Entertainment in Phu Quoc Vietnam. Phu Quoc: attractions and what to see on the island on your own

We'll tell you what to see Vietnamese resort Phu Quoc. The selection includes a prison, a national park, pagodas, a lighthouse, farms and plantations. Read it.

Phu Quoc Island is famous for its calm, serene holiday and magnificent nature. Tourists go to this piece of tropical paradise mainly for the snow-white sandy beaches and relaxation in 5-star hotels with SPA programs.

There are not so many attractions here, and where would they come from if just a few decades ago Phu Quoc was a prison. But, despite the poorly developed infrastructure and the absence of significant monuments, there is something to do on the island besides swimming and what to see.

Nha Lao Cay Dua Prison or Coconut Tree Prison

The main attraction of the island remains the Coconut Prison, so named because of the abundance of plantations nearby. The prison was built by French colonialists, and during the US war with Vietnam, the Americans used it as a concentration camp for Viet Cong prisoners.

Coconut Prison is not a place for the faint of heart. The Vietnamese so accurately recreated the atmosphere of that bloody time with terrible torture chambers and frozen mannequins of guards and prisoners that no one remains indifferent. But it’s worth a visit to learn about Vietnam’s complex history. Moreover, a nominal fee of $1 is charged for entry, and the prison is open every day, except Mondays.

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Fukuoka Lighthouse

The symbol of Fukuoka is an active lighthouse carved right into the rock. From here you have a wonderful view of the sea, especially in the evening, during sunset. At the foot of the lighthouse there is a small temple-palace called Cau Castle or Dinh Cau, dedicated to the goddess Tian Hou. Local fishermen revere her as the patroness of the seas and still bring her gifts and offerings.

In the afternoon, a small market is held near the lighthouse - fishermen return from the sea with a fresh catch. At this time, you can not only buy a variety of fish and seafood, but also immediately try delicious fish dishes prepared in front of you.

Phu Quoc Fish Sauce Factory

While vacationing in Phu Quoc, be sure to visit the factory where the most popular Vietnamese anchovy sauce “nuoc mam” is produced. This delicacy has a rich, specific taste and a very strong odor, due to which the sauce is prohibited from being transported in hand luggage on airplanes.

You can see how fish sauce is made completely free of charge - entry to the factory is free, but it is better to use the services of a guide and listen to interesting details about each stage of the creation of a local delicacy.

Pepper plantations

The main attractions worth visiting also include pepper plantations, because Vietnam is the recognized leader in the production of black pepper in the world, and the most valuable, fragrant varieties of black, white and red pepper are grown in Phu Quoc.

Pepper plantations are located at almost every step here, and you can stop by any of them. However, the largest plantations with organized tours are located in the village of Hutuong. Visiting the plantations is free; the Vietnamese receive income from selling packages of pepper to tourists.

Pearl farm

The best saltwater pearls in Vietnam are also grown in Phu Quoc. There are two farms on the island that can be visited for free. It will be interesting not only to see with your own eyes the process of growing pearls, but also to look at the exhibits in the pearl museum. At the farms, of course, there are shops that sell pearl products of excellent quality.

Phu Quoc National Park

It would be an unforgivable mistake to visit Phu Quoc and not visit the Phu Quoc National Park. Still, it’s not without reason that most tourists go to the island for the gorgeous nature, and the national park is where the main natural resources countries. The lush tropical jungle is home to over 930 species of trees and about 150 species of animals.

By National Park conduct various eco-tours, the program of which, in addition to a walk through the jungle, may include visits to waterfalls and a reservoir, black pepper plantations and an aviary with sea eagles, climbing a mountain and exploring a sculpture park.

Suoi Tranh Waterfall

Another natural attraction of the island is the Suoi Tranh waterfall. But it is better to visit it during the rainy season, otherwise instead of a waterfall you will find a small stream waiting for you. Finding it is not difficult: having reached the place marked on the map, you need to walk along a stone-paved path in the forest and after 15 minutes a waterfall will appear in front of you. Here, on the huge boulders, the Vietnamese themselves like to have picnics.

Duong Dong Lake and Ho Duong Dong Reservoirs

For a variety of impressions, you can independently go to the freshwater lake Duong Dong Lake - the largest on the island, which also serves as a natural reservoir. You won't see anything unusual there, but you can take beautiful photos.

And in the center of the city, an artificial reservoir, Ho Duong Dong, was built to supply water to nearby areas. Next to the reservoir runs the picturesque mountain stream Suoi Da Ban, along which it is pleasant to walk in hot weather.

At first glance, Phu Quoc resembles the older brother of Thai Samet. The two islands are even similar in shape, although Phu Quoc is several times larger in area. But when the Vietnamese brother opens up like an Asian flower, the experienced tourist begins to smell very pleasant smells. There are attractions in this corner of Vietnam, but getting to them is not the easiest task, especially for beginners. According to the map, the entire island is surrounded by a good road, and in the center, with slight deviations to the left and right, there is a real highway. It seems like nothing complicated - rent a bike and have fun. But the son of difficult mistakes showed that the matter ends on the highway. The roads were put on maps, but they had not yet had time to complete the construction, and at the very interesting places You can only drive on a dirt road. The simplest solution is group tour, where in the comfort of four wheels, you'll see it all in one day for just $20. What’s so interesting there that it’s worth risking riding a bike on not the best roads?

What to see in Fukuoka. The island will welcome you with its beaches.

Fukuoka beaches. Pure white sand...

Ganh Dau village. The village itself is nothing interesting. A typical settlement of fishermen who work on their fish from morning to night. They catch, dry, sell and eat. But not far from it there is a small port from which you can go for the most beautiful snorkeling on the entire coast. At this point you can see Cambodia, and fishermen scurry from one country to another without passports or visas. Snorkeling costs only seven dollars.

The land on the horizon is already Cambodia.

Night fish market. A gastronomic attraction for seafood lovers in the city of Doung Dong. I visited this place twice - the first time I tried a shark for eight dollars, the second time I picked up a whole basket of rapana, cuttlefish and Vietnamese flat-faced crayfish. The entire basket barely amounted to ten dollars. By the way, this food turned out to be a great aphrodisiac. The market starts at six o'clock in the evening and closes with the last client.

What to see in Fukuoka. For modest money you can pick up a whole basket of all sorts of delicious things.

Waterfalls. Fukuoka was unlucky with them. The first one is called Da Ban, located near the city of Doung Dong, but it’s difficult to call it a waterfall - just a mountain stream with a lot of rapids. After heavy rains there is a lot to see here, the rest of the time it is a place for Vietnamese picnics. The second waterfall is called Tranh Stream, located near the city of Ham Ninh. By name it should be a stream, but in fact it is a small waterfall with a well-groomed territory. The road to the waterfall goes uphill along neatly laid stones.

Da Ban waterfall sometimes shows its power, but only after heavy rains.

Tranh Stream Waterfall looks like a normal waterfall, albeit a small one.

Coconut prison. In the last century, Vienham had a hard time. The memory of this is immortalized in a gloomy landmark. The entire territory is fenced barbed wire with visual accompaniment inside. In each barracks there are mannequins depicting all the atrocities to which the prisoners were subjected. The most terrible, in my opinion, were the tortures using water and pepper. To “improve appetite and blood supply,” people were beaten before eating a meager meal, and then they poured water with pepper and salt on their wounds. The place is not for everyone.

What to see in Fukuoka. A thorn in several rows...

And inside there is visual propaganda.

On the way back, we accidentally found these fish fields.

Phu Quoc is an island for quiet beach holiday. There is a high probability that you will stop at Long Beach, and if you do not go beyond it, it may seem that you have come to visit your grandmother in the village. The inhabitants of the island are very friendly, and they treat Russians with special respect. You can also visit a commercial attraction - a pearl factory, to which you will be taken with a special desire. At the southern point of the island there is the town of An Thoi, but in addition beautiful photos fishing boats and warships, you will get nothing. The main attractions of Fukuoka are the beaches.

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Video what to watch in Fukuoka.

What are the attractions in Fukuoka? What to see, where to go and what to do in Fukuoka? What excursions are there? We tell you what attractions to see in Fukuoka on your own, in addition to beaches and farms with markets.

Phu Quoc is not rich in attractions. This is understandable, because just a few decades ago the island was one big prison. The island still has many decades to develop. Let us be grateful for what we already have. Let's look at what we have.

Fukuoka Attractions: 11 Places to Visit on Your Own

What to see in Fukuoka? Minimum program - beaches, coconut prison, waterfall and Vinpearl water park. Read more about all the interesting places on the island below. By the way, you can get to all the attractions on your own by bike or by purchasing an excursion. Another option is to rent a car, but only with a driver, because if you don’t have a Vietnamese license, no one will rent you a car, these are the rules.

More could be added to this list bee farm and wine tasting. But it’s so uninteresting that we can’t even advise you. A Bee farm is just a store where they will show you empty honeycombs from afar, and then start selling you honey. The wine tasting consists of 3 glasses of questionable wine, which are given to you with such a face as if they are doing the greatest favor, and then everything is standard - an overpriced store.

Excursions in Fukuoka

Are you interested in what excursions there are in Fukuoka? Since there is nothing special to see on the island, there are few excursions and they are not very diverse. This is either a sightseeing tour of the island, or fishing, or snorkeling/diving. We photographed a brochure with excursions from one of the Russians travel agencies. Prices are current for the 2017 season.

Bottom line

You can see for yourself that the attractions in Fukuoka are not the most diverse and interesting, there are few of them and almost all of them are mediocre. Over the years, more attractions and entertainment will be built in Fukuoka for tourists. The island is now actively developing. In 20 years it will be unrecognizable; Vietnam is investing a lot of money in the development of this region.

So, for now, choose the most interesting for yourself. I think 3-5 days is more than enough to see the sights of Fukuoka. Waterfalls, a prison, pepper plantations, sauce and pearl factories, as well as Bai Sao beach can be seen in 1 day at sightseeing tour or by hiring a taxi for the whole day. We recommend setting aside a full day for the Vinpearl water park. Take another day to visit the night market in Duong Dong town.

Where to stay on the island, which hotel to choose so that the sea is good and close to attractions? We recommend Long Beach. If you look at the map - the area that is from the city of Duong Dong and down to the airport. We wrote more about housing on the island in the article -. Read an interesting article with options that you yourself went through.

If you know any other interesting places on the island that are not described in this article, then write about them in the comments!

Phu Quoc - tropical island in the south of Vietnam. It attracts tourists by promising paradise beaches, cheap seafood, beautiful vacation in resorts. Are these promises true? In general, yes. Fukuoka is a great place to relax and is worth a trip. But the island shows its Vietnamese character - there are nuances and reservations, like a contract from a cunning lawyer. There is no need to give up your vacation, just read our review and advice. Forewarned is forearmed.

Tourists go to Phu Quoc for cheap seafood. Yes, they are in abundance here. But you can enjoy seafood at any resort in Vietnam - and the prices are the same or lower.

Holidays in Fukuoka safe in terms of natural disasters, unlike the center of Vietnam. The island is protected mountain range. There are no tsunamis here, and typhoons are not rampant. The climate itself is milder, there is no intense heat.

Not yet no widespread Russification, as in Nha Trang or, so basic knowledge of English will come in handy.

Overall, Phu Quoc produces mixed impression : it is quiet and calm, but the infrastructure is poorly developed, prices are high by Vietnamese standards, and there are few attractions.

Rush Vem - picturesque beach with starfish in the north of Fukuoka.

When is the best time to go to Phu Quoc? Weather and seasons - 2019

Almost the entire year the temperature remains at the same level: air +29...+31°С, water +26...+28°С.

Holiday season. It’s better to go to Phu Quoc Island to relax - it’s warm and dry. However, from December to April the most high prices. The island is especially popular on. At this time the number Russian tourists increases significantly. We vacationed in Fukuoka in December and January, and also met here New Year.

Hot season. From April to June it gets hotter, there is still not much rainfall. You can relax, but it’s not as comfortable as in winter. In reviews, tourists note that from mid-March to May there may be jellyfish in the sea.

Rain season in Fukuoka it begins in July, with maximum precipitation falling in September and October. The rest of the time the island has favorable conditions for beach holidays, diving and snorkeling.

Long Beach is the longest on the island.

Fukuoka beaches

There are many beaches in Fukuoka - the island is famous for them.

Long Beach- the longest and most popular beach in Fukuoka. This is where almost all of the tourism infrastructure islands: hotels, resorts, cafes, restaurants, dive centers. Getting to the beach itself is not so easy! The entire first line is completely occupied by expensive resorts and hotels. They don’t want to let vacationers through their territory; they have to wander through the labyrinth in search of access to the sea. They can also drive you away from the beach - everyone best places occupied by hotel sunbeds from the first line. The beach, by the way, is very narrow and cramped. We recommend choosing others for your vacation.

Bai Sao- this beach is considered the best in Fukuoka. Beautiful beach with fine powdery sand, quite wide. Located in the southeastern part of the island, you need to go to it by bike or taxi. There are very few hotels here. There are cafes, fruit stands, showers, toilets.

In the northern part of the island there are several wild and uncrowded beaches - all with a flat bottom, clean water and completely white sand. This is where the starfish beach is located. Amazing place - definitely go! There are almost no hotels and resorts, but there are seafood restaurants. Come here for beauty, privacy and silence.

Southern part of Long Beach.

Hotel prices - 2019

There is a wide choice of accommodation in Fukuoka: there are both cheap guesthouses and luxury resorts. We love to test different accommodations, so in Fukuoka we lived in a guesthouse, a hotel, and three resorts.

Hotels Phu Quoc is more expensive than other resorts in Vietnam. A decent room will cost from $25 (we recommend Sailing Hotel).

Guesthouses. You can find a cheap room in guest house for $9, but such housing is located far from the beach. We lived in a family guest house.

Resorts. The best way to relax in Fukuoka is in resorts - these are oases of peace and tranquility. Prices are reasonable:

  • We paid $25 for a double house in the modest but cozy Cozy resort.
  • Good resorts with a pool and breakfast cost from $40. We vacationed at Miana Resort and recommend it.
  • There are also really cool five-star resorts with luxurious villas for $150 per day - for example, The Shells Resort & Spa.

Search hotels with discounts on Skyscanner Hotels. Here are the main ones.

The Hill Resort is a good resort in Fukuoka for $40 per night.

What to see in Fukuoka

Holidays in Fukuoka are mainly beach holidays. There are few attractions on the island: there is a large national park reserve, waterfalls, pagodas and temples, amusement park and safari Vinpearl, cable car to Thom Island, a pearl plantation, a coconut prison and a fish sauce factory. The brightest and most colorful are the floating village and beach with starfish in the north of the island, the port and town of An Thoi in the south.

We recommend renting a motorbike (150 thousand VND per day) and riding around the island, exploring its attractions. The roads outside the city and the tourist area are clear - driving is a pleasure! We even celebrated New Year 2018 by riding a bike on empty roads at night.

We recommend renting a bike in Fukuoka - with it you will see many interesting places!

Excursions in Fukuoka in 2019

  • Amusement park "Vinpearl" - 500 thousand dong ($22).
  • Safari - 600 thousand dong ($27).
  • Comprehensive program with snorkeling, short fishing, dinner and excursion - from $17.
  • The same thing, but with night fishing for squid - from $30.
  • Diving: dive - from $70, course - from $340. Diving in Fukuoka is considered one of the cheapest in the world. Nice place The An Thới Islands archipelago is considered for snorkeling and diving.
  • A two-day tour to neighboring Cambodia and Singapore costs $200-250.
  • Yachting is not developed, but you can ride a speedboat or a pleasure boat.
  • Wedding ceremony - from $1000.

Some northern beaches have starfish.

Food prices - 2019. Is the food good?

In Fukuoka the food is not tasty, and in a number of tourist cafes it’s completely disgusting. This is noted by many tourists in their reviews. Being amateurs Vietnamese cuisine, we also believe: Phu Quoc Island is much inferior to other resorts in Vietnam in terms of the quality of cuisine.

Food prices not happy either. Everything is more expensive in Fukuoka than on the mainland. Smoothies - from 20 thousand VND, rice with chicken or seafood in a tourist cafe - from 70 thousand. A portion of fish, squid or shrimp - from 100 thousand. In the capital of the island - the city of Duong Dong - you can eat cheaper.

To eat tasty and inexpensively, avoid tourist establishments and look for places where the Vietnamese themselves eat.

Grocery stores in Fukuoka are very bad. Even a rural store in the Russian outback will seem like a hypermarket in comparison. The assortment includes only specific Asian snacks, beer, soda, crackers and other snacks. Fortunately, everything is in order on the island: there are many sellers, prices are reasonable.


There are practically none in Fukuoka, with the exception of small shops and night market. You can buy shower clothes, pearls, coffee, cocoa, local black pepper and souvenirs. For more substantial shopping, it is better to go to Ho Chi Minh City.

On popular beaches you can buy inexpensive cut fruits from vendors.

It is better to book a hotel in Fukuoka in advance, especially for the New Year. We planned our trip late and had a limited choice of accommodation.

There is no public transport on the island. If only free bus to the Vinpearl amusement park and a regular bus to the village of An Thoi. Rent a bike and ride for fun! If driving without rules (and the Vietnamese have never even heard of traffic rules) is unacceptable to you, use a taxi - they are in abundance here.

The mosquitoes on the island eat mercilessly! Nasty mosquitoes will disturb your sleep and bite you in the cafe during dinner. Stock up on fumigators and repellents.

Withdraw money from MB (Military Bank) ATMs - they are the only ones that do not charge a commission.

There are no buses from Fukuoka airport, only taxis. However, many hotels and resorts provide free transfers to guests - check when booking.

Don't limit your experience to just Phu Quoc. Outside the island - all the most interesting things: culture, nature, cuisine, historical sights.

Long Beach faces west, so you can watch beautiful sunsets on the shore.

About 20 years ago the most big Island Vietnam and the popular resort today was completely dedicated to a prison for prisoners of war. There was nothing on the island except the prison itself and a few villages.

Now Phu Quoc is compared to the largest resort in Thailand - the island of Phuket. Every year Phu Quoc from wild island It is increasingly becoming a destination for tourism and is acquiring the appropriate infrastructure. Phu Quoc (Vietnam) has little to see. But everyone who finds themselves in Vietnam for the first time enjoys visiting local attractions, despite their small number and historical value.

In this article we will talk about the most popular tourist spots in Fukuoka and the intricacies of visiting them.

Coconut Prison (Phu Quoc Prison)

In the last century, Coconut Prison was truly a prison, a point where thousands of military prisoners lived through every day with fear. Now a museum has been built on the site of the old prison, by visiting which you can understand how prisoners of war lived. The Vietnamese tried to use realistic figures to restore everyday life and show all the hardships of prison life.

The place is unsightly and creepy. It will be interesting to visit for those who are interested in the history of Vietnam or world history in general. Many exhibits have already become worn out and have lost their original appearance, but this rather adds to the ambiance of the attraction.

In order to better understand what you see, it is optimal to visit the Coconut Prison with a guide. But if you decide to go there on your own, the installed stands describing the history of the prison will help you find out more information. Please note that all information is in English.

Attraction address: 350 Nguyen Van Cu, An Thoi town, Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam (5 km from the main commercial port Anthoya).

Working hours: from Tuesday to Sunday, from 7:30 to 11:00 and from 13:30 to 17:00.

Free admission.

Vinpearl Land is an amusement park for the whole family. A similar place already exists in Nha Trang, only the Vipperl there is even larger. Despite the seemingly impressive cost of entry, visiting Winpearl Land is not the most expensive event. Paying for entry gives you the right to stay in the park all day and ride any attractions an unlimited number of times. This payment method, although unusual for many, is very convenient, especially if you go to the park with children. You will only have to pay extra for food and souvenirs.

The park is divided into several thematic zones:

  • amusement park;
  • aquapark;
  • oceanarium (mermaid show daily at 11:00-11:10 and 15:00-15:10, fish feeding at 10:00 and 17:00)
  • dolphinarium;
  • fountain show (daily at 19:00-19:25 and 20:00-20:25)
  • bowling;
  • slot machines for children.

Winpearl Land is fundamentally different from most amusement parks in that there are no queues. The park area is quite large and even at the height of the season there are not so many people to create queues and crowds.

Where: northwest of the island, about 25 km from Duong Dong.

Working hours: from 9:00 to 21:00. Certain areas of the park may operate differently.

Price: adults – VND 500,000, children 1-1.4m tall and people over 60 years old – VND 400,000, children under 1m – free. Luggage storage - 10,000 VND.

Prices and schedules on the page are for November 2017.

Duong Dong is the most Big city Phu Quoc Islands. Almost the entire infrastructure of the island is concentrated here: restaurants, cafes, shops and banks. But for lovers Asian flavor The most interesting thing would be to visit a real Vietnamese market.

The central market of Duong Dong can be divided into two: day and night. They differ in assortment, color, and prices. It is better to come to the daytime in the morning. Here you will find the freshest seafood at affordable prices, exotic fruits, traditional Vietnamese sweets and much more. If you are new to the Vietnamese market, then what is happening around you may be a little unexpected. It is noisy, cramped, and far from clean. Be prepared for this.

But the most interesting thing is the Fukuoka night market. Here you can not only buy almost all the same products as during the day, but also eat them without leaving the counter. The Vietnamese will immediately prepare the products you buy. In fact, the night market is a huge cluster of fast food cafes aimed at tourists.

Where to find: Duong Dong city, West Coast Phu Quoc Islands

Schedule: daytime - from 7:00 to 16:00, night - from 18:00 to 00:00.

Ho Quoc Temple is a Buddhist temple that, as a rule, visitors to the island do not bypass. It is located on a mountain with a view of East Coast islands.

The temple is remarkable beautiful architecture and breathtaking panoramic views. You can visit it on your own or with a guided tour. A guided visit is definitely more interesting and productive, as it is accompanied by historical notes.

Attraction location: Thien Vien Truc Lam Chua ho Quoc, Phu Quoc Island 920000, Vietnam (southeast of the island).

Open: from 8:00 to 16:00.

Pearl Factory (Phu Quoc Pearl Farm)

If you don't know what to see in Fukuoka, then the pearl factory is for you. The pearl farm is one of the most interesting and frequently visited tourist attractions on the island. The farm is the largest pearling site in all of Vietnam. Here you can see how pearls are grown and processed.

By the way, precisely because of the close location of the farm, the cost of pearl jewelry in the Fukuoka market is not high. But if you wish, you can buy decorations directly on the farm itself. Price starts from $50.

In addition to viewing the process of pearl mining, tourists are invited to take a tour of the museum, where they will talk about the types of pearls, methods of their extraction and how to choose the right jewelry from them.

Where: 5 km south of Duong Dong (the mark is on the map at the bottom of the page).

The entrance is free.

Those who like something more spicy, those who are looking for something else to see in Fukuoka, and just enthusiasts should definitely visit the pepper plantations. The largest of them is the Hutuong plantation. The best peppers in Asia are grown here. There are many varieties growing on the plantation. Visitors are even offered free (or for a nominal sum) tasting of the most popular varieties of peppers.

In Hutuong you can find out how pepper is grown, how and who does the harvesting. How the product is processed and reaches the form in which we are accustomed to using the spice. You can go to such a plantation on your own, but with a guide the visit will be much more interesting. In the shops on site you can buy different types pepper as a souvenir. But those who have been here recommend buying the same pepper in the city for 2-3 times cheaper.

Where is it located: the central part of Phu Quoc island.

When to see the plantations: daily from 08-00 to 16-30.

The fish sauce factory is one of the main attractions of Phu Quoc and Vietnam in general. Nothing is possible without fish sauce. National dish Vietnam. It is served in almost all places where you can eat: quickly, cafes and restaurants. In addition to local use, fish sauce from Vietnam is exported throughout the world. Many will be interested in seeing with their own eyes how this product is made.

In order to understand everything that happens at the factory, it is worth going there with a guide. He will tell you about all the stages of production of such a popular fish sauce and about its history. It is worth considering that the smell in production is quite specific and not everyone will be able to easily endure such an excursion.

On the territory of the plant there is a small store where everyone can buy the fish sauce itself, produced right there, as a souvenir.

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Visiting the sights of Fukuoka

Fishing boats in a village on the water

You can visit all the remarkable and interesting places in Fukuoka in a couple of days on your own. Guides offer tours to all popular places in one day. Not only will they provide you with transportation, but they will also tell you in detail about the history and features of all the attractions you visit. The cost of such excursions, as a rule, does not exceed $20 per person. Meals are paid additionally. But if you prefer leisurely walks, studying everything in detail on your own, then, of course, excursions are not for you.

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If you are undecided whether it is worth visiting the “dubious” sights of Fukuoka at all, choose at least a few of the most interesting ones and go see them. Excursions to factories and markets are a way to understand the culture, history and life of the country in which you are located. To see the country not as it is presented to tourists, but as real and original. When wondering what to see in Phu Quoc (Vietnam), always choose those places that reflect the local flavor.