What is the name of the travel agency? Choosing a name for a travel agency The name of an excursion company with meaning.

Choosing a good company name is a big plus in business promotion. This statement applies to any field of activity, including tourism. Try to choose a name that will resonate with the characteristics of your agency.

If tourist agency specializes in beach holidays, then its name should be associated with the hot sun, warm sea and snow-white sand. Write down words that you think are associated with beach holiday. Ask your friends to do the same. Perhaps they can offer you an interesting option. You can also iterate through the names beach resorts world and weed out the most sonorous and memorable of them. Considering that most popular names are already taken, the selected option can be diversified with additional words. Suitable options could be: paradise, sun, beach. Play with sonorous letter combinations and endings that are popular in tourist naming.

If most of your tours are sightseeing in nature, look for words related to geographical discoveries and features different countries. Examples of such words and phrases: almanac, around the world, globe, bon voyage. A source of inspiration can be historical events, architectural terms, names of ancient cities.

If you are planning to open a religious tourism agency, you should pay attention to words related to the history of temples and monasteries, as well as biblical motifs. A good option could be a name that contains the words blagovest, yuletide, intercession. Name travel agency may be associated with healing springs and general physical health. Considering the fact that pilgrimage initially involved a long journey to a holy place, words associated with wanderings and distant lands can be chosen as a name. For example, your company may be called “Path of Purification” or “Blessed Land”.

For the device agency honeymoon trips, you should give preference to words that are closely related to the happy moments of the newlyweds. Romantic and tender words may be a suitable option.

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Assistance in choosing a name for your travel agency. The name of a company often determines all its successful work, and here, too, one cannot do without professionals. Now all you have to do is begin the work process itself and take the twentieth step, which, with such careful preparation, can safely be called a step to the pinnacle of success. Today, many people have the idea of ​​opening a travel agency.

Helpful advice
What is the name of the travel agency? You can use some variations with exotic fruits (papaya, mango, etc.), Paradise, Riviera. Experiment with verbs of motion (to go, to go, here, etc.). The names of landmarks are often taken. You can try cartoon names (Gummi Bears, etc.) Plant names (magnolia, etc.) Combinations with the words tour, cruise, vacation, travel.

A wise proverb says: “Whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail.” A liquid name in itself guarantees a certain percentage of the success of the entire enterprise, since it can attract attention, cause pleasant associations and force you to take advantage of the offer.

Choose a concise name. Simple short words will be easier to remember by buyers of your services. In addition, the name of a website for a company based on a short name is easier to dictate. This means that potential tourists will visit it more often.

Imagine your target audience and make the name consonant with their priorities and interests. If the services provided by your company are aimed at high-income tourists, emphasize elitism, prestige and status in the name. If you want to attract the attention of low-income customers, emphasize cost-effectiveness in the name.

Make a list of your competitors and analyze their company names. Understand the secrets of these names and the effect they have. This will inspire you to make creative mini-discoveries and give you some new ideas.

Avoid standards. Come up with a memorable word so that the name of your travel company does not merge with the general stream of names containing the word “tour”.

Make up a title in two parts. The first should contain information about the type of your activity. For example, "Bureau exotic tours"or "Extreme Travel Agency". In the second part, reflect the specifics of your company. This part should be bright, unique and indicate the direction in which you are working.

Write a list of associations that your company name should evoke. Then find dictionaries of the languages ​​of the Slavic group and translate the list into Czech, Ukrainian, Polish, Bulgarian, Slovak. The translation will be intuitive, and the sound of some words can be very advantageous.

Having chosen a few of the most successful names, in your opinion, conduct a short sociological survey. Find out the associations that people around you have with each of the names. Write down their answers and discard those titles that convey a negative message.

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Choosing a travel agency is very important for successful, have a nice holiday. That is why it should be taken as seriously as possible. The sooner you start searching for the perfect travel agency, the better.

How to approach choosing a travel agency?

First of all, you need to start collecting information. Nowadays, almost every agency has its own website on the Internet, which has a lot of reviews. Unfortunately, there is no way to know which of them are true and which were ordered by the agency. That is why it is worth paying attention to details that cannot be faked or ordered. First of all, this is work experience in the services market. All other things being equal, give preference to companies that have been in business for more than five years. At a minimum, such a company has gained experience and built important relationships with tour operators.

As for reviews, it is better to collect them from relatives, acquaintances, friends and colleagues. If the majority of reviews are positive, feel free to contact the agency. If at least some percentage is negative, think about looking for another company. It is worth noting that negative review should not consist of remarks like “I didn’t like the towels at the hotel, we were promised blue ones, but these were white.”

Before you go to a travel agency, determine for yourself what kind of vacation you need. This will make communication with company employees more productive and easier.

Personal visit to a travel agency

After collecting information, it is time to look into one or more pre-selected agencies. Everything is simple here. If company employees are rude or simply indifferent, run away. Most likely, any emergency situation in such a company will be resolved in a long, unpleasant way and with possible losses for the client. However, company employees who fawn over you excessively do not guarantee results either. A friendly, calm attitude, a willingness to answer everything, even the most boring questions from clients - this is what distinguishes good specialists.

Pay attention to the surroundings of the company. Good, reliable companies take care of interior design at a high level so that clients feel comfortable in the office. A dirty or dark room does not promise anything good.

Focus on the company's pricing policy. Study market offers. Excessively inflated prices for tours are unlikely to attract you, but you should not recklessly buy a trip at too low a price.

Of course, sometimes you can catch a last minute tour or a promotional tour for very little money. But if a regular tour to Thailand, Egypt or Turkey costs several tens of percent lower than the market average, you should be wary. Most often, in such cases, the company saves on accommodation by selecting bad hotels with a low level of service for tourists.

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The topic of the excursion should not be confused with its name. The name of the excursion does not always fully reflect its topic.

The purpose of the name is to activate the attention of tourists, interest them, and prepare the audience for the upcoming excursion.

In formal logic, the word “title” is sometimes replaced by the word “name”. The name of the excursion (its name) is a linguistic expression in direct or indirect form denoting its content.

The name of the excursion should express one meaning; here homonymy should be avoided, i.e. the possibility of giving the name different meanings.

The names of the excursions must be accurate, not allowing for double interpretations such as: “On the roads of the Great Patriotic War,” since it is unclear which war the topic is dedicated to - 181.2 years or 1941-1945. The names “Battle of Moscow”, “Battle of Borodino”, “Childhood of the Great Russian Poet” will require the same clarification.

The name of the excursion can be simple or complex. In a complex name, its second part seems to complement and explain the first. For example: “Malaya Zemlya is a legendary springboard of courage”, “Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station is the pearl of hydropower”, “Krasnoyarsk State Reserve “Stolby” - unique monument nature", "Southwestern region of Moscow - an area of ​​mass housing construction".

The same topic may have several names depending on the composition of the participants and the task at hand. For example, in Leningrad sightseeing tours around the city are named: “From Old Petersburg to Socialist Leningrad”, “City of the Great Lenin”, “Leningrad Today and Tomorrow”, “Leningrad from the Board of the Ship”, “Know and Love Your City” (for children). Possible names for evening excursions and walks: “Evening lights tell a story”, “Visiting the evening city”, “Evening Riga”.

The industrial excursion to the automobile plant is called “With the Golden Hands of the Workers”, “The Heart of the Automobile Plant”, “The Story of the Main Conveyor”, “People of the Fiery Profession” (about metallurgists), “People Light the Stars” (about miners and the custom of lighting stars over piledrivers best coal mines), “Journey into the world of letters” (typography), “Smell of the native land” (on a field state farm).

The names of many thematic excursions are expressive: “Bronze and granite will tell”, “The Don steppes remember” (to the places of battles of the First Cavalry Army), “Legends lead the way”, “We took its soldiers from the Entente”, “Behind every name is fate, behind every name has a story”, “Heroes of Senate Square”, “There was a village called Krasukha on earth”.

The name of the excursion can be words from popular songs, for example: “Raise the fires, blue notes”, “Where the Motherland begins”, “Along and along the river, along and along the Kazanka” (motor ship), “On the wild bank of the Irtysh”; lines from popular poems: “Kazan rises like a legend”, “Again it is the native side” (Nekrasovskaya Karabikha); various expressions that have become popular: “Vladivostok is our city”, “People, be vigilant”, “Intendant of the Revolution” (about the People’s Commissar of Food A.D. Tsyurup).

The tourism business has reached a new level with the advent of the digital era. Along with maps, guides, reference books, sites where you can rent accommodation, order a taxi, or leave things for storage, travel agencies have also moved online. All of them have acquired websites or their own applications. Finding the right service provider has become quite easy. It is difficult not to get lost in the vastness of the network among terabytes of information that one way or another tends to fall out on the user.

An original, bright, meaningful and memorable name is necessary for any business these days like air. Coming up with such a name is not an easy task, especially in times where the phrase “everything was invented before us” is increasingly uttered. Hundreds of results with similar names on Google are the last thing your business needs.

You want search engines to display your agency on the first page when searching for your name, or better yet, in the first search position. It is important that the name evokes associations with the services you provide and does not create unnecessary ambiguous associations. It is necessary that the name be associated with your company, but for this you need a very high-quality service or content hiding behind it. But first things first.

It will help to come up with such a name. Moreover, since you are interested in travel-themed names, it will be more convenient to use a thematic name generator aimed specifically at the tourism business.

Now let's talk about the attributes of a good name.


Let's start with simple things. It is vital for you that people can pronounce your name. Otherwise, how will they tell their friends and acquaintances about you? Verbal communication occupies a huge layer human life, therefore, one cannot ignore sweetness. It's one thing to say "have you heard of Travel Fella?" and another - “have you heard of er-ix-wy-di-zi-zi... oh, wait, I’d better give you a link.”

Correct associations

Highway to Hell isn't a good name for an airline, is it? Just like the restaurant, it is better not to call it “Odysseus” - after all, the main goal of the hero was to return home, and in translation from Greek this name means “suffering”, and is interpreted by linguists as “angering the gods”. Not too appetizing, right? Returning to the images from Greek mythology, it will immediately become clear to many that “between Scylla and Charybdis” is a one-way trip.

The name should reflect the activities of your company and highlight only its best aspects, sound so that pleasant associations immediately come to mind. Symbolism and originality are definitely good. But before you decide to apply any image to your company, study in detail all its interpretations. In the end, genies deceived travelers more often than they fulfilled their cherished three wishes. Avoid unnecessary ambiguity.


Yes, yes, you will have to somehow stand out from the thousands of EuroTouring, FastTravel, BestAvia and the like. As I wrote above, people will search for information about you, your website or application on Google - you don’t want to end up on last page in search of?

Originality is too abstract a thing to talk about specifically. You will have to approach this issue creatively, for example, by organizing a brainstorming session in the company. You also need to study the market for the most common and banal names; you can also hire naming specialists who will conduct research and interesting options they will offer you. If a specialist is not suitable for you, use it. You will definitely like one of the thousands of options.


People have long been attracted to all sorts of sparkles - emeralds, diamonds, corals, pearls. Gray stones are unattractive. This is also true for titles - a bright and intriguing title can make people at least take an interest in what is hidden behind it.

For example, not long ago the service changed its name to Tripaneer. Thus, the business ceased to be “one of many”, acquiring an original and bright name, which Google finds first.


It is one thing to attract attention, another thing to remain in memory. The difference is about the same as between just green glass and emerald. Of course, the quality of service can make your company, website or application memorable, but without a good name that will cement success, this is only half the battle. Think about it, why isn't James Cameron's "Terminator" just called "Killer Robot"? The second option does not convey the atmosphere of the story, is not as threatening and brutal as the main antagonist, and simply does not evoke any associations. The Hollywood maestro didn't name his product until five minutes before its release.

If the name is remembered by users, in the future they will associate all your activities with it. And with a certain level of originality, the name can become part of slang and be used in Everyday life, and will be associated only with your company (as happened with Twitter: tweet, tweet, tweet and other derivatives are already used even outside the context of the global network).


The success of any business is determined by the sum of well-chosen components. The name is one of them, and like in a good watch, all the gears must be in their places for the mechanism to work properly and without failure. The better the ingredients, the higher the overall quality of the product. And about the service highest quality Like Swiss watches, legends will form over time.

In the tourism sector, this is especially important, because each new name for tourists is a kind of guidebook. Travelers know for sure: a special place must have a special name. They go to Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, Niagara Falls, and they have little interest in such things as "Fifth Avenue" or "Johnson Street." They approach the choice of a travel agency and various types of services in a very similar way.

We'll tell you how to develop an original name for a travel agency.

Tourism and its derivatives

The easiest way to talk about your activity is to mention it in the title. Tour, tourism, tourist - these are the words you will have to base the name of your business on in this option. It is noteworthy that these words will be understandable in both Cyrillic and Latin, so you can safely use both options or mix them. This is exactly what the owners of the companies Diplomat Tour, Metro Tour, Turtrans-Voyage, El Dorado Tour, Anex Tourism Group, Biletur, did Tez Tour, Pegas Touristik, MosGorTour, Anex Tour, Bridge Tour, Sunrise Tour, Turbinaria, Mirotour, Solntseturn, 1001 Tour, Tours here, Leto Tour, Turbo and others.

Associative series

This method is similar to the previous one, since it also causes direct associations with the activities of the company. Travel and its derivatives, voyage, vacation - use these words when choosing the name of a travel agency. By the way, the word “travel” has long been in everyday use and does not need translation. Examples: Travel Store, Mouzenidis Travel, Online Voyage, Level Travel, Bon Voyage, Travel Industry, Travel Around the World, Vacation Store, Travelata, SunLight Voyage, Travel Good, Travel Club, Alfatravel, Flagman Travel, Meridian Travel and others.

Example name for a travel agency

Specifics of activity

From the name, your clients will understand that you are their best guide to a certain place on the map. Secondly, with just the name you will get rid of incoming requests not related to the topic of your business. For example, China Travel, ABC of Spain, Discovering America, AsiaGO, Ayurveda Tour, Dominican Republic, Salute Paris, RussiaDiscovery, Pronto Tour, Cruises around the world, Cuba nearby, Turkey for you, All inclusive, Fly to Thailand, Hello Europe and others.

If you specialize in traveling to only one part of the world or country, then it is better to warn about this in advance

Price range

Carefully planned tours to distant lands and exotic places- not the same as last-minute travel packages: both in price and in potential audience.

Dot all the i's in the name of your travel agency and you will attract your clients

Examples: Cheap Trip, My last minute tour, Bank of last minute tours, 99 euros, Exotic travel club, Last minute tours, Lux vacation, Premium Travel, Cheap tour, Boutique tour and others.


You can keep the travel reference as a basic requirement or do without it. There are no restrictions, the main thing is a sonorous name that evokes positive emotions. Examples: Colors of the World, Seven Wonders of the World, Kaleidoscope, Miklouho-Maclay, World of Wanderings, Fly to Fly, Columbus, Yellow Elephant, Flying Wherever I Want, World of Dreams, Cactus, Without Nerves, Discovering the World, Without a Transfer, Dolphin, Robinson, Tangerine summer, Boniface's vacation, Horizon, Albatross, Scarlet Sails, Lotus and others.

original name It’s easier to come up with for a travel agency than it seems

What to call a travel agency in Russia?

The peculiarity of the domestic tourism industry is that our people visit Turkey more often than they travel around their home country. But what endless opportunities open up for tourists in Russian spaces! Geysers of Kamchatka, bays of Vladivostok, harsh northern nature, lotus fields of the Volga delta, the most high mountain Europe, hiking in the Urals, Lake Baikal is the cleanest lake in the world... Traveling around Russia can truly surprise you. Especially if they are foreign package tours already boring.

If tourism import substitution is your path, then be sure to indicate this in the name of the travel agency

Examples: Discover Russia, Muscovy, Walks around St. Petersburg, RussiaDiscovery, From Vladivostok to Kaliningrad, Russian open spaces, Port of the seven seas, Discovering Siberia, Our travels, Travel Russia, Travel with us, Resorts of Rus', Russian guide, Golden ring, RuTravel, Fatherland, White Nights, Paths and Processions, Nakhodka and others.


Interest in tourism continues. Independent travel are gaining popularity, but good old package tours are still in demand. If you can offer something truly special, then clients will not have to wait long, and a suitable name will only direct them to contact you.

The right name can become a brand that you will rely on as you develop your business.

Be guided not only by your own taste, but also by the specialization of your travel agency, as well as the pricing policy.

You can attract new customers with just your name! But how exactly to do this is up to you. Good luck!

Many of us have been surprised more than once when faced with the awkward name of travel companies like “Ice-nut”, which in translation can mean ice nut or crazy nut.

How can you not understand that a competent name for a travel agency will be the first step towards payback and profitability, towards an increase in the number of clients and further capitalization! And an unsuccessful one will cause a spasm in the throat, an association with sourness and complete rejection, such as Lemon or Lime.

When thinking about what is the best name for a travel company so that it makes a profit, you should know that such a name requires:

  • recognition. The name of the travel company should easily remain in the memory of clients. If it is too long and complex, it will not cope with this function. After all, it is much easier even for your friends to recommend a company with a light, beautiful and euphonious name that is pronounced without hesitation. Try not to use foreign words, because not every potential client associates the word travel with travel;
  • uniqueness. This is a very desirable condition. Your company is individual, it is one of a kind and is designed to distinguish your business from many competitors. It is impossible for a person, upon hearing the name of a travel company, to say: “Which one?”;
  • customer focus. The name should be chosen based on the age category of potential clients. You should rely not only on age, but also on the income of the target audience. For example, people with income are unlikely to contact a travel company called "FreeTours", but students are happy to do so.

As an analysis of the age of travel agencies shows, those whose names are close to ideal are more likely to survive and exist for a long time, for example “Around the World”, “World Tour”, “Aventura”.

If you have not yet found a name for your travel company, then try the following:

- decide with the target audience. Any information about potential clients, knowledge of their age, gender, habits, income, and preferred vocabulary will be useful to you. You need to think about what emotions and associations the chosen name will evoke in these people;

- think over your key competitive advantage and, if possible, add it to the company name;

- swipe small survey. To do this, contact a target group of at least ten people. They should try to guess what exactly the organization with the name you chose does.

Six ways to name a travel company:

You can come up with the most pretentious name, but what you shouldn’t do is use other people’s already promoted names, changing them to a slight extent and thereby attracting some of the clients to yourself.

If the names are confusingly similar, then the company having priority has the right to demand compensation for lost profits.

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