Migration patent for work. Patent to work in Russia for citizens of Ukraine

In 2014, under a patent, citizens of the Russian Federation could hire foreign citizens for purposes not related to making a profit. That is, a foreign citizen who received a work patent could only work for an individual, for example, helping with housework, a summer cottage, looking after children or the elderly, performing repairs, as a personal driver or assistant.

Now, in 2015, unreasonable requirements for documents for registration of a patent are being sharply introduced. Even for a work permit before 2015, significantly fewer documents were required. What is the reason requirement to prepare documents within 30 days after entry and submit them for a patent unclear.

It should also be understood that working for an individual individual entrepreneur is equivalent to working for a company and cannot be carried out under a patent. But there are common cases when foreign employees are not registered as employees and do not sign contracts. In this case, the employee’s rights are not protected in any way and in case of disagreement, the decision may be difficult.

If you belong to the category of foreign citizens wishing to work in Russia, you should take care of the legality of your future stay on the territory of the Russian Federation. Registration of a work patent will secure your right to enter into a professional relationship with an individual (but not a legal entity) who has Russian citizenship.

The assistance of a potential employer during the filing of a patent application is not required, however, the registration process is associated with the risk of long periods of downtime in queues and the need to independently fill out forms and collect documents.

Legal support from our highly qualified employees will allow you to avoid unnecessary hassle, save time and nerves, and maintain confidence in the correctness of filling out all the papers required by FMS representatives.

We have been legalizing the presence of foreign citizens on Russian territory since 2004. Regardless of the purpose of your arrival in the Russian Federation(reflected in migration card), we will be happy to provide you with legal support. By documenting your stay in the country, you will protect yourself from possible claims from the police and migration services and create an excellent springboard for personal and professional growth in Russia. Build your life calmly and confidently.

List of documents for obtaining a work patent:

  1. Passport, which you entered.
  2. If the passport does not contain data in Russian, then you need notarized translation. If there is no translation, we will do it.
  3. Migration card
  4. Temporary registration, if there is. If there is no temporary registration, we will do so.
  5. Two color matte photographs 3x4 cm. If there are no photos, we will take a photo of you for free.

No need to make copies. Bring your documents, we will make all the necessary copies ourselves.
You can send scanned documents by email. Scan at 600 dpi (dots per inch) resolution in color.

In case you did postal temporary registration, make sure it is included in the FMS database.
Registration that is not included in the database is not suitable for obtaining a patent. Call us and we will tell you what needs to be done.

Collect Required documents for a work patent and come to our office.

A patent for CIS citizens allows you to work for individuals and extends migration registration. On this moment This is the most inexpensive way to stay in Russia for a long time.

The procedure and conditions for obtaining a work patent in 2014 will differ from those that will be issued in 2015.
The employer, an individual, decides many issues for his hired foreign workers, but in the case of a patent, the employer has fewer such problems, since the employee himself submits and receives all documents to the Federal Migration Service.

The price of a patent for work.
We provide support in the process of obtaining a patent for a work and, depending on how urgently you need to resolve this issue, the appropriate price for the patent is determined. If you have just arrived in the Russian Federation, the price will be minimal. If there are a few days left until the end of the migration card, then in some cases we will not be able to process the documents, due to insufficient time to process even the most urgent option.
Some visiting workers ask if they can buy a work patent from us. No, we do not print patents for work, the FMS does this. You personally receive a patent in Moscow or the Moscow region at the FMS from the hands of an inspector.

Which registration is suitable for filing a patent?
We will help you register and patent your work. A patent is made on the basis of registration, and if the registration is not entered into the FMS database, this may cause the documents to be returned. This also applies to registrations you have made at the post office.
Postal registrations are not entered into the database, so they are not suitable for filing a patent. If you have postal registration, we can re-register you.

Advantages of filing a patent through us:

  • We can issue an urgent patent. Most of those wishing to undergo the fingerprinting (fingerprinting) procedure necessary to obtain a patent are forced to stand in line for hours. By contacting us, you will not only be able to spend your time more constructively, but also receive the finished document in the shortest possible time.
  • Check the patent for legality http://services.fms.gov.ru/info-service.htm?sid=2060. We provide all services exclusively on legal grounds. You can verify the actual status of a patent issued with our help on the official website of the Federal Migration Service.
  • Reliability. Many years of work experience allows our employees to quickly and correctly fill out any documents.
  • We conclude an agreement. Upon concluding an agreement with representatives of our organization, you pay only half the cost of our services. Having received the finished document and verified its authenticity, you complete the two-step payment procedure by paying the remaining amount of the cost of the services we provide.

You will need

  • - migration card,
  • - passport,
  • - TIN,
  • - receipt of payment of state duty,
  • - 3 photos


More and more residents of the near abroad are moving to Russia in search of paid work. At the same time, not all visitors prepare their documents properly, although there is a real opportunity to work legally and peacefully in Russia. Obtaining a patent is the most successful thing for those who are going to work in the Russian Federation.

A patent is a permit for a migrant who entered the country without obtaining a visa to work for an individual. Based on this document, a foreign citizen can provide one-time services to an individual, enter into contracts for the provision of services and receive cash income from their activities. The patent is suitable for guest workers planning to work for private employers as home workers - servants, gardeners, watchmen, etc. A patent does not give you the right to run your own business or work for a legal entity. For these cases, a work permit is issued.

Patents are issued only by the Russian Migration Service, where there is a department for issues labor migration. Unlike work permits, which are strictly limited in each subject of the country, patents can be acquired in an unlimited number.

To purchase a patent, you must provide the IIN (Individual Identification Number), which is issued by the tax service at the place of registration of the migrant, to the specified department.

The foreigner must bring both a national passport and a valid migration card with an entry stamp. The application for a patent is filled out in Russian; for this purpose, transliteration is provided at the top of each form.

In 2014, the patent increased in price and began to cost 1,216 rubles; a receipt for payment can be obtained from the Savings Bank; the original must be attached to the package of documents.

A photograph will also be required. foreign citizen 3.5*4.5 cm. The designated list of documents is submitted to the Federal Migration Service.

The patent is valid for one year; every 1-3 months its validity can be extended. After a year, the guest worker has the right to receive a new patent; If the period of residence on the territory of Russia has expired, and a new patent has not been received, the guest worker is obliged to leave the Russian Federation within the next fifteen days. Otherwise, he is assigned the status of an illegal migrant subject to forced deportation. It’s quite easy to get a patent again; you just need to pay the state fee again at any Sberbank branch.

The registration process takes ten days from the date of submission of documents to the Federal Migration Service. A work patent should be issued exclusively in the place where the citizen plans to carry out work activities. The advantage of a patent is that it is not necessary to renew the registration if its term has expired, since the patent provides the right to stay in Russia.

A patent is established for citizens of Ukraine and foreign citizens

Since 2015, for citizens of Ukraine who plan to carry out work activities in Russia, there are special conditions mandatory registration with the migration service. Within no more than 7 working days, a citizen must contact the Federal Migration Service and then apply for a patent, which gives him the right to work freely on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Let us recall that back in 2014, Ukrainian citizens could work without obtaining a patent.

Current changes in 2015

  • First of all, a new patent of 2015 allows a citizen of a foreign state to obtain a working specialty not only from an employer who has the status of a legal entity, but also from an individual entrepreneur. The document clearly states the specialty and classification of the type of activity that the foreign citizen will professionally carry out.
  • The legislative act obliges foreign citizens to provide documents in a timely manner in order to obtain a patent. Failure to comply with requirements will result in penalties.
  • To the list mandatory documents a number of additional ones necessary for registration of a patent have been added.

New conditions for working in the Russian Federation under a patent

To carry out labor activity on the territory of the Russian Federation, citizens of foreign countries must enter our country with international passports. Only members of the Customs Union have the right to enter without a visa.

For Ukrainians, there are mandatory regulations for obtaining a patent only if they have a foreign passport.

The standard deadline for submitting all documents is no later than 30 days. If a foreigner evades the registration procedure, he will be subject to a fine with a nominal value of 10 to 15 thousand rubles.

List of documents required to obtain a patent to work in Russia

1. On the legal basis of Article 15.1 of the Federal Law “On the legal regulation of foreigners in the Russian Federation”, every entering citizen is obliged to comply with the registration procedure and provide reliable documents confirming knowledge of the Russian language, understanding Russian history and the fundamentals of the legislative framework of the Russian Federation.

In this situation, the following documents are basic:

  • a certificate confirming successful completion of certification in Russian language and history;
  • basic document of education not lower than general, USSR sample before 09/01/1991;
  • a document confirming specialized education with passing state certification after 09/01/1991.

2. TIN document issued by the tax administration.

3. Voluntary health insurance policy, which is mandatory when obtaining a patent from the Federal Migration Service. As an alternative, a contract for the provision of paid services may be presented.

4. A certificate with a mandatory negative HIV test mark and a certificate from a drug treatment facility confirming that you are not addicted to drugs.

5. Original passport and its original copy.

6. Notarized translation of the passport into Russian.

7. Registration certificate with an expiration date of no later than 13 working days and its original copy.

8. Migrant’s card and its copy, with a mandatory note about the purpose of the visit. As a rule, this is work.

9. A pair of color photographs measuring 3x4 cm with a white background.

10. Paid personal income tax contribution receipt.

It is worth noting that since the beginning of 2015, the amount of tax payment by foreigners planning to obtain a patent has also changed. In this regard, changes have occurred in the Tax Code in Article 227.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

What documents are needed from the employer for a patent?

An employer hiring foreign worker, must notify the FMS body of its intentions. Depending on the situation, the employer informs about the beginning of cooperation or termination of activities with the citizen on the basis of an agreement concluded with him. The employer has only 3 working days from the date of entry into force of the contract to do this.

Having worked for the employer for at least two months, the foreigner must provide the Federal Migration Service, which issued the patent, with a copy of his employment contract. This can be done in person or a copy can be sent by mail. FMS employees, having received the contract, check both the official activities and registration of the employer, and its legality in providing work to a foreigner.

Innovations in calculating personal income tax for obtaining a patent

The personal income tax rate since the beginning of 2015 consists of a fixed advance payment (at least 1,200 rubles), which is a link in the total product with the deflator coefficient (1.307) and the regional labor market coefficient. Relative to Moscow, it is equal to 2.5504.

In fact, it turns out that the tax is the cost of the patent itself. If you do a little mathematical calculation, you can understand that for a typical foreigner who will work in Moscow, the cost of a patent will cost 4,000 rubles.

1,200*1.307*2.5504 = 4,000.04736 rub. = 4,000.00 rub.

IN in this case kopecks are rounded to the nearest ruble.

The cost of a patent for other regions will be comparatively lower, for example, about 1,300 rubles.

The procedure for obtaining a patent in Russia for a foreigner

In fact, it is quite simple to understand what is needed to obtain an official work permit for a foreigner in Russia. The main thing is not to forget to contact the authority in a timely manner. migration service, and confirm your stay in the country. In addition, you should not forget to send a copy of the employment contract to the Federal Migration Service, which issued your patent.

An innovation in the law on registration of foreign citizens is the fact that now every foreign guest must undergo a fingerprinting procedure and leave their fingerprints in the FMS database. You will be told in more detail about this directly when you contact the controlling organization.

The first patent is issued to a citizen for a period of 1 or 3 months. The deadline is directly related to the payment of personal income tax. Therefore, you can pay the tax for three months at once. We remind you that the tax rate for a foreign citizen planning to work in Moscow is 4,000 rubles per month. And in the regions this rate is close to 1,300 rubles. Extension of a patent is possible with the next payment of tax for one or three months.

The maximum permissible period for extending documents is regulated by 12 months. Monthly or quarterly tax payments should be made 2-3 days before the patent expires. If you overlook this point, then in case of late payment, the patent may be declared revoked, and the foreigner will have to urgently leave the country.