Other major cities take 1 2 days. The largest cities in Russia

    According to the All-Russian Population Census, as of October 14, 2010, there were 1,287 urban-type settlements in Russia. Of these, 206 have a population of more than 10 thousand inhabitants. No. Urban settlement Region Population, thousand people (2002)… …Wikipedia

    Contents 1 Europe 1.1 Austria 1.2 Azerbaijan (also in Asia) 1.3 ... Wikipedia

    The list includes only those settlements of the Russian Federation that, based on data from the Federal State Statistics Service, have the status of cities. The area of ​​a city is understood as the territory within its city limits... ... Wikipedia

    According to the results of the All-Russian Population Census of 2010, among 1,100 cities in Russia, 37 cities had a population of more than 500 thousand inhabitants, including: 2 multimillionaire cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg) more than 2 million inhabitants, 12 cities ... ... Wikipedia

    According to the results of the All-Russian Population Census of 2010, there are 66 cities in the Far Eastern Economic Region, of which: 2 largest from 500 thousand to 1 million inhabitants 2 large from 250 thousand to 500 thousand inhabitants 6 large from 100 thousand to 250 thousand inhabitants 6 ... ... Wikipedia

    In the Central Economic Region there are 139 cities with a population of more than 20 thousand people, among them: Moscow 11.5 million inhabitants 66 cities in the Moscow region Main article: List of cities in the Moscow region 72 cities in other regions of the Central ... ... Wikipedia

    In the Volga-Vyatka economic region there are 34 cities with a population of more than 20 thousand people, of which: 1 millionaire more than 1 million inhabitants 3 large from 250 thousand to 500 thousand inhabitants 4 large from 100 thousand to 250 thousand inhabitants 8 medium from 50 thousand to 100... ...Wikipedia

    According to the results of the All-Russian Population Census of 2010, there are 52 cities in the Central Chernozem Economic Region, of which: 2 largest from 500 thousand to 1 million inhabitants 3 large from 250 thousand to 500 thousand inhabitants 2 large from 100 thousand ... Wikipedia

    Cities in Europe with a population of more than 500 thousand people. As of mid-2012, there are 91 such cities in Europe, among which 33 cities have a population of more than 1,000,000 inhabitants. The list contains official data on the number... ... Wikipedia

    This article is proposed for deletion. An explanation of the reasons and the corresponding discussion can be found on the Wikipedia page: To be deleted / November 11, 2012. While the discussion process is ... Wikipedia

Russia is large and multifaceted. The largest cities in Russia have always been its hearts, just as the village has been its soul. Even medieval travelers called Rus' “Gardarika” - “land of cities”.

The country, like the whole world, did not escape the process of urbanization, during which megacities appeared. Below is a list of the largest cities in Russia by population today.

The capital of the Russian Federation, Moscow, which is typical for most countries, simultaneously heads the top 10 largest cities in Russia. Officially, the city's population is slightly higher than 12 million people, but experts believe that in practice this number is much higher.

With the exception of the period 1712-1918. Moscow has always been the capital of states located on the territory of present-day Russia. Over the years of its development, Moscow has turned into a metropolis. Even after many surrounding areas became part of Moscow, the capital is the most populous city in Russia. One Moscow district in terms of population exceeds any city in the Moscow region.

The capital is a center of historical monuments, the main one of which is the Kremlin. This is the sacred center of Russia, which has seen key moments in the country’s history.

The walls of the Novodevichy Convent will not be inferior to the ancient Kremlin. Moscow museums themselves deserve a visit to the city. The life and work of the greatest Russian cultural masters are connected with Moscow, and this also enhances the historical flavor of the city.

If all Russian million-plus cities want to be called some kind of capital, then St. Petersburg is recognized as the cultural capital almost officially. However, the city, located in the north-west of the country, was also the political capital of Russia, taking the palm away from Moscow for two centuries.

The founding date of St. Petersburg was 1703, when Peter the Great founded the Peter and Paul Fortress. St. Petersburg was built for many years according to a rather primitive, but existing plan, so it still amazes with the severity of its lines, despite the difficult terrain.

The concentration of historical and architectural monuments, among which the Winter Palace and the Hermitage located in it, St. Isaac's Cathedral and the Peter and Paul Fortress stand out, has no analogues in the world.

The world's northernmost million-plus city (population 5.2 million) also attracts tourists with museums, theaters and surrounding palace complexes.

St. Petersburg is not a frozen monument. The authorities of the North-Western District of the Russian Federation are located here, heavy and light industry factories and more than a hundred universities operate there.

The former Novo-Nikolaevsk is the youngest Russian city with a population of more than a million. It was founded in 1893, and received city status ten years later. The metropolis on the Ob River owes its existence and rapid development to the Great Siberian Route.

Due to its short history, the third most populous (2016) settlement in the country cannot boast of an abundance of architectural and antique monuments. It is famous primarily as a transport, industrial and scientific center. Founded in 1957, Academy Town has become a scientific center of world significance.

There is a metro in the city, and the unique metro bridge across the Ob River is the longest in the world.

Novosibirsk is also famous for its opera and ballet theater, for which the largest building in Russia was built, and the zoo, where you can see species not preserved in nature.

The capital of the Urals stands out among cities with a population of one million for its compactness - only 15 km wide and 20 km long. Yekaterinburg was founded in 1723. Half a century later it became the most important point of communication between the European and Asian parts of Russia.

However, the Ural city of one and a half million people does not live by transport alone. After the revolution, Sverdlovsk became a powerful industrial base. Local factories produce a huge range of industrial products.

There are about 600 architectural monuments in Yekaterinburg, most of them are located in the Historical Center. Museums commemorate such historical milestones as the death of Russian Emperor Nicholas II and the beginning of the political career of the first Russian President B. Yeltsin.

Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan

Located at the confluence of the Oka and Volga, the city with a population of 1.27 million people, Nizhny Novgorod was founded back in 1221. From the walls of his Kremlin during the Great Troubles, the militia of Minin and Pozharsky left for Moscow.

After military affairs, Nizhny Novgorod residents moved on to partly peaceful affairs. Before the revolution, the local fair thundered throughout Europe, and the military factories built under the USSR made a great contribution to the Great Victory.

Now the famous GAZ, an aircraft plant, a shipbuilding plant and large enterprises in other industries operate in Nizhny Novgorod. Modern technologies are developing in the spirit of the times - the city has branches of the largest IT companies.

In addition to the Kremlin, historical attractions include the Art Museum, the A. M. Gorky House Museum and the A. Pushkin Museum. There are three academic theaters. An interesting attraction is the Chkalov Stairs. The descent, named after the pilot, is the longest in Russia and bypasses the Odessa Potemkin Stairs in terms of height difference.

Kazan divides its history almost in half into Tatar and imperial parts. Even before the conquest by Ivan the Terrible, Kazan was the capital, which is very uncharacteristic for Russian megacities. Accordingly, the appearance of Kazan combines the features of two cultures. The main attractions of Kazan, in addition to the Kremlin, are mosques and Christian churches.

Kazan is developing very dynamically. In recent years, many interesting architectural and sports structures have been built. These are the Millennium Bridge, the Pyramid entertainment complex, the Rubin stadium and a number of facilities built for the Universiade.

Chelyabinsk, Omsk

The eighth most populous Russian metropolis is located in the Urals, on the Miass River. Chelyabinsk has gone through approximately the same development path as Yekaterinburg: from a transport hub to a commercial and industrial center. By the end of the 19th century. it was called the “Gateway to Siberia”, becoming a powerful crossroads of trade routes.

The 20th century, despite the negative vicissitudes, continued the vector of development of the city. Not only new enterprises appeared here, but also scientific and cultural institutions. However, today's Chelyabinsk does not inspire reverence among tourists. The city looks unkempt and dirty even in the very center. Even local authorities acknowledge problems with landscaping.

Omsk is located at the confluence of the Ob and Irtysh in the place where the Trans-Siberian Railway crosses the Irtysh. This advantageous location attracted the attention of Russian explorers, but only in 1716 was a full-fledged settlement organized here.

However, the second of the largest cities in Siberia has not received such rapid development as other advantageously located settlements. It rather remained a military settlement interspersed with civilian enterprises. Industry began to appear only during the years of Soviet power, and it later became the scourge of Omsk.

The largest oil refinery in Europe is located here, which does not add to the purity of the atmosphere, and a number of other polluting enterprises.

Nevertheless, Omsk residents also find good features in their city. They see the sun more than 300 days a year, which is comparable to Cyprus and Spain. There are as many as 10 bridges across the Irtysh in the city. The main architectural monument, the Assumption Cathedral, is very beautiful in the evening illumination.

Samara - a pearl on the Volga

At the confluence of the Samara and the Volga there is a large industrial center with a population of just over a million people. The city, founded at the end of the 16th century, is the seventh largest city in Russia by population. At first it was a district, then a provincial center.

Before the revolution, Samara developed as a place of trade and a transport hub, and under Soviet rule it became a powerful industrial center. The city (then Kuibyshev) acquired such importance that in 1941 it became the reserve capital of the USSR. Modern Samara has overcome the decline of the end of the last century. The military-industrial complex and aerospace industry enterprises are gradually being revived.

The description of the sights of Samara is replete with the definition of “the most”. Samara Station is the highest in Europe. The embankment is the longest, and Kuibyshev Square is the largest.

Architectural researchers distinguish 5 stages of development in the city, from the ancient city to the “Cosmic Kuibyshev”. Among the monuments, the memorial complex of the Soyuz rocket stands out. Yuri Gagarin went into space on this carrier, assembled in Samara.

Rostov-on-Don closes the list of the most populated cities in Russia. The decree establishing a customs house on the current site of Rostov was signed on December 15, 1749. The port, protected by a fortress, quickly gained trade momentum. Numerous settlers came here, whose descendants still give Rostov a unique flavor.

Modern Rostov is very beautiful. In addition to the architectural monuments, of which there are almost 500, the largest zoo in Europe, many beautiful parks and fountains have been created. Embankment named after Ushakova is considered a separate attraction. The Rostov Cathedral, the building of the City Duma and the house of A. Solzhenitsyn are considered architectural monuments.

Above are the largest cities in Russia by population. There is, however, an important caveat. The number of residents is only one of the criteria for assessing the size of a city.

The largest city in the Moscow region in terms of population, Balashikha, is three times smaller in area than Khimki.

Likewise, to the general question, what is the largest city in Russia, anyone will confidently answer - Moscow. However, if you ask the average person to name the largest cities in Russia by area, then the top three, besides the usual Moscow and St. Petersburg, is unlikely to include Volgograd, which does not even fall into the top ten largest cities in Russia by population.

11/24/2015 at 00:45 · Pavlofox · 108 970

Top 10 largest cities in Russia by area

Russia is the largest country in the world by area. But in addition to the vast territories, the country’s residents can also be proud of the most beautiful cities. Among them there are both very small settlements, such as Chekalin, and megacities.
The largest cities in Russia by area - which large settlements are included in the honorable top ten? We will consider only cities whose area is given within their city limits.

10. Omsk | 597 sq. kilometers

It is located in 10th place in the list of the largest cities in Russia by area. The population exceeds one million inhabitants. According to this indicator, Omsk ranks second in terms of population in Siberia. The importance of the city for the region is great. During the Civil War it was called the Capital of the Russian State. It is the capital of the Siberian Cossack army. Now Omsk is a large industrial and cultural center. One of the city’s decorations is the Assumption Cathedral, which is one of the treasuries of world temple culture.
The territory of the city is 597.2 square meters. kilometer

9. Voronezh | 596 sq. kilometer

In 9th place in the top 10 largest Russian cities, it is located with a territory of 596.51 square meters. kilometer The population is 1.3 million inhabitants. The city is located in a beautiful place - on the banks of the Don and the Voronezh reservoir.
Voronezh has many beautiful architectural monuments, but it is also famous for its modern art. Sculptures of the kitten from Lizyukova Street, a character from the famous cartoon, and White Bim from the film “White Bim, Black Ear” were installed in the city. There is also a monument to Peter I in Voronezh.

8. Kazan | 614 sq. kilometers

The eighth place in the ranking of the largest cities in Russia by area is occupied by the capital of Tatarstan. It is the country's largest economic, scientific, cultural and religious center. In addition, Kazan is one of the most important Russian ports. Unofficially bears the name of the third capital of Russia.
The city is actively developing as an international sports center. The authorities of Kazan attach great importance to the development of tourism. Many international festivals are held here every year. The most significant architectural structure of the city is the Kazan Kremlin, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The area of ​​the city is 614 square meters. kilometers.

7. Orsk | 621 sq. kilometers

Comprising three administrative districts with an area of ​​about 621.33 square meters. kilometers, takes seventh place in the list of the largest Russian cities. It is located in a picturesque place - on the spurs of the majestic Ural Mountains, and the Ural River divides it into two parts: Asian and European. The main industry developed in the city is industry. There are more than 40 archaeological sites in Orsk.

6. Tyumen | 698 sq. kilometers

In sixth place among the largest settlements in Russia is the first Russian city founded in Siberia - Tyumen. The number of inhabitants is about 697 thousand people. Territory – 698.48 sq. kilometers. Founded in the 16th century, the city now includes 4 administrative districts. The beginning of the future city was laid by the construction of the Tyumen fort, started by decree of Fyodor Ivanovich, the third son of Ivan the Terrible.

5. Ufa | 707 sq. kilometers

Ufa, whose territory is 707.93 square meters. kilometers, is in fifth place in the list of the largest Russian cities. The population has more than a million inhabitants. The capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan is a major cultural, scientific, economic and sports center of the country. The importance of Ufa was confirmed by the BRICS and SCO summits held here in 2015.
Despite the fact that Ufa is a million-plus city, it is the most spacious settlement in Russia - there are almost 700 square meters per resident. meters of territory.
Ufa is considered one of the greenest cities in the country - there are a large number of parks and squares. It is also distinguished by a wide variety of monuments.

4. Perm | 800 sq. kilometers

In fourth place in the ranking of the largest cities by area is. Occupies an area of ​​799.68 square meters. kilometers. The number of inhabitants is more than a million people. Perm is a large industrial, economic and logistics center. The city owes its foundation to Tsar Peter I, who ordered the construction of a copper smelter to begin in the Siberian province.

3. Volgograd | 859 sq. kilometers

The Hero City, which in the Soviet era bore the name Stalingrad, ranks third on the list of the largest Russian cities. Area – 859,353 sq. kilometers. The population is just over a million people. The city was founded at the end of the 16th century on the ancient Volga trade route. The first name is Tsaritsyn. One of the most famous historical events associated with Volgograd is the great Battle of Stalingrad, which showed the courage, heroism and tenacity of Russian soldiers. It became a turning point in the war. One of the most famous monuments dedicated to those difficult years is the “Motherland Calls” monument, which became its symbol for the city residents.

2. St. Petersburg | 1439 sq. kilometers

In second place among the largest cities in Russia by area is the second capital of the country. The favorite brainchild of Peter I occupies an area of ​​1439 square meters. kilometer The population is more than 5 million inhabitants. The cultural capital of Russia is famous for its many magnificent monuments and architectural structures, which hundreds of thousands of tourists come to admire every year.

1. Moscow | 2561 sq. kilometers

The capital of Russia takes first place in the ranking. Territory – 2561.5 sq. kilometers, the population is more than 12 million people. To understand the full scale of the capital, you need to remember that Moscow has a larger population than some European countries.

In addition to the largest Russian cities listed above, there are also urban settlements, when the city itself includes other settlements. If we consider these territorial units in our ranking, then Moscow or St. Petersburg will not be in first place. In this case, the list of the largest settlements in Russia will be headed by the city of Zapolyarny, whose area is 4620 square meters. kilometers. This is twice the area of ​​the capital. Meanwhile, only 15 thousand people live in Zapolyarny. The Arctic is interesting because about 12 kilometers from the city there is the famous super-deep Kola well, which is one of the deepest points on Earth.
The urban district of Norilsk can also lay claim to the title of the largest territorial association in Russia. It includes Norilsk itself and two settlements. Territory area – 4509 sq. kilometers.

Readers' Choice:

Scattered across different parts of a large country. Cities with a population of over a million are the center of attraction for millions of tourists from all over the world, migrants, students and workers. Population statistics are compiled from the annual population census by RosStat. It is worth noting that the population includes only citizens who permanently reside in the territory of a particular city. The following are the most populated cities in Russia.

1. Moscow

Moscow is the largest city in Russia both in terms of population and area. A population of 12,330,126 people inhabits both sides of the city’s waterway, the Moscow River. The capital of the state, Moscow, is the most multinational city in Russia: migrants, students, workers and tourists come here from all over the country.

Ten facts about Moscow:

  • a major international center of economics and trade;
  • a major industrial hub of the country;
  • one of the best and largest educational centers for Russian and foreign students;
  • a large number of research institutes are located in Moscow;
  • more than 50 directions in religion;
  • a large cultural and historical center of the European part of Russia;
  • the country's largest transport interchange: 3 river ports (Moscow in Soviet times was called the “port of 5 seas”), 9 railway stations, 5 airports with directions to all corners of the planet;
  • Moscow is the “zero kilometer”, all roads lead here;
  • tourist center of the country;
  • the capital is one of the top five cities in the world in terms of the number of dollar billionaires living there.

Petrograd, also known as Leningrad or St. Petersburg in short, is located along the sovereign course of the Neva River and its coastal granite. Many poems have been written about the beautiful city located between Ladoga and the Neva Bay of the Gulf of Finland, near the Baltic Sea. This big city is shrouded in secrets and legends. Walking along its streets, you walk along the streets of Dostoevsky, Gogol or Tsvetaeva. Populationis 5,225,690 people with a population density of 3,631 people. per square kilometer with a total area of ​​the city of 1439 km².

Ten facts about St. Petersburg:

  • northern Venice is the second name of the northern capital due to the huge number of large and small rivers, tributaries and canals and the similarity with Venetian streets;
  • St. Petersburg is listed in the Red Book for the total length of tram tracks within the city - 600 kilometers;
  • the deepest metro in the world, the depth of some stations reaches 80 meters;
  • “White Nights” is one of the main attractions that attracts tourists to the cultural capital;
  • in St. Petersburg there is the tallest cathedral in Russia - the Peter and Paul Cathedral, whose spire height is 122.5 meters;
  • The Hermitage is a world-famous museum that attracts tourists from all over the world, its corridors are 20 kilometers long, and a tourist who wants to get acquainted with all the exhibits of the museum will need several years to complete this mission;
  • The question that every tourist in the city asks is what is the total number of bridges in St. Petersburg? 447, this is the number in the register of the Mostotrest company, which services the city’s bridges;
  • Peterhof is an engineering marvel. Fountain Park, which was laid out in the times of Peter the Great, but to this day none of the fountains has a pumping installation, but only a carefully designed pipeline;
  • Peter “chooses” residents for himself, and not the resident chooses him. Not every person can withstand the damp and humid climate of the city, which is at times very gray and foggy;
  • The architecture of St. Petersburg is similar to the architecture of neighboring countries of the European Union - Tallinn on the Estonian side and Helsinki on the Finnish side.

3. Novosibirsk

The city was awarded last place in the top three most populated cities in Russia. It is the center of Siberian industry and trade, research and educational activities, cultural, business and tourism spheres of the district. The Siberian capital is home to 1,584,138 people, while the city area is only 505 km².

Novosibirsk is a city with a very developed infrastructure and economy, and it is a point of attraction for those migrating from nearby cities, regions, republics and even neighboring states.

Five interesting facts about Novosibirsk:

  • The longest metro bridge is located in the capital of the Siberian Federal District;
  • the Opera and Ballet Theater in Novosibirsk is a theatrical building that is the first largest in Russia and the second in the world;
  • Planning Street is both parallel and perpendicular to itself, forming 2 intersections;
  • the only museum of the Sun in Russia is located in the city;
  • Novosibirsk Akademgorodok is a large educational and research center in the Siberian Federal District.

4. Ekaterinburg

Ekaterinburg, formerly Sverdlovsk, ranks 4th among Russian cities with a population exceeding one million people (1,444,439 people with a total city area of ​​1,142 square kilometers). The Trans-Siberian Railway and six major highways pass through this huge transport and sorting center, which occupies a huge niche in Russian logistics. Yekaterinburg is an industrial city with developed industry in a variety of fields, from optical-mechanical to light and food industries.

5. Nizhny Novgorod

Gorky until 1990, or “Nizhny” in common parlance, was a million-plus city and an auto giant in the Volga Federal District. Founded during the time of Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich, Nizhny Novgorod, spread on both sides of the Oka River, today has a population of 1,266,871 people and is the fifth largest city in Russia. The city's area is only 410 km², but a large seaport, Russia's largest automobile manufacturing plant, a concern engaged in the manufacture and production of military equipment, an aircraft plant and a shipbuilding plant are concentrated here. In addition to its industrial development, Nizhny Novgorod is famous for its Kremlin and extraordinary architecture. This is a wonderful city for tourism. Even the most experienced traveler will be delighted with the beauty of Nizhny Novgorod.

The city has an area of ​​425 square kilometers with a population of 1,216,965 people and a population density of 2,863 people per square kilometer. The capital of Tatarstan has its own Kremlin and a fairly rich architectural heritage, which encourages tourism among Russians and foreign residents. Kazan is not just a beautiful and large city, but also a center of international trade and economics, education, tourism with an interesting historical past.

The population of Chelyabinsk is 1,191,994 people per 530 square kilometers, which in terms of density is 2,379 people per square kilometer. “The Harsh City,” as it is jokingly called, has a lot of funny stories and facts: the meteorological Hyperion brick, Kaganovichgrad, the forest in the city center, the Chelyabinsk meteorite, Stalin in the Chelyabinsk prison... Are you interested? Then it's time to go to Chelyabinsk on an excursion!

An important and fairly large industrial and transport center, where a well-known oil refinery is located both in Russia and abroad. The significant city of Omsk is also for tourists: the Assumption Cathedral for foreigners is included in the list of “main attractions in the world”, and the Vatican includes the Okunevsky Sanctuary among the holy places of world significance. The population of the administrative center-capital of the Omsk region is 1,178,079, while the area of ​​Omsk is only 572.9,572 km².

The millionaire city, which previously had the name Kuibyshev, is known for its historically important places that have become attractions: the Iversky Convent, the Lutheran Church, the Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Cathedral Square - now Kuibyshev Square - the first in size in Europe and the fifth in the world. Every year, hundreds of thousands of residents of the country come here to the Grushinsky Festival of Bard Song. A population of 1,170,910 people lives in the city, whose area is 382 sq. km.

10. Rostov-on-Don

Rostov, popularly called “Rostov-papa”, is a city of federal significance in the south of Russia. It is big, beautiful, noisy. The phrase “Rostov-papa, Odessa-mama” often hurts the ear - this is a historically established expression - both cities were criminal capitals competing with each other. With a rather small city area of ​​348 square kilometers, the population of Rostov is 1,119,875 people. and ranks 10th in the ranking of the largest cities in Russia by population.