Scenario of the intellectual educational program tear of baikal. Methodological development of a scenario for an extra-curricular environmental event “The miracle of nature - Lake Baikal!”

The “Song of Baikal” plays, the children watch the slides.

Leading: And today you will see and hear the ancient legend about Baikal and its daughter Angara.

The music “Sea” sounds, Baikal comes out.

Baikal: My name is Baykul,

Baykul and Beihai.

And I have been given a lot

Mysterious names.

In stories and legends

Baikal is a stern old man

And I really

Perky, young.

And noisy for a reason,

Impetuous, cheerful

After all, I'm alive and filled

And not plain water.

He sits down on the throne. Then the Shaman quietly comes out and sits down next to Baikal.

Leading: Today on the shore of Lake Baikal

The taiga told me a legend.

The legend is about the mighty Father Baikal,

Who once reigned

In the Siberian taiga.

He had only one daughter -

She was famous for her beauty.

Living in love, not knowing grief,

I don’t argue with Baikal, my father,

Princess Angara grew up

Everything became prettier and blossomed.

The girl Angara comes out to the music.

Angara: I, queen of sparkling waters

I, beauty of the wild land,

My waters rush forward

Swiftly to the north, shining proudly.

Angara and the girls dance the “Rechenka” dance.

Leading: Admiring my own daughter

And during the day, and even in the dark night,

The old man began to dream for a reason

Marry her to a hero.

Baikal: I announce a heroic tournament,

To choose the best in the whole world.

Leading: Good knights came to Baikal,

Stately, brave, the most dexterous.

Music sounds, the Irkut boy comes out, holding a chest.

Irkut River: In the clear streams of Irkut

Tales of the mountains are carried by water.

Accept, Father Baikal,

The priceless gift of proud rocks.

The Irkut boy takes a blue scarf from the chest and gives it to Baikal as a gift.

Baikal throws it over the shoulders of the Angara girl.

Music sounds, the second hero comes out - River Barguzin, holding a box of beads.

I am the Barguzin River,

I am the Bogatyr River.

I have a lot of pure water and strength.

I came to conquer the Angara,

Give her priceless wealth.

Gives the box to Baikal.

The music sounds again, the 3rd hero comes out with a small box in his hands.

There are many restless, violent, wild rivers.

Rivers each have their own character, depth and breadth

They are like people - there are no faceless rivers!

The Face of the Yenisei - Bright-Eyed Bogatyr.

Gives the box to Baikal.

Baikal: Well, heroes, show your strength and prowess.

The “Dance of the River Heroes” is performed.

The heroes line up in front of Lake Baikal.

Yenisei gives Angara a flower.

All victories are for you,

Blue-eyed Angara.

I give you a beautiful flower,

I want to call you my favorite.

Angara throws off the scarf that Father Baikal put on her, a gift from Irkut, and accepts the gift from the Yenisei.

Barguzin waves his hand and leaves.

Baikal: That's it, my dear daughter!

Better groom than Irkut,

You won't find it.

You should marry him.

Leading: But the beautiful Angara resisted her father’s will.

Angara: I don't need him

I'd rather be alone until I'm old.

Baikal: Ah well! Get out of my sight

Rebellious daughter.

The Angara girl steps aside.

Leading: And Baikal ordered the shaman:

Baikal: Don't let Angara out of the house!

Don't take your eyes off her

And keep a close eye on her.

Dance of the Angara and the seagulls.

A shaman boy is watching the dance.

After the dance, the seagull girls fly away, Angara is sad.

Leading: Angara is about the beautiful

I dreamed of the Blue Country.

White seagulls told her about that country.

Angara: I wish I could get there soon

To where the Yenisei rules!

Sits next to Lake Baikal.

The Shaman comes out and dances.

After the dance, he sits next to Angara.

Leading: And then one dark night,

Baikal fell asleep, very tired.

Only Angara is awake and trembling.

I'm about to set off on a long journey - that's it!

Getting ready to go.

Angara: Goodbye father, forgive your daughter.

Against the backdrop of the splashing waves, Angara runs away.

Leading: Hearing the splashing, the shaman also woke up.

Waking up, he shouted loudly:

Shaman boy: Wake up quickly, gray Baikal!

The music "Sea" is playing.

Leading: The waters of Lake Baikal rose,

Gray eyebrows shot up,

Eyes flashed with lightning,

A thunderstorm flashed in the sky.

Enraged Baikal jumped from his throne

Baikal: Stop, my daughter,

Don't leave me in your old age!

Leading: And from afar he heard the answer:

Angara: Sorry, father!

But I have no peace.

All my thoughts are about the Yenisei,

I love him more than my life!

Leading: Baikal in wild anger

He moved a stone from the mountain,

And Angara threw a stone after him.

Baikal throws a stone. (Formidable music sounds.)

Leading: The Shaman fell into the source - a stone,

A rush of love and heart fire.

In vain Baikal

Raged and raged,

Rising waves between the rocks.

Yenisei runs up to Angara, takes her hand and goes to the chairs.

Presenter: Many years have passed since then. People called the rock that Baikal once threw into the Angara the Shaman Stone. And Yenisei and Angara finally found their happiness.

They go into the distance, centuries pass -

But the river is still flowing.

Sings Angara's songs to everyone -

Let the children remember them!

Girls' dance moves to the song "Along the Angara"

Child: Well, you, mighty Baikal,

Don't miss your naughty daughter.

We all love you and will console you,

Let's amuse ourselves with ditties.

1. We were born on Baikal,

We live on Baikal.

We go to kindergarten together

We'll sing ditties here.

2. You are our father, Baikal,

Who called you gray-haired?

You're shining with beauty

You are strong and young.

3. Baikal has all the water

Clean, transparent,

Oh, if only it were my destiny

Bright, successful.

4. Near the Khamar-Daban mountains,

At the great Baikal,

We live like this happily

And we dance and we sing.

Leading: Why are you sad, beloved Baikal,

What is your surf sighing about?

Or someone evil, unforgiving

Does he sometimes mock you?

And Baikal sighed in response to me:

Baikal: I have lived in the world for thousands of years,

Nobody offended me

On the contrary, everyone respected...

But over the past half century

I don't recognize the person!

It's like pure water

He will never need it.

The children all run up to “Baikal” (character)

1 Child: Baikal is the only one on the entire planet,

There is simply no other option...

We are all yours, my Baikal, children,

And we are destined to live with you.

2nd child: Don't offend the sea, people!

Baikal also wants to live:

Play with the wave, arguing with the winds

And serve people faithfully!

3rd child: Preserving Baikal is a sacred matter:

His fate is in our hands

Nature itself told us

May our native Baikal live for centuries.

Leading: And I believe: Baikal will be

Glory to Russia to grow!

And our descendants will not forget us

Give it its due.

The song Glorious Sea sounds - sacred Baikal».

Baikal is a unique lake, one of the unique wonders of the planet, a truly natural shrine not only of Russians, but of all humanity. It is famous for its geological antiquity and the original forms of the animal and plant world, the origin of which has not yet been fully understood. The enormous size and depth of this lake, the amazingly clean and transparent water, rivaling in its color the best aquamarine crystals, emerald, and sky blue, make for fabulously beautiful shores. indelible impression for everyone who has visited these wonderful places at least once. Lake Baikal is located in Russia, on the territory of the Irkutsk region and the Buryat Republic. Baikal is a Turkic word and it comes from “Bai kul”, which means “rich lake”. And the Buryats call Baikal “Baigal-dalai”, which means “Baikal-sea”.

Scientists are still arguing about the origin of Baikal. On the one hand, it is believed that it is 25-35 million years old, on the other hand, the lakes do not live that long due to their siltation. IN last years The problems of using the resources and protecting the nature of Lake Baikal attract great attention of all our people. Interest in the Siberian lake, unique in many respects, is growing year by year.

City Library No. 2 hosted an event in the form of an environmental newsletter “Thunderstorms and Dreams of Baikal”, dedicated to the unique nature of Baikal, its unique flora and fauna, as well as existing serious environmental problems that cause enormous harm to the amazing lake and are slowly destroying it. The event was attended by young people from the “Center for Youth Projects”. The guys listened with interest to the history of the name of the lake, remembered that it is a World Natural Heritage Site and has the status of a lake-reserve, got acquainted with the geology and geomorphology of the lake (by the way, scientists still have not come to a general consensus on the origin of the Lake Baikal basin: some believe that this is a tectonic fault, others that the lake depression is the result of the slow subsidence of the earth's crust), with its climate, rich and varied, largely endemic animals and flora. Baikal is framed by a halo the most picturesque mountains and hills. This amazing lake often called the sea. Baikal is the largest repository fresh water. Interestingly, if all sources of drinking water suddenly disappeared and only Baikal remained, then all people globe, using its water, they could live for almost half a century. After all, it contains about 1/5 or 20% of the world's fresh water reserves and 4/5 of our country's fresh water reserves. Both the lake and its surrounding areas preserve unique flora and fauna around them. West Coast Lake Baikal is rocky and steep, while the eastern one is flatter. The shore of the lake is covered with an evergreen carpet of mighty taiga. This diversity of relief provides a refuge for the agile sable and feathered predators - eagles, as well as the unique freshwater seal, or seal, which is listed in the Red Book. The inhabitants of the forests near Lake Baikal are muskrats, brown bears, squirrels, chipmunks, gophers, marmots, foxes, wolves, and hares. The waters of Baikal are filled with various species of fish, the most famous: viviparous fish golomyanka, sturgeon, omul, whitefish. The lake, unique in its nature, has picturesque rocky islands. There are about 30 of them on Baikal. The most small island called Modota. Olkhon is the largest. Locals They call him Oikhon. Translated from Buryat, this word sounds like “little forest” or “a little wooded.” Olkhon is called the heart of Baikal. Clean air and clear lake water, mineral springs attract many tourists. Lake Baikal, with its unique organic world, can reveal the secrets of the evolution of animals and plants.

But unfortunately, due to the development of industry in Siberia, including in areas adjacent to Lake Baikal, the construction of a number of large enterprises in the woodworking, forest chemical and other industries, as well as non-ferrous metallurgy, often with gross violations of the environmental situation, over unique lake a mortal threat loomed. Saving Lake Baikal from pollution is an urgent task of our time. The young people present actively participated in the discussion of environmental problems of Baikal, admiring the beauty and uniqueness of the lake, and made suggestions on what could be done to preserve Baikal. Many children proposed specific environmental measures: to regulate logging in river basins flowing into the lake, to create warning posters, to ban moth-rafting of wood along rivers, to build wastewater treatment plants at enterprises, to raise the environmental culture of the population. Discussing serious environmental problems, the guys came to the conclusion that only reasonable, based on modern technologies, development natural resources Lake Baikal will help to obtain economic benefits and preserve this natural shrine for our descendants, and they also promised to be more careful and attentive to nature in general, because it depends on each of us to save or destroy the world around us.

Scenario Glorious Sea - sacred Baikal

Everyone knows about Lake Baikal. And it is this lake that our script for children is dedicated to. preparatory group and their parents. An interesting scenario with tasks about Lake Baikal and nature.

Program content:

Continue to introduce children to Lake Baikal with its inhabitants, give some historical knowledge about Lake Baikal; Expand words knowledge; cultivate a caring attitude towards natural heritage Siberia.

Educational: Consolidate knowledge about the native land and its attractions Lake Baikal; continue to introduce the diversity of our native nature; to form the idea of ​​children that man is part of nature and that he must preserve and protect it; familiarization with new musical material “Song about the lake of our region” - listening.

Educational: Develop the ability to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships and make generalizations; arouse interest in knowledge of flora and fauna native land; develop aesthetic perception, creative imagination, the ability to work together, assist each other in making a collage; develop logical thinking and speech of children through explanation and justification of their answer.

Educational: To cultivate love for your Motherland, for your Siberian region; to form a reverent attitude and pride for one’s small Motherland; develop the ability to work in a group.

Vocabulary work: Shaman-stone, Siberians, collage
Material: Illustrations and photographs about Baikal (plant and animal world); video about Baikal; recording of the song “Glorious Sea - Sacred Baikal”; whatman paper, glue, cut out drawings; napkins; brushes; jug with Baikal water.

Preliminary work: View the presentation "Baikal"; acquaintance with the legends of Lake Baikal; memorizing poems about Baikal with children, learning games,
Presenter, Baikal, Angara, children

Progress of entertainment(while I’m reading the legend, a slide of the Angara, Baikal, Yenisei, Shaman Stone is shown on the screen)
The song “Glorious Sea - Sacred Baikal” sounds

Educator: Baikal is stern and majestic. He keeps many secrets and mysteries. Not everyone opens them. You need to be well acquainted with him, have a clear head and a pure heart for him to reveal his secrets. And this lake is also the dearest and most beautiful for us Siberians. In the old days, mighty Baikal was cheerful and kind. He deeply loved his only daughter Angara.
There was no more beautiful woman on earth.
During the day it is light - brighter than the sky, at night it is dark - darker than a cloud. And no matter who drove past the Angara, everyone admired it, everyone praised it. Even migratory birds - geese, swans, and cranes - descended low, but rarely landed on the water. They spoke:
- Is it possible to blacken something light?
Old man Baikal took care of his daughter more than his heart. One day, when Baikal fell asleep, Angara rushed to run to the young man Yenisei.
The father woke up and splashed his waves angrily. A fierce storm arose, the mountains began to weep, forests fell, the sky turned black from grief, animals scattered in fear throughout the earth, fish dived to the very bottom, birds flew away to the sun. Only the wind howled and the heroic sea raged.
The mighty Baikal hit the gray mountain, broke off a rock from it and threw it after the fleeing daughter.
The rock fell right on the beauty's throat. The blue-eyed Angara begged, gasping and sobbing, and began to ask:
- Father, I’m dying of thirst, forgive me and give me at least one drop of water...
Baikal shouted angrily:
- I can only give you my tears!..
For hundreds of years, the Angara has been flowing into the Yenisei like tear-water, and gray-haired and lonely Baikal has become gloomy and scary. The rock that he threw after his daughter was called the Shaman's Stone. Rich sacrifices were made there to Baikal. People said: “Baikal will be angry, it will tear off the Shaman’s stone, the water will rush in and flood the whole earth.”
Only it was a long time ago, now people are brave and are not afraid of Lake Baikal... Educator: The Angara River - the waters are clean,
The islands along it are all wooded,
The islands along it are all covered in currants,
there is nothing more beautiful than my Motherland.
Scarlet dawns are burning above you,
The Angara River is Baikalov’s daughter!

Music is playing. Angara enters. He walks through the hall, shows himself, his beauty.

Angara: I am the queen of sparkling waters,
I am the beauty of the wild land;
My waters rush forward,
Swiftly to the north, shining proudly.
Between the hills and rocky cliffs,
Sometimes shining, sometimes darkening menacingly,
I'm rushing from where Baikal beats,
To the wide wave of the Yenisei.

Alarming music sounds, Baikal enters.

Baikal: I am the gray-haired old man Baikal,
I saw you right away
If you came with goodness,
We found friends here.
If you want to offend the water,
You won't be able to see its beauty.
Why did you come to us?

Children: Congratulations! Congratulations!

Educator: And now Father Baikal, listen to our poems. (Children read poetry)

1 .There are so many lakes in the world,
Baikal is the most beautiful of all of them!
The water is clean and your wind is fresh.
There is a whisper of centuries-old pines... (Elya)

2 . What kind of beauty has Siberia hidden?
She gave us a fresh lake!
Glorious Baikal - it is huge, like the sea,
How much is hidden in the vast expanse! (Sasha Sh)
Baikal: I also know a lot about you. And today, with my daughter Angara, we invited you to visit us
Angara: We have prepared many interesting and difficult tasks for you. If you complete them all, then prove that you are real Siberians. But first you need to warm up.

Mass dance "Opanki"

Baikal: And so off we go!
1st task.
Educator: Guys, look at the screen, there are 4 different lakes, one of them is Baikal, let's find it among the others. “Find Lake Baikal among other lakes along the contour” (several contours are offered on the screen. I call the children.

Educator: The guys did a great job with the first task. Task 2 Guys! Baikal gave us its pebble! Let's play a game with him. We will pass it around and say any word about Baikal.
The game “Chain of Words” (with a pebble) is played.
Children, standing in a circle, pass a pebble from hand to hand and name a word that refers to Baikal - omul, cedar, pine, golomyanka, taiga, seal, Angara, taimen, wild rosemary, etc.

Educator: Well done, they played great. Now let's take a little rest.


Task 3.
Educator: Guys, do you know your region well? So here's the next task. Baikal has prepared questions for you and we will now play a mini-quiz. Your task is to answer the questions. To do this, we need to divide into two teams. (At this time, Baikal and Angara take turns handing out tokens to the children for correct answers)
1.What is the name of the river that flows from Lake Baikal? (Angara).
2.What edible berries grow on Baikal? (Lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cloudberries, honeysuckle, cranberries, stone fruits.)
3.What poisonous mushrooms do you know? (Fly agaric, pale toadstool, false honey fungus.) old is Baikal? (35 million)

5.What does the word “Baikal” mean? (Rich Lake)

6.Name the main mineral resource of the lake (water)

7. . What large mammals are found in Baikal? (Seal)

8. At what depths is there life in Baikal? (everywhere)

Educator: Dear Baikal, the guys know ditties about you, do you want to listen?

Baikal: Of course, I’ll be happy to listen with my daughter Angara.

1. We live on Olkhon (Everyone)
We chew dried biscuits and gingerbread.
And ditties about Baikal
We will sing for you now.
2. We live on Lake Baikal (Sema)
We sing songs together.
Join us in a circle
And sing ditties.
3. They invited me to visit you beyond Baikal, (Olesya.)
It’s a shame I didn’t go!
Now it would be far
Transbaikal bride..
4. We are swimming in Lake Baikal. (Elya.)
Here we drink holy water.
We will always be healthy -
We will bring joy to people.

Teacher: Task 4 Well done boys.
There are no less beautiful and amazing plants on Baikal. Nowhere on Earth are there such beautiful birds and animals as on Baikal. Birds surprise us with their singing, animals with their majesty, now we will remember them. Now pictures of plants and animals will appear on the screen, and your task is to recognize and name them. (An image appears on the screen with a fish unfamiliar to the children, the teacher introduces the children to it.)

Presentation on the screen of plants, birds and animals of Lake Baikal (background music)

Educator: Well done, you know the flora and fauna of Lake Baikal well.

An outdoor game related to animals or plants

Teacher: Task 5 Guys, I’ll read you a poem now and you listen to it carefully and then answer me a few questions.

I love Russian nature.
I want to save it from everyone
Her creations are wonderful
Givers of success.

My friends, comrades,
I want to tell you:
"Let's become friends
Protect nature!
Let's not litter anymore. Always keep an eye on her.
And she will be grateful
Our mother earth!
And we will punish
Such pests...
Protect nature
We will teach them.
And she will be magnificent
Bloom, smell.
Our Russian nature
The age will prosper.

Educator: Did you guys like the poem? (children’s answers) What does it say? (children’s answers)

And now we will remember the rules of behavior in nature. Let's play a game with you, the game is called “yes-no.” I read you the questions, if you agree with me, then clap your hands, if not, stomp your feet. (I invite the children to stand up)

Educator: Guys, why and why do you think it is necessary to protect nature? Who needs nature? (children's answers) Let's give a beautiful song to Baikal and Angara, called “Colorful Planet”.

Song "Colorful Planet"

Educator: Well, now you have definitely proven that you are real Siberians.
(children come out and recite poems)

1 child: Nikita B.
What is this, so blue?
Cold as ice, transparent as glass?
Perhaps the sky is caught in the pine trees,
Did glass roll over the rocks and onto the ground?
2nd child: Vlad
And what is this, so golden,
Shiny like a mirror, blinding your eyes?
Perhaps this sun went to sleep under the rocks,
Does it lie tiredly, closing its eyes?
3rd child: Pauline.
And what is it, not at peace all the time,
Perhaps it was a cloud stuck among the rocks?
And this is not a cloud, and this is not the sky,
And this is not the sun, but Lake Baikal! (all together)

Baikal: Yes, you have pleased me with your knowledge, I see that you love and know your native land.

Educator: Yes, children love and respect the nature of their native land, they are friends with animals, birds and insects.

Dance "Friendship"

Educator: Task 6 And we at Baikal won’t just let you go empty-handed, we will prepare a gift for you. Guys, let's make a collage for Baikal. I have a Sheet on it depicting Lake Baikal forest, but something is missing here. What do you think? (children's answers) I invite the children to make a collage.

Educator: Baikal, look at the gift we gave you.

Angara: And you, father, haven’t forgotten anything? How can you send such good kids home without gifts?
Baikal: Oh yes, I completely forgot! And as a farewell gift, I give all the guys my clean Baikal water. Drink it, it is very tasty and healthy.

Angara brings out a transparent jug with clean Baikal water. Baikal and Angara treat children with water. Children try Baikal water and say thank you.

Baikal: And now it's time to say goodbye.
Return to your waters,
You love your planet!
And do good only on it!

The song sounds "Glorious Sea - Sacred Baikal"
Baikal and Angara say goodbye and leave

Back forward

Attention! Preview The slides are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.


"Observe, study, explore"

  • introduce Lake Baikal, the unusual and mysterious phenomena of the life of the lake, the only river flowing from Lake Baikal - the Angara and the rivers flowing into Baikal, with its inhabitants (seal and fish);
  • teach to understand beauty, cultivate an ecological culture, a sense of responsibility for the fate of the lake, and a humane attitude towards animals;
  • promote a shared experience of success, joy from the ability to work collectively and achieve the desired result.


  • geographical map of Lake Baikal;
  • toy - boat, audio recording of the sound of waves;
  • pebbles from the lake shore, student work,
  • presentation.

Stages of the project:

Stage 1:

Students are divided into three groups, each of which works with additional literature. If necessary, seek advice and help from the teacher and parents.

  • Group 1: "Pathfinders";
  • Group 2: “Nature lovers”;
  • Group 3: "Livestock breeders".

Stage 2:

The collected information is summarized.

Progress of the lesson

Dear guys, today we are going on a trip by ship.

(Children sit around a geographical map of Lake Baikal.)

The first group makes the following messages:

First, let's look at the geographic map.

On the map, Baikal has the shape of a young moon. This is how it is seen from space. The lake is located in Russia, on the territory of the Baikal Territory and the Buryat Republic. Baikal is the deepest lake in the world, it is the planet’s well with clean drinking water.

If all sources of drinking water on Earth suddenly disappeared, and only Baikal remained, then all the people of the globe, using its water, could live for almost half a century.

The sea tempered and healed.
My strong grandfather
From any trouble
In Tuesk, like a conspiracy against illness,
Baikal brought me water.
A. Rumyantsev

Who knows why Baikal is called that?

All the peoples who inhabited the shores of Baikal - Buryats, Kyrgyz, Mongols, Evenks, Russians - called the lake in their own way. This name was probably translated from some other language. But from which one? Scientists suggest that the name of the lake was given by Turkic-speaking peoples - KURYKANS.

BAIKAL is a Turkic word from BAYKYUL, which means RICH LAKE.

So, the command "Gathering!"

(The toy - a boat is put on the card.)

Great. Close your eyes and imagine that our ship is sailing on the sea, rocking on the waves.

(Audio recording of wave noise sounds .)

Baikal is surrounded on all sides by mountains and highlands, sometimes they come close to the water itself, sometimes they move 10 - 20 km away from the shores.

The Primorsky Ridge stretches along the western shore of the southern part of Lake Baikal. Further to the north it gives way to the Baikal ridge. The Barguzinsky ridge stretches from the northeastern tip of Baikal, the Ulan-Burgasy ridge stretches along the eastern shore, and the Ikatsky ridge to the north of it. Along the eastern shore is the Khamar-Daban mountain range.

Thus, the guys told us where Baikal is.

What mountains and ranges surround it.

Let's rest now.

Phys. just a minute:

We rest peacefully and fall asleep in a magical sleep. Inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale. I hear the sound of the sea, the breaking waves and the rustling of coastal waves. The wave talks to me and says: “Relax, calm down, rest. Feel the clean air of the sea: Warmth and light caress the body. Relax and listen to the silence.

It's good for us to rest, but it's time to get up. Clench your fists tighter and raise them higher. Stretch, smile, open your eyes and wake up.


The journey continues.

There is the Angara River. It originates in the southwestern part of Baikal, cutting through the low Primorsky ridge. The total length of the Angara is 1826 km.

The Angara has a fast current and clear water. It freezes late and opens early.

Angara - river,
The waters are clear,
The islands along it are all wooded,
The islands along it are all covered in currants,
There is no more beautiful country than my homeland.
Scarlet dawns are burning above you,
Angara - river - daughter of Baikalov.
M. Trofimov

Teacher: Shaman - a stone - is it just a pebble?

It is located in the middle of the sea from Irkutsk.

The myth of the Shaman stone.

In the old days, mighty Baikal was cheerful and kind. He deeply loved his only daughter Angara. There was no more beautiful woman on Earth.

During the day it is bright - brighter than the sky, at night - darker than a cloud. And no matter who drove past the Angara, everyone admired it, everyone praised it. Even migratory birds - geese, swans, cranes - descended low, but the Angaras rarely landed on the water. They said: “Is it possible to blacken something light?”

Old man Baikal took care of his daughter more than his heart.

One day, when Baikal fell asleep, Angara rushed to run to her lover, the handsome Yenisei.

The father woke up and splashed his waves angrily. A terrible storm arose, the mountains began to weep, forests fell, the sky turned black from grief, animals scattered in fear all over the earth, fish dived to the very bottom, birds flew away to the sun. Only the wind howled and the lake raged - the hero. The mighty Baikal hit the gray mountain, broke off a rock from it and threw it after the fleeing daughter.

The rock fell on the very throat of the beauty. Blue-eyed Angara begged, gasping and sobbing, and began to ask: “Father, I’m dying of thirst, forgive me and give me at least one drop of water:”

Baikal shouted angrily: “I can only give you my tears!”

For hundreds of years, the Angara has been flowing into the Yenisei as water - a tear, and the gray, lonely Baikal has become gloomy and scary. People called the rock that Baikal threw after his daughter SHAMAN - STONE. Rich sacrifices were brought there. People said: “Baikal will be angry, it will tear off the SHAMAN STONE, the water will gush and flood the whole earth.”

Yes, Baikal can be different - harsh and inhospitable, when stormy winds carry cold and a large number of precipitation in the form of rain and snow; calm and majestic when in calm weather the sun plays in the Baikal wave.

Baikal is beautiful at any time of the year, especially in summer. Summer on Baikal - best time when the water heats up and colorful hills rage, when fish play generously near the shore to the cries of seagulls, and at every step along the road you encounter either raspberries or honeysuckle. Summer on Baikal is joy!

Physical exercise.

Baikal is unique; it is not for nothing that Siberians call it not a lake, but a sea.

Look at the map.

Which large rivers flow into Baikal? (Selenga, Upper Angara, Barguzin, Turka, Snezhnaya). Well done.

336 rivers flow into Baikal, but only one flows out - the Angara.

Do the rivers that flow near our city flow into the lake?

Let's follow up:

The Mykyrt River into the Balyaga River, Balyaga into the Khilok River, Khilok into the Chikoy River and Chikoy into the Selenga. And Selenga? To Lake Baikal.

THIS MEANS that our small rivers carry their waters into a huge lake. Therefore, they should not be clogged.

Neither a fish nor a whale.
Who is she - go and find out!
He catches fish and is silent.
Did you guess it? (this is a seal)


The most important resident of the lake is the seal.

The seal lives in the waters of Lake Baikal. The seal is closest to the terrestrial predators of the bear family, but is adapted to water. The seal belongs to the order of pinnipeds (teacher's explanation). And she was named so because her forelimbs were transformed into flippers, which serve her for movement. The seal's tail is short and there are no ears at all. In mid-March, a seal calf, a squirrel, is born on the ice in a snowy lair. The squirrel is 60 - 80 cm long and weighs 3 - 3.5 kg, its fur is white. The cub is so white that only two large black eyes stand out against the background of snow. The seal feeds on fish that it catches in the water. You can stay under water for 20 - 25 minutes. In calm weather, the seal swims around Lake Baikal and sleeps with its muzzle out of the water, its flippers spread to the sides. In winter, the seal does not come to the surface of the ice; it breathes through a hole that it makes in the thin ice. The Baikal seal is listed in the Red Book.

Seals are trainable. They obey the trainer, for which they receive a treat - a long-winged goby (fish). They know how to breakdance, sing, laugh and blow their mustaches noisily.

There are a lot of fish in Baikal. Currently, there are 58 species of fish in the lake, the most famous among them are omul, grayling, and whitefish. Sturgeon has become very rare. There is much less of it than sorog, perch, and ide, which are found in the bays of Baikal.

Our journey ends.

We will make a panel from the works that you have prepared.

(The names of ridges, rivers, and inhabitants of the lake appear on the map of Baikal).


  1. Children's encyclopedia (various years of production and publication)
  2. N.I. Esipenok "Baikal - lake of fairy tales" Irkutsk

Watch the presentation "Sacred Baikal".





Baikal Day Scenario

Bolshoye Goloustnoe village.

Before the start of the holiday there is cheerful music, stand decorations,

exhibition of arts and crafts of residents

Goloustnensky municipal district.

The melody of the song “Glorious Sea, Sacred Baikal” sounds -

This is the signal for the start of the holiday.

Sounds phonogram and everyone sings a song

“Glorious sea, sacred Baikal” (1 verse and 1 chorus).

1 ved: I love the sacred lake

Transparent sea Baikal

He is very powerful, wide

Spread among the rocks.

2 leads: If minor anxieties have disappeared from your soul after meeting an ordinary earthly miracle, it means that you have met Baikal.

And you and I have gathered to experience tenderness and pride in our unique, inimitable land.

The floor for congratulations is given to the Deputy Head of Goloustnensky municipality Zhukova Olga Mikhailovna.

1 ved: The Motherland begins with memory,

From honoring our origins

From the coat of arms, anthem, Russian banner

With respect for the covenants of the saints.

2 leads: Today is an unusual day; today the streets of our country look more elegant than ever. Because today Russia celebrates National Flag Day! All countries of the world, all states existing on earth, have their own flags. They are a distinctive sign. State flag- this is the history of the country and its present day. A symbol of the unity of the country and the independence of our people. The national flag is raised during ceremonial events, holidays and at this time the Anthem always sounds Russian Federation. And now, under the banner of the Russian Federation, SMIRONO!

(The child solemnly carries out the flag.)

After this, the Anthem of the Russian Federation is played.

1 ved: We have many guests at the holiday. The floor for congratulations goes to the chairman of the Irkutsk regional public organization “All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation” Vera Mikhailovna Shlenova.

The floor is given ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


1 ved: Bells are ringing, floating over Russia

This chime gives us no peace

It conquers the soul and makes you think.

The floor for congratulations is given to priest Sergius, rector of the Church of St. Nicholas in the village of Bolshoye Goloustnoye.

2 leads: Holy sea!

Dear Baikal!

There is no equal to you

You have sunk into my soul.

1 ved: You look around - and your soul is light

And in the heart there is a song

So, freely, widely

And sweetly the song is about native land sung

And the blood boils and the heart beats proudly,

And you joyfully listen to the sound of the words:

“I was Baikal’s daughter,

This is the land of my fathers."

The folk ensemble “Baikal - Dalai” is invited to the stage!

(A song about Baikal sounds).

2 leads: Dear Baikal, I live only by you,

I draw strength from you,

I breathe only you.

(The song “Thunder Baikal” plays.

Music by Knyazev. Words by Korchagin).

1 ved: The sun laughs tenderly

Shines brighter, hotter

And from the stage the song flows

About my side.

(Song plays ___________________________________).

2 ved : There is just a temple

There is a temple of science

And there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding reaching out

Towards the sun and winds.

He brought it to any Times of Day,

Open to us in hot and cold weather.

Come here, be a little hearty,

Do not desecrate her shrines.

1 ved: What can each of you do?

2 leads: Firstly, do not pollute the environment.

1 ved: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has this rule: “You got up in the morning, washed your face, put yourself in order, immediately put your planet in order.”

2 leads: (cleaning up the shore of Lake Baikal)________________________________________________


We would like to express our gratitude for participating in project activities to protect the nature of Lake Baikal: These are Faina Petrovna Mangaskina, Lyudmila Pavlovna Kozlova, Olga Anatolyevna Zvonova, Larisa Glebovna Chikalina. Thank you for devoting a lot of time to protecting Lake Baikal and instilling in our children a responsible attitude towards nature.

Faina Petrovna Mangaskina gives the floor.

2 leads: Our children study the secrets of the nature of the Baikal region in the lessons of “Baikal Studies” and “Ecological Tourism”. The school pays a lot of attention to environmental issues. The guys write projects, participate in various competitions and promotions.

The floor is given to the deputy head of the Goloustnensky municipal formation, Olga Mikhailovna Zhukova.

(Presents gratitude to the school director).

1 ved: Lake Baikal - the joy of the whole Earth

Better not to find in world of beauty,

This is a mirror of happiness, love

Please take care of him!

Don't let anyone offend him

Even to your best friend

Protect him like your own mother,

And love it like it’s a dear place.

Baikal will remain in our hearts forever.

With its beauty it will captivate people forever.

Second part.

"War in People's Memory."

(The melody of war songs sounds).

2 leads: Today is a holiday on Lake Baikal,

And my soul is light, but for this day to come

The people living here had to work hard.

1 ved: During the Great Patriotic War

132 soldiers stood up to defend the Motherland,

56 gave their lives for her.

(The melody “REQUIEM” plays).

1 ved: It is not true that from that war,

All that remains are the burial mounds,

She is alive as long as we are alive.

And twenty years have passed

And forty years have passed,

And seventy have passed,

But we didn’t warm up from that war

She and I are united in memory and heart.

2 leads: And of course, on this holiday we cannot help but congratulate our veteran Vasily Andreevich Belozertsev. Dear Vasily Andreevich, good health to you and peaceful skies above your head!

1 ved: There was no war here

To burn bread and huts,

There was no war here.

Where would the soldiers fall?

But there was a war here

No easier than that bloody one.

But there was a war here

Where women mowed down

But there was a war here

But there was a war here

Where the boys plowed

But there was a war here

Where they also died.

2 leads: The labor front helped forge the Great Victory. And we would like to note the merits and congratulate our home front workers and widows of the Great Patriotic War. This:

    Arefieva Pelageya Andreevna

    Barkhokova Ulyana Vasilievna

    Burzaeva Ustinya Buzaevna

    Bardanova Pelageya Petrovna

    Bardanova Alexandra Butukhanovna

    Bortosova Olga Buzaevna

    Belozertseva Agrafena Mikhailovna

    Bortosova Ulyana Ivanovna

    Bakhaeva Tatyana Trofimovna

    Bakhaev Pyotr Alekseevich

    Grigorieva Maria Egorovna

    Galkin Alexey Ivanovich

    Mikhailova Vera Iosifovna

    Manzheev Nikolay Prokopyevich

    Petcheev Egor Alekseevich

    Putilova Tamara Ivanovna

    Strekalovskaya Raisa Petrovna

    Bortosova Dora Alekseevna

    Imideeva Fedora Prokopyevna.

1 ved: Please accept a musical number from us in honor of the Baikal Day holiday.

The third part

« Good people live on Baikal."

(The melody “My Village” sounds).

1 ved: Good people live on Baikal.

They decorate it with their deeds,

I'll walk around the village, what's not a house is a toy.

2 leads: The owner and the hostess are trying

They are going to the competition.

The floor to sum up the results of the competitions “Best Estate”, “Best Palisade” is given to the Deputy Head of the Goloustnensky Municipal Formation Olga Mikhailovna Zhukova (1. Certificates for the Best Estate; 2. Certificates for the Best Palisade; 3. Gratitude to sponsors; 4. Gratitude for participation in exhibitions of bouquets, crafts, newspapers and photographs).

Amateur arts block.

Musical numbers.


Fourth part.


1 ved: The land of Baikal is famous for its heroes!

We invite the heroes to measure their strength.

2 leads: The “Baikal Hero” competition is announced. What is a holiday without national wrestling (The venue is announced, the judge and participants are introduced. Then competitions are held in weight lifting, tug of war, arm wrestling (male and female), volleyball).

The jury sums up the results and awards the participants.

Fifth part.

“Flash – mob “Yokhor”.