The strangest ship disappearances. The most famous "ghost ships" with dead or missing crew

There have been many cases in history when large and reliable ships disappeared in the seas and oceans without a trace. They simply disappeared and were never found again. Is it any wonder that just recently a South Korean passenger airliner disappeared and no one can find it? Look how many sea vessels have disappeared, even today no one knows where they all went.

Mysterious disappearances. Missing ships. Even today, no one knows where they are now.

1. USS Wasp - missing escort

There were actually several ships that were named USS Wasp, but the strangest was the Wasp, which disappeared in 1814. Built in 1813 for the war with England, Wasp was a fast sloop with a square sail, 22 guns and a crew of 170 men. Wasp participated in 13 successful operations. On September 22, 1814, the ship captured the British merchant brig Atalanta. Typically, the Wasp's crew would simply burn enemy ships, but Atalanta was deemed too valuable to destroy. As a result, an order was received to escort Atalanta to the allied harbor, and Wasp set off towards the Caribbean Sea. He was never seen again.

2. SS Marine Sulfur Queen - a victim of the Bermuda Triangle

The ship was a 160-meter tanker that was originally used to transport oil during World War II. The ship was later rebuilt to carry molten sulfur. Marine Sulfur Queen was in excellent condition. In February 1963, two days after leaving Texas with a cargo of sulfur, a routine radio message was received from the ship saying that everything was in order. After that the ship disappeared. Many speculate that it simply exploded, while others blame the “magic” of the Bermuda Triangle for its disappearance. The bodies of 39 crew members were not found, although a life jacket and a piece of board with a piece of the inscription "arine SULPH" were recovered.

3. USS Porpoise - lost in typhoon

Built during the golden age of sailing ships, the Porpoise was originally known as a "hermaphrodite brig" because its two masts used two different types of sails. She was later converted to a traditional brigantine with square sails on both masts. The ship was first used to chase pirates, and in 1838 it was sent on an exploration expedition. The team managed to travel around the world and confirm the existence of Antarctica. After exploring a number of islands in the South Pacific, the Porpoise sailed from China in September 1854, after which no one heard from her. It is likely that the crew encountered a typhoon, but there is no evidence of this.

4. FV Andrea Gail – victim of the “perfect storm”

The fishing trawler Andrea Gai was built in Florida in 1978 and subsequently purchased by a company in Massachusetts. With a crew of six, Andrea Gail sailed successfully for 13 years and disappeared during a voyage to Newfoundland. The Coast Guard launched a search, but were only able to find the ship's distress beacon and some debris. After a week of searching, the ship and its crew were declared missing. Andrea Gail is believed to have been doomed when a high-pressure front crashed into a massive area of ​​low-pressure air, causing the nascent typhoon to merge with the remnants of Hurricane Grace. This rare combination of three separate weather systems eventually became known as the "perfect storm." According to experts, Andrea Gail could have encountered waves more than 30 meters high.

5. SS Poet - the ship that did not send a distress signal

The ship was originally called the Omar Bundy and was used to transport troops during World War II. It was later used to transport steel. In 1979, the ship was purchased by the Hawaiian corporation Eugenia Corporation of Hawaii, which named it "Poet". In 1979, the ship left Philadelphia for Port Said with a cargo of 13,500 tons of corn, but never reached its destination. The last communication with the Poet occurred just six hours after leaving the port of Philadelphia, when one of the crew members spoke with his wife. After this, the ship did not make a scheduled 48-hour communication session, and the ship did not issue a distress signal. Eugenia Corporation did not report the ship's loss for six days, and the Coast Guard did not respond for another 5 days after that. No traces of the ship were ever found.

6. USS Conestoga - the missing minesweeper

USS Conestoga was built in 1917 and served as a minesweeper. After the end of the First World War it was converted into a tugboat. In 1921, the ship was transferred to Samoa, where it was to become a floating station. On March 25, 1921, the ship set sail, nothing more is known about it.

7. Witchcraft - a pleasure boat that disappeared at Christmas

In December 1967, Miami hotelier Dan Burak decided to admire the city's Christmas lights from his personal luxury boat, Witchcraft. Accompanied by his father Patrick Hogan, he went about 1.5 km out to sea. It is known that the boat was in perfect order. Around 9 p.m., Burak radioed to request a tow back to the pier, reporting that his boat had been struck by an unknown object. He confirmed his coordinates to the coast guard and specified that he would launch a flare. Rescuers reached the scene within 20 minutes, but Witchcraft had disappeared. The Coast Guard combed more than 3,100 square kilometers of ocean, but neither Dan Burak, nor Patrick Hogan, nor Witchcraft were ever found.

8. USS Insurgent: the mysterious disappearance of a warship

The US Navy frigate Insurgent was captured by the Americans in battle with the French in 1799. The ship served in the Caribbean, where she won many glorious victories. But on August 8, 1800, the ship sailed from Virginia Hampton Roads and mysteriously disappeared.

9. SS Awahou: lifeboats didn't help

Built in 1912, the 44-metre freighter Awahou went through many owners before eventually being purchased by Australia's Carr Shipping & Trading Company. On September 8, 1952, the ship sailed from Sydney with a crew of 18 people and set sail for the private island of Lord Howe. The ship was in good shape when it left Australia, but within 48 hours an unclear, "crispy" radio signal was received from the ship. The speech was almost impossible to understand, but it sounded like Awahou was caught in bad weather. Although the ship had enough lifeboats for the entire crew, no traces of the wreck or bodies were found.

10. SS Baychimo - Arctic ghost ship

Some call it a ghost ship, but Baychimo was actually a real ship. Built in 1911, Baychimo was a huge steam freighter owned by the Hudson's Bay Company. The ship was primarily used to transport furs from northern Canada. The first nine flights were relatively calm. But during the ship's last voyage, in 1931, winter came very early. Completely unprepared for bad weather, the ship found itself trapped in the ice. Most of the crew were rescued by plane, but the captain and several Baychimo crew members decided to wait out the bad weather by setting up camp on the ship. A severe snowstorm began, which completely hid the ship from sight. When the storm subsided, Baychimo disappeared. However, over the course of several decades, Baychimo was allegedly seen more than once drifting aimlessly in Arctic waters.


According to sailors, ghost ships or phantoms that appear on the horizon and disappear, portend trouble. The same goes for ships abandoned by their crews. Mysterious circumstances and an unusual flair of eerie romance accompany these stories. The ocean hides its secrets, and we decided to remember all these legends - from the Flying Dutchman and the Mary Celeste, to lesser-known ghost ships. You may not have known about many of them.

The ocean is one of the largest and most unexplored areas of the Earth. In fact, the ocean covers up to 70% of the globe's surface. The ocean is so little explored that, according to Scientific American, humans have mapped less than 0.05% of the ocean floor.

In this situation, all these stories do not seem so incredible. And there are a great many of them - stories about ships that are lost in the seas, and all these empty ships, drifting without a purpose and a crew on board... They are called ghost ships. The entire crew died, or disappeared for unknown reasons...there were many such finds. The mysterious circumstances surrounding the death or disappearance of these teams, even today, with all the technological advances and research methods, remain mysterious. And no one can still explain the disappearance of people on board. Why did the entire crew leave the ship, which is left to drift, and where did they all go? Storms, pirates, disease...maybe they sailed away on way or another, many crews mysteriously disappeared without explanation. The sea knows how to keep secrets, and is reluctant to part with them. Many disasters that occurred in the sea will remain a mystery to everyone.

15. "Ourang Medan" (Orang Medan, or Orange Medan)

This Dutch merchant ship became known as a ghost ship in the late 1940s. In 1947, the Orang Medan was shipwrecked in the Dutch East Indies, and an SOS signal was received by two American ships, the City of Baltimore and the Silver Star, sailing through the Strait of Malacca.
And the sailors of two American ships received an SOS signal from the cargo ship Orang Medan. The signal was transmitted by a crew member who was extremely frightened and reported that the rest of his crew were dead. After this the connection was interrupted. Arriving on the ship, the entire crew was found dead - the bodies of the sailors froze, as if in an attempt to defend themselves, but the source of the threat was never discovered.

An article written in the late 1960s by the US Coast Guard said there were no visible signs of damage on the bodies. The cargo ship was reportedly transporting sulfuric acid that was improperly packaged. After the Silver Star's crew quickly evacuated and the Americans abandoned the ship, they hoped to tow it to shore. But a fire suddenly broke out on the ship, followed by an explosion and the ship sank, which led to the final death of the merchant ship. The widow of one of the sailors who died on Ourang Medan has a photograph of the ship and crew.

14. "Copenhagen"

One of the maritime mysteries is the disappearance without a trace of one of the newest and most reliable ships of the 20th century, the five-masted Copenhagen. In the entire history of the sailing fleet, only six ships similar to the Copenhagen were built, and she was the third largest in the world in the year of construction - in 1921. She was built for the Danish East Asia Company in Scotland - at the shipyard of Romeage and Fergusson in the small town of Leith near Aberdeen. The hull was made of high-quality steel, there was a ship's own power plant on board, all deck winches were equipped with electric drives, which significantly saved time on sailing operations, and even a ship's radio station. The double-deck steel Copenhagen was a training and production vessel that made regular voyages and carried cargo. The last radio communication session with Copenhagen took place on December 21, 1928. There was no reliable information about the fate of the huge sailing ship and the 61 people on board.

A reward was offered to anyone who could indicate the location of the missing ship. Requests were sent to all ports: to report possible contacts with Copenhagen. But the captains of only two ships responded to this call - the Norwegian and English ships. Both stated that, while passing through the southern part of the Atlantic, they contacted the Danes, and they were all right. The East Asian Company first sent the Ducalien ship to search for the missing ship (but it returned empty-handed), and then the Mexico, which also found nothing. In 1929 in Copenhagen, a commission to investigate the disappearance of the ship concluded that “a training sailing ship, the five-masted barque “Copenhagen”, with 61 people on board, died due to the action of irresistible forces of nature... the ship suffered a disaster so quickly that its crew was unable to broadcast an SOS distress signal or launch lifeboats or rafts.”

At the end of 1932, in southwest Africa, in the Namib Desert, one of the British expeditions discovered seven withered skeletons dressed in tattered sea jackets. Based on the structure of the skulls, researchers determined that they were Europeans. Based on the pattern on the copper buttons of the peacoats, experts determined that they belonged to the uniform of the Danish Merchant Navy cadets. However, this time the owners of the East Asian Company no longer had any doubts, because before 1932, only one Danish training ship, the Copenhagen, suffered a disaster. And 25 years later, on October 8, 1959, the captain of the cargo ship from the Netherlands “Straat Magelhes” Piet Agler, while near the southern coast of Africa, saw a sailboat with five masts. It appeared out of nowhere, as if it had emerged from the depths of the ocean, and with all sails was heading straight towards the Dutch... The crew managed to prevent a collision, after which the sailing ship disappeared, but the crew managed to read the inscription on board the ghost ship - “København”.

13. "Baychimo"

The Baychimo was built in Sweden in 1911 by order of a German trading company. After World War I it was taken over by Great Britain and transported furs for the next fourteen years. In early October 1931, the weather deteriorated sharply, and a few miles off the coast near the town of Barrow, the ship became stuck in the ice. The team temporarily abandoned the ship and found shelter on the mainland. A week later the weather cleared, the sailors returned on board and continued sailing, but already on October 15, Baychimo again fell into an ice trap.
This time it was impossible to get to the nearest city - the crew had to arrange a temporary shelter on the shore, far from the ship, and here they were forced to spend a whole month. In mid-November there was a snowstorm that lasted for several days. And when the weather cleared on November 24, Baychimo was no longer in its original place. The sailors believed that the ship had been lost in a storm, but a few days later a local seal hunter reported seeing Baychimo about 45 miles from their camp. The team found the ship, removed its precious cargo and left it forever.
This is not the end of the Baychimo story. For the next 40 years, it was occasionally seen drifting along the northern coast of Canada. Attempts were made to get on board the ship, some were quite successful, but due to weather conditions and the poor condition of the hull, the ship was abandoned again. The last time Baychimo was seen was in 1969, that is, 38 years after its crew abandoned it - at that time the frozen ship was part of an ice massif. In 2006, the Alaska government made an attempt to determine the location of the "Ghost Ship of the Arctic", but in vain. Where Baychimo is now - whether it lies at the bottom or is covered with ice beyond recognition - is a mystery.

12. Valencia

The Valencia was built in 1882 by William Cramp and Sons. The steamboat was most often used on the California-Alaska route. In 1906, the Valencia sailed from San Francisco to Seattle. A terrible disaster occurred on the night of January 21-22, 1906, when Valencia was near Vancouver. The steamer ran into reefs and received large holes through which water began to flow. The captain decided to run the ship aground. 6 out of 7 boats were launched, but they became victims of a powerful storm; only a few people managed to get to the shore and report the disaster. The rescue operation was unsuccessful and most of the crew and passengers died. According to official information, 136 people became victims of the shipwreck; according to unofficial information, even more - 181. 37 people survived.

In 1933, lifeboat No. 5 was found near Barclay. Its condition was good, the boat retained most of its original paint. The lifeboat was found 27 years after the disaster! After this, local fishermen began to talk about the appearance of a ghost ship, which in outline resembled the Valencia.

11. Yacht SAYO; Manfred Fritz Bayorath

The 12-meter yacht SAYO, which disappeared seven years ago, was found drifting 40 miles from Barobo by Filipino fishermen. The boat's mast was broken and most of the interior was filled with water. When they got on board, they saw a mummified body near the radiotelephone. Based on photographs and documents found on board, it was quickly possible to identify the deceased. It turned out to be the owner of the yacht, yachtsman from Germany Manfred Fritz Bayorat. Bayorat's body was mummified under the influence of salt and high temperatures.

A drifting ship with the captain's mummy discovered off the coast of the Philippines surprised many. German traveler Manfred Fritz Bayorath was an experienced sailor who traveled on this yacht for 20 years. Judging by the pose in which the captain's mummy froze, in the last hours of his life he tried to contact rescuers. The cause of his death still remains a mystery.

10. "Lunatic"

In 2007, 70-year-old Jure Sterk from Slovenia went on a trip around the world on his “Lunatic”. To communicate with the shore, he used a radio he assembled with his own hands, but on January 1, 2009, he stopped communicating. A month later, his boat washed up on the coast of Australia, but there was no one on board.
Those who saw the ship believe it was approximately 1,000 nautical miles off the coast.
The sailboat was in excellent shape and appeared undamaged. There was no sign of Sterk there. No note or journal entry about the reasons for his disappearance. Although the last entry in the journal dates back to January 2, 2009. And at the end of April 2019, “Lunatic” was spotted at sea by the crew of the research vessel “Roger Revelle”. It was drifting about 500 miles off the coast of Australia. His exact coordinates at that time were Latitude 32-18.0S, Longitude 091-07.0E.

9. "The Flying Dutchman"

The "Flying Dutchman" refers to several different ghost ships from different centuries. One of them is the real owner of the brand. The one with whom the trouble happened at the Cape of Good Hope.
This is a legendary ghost sailing ship that cannot land on the shore and is doomed to forever roam the seas. Usually people observe such a ship from afar, sometimes surrounded by a luminous halo. According to legend, when the Flying Dutchman encounters another ship, its crew tries to send messages ashore to people who have long been dead. In maritime beliefs, an encounter with the Flying Dutchman was considered a bad omen.
Legend has it that in the 1700s, Dutch captain Philip Van Straaten was returning from the East Indies with a young couple on board. The captain liked the girl; he killed her betrothed, and proposed to her to become his wife, but the girl threw herself overboard. While trying to round the Cape of Good Hope, the ship encountered a severe storm. The navigator offered to wait out the bad weather in some bay, but the captain shot him and several dissatisfied people, and then swore by his mother that none of the crew would go ashore until they rounded the cape, even if it took forever. The captain, a foul-mouthed and blasphemous man, brought a curse upon his ship. Now he, immortal, invulnerable, but unable to go ashore, is doomed to plow the waves of the world's oceans until the second coming.
The first printed mention of the Flying Dutchman appeared in 1795 in the book A Voyage to Botany Bay.

8. “High Em 6”

This ghost ship was reported to have left a port in southern Taiwan on October 31, 2002. Subsequently, on January 8, 2003, the Indonesian fishing schooner Hi Em 6 was found adrift without a crew near New Zealand. Despite a thorough search, no trace of the 14 team members could be found. The captain reportedly last contacted the ship's owner, Tsai Huan Chue-er, in late 2002.

Oddly enough, the only crew member who showed up later reported that the captain had been killed. Whether there was a rebellion and its reasons are unclear. Initially, the entire crew was missing, and when the ship was discovered, no one was found. According to the results of the investigation, there were no signs of distress or fire on the ship. However, it was said that the ship could be carrying illegal immigrants. Which also doesn't explain anything...

7. Phantom Galleon

Legends about this ship began in the late 1800s when it was built. The ship was going to be built from wood. Once at sea, among the ice, the wooden ship froze into part of the iceberg. Eventually, the water began to warm up, the weather changed, it became warmer, and the iceberg sank the ship. The White Fleet searched for its ship throughout the winter, each time returning to port empty-handed, under cover of fog. At some point, it became so warm that the ship thawed and separated from the iceberg, and rose to the surface, where it was discovered by the crew of the White Fleet. Unfortunately, the crew of the galleon was killed; the remains of the ship were towed to the port.

6. "Octavius"

One of the first ghost ships, the Octavius ​​became one because its crew froze to death in 1762, and the ship drifted for another 13 years with the dead on board. The captain tried to find a short route from China to England through the Northwest Passage (a sea route through the Arctic Ocean), but the ship was covered in ice. Octavius ​​left England and headed for America in 1761. Trying to save time, the captain decided to follow the then-unexplored Northwest Passage, which was first successfully completed only in 1906. The ship got stuck in the Arctic ice, the unprepared crew froze to death - the discovered remains indicate that this happened quite quickly. It is assumed that some time later Octavius ​​was freed from the ice and, with its dead crew, drifted on the open sea. After an encounter with whalers in 1775, the ship was never seen again.
The English merchant ship Octavius ​​was discovered drifting west of Greenland on October 11, 1775. A crew from the whaler Whaler Herald boarded and found the entire crew frozen. The captain's body was in his cabin; he died while writing in the logbook; he remained sitting at the table with a pen in his hand. There were three more frozen bodies in the cabin: a woman, a child wrapped in a blanket, and a sailor. The whaler's boarding crew left Octavius ​​in a hurry, taking with them only the logbook. Unfortunately, the document was so damaged by cold and water that only the first and last pages could be read. The journal ended with an entry from 1762. This meant that the ship had been drifting with the dead on board for 13 years.

5. Corsair "Duc de Dantzig"

This ship was launched in the early 1800s in Nantes, France, and soon became a corsair. Corsairs are private individuals who, with the permission of the supreme power of a warring state, used an armed vessel to capture merchant ships of the enemy, and sometimes even neutral powers. The same title applies to their team members. The concept of “corsair” in the narrow sense is used to characterize specifically French and Ottoman captains and ships.

The corsair captured several ships, some were plundered, and some were set free. After capturing small ships, most often the corsair abandoned the captured ships, sometimes setting them on fire. This ship mysteriously disappeared in 1812. Since then he has become a legend. It is believed that shortly after her mysterious disappearance, this corsair may have been a cruiser in the Atlantic Ocean or perhaps in the Caribbean. There are rumors that it may have been captured by a British frigate. Napoleonic Gallego reported the discovery of this ship, drifting at sea completely aimlessly, with the deck covered in blood and covered with the corpses of the crew. However, there were no visible signs of damage to the vessel. The frigate's crew allegedly found and took the logbook, covered in the captain's blood, and then set the ship on fire.

4. Schooner "Jenny"

It is stated that the schooner Jenny, originally English, left port on the Isle of Wight in 1822 for the Antarctic regatta. The voyage was supposed to take place along the ice barrier in 1823, then it was planned to enter the ice in southern waters, and reach Drake Passage.
But a British schooner got stuck in the ice of the Drake Passage in 1823. But it was discovered only 17 years later: in 1840, a whaling ship called Nadezhda stumbled upon it. The bodies of the Jenny crew members were well preserved due to the low temperatures. The ship took its place in the history of ghost ships, and in 1862 it was included in the list of Globus, a popular German geographical magazine of those times.

3. Sea Bird

Most “encounters” with ghost ships are pure fiction, but there were also very real stories. Losing a vessel or ship in the infinity of the world's oceans is not so difficult. And it's even easier to lose people.
In the 1750s, Sea Bird was a trading brig under the command of John Huxham. A merchant ship ran aground off Easton Beach, Rhode Island. The crew disappeared to an unknown location - the ship was abandoned by them without any explanation, and the lifeboats were missing. It was reported that the ship was returning from a voyage from Honduras, carrying goods from the southern to the northern hemisphere, and was expected to arrive in the city of Newport. Upon further investigation, coffee was found boiling on the stove on the abandoned ship... The only living creatures that were found on board were a cat and a dog. The crew mysteriously disappeared. An account of the ship's history was recorded in Wilmington, Delaware and made news in the Sunday Morning Star in 1885.

2. "Mary Celeste" (or Celeste)

The second most popular ghost ship after the Flying Dutchman - however, unlike it, it really existed. “Amazon” (as the ship was originally called) was notorious. The ship changed owners many times, the first captain died during the first voyage, then the ship ran aground during a storm, and finally it was bought by an enterprising American. He renamed the Amazon the Mary Celeste, believing that the new name would save the ship from trouble.
When the ship left the port of New York on November 7, 1872, there were 13 people on board: Captain Briggs, his wife, their daughter and 10 sailors. In 1872, a ship traveling from New York to Genoa with a cargo of alcohol on board was discovered by the Dei Grazia without a single person on board. All the personal belongings of the crew were in their places; in the captain’s cabin there was a box with his wife’s jewelry and her own sewing machine with unfinished sewing. True, the sextant and one of the boats disappeared, which suggests that the crew abandoned the ship. The ship was in good condition, the holds were filled with food, the cargo (the ship was carrying alcohol) was intact, but no traces of the crew were found. The fate of all crew members and passengers is completely shrouded in darkness. Subsequently, several impostors appeared and were exposed, posing as crew members and trying to profit from the tragedy. Most often, the impostor posed as the ship's cook.

The British Admiralty conducted a thorough investigation with a detailed examination of the ship (including below the waterline, by divers) and a thorough interview with eyewitnesses. It is the materials of this investigation that are the main and most reliable source of information. Plausible explanations of what happened boil down to the fact that the crew and passengers left the ship of their own free will, differing only in the interpretation of the reasons that prompted them to such a decision. There are many hypotheses, but they are all just assumptions.

1. Cruiser USS Salem (CA-139)

The cruiser USS Salem was laid down in July 1945 at Bethlehem Steel Company's Quincy Yard, launched in March 1947, and entered service on May 14, 1949. For ten years, the ship served as the flagship of the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean, and the Second Fleet in Atlantic.The ship was placed in reserve in 1959. She was removed from the fleet in 1990, and opened to the public as a museum in 1995. USS Salem is now docked in Boston, Massachusetts in Quincy Harbor.

Boston, one of the oldest cities in the United States, has several spooky historic ships and buildings on display. This ship, being an old warship, is a bundle of stories - from the dark sights of war to the loss of life, if you get a chance to take a tour there, you will be able to experience the thrill and chills of all the ghosts of this ship. He's been nicknamed the "Sea Witch" and is rumored to be so creepy that you can feel the chill just by looking at his photo online.

Ghost ship is a term used most often in works of fiction, a ship afloat that is not inhabited by a crew. The term can also refer to an actual ship that is (often as a vision) seen after it has sunk, or discovered at sea without a crew on board. Legends and reports of ghost ships are common throughout the world. In most cases they are associated with some kind of shipwreck. Usually ghost ships depict scenes of their crash, which they can repeat over and over again. This is especially true on nights when there is a storm.

Joyita - M. V. Joyita

This ship was found in 1955 in the Pacific Ocean. It was heading towards Tokelau when something happened. The rescue team was already equipped, but the ship was found only after 5 weeks. The joystick was badly damaged, and there was no cargo, crew, passengers or lifeboats on board.

After a detailed investigation, it turned out that the ship's radio wave was tuned to a distress signal, and several bloody bandages and a doctor's bag were found on board. None of the passengers were found, and the secret of the ship was not revealed.

Octavius ​​- Octavius

Octavius ​​is considered a legend, the ghost ship whose story is one of the most famous. In 1775, the Herald came across the Octavius ​​while sailing along Greenland.
Herald's team boarded the ship and found the bodies of passengers and crew frozen from the cold. The ship's captain was discovered in his cabin, in the middle of filling out a log book with the year 1762 marked on it. Based on the legend, the captain bet that he would return to Great Britain via the Eastern Route in a short time, but the ship got stuck in the ice.

The Flying Dutchman - De Vliegende Hollander

The Flying Dutchman is the most famous ghost ship. The ship was first mentioned in the book A Voyage to Botany Harbor by George Barrington (1770s). Based on history, the Flying Dutchman was a ship from Amsterdam.
The captain of the ship was Van der Decken. When a storm began near the Cape of Good Hope, the ship was sailing to the East Indies. Van der Deccan, determined to continue the journey, went mad, then killed one of his assistants and vowed to cross the cape.
Despite all his efforts, the ship sank and, according to legend, Van der Decken and the ghostly ship are doomed to wander the seas forever.

Mary Celeste

This is a merchant ship sailing on the Atlantic Ocean and abandoned by its crew. The ship is in very suitable conditions with sails raised and sufficient food supplies. But the crew, captain and boats of the Mary Celeste mysteriously disappeared. There were no signs of a struggle. You can also exclude the version of pirates, because the crew's belongings and alcohol remained untouched.
The most likely theory is that technical problems or a storm forced the crew to abandon ship.

Lady Lovibond

The captain of the ship, Simon Peel, recently got married and was going on a cruise to celebrate the joyful event. Despite the omen that the woman on board was unfortunate, he took his wife.
The journey began on February 13, 1748. Unfortunately for the captain, one of his assistants was also in love with his wife and, out of anger and jealousy, led the ship to the sandbank. Lady Lovebond and all her passengers sank. According to legend, since the shipwreck the ghost has been seen every 50 years near Kent.

Baychimo - The Baychimo

This steel cargo ship was abandoned and drifted on the seas near Alaska for 40 years. The ship belonged to the Hudson Bay Company. It was launched in the 1920s, transporting skins and furs. But in 1931, Beichimo found himself trapped in ice near Alaska. After several attempts to break through the ice, the team abandoned the ship. In a strong storm, the ship escaped the trap, but was badly damaged, and the company decided to abandon it. Surprisingly, Beichimo did not sink, but continued to float for another 38 years near Alaska. The ship has become something of a local legend. It was last seen in 1969, again frozen in the middle of the ice.

Carroll A. Deering - Carroll A. Deering

This ship sailed near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina in 1921. The ship had just returned from a trading trip from South Africa. It ran aground in Diamond Shoals, an area with a high history of shipwrecks. When help arrived, it was discovered that the ship was empty. There was no navigation equipment and logbook, as well as 2 lifeboats. After careful research, it turned out that several more ships mysteriously disappeared almost at the same time. According to officials, this is either the work of pirates or some kind of terrorist organization.

Ourang Medan

The history of Urang Medan began in 1947, when 2 American ships received a distress signal off the coast of Malaysia. The caller introduced himself as a member of the crew of the Urang Medan, a Dutch vessel, and allegedly said that the captain and the rest of the crew were dead or dying. The man’s speech became more and more unintelligible until he disappeared with the words I’m dying. The ships quickly sailed to help. When they arrived, they found that the ship itself was intact, but the entire crew, including the dog, was dead, their bodies and faces frozen in terrible poses and expressions, and many were pointing their fingers at something invisible to the eye. Before rescuers could figure it out, the ship caught fire. The most popular theory for the crew's death is that the ship was carrying nitroglycerin without special packaging, and it leaked into the air.

High Aim 6

One of the mysterious “sea” stories of our time is associated with the Taiwanese ship High Aim 6. The ship High Aim 6 was discovered off the northwestern coast of Australia in January 2003 without a single soul on board. The ship left the port back in 2002. The holds of High Aim 6 were filled with tuna, which was already beginning to spoil. They tried to give different explanations for the disappearance of the crew: it could have been captured by pirates, however, the safety of the cargo and the absence of damage on the ship refutes this version; the High Aim 6 team was suspected of transporting illegal immigrants, but after opening the holds, this version was abandoned; the threat of sinking of the ship could hardly exist, since it was in good condition. The main version of the events that occurred on the ship High Aim 6 is the version of the crew mutiny and the murder of the captain. The testimony of the only sailor whom the investigators managed to find and one more circumstance speaks in her favor. Two weeks after the discovery of the High Aim 6 vessel, a person called the police from the phone of an engineer on the High Aim 6 vessel and told about a riot on the ship and the death of the captain and engineer. According to him, the team went home. There is still no other information about the fate of the ship’s crew and its owner. And it’s unlikely to appear.


One of Chile's most famous legends describes the Caleuche as a ghostly ship that appears every night off the coast of the island of Chiloe. According to legend, the ship carries the souls of people who died at sea. Those who have seen it say that it is very beautiful and bright and is always accompanied by the sounds of music and the laughter of people. After appearing for a few seconds, it disappears again or goes under water. They say that souls on the ship regain the life they had before.

Iron Mountain

It is clear that a ship could get lost and drown in a huge ocean or sea, but how can a ship disappear in a river without a trace? In June 1872, the S.S. Iron Mountain traveled from Vicksburg to Pittsburgh along the Mississippi River. When the ship did not arrive at the appointed time, a tug was sent to it. After several days of searching, the ship was found, and part of the cargo it was carrying appeared on the surface of the water. The ship simply disappeared.

Bel Amica

The “classic style” schooner was found off the coast of Sardinia, with no crew on board. This ghost ship was discovered by the Italian coast guard in 2006. In the cabins of the sailing ship there were French maps of the North African seas, a Luxembourg flag, remains of Egyptian food and wooden boards with the name “Bel Amica”. Italian authorities discovered that the ship had never been registered in any country. Since the vessel was misclassified as antique, it soon attracted public interest, but it was soon discovered that it was a modern yacht owned by a man from Luxembourg who had probably failed to register it for tax evasion purposes.

Schooner Jenny

“May 4, 1823. No food for 71 days. I'm the only one left alive. “The captain who wrote this message was still sitting in his chair with a pen in his hand when this message was discovered in his journal 17 years later. His body, and the bodies of the other 6 people aboard the British schooner Jenny, were preserved in the cold weather of Antarctica, where the ship was frozen in ice and caused death. The crew of the whaling ship that discovered Jenny after the disaster buried the passengers, including a dog, at sea.


The sailing ship Marlborough was built at a shipyard in Glasgow. It was considered quite reliable for ocean voyages. The sailing ship was commanded by Captain Heed, a knowledgeable and experienced sailor. On the last voyage, the Marlborough carried 23 crew members and several passengers, including one woman. Leaving New Zealand for England, a sailing ship loaded with frozen lamb and wool disappeared in 1890. It was last seen on April 1 in the Pacific Ocean between the entrance to the Strait of Magellan and Cape Horn - in an area that sailors, not without reason, call the “ship graveyard.” An investigation by maritime authorities was inconclusive. The sailboat was considered missing, a victim of the rocks off Cape Horn. In these ominous places, a storm rages 300 days a year, the wind and waves are helped by the current, dragging doomed ships here and throwing them onto formidable rocks... But 23 and a half years later, in October 1913, near Punta Arenas off the coast of Tierra del Fuego, that is, almost in the same place, the Marlboro appeared - the ship was again under full sail! The sailboat seemed untouched. Everything was in place. Even the crew was where they were supposed to be on a sailing ship. One person is at the helm, three are on the deck at the hatch, ten are on watch at their posts and six are in the wardroom. The skeletons were in rags left over from their clothes. It seemed that the people were struck down by some sudden attack, a mysterious force. The log book was covered with moss and the entries in it became illegible. Other papers were found to have been eaten away by insects. The sailors from the ship that met the sailing ship in the ocean were perplexed... First of all, they counted the skeletons: it turned out that there were ten fewer of them than there were people on the Marlborough, according to information from 23 years ago. Where are the absent ones? Have they died before? Were they landed on any shore? Were they washed off the deck by the waves after death, or were they blown from the masts by the wind in a moment of tragic “stunning confusion”? As always in such cases, a version of an epidemic or poisoning was put forward. The captain of the ship that discovered the Marlboro made an accurate report of everything he saw. Inclement weather did not allow him to tow and deliver the ghost ship to the port. However, what was stated in his report was confirmed under oath by everyone who witnessed this meeting. Their testimony was recorded by the British Admiralty. "Marlboro" was never seen again. Apparently, he died on one of the stormy days.

Harbor of Lost Ships

That old story about Columbus's voyage could well have been forgotten for the reason that in subsequent centuries the Bermuda Triangle relatively rarely made itself felt, except as a reminder of the Sargasso Sea with its unique properties. The events of 1840 brought to mind the mysterious body of water, when the French sailing ship Rosalie was discovered drifting near the port of Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas. It had all the sails raised, had the necessary equipment, but at the same time - not a single living soul from the crew or passengers.

After inspecting the sailboat, it was found that it was in excellent condition, and all its cargo was safe and sound. No entries in the ship's log were found. At first there was an assumption that the ship ran aground, the crew sailed on boats, and during the high tide the Rosalie moved to the open sea.

However, few believed in such an explanation, classifying the ship as similar to the “Flying Dutchman” - a ghost ship, legends about which have circulated since ancient times. A version also appeared that the sailboat seemed to have fallen into some powerful whirlpool, in which forces of clearly unearthly origin were at work. In this case, the entire crew could go to the bottom, and the ship would be left without control.

A similar situation repeated itself 30 years later with the brigantine Mary Celeste, which became a classic example for the whole Bermuda Triangle problem. She, like the sailing ship Rosalie, was found safe and sound, but... without a single crew member. The Mary Celeste, with a displacement of about 300 tons, was discovered in the ocean by the cargo ship Dei Gratia on December 4, 1872. Before this, both ships loaded their holds in New York in early November. The brigantine, under the command of Benjamin Briggs, headed for Genoa, and the Dei Gratia, under the command of Captain David Morehouse, headed for Gibraltar.

When Captain Morehouse met the Mary Celeste a month later, she was sailing under full sail, but in such strange zigzags that it was time to suspect something was wrong. When the sailors boarded the brigantine, it turned out that there was no crew on it, and there was no captain, who was sailing with his wife and daughter. And again: the ship was in perfect order and was not damaged by bad weather. Moreover, the missing people did not take any money, belongings, or any other property with them. There were no signs of a hasty escape from the ship, which could indicate a threat to the crew. In the captain's cabin on the table were maps that marked the route from New York to the port of destination. The last entry was made on November 24, when the brigantine was off the Azores.

Captain Morehouse had no choice but to take the ship in tow and bring it to Gibraltar. A months-long search began for the missing Captain Briggs, his family and crew members. Announcements were urgently placed in newspapers about what had happened, but no one responded to them. Various versions have been put forward about the death of the crew of the Mary Celeste. They talked about an attack by pirates who captured everyone, abandoned the ship, and then themselves and the captives died in the depths of the sea. Others suggested that some otherworldly forces intervened in the fate of the brigantine.

As often happens, writers did not fail to take advantage of the drama “Mary Celeste,” one of whom was the young and then little-known Arthur Conan Doyle. In the January 1884 issue of the Cornhill Magazine, he published the story “The Message of J. Hebekuk Jephson.” Conan Doyle's story, which appeared 11 years after the story of the brigantine, was believed immediately and unconditionally, since much of it was close to the truth or was derived from real facts.

Since the time of Conan Doyle, proposed versions of the Mary Celeste disaster have acquired enormous proportions. It was suggested that the spoiled food caused the crew to hallucinate and people began to rush into the sea to escape the terrible visions. There was also a rumor: the owner of the Mary Celeste persuaded the sailors to deal with Captain Briggs and sink the ship in order to collect an insurance premium. But the sailors made some mistake and died. Perhaps the plan called for them to throw themselves into the sea and swim to shore when the ship approached the rocks near the Azores. However, a sudden gust of wind drove the brigantine to safety, and the sailors drowned. According to a more restrained assumption, the crew abandoned the ship due to a powerful tornado, which is no less dangerous at sea than a tornado on land.

One way or another, no one will probably know the truth about the Mary Celeste, because no more is known about the fate of the brigantine even today than on the day it was discovered in the ocean.

Meanwhile, the list of ships that disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle area continued to grow at the end of the 19th and especially in the 20th century. With each decade, the world fleet increased, which means the number of disasters and disappearances in the Hellish Circle increased.

On the last day of January 1880, the British training sailing ship Atalanta was in the area with three hundred officers and cadets on board. But the sailboat never arrived at its destination port. A whole armada of ships went out to search for him, sailing from each other at a distance of direct visibility. In vain. Along the entire route, the rescuers did not encounter either a boat or any object that could remain from the Atalanta. By the way, in 1881, the English ship Ellen Austin met a schooner in the open ocean, sailing without any signs of the presence of a crew. It was not possible to stop her, nor was it possible to read the name of the ship. Maybe it was the ghost of Atalanta, which disappeared a year ago?

An equally amazing story happened in 1909, when Captain Joshua Slocum, the most famous sailor of his time, went missing in the Bermuda Triangle. He gained worldwide fame as the first person in history to sail around the globe alone. He made this journey, which took several years and ended in 1898, on his magnificent yacht Spray. The captain was lucky in overcoming any difficulties: he escaped the pirates who were chasing him off the coast of Morocco, withstood storms in which large ships nearby were lost, repelled the attack of savages in the Strait of Magellan and continued sailing even after his maps became unusable . For a whole week he was stuck in the Sargasso Sea due to complete calm, and on the way to New York he was met by the most severe storm he had encountered in all the years of his journey. It was a real tornado that caused enormous destruction in New York at the time.

Only a few years passed, and the same Joshua Slocum, who had the courage, composure and skill to overcome the most difficult trials prepared by the elements of the sea, suddenly disappeared along with the yacht during a short trip through the Bermuda Triangle. On November 14, 1909, he departed from the island of Martha's Vineyard and headed for South America. Since that day there has been no further news of him. It was the belief of those who knew Captain Slocum that he was too good a sailor, and the Spray too good a yacht, to fail in any challenge the ocean might throw at him.

The next catastrophe happened during the First World War. In 1918, the pride of the American navy was the 540-foot coal carrier Cyclops, en route from the island of Barbados to the port

Baltimore and having 309 people on board, seemed to disappear into space. His intensive search also ended in failure. By the way, the Cyclops was the first of the missing ships to be equipped with radio equipment, but for some reason it never used the SOS signal. Half a century later, Department of the Navy officials said that none of the many theories could reliably explain the disappearance of the Cyclops.

In January 1921, the schooner Carroll A. Deering was discovered firmly aground with her sails raised. The strangest thing was that in the galley there was lunch, prepared for the crew, who were no longer destined to enjoy it. That same year, a dozen other ships disappeared without a trace in the Bermuda area. According to ship documents, they were all going to Puerto Rico, Miami, and Bermuda. But they all ended their journey in the same area.

In 1931, the Norwegian ship Stavenger, with 43 people on board, disappeared there. At the last minute they radioed: “Hurry to help, we can’t escape!..”

In the second half of the 20th century. Ship disasters continued to haunt the imagination of sailors and shipping company owners. In 1955, in the very center of the triangle, the yacht Connemara 4 was discovered without a single person on board. But for some reason, especially many disappearances occurred at Christmas. So, in December 1957, publisher Harvey Conover, one of the most famous American yachtsmen, went with his family on a racing yacht on a 150-mile journey to Miami. And although the yacht was always within sight of the shore, it never arrived at its destination.

The year 1963 was especially fruitful for mysterious disappearances. The beginning was made by the Marine Sulfur Queen cargo ship, specially equipped for transporting molten sulfur. Heading from Virginia to Texas, it disappeared near the southern tip of Florida after broadcasting a standard radio message that caused no concern. As a result of the search, only a few life jackets were found. The most incomprehensible thing about all these stories is that during the search, no human remains were ever found. It would seem that the bodies of shipwrecked victims should sooner or later be thrown ashore by the surf, but this has never happened in the Bermuda Triangle area.

In July 1969, in calm weather, five ships were discovered abandoned by the crew. A spokesman for Britain's largest insurance company said it was a "totally incredible occurrence" given the excellent weather conditions. And a month later, the most experienced navigator Bill Verity, who had made many crossings across the Atlantic, disappeared in the triangle. Unexplained disappearances continue to occur to this day: in 1971, the cargo ships Elizabeth and El Caribe disappeared into obscurity, and in March 1973, the largest cargo ship Anita left Norfolk and was never heard from again. The trouble did not spare submarines either. In 1963 and 1968, the US Navy lost two nuclear submarines, Thresher and Scorpion, both of which ended their final voyages near the Bermuda Triangle.

Accident investigation commissions do not consider their causes to be caused by such ordinary natural disasters as the sudden occurrence of tropical cyclones, but are inclined to believe that disasters can be caused by some kind of atmospheric disturbances, as well as electromagnetic and gravitational anomalies.

Other researchers suggest that the whole point is the so-called aberration - the curvature of space, which is why the missing ships fall into the trap of the “fourth dimension”. In this regard, the statements of some “seers” are interesting, who are confident that one fine day all ships will get out of the Bermuda Triangle and return to their home ports along with their crews. They believe that the sailors are still alive, and their age has not changed at all since the day they disappeared. Moreover, upon their return they will reveal the whole secret of the world located beyond the ghostly edge of Bermuda.

Exploring this theory, experts say that time itself flows at different speeds. This can explain the numerous cases when ships ended up hundreds of miles from the places where they were supposed to be. If the speed of time at a given point in space differs from normal, a ship caught in such a time trap will cease to exist in our world. In this case, part of the temporary flow deviates from the main channel, taking with it everything that happens to be in its area. Then the ship, along with its hapless crew and passengers, can be transported to the future or past, and even to a “parallel Universe”.

But pragmatic scientists believe that all disasters are associated with underwater earthquakes, since sudden shifts in the ocean floor can result in waves up to two hundred feet high.

While experts from the Navy and other organizations debunk the hypothesis of underwater volcanoes and earthquakes, other researchers are trying to lay the blame on storms and waves. And although little is known about such facts, it can be assumed that the tragic stories are somehow connected with ocean currents or water vortices. The vulnerability of this hypothesis is that strong winds are needed for storms and waves. However, oddly enough, none of the mysterious disappearances recorded in the Bermuda Triangle occurred in bad weather.

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Chapter 6 Harbor As soon as the day came and the bad weather subsided, the guys who were not on the boat with us began to become impatient - they wanted to see what our bay looked like. But we, who went on a motorboat, knew little about the bay (except that we found parking and protection from

It is generally accepted that there are no blank spots left on the map of the Earth, but this does not mean that people are able to control the entire space of the huge planet. No matter how huge the liners that people build are, the oceans are much larger and can easily get lost there, as there is evidence that we have combined into a list of the most amazing ship disappearances.

SS Baychimo is a mystical ghost ship that belonged to the Hudson's Bay Company. Back in 1911, this steam ship got stuck in the Arctic ice. The crew was removed from its board, but several people, along with the captain, remained to wait out the bad weather. A snowstorm began, and when it subsided and the rescuers returned. Neither the crew nor the ship could be found. Periodically, there are reports that in Arctic waters some have seen Baychimo, which drifted among the ice.
The SS Poet, originally named Omar Bundy, was used to transport military personnel during World War II. Subsequently, it began to be used for transporting goods. The ship received the name Poet after becoming the property of the Hawaiian company Eugenia Corporation of Hawaii in 1979. After the ship headed from Philadelphia to Port Said, carrying 13.5 thousand tons of corn on board, no one saw it. The ship did not send a distress signal, and the search by the coast guard was unsuccessful.

The SS Awahou, which was built back in 1912, set sail from Sydney on September 8, 1952, heading towards the private Lord Howe Island. 48 hours later he received a “crispy” signal via radio, the message was impossible to understand. The search did not yield any results, although it is known that there were a large number of lifeboats on board the 44-meter ship.

The sailing ship USS Porpoise was distinguished by its high speed, which is why it was used to chase pirates in the 19th century. One day he was sent on an expedition whose goal was to confirm the existence of Antarctica. Following the exploration of several islands in the Pacific Ocean, he briefly moored in one of the ports of China, and then, in 1854, set out for further sailing. No one heard from him again. It is believed that the ship was caught in a typhoon, but there is no evidence of this fact.

The minesweeper USS Conestoga was launched in 1917, and in 1921 it was refitted and sent to Samoa. The ship was supposed to serve as a floating station. After the ship went to sea on March 25, 1921, there is no information about it.

The sloop USS Wasp, lost in 1814, was the fifth ship to receive this name. The ship was used to fight British ships, and after the capture of the brig Atalanta was supposed to escort the captured ship to an allied port. Subsequently, the ship headed towards the Caribbean Sea and disappeared without a trace. No witnesses or clues could be found that would lead to this vessel.

The FV Andrea Gail is a fishing vessel and is very weather-resistant, but in 1991 it was caught in a storm due to the captain's decision to find a place with the best catch. It is assumed that the ship was caught in a storm, but rescuers who arrived at the radio signal found only a buoy and several debris. It is believed that this ship was caught in a hurricane and encountered waves whose height reached 30 m.

Among the smaller sea transports, we can highlight the pleasure boat Witchcraft. In 1967, the owner took it out to sea at a distance of 1.5 km from the coast to look at Christmas Miami. At approximately 9 pm, the owner transmitted a signal to rescuers that his boat had collided with an object. To indicate his location, he fired a flare.

The coast guard arrived at the site within 20 minutes, but did not find the slightest trace of the boat. There was no news about the people who disappeared with him. About 3,100 m2 of ocean were tested, but this did not bring any results.

However, one should not think that larger vessels disappear less often. The huge tanker Marine Sulfur Queen, whose length was 160 m, disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle area. It is reported that it was in excellent condition and was intended for the transportation of sulfur. In 1963, the ship left a port in Texas, a few days later sent a signal that everything was in order, and then disappeared without a trace along with 39 people on board.

The frigate USS Insurgent, which was captured by the US Navy after a battle with French troops, has departed from a port in Virginia. Since then, no one has seen this ship; it is assumed that it was caught in a storm that raged almost 2 months after it left the port, but during this period of time no one saw the ship and it did not enter any port.

It is possible that over time these vessels will be discovered, such as the SS ship. Cotopaxi, which disappeared without a trace in 1925 and was found on May 16, 2015 by the Cuban Coast Guard. It is noteworthy that no people were found on board, and the logbook does not contain any hints of a disaster. What happened to the ship all this time still remains a mystery. There are also frequent cases of ghost ships appearing on which there are no signs of life, although there is no particular damage to the hull. The ocean still conceals many mysteries and quite possibly will still present surprises to humanity.

Alexey Efedorov