Passenger company "Sakhalin. Passenger company "Sakhalin Sakhalin Railway"

Sakhalin island. Part V. Sakhalin Railway.

Suburban diesel train D2 is preparing to depart to Novoderevenskaya station. The post consists of two parts - about the Sakhalin Railway Museum and about general railway life here.
The main station of the island is Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk station.

Historically the first railways appeared here after the Russo-Japanese War in the southern (Japanese at that time) part of the island. First of all, communication with the port of Korsakov (Oodomari) and then gradually further south, to the border, to the 50th parallel - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (Toyohara) - Starodubskoye (Sakaehama), then the road along the western part of the island of Nevelsk (Honto) - Ilyinsky (Kussyunai). By the thirties, the network was already quite dense and belonged not only to the state. There were also private plots. On the Russian part (less developed) there were only narrow-gauge railways for the export of coal and timber.

Japanese Railways Administration Building on Sakhalin.

After the war, there were even attempts to connect the mainland railway network with the island network using the Cape Pogibi - Lazarev tunnel. After the death of I.V. Stalin, these attempts were curtailed, although a lot of money and effort was spent.

The influence of the Japanese has remained on railway life here until the present day. Almost all of the rolling stock is Russian, but believe me, everything looks very, very different from the mainland. Therefore, the specialized museum of the Sakha Railway is a must-visit place.

D51 series steam locomotive 1948

I wonder how it got here, since it’s clearly not a trophy? So it was purchased somewhere specifically for Sakhalin?

Behind it, in the shade, is a gathering place for various flagellated citizens, by the way.

Since 1998, all the roads on the island have been rebuilt to our standard, and this involves not only re-laying the road surface, but also new dimensions, for example for tunnels and station structures. I don’t know whether this event is over, whether it’s in full swing, or whether the rails haven’t been touched yet.

Here is a kind of installation about the past.

Types of carriages used.

In the corner of the photo you can see an An-12 cargo plane approaching Khomutovo. As I say, everything happens above the center.

The TU7 locomotive is a Soviet-built locomotive, used on narrow-gauge railways here on the mainland.

Semaphore with cable system.

Snowplow locomotive based on the TG-16 diesel locomotive.

Rotary auger with a mouth like this.

But he's not the only one here. Snow blower DVGD-51 (K-600) is a device literally for gnawing a path in the snow.

And here is a very historical snowplow "Wajima".

It may seem to some that there are a lot of similar snow removal equipment here. Well, that means this person has a bad idea of ​​winter on Sakhalin. Here’s something fresh:

"On the morning of December 31, on the stretch between Zaozernaya and Pugachevo Sakhalinskaya stations railway(219 km) a diesel locomotive and a snow plow (SDPM) were knocked off the path by a snow avalanche."

They're digging him up.

And this is the fast train Nogliki - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

Let's continue.

25-ton tank, 1954. The only strange thing is that the information on the barrel seems to have been painted over and applied again. Maybe the railway workers are lying.

Suburban diesel train "KiHa-02", once purchased in Japan for local conditions.

Now it has been replaced by the suburban Japanese D-2. It is more modern, of course, but it is also quite suitable for a museum. And at the moment it operates four pairs of flights a day - two to Bykov and two to Novoderevenskaya.

In general, the schedule is very modest -

Suburbs - Novoderevenskaya and Bykov (two flights each, one to Bykov is sent empty and does not appear on the schedule). Cars with aunts go to Tomari and Korsakov (I don’t know why they don’t drive D-2 to Korsakov). And the long-distance route is very tiny - a daytime 900 train to Tymovsk and two night trains to Nogliki (Express No. 1:) and People's 601).

The schedule has been compiled and is valid according to local time (+7 hours Moscow time) but in tickets long distance Moscow is still indicated. The Express system, apparently, cannot do otherwise.

Train No. 602 Nogliki - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk arrives.

You won’t find such TG-16 locomotives from the Lyudinovsky plant here either. Moreover, there are no others here - neither the usual traction passenger ones, nor traction freight ones. Such a strange choice is due to complex natural conditions, for which for some reason Lyudinovo diesel locomotives are best suited.

But the carriages are the most ordinary ones.

099 at the top in the digital cipher is precisely that it belongs to SakhZhD (it was once a branch of Far Eastern Railway, but since April 15, 1992 it has been autonomous and independent).

Let's look at the map of the island's railways.

The main passenger artery is the trans-Sakhalin highway Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - Nogliki, and the remaining branches are essentially access roads to ports, terminals and mining sites. Passengers are not very welcome there.

Plus the map is also lying, the road is South-S. - Nikolaychuk - Kholmsk has been dismantled.

Having bought a ticket for tomorrow to the Tymovsk station in the north of the island, I planned today to visit the abandoned tunnels on the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-Nikolaichuk-Kholmsk road and mud volcanoes near the village of Klyuchi, and the next day to go to the north of the island and visit the city of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, the former capital islands (and hard labor), then the Russian part of the island. Now it is an ordinary regional center, but once (with a fair amount of irony) Aleksandrovsk was called “Sakhalin Paris”.

The next posts will be about this.

In 2013, the section was modified"Passengers" on the official website of the JSC company" RUSSIAN RAILWAYS " .

On the first page of the section a new convenient form has been introduced for purchasing tickets and viewing the schedule, as well as a personal account (" My orders " ) and all the necessary information for the trip (transportation rules, offer, tariffs, special promotions companies).

In connection with the dynamic development of electronic sales of train travel documents and in order to improve service and increase convenience for passengers when purchasing tickets via the Internet, Russian Railways JSC A mobile version of the company's official website has been implemented:

With help mobile version JSC website" RUSSIAN RAILWAYS " the user can perform many operations with mobile phone, including:

1) purchase tickets on long-distance trains (Nogliki - Vzmorye), as well as on buses connecting Vzmorye - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk ;
2) pass the electronic registration On the train;
3) view order history;
4) familiarize yourself with the rules for issuing electronic tickets.

The passenger has the right to receive the cost of the bus ticket (minus the fee for processing the return) when returning unused:

1. To the railway ticket office no later than12 hours before the start of the direct message;

2. The return of coupons issued by non-cash payment method (indicating the payer’s ELS) is carried out in a claim procedure;

3. To the railway ticket office due to illness or accident within 5 days from the start of direct communication for which the ticket was purchased upon provision of supporting documents.

How to buy a ticket for a local train:

Buy a ticket for your trip by commuter train , the passenger can train departure day A at the ticket offices of PKS JSC"(see section of the site), but only along the route of a commuter train, for example, on the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - Tomari train at the ticket office of the station. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, st. Dolinsk.

In addition, you can purchase a ticket for a local train, directly from the ticket agent in the train carriage, but if you boarded the train at a station where there are ticket offices of PKS JSC, for example, at the station. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk or at the station. Dolinsk (during ticket office opening hours), when traveling by train Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - Tomari, you need to pay 35 rubles for the service: “issuing a ticket on a commuter train at a station open for ticket sales.”

Purchasing a ticket for a trip on a commuter train, both at stations and on the train, will not take you much time - ticketing is done quickly, and there are enough seats for everyone.

Suburban subscription tickets. Save time and money

The Sakhalin Passenger Company offers passengers to purchase passes for travel on commuter trains.

Passengers who use commuter trains not once a month, but regularly, have a real opportunity to make their trips even more convenient, and in some cases, to receive significant financial savings.

There is a standard set of season tickets on the railway network of JSC Russian Railways.

1. A “working day” subscription, which can be issued for 10, 15, 20, 25 calendar days in a row and for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 months. This subscription, as its name suggests, is valid only on weekdays.

2. The subscription, which is called “daily”, is issued for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 days, as well as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 12 months. Such a subscription includes travel on a local train for the entire validity period indicated on the ticket and on all days of the week.

3. Weekend subscription. As a rule, it is issued for only 1 month. It is valid on weekends and holidays, on the day before a weekend or holiday, on the day after a weekend or holiday.

4. Subscription ticket “for dates” - issued for any dates chosen by the passenger - from 5 to 15 dates. It can also be issued for even and odd dates (from 14 to 16 dates depending on the month). In this case, all dates must be within one calendar month.

For example, as a rule, those who purchase “weekend” passes can save money. After all, the price of such a subscription includes 12 trips per month, but in fact the holder of such a subscription can make about 32 trips using it.

But who can definitely save money is student passengers. For them, from September 1 to June 15, season tickets are sold at a 50% discount!

Having a subscription in hand is convenient for those who travel to and from work by commuter train every working day. Standing in line at the box office for a ticket twice a day is a dubious pleasure. By purchasing a “working day” pass, the passenger will save not money, but time and nerves.

Railway workers and regional authorities are successfully working on a project to convert the narrow gauge railway operating on Sakhalin to an all-Russian format. Its implementation will make it possible to abandon the purchase of rare and expensive narrow-gauge equipment, as well as the rearrangement of wheel sets, according to the website of the island government.

Today, when delivering cars from the mainland to the island and back, this costly operation cannot be avoided. The transition to broad gauge will make it possible to purchase new comfortable passenger cars and increase the volume of freight transport by rail. This will reduce the load on car roads region, traffic safety will increase.

Nikolai Maklygin thanked the regional leadership for the support of the island railway workers. In 2016, they transferred 850 million rubles in taxes to the budget of the island region. This year the amount has increased noticeably; it amounted to one billion rubles in just 10 months.

Next, a ceremony was held to sign the agreement between the government Sakhalin region and the open joint-stock company "Russian Railways" on interaction and cooperation in the field railway transport for 2017-2019.

The document provides for a number of areas of cooperation. The parties will work together on the project “Modernization of the railway infrastructure of Sakhalin Island”. It is part of a complex project - “Construction of the mainland – Sakhalin Island railway line with passage through the Nevelskoy Strait and development of the railway network of Sakhalin Island.” Also, the regional government and Russian Railways plan to cooperate on the development and modernization of railway infrastructure and passenger rolling stock of the suburban complex.

The first technological “window” for laying broad gauge this year was carried out on Sakhalin. The work was carried out on the Chekhov - Tomari stretch. It was here that the next planned laying was completed in the fall of 2016, while on this section of the track along west coast There was an unfinished section of 25 km left on the island. During May-June, work here will be completed, and the complex of track equipment will be redeployed to the Ilyinskoye - Arsentyevka section, the press service of the Far Eastern Railway reports.

In 2017, serious preparations were made for the two-year final stage of converting the narrow island highway to network-wide gauge standards. Survey work has been carried out to develop design documentation for all old bridges, and a powerful base has been established for the accumulation of rail and sleeper grids, bridge trusses, and track superstructure materials coming from the mainland.

A lot has been done, but this year we have much more to do,” emphasized Alexander Gavrilenko, Deputy Head of the Far Eastern Railway for the Sakhalin Region. “It is necessary not only to lay more than fifty kilometers of asymmetrical rails and sleepers, to build about 30 new bridges on the Arsentyevka - Buyukly line, but most importantly - to lay a serious foundation for the subsequent stages upon completion of the transfer of the island highway to a broad gauge.

Let us recall that on Sakhalin, since 2003, rail and sleeper grids have been laid under the combined gauge of 1067/1520 mm. During this period, more than 600 km of track were laid on three-strand sleepers, which is two-thirds of the total length. The volume of investments exceeded 19 billion rubles.

Considering the critical role of the railway in ensuring the socio-economic stability of the region and the uninterrupted functioning of the region’s most important enterprises, there is an urgent need to complete the entire range of work by 2020.

In 2018, work will be carried out on laying 52.4 km of rail and sleeper grids on combined reinforced concrete sleepers. Next year, 2019, it is planned to complete work on relaying the track to 1520 mm gauge throughout Sakhalin, except for the Kholmsk-Shakhty section, which will be rebuilt in 2020.