The oldest and deepest lake. What is the deepest and cleanest lake on earth

Lakes are the most beautiful invention of nature. They are salty and fresh, huge in area and depth, long, different color and transparency. Some lakes on the planet are larger than seas. Lakes store almost 2/3 fresh water of the entire world reserve. But this rating is dedicated to the deepest lakes in the world.


The most deep lake in the world is located in the territory Russian Federation. Any resident of Russia has heard about him. This famous lake Baikal, which is under the protection of UNESCO. Of course, Baikal is considered at the same time the most big lake Russia and Eurasia. The depth of this Siberian miracle is 1 km 642 meters. Even the average depth of the lake is quite large, more than 700 m. The lake in the Irkutsk region ranks 7th in the world in terms of area. Baikal is a fresh lake of tectonic origin. The approximate age of the lake is 30 million years. It is fed from more than 300 sources, and only the Angara River flows out of it. It contains more than 1/5 of all fresh water on the planet.


The second place is occupied by the deepest lake in Africa - Tanganyika. This lake is also considered the longest in the world. It is located in Tanzania, Congo, Burundi and Zambia. The origin of the lake is tectonic; along the bottom the lake is divided into 2 large basins. The greatest depth is 1 km 470 meters. According to scientists, 12 thousand years ago the lake was 300 meters shallower. On this moment The lake is used for fishing, as it is home to more than 200 species of fish.


This place belongs to a frozen lake in Antarctica called Vostok. The lake was discovered by Russian scientists near Vostok station. To get to the surface of the lake, it took 20 years to drill a well 4 km away. The maximum depth of the ancient lake is 1.2 km. It is assumed that the lake contains ancient microorganisms in its waters.

Caspian Sea

The fourth position is occupied by Russian salt Lake, which is called the Caspian Sea. Its depth is just over 1 km. The bottom of the lake has a structure characteristic of the ocean. The lake is home to unique species of fish and animals that are found nowhere else on the planet. There are many species of sturgeon and seals. The borders of the Caspian Sea pass through several more countries: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Azerbaijan. The lake is an important economic site; oil and gas production is carried out here. Conventionally, the lake is divided into 3 parts, with the northern part having a depth of no more than 25 meters.

San Martin

San Martin is the 5th deepest lake and is considered the deepest in South America. Part of the lake is located in Chile, and part in Argentina. The depth of the lake is 836 meters. The lake has an uneven shape and is fed by glacial waters.


In 6th place is Lake Nyasa on the territory of the African states of Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania. The depth is just over 700 meters. Scientists suggest that 100,000 years ago the lake was at least 100 meters deeper.

Issyk Kul

This place is occupied by a lake in Central Asia, 702 meters deep - Issyk Kul. It is located on the territory of Kyrgyzstan. This lake is a historically significant place. Here was the site of Tamerlane and an ancient civilization. The lake, despite the lack of salts, does not freeze even in winter. The water here is clean and clear.

Canadian lake

The eighth position is occupied by a Canadian lake, which is located on the border with North America - Great Slave Lake with a depth of 614 meters. Gold mining is carried out on the lake. For most of the year, the lake is under a thick layer of ice.


The Crater Lake, almost 600 meters deep, is in 9th place. The lake is located in the United States, on the site of a destroyed volcano.

Mutano and Glacial Lake

In the last position of TOP-10 there are 2 lakes at once. Their depth is 590 meters. This is Lake Mutano in Indonesia and glacial lake Buenos Aires.

Located near the border of Mongolia and Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation in Southern Siberia. The depth of Lake Baikal reaches 1642 meters and it is the largest reservoir of fresh water on Earth.

Lake Baikal is also home to 1,700 various types representatives of fauna and flora. The most interesting thing is that more than half of them are inhabitants of this lake only and are not found anywhere else. According to some sources, the age of Baikal is estimated at 25-30 million years, making it also the oldest lake in the world.

The second deepest lake on Earth is Lake Tanganyika, located in Africa between the countries of Zambia, Tanzania, Burundi and Congo. The depth of this lake reaches 1470 meters, which makes it the deepest fresh lake on the continent of Africa. It is home to more than 200 species of fish, 170 of which are rare.

The third deepest is Caspian Sea, called the sea because of its oceanic origin. In fact, the Caspian Sea is the largest closed lake on our Planet. It is located between Europe and Asia, and its maximum depth reaches 1025 meters. More than 2,500 species of flora and fauna have found their home in the Caspian salt water.

The fourth deepest is the subglacial lake East, located in Antarctica under a thickness of ice of approximately 4000 meters, on which the Russian Vostok station is located. The depth of this lake is about 900 meters. There is no evidence of life in Lake Vostok yet, but there are assumptions about its presence.

In fifth place we have a lake known in Chile as O'Higgins, and in Argentina as San Martin. It is located in South America in Patagonia. Its maximum depth stopped at 836 meters.

The sixth deepest lake on Earth is Lake Nyasa or under another lake Malawi, located in Africa between countries such as: Mozambique, Tanzania and Malawi. The maximum depth in this lake reaches 706 meters.

Seventh place belongs to the lake Issyk-Kul, located in the northern Tien Shan mountains in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. The name of this lake comes from the Kyrgyz words “ysyk kel”, literally translated meaning “hot lake”, since in winter time it doesn't freeze. The maximum depth mark of Issyk-Kul is 702 meters.

The eighth lake is named after its deepest depression Great Slave, which is located in Canada and is the deepest lake in North America. Its maximum depth reaches 614 meters. Almost all year round the lake is under ice and only for 4 months does it wake up from “hibernation”.

The ninth place in depth was taken by a lake located in the US state of Oregon and called Crater. It is also the deepest lake above sea level, with a depth equal to 594 meters. This lake is familiar with the rather pronounced blue surface of its waters.

And in tenth place is the lake Matano, which is located in Indonesia and is the most important source of fresh water in that area. This is the deepest lake in the country, its depth reaches 590 meters. Lake Matano is known for its clear water.

By the way, any person now has the opportunity to observe all the beauty of these lakes and not only them, but our entire Planet Earth as a whole, from space online. All kinds of maps from a satellite are of course great and very useful, but watching our Planet Earth online from space in real time is doubly more interesting and picturesque. And for this you now only need Internet access and a computer.

Deep lakes are found on all continents. The border zone of Argentina and Chile is especially rich in such reservoirs; given the area of ​​the countries, they will be among the leaders. As for the origin of deep-sea lakes, there is complete diversity: glacial, volcanic, tectonic. The picture is approximately the same for temperature conditions.

But reservoirs with great depths often have differences from shallow ones. Some have atypical mineral composition or inhabitants that cannot be found anywhere else. Richness in fish is typical for most representatives of the list, although there are exceptions. The tourism industry is also not developed everywhere, but the potential is there and visible to the naked eye.

The deepest lakes on earth

1. Baikal

This is the deepest lake in the world. Also the most large tank with fresh water not only in Russia, but throughout the planet. The Angara flows out of it, and many rivers flow in. The distribution area of ​​many species of animals and plants is limited. There are many natural monuments in the area: Cape Ludar, Ushkany Islands, Chersky Peak, etc. In winter, the surface is almost completely covered with a thick layer of ice. Although the lake is protected, there are environmental problems.

Depth – 1642 meters.

2. Tanganyika

It is the longest freshwater lake, with an area of ​​32,900 km². Located in Central Africa, it belongs to four countries at once. A hot climate affects changes in water levels at different times of the year. When the inflowing rivers partially dry up, the lake follows suit. There are special environmental problems in the north of the lake, since waste from enterprises was dumped here, and fishing was put on stream.

Depth – 1470 meters.

3. East

Features of the location - the lake is located in Antarctica - could not but affect the characteristics. There is no larger (15,790 km²) subglacial lake in the world. At the same time, the water is heated to +10°C due to geothermal sources. A Russian research station with the same name is based in close proximity. The study of microorganisms living in these waters has not yet been completed.

Depth – 1200 meters.

4. Caspian Sea

It falls under the control zone of five states, including Russia. Economic activity, associated with the use of the waters of the lake, which has an area of ​​371,000 km², is diverse: there are oil deposits, fishing, there are ports and recreational areas on the coast. Is . In terms of tourism, reliance is placed on nearby mineral springs, mud therapy is also popular. However, there are problems with infrastructure.

Depth – 1025 meters.

5. San Martin

Located in South America, the lake has an area of ​​1058 km². Particularly noteworthy is the shape of the reservoir: it is divided into widely spread uneven branches. The specificity of the name is connected with this: those parts of the shoots that belong to Chile have a different name among the locals - O'Higgins. The lake is fed by small rivers flowing into it, as well as by the larger Mayer.

Depth – 836 meters.

6. Nyasa

Also called Malawi, it covers an area of ​​29,600 km². It belongs to three East African countries, which makes it difficult to agree on environmental protection for the territory. It is elongated in shape and has virtually no sharp bends. Used for fishing, but the coastal zone is sparsely populated. The area is picturesque, as there are different types relief, many species of rare plants and fauna.

Depth – 706 meters.

7. Issyk-Kul

It is located in Kyrgyzstan and has an area of ​​6236 km². It is drainless and fed by 80 tributaries. 4 picturesque bays are used for fishing, tourism and as ports. Travelers are largely attracted by the combination of climate types: mountain and sea. There are camping areas as well as full resort areas. Beach season short, from mid-June to the end of August.

Depth – 702 meters.

8. Great Slave

A special feature of the Canadian lake, which has an area of ​​28,568 km², is an ice crust that covers the surface for 8 months. The thickness of the cover allows the reservoir to be used as a full-fledged road for trucks in winter. The vegetation on the opposite coasts varies: in the west there are dense forests, and in the east there is tundra. There are mines in the area and the search for diamonds is underway.

Depth – 614 meters.

9. Crater

Located in the USA on the territory of the same name national park. The area is 53.2 km², the shape is round, to which the reservoir owes its volcanic origin. A local landmark is the “Old Man of the Lake” - a log that has been floating in a vertical position in the lake for a hundred years. Its preservation is ensured by low temperatures. Hydrothermal activity continues, so eruptions are still possible.

Depth - 594 meters.

10. Matana

The Indonesian lake has an area of ​​164.1 km² and is of tectonic origin. Its shores are rich in nickel ore deposits. This caused a number of contradictions: the reservoir is an important source of drinking water for the region, and mining led to pollution. The composition of water at depth is unique: the oxygen content tends to zero, but iron compounds prevail over other elements.

Depth – 590 meters.

11. Buenos Aires

Located on the border of Argentina and Chile. It covers an area of ​​1850 km² and is of glacial origin. At the end of the 19th century, the channel of one of the tributaries was artificially changed, which affected the water level in the lake, albeit slightly. The western and eastern parts of the reservoir are very different in appearance and vegetation. One of the attractions is the marble grottoes.

Depth – 586 meters.

12. Hornindalsvatnet

Norwegian lake with an area of ​​50.42 km². There is a contradiction between official data regarding depth and those indicators obtained when laying cable along the bottom of a reservoir. The telephone company announced that the lowest point of the lake is 612 meters from its surface. In mid-summer, a massive marathon is held along the coast. It is considered the cleanest lake in Scandinavia.

Depth – 514 meters.

13. Quesnel

Located in Canada, it is of glacial origin and has an area of ​​266 km². The shape is oblong, there are three clearly defined sleeves. Researchers have measured that the lake's water is completely renewed within 10 years. Popular tourist destination: someone is coming for picturesque views, someone goes fishing, for example, for rainbow trout. Small piers have been built along the banks, and water transport runs regularly.

Depth – 506 meters.

14. Sarezskoe

It is located on the territory of Tajikistan and covers an area of ​​80 km². Formed due to blockage of the bed and basin of the mountain river Bartang by rubble. The water level fluctuates. In theory, it is dangerous for settlements downstream, since in case of a breakthrough of natural barriers it can bring down huge volumes of water on them. There are many types of flowering plants on the banks, but there are few fish in the reservoir.

Depth – 505 meters.

15. Toba

Formed in the caldera of the volcano of the same name. It belongs to Indonesia and has an area of ​​1103 km². The tourism industry relies on travelers' interest in the ethnic culture of the area, especially the Batak people. Another popular destination among foreigners is ecotourism. The influx of guests occurs once a year: in May, when the weather becomes warmest, and in Chinese New Year in February.

Depth – 505 meters.

16. Tahoe

Located in the USA, it is one of the popular holiday destinations, especially for domestic tourism. Area – 495 km², coastline – 114 km. There is one island - Fannett. It is small in size, but rises above the water due to its mountain-like shape and is clearly visible from many points. There are dense forests around, and there are few settlements on the coast itself, although they are aimed, among other things, at visitors.

Depth – 501 meters.

17. Lago Argentino (500 m)

The area of ​​the Argentine freshwater lake is 1415 km². The largest in the country, put on maps in the 80s of the 18th century. Belongs to the territory of the national park. Nutrition comes from the melting of glaciers and rivers carrying melt water to the lake. Tourists come here for the fishing and also for the unusual species not found anywhere else in South America.

Depth – 500 meters.

18. Kivu

It is located in Central Africa and belongs to two countries at once. Belongs to the list of Great African Lakes. Connected to Lake Tanganyika via the Ruzizi River. Area – 2700 km². The most famous story associated with the reservoir occurred in 1948. A volcano nearby became active for a long time, and the water in Kivu began to boil, and all the fish were cooked.

Depth – 480 meters.

19. Salsvannet

There are discrepancies about the depth of this Norwegian lake. Maybe, official sources it is somewhat understated. Area – 44.77 km². At depth there is practically no oxygen in the water. In addition, the salinity there is higher, which also affects the density of the water. The reasons for such deviations from the norm may be hidden both in the origin of the reservoir and in the not yet known open factors. Research continues to this day.

Depth – 464 meters.

20. Nahuel Huapi

The name is translated from the local dialect as “Jaguar Island”. It belongs to the territory of Argentina and covers an area of ​​530 km². The shape is elongated, there are branch sleeves. The largest of the lakes in the local national park. Tourism is widely developed. There are many hotels in cities on the coast. Visitors are attracted by ethnic groups, history, and environmental features. There are several types of tourism programs.

Depth – 464 meters.

21. Hauroko

Located in New Zealand, the southernmost in the country, it belongs to the national park. Area – 63 km². The shape is very curved and resembles the letter “S”. There are many camping spots nearby, but no hotels or shops. There is no mass tourism, although the lake is often used as a transit point for long journeys.

Depth – 462 meters.

22. Pueyrredon

Has another name - Cochrane. It belongs to the territory of Chile and Argentina and has an area of ​​270 km². Nearby are the southern Andes, the reservoir is fed by a glacier. The shores are predominantly high, mountainous or hilly. There are small areas of land on the surface of the water, but they are too small to be called islands. The vegetation is often low, there is a lot of fish, although there is no constant fishing.

Depth – 460 meters.

23. Tinsho

It is located in Norway and has an area of ​​51.43 km². The reservoir was used by the Nazis during the occupation of the country. Local waters with an atypical composition were to be used for nuclear research. Already in the 90s, one of their sunken ferries was discovered. In addition, previously unknown fish species were found. The study of the lake’s features continues to this day.

Depth – 460 meters.

24. Adams Lake

It is located in Canada and belongs to the glacial type of formation. Area – approximately 137 km². The lake is elongated and narrow. Bends coastline quite smooth and consistently tapering at the extreme points. Popular as an object of domestic tourism: local residents come here to fish. The main commercial fish species is rainbow trout.

Depth – 457 meters.

25. Chelan

Located in the United States, its name is translated from the Indian language as “deep water”. Area – 135 km², the largest in Washington state. The river of the same name flows out and Sthekin flows in. Belongs to the North Cascades National Park. A boarding house has been built on the coast, open all year round. There are several settlements, including a city of the same name in the southeast.

Depth – 453 meters.

26. Van

The endorheic Turkish lake with salt water is located on an area of ​​3574 km². It is the largest soda lake in the world. The name can be translated as “inhabited place.” It is surrounded by several mountain systems, which affects the climate and air saturation. There are several islands in the reservoir. Some of them have preserved Armenian landmarks: monasteries, churches, etc.

Depth – 451 meters.

27. Poso

The Indonesian lake has an area of ​​323.2 km². The lake attracts tourists with its nature. Particularly noteworthy are the species of shrimp and snails that live here. Also, local coastal settlements are ready to offer guests a lot of interesting experiences: national flavor coexists with developed infrastructure and services. There is sandy beaches and hotels for almost any budget.

Depth – 450 meters.

28. Fagnano

Belongs to the possessions of Chile and Argentina. It bears the name of a Catholic missionary who visited these regions at the end of the 19th century. The largest (593 km²) of the lakes of Tierra del Fuego. It is the source of the Asopardo River. It is part of the national park on the Argentine side. Traveling along the coastal area in jeeps is popular among tourists. Local operators offer this service to everyone.

Depth – 449 meters.

29. Big Bear

Location - Arctic Circle, belongs to Canada and covers an area of ​​31,153 km². There is a uranium deposit, but it is abandoned due to the unprofitability of mining. The lake is navigable, but only for a small part of the year, as most Over time, the surface of the reservoir is covered with a crust of ice. There is only one settlement on the shore, which once served as a fort.

Depth – 446 meters.

30. Manapouri

Belongs to the territory of the New Zealand National Park. Area – 142 km², glacial origin. The name translates as “lake of sad heart.” U local residents there are several other names for it, including: Roto-au and Moturau. There are more than 30 islands in the water area of ​​the reservoir; they are mostly covered with forest. Europeans brought red deer here more than a hundred years ago.

Depth – 444 meters.

Olkhon Island on Lake Baikal (Jason Rogers / Lake Tanganyika, Central Africa Lake Vostok, Antarctica Caspian Sea, Baku Lake San Martin (O'Higgins) Lake Malawi - the deepest in Africa (706 meters) Lake Matano with a depth of 590 meters

As you know, 70% of the earth's surface is water. Therefore, it would probably be more logical to call our planet the Planet of Water.

The Earth's hydro resources are represented by the following categories: oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, small rivers, ponds, springs and springs - this is the sequence of dimensional gradation that we have all become accustomed to since childhood. Meanwhile, in each category there may be an example that will surpass the category in front in its characteristics.

Some lake storms are in no way inferior to sea disturbances, while the depth of others is several times greater than the greatness of the sea depths. It is these water giants that are worth getting to know in more detail. So, let me present the ranking of the 10 deepest lakes in the world.

Let's start with the most famous and deepest lake in the world - Baikal.

Baikal is a unique body of water. This is the largest natural reservoir of fresh water. Baikal is also considered the oldest lake on our planet; according to scientists, its age is about 15,000 years.

The reservoir amazes with the uniqueness of its flora and fauna, the species diversity of which amounts to 1,700 specimens, many of them endemic.

The lake is a national heritage site of the Russian Federation and is included in the list of objects World Heritage UNESCO.

Baikal is rightly called the sea by the people. Its depth in some areas reaches 1,642 meters

Olkhon Island on Lake Baikal (Jason Rogers / Olkhon Island, Baikal (Jason Rogers / Olkhon Island (Jason Rogers / Jason Rogers / Sergey Gabdurakhmanov / Martin Lopatka / flickr .com Konstantin Malanchev / Water surface Baikal (Konstantin Malanchev / Sergey Gabdurakhmanov / Khoboy Cape, Olkhon (Konstantin Malanchev / Konstantin Malanchev / White sturgeon (Heaven Ice Day / Heaven Ice Day / flickr. com LA638 / miquitos / Cape Burkhan (Shaman Rock), Olkhon. (Konstantin Malanchev / Baikal seal (Sergey Gabdurakhmanov / Shamanka Rock. View from Olkhon Island. Baikal (Tanya Legkobyt / Olkhon Island, Baikal (alexey_nitsa / Sergey Gabdurakhmanov / Klas Š. / Klas Š. / Konstantin Malanchev / Sergey Gabdurakhmanov / Baikal seal (Sergey Gabdurakhmanov / Sergey Gabdurakhmanov / Konstantin Malanchev / Klas Š. / Konstantin Malanchev / Konstantin Malanchev / Olkhon, Baikal (Konstantin Malanchev / Oleg Gant / Sunset in Siberia, Northern Baikal, Russia (Yuri Samoilov / Sergey Gabdurakhmanov / Yuri Samoilov / Vera & Jean-Christophe / Délirante bestiole / Vladislav Bezrukov / fennU2 / -5m / Vladislav Bezrukov / Voyages Lambert / Vera & Jean-Christophe / Sergey Gabdurakhmanov / Kyle Taylor / Nerpa on Lake Baikal (Sergey Gabdurakhmanov / Thomas Depenbusch / Sergey Gabdurakhmanov / Kyle Taylor / Sergey Gabdurakhmanov/ seseg_h / Richard Thomas / Daniel Beilinson / NASA's Earth Observatory / Clay Gilliland / Aleksandr Zykov / Aleksandr Zykov / Aleksandr Zykov /

TOP 2: Lake Tanganyika (1470 meters)

Another lake giant is located on the distant African continent - Lake Tanganyika. Its waters are 1,470 m deep. It is called the second deepest lake in the world.

Tanganyika is also unique in that it is the only lake in the world whose shores are shared by four countries - Tanzania, Congo, Burgundy and Zambia. It is from the waters of Tanganyika that the longest and deepest river in the world, the Nile, begins its source.

Lake Tanganyika, Central Africa

TOP 3: Lake Vostok in the ice of Antarctica (1200 meters)

Are you used to the fact that a lake is always an open body of fresh water? It turns out that it happens differently.

“Vostok”, the same lake that is located in the ice of Antarctica. The existence of the reservoir became known relatively recently, in 1996, and it is still full of mysteries.

Currently, active work is underway to study the “deep-sea northerner”; perhaps it will help reveal a picture of the past of our planet.

Lake Vostok, Antarctica

The reservoir received its name from the Russian polar station “Vostok”, near which it was discovered.

TOP 4: Caspian Sea (1025 meters)

4th place and the most controversial lake in our ranking is the Caspian Sea. We are all accustomed to the name Caspian Sea, however, this is not so. It refers to the seas very conditionally: the Caspian Sea is located on the basis of the earth's crust of oceanic origin, hence its second name - the Caspian Sea.

The reservoir is located between two continents, European and Asian, and its water resources belong to five states - Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.

Caspian Sea, Baku

The most deep point lakes-sea - 1025 meters. The waters of the lake will be filled by 130 freshwater rivers, however chemical composition The lakes are saturated with salts. The Caspian Sea has no drains.

TOP 5: San Martin - the deepest lake on the South American continent

The reservoir is a natural dividing line between two South American countries - Argentina and Chile.

The lake has another name - O'Higgins, as the Chileans called it, giving the name of their national hero who fought for independence South America. By the way, the Argentine name of the lake - San Martin - is also given by the name of the hero-liberator.

Lake San Martin (O'Higgins)

San Martin is famous for its unusual milky blue hue. This color is given by particles of stone sediments flowing into the lake along with the meltwater of glaciers.

TOP 6: Malawi - the deepest lake in Africa (706 meters)

Although the Black Continent is considered the driest, it is here that another lake “giant” is located, the second deepest lake in Africa – Malawi.

Lake resources belong to three countries - Mozambique, Malawi and Tanzania. Malawi is a champion in fish species diversity. At the present time, the reservoir is rapidly becoming smaller; the main reasons for the loss of water resources are the natural process of evaporation and the Shire River, which takes its source from here.

Lake Malawi is the deepest in Africa (706 meters) Children play on the shore of Lake Malawi Fisherman on the water surface of Malawi

The depth of Malawi is 706 meters and the lake ranks 6th in the ranking.

TOP 7: Issyk-Kul - the deepest lake in Central Asia (702 meters)

In seventh place is the deepest lake in Central Asia - Issyk-Kul, whose depth is 702 m. It is located in the north of the Tien Shan Mountains of Kyrgyzstan.

Issyk-Kul gained worldwide fame thanks to beautiful legends. According to legend, it is here, in the depths of the water, that an ancient Armenian church rests, and along the shores of the lake Tamerlane’s warriors once laid their burial mounds.

Since 2006, scientific interest in the mountain lake has also intensified, in connection with the remains of an ancient civilization found at its bottom.

The reservoir received its name, and in the Kyrgyz language it literally means “hot lake”, due to the fact that its salty waters do not freeze even in the most severe frosts.

TOP 8: Great Slave Lake in Canada (614 meters)

The eighth deepest lake in the world and the body of water with the most durable ice is Great Slave Lake. It is geographically located in Canada.

The depth of Great Slave Lake is 614 meters and it ranks 8th in the ranking.

For almost eight months of the year, the lake's waters are like a giant skating rink - its ice is so strong that it can support the weight of several multi-ton trucks.

Lakes are natural bodies of water formed in depressions on land that store 67.4% of all fresh water on Earth. The sizes and depths of lakes can be very different, and some of them are significantly superior to many seas in these indicators.

This review presents ten deepest lakes in the world.

10th place: – a lake of tectonic origin, located in the south of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Its depth is 590 meters. Matano is the deepest lake in Indonesia. Lake Matano is an important source of fresh water in Indonesia, famous for its crystal clear waters, which are home to many rare species of plants, fish and crustaceans. On its banks there are deposits of nickel ore. The Patea River has its source in Matano, which, flowing through a waterfall, flows into Lake Mahalona.

9th place: – crater lake, which has a depth of 594 meters. Crater - deepest lake in the USA and the second deepest in North America. This lake is the main attraction of the national park of the same name, located in Oregon. Crater Lake was formed in a deep volcanic basin (caldera) more than 7 thousand years ago due to the destruction of the Mount Mazama volcano. Thanks to the melting snow, the water in the lake is especially clean and blue. Crater Lake has an unusual attraction - a huge log called the "Old Man of the Lake", which has been floating in a vertical position in the reservoir for more than a century. In 2005, Crater Lake was featured on the Oregon commemorative coin.

8th place: Great Slave Lakethe deepest lake in Canada and throughout North America . Its maximum depth reaches 614 meters. For eight months of the year, the surface of the lake is covered with ice, which in winter is so thick that it can support a heavy truck. In the 1930s, gold was discovered here, which led to the founding of the city of Yellowknife on the shores of the lake.

7th place: Issyk-Kul is a salty closed lake in the northern part of the Tien Shan Mountains in Kyrgyzstan. The maximum depth of this deepest lake in Central Asia is 702 meters. From the Kyrgyz language “ysyk kel” is translated as “hot lake”. It received this name due to the fact that its brackish water does not freeze even in severe winters. There are several connections with Lake Issyk-Kul interesting legends and stories. According to one of them, an ancient Armenian monastery with the relics of Saint Matthew. Another legend says that it was in this place that Tamerlane’s warriors laid down their famous pyramids from stones. In 2006, traces were found at the bottom of the lake ancient civilization, which existed 2.5 thousand years ago.

6th place: Malawi(other name - Nyasa) is the southernmost lake of the East African Rift Valley, located between Mozambique, Malawi and Tanzania. This is the second deepest lake in Africa - its maximum depth is 706 meters. The tropical waters of Malawi contain the greatest diversity of fish species of any lake on Earth. Scientists have concluded that over the past 100 thousand years the depth of the lake has decreased by more than 100 meters. The causes of water loss are surface evaporation (up to 80%) and the Shire River, flowing from the southern part of the lake.

5th place: San Martin(other name - O'Higgins) is a fjord-shaped lake in Patagonia, located on the border of Argentina and Chile at an altitude of 250 meters above sea level. The area of ​​the lake is 1058 km² and its depth is 836 meters. This deepest lake in South America. In Argentina the lake is called San Martin, in Chile - O'Higgins. The lake is named after national heroes José de San Martin of Argentina and Bernardo O'Higgins of Chile, who fought together for the freedom of South America. The lake is fed by the waters of the Mayer River and small glacial streams, and flows into the Pascua River, which flows into Pacific Ocean. A unique feature of the lake is the milky blue hue of the water, which occurs due to particles of rock sediments that fall into the lake along with the meltwater of glaciers and settle on its bottom.

4th place: Caspian Seathe largest endorheic lake on the planet with salt water, called the sea due to the fact that its base is made up of the earth's crust of the oceanic type. Located between Europe and Asia, the lake washes the shores of five countries - Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. The maximum depth of the Caspian Sea reaches 1025 meters, and its area is 371 thousand km². More than 130 rivers flow into the lake, the largest of which is the Volga. The Caspian Sea has a rich fauna - it is home to the Caspian seal, many sturgeon, and some species of fish are found only here. This huge body of water is a rich source of energy resources. Today, the total cost of oil and gas in the sea is 12 trillion. dollars.

3rd place: Eastthe deepest and largest of all subglacial lakes on Earth, covered with a thickness of ice of 4 kilometers. The unique reservoir is located in Antarctica, next to the Russian Antarctic station "Vostok", in honor of which it received its name. The estimated maximum depth of the lake is more than 1200 meters. The lake was opened in 1996. In February 2012, Russian scientists reached the surface of Lake Vostok, drilling into the ice shell of which lasted 20 years. Lake research can reveal a lot useful information world, because the conditions there are similar to those that existed many millions of years ago, and there is also an assumption that similar lakes exist on the satellites of Jupiter.

2nd place: Tanganyika- This deepest lake in Africa and the second deepest (1470 meters) in the world. It is also the first longest lake in the world (673 km), belonging to four countries - Tanzania, Congo, Burundi and Zambia. The lake is located in the deepest tectonic depression in Africa. It was discovered by chance in 1858 by British explorers John Speke and Richard Burton, who discovered it while searching for the source of the Nile. The lake is fed by several channels, and only one river flows out of it - Lukuga. Tanganyika is home to crocodiles, hippos, many waterfowl, and many unique fish species. After National Geographic magazine published a story about a 9-meter killer crocodile that caused the death of several dozen people, Lake Tanganyika has long been an object of special interest.

1st place: Baikal- This the deepest lake in Russia, Eurasia and the whole world, reaching a depth of 1642 meters. Located in the south of Eastern Siberia, the reservoir is the largest natural reservoir of fresh water - it stores 20% of the total supply of surface fresh water on the planet. The volume of water in Baikal is greater than in all US lakes combined. Baikal is also known as the most ancient lake on Earth, formed 25-35 million years ago, although lakes usually do not exist for more than 15 thousand years. Baikal is a unique ecosystem; about 1,700 species of flora and fauna live here, many of which are found nowhere else. The lake is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.