77 (Nha Co Quan Thang)

The house was built three centuries ago. The interiors are decorated with wood carvings. The roof beams are made in the form of a shell. Note the green ceramic tiles laid in a fence around the courtyard balcony.

Entrance by general ticket.

Opening hours: 08.00–17.00.

Address: 77 Tran Phu Street.

The Old House of Phun Hung

This two-storey house was built 230 years ago. The museum is located on the first floor, and the owners live on the second.

With a shared ticket, you will be given a tour of the house.

Opening hours: 08:00–17:00.

Address: 4D Nguyen Thi Minh Khai.

Museum of Ceramics (Museum of Trade Ceramics)

The museum occupies an old building that is over 200 years old. The collection contains ceramics found during archaeological excavations in the Hoi An area. There is also a map with Vietnamese country names hanging there.

Entrance by general ticket.

Opening hours: 08.00–17.00.

Address: 80 Tran Phu St.

Museum of History and Culture of Hoi An (Hoi An Museum)

The museum introduces visitors to the history of Hoi An in different time periods. The exhibition features photographs, furniture, dishes, bells, statues and an altar. In the center of the museum there is a small pond with goldfish.

Entrance by general ticket.

Opening hours: 08.00–17.00.

Address: 7, Nguyen Hue (near the central market).

The Sa Huynh Culture Museum

The museum provides information about people of Sa Huyin culture. There is a collection of jewelry, weapons, ceramics from the 1st and 2nd centuries.

Entrance by general ticket.

Opening hours: 08.00–17.00.

Address: 149 Tran Phu St.

Museum of Folk Art (Hoi An Folklore Museum)

The museum contains more than 500 exhibits that tell about the history, culture, literature and art of ordinary villagers in central Vietnam.

Most attention is paid to the production and products of silk.

Entrance by general ticket.

Address: 33 Nguyễn Thái Học, Minh An, tp.

Opening hours: 08.00–17.00.

Handicraft Workshop

An artisan workshop where you can buy souvenirs and watch local folk dances, mini-operas and traditional songs.

Entrance by general ticket.

Opening hours: Tuesday to Thursday from 10.15 am to 15.15.

Address: 9 Nguyen Thai Hoc.

Traditional Theater

In the evening, performances with traditional Vietnamese songs and dances are shown here.

Entrance by general ticket.

Opening hours: 21.00–22.00.

Address: 39 Nguyen Thai Hoc Street.

Bale well

This well, built in the 10th century, has long been overgrown with legends.

The water for making authentic Cao Lau, a local noodle dish, must come from this well. Nearby is a cafe with the same name with local cuisine. Tasty and inexpensive.

Address: 45 Phan Chau Trinh Street | in the garden of Mr. Ba Lo Le, off Kiet Gieng Lane.

Silk Village (Hoi An Silk Village)

This is a new landmark of Hoi An, opened in the 21st century.

Here you can see how silk is made using ancient machines and tools, visit a sewing workshop and learn how silk larvae are grown. If desired, you can buy products made of silk.

Entrance costs $5 (100,000 VND).

Opening hours: 08.00–21.00.

Address: 28 Nguyen Tat Thanh.

What to see in the surroundings

Cam Nam Village

Located on the opposite side of the Hoi An River. You can drive along the Cam Nam bridge, which is next to the market.

Take a bike and go see how the locals live.

There are many cafes and restaurants with Vietnamese cuisine, prices are lower than in the center of Hoi An.

Marble Mountains

This attraction is located 20 kilometers from Hoi An on the way to Da Nang. You can get there on your own on a bike or by buying an excursion at a travel agency ($20-30).

In my opinion, it is better to go on your own, it will be cheaper, and you can see Danang.

The Marble Mountains consist of five hills, several caves and temples. Some caves are very easy to get to, others require skill and fitness to see. Waiting for you inside interesting statues Buddha. Of all the caves that I have seen in Asia and Europe, these impressed me the most.

The territory is impressive, consists of steep descents and ascents, be sure to wear sports shoes. It is better to come early in the morning - fewer tourists. And take a flashlight with you, some of the caves are dark.

Here you can buy marble souvenirs.

Entrance costs$0.7 (VND 15 thousand), marble mountains map - $ 0.7 (VND 15 thousand).

You can get there by local bus from Hoi An to Da Nang. The Central Bus Station is located on Hung Vuong Road.

Ruins of Michon (My Son sanctuary)

Michon is ancient city state of Champa. The open-air museum consists of 17 temples and towers of the 13th-14th centuries.

If you have seen Angkor Wat in Cambodia or the ancient capital of Thailand, Ayutthaya, then Michon will hardly surprise you. The scale of the city-museum is much inferior to the above sights. Part of the city was destroyed during the war, and most of the details were transferred to the museum. The traditional Cham show with songs and dances is also shown on the territory.

Michonne can be reached by rented bike, taxi ($20) or take a half-day tour at the tourist office for $15-20 (400,000 VND).

Entrance:5$ (100 thousand dongs).

Cableway and Mount Bana (Ba Na)

Bana Mountain is a 2-hour drive from Hoi An. It is also called the second Sapa or Dalat. Height above sea level - 1478 meters. At the top there is a spa resort and a French-style amusement park.

The peculiarity of this mountain is that in a day you can see 4 seasons on it: spring in the morning, summer in the afternoon, autumn in the evening, and winter in the late evening. From Mount Bana to the neighboring Mount Vong Nguyet, there is a cable car, one of the longest in the world (5042 meters). From the top you have an unforgettable view of the mountains and a tropical forest. On the other side you will find a statue of a seated Buddha and temples.

You can take an organized tour - $ 35 (750 thousand dong), get yourself a taxi ($ 60-70) or a bike.

Ticket for cable car and to the amusement park - $ 25 (500 thousand VND), but for many attractions you will have to pay extra. Flower garden - 3$ (70 thousand dongs).

nearby islands

Cu Lao Cham Islands

The Cham Islands are half an hour away by boat. The archipelago consists of 8 different islands.

The largest of them is Khon Lao, where you will find restaurants, markets and hotels.

Behind wildlife and deserted beaches you need to go to other islands. Here you can go diving and snorkeling.

How to get there
  1. Public ferry - $ 2-3 (50 thousand dong) per person. For a bike and a bicycle, you will have to pay another $ 1 (30 thousand dong). The ferry departs from the port in the city center.
  2. Rent a speedboat at a hotel or agency - $ 25 (550 thousand VND).
  3. Excursion from a hotel or agency - $ 30 (650-700 thousand dong).

Main attractions. What to see

Food. What to try


In the old town, tourists are offered a ride on bicycle rickshaws, which looks very authentic. They are mainly used by older Chinese.

For a 10-minute walk around the city, you will have to pay $ 2.5 (50 thousand dongs).