How to spend a weekend with your family in the summer. How to spend a fun weekend with your family

At least two-sevenths of our lives are weekends. How did you spend Saturday-Sunday? According to statistics, on Monday morning two out of three women feel tired and dissatisfied. We suggest changing the usual scenario. You will feel the effect of such a weekend all week.

How it usually happens

Even on Friday, ideas were seething in your head, but you remember where the road paved with good intentions leads. And as always, it turned out that the apartment was a mess, the mother-in-law too often repeated the words “ spring-cleaning“, a head of cabbage is hibernating alone in the refrigerator, and the laundry basket no longer contains the contents. Therefore, on Saturday you had a tour of the market, then there was shaping the stove and creative preparation of lunch, and on Sunday there was dancing at the washing machine, a cruise around the entire apartment with a vacuum cleaner and other cultural development activities.

In general, you didn’t go to the new premiere, you didn’t go out into nature, you didn’t see your friend. True, we lounged around watching TV for a bit and ate half a kilo of nuts. But for some reason this made it even sadder.

Recent studies have shown that 75% of married and working women forget about “me time” and use weekends only for household chores and shopping. When the opportunity to relax arises, they feel so exhausted that they only have enough energy for the sofa and TV. Sports, hobbies, even sex fade into the background. It’s hard to believe, but, according to statistics, modern ladies make love less often than their peers in the 70s: only 1-2 times a week. And if all of the above is true for you, break stereotypes and relax in a new way. Then the weekend will become a real holiday, which logically it should be.

Against the rules

Have you ever wondered why you can't have a fun weekend? The biggest problem is that you are haunted by a feeling of guilt if you do not use time, any time, especially free time, for the benefit of the family. “Until the housework is done, don’t you dare relax,” an inner voice tells you. But, alas, you can’t change everything: on Sunday evening it will still turn out that you forgot to wipe the dust on the chandelier and did not have time to clean up the kitchen cabinets. And this despite the fact that I’ve been on my feet all weekend!

Of course, after a working week, the apartment looks picturesquely creative - you find your husband’s socks under the refrigerator (and okay, if not inside), the coffee pot under the computer desk, and dust covers all horizontal surfaces. But if you start doing housework on Saturday morning, you will be busy all day.

Do things differently this time. First of all, why did everyone litter and let you take the rap? Let your son, instead of going to an Internet cafe, vacuum his ottoman and the surrounding areas. The daughter will try herself in the field of a florist designer (at least she will water flowers instead of another chat on the phone), and the husband will sacrifice his favorite place on the sofa and finally nail down that hanger that collapsed a week ago. Come up with your options for distributing workloads. Secondly, it is much easier to clean up the garbage as it arrives than in rush mode on the weekend. Scattered - clean up, spilled - wiped, fell - picked up, took the thing - put it in the same place. How to choose the right places for things is described in detail in the chapter “Structuring the space”. And then by the weekend, a particularly critical mess will not have time to accumulate.

Now think about how you would like to spend this weekend: where to go, what to see, who to visit. Sketch out a plan on a piece of paper and break it down by time: for example, Saturday - a trip to nature, Sunday - a trip to a friend.

However, in our deep conviction, the weekend begins on Friday evening.

Sweet Friday

if you have Small child, arrange with your sister, mother or nanny to babysit him. Adult children can stay at home on their own. It is better to buy tickets for the theater in advance, for cinemas - right on the spot (or book them on Friday morning by calling the cinema). Two hours of pleasure are guaranteed. Then take a walk with your husband around the city at night, drink a glass of wine in a cafe. Don’t even think about talking about pressing problems! Think about the meaning of life, tell each other about the most powerful impressions of the last month, remember some incident from N years ago. In general, spend time together. By throwing away the burden of everyday problems, you will look several years younger. Continue romantic date We recommend it in the bedroom, after the children have already gone to bed. And after a stormy night, you can sleep to your heart's content - on Saturday you don't have to rush to work.

Boycott the stove

Whenever you wake up on Saturday, the day is just beginning. And you won't let it go to waste! Turn on your favorite music and invite everyone over for breakfast. “What, I haven’t prepared anything?” - you will be surprised. And be even more amazed to learn that sitting at the stove on weekends eats up almost 25% of your time. Therefore, today the family breakfast will be called “Whatever is at hand.” Muesli with milk, oatmeal (cook for 5 minutes), hot sandwiches, canned green pea with scrambled eggs - there are not so few options. After all, your refrigerator is strategically stocked with frozen and canned foods that take minutes to prepare. Is everyone full? You have 10 minutes to wash the dishes and 20 minutes to get ready.

Don't stand still!

If you have a car, go into nature. 83% of people relax best near a veda. Is it cold to swim? You can simply feed the ducks, play badminton or volleyball on the shore (energy consumption - 350 kcal per hour) and sunbathe with a book. Or go fishing. Nobody bothers you to take a nap on the grass for an hour (to catch up on what you missed at night). If you invite your friends with you, everyone will have more fun. And buy food for lunch, drinking water and plastic utensils along the way at any supermarket - it will take another half an hour. Now they sell ready-made semi-finished products for barbecue for every taste, ready-made and packaged salads and other useful things.

No car? Take a city tour. Visit a new exhibition, go to a museum, take a walk in central park, go on rides. Maybe an amusement park has come to your city? Or maybe you and your children will go to the zoo? To know where everything is happening, on Friday you need to buy a magazine or newspaper in which you can read about it. When you're tired, have lunch at a cafe. You can always find something that you can afford.

It may be a little more expensive than if you cooked it yourself, but the pleasure is worth it. And you won’t have to wash the dishes!

Tired but happy, you will return home in the evening. Now is the time to bathe the children, take a shower and start the washing machine. Are your household hungry again? Let them help you peel the potatoes and make the salad. There is no point in wasting time on complex dishes: you can buy dumplings and dumplings.

Before bed, we recommend having a family session playing lotto, Monopoly or Scrabble, or reading aloud from a fun children's book. Or maybe organize a drawing competition? In any case, time spent with children will contribute to your mutual understanding. And you and your husband will surely relax, plunging into the carefree world of children's games.

Useful with pleasant

Sunday could be just as busy. In the morning, after having a light snack, go to the supermarket or market to buy groceries for the whole week (we recommend making a shopping list in advance so as not to wander aimlessly through the aisles, looking at the goods). Large stores are convenient because you can immediately buy food, household chemicals, and cosmetics, and if you visit shopping mall, then also clothes and equipment. By the way, while you and your husband are choosing a product, the child will have a great time playing in the children's room.

However, you should not spend a lot of time in stores. The weather is so beautiful outside! Take a ball or rackets and run to the park, to the stadium, to the lake. Move around, play tag or football, and if it's very hot, just sit in the shade and get some fresh air. Enjoy nature and relaxation! If it’s winter outside, arrange a snow show for yourself - skiing, sledding, snow scooters, etc. Any holiday park now has a cultural entertainment service - rental of various equipment, children can ride live ponies or sleighs. The main thing is to get to this very park.

Prepare lunch together. Then - a short rest and a two-hour cleaning raid. Turn on the music, open the windows and don't be afraid to give orders. For example, your husband puts things in their places, your son vacuums, you wash the floors. Now your task is to awaken a competitive spirit in all family members. We assure you, after two hours of joint efforts the apartment will sparkle! And, best of all, you still have a few hours left to enjoy the evening.

Five benefits of an active weekend

Before going to bed, analyze what you got this weekend. New impressions - one, active recreation - two, romance - three, communication - four, order in the house - five. But to do this, you only had to devote half an hour to planning and find the strength to change your usual routine.

Four non-standard solutions: how to spend the weekend

1. Travel around the country.

Two days is enough to see, for example, Lviv, Chernigov or Kamenets-Podolsky. Departure is on Friday evening, return is on Monday morning. Book your hotel and buy train tickets in advance (you can also go by car). Take a minimum of things. Ask your friends what you can see in the city you are going to visit.

2. Sports day.

Start your morning by jogging around the stadium and exercising in the fresh air. And then why not go to the fitness center with the whole family? While dad works out his muscles in the gym, mom does shaping, the son does karate, and the daughter does gymnastics. In the evening there is a swimming pool with a sauna.

3. Picnic with neighbors.

Your children have been playing with each other for a long time, but you still don’t know each other? Have a “breakfast on the grass” with your neighbors right in the yard or in the park near your house. You will finally get to know each other, talk, breathe some air, and your tomboys will run around to their heart's content. But be prepared for the fact that the picnic can continue at your home with a cup of coffee.

4. Kayaking trip.

Get some company. Choose a simple route, including an overnight stay on an island. Think over the details: how many kayaks are needed, how to get to the river, where to leave the cars, what equipment to pack. Kayaks and tents can be rented.

The most common psychological traps

You think... In fact
Now I’ll quickly redo everything, and when I’m free, I’ll take some time for myself. Things will cling to one another, and as a result you will never find a moment to relax. Put everything aside and do what you want right now!
I’m so tired, so I won’t go anywhere, I won’t plan anything, but I’d rather lie on the sofa until the evening and have a good rest. An hour or two of relaxation will really do you good, but if you spend the entire weekend in bed, then at the end of it you will feel broken, stale and dissatisfied. Be sure to think about your weekend program! Remember what the teachers said at school? The best rest is a change of activities.

You think...

In fact

I will draw up a detailed plan that I will strictly follow. Not a single minute will be wasted!

The slightest inconsistency will throw you off track. You need a plan, but always be prepared to change. If you have planned a shopping raid, but suddenly the idea comes to visit Botanical Garden, why not follow her?

While my husband and son are sitting in a cafe, I will go to the shopping center, quickly go shopping, buy summer clothes.

Hoping that you can update your wardrobe in an hour is naive. Shopping is addictive, so set aside at least three hours for it without committing yourself to anything. This will allow you to enjoy the process and insure yourself against unprofitable purchases. And your family won't have to wait for you.

I’ll invite the Ivanovs, Serdyukovs and Rabinovichs to visit - let’s chat, relax...

It is unlikely that you will relax while hastily tidying up and standing at the stove to properly greet guests. The solution is simple: agree that you will buy grilled chicken and the guests will bring sweets. Or invite everyone to nature!

To organize a fun family vacation, you don’t need to spend a lot of money, show a little imagination and imagination, and then everything will work out. If on the street bad weather, gather in a spacious room and play some board game. It would be a good idea to come up with prizes for the winners and “fines” for the losers, for example, a common funny task from all family members. It is best to prepare the prizes yourself. It will be much more interesting this way. Also interesting is the idea of ​​organizing a concert, the participants of which can be both family members and invited friends and acquaintances. The director of such a concert needs to interview the participants of the “amateur artistic performance” in advance and find out who will perform what number. This is necessary in order to create invitations. Children can be invited to draw a poster together and hang it in the most visible place in the apartment or house. Don't forget to take a photo report of the family event.

You can ask the children to act out an interesting skit, puppet theater or something else. If the children decide to show a puppet show, help them with this. Remember that the stage can be made from a high table covered with a white cloth. Puppets for the theater can be made from a simple inflatable ball. You just need to make holes in it for your fingers and draw a face. When the child puts the ball on his fingers, he will get a little man whose hands will be the “actor’s” fingers. You can also sew the doll yourself. For this you will need a soft and lightweight fabric. The arms and legs for such a toy can be made from pieces of fishing line, to the ends of which sticks can be attached. In addition to homemade dolls, you can use the toys that you have at home. You can come up with a skit yourself or stage some kind of fairy tale or funny story, it will be more interesting. Don't forget to rehearse your performance so you don't look ridiculous.

A less interesting, but more useful activity can be general cleaning of an apartment or house. Don't forget to involve all family members so that no one is offended. This will be much faster and better quality. After cleaning up, you can go for a walk in the park or watch an interesting movie. You can also help children complete difficult homework.

It is common for many families to gather together at the dinner table, but if this is not your custom, you can stick to this tradition at least on weekends. Remember that family is the most valuable thing in every person’s life; you need to pay more attention and enjoy every minute spent together.

If it's in the yard good weather, then staying at home all weekend is out of the question. Go for a walk! Don't forget to bring a ball, rackets or other sports equipment with you. You don't have to go somewhere far to take a walk. You can walk to the nearest park or take a walk.

Autumn time may give your family the idea of ​​going into the forest to pick mushrooms. Clean air, rustling leaves, lots of bright colors... Children will have the opportunity to collect natural materials for their applications.

If you have a dacha, then you can go there for the weekend. It’s not for nothing that the popular Russian proverb says that skill and labor will grind everything down. During the day, the family will work closely, and in the evening you can arrange gatherings in the fresh air or barbecue. The spring smell of flowers, the singing of birds, well, the soul just rejoices.

In spring and summer you can sunbathe or swim in the river and sea, (if you live nearby) go on a boat ride. Unforgettable sensations and emotions are guaranteed.

Very good idea- a trip to the circus or zoo. Acrobats, gymnasts, clowns, wild exotic animals. All this will bring many pleasant moments for both adults and children.

Going to the park, cinema, circus or zoo - it doesn’t matter at all. It is important that all this happens with your closest and dearest people. The main thing is that everyone enjoys the walk together, that everyone is happy, and all this will help bring your family together even more. Have a nice time!

Consultation for parents.


Consultation for parents.

“How to spend a day off with your child.”

Every family has its own way of spending weekends. But in most cases, it looks like this: mom and dad are busy with their own affairs, the children are watching cartoons or sitting at the computer. This not only has a negative impact on the health of preschool children, but also has a negative impact on child-parent relationships; the thread of friendship and trust is lost between parents and children. At the stage when children are still small, this is not so scary, but when adolescence comes, parents will begin to reap the benefits.

But the weekend can be spent fun and usefully for the whole family. Spending time together brings the family together, and also makes it clear to the child how important he is to mom and dad. But, do not forget about the child’s routine, because after the weekend weekdays will come and the child will go to a preschool institution, where it will be easier for him to adapt to the new “work week” if the home routine coincides with the kindergarten one.

In any weather and in any financial condition, you can have fun spending time with your family.

These could be forays into nature: just walks in the park, or you can go on a hike; fortunately, there are enough attractions and natural monuments in our region. It will be interesting to walk through the forest to pick mushrooms or just admire nature and breathe some air. In the fall, it's a lot of fun to collect unusual leaves and then collect them in a herbarium. At any time of the year, you can go with the whole family on an exciting fishing trip, even if you are unlucky with your catch, you will be provided with a boost of vivacity and good mood. Especially, fishing will help strengthen the father-son relationship. At this time, mom and her daughter can draw the landscapes that will be around or prepare the table for a family picnic. Perhaps someone is attracted to sports recreation: badminton, football, volleyball... this can be done on the playground. Or you can organize family sports competitions with other families. This will not only help improve the child’s health and strengthen parent-child relationships, but will also have a beneficial effect on the child’s ability to communicate with adults and peers. You can go on a trip by bicycle; there is now a large selection of child seats that can be attached to an adult bicycle. IN winter time year, the family will be united by building snow castles or sliding down a slide, which will first be built together with the child. Skating is now possible not only in winter, but also in summer, thanks to the indoor skating rinks that exist in almost every major city.

If the family prefers a cultural holiday, you can go to a museum, exhibition, theater, cinema or zoo. There the child will receive not only positive emotions, but also new knowledge.

If the weather outside is not at all pleasant, you can confine yourself to your home. But not just sit in front of the TV, but organize a family dinner, you can invite guests. Family dinners, especially if they discuss the affairs of each family member, their problems and joys, also have a beneficial effect on strengthening family relationships. After lunch, you can put on a play, or just read an interesting book to the children or play board games.

Also, in every district of the city, there are now many entertainment centers open, where you can combine business with pleasure, relax with the whole family and make the necessary purchases.

Don’t forget to take pictures of any adventure you have. Some evening it will be nice to sit with your family and reminisce about the fun time you had.

What you teach your child to do early years, will remain with him for the rest of his life and perhaps then he will also spend time with his children.

Given the enormous demands of our era, weekends are often the only chance to spend time with family. Of course, it’s a pity to spend these precious hours endlessly cleaning the house or watching soap operas. We offer several simple ways to spend a weekend with your family in a fun, interesting way, without hefty financial expenses and without leaving home.

Option 1. We hold family meetings

A great leisure option is to spend the weekend chatting with close relatives at the dinner table. We can revive the Russian tradition of family tea parties or Sunday lunches. Treat your loved ones to original dishes and delicacies, but do not reduce your meeting to banal food consumption.

Show off your talents as a good organizer by paying attention to each family member. We will probably learn a lot of new and interesting things from the lives of our loved ones, share our worries and be able to solve the problems of our loved ones together.

You can arrange “themed” evenings dedicated to the hobbies and interests of loved ones. For example, if your grandfather is an admirer of Egyptology, arrange a slide show together or invite him to tell the story of the existence of this outstanding civilization. Such conversations will emphasize the importance of each family member and will not only be exciting, but will also significantly expand everyone’s horizons.

Option 2. We arrange friendly “battles”

To have a fun weekend without leaving the comfort of your home, invite your friends and family to visit. With a little imagination and imagination, organize friendly tournaments.

Play board games like Monopoly, or organize a checkers or chess competition. A good option- hold competitions and quizzes, giving prizes to the winners and inventing “penalties” for the losers. A great idea is to organize a talent show, where each of the assembled guests can present their own creative act.

Option 3. Organize events for children

Invite your child to act as a director by staging a performance or play. Let your child independently recruit a “troupe of actors” from among his classmates and friends. Children can create their own puppet theater by making homemade dolls or using factory stuffed toys. The kids can create a “theater” poster and send out invitations to fellow guests. It would not be superfluous to take photographs of the event, and at the end of the performance, invite young artists to the “sweet” table.

Option 4. Conduct master classes

An interesting and useful leisure option is to organize and conduct master classes. Surely each of you has some kind of hobby. For example, your spouse loves making model airplanes. Invite him to demonstrate his talents and skills in public. Let him act as a master, and you will be his active apprentice assistants.

Try to create some kind of family “heirloom” together. These can be various items made of beads, embroidery, appliqués from a previously collected herbarium, or fakes made from natural materials. The main thing is that all family members are inspired by the idea of ​​​​creating an original masterpiece and take part in the creative process.

Option 5. Participate in a film festival

A great way to relax with your family: watch a worthy new film release or a favorite old film. You can spend the weekend doing comedy or fantasy days, or watching the best work of a famous actor. To create a movie theater atmosphere, cook popcorn in the microwave, or invite them to the buffet during intermission, treating your family to jelly and ice cream.

Don’t forget to involve all household members in weekend activities. Together it will be much more interesting and fun, and everyone will feel loved and irreplaceable members of a strong, friendly family.

Outdoor recreation: nature has no bad weather

When the weather is beautiful outside, it’s definitely not worth staying indoors for the whole weekend. Go for a bike ride in the park or hiking through the forest! Don't forget to bring sports equipment with you: a soccer ball or tennis rackets.

In autumn, you can go to the forest to pick mushrooms or have a picnic on the shore of the lake. The transparent sky, rustling leaves underfoot, bright saturated colors will give you a huge boost of energy for the whole week!

Winter is a time of fairy tales and miracles that you can have a great time. Go skiing through the snowy winter forest or go to the skating rink. You can have snowball fights or build a snowman. A great idea is to go to the circus, where acrobats and gymnasts, magicians and clowns, exotic animals will give a lot of positive emotions to both adults and children.

Spring is the time for outdoor gatherings, delicious barbecues, the fragrance of flowers and the trills of birds. A holiday outside the city or at the dacha will bring the family together and give wonderful moments.

In summer you can swim in the pond, soak up the rays of the gentle sun on the seashore. This is the time for excursions and hikes, attractions and entertainment.

To make every weekend memorable and unique, find out the wishes and suggestions of all family members and plan your weekend itinerary in advance. It is important that everyone is satisfied, remembers and appreciates the time spent together.

Perhaps every mother wants to spend the weekend in such a way as to have time to relax and at the same time have fun with the children and at the same time pay attention to her husband. In fact, there are many options for joint recreation and interesting activities aimed at uniting the family.

Today we will look at the easiest options for a joint weekend that are suitable for any family.

home garden

Even if you don’t have a dacha, this won’t stop you from feeling like a real agronomist. Choose a day and buy everything you need: “small beds”, comfortable long pots for planting, soil and seeds. Best suited for home growing different kinds greens and herbs. But there are also special varieties of vegetables that grow well on a windowsill or balcony. After planting, be sure to make signs with pictures so you don’t forget what should grow in each pot. Such a vitamin bed will delight you at least all year round, the main thing is to properly care for it and do not forget to water it.

Sport! Sport! Sport!

Any physical activity is suitable here. If space allows, organize a competition at home to see who can reach the designated place the fastest, or play football. IN warm time years, it is very useful to play sports outside. For example, go for a bike ride in the nearest park or forest. Weekends are also great for learning to roller skate.

Feast on the mountain

Create a dinner with everyone in the family's favorite dishes. Ask everyone who would like to enjoy what. And then buy groceries and cook these dishes all together. For example, bake fish or meat, prepare some delicious salads, and for dessert bake a pie or make a cake to your taste. In this way, mom will gain some free time for herself, because the next day she won’t have to bother with cooking, and the children and dad will be very happy with a tasty and varied dinner.

Let's go visit!

If you haven't visited your old friends or grandparents for a long time, then the weekend is the best time to do it. It will be especially interesting to go to friends who have children about the same age as yours. They will have the opportunity to have plenty of fun with friends and new toys, and their parents will have the opportunity to chat and exchange the latest news.

Let's go in search of treasure

Your children will definitely like this game 100%. And the task of adults is to purchase in advance and place surprises with candies, toys or other “treasures” in secluded places. In addition, you will need to come up with a fun and exciting quest that is suitable for the age of the children or draw up a map from which all this can be found. Also excellent option will play this game outdoors: in the country or in the park.

Travel to another city

There should be time for adventure at any age. After all, memories and vivid impressions remain with us forever. It’s unlikely that you’ll remember a boring weekend if you spend the whole day cleaning, and then cooking and busying yourself around the house. Of course, there should be time for relaxing holiday and to restore order in the house. But at least once a year, take a day or two to take a fun trip. Even to a neighboring city. Explore nearby interesting places. Perhaps somewhere nearby there is a nature reserve, zoo or dolphinarium that you have long wanted to visit.

Such trips should not require extensive preparation. It is advisable that the travel time does not take more than 3 hours. This way, you will have time to walk around, unwind, and return home not too tired. But you will have another great vacation together and a lot of fun family photos. And the children will have something to remember and something to tell and brag about to their peers at school or in kindergarten.

We take into account all wishes

It's no secret that even a clearly planned and pre-prepared vacation is sometimes not very successful. Especially if one of the household members does not want to spend their free time, like all other family members. This happens, for example, when the older generation wants to go to the dacha to weed the garden, but children would rather stay in the city and stroll through the park to ride their favorite rides. Thus, good vacation everyone has different ideas and in order to take into account everyone’s interests, it is better to immediately agree and discuss everything possible options for the weekend. This way, no one will feel deprived and will not have to listen to complaints from family members that family vacations are terrible.


Of course, in the warm season, options for family vacation much more appears. Many families go to the countryside or have an outdoor picnic with friends. Because this is a great opportunity for active rest, and for a pleasant time in silence and enjoying nature. In a word, everyone finds something for their souls, both kids and adults.

Children are usually much more active in the fresh air, as it is a great opportunity to run and get active. Therefore, if you go outdoors with children, be sure to take essentials so that you don’t have to interrupt your vacation. It is important to immediately provide a supply of the required amount of provisions, a first aid kit and mosquito spray. Since they are not insured against falls and scratches. To quickly treat your baby’s wound, stock up on hydrogen peroxide and bandages.

Remembering childhood

When going for a walk with your children and spending leisure time together, you don’t need to be ashamed of your emotions and you should have a lot of fun with them from the heart. For example, go on rides with your child or play badminton or tag with the kids. Every child dreams that their mothers and fathers share the joy with them and are passionate about the same game as them. It’s so nice to feel like a child, even for a second. And children will temporarily see you as a friend, and not as a strict parent.

We wish you the most pleasant impressions from the days spent with your family and friends.