Theodosius city. Feodosia, Crimea

Theodosia (given by God) - one of ancient cities Europe, founded by the Hellenes 2543 years ago (VI century BC) on the site of the village of Ardabra (the city of the Seven Deities). Soon Feodosia became a city-state and a trading port, successfully competing with the capital of the Bosporus kingdom, Panticapaeum. The location of the city at the crossroads of trade routes, favorable climatic and natural conditions attracted many conquerors to it, who, on the one hand, contributed to the creation historical monuments different peoples, but on the other hand, they destroyed what was built by their predecessors and brought innumerable misfortunes to the population of the city.

In Ukrainian - Feodosiya
Index: 295005
Telephone code: +7 36562; +380 6562
Population: 67.700 people (2012)
/ ,

History of the city of Feodosia:

In the IV century BC. (355) Theodosius is annexed to the Bosporus kingdom, playing the role of the largest port exporting grain to Europe.

In the IV century AD. the city was captured by the Huns, who destroyed it and ruined it for many centuries. Nevertheless, during this period of decline, religious buildings of various peoples were built.

In the VII-IX centuries. a Greek temple was built with a hall in the Byzantine style, the base of which was used in the construction in 1854 of the Vvedenskaya Church. During construction, the ancient style of the temple was not respected, frescoes and stone carvings gave the interiors a pseudo-Russian style. In 1937, a gym was placed in the church, and its ministers were shot. In 1993, the temple was returned to the UOC-MP, the dome and the bell tower were restored.

In 909, a Jewish synagogue was built, which after 1000 years was significantly expanded, and a Jewish school was built next to it. In the Great Synagogue in 1929, a sportsman's house was placed, and during the period of fascist occupation - a stable. After the war, the house of officers was located in the synagogue building, and a school was located in the former school "Talmud-Torah".

In the 13th century, the Genoese took possession of the ruins of ancient Feodosia and built new town Cafu, which was repeatedly raided by the Tatars. Therefore, a powerful citadel was built in the city, the ruins of which have survived to this day. The Kafsky fortress on the shore of the bay was built in the 1340s. The walls of the citadel, 11 meters high, with 14 towers, of which the towers of Christ and Clement VI have been preserved, reliably protected the city.

Some religious buildings of Kafa have also been preserved: the churches of St. George and St. Stephen, the churches of I. Baptist and I. Theologian. The Orthodox Greek Church of St. George was built by a Muslim who converted to Christianity, Marquis Aslan in the 14th century. It is located opposite Kafa Fortress in the Temple Valley. The temple was part of the Monastery of the Victorious and was ruled by the Patriarchate of Constantinople. The temple displays an exposition of the history of religious buildings of the Temple Valley of Feodosia and a model of the Kafa citadel.

Church of I. Baptist was built in the XIV century. Temple Valley, next to the Church of St. George. In 1858 the church was reconstructed and renamed the Iberian Church. In the USSR, the temple was turned into a warehouse, currently transferred to the UOC-MP.

Next to the Iberian Church is the Armenian Church of I. Theologian, built in the XIV century. in the Armenian cult style with excellent acoustics. The doors to the church are decorated with carved ornaments.

The Greek church of St. Stephen (St. Dmitry) was built in the 15th century. in the Quarantine area behind the wall of the Kafa fortress. The altar and wall of the temple are decorated with frescoes in the late Byzantine cult style.

One of the most tragic events in the history of Kafa was the plague epidemic that began in 1347 in the camp of the Golden Horde hordes that besieged the fortress. The Tatars used catapults to throw the corpses of their soldiers, stricken with the Black Death, through the walls of the fortress into the city, spreading an epidemic on it. Fleeing from the plague on ships, the population of Kafa landed in the cities of Europe, spreading the epidemic. As a result of this epidemic, 75 million people died in Europe. Until now, the Feodosians call the area of ​​the city, in which the ruins of the fortress have been preserved, Quarantine, and the area adjacent to the sea, Chumka.

Medieval Kafa with a population of 100 thousand people. was a cosmopolitan city. Therefore, Catholic and Orthodox churches, Armenian churches, Muslim mosques, synagogues, monasteries were built in the city, some of which have survived to this day. For example, the Armenian church of St. Sarkis, built in 1330, has survived to this day. Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky, a romantic of the sea, the best European sea painter, a “virtuoso of clouds and air”, is buried in the church fence in a white marble sarcophagus (by sculptor Biojoli). There is a record in the church book that Gevork Ayvazyan and his wife Hripsime had a son, Hovhannes Ayvazyan. The inscription on the sarcophagus is made in ancient Armenian. Nearby is the crypt of the second wife of the artist, an Armenian by nationality. The stone Armenian Church of Arkhangelsk, built in 1408 in the style of the Italian Middle Ages, has also been preserved. Next to the church, it is planned to erect a monument to the brother of I. Aivazovsky, a historian, orientalist, linguist, philosopher G. Aivazovsky.

In 1475, the Turks captured the city, turning it into the capital of the Crimean province of the Sultan, which was called Keffe, Crimea-Istanbul or Kuchuk-Istanbul. Having destroyed a number of Genoese structures, the Turks built mosques, minarets, oriental baths, incl. the tower of Constantine that has survived to this day, the Mufti-Jami mosque restored in 1975 with an 8-sided minaret, an Armenian fountain indicating the date of construction 1586

The inhabitants of the city were turned into a living commodity, which was sold in the slave markets of Istanbul and the Mediterranean countries. This was repeatedly prevented by the Zaporozhye Cossacks, who stormed the fortress and destroyed the Turkish fleet, freeing the slaves.

In 1771, the city passed into the possession of Russia and was again renamed Feodosia. During the battles for the city, it was again heavily damaged. The 3-century Turkish occupation and the battles for its liberation turned Feodosia into a deserted town without greenery, with the ruins of a fortress and hundreds of shacks among the ruins and ashes. During the restoration of the city, objects are being built that attract tourists:

  • In 1811, according to the project of I. Aivazovsky, the first museum was built with 70 thousand exhibits and dioramas of the city's landscape.
  • In 1911, the Milos mansion was built in the style of ancient Greek neoclassicism with a sculpture of Venus de Milo, antique statues, fountains, caryatid columns. Currently, the sanatorium building is located in the mansion.
  • In 1914, the Neo-Moorish style Stamboli mansion was built with a 4-tier tower, a dome, galleries, grottoes, mosaic glass in the windows, and a fountain with figures of angels. In 2013, the mansion housed a museum of underwater archeology, which exhibits objects from sunken ships from ancient to modern.
  • Only in the 90s of the 19th century the Dzhankoy-Feodosia railway and the port were built, returning the importance of Feodosia as a major port. But the remains of ancient structures (Kaf fortress, Turkish bastion, Sultan-Selim mosque, Turkish baths) were dismantled to provide materials for newly built facilities. The development of the city's economy was combined with the development of tourism.

The October Revolution and the Civil War led to new destruction of religious buildings - the A. Nevsky Cathedral, ancient temple St. Michael. But after civil war the conversion of nationalized dachas into health resorts and sanatoriums began. Feodosia becomes not only an industrial city, but also a center of tourism.

The Aivazovsky Gallery operates in the city, which houses 417 paintings by the outstanding marine painter. Only in the secret room of the gallery, for a sponsorship fee, you can see the artist's mystical painting "On the Death of Alexander III", which has never been exhibited anywhere.

The museum of money is very popular, where you can see all the issues of money of the Bosporan kingdom, the only coin in the world tatraobol of the 4th century BC, a bill of 1 million dollars. USA.

A. Green Museum recreates romantic world heroes of his works.

Another major damage to the city was caused by the fascist occupation. This heroic period is reminded by the established monuments in the city:

  • a monument of Glory in the Jubilee Park with an Eternal Flame in honor of the soldiers who died for the liberation of the city;
  • in 1966, an anti-aircraft ship's machine gun was installed, covering the Kerch-Feodosia landing force with fire, which liberated Feodosia from the enemy in 1941;
  • in 1959, a monument was erected to the 13-year-old partisan scout Vita Korobkov, who was shot in 1942 together with his partisan father; in honor of the hero schoolboy in Feodosia, a street is named and secondary school. On st. Korobkov, a museum of the Tsvetaev sisters was opened;
  • on the grave of the paratroopers who died in 1942, an obelisk was erected on the city of Mithridates;
  • in 1967, a monument to the victims of fascism was erected over the mass grave of 6,000 citizens, whom the fascists shot and threw into an anti-tank ditch.

Opened in 2012 viewpoint on Mt. Mithridates and Dolphinarium "Nemo"

Tourists are attracted to Feodosia not only by sights, but also by other factors:

  • the geographical location of the city on the western coast of the Feodosia Gulf and the slopes of Mount Tepe-Oba;
  • favorable climate with average temperature air in July +24°С, in February +30°С;
  • the possibility of swimming in the sea from May to October;
  • availability of the best mineral waters in Europe and therapeutic mud Lake Adzhigol;
  • healing mountain-sea microclimate;
  • "golden" beaches with a length of 15 km;
  • numerous sanatorium-resort, tourist and health-improving establishments;
  • the opportunity within the 55-kilometer excursion to visit exclusive resort centers - Koktebel, Shchebetovka, New World, Old Crimea;
  • availability of enotourism with tasting of unique wines.

The holiday is full of various events. On City Day, representatives of the authorities lay flowers at memorial sites. Artists show their own paintings. The festival of author's song opens. Literary readings are arranged. Students can meet contemporary authors. Souvenirs of folk craftsmen are sold at the fair.

Museums are preparing an exhibition of exhibits related to the history of the settlement. A parade of pets of the cynological union is being organized. Athletes compete in football, weightlifting, chess. The winners are awarded with cups, medals, and valuable prizes.

In the evening, popular bands appear on the stage. The holiday ends with colorful fireworks.

According to the charter, the Day of the city of Feodosia is celebrated on the last Sunday of July. In 2020, it falls on July 26th.

City information

Feodosia is part of the Republic of Crimea of ​​the Russian Federation. It is located on the southeastern coast of the peninsula, near the Black Sea. The economy is represented by enterprises in the service sector, retail trade, sanatorium and resort, food industries.

Highways E97, P23 run near the village. Maritime cargo and passenger transport operates. Active branch railway. There are specialized secondary, higher educational establishments. Foreign business ties are blocked by sanctions. The city is highly popular among vacationers. It has historical and architectural sights.


Feodosia has ancient history. In the VI century BC. e on the modern territory there were settlements of the Greeks who founded the city. From 355 B.C. e. he was part of the Bosporan kingdom. In the 5th century it was annexed to the Byzantine Empire. A century later, the Khazars conquered it. Soon he was returned to Byzantium. In the XIII century, he was under the influence of the Golden Horde. Some time later, it was bought by Genoese merchants. The Genoese created the port center of Kaffa, from which the colonies of the Northern Black Sea region were ruled. In 1475 he was captured by the Turks.

In 1774 the city passed to Russian Empire.

In the 19th century, trade developed here, thanks to the exemption of trade from duties. In 1892, a railway line was laid.

The formation of Soviet power was accompanied by battles with the Whites. During the Second World War, the settlement was occupied by the Wehrmacht. In the second half of the XX century. it was a military-industrial complex. In 1991, Feodosia became part of Ukraine - the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Since February 2014, it has been occupied by Russian troops. Foreign economic relations are blocked by sanctions.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms of Feodosia is presented in the form of a scarlet French shield. In its lower part there is an azure field separated by two jagged silver lines with a golden anchor. A golden sun with nine rays rises above it. A silver Genoese tower is depicted on top of the luminary. On it is placed a purple bunch of grapes with a green leaf.

The construction points to the ancient history of the settlement. The fruits of the plant symbolize the traditional agricultural direction.

The artistic composition was approved by the decision of the 30th session of the Feodosia City Council of June 30, 2005.


The flag of Feodosia is made in the form of a rectangular panel. The ratio of its sides is 2:3. It consists of five horizontal stripes: red, wavy white, wavy blue, wavy white again, and blue. Their width ratio is 72:3:2:3:20. In the center of the scarlet field there is a coat of arms with a yellow edging 1/2 the width of the flag high.

Feodosiya is located on the territory of the state (country) Russia, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

What federal district does the city of Feodosia belong to?

Feodosia is included in federal district: Crimean.

Federal District - an enlarged territory consisting of several subjects Russian Federation.

What region is Feodosiya in?

The city of Feodosia is part of the Republic of Crimea region.

A characteristic of a region or a subject of a country is the possession of the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements that make up the region.

The Republic of Crimea region is an administrative unit of the state of Russia.

The population of the city of Feodosia.

The population in the city of Feodosia is 67,993 people.

Year of foundation of Feodosiya.

Year of foundation of the city of Feodosia: 6th century BC. e. year.

What is the time zone of Feodosiya?

Feodosiya is located in the administrative time zone: UTC+3. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Feodosia, relative to the time zone in your city.

Telephone code of the city of Feodosiya

The telephone code of the city of Feodosia: +7 36562. To call the city of Feodosia from mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +7 36562 and then directly the subscriber's number.

Feodosia(translated from the ancient Greek "given by God") - a resort town in the Eastern Crimea. It was founded by Greek colonists from Miletus in the 6th century BC and changed its name several times - Feodosia - Ardabda - Kaffa (Kefe) - Kuchuk-Istanbul (Little Istanbul and Crimea-Istanbul) - Feodosia.

There are several suggestions why the city was named specifically Theodosius. One of them is that the name was chosen in honor of the leader of the founders of Theodeos. Another version of the appearance of the name says that after long storms and the inability to moor to the rocky shores, exhausted sailors found a bay where they were able to land on the shore and founded the settlement, calling it “God-given”.

In the middle of the 3rd century AD, Theodosia received a new name Ardabda (“the city of the seven gods”), when the Alans were expelled from the city by the Goths. Kuchuk-Istanbul - this name was given to the city in the Ottoman era, which emphasized its importance and large population. The Mufti-Jami Mosque, built in 1623, is a reminder of those times.

From the 2nd half of the 13th century, the city was restored under the Genoese name - Kaffa. In 1783, after the inclusion of Crimea into Russia, Catherine II returned the ancient name of Theodosius to the city, and in 1787 personally visited it.

In 1892, with the active assistance of I.K. Aivazovsky, the railway line Dzhankoy - Feodosia was laid. This made it possible to significantly increase the turnover of the commercial port, and the city received a new impetus for development. Feodosia had already become a Crimean resort, offering wonderful sandy beaches, mild climate, vineyards and surroundings with numerous ancient monuments. The city is inhabited by people of different nationalities and religions.

The population of Feodosia is 100 thousand inhabitants, including urban - 67.9 thousand (2018).

Seaside climatic and balneo-mud resort.

Geographical coordinates: 45°2" north latitude, 35°23" east longitude.

Feodosia sea beach with fine, clean washed golden sand, stretches for a dozen kilometers, almost along the entire coast of the bay of the same name towards Kerch.

Feodosia is also growing as a multi-profile resort. In its health resorts mineral water "Feodosia" is widely used for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. The source is located near the city at the foot of Lysaya Mountain.

The sunbathing season starts from May and ends in November, but best time for a beach holiday in Feodosia - summer. June and September, as a rule, are characterized by a soft sun tan, and July and August - by a warm sea.

For many people in summer time actual is the rest in Feodosia. This wonderful Crimean city on the Black Sea coast has fascinated hundreds of thousands of tourists who annually rest in it. What is so attractive about Theodosius? Description of the location, history of the city, its population, infrastructure, recreational conditions and other issues related to this resort will be the subject of this review.

The geographical location of Feodosia

Before we start describing the population of Feodosia and other aspects of the life of the city, let's look at where it is located.

The city of Feodosia is located in the southeastern part of the Crimean peninsula, on the Black Sea coast, in the area of ​​the Feodosia Bay. It is located just between south coast Crimea, being, as it were, a link between them. East End The settlement is located on the seashore, and the western one is on the spurs of the Tepe-Oba ridge of the Crimean mountains.

The climate in Feodosia is temperate, although signs of subtropical are sometimes manifested, due to the proximity to this climatic zone.

Legal status

The legal status of the city, like the entire Crimea, is ambiguous. According to Russian law (and in fact), this locality is part of the urban district of Feodosia, which, in turn, is part of the Republic of Crimea. In the southwest, this administrative entity borders on the urban district of Sudak, in the north - on the Kirovsky district, in the northeast - on Leninsky. The south and southeast are washed by the waters of the Black Sea. In addition, this urban district includes several villages, the largest of which are Primorsky and Koktebel.

At the same time, according to Ukrainian legislation, Feodosia belongs to the city council of the same name, which is part of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and completely coincides with the boundaries of the urban district. However, de facto Ukraine does not control these territories, so they are fully subject to Russian law.

City `s history

Feodosia has a very long history. This is one of the oldest and Russia in general. The first population of Feodosia is the Greeks. It was the Greek colonists from the city of Miletus in the VI century BC. e. founded this village. The name that the Hellenes gave to the settlement they founded is translated from ancient Greek as "given by God." In the IV century BC. e. Theodosius was forced to submit to the most powerful Greek state in the Crimea - the Bosporus kingdom, which itself eventually recognized dependence on the Roman Empire.

In the 4th century AD, the city was subject to destruction by the hordes of the Huns. The field of this, what was left of it, was settled by the Alans, naming the village Ardabda. The Roman Empire this time was able to regain control of Theodosia only after it had transformed into Byzantium, in the 5th century. True, the city then for some time passed into the hands of the Khazar Khaganate, but in the end it returned again under the sovereignty of the Byzantine Empire. However, Feodosia of that time was far from the significance and size of ancient times, and, in fact, it existed as an insignificant village.

In the XIII century, Feodosia was controlled by the Golden Horde, which sold the village to merchants from Genoa, maintaining their supreme suzerainty over it. Since then, the city has become an outpost of this maritime republic. Now it has become known as Kafa. Since antiquity, the city has not experienced such a flourishing as under the Genoese. It was here that the temnik Mamai fled to hide from the wrath of the Golden Horde after he was defeated by Dmitry Donskoy on the Kulikovo field. The population of Kafa at that time exceeded 70,000 people, and then became more than in Constantinople. Most of the inhabitants of the city were Armenians. In the Cafe, a branch of the Genoese bank was opened, there was a theater.

Finally, in 1475, the Genoese were forced out of Kafa by the actively expanding Ottoman Empire. Now it has become a Turkish city. Although to the north of it were the lands of the vassal of the Ottoman Sultan - the Crimean Khan, but Kafa was not part of the Khanate, but was a direct part of the empire. During the Ottoman period, Kafa became one of the largest points of the slave trade, there was a slave market. During the Turkish period, the development of salt deposits near the city also developed. In addition, as under the Genoese, there was a large port. Feodosia of that time was subjected to raids and plunder by the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, for example, in 1616. During this expedition, many prisoners were also released.

In 1771, during another Russian-Turkish war, Kafa was captured by Russian troops. After the Kuchuk-Kainaji peace treaty, this city finally became part of the Russian Empire. Since 1787, it has become one of the settlements of the Tauride region. Since 1796, after the administrative reform, Kafa was included in the Novorossiysk province. In 1798, she received the status of a free port for 30 years. After another six years, the Cafe returned it historical name- Feodosia.

This city was visited by many prominent personalities. A significant part of his life lived in it, the famous painter Ivan Aivazovsky worked and died in it. The Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov also visited Feodosia.

After the 1917 revolution, Crimea, and Feodosia in particular, became last stronghold White army under the leadership of Wrangel. After the city was occupied by the Bolsheviks in 1920, a wave of red terror swept through here. The population of Feodosia at that time in the city was significantly reduced. The city, like the whole of Crimea, was included in the RSFSR.

During the Great Patriotic War, there were fierce battles for Feodosia. It was finally liberated by the Red Army only in April 1944.

In 1954, like the entire Crimean region, Feodosia became part of the Ukrainian SSR. After Ukraine gained independence in 1991, the city remained part of this state, first as part of the Crimean ASSR, then the Republic of Crimea, and then the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

In 2014, as a result of a referendum, Feodosia, like the whole of Crimea, was annexed to the Russian Federation. Currently, the city is an administrative unit of the Republic of Crimea, which is part of the Russian Federation as a subject of the federation.

City population

It's time to find out how many people make up the population of Feodosia. At the moment, 68.6 thousand inhabitants live here. This is the fifth largest among all the cities of Crimea, excluding Sevastopol. Not so long ago, Feodosia ranked fourth in this indicator, but it was surpassed by Yalta.

The population density in the city is 1621.2 people/sq. km. For comparison, the population density in Simferopol is 3132.5 people/sq. km, in Kerch - 1379 people / sq. km, in Yalta - 4310.1 people / sq. km.

Population dynamics

Now let's find out how Feodosia demographically changed over the course of several decades. We will look at the population of this city selectively for individual years from various periods of the relatively recent history of the city.

Let's start from the end of the last century. In 1897, the population of Feodosia was 24.1 thousand inhabitants. After the revolution, this number decreased. So, in 1923, only 22.7 thousand people lived in the city. But by 1926, the population increased and reached the level of 27.3 thousand people. The growth in the number of residents of Feodosia continued in the following years. Thus, in 1939 the number of residents reached 45.0 thousand inhabitants, and in 1979 it was at the level of 76.4 thousand inhabitants. The maximum was reached after the collapse Soviet Union in 1992. Then 86.4 thousand inhabitants lived in Feodosia. Neither before nor after this city had such a large population.

Then the decline in the number of people living in Feodosia began. Thus, in 1998 the city's population decreased to the level of 80.9 thousand people. In 2008, it already amounted to 71.2 thousand people. A slight increase in the number of residents was observed only in 2015, when the number of residents increased from 69.0 thousand inhabitants. (2014) to 69.1 thousand inhabitants. But in 2016, the demographic decline continued. The population has decreased to the level of 68.6 thousand inhabitants.

Thus, from 1992 to 2016, the total reduction in the population of the city of Feodosia amounted to 17.8 thousand people.

Ethnic composition

Now consider ethnic composition population living in the city of Feodosia.

According to the 2014 census, the majority are Russians. Their share among all residents of the city is 79.4%. Ukrainians are in second place with a significant lag - 11.4%. This is followed by Belarusians and Crimean Tatars - 1% each.

It is noteworthy that during the 2001 census, when Feodosia was still Ukrainian, the number of Russians was smaller, while Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars were larger. Thus, the proportion of Russians was 72.2%, Ukrainians - 18.8%, and Crimean Tatars - 4.6%. There were also slightly more Belarusians - 1.8%. However, this situation is quite expected. In Feodosia, many people have a mixed ethnic origin, so some of them identified themselves as part of the titular nation during the census.

Tatars, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Greeks, Moldavians, Georgians and other peoples also live in Feodosia. But the number of representatives of each of them does not exceed 1% of the total population of the city.

Religious denominations

There are many religious denominations in Feodosia, but the majority of believers profess Orthodox Christianity.

The Crimean Tatar community, as well as the majority of representatives of such nationalities as Tatars and Azerbaijanis, profess Islam.

In addition, there is a Catholic community in Feodosia, as well as Christian communities of various Protestant denominations.

Administrative management of the city

The body that governs the city is the Feodosia City Council, which consists of 28 deputies elected every five years. On the this moment Svetlana Gevchuk is the chairman of the City Council.

The administration of Feodosia is the executive body of government. Its head is appointed by the city council from candidates who have passed the competitive selection. At the moment, the head of the city administration is Krysin Stanislav.

The administration of Feodosia includes many specialized departments. Each of them is engaged in separate areas of work. Among the departments, the following should be distinguished: the department of youth and sports, the department of economics, the department of labor and social protection of the population. Feodosia largely depends on the quality of the work of the city administration.

city ​​economy

The economy of Feodosia is based on two pillars: tourism and maritime transport.

According to the typology of resort areas, the city belongs to the climatic and balneological resorts. The sea in Feodosia is very gentle and friendly, but besides it, the city can provide vacationers with wonderful healing springs. We will talk more about holidays in Feodosia in a separate section.

But the main income of the city budget is tax revenues from the work of the port. It is sea transportation that largely forms the city's economy.

However, tourism and transportation, although the main ones, are by no means the only activities in Feodosia. Trade is also very well developed in the city. This is one of the areas of activity that Feodosia can be proud of. Prices for food and goods, however, as in any resort town, are overpriced here at the height of the season.

There are also manufacturing industries in Feodosia. There are ship-mechanical, optical, juice, wine factories, as well as a building materials plant. But after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the production capacity of these enterprises was significantly reduced.

Work in Feodosia

Given that the city is a resort, work here is seasonal. Of course, there are also enterprises that work all year round - factories, factories, a port, etc., but basically the jobs have been occupied for a long time, the staff turnover is relatively small, so you need to stand in a long "queue" to get to such a place. Work in the port is especially prestigious, as workers there receive rather high salaries.

But in holiday season more than enough work for local residents as well as for visitors. In the summer, work in Feodosia is represented mainly by vacancies in the field of trade, as well as employment offers in various resort institutions: boarding houses, recreation centers, and children's camps.

Recreation sphere

As mentioned above, recreation in Feodosia is one of the main sources of income for the city and its population. On the territory of the city district there is a huge number of sanitary-resort institutions. Among them, the most important are the following: "Feodosia", "Voskhod", "Ukraine", the children's sanatorium "Volna", "Golden Beach". In each of these establishments, tourists can not only have a good rest and spend time, but also improve their health. Mud and mineral therapy is used in the treatment and prevention of diseases in sanatoriums. The benefit of Theodosius is surrounded by numerous mineral springs and also there are deposits of healing mud.

But most vacationers still prefer to stay in small hotels or rent an apartment or house in the private sector. This is not least caused by more low prices when renting an apartment from private individuals. But in this case, the question arises: where is it better to rent a house in Feodosia? We will talk about this further.

Renting a home

Finding accommodation in Feodosia during the holiday season is a really big problem. In addition to the fact that all apartments and private houses, the owners of which take vacationers, can be packed, even in the high season, prices for renting real estate bite painfully. Therefore, it is preferable to rent housing not in the city itself, but in resort villages that are part of the urban district of Feodosia, namely: Beregovoye, Koktebel and Primorskoye.

If you are young enough and it is not difficult for you to walk a few kilometers to the sea, then for renting a house it is better to choose those streets of Feodosia and the surrounding villages that are located far from the coast. This way you will kill several birds with one stone. Firstly, it is much easier to find housing far from the sea than on the coastal streets, secondly, the prices for renting here are lower, and thirdly, daily jogging from home to the sea has a positive effect on health and general physical fitness.

General characteristics of Feodosia

Feodosia is one of the oldest cities not only in the Crimea or Russia, but also in Europe as a whole. For many centuries of its history, the city experienced both prosperity and decline: sometimes it was one of the largest cultural and commercial centers, sometimes its status dropped almost to the level of a village. Feodosia experienced several such ups and downs during its existence.

Now Feodosia is one of the most developed. But in addition to the tourism sector, maritime trade is very well developed here. Feodosia port remains one of the largest on the Crimean peninsula.

If you decide to spend your holidays in the Crimea, then the best option would be to opt for Feodosia. Here the prices are much lower than in the resorts of the South Coast, for example, in Yalta, but you will get almost the same range of services and level of enjoyment.

After the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, the Russian government made promises to comprehensively contribute to the modernization of the region's infrastructure, as well as to stimulate the development of the tourism business. Feodosia, as a direct part of Crimea, can certainly count on investment injections along with others resort towns region. So let's hope that this settlement will eventually become even more beautiful and attractive for vacationers.