This is simply a miracle: the island of Koh Kood is almost the Maldives in Thailand. Island of Koh Kood Description of the island, how to get there Vacation Thailand island of Koh Kood

In fourth place. Located thirty kilometers south of the Au Hai district, part of the Trat province. You can get there by booking a combined route on.

Koh Kood Island in Thailand is considered one of the “youngest” resort areas, where a tourist’s foot has only set foot in the very last years. Therefore, by choosing it as a vacation destination, you will have at your service a poorly developed tourist infrastructure, but almost virgin, untrodden nature and a crystal clear, azure sea. This is one of best places for young couples who love a relaxing and romantic holiday.

Hotels on Koh Kood Island

Koh Kood Island Hotels will delight those who want to feel themselves in the role of Signor Robinson. The bungalows along the coast are very similar to the huts of this adventurer, but offer an almost European level of comfort. Even thatched huts for 400 baht per day have fans; for those who are not satisfied with this, they can choose apartments with air conditioning, costing at least 700 baht. Some hotels boast a free Wi-Fi zone. In the village of Klong Chao there are one-story permanent buildings consisting of 8-10 rooms.

On the island of Koh Kood, only the coastal area is inhabited, so everything Koh Kood hotels are in the first line. On the west coast there are resorts located near two large rivers islands. Those who settle there have access to a special service - renting kayaks for traveling deep into the jungle.

There may also be such container-type hotels

The popularity of the island is gradually gaining momentum, so during the high season, which lasts from December to March, it is better to take care of hotel bookings. You can choose and book the hotel you like on the island of Ko Kut on the websites or. A map with located hotels is at the end of the article.

Beach holiday on Koh Kood island

Beaches of Koh Kood island located along west coast. There are several of them, but three of them are the most popular.

Klong Chao Beach

Klong Chao- the largest, located near the administrative capital of the island. There are most hotels and guest houses around it. It is best developed there tourism infrastructure. Next to it there is a waterfall - one of the main attractions of the island.

Bang Bao Beach

Bang Bao surrounded by hills covered with lush tropical vegetation. The sea is calm White sand The beach is interrupted in some places by large rocky boulders.

Ta Phao Beach

Taphao- a delight for the eyes, along the edge of which palm trees grow, providing blissful shade. It's the best place to watch sunsets. Not far from it is the village of Khlong Mat.

The island is very small, there is only one road. It goes from the pier in the bay on the northern coast to the western one, then along it almost to the southern tip of the island and turns to east coast. Its total length is about 25 kilometers. Public and commercial transport on Koh Kood island completely absent. It has a single resident, apparently a local madman, who earns money by driving his cab. You can spend hours looking for it or waiting, so it’s better to rent a bike at the hotel (). It costs about three hundred baht. If you have a penchant for masochism, then rent a bike. The island is replete with elevation changes, so you will have to work hard.

The Thai island of Koh Kood is the fourth largest among the islands of this country. It differs from others in its solitude and untouched nature. The main advantages of Koh Kood are its amazing tropical vegetation, clear water and snow-white beaches of the Gulf of Thailand. This island is mainly visited by tourists who want to completely immerse themselves in the splendor of pristine nature and experience unity with it. There are few local residents here (about 1 thousand people). Most of them live in traditional fishing villages.

How to get to the island

There is no airport on the island, so you can only get to Koh Kood in the following ways:

  • Fly by plane from Bangkok to Trat, and from there take a taxi to the pier, from which you can take a boat or boat to Koh Kood. There are 3 flights daily from the capital of Thailand. The flight lasts 1 hour. Ticket price is about 3000 baht.
  • Arrive as part of group excursions, organized on the island. Koh Chang or Pattaya. The average cost of such a trip for two days is about 5,000 baht.
  • Arrive from Bangkok by bus departing from the Eastern Bus Station to Trat. Speedboats and boats depart regularly from the pier to Ko Kood. This island is located 300 km from the mainland, so the journey to it takes approximately 3 hours.

Hotels near Koh Kood

Although this island has preserved pristine nature and local traditions, any tourist will be able to find a cozy and comfortable hotel. There are hotels of different classes here, so everyone can choose accommodation according to their capabilities. It is noteworthy that almost all hotels on the island include breakfast in the price of your stay. Near the hotels there are restaurants and bars that serve a variety of dishes from seafood, meat, vegetables and fruits.

Almost all hotels are located near the beaches of Koh Kood. Most of them provide their visitors with accommodation in cozy and spacious bungalows. The most popular hotels in Koh Kood are:

  1. Peter Pan Resort - loved by tourists who prefer relaxing holiday, since it is located away from nightclubs and bars. It is built on Klong Chao Beach.
  2. Tinkerbell Privacy Resort – new hotel, which opened only in 2009 and consists of 15 villas. It provides its visitors with a comfortable and relaxing holiday, as well as the highest level of service.
  3. Away Resort – located on Klong Chao Beach. Guests are accommodated in comfortable bungalows and villas.
  4. The Beach Natural Resort – built in Bang Bao Bay. Guests are offered accommodation in comfortable villas equipped with air conditioning, private bathroom, DVD player and hairdryer. The hotel has a restaurant, bar, and playground for children.
  5. Koh Kood Resort is an exclusive boutique resort. It is built right next to the sea and is surrounded by tropical thickets. There is a restaurant next to it. The hotel provides free internet access.
  6. Siam Beach - located in the Bang Bao lagoon. Comfortable bungalows are equipped with shower, toilet, fan. Some of them are located along the coast, and the rest are built on a hill 50 m from coastline. The hotel has a restaurant.
  7. Cham\"s House Resort - built on Ta Kian Beach. It has 32 villas and 16 rooms. It has a massage pavilion and a swimming pool.
  8. Pa Hin Sai - budget resort, offering guests spacious bamboo bungalows with verandas. There is a wooden pier next to it. The hotel has a restaurant and a travel agency.
  9. The five-star Soneva Kiri hotel, located on Ta Tin Beach, is one of the best in Ko Kood. Visitors are provided with international level service. Luxurious villas are located on a vast area of ​​60 hectares. It has 3 restaurants, a spa center, a swimming pool, a cinema, a private jet, dry cleaning and laundry, and a children's club. The hotel offers yacht rental, bicycle rental, sea walks, excursions, and fishing.

Vacation prices

Unlike other resorts, spending time in Koh Kood is cheaper. In restaurants, for little money you can enjoy the freshest seafood at very reasonable prices. affordable prices. So a portion of fish costs 350 baht, chicken - 120, shrimp - 160, squid - 130, pork - 120. Only alcohol is very expensive. So a small bottle of beer will cost about 60 baht.

The prices for other services are also quite low. So, renting a mask and fins for a day will cost only 150 baht, and renting a scooter will cost 10 dollars. USA.

The cheapest guesthouses provide rooms with minimal amenities for prices starting from 10 dollars. USA.

Beaches of Koh Kuda

A holiday in the tropics naturally means a pleasant time snow-white beaches, washed by clear waters and bordered by gorgeous greenery and palm trees. On Ko Kood, tourists have the opportunity to visit more than a dozen excellent beaches. The most popular of them are the following: Tapao, Bang Bao, Klong Chao, Ao Prao, Ta Kian, Klong Hin. Most of them are located in the south and west of the island:

  1. Klong Chao - spread out south of the bay Tapao. Its length is about 0.5 km. The beach in its northern part is limited by a narrow bay with mangroves. In the south, a low stone cape rises above it. It is surrounded by coconut palms and casuarina trees. Nearby there are resorts (budget and expensive), hotels, bars, restaurants. Here tourists actively relax, playing football and volleyball.
  2. Bang Bao is a lagoon located in the southwest of Ko Kood. This beach is one of the best, as it is protected from any bad weather by a rocky cape. That is why the water is almost always calm. Bang Bao is surrounded by huge coconut palms.
  3. Ta Kian is located in the southwest of Ko Kood. This picturesque beach is a wide strip of sand bending like a crescent. In the east it is limited by a rocky cape. Ta Kian amazes his with snow-white powdery sand.

Among other beaches, it is necessary to note Ao Chak, Klong Ta Tin and Yai Ki, Ai Noi, Klong Quen, Ta-U. Each of them has its own hotels and resorts.

Attractions Ko Kuda

People go to this island to communicate with nature, so the main attractions of Ko Kood are:

  • Numerous beaches with unique nature.
  • Picturesque waterfalls such as Than Sanuk Waterfall (consisting of 3 cascades) and Khlong Chao.
  • National Park.

Excursions on the island

Almost all hotels on the island offer their visitors a variety of excursions (individual and group). So you can book a trip around the island by speedboat or boat, go fishing with an experienced instructor, go diving or snorkeling in cleanest waters islands. Other excursions worth noting include:

  • Kayaking trip – travel along the coastline and mangrove forests.
  • Fishing from the shore or from a boat. In this case, the catch can be not only some exotic tropical fish, but also squid. Best fishing observed near a coral reef. Many resorts offer night fishing tours.
  • Visit to rubber plantations, where you can become more familiar with the methods of collecting this natural raw material and the process of turning it into rubber.
  • Travel around tropical forest islands with an experienced guide. Any tourist will be amazed by the diversity of flora and fauna of this beautiful island.

Weather at the resort

Unlike some other resorts in Thailand, the weather in Ko Kood is wonderful all year round. Only in summer there are a few showers. Best time to visit this island: October – May. During this period it is dry, warm and sunny. In December-January the evenings and nights on the island are cool, so warm clothing will be required.

This material is not quite ordinary. In it I will try to combine my personal impressions of the trip to the island of Koh Kood and useful information for travelers and tourists.

Three weekends loomed ahead and we urgently needed to occupy them with something. She went to a neighboring state to inspect Angkor Wat, and I was promised solitude in front of the monitor, but a call to management with the selfish goal of getting an excursion to the island of Koh Kood was a success and I went to relax on the white sand and swim in the clear and clean sea. My soul does not belong to organized excursions, I never traveled as a tourist on a big bus, but always preferred to travel on my own. But if there is an opportunity to go to a distant island, why not go there and relax? ;)

The departure was very early and before the first stop we slept for an hour and a half; a small snack at a road cafe brought back the desire to go somewhere. Our next stop was near Buddhist monastery, where we fed the monkeys. I will not dwell on feeding these creatures, because... My communication with these animals increasingly makes me think of picking up a bow and arrow and explaining who is here... hmm.. I digress. Let's continue.

A more interesting and informative stop was a visit to Namtokphlio national park. The guide allowed us to walk for about an hour and a half and that was basically enough.

We reached the pier quite quickly, looking at the fruit plantations outside the window. We loaded into the speedboat and the warm sea wind hit our faces! Out of habit from bright sun and the headwind I couldn’t open my eyes, but after ten minutes I adapted. Well, I'm not a waterfowl...

Our path lay past the island of Koh Chang. We stopped for a swim in a cozy bay. The guide read the instructions, handed out masks and snorkels, and our team started snorkeling. I swim like an axe, so I put on a vest so as not to be distracted by the struggle for life, but to feel comfortable and study the local inhabitants depths of the sea. It must be said that the inhabitants are very different - colored and striped, black and white, long and short. They let the fish get very close to them, and we even managed to touch some of them. At the bottom, bristling with needles, lay sea ​​urchins, stepping on such a hedgehog means dooming yourself to an operation to remove the needles. The operation is carried out without anesthesia, using the old-fashioned method: they take a bottle and tap on the place where the needle remains, the needle in your body crumbles into small pieces and subsequently dissolves. XXI Century! The swim was not long, as hunger made itself felt and we again rushed to the island of Koh Kood. The journey took about 1.5 hours including swimming.

Upon arrival on the island, there was immediately lunch, and then check-in, which is logical in my opinion, since my, and not only my, feeling of hunger overshadowed the impressions of the trip.


Koh Kood Island this is the fourth largest island in Thailand (area 131 sq. km.), but the highlight of this island is not its size and ratings, but its lack of habitability, its originality. Kood Island administratively belongs to Trat Province and forms Amphyo "Koh Kood". The island's population is approximately 1,715 people (2007 data). Koh Kood Island is a sea island national park Koh Chang.


There are not so many hotels on the island of Koh Kood, and they are located far from each other. Some hotels can only be reached by sea. During high season it is better to book in advance low season I'll be there anyway, but some hotels close during low season!!!

  • All hotels in Koh Kood


The beaches on Ko Kut are some of the most beautiful in the Gulf of Thailand. Tapao Beach is good for snorkeling. Klong Chao Bay is ideal for kayaking. Known for its fine white sand, Kluai Beach is one of the most popular beaches on the island. There are other small beaches, some of which can only be accessed by boat.


The island of Koh Kood has not yet been greatly touched by man and especially by tourists. Yes, there are luxury hotels, bungalows, and dive centers, but this is still not Koh Chang and there is not much entertainment here. Ko Kood is ideal for beach holiday, but nevertheless, here there is something to occupy yourself in your free time. For example, why not experience the island lifestyle for yourself and visit fishing village Salad Ao? I think you can come to an agreement with the local fishermen and go with them to the sea and fish. In the village you can buy seafood inexpensively. Koo Kood Island even has its own Khlong Chao waterfall. One of the interesting adventures will be a kayaking trip from Klong Chao Bai beach almost to the foot of the waterfall, where you must take a swim in the cool water.


By goes to the island asphalt road, in some places the asphalt disappears, but this only adds to the emotions. We rented a motorbike, the prices are steep compared to Pattaya, in our hotel this pleasure cost 200 baht per hour and 50 baht for fuel. But I didn’t need the motorbike to ride, but to go to the shore and photograph the sunset. Which I successfully did.

Description of the island

There are several villages on Kood Island, where residents grow and collect coconuts and fruits, extract the sap of the Giveya tree, work in local hotels and, of course, fish. Their fragile boats appeared on the horizon every now and then; not far from our hotel there was a fishing village and you could go there by canoe. By the way, a pleasant moment - the canoe was provided free of charge by the hotel.

Fishing boat.

Dinner at a local hotel exceeded all my expectations. Fish and large shrimps were brought to the table, the feeling of the first and last hunger was satisfied and, when it got dark, the local fire tamers showed us what they are capable of. It’s beautiful, of course, but in Russia, at our cycling party, the guys rock it just as well... Eh... Nostalgia.

How to get there on your own?

A ready-made transfer package is organized from Pattaya, including a ticket for a minivan and a speedboat. Ticket price is 900 baht. The transfer is organized by Pattaya Group 35. When purchasing a transfer, please indicate your hotel address and telephone number. In the morning you are picked up from the hotel.

  • Address: If you stand on the street facing the sea, then the office of Pattaya Group 35 will be on the right, about 150 meters from the intersection with Sukhkumvit.

Impressions about the excursion

And finally, a short summary. What I liked most about this excursion to the island of Koh Kood was the lack of rush, you don’t have to rush anywhere, or you don’t have to get up early. A lot of free time that everyone can spend usefully. You can swim in a canoe, you can dive with a mask and snorkel, exploring the underwater inhabitants of the island of Koh Kood, you can rent a motorbike and travel around the island, or you can just lounge on a sun lounger and contemplate the passing schooners, slowly but surely getting a tan. On the way back we stopped at a fruit market, where there was almost no fruit, but there was a large number of dried and dried seafood. For some reason I bought fish with a smell, took it home and threw it away. Mine was satisfied, thank you.

Excursion to Koh Kood Island It will be useful at the end of your vacation, when you just need to take a break from all the excursions and running around, get a tan and relax before returning to your homeland.

You can ask questions about visiting the island of Koh Kood on our forum in a special section.

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It’s definitely worth going to Ko Kood! And all because this island is still considered one of the most beautiful in Thailand. Why do you say bye? The answer is simple. On this island, the infrastructure is still very poorly developed. Quantity local residents, is approximately two thousand souls and they live mainly at the expense of tourists. The island has virgin nature and practically wild beaches. Be careful because a coconut may fall on your head!

Isn't this a paradise? Do you think it's boring here? Perhaps, but only if you are used to visiting nightclubs and other entertainment venues. By the way, there are no such nightclubs in Ko Kood. Of the attractions on this island, there are only natural beauties - jungles, waterfalls, coconut palms, clean beaches, crabs and other amazing things that are for our Everyday life, are a manifestation of exoticism. Read completely

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Weather in Koh Kood by months:

Month Temperature Cloudiness Rainy days /
Water temperature
in the sea
Number of solar
hours per day
During the day At night
January 30.3°C 21.6°C 22.3% 4 days (39.0 mm.) 28.3°C 11 o'clock 32m.
February 30.6°C 21.9°C 23.1% 4 days (46.3 mm.) 28.4°C 11 o'clock 45m.
March 31.5°C 23.3°C 30.2% 6 days (86.6 mm.) 29.4°C 12h. 4m.
April 32.2°C 24.5°C 29.6% 12 days (135.1 mm.) 30.4°C 12h. 23m.
May 32.4°C 25.4°C 35.6% 11 days (157.0 mm.) 30.7°C 12h. 39m.
June 30.8°C 25.6°C 48.6% 15 days (329.1 mm.) 29.6°C 12h. 48m.
July 29.9°C 25.1°C 52.0% 18 days (418.3 mm.) 29.1°C 12h. 44m.
August 29.9°C 25.4°C 53.0% 18 days (395.0 mm.) 28.8°C 12h. 30m.
September 30.1°C 24.9°C 47.2% 15 days (321.8 mm.) 28.7°C 12h. 11m.
October 31.1°C 24.0°C 37.5% 15 days (214.3 mm.) 29.4°C 11 o'clock 52m.
November 31.7°C 23.4°C 27.1% 9 days (95.8 mm.) 29.7°C 11 o'clock 36m.
December 31.0°C 22.3°C 23.0% 3 days (36.4 mm.) 29.0°C 11 o'clock 28m.

*This table displays weather averages collected over more than three years


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How much does a vacation to Koh Kood cost? September 2015.

tour cost

We didn’t need a visa, since we were traveling for exactly a month. Tickets cost 60,000 rubles round trip for two. (Rostov - Moscow, Moscow - Bangkok)

We flew with Aeroflot and were satisfied. Upon arrival, we decided to go straight to the end, so we bought tickets for a minibus to Trat. Cost 1200 Baht for two.

We arrived comfortably in five hours and spent the night in a guesthouse, 600 Baht. The next day we bought a ticket for the Koh Kood Princess (ferry) to the island, which cost another 600 Baht for two.

We chose one of the most remote and least crowded hotels - Koh Kood Resort. Transfer from the ferry to the hotel was free. We lived here for a week and a half, which came out to 1200 Baht/day.

Expensive back to Bangkok - 600 Baht for two + 600 Baht for the ferry to the mainland.

We did not take part in the excursions.

Food and products

Food prices turned out to be very high compared to other provinces of Thailand.

A standard portion of noodles at the hotel cost 250 Baht, soup - from 200 Baht.

We found Fisherman's Hut cafe, where we ate at half the price. The average lunch and dinner was 400 Baht for two.

The prices of the shops were no different from those on the mainland. Water - up to 20 Baht, instant noodles - up to 50 Baht.

Souvenirs and other goods

We bought summer clothes. Men's T-shirt + shorts + slippers = 500 Baht. Women's are 200 Baht more expensive.

Cost of services and entertainment

Massage from 400 to 1000 Baht at the hotel, in other places - from 200 to 500 Baht. Motorcycle rental - 250 Baht/day.

Total money spent on vacation

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Impressions from a holiday in February

I don't like winter because heavy clothes make it difficult to move quickly around the city. You're constantly freezing. You don’t have time to drink coffee at work to avoid freezing. Therefore, I strive to go to “warm regions” for at least a week. As a matter of principle, I don’t buy tickets to Egypt, in case one of the local residents steals me. I chose a different direction: Thailand. Even the weather forecasters convinced me. After looking at the weather forecast, I realized that it is warm in Thailand in February. I was not mistaken. In Thailand, sunny weather awaited me. The air temperature was so comfortable that I didn’t have time to get tired of the heat. The thermometer showed a temperature of 30 degrees. This is a favorable season for relaxation. Because there is not much precipitation either. During the 8 days of my weekend, there were clouds only once. But even the rain wouldn't ruin my mood, because when you're on paradise island In Ko Kood, the level of endorphins is off the charts, and you don’t pay attention to the vagaries of nature.

Youth recreation

Thailand used to be unpopular tourist destination. Because our people were frightened with stories about wildlife, dangerous animals and strict laws that are sure to await tourists in the Kingdom of Thailand. Now Thai resorts are considered the best. I believe that holidays in Thailand will appeal most to young people. At Thai resorts you will find discos, restaurants, night shows, entertainment and even extreme sports. What will surprise first-time tourists most of all are the lady fights. These are the people of Thailand who make money from their beauty. Most often, men undergo beauty surgery to quickly earn good money. And tourists are tired of drag shows. Therefore, there are a lot of such ladyboys on the streets of Thailand; they themselves easily make contact with foreigners.

What to take with you on vacation?

I don’t recommend taking food or unnecessary items with you in Thailand, because there are strict customs control. This is a plus: you don’t have to carry heavy loads.

Where is the best place to stay?

There is no budget housing on the island of Koh Kood. Nice apartments You won't find it for $50. I stayed at the Koh Kood Baach Resort. The rooms are luxurious, have a jacuzzi and a large bed. The hotel area is clean and well-groomed, there are a lot of flowers, like in botanical garden. There are also other advantages: a closed area and a separate access to a quiet bay.

Thailand offers entertainment that you won't find in other countries. I didn’t book an excursion to the desert jungle and I don’t force you to. I recommend getting therapy for your nerves and riding elephants. The service costs $30. You can ride an elephant for an hour, and you can even swim in the water with the animal.

There are many establishments serving food in the capital of Thailand national cuisine. You can try scorpions in sauce and various fried cockroaches. But there is also Russian cuisine. When I arrived in Pattaya, I found the Uncle Vanya restaurant there. Yes, they serve okroshka and potatoes with garlic. You may not like Thai food, but I recommend trying Tom Yam. This is a very spicy soup. There are many restaurants, so you don’t make a mistake with the choice of dishes, order seafood (you will definitely like it).

Disadvantages of holidays on Koh Kood

Cons: mosquitoes and various insects that become active at night. Creams and ointments may not help. But you will feel protected if you get vaccinated before your trip.

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