Hotel maintenance. Hotel: concept, types and their characteristics

There are two main groups of hotels in the global hotel stock: for permanent residence and for temporary residence. In turn, they are divided into: 1) transit hotels, serving any contingent during a short-term stop; 2) business hotels serving persons on business trips and business trips; 3) hotels for recreation (tourist, resort, etc.). For all these hotels, general mandatory requirements have been developed for the period of temporary residence of clients, the availability of conditions for accommodation, food, personal services, as well as specific requirements due to the need to satisfy clients taking into account their requests.

Depending on the purpose of the hotels, the characteristics of the categories of tourists served and some other factors, there are such types of hotels as motel, camping, rotel, flotel, boat, tourist base, tourist shelter.

Let's take a closer look at the following types of hotels:

Aquatel is a stationary ship, taken out of service as a means of transport and used as a hotel.

Apart-hotel is a hotel consisting of apartments, the price of which does not depend on the number of guests living in it. Designed for self-service, including guests preparing their own food, therefore the rooms must have kitchens with the necessary equipment. In Europe, a type of apart-hotel has developed - an “anonymous boarding house” - a form that allows apartment owners to enter into an agreement with an agency for the rental of their living space - one of the apartments of an ordinary residential building. A small one can also be offered as an “anonymous boarding house”. a private house; sometimes the owner of the house rents out several rooms, and his family lives in the rest.

Tourist base - a tourist complex located on a route with active modes of transportation, which includes premises for active rest tourists. Usually it accepts tourists making hikes with active modes of transportation: mountain, water, skiing, walking. As a rule, tourist centers are located in picturesque places, in gorges, at the edge of the forest, etc.

Business hotel is a specialized hotel serving businessmen. The first business hotel was opened in 1908 in Buffalo (USA) by Ellsworth M. Statler under the name "BUFFALO STATLER" and provided businessmen with the maximum amenities for that time: the presence of individual door locks, running water, toilet rooms, switches at the doors, bathrooms in each issue, free morning newspaper. Business hotels began to develop at the fastest pace in the 20s. It was during this time that the world's largest hotel, the STEPHEN'S Hotel, was built (1927), later renamed the CONROD HILTON and marking the beginning of the Conrod Hilton hotel empire.

A boat is a small hotel on the water, which can be used as an appropriately equipped vessel.

Bungalow is a small building made of light materials used to accommodate tourists. Widely distributed in international youth tourist centers.

The most primitive accommodation facilities in the world are the so-called guest houses, where the only service provided is accommodation.

Congress hotel is a hotel specializing in receiving and serving guests of congresses and exhibitions.

Resort hotel is a hotel specializing in receiving and serving tourists who come to a given place for the purposes of rest and recreation. Its concept includes the provision of premises and additional amenities to serve individual visitors, families and group tourists arriving on Sundays and holidays. IN last years Many resort hotels, in order to level out occupancy in the off-season, began to pay attention to congress and business tourism, which are the second and third most important market segments.

City resort hotel is a city hotel that has a special material base for the recreation of guests: recreational centers with sports equipment, swimming pools, as well as direct connections with tennis and swimming sports clubs.

A resort congress hotel is a hospitality enterprise whose main clients are companies whose participants combine participation in congresses with relaxation. In addition to meeting rooms and specialized equipment, it may have its own golf courses, ski slopes, etc., as well as a special leisure service.

A dacha is a second recreational dwelling owned by a private individual and used by him for recreation. The first dachas in Russia appeared at the end of the 19th century; they were concentrated along railways- the main transport artery used by summer residents on pendulum trips from the city to the country and back. The dacha is used mainly in the summer and is aimed at family vacations.

The inn is the oldest enterprise in the hospitality industry. Known since the 1st century. BC e. (The Roman Empire). They were located along the main roads to serve traveling officials and merchants, and later pilgrims. Main services: accommodation and meals.

An ecological village is a socially organized territory that provides recreation in a natural environment using traditional Russian accommodation facilities (hut) and food. In Russia, it is planned to create an ecological village under the auspices of the WTO in the Galichsky district of the Kostroma region.

The ecological village provides natural behavior for tourists, observation of domestic animals, and other elements of the agro-recreational complex.

Camping is a camp for car, motorcycle, and bicycle tourists, usually located in the countryside, sometimes not far from a motel. Camping tourists are provided with places to stay overnight, often in tents or summer houses, equipped with kitchens for individual cooking and some basic amenities.

Motel - hotel located near highway. A roadside hotel, in which, in addition to comfortable rooms, motor tourists are provided with parking spaces with appropriate services. A motel is a means of accommodating motor tourists, adapted for family accommodation and family services, without the need to pay for the full range of services, as hotels offer. Thus, motels offer a limited range of services for more low prices than hotels.

The first motels appeared in the USA in the 50s. XX century, when Kem-mono Wilson built one of the first hotels for motorists - the HOLIDAY INN. In the early 90s. The share of vacancies in US motels was 38%.

Hotel is a traditional type of hotel enterprise, located, as a rule, in big city or a significant recreational site, with a large staff of service personnel providing a wide range of additional services and a high level of comfort. The largest hotel in the world, Ambassador City Jomtien, is located in Pattaya, Thailand. It has 5,100 rooms.

A boarding house is an accommodation enterprise that has become widespread in world practice. Accommodation in a boarding house is much cheaper than in regular hotels. It does not fall under the category of stardom, since it is not obliged to meet standards; it is a free company. A traditional boarding house has a small number of rooms and usually accommodates up to 10-20 people. Most often it belongs to one family, which serves guests. Only homemade breakfast is included in the room rate. The guesthouse is characterized by an atmosphere of cordiality and warmth, which, along with low prices, attracts clients.

Rotel is a mobile hotel, which is a carriage with single or double rooms - sleeping compartments, which also have changing rooms, a shared kitchen and a shared toilet.

Fotel - floating hotel, big hotel on the water, a specially equipped vessel. It is sometimes called a “resort on the water.” In addition to comfortable rooms, tourists are provided with a wide range of active recreation services: swimming pools, a gym, video libraries, water skiing, equipment for scuba diving, etc. Such hotels are also equipped with halls for congresses and concerts, libraries, premises for temporary offices and operational communications facilities. Hotels on the water - chartered comfortable ships - have recently been often used to organize specialized travel and cruises, such as business tours, congress tours, training tours, etc.

Hotels are distinguished according to the following criteria:

Room capacity

  • Small (up to 150 rooms),
  • medium (from 150 to 299 rooms),
  • large (from 300 to 600 rooms),
  • mega hotels (more than 600 rooms).

The minimum occupancy of hotels depends on national, regional conditions and applicable standards and is usually 7-10 rooms. (Russia – 10 issues, Italy – 7 issues.)

Functional purpose

1) target hotels which include:

  • business hotels – hotels for tourists whose main purpose of travel is professional activity (business, commerce, meetings, conferences, exchange of experience, training, professional exhibitions, product presentations). This category includes business hotels, congress hotels, congress centers, and departmental hotels.
  • holiday hotels – hotels for tourists whose main purpose of travel is relaxation and treatment. This category includes: resort hotels, boarding houses and holiday homes, tourist and sports hotels, casino hotels.

casino hotels

Such hotels are most often located in the same building as the casino. The main source of profit is the casino, and the hotel is an additional service to attract regular players. Hotels offer their guests a restaurant with a buffet: a buffet, a small cocktail bar and game rooms.

boutique hotels

Boutique hotels are often located in historical buildings and have a small number of rooms. The main clientele of such hotels are wealthy people who need an intimate atmosphere. Minimum public areas, rooms of the highest class, exclusive interiors, small elite restaurants and personalized service - this is what distinguishes boutique hotels from other hotels.


Hotels offering their guests a huge selection of various wellness programs and activities. Diets, nutrition, medical supervision and treatment, specially designed exercise programs, massage and therapy, as well as educational educational programs. Many resort hotels offer SPA programs, but not all of them can be called SPA hotels. The SPA hotel maintains strict supervision over guests and the implementation of prescribed programs. A SPA hotel guarantees its guests this or that result after staying there.

2) transit hotels, providing services to tourists during short-term stops. Such hotel enterprises are located on air routes (airport hotels), on highways (motels), on railway routes (station stations), on water routes (hotels near ports).


Simple modular one- or two-story structures located in suburban areas near highways. These are small or medium-sized enterprises (up to 400 places). Additional services include TV and vending machines with soft drinks. Characterized by average quality of service with a small number of staff. Compared to hotels, they offer a limited range of services at lower prices. The clients are different categories of tourists with an emphasis on educational autotourism.

3) hotels for permanent residence

Comfort level

  • Luxury hotels

Luxury hotels are located in largest capitals world in the city center, most often in historically significant buildings that are architectural monuments. In this case, the number of rooms in the hotel is dictated by the available space. There are from 75 to 500 of them. In fact, it is an independent and autonomous city within a city, providing a full range of services. This segment is distinguished by expensive interiors created using natural and expensive materials, with the participation of famous designers. Hotels offer wide choose room categories - from a standard business room with a bedroom and work area equipped with the latest technology, to a presidential suite with huge expanses of rooms, terraces, jacuzzi, sauna, library, meeting rooms and personal staff. The level of service and prices in such hotels is the highest among accommodation facilities.

  • Full service hotels 5*****

Hotels with a pronounced commercial focus are aimed at individual business tourists. Located in the center major cities in close proximity to the largest business centers. The infrastructure of such hotels includes restaurants, bars, conference rooms, meeting rooms, a fitness center and a swimming pool, and a store with basic necessities and souvenirs. Services are varied and traditionally include: 24-hour in-room dining, business center, concierge and valet services, shoe shine and daily newspapers, airport shuttle, coffee maker and trouser press in every room, express dry cleaning and laundry, and services taxi and car rental. Wireless Internet is available in all public areas and Internet access in every room. Congress hotels also fall into this category. Congress hotels are characterized by great total area rooms for conferences and seminars. Unlike other hotels of this type, the coefficient of conference space is calculated from an indicator of 2.87 to 3 sq. m for one guest room. There are also large dance halls and a set of small meeting rooms. Some hotels provide auditoriums and cinema halls. In hotels of this category, the predominant room is a room with two double beds. Congress hotels have a developed infrastructure, offer a variety of bars and restaurants, and strive to maintain an individual and personalized level of service.

  • Full service 4**** hotels

Unlike the five-star segment, this segment is characterized by a reduced range of services. 4**** hotels are in demand by business tourists who do not require the full range of services provided in full-service five-star hotels. This segment is also popular among travelers and tourists who are looking for more comfortable hotels than just four-star ones.

  • Full-service hotels of a reduced type. Four-star hotels with catering establishments.

Four-star hotels with food services are the most common type of accommodation in the world. They offer guests small lounges and rather limited restaurant options. Business services, namely fax and photocopying at the Front Desk. As a result of this savings on hotel maintenance, the administration can reduce prices for room stays.

  • Short service hotels.

Short service hotels can be divided into three subgroups: four-star short service hotels, economical three-star hotels with breakfast (they may not have restaurants at all) and budget ones. Budget hotels differ from economical three-star hotels in the smaller size of the rooms and a reduced range of additional services that are common for economical ones. The attention of the owners of such hotels is focused on overnight accommodation for tourists, and not on their food. This approach allows you to reduce the cost of a room by 30% compared to full-service hotels.


  • city ​​center

Hotels located in the city center are aimed mainly at business tourists and corporate events. Depending on the number of restaurants near the hotel, it may offer a very limited selection of food options. The level of service and variety of additional services in such hotels are dictated by the environment - office, exhibition and business centers and their level. The main requirement for a hotel located in the city center is to have its own parking or underground garage. In case of their absence, places are rented in underground garages located in the immediate vicinity.

  • suburb

Suburban hotels are often located near office centers, industrial and industrial areas remote from the city center. The entire infrastructure that exists in the city center becomes accessible thanks to the appearance of such a hotel. The architecture of such hotels always wins over hotels in the city center due to lower construction costs and greater opportunities for efficient planning.

  • highway, highways

The main clientele of hotels located near a highway or major thoroughfare are business tourists or leisure travelers. Accessibility, convenient access, visibility from the highway - all this is necessary for the normal functioning of such hotels. The infrastructure in such hotels is poor. Usually there is a restaurant in the hotel or next to it, there are practically no meeting rooms, there is a small swimming pool and an area for active games. Some hotels include hot drinks, route maps and atlases in the room rate. The occupancy rate of such a hotel can be influenced by several factors - the cost of fuel, new technologies in the automotive industry, the introduction of a new high-speed route in this direction.

  • airport

Located in close proximity to or on airport grounds, these hotels are aimed at business travelers, small conferences or business meetings. They also accept airline related guests. For example, crews and passengers from delayed flights. Agreements with airlines are a kind of guarantee of hotel occupancy. But the rates at which rooms are sold for visitors in this category are low (for pre-reserved “blocks”). The higher the percentage of hotel occupancy with such guests, the lower the average price per room per night. Typically, these hotels offer free scheduled transfers to and from the airport.

  • business and exhibition centers

Hotels located near business centers calculate their occupancy based on events held in the centers. They offer a selection of bars and restaurants, additional meeting and conference rooms, and leisure facilities.

  • resorts

Resort hotels attract tourists who come to relax, participants corporate trips and parties. They offer several restaurants and bars, recreational facilities and shops. These hotels traditionally provide a service such as booking excursions on resort or historical themes.

  • hotels as part of multifunctional complexes

Accommodation of hotels as part of multifunctional complexes (offices, retail, exhibition and entertainment centers) is beneficial for the entire project and allows you to diversify the risks associated with the construction and operation of the facility. The type of hotel, its configuration and set of additional services depend not only on the external environment, but also on the unified concept of the complex.

Duration of work

  • working all year round;
  • working two seasons;
  • single-season.

duration of stay

  • For long stay clients;
  • for short stay clients.

Price level

  • budget,
  • economical,
  • average,
  • first class,
  • fashionable.

Type of property

  • state,
  • municipal,
  • joint stock,
  • departmental,
  • public associations,
  • private enterprises,
  • joint ventures, etc.

Providing food

  • hotels providing full board(accommodation + three meals a day).
  • hotels offering accommodation and only breakfast.

Brief summary of the topic

6.1. Historical development hotel business

The historical development of hotel service began with the Roman Empire and Ancient Greece. The vast territory of the empire, the need for Roman officials to visit individual provinces, trade relations with neighboring states, and the strict class structure of the Roman state inevitably influenced the network of inns and taverns. With the collapse of the empire, the inns also fell into disrepair, and only with the onset of the late Middle Ages (500–1300) and especially during the Renaissance did trade and travel begin to revive again.

The evolution of the hotel industry in countries of all continents took place according to the “inn-hotel” scheme. The time period was up to several centuries, which can be clearly seen in the development of these services in America. The first inn on the American continent appeared in 1607, the first commercial hotel in 1974, and only in 1828 did the Tremont Hotel open in Boston, the first first-class hotel in the United States, which became a role model. A turning point in the hotel business was the opening of the Buffalo Statler Hotel in 1908. The new owner, Elevort Statler, built and organized this enterprise in a completely new way, aimed exclusively at businessmen. Part of these amenities included door locks, running water, light switches at the doors, toilets and bathrooms in every room, and a free morning newspaper.

In Russia, hotels originally existed in the form of inns -

accommodations for the night with a courtyard for horses and carriages passing through (usually with a tavern) and monastery farmsteads - inns for monks and embassies coming to Moscow. In the 16th–17th centuries. Most of the metochions in Moscow were concentrated in Kitay-gorod - the Novgorod metochion, the Trinity metochion (Trinity-Sergius Monastery).

The very first hotels were opened in Moscow back in the mid-18th century. At the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries. special buildings were built for hotels according to the design of the architect V.P. Stasov on the Boulevard Ring, on the squares of Prechistensky, Nikitinsky, Sretensky and Pokrovsky Gates. At the beginning of the 19th century there were 7 hotels in Moscow, by the middle of the 19th century there were already several dozen. In the second half of the 19th century, “furnished rooms” also appeared. By the beginning of the 20th century. in Moscow there were already about 40 hotels, among them “National”, “Metropol”, etc. The largest were “Grand Hotel”, “Boyarsky Dvor”, “Novomoskovskaya”, “Europe”, “Slavic Bazaar”. In the early 20s and late 30s. construction of the first Soviet hotels began (“Severnaya”, “Moskva”, “Kyiv”, etc.). By 1940, there were 12 hotels with 4,000 beds in Moscow. However, during the Great Patriotic War, many cities in our country were destroyed and burned. The entire national economy suffered significant damage, especially in the temporarily occupied territory.

The hotel industry was also significantly affected. Nevertheless, in the post-war years, in these difficult conditions for the country, the possibility of allocating funds not only for the restoration of destroyed hotels, but also for the construction of new ones was sought. By the mid-50s. hotel complexes were built in Moscow: “Altai”, “Vostok”, “Zarya”, “Ostankino”, “Ukraine” and “Leningradskaya”. Already in 1960, in the Soviet Union there were 1,476 hotels in 1,364 cities, the capacity of which reached 143,700 beds. Between 1960 and 1975 the number of places increased by 30%. As a result, by 1980, the USSR hotel industry consisted of about 7,000 enterprises, and their one-time capacity exceeded 700,000 places. At the same time, 65% of hotels were under the jurisdiction of municipal authorities of local Soviets. Along with the development of the material base of tourism in the traditional tourist areas of the country, much attention is paid to expanding the networks of hotels, campsites, and boarding houses in the Urals, the Far East, and Siberia.

6.2. Current state hotel business in Russia and abroad

Today there are 190 thousand accommodation enterprises in the world, of which 30 thousand

Hotels of various levels. The annual turnover of the hotel business exceeds $250 billion. Thus, the income of accommodation enterprises in Europe is US$80 billion, North and South America – US$68 billion, Asia – US$30 billion, Australia – US$12 billion, Africa – US$10 billion. In terms of the number of hotel beds in 1996, 38% were in European countries, and 35% in America. The dynamic development of tourism has spurred the expansion of the hotel network and the number of beds in them. The number of rooms is growing especially rapidly in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and the Middle East, where the number of hotel beds has increased by 29 and 20%, respectively, compared to 1992.

As for Russia, in 1999 the total number of hotels, motels and hostels for visitors was 4225 with 358 thousand beds. Compared to 1992, the total number of these accommodation facilities decreased by 37.9%, and their capacity - by 26.2%. If before the transition to market relations, almost all hotels were state and trade union-cooperative property, now 1236 enterprises are private property, 752 are mixed Russian property, 109 are joint Russian-foreign property, 8 are completely foreign property. At this stage, the state and municipalities owned 35.2% of all accommodation enterprises. Of the total number of accommodation facilities, government statistics single out hotels themselves; they amount to 3,387. In the structure of hotels by class, hotels of the 1–3 star category predominate (87%), and 4–5 stars account for 13%. The vast majority of luxury hotels are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. As for the sanatorium-resort base, in 1992 there were 6,931 sanatorium-resort organizations and holiday homes in Russia with 1,084 thousand beds. In 1998, their number decreased to 4525, and the capacity to 732 thousand seats.

In 1999, Russian accommodation enterprises received 15,021.1 thousand people, including 82.8% Russians, 6.9% CIS citizens, and 10.3% visitors from foreign countries. Guests made a total of 43,489.1 thousand overnight stays. The main place among visitors was taken by citizens from Russia and the CIS countries with professional and business purposes, in second place - leisure and recreation, for this purpose there were more foreign citizens than citizens of Russia and CIS countries.

In general, the following factors are noted in the demand for hotel accommodation:

50% are business trips;

40% of trips are leisure;

10% – job search, visiting relatives and friends.

Assessing economic activity hotel enterprises It should be noted that the load factor was 33%, that is, it returned to the level of 1996. In 1999, a decrease in natural production volume hotel services combined with a constant increase in the value of production of services, primarily due to rising prices.

The hotel industry's revenues amounted to 14.1 billion rubles last year. Hotels in Russia are characterized by a very modest role of food services in generating income. Their share for this period accounts for 15%, while the share of room sales is 73%.

It should be noted that today the problem of increasing the comfort of rooms remains very relevant. The quality of services provided at accommodation enterprises is evidenced by the fact that 81.2% of these enterprises did not decide to undergo voluntary certification. Basically, hotels under joint Russian-foreign ownership agreed to this procedure. For example, abroad, anonymous auditors from an association of 125 luxury hotels in 25 countries conduct quality assessments in 2 days, answering 1,600 questions, including 5,000 sub-items.

6.3. Classification of accommodation facilities

When classifying accommodation establishments, various systems are used, of which there are more than 30.

Depending on the purpose and service features, all enterprises are classified according to:

· location:


Outside the city;


Hotels located on the water;

· forms of ownership:


Departmental (ministries, concerns);

Public organizations;


Together with foreign capital;

Entirely foreign capital;

Mixed in Russian ownership;


Small (at least 100 beds);

Medium (100–150 seats);

Large (more than 500 places);

· purpose:

Business hotels;


operating mode:



Mixed action.

Tourist accommodation facilities in Russia - any facility intended for temporary accommodation of tourists (hotel, tourist center, etc.)

In accordance with the State Standard of the Russian Federation (GOST - R 51185-98), all accommodation facilities are divided into collective, specialized and individual, which unite the corresponding accommodation enterprises.

Thus, collective accommodation facilities include: hotels, motels, live-in clubs, furnished rooms, dormitories, and boarding houses.

Specialized accommodation facilities are, in fact, collective facilities, but with specificity: dispensaries, sanatoriums, labor and recreation camps, congress centers, public means of transport (trains, yachts, cruise ships), hunter's houses, land water transport, converted into accommodation facilities. Individual accommodation facilities are apartments; rooms in apartments, houses, cottages for rent.

According to the WTO definition, hotels are collective accommodation facilities,

consisting of a certain number of rooms with a single management,

providing specific services (room service, room and bathroom cleaning) and grouped by services and available equipment.

According to the “Rules for the provision of hotel services in Russian Federation", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 1997 No. 490, a hotel is a property complex (building, part of a building, equipment and other property) intended for the provision of services.

Hotel classifications are as varied as the classifications of accommodation facilities (Table 1).

End of table 1

In addition, there are a number of foreign hotels:

Rotel – hotel on wheels;

· aquatel - a ship moored at the pier and designed to accommodate


Botel – a small hotel on the water;

Flotel is a large hotel - “resort on the water”, where vacationers are provided with

water skis, boats, fishing gear, underwater sports, etc.;

· flytel – “flying hotel” – air hotel.

6.5. Criteria for evaluating hotel enterprises

All hotels, depending on the size and types of residential and office premises, equipment, level of comfort of rooms and public premises, services provided and other factors, are classified into categories and categories. The purpose of the classification is to determine whether a particular hotel, as well as its rooms, meet established criteria or service standards. Numerous attempts to develop an international classification of hotel enterprises have been unsuccessful. Each country has its own local approaches to classification, and in the United States, placement requirements vary even by state.

In general, hotel classifications can be divided into two main groups. The first group is the “star” system, which is based on the French national classification. According to this system, the category of hotels is established by assigning a certain number of stars (from 1 to 5). It is common in France, Austria, Hungary, China, Russia, and Egypt.

The second group is based on the Indian system (points), it is based on the assessment of the hotel by an expert commission.

Under the “star” classification system, the following hotel parameters are assessed:

· characteristics of the room stock, namely the area of ​​the rooms, the proportion of single rooms, one-room and multi-room, the presence of communal amenities in the rooms and on the floors, the comfort of the rooms (the minimum number of rooms for all categories of hotels is set from 7 to 10).

· equipment and interior design;

· information support, including the availability of telephone, telefax and teletype communications;

· availability and characteristics of elevators;

· characteristics of public premises, cinema and conference halls,

halls, premises for business meetings, recreation, sports, etc.;

· availability and characteristics of food establishments: restaurant, canteen, grill bar, cafe, buffet, etc.;

· ensuring the possibility of providing trade services, consumer services and other additional services;

· characteristics of the building, access roads, infrastructure development;

· arrangement of the territory adjacent to the hotel.

6.6. Requirements for accommodation facilities in Russia, and

In the Russian Federation, according to GOST R 51185–98 “Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements” for accommodation facilities the following basic requirements are imposed.

1. Accommodation facilities must have:

Convenient access roads with the necessary signs, paved pedestrian

Landscaped and well-lit surrounding area in the evening;

A hard-surfaced area for short-term parking of vehicles and the necessary reference and information signs.

2. Residential and public premises must have:

Lighting – natural or artificial;

Cold and hot water supply and sewerage; in areas with outages

water supply must provide a minimum supply of water for at least a day, and water heating;

Heating that maintains the air temperature in residential premises at least

Ventilation (natural or forced) providing circulation

air and preventing the penetration of foreign odors into living quarters;

Telephone communications;

Passenger elevator (if necessary).

3. The living room should have:

Furniture (bed, bedside table, table, chair, wardrobe), equipment (bedside rug,

mirror, etc.) and bedding according to the number of residents;

Thick curtains or blinds to darken the room;

Radio Broadcasting Network;

Ceiling (wall) and bedside lamps, electrical sockets with voltage indicator;

Door locks with internal safety lock.

4. The bathroom in the room must be equipped with a washbasin, toilet, bath or shower. If there is no bathroom in the room, accommodation facilities must have sanitary facilities for common use (at the rate of 1 toilet, 1 washbasin and 1 shower for no more than ten people, separate for men and women).

5. Collective accommodation facilities for tourists must provide:

Household service room, area for washing and drying clothes with necessary equipment and inventory;

Premises for providing food services or self-catering facilities;

A room or part of a room for watching television programs and other cultural events;

Luggage storage;

Devices for convenient access for disabled people: inclined ramps at the entrance doors for wheelchair access, elevators, specially equipped rooms and a toilet.

6. Service personnel providing services to accommodation facilities must have qualifications appropriate to the work performed. The staff must create an atmosphere of hospitality, comfort, show friendliness and politeness.

7. Tourists living in collective accommodation facilities should be provided with a minimum range of services:

24-hour reception;

Catering services or self-catering facilities;

Daily cleaning of the living room (including making the bed) and bathroom (except

hostels, labor and recreation camps, tourist shelters, parking lots, camping);

Change of bed linen - at least once a week, change of towels - at least once every three days;

Sending, receiving and delivering letters and telegrams;

Storage of valuables and luggage;

Medical assistance: calling an ambulance, using a first aid kit;

Tourist information.

Depending on the type of accommodation facilities, services may vary and be supplemented. Specialized accommodation facilities, in addition to providing accommodation services, provide health and medical services, sanatorium and resort services, tourism, sports and others in accordance with their specialization. Ensuring security is one of the important problems of hotels, which is being solved today with the help of new technologies. Travelers around the world now demand a higher level of security than before. Currently, there are three types of systems: television surveillance systems, access control systems and burglary protection systems (cameras, locks and sensors). Another effective tool is in-room electronic safes.

6.7. Modern forms of management of hotel enterprises

At the present stage, it is problematic to say why hotel chains

have gained such popularity. Nevertheless, experts cite a number of reasons for the search for new forms of management of hotel enterprises. Among them are the following. If in 60–70 years. XX century Galloping inflation allowed hotels to inflate prices for their services, but the fight against it deprived them of this opportunity. Other reasons include high competition in the most popular destinations and an economic downturn that has led to a decline in tourist arrivals. Thus, these factors have led hotels to search for new forms of management.

A hotel chain is an association of several hotel enterprises into a collective business under a single management and a single brand.

The advantages of hotel chains are obvious both for the hotels themselves and for clients, since in this case the consumer clearly understands the quality of a well-known brand.

The most popular hotel chains are Hyatt Hotels, HolidayHospitality, Hilton Hotels Corporation, Sheraton Hotels and other chains.

However, you can also enter the hotel chain as an associated member. In this case, it is not a collective business. A franchise agreement is used here.

Franchising according to the International Association of Franchise Organizations

(MAFO) is a long-term relationship in which the franchisor provides a legally protected right to engage in certain business activities, as well as assistance in organizing these activities, training, implementation and management for a fee from the franchisee.

When franchising, the franchisor certainly expands the market for its services, which is more significant for it than the remuneration from the franchisee. The franchisee reduces the costs of promoting its product, since it uses a well-promoted trademark, sign, know-how, and also minimizes the risk of its activities in the first years of operation.

6.8. Organizational structure of the hotel and characteristics of its divisions

The organizational structure of a hotel is a reflection of the powers and responsibilities assigned to each of its employees (Fig. 2).

The first line of defense in a hotel is the receptionist service, the main functions of which are reservations, accommodation, check-in and check-out, and settlements with clients. In addition, this service is the main information center of the hotel.

The porter service usually includes a doorman service (meeting arrivals, carrying luggage to the lobby) and a bellhop service (showing a guest to the room, delivering luggage to the room).

There is a service of stewards in a number of four- or five-star hotels, whose duties in the classical sense of this position include providing each room with fresh towels and giving the room an elegant appearance.

It is necessary to understand that the organizational structure may vary. This is influenced by factors such as the legal form of the enterprise, the type of hotel, the variety of services provided, and the number of staff.

Rice. 2. Organizational structure of the hotel enterprise

The use of copper for making cookware is strictly prohibited due to the high toxicity of some of its compounds.

In addition to metal utensils, ceramic, porcelain, earthenware and plastic utensils are used.

Dishes with broken edges and cracks are not allowed to be used.

The main requirements for culinary processing of food products are: maximum preservation of their nutritional value, exclusion of contamination and complete neutralization.

The whole variety of technological processes for manufacturing dishes and culinary products in catering establishments can be divided into two stages - mechanical culinary and thermal processing. The purpose of mechanical processing is to obtain semi-finished products used for preparing dishes and culinary products. This processing of raw materials involves defrosting products, removing various contaminants, inedible parts, washing, dividing products into parts that differ in nutritional value, giving them the appropriate shape and size.

Mechanical culinary processing of food products significantly affects the quality of finished culinary products. Therefore, it should be carried out in such a way as to preserve the nutritional value of products as much as possible, ensure the good quality of culinary products, and prevent microbial contamination of semi-finished products.

After mechanical culinary processing, a significant number of various microorganisms still remain in the products, including pathogens of infectious diseases, food poisoning, as well as worm eggs. The death of microorganisms begins after 50 - 60 C and above. However, it takes quite a long time for the food (especially inside) to reach this temperature. Therefore, in some cases, not all microbes (especially heat-loving forms and spores) die when the product reaches culinary readiness. And since cold dishes and snacks are naturally not heated before consumption, the likelihood of pathogens getting on them increases. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare these products immediately before use or store them at low temperatures, but also not for long. Unsold prepared food is cooled and stored at a temperature not exceeding 6 C for no more than 12 hours.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for enterprises in the hotel industry using the example of the Hermitage Hotel

Characteristics of the Hermitage Hotel

The Hermitage Hotel in Yekaterinburg is an example of a truly healing country establishment, where you can get away as much as possible from all the negatives of city life, admiring the beautiful view from the windows forest lake Shartash. Even the street on which the Hermitage is located is called Rest Street - which means that the place really is like that.

Year the hotel started operating: 1999.

The Hermitage Hotel has 24 rooms on three floors, the comfort, decoration and service of which correspond to the 3* category. The hotel is located in the city of Yekaterinburg, in the Kirovsky district, on the shore of Lake Shartash. Its pride is its own park, which occupies an area of ​​18 hectares: they love to hold weddings and other equally significant celebrations in this place. Nearby attractions include the Puppet Theater and the Church of All Saints.

The hotel has rooms with windows overlooking the lake or the famous hotel park. By category, rooms are divided into “1st category”, “Studio”, “Business Suite” and “Luxury”. Each room must have a telephone, TV, refrigerator, minibar, air conditioning, hairdryer, bathrobe and slippers. The higher category rooms also have transformable beds, chests of drawers, desks and showers with hydromassage. Some rooms have balconies.

Additional services:

The hotel, due to its advantageous location, offers a huge range of additional services. The Hermitage has its own water supply system, the source of which is an artesian well.

The hotel has an excellent, well-equipped conference room with 50 seats with multimedia equipment, a screen and a projector. Guests can enjoy a restaurant with 35 seats. Selected dishes of European and traditional Ural cuisine are prepared here, and celebrations such as weddings and anniversaries are often held. There is a bar, a Finnish sauna, and a massage parlor.

The highlight of the Hermitage Hotel is a house with a fireplace in a forested area. It is rented out to both hotel guests and city residents. There is a barbecue area near the house, and you can spend a cozy evening among friends or with your loved one. The entire territory of the hotel, including the park, is guarded around the clock.

Maintaining the linen department at the Hermitage Hotel

at the Hermitage Hotel they change the linen:

· bed linen once every 3 days;

· when foreigners move in - daily;

· change of towels - daily.

Since the hotel has only 24 rooms, there are only two linen storage rooms in the hotel.

These rooms contain clean and dirty linen. The premises are lined with glazed tiles. In the room for storing clean linen there is a closet and a rack, the shelves of which are covered with oilcloth, and in the room where dirty linen is stored there are floor racks painted with light-colored oil paint, a sink with cold and hot water supply.

In addition, there is a laundry and dry cleaning service, which are located in a single functional block. The performance of the technological equipment corresponds to the hotel’s capacity – 24 rooms, and its placement provides free access to them. To transport linen, trolleys made of material that can be easily treated with disinfectants are used; they are marked or vary in shape and color. The laundry uses only those detergents that have hygienic certificates.

Maintenance of premises in the Hermitage Hotel

During the construction and decoration of the premises of the Hermitage Hotel, we used environmentally friendly and safe materials that have passed hygienic certification and have a certificate of conformity.

All hotel premises are protected from ionizing and high-frequency radiation, including from internal sources (medical, kitchen, technical equipment, etc.).

All hotel premises are carefully cleaned by a special staff of maids and cleaners.

When cleaning hotel premises, cleaning equipment, cleaning equipment and cleaning materials are used.

They carry out such interrelated types of room cleaning as daily routine, intermediate (if necessary) and general.

Daily cleaning of rooms is carried out in the following sequence:

· ventilate the premises for 20-30 minutes in winter through a transom, a window, in summer through open windows;

Sanitary rules and regulations MosSanPiN

Hygienic requirements for the design, equipment and maintenance of Moscow hotels

(approved by the resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor for Moscow)

2.1.2. Design, construction and operation of residential buildings, public utility enterprises, educational, cultural, recreational and sports institutions

Law of the Russian Federation "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population":

“Sanitary rules, norms and hygienic standards (hereinafter referred to as sanitary rules) are regulations that establish criteria for safety and (or) harmlessness for humans, environmental factors and requirements for ensuring favorable living conditions.

Sanitary rules are mandatory for compliance by all government bodies and public associations, enterprises and other economic entities, organizations and institutions, regardless of their subordination and forms of ownership, officials and citizens" (Article 3).

“A sanitary offense is recognized as an unlawful, guilty (intentional or careless act (action or inaction)) that encroaches on the rights of citizens and the interests of society, associated with non-compliance with the sanitary legislation of the Russian Federation, including the current sanitary rules. Officials and citizens of the Russian Federation who committed a sanitary offense , may be subject to disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability" (Article 27).

I. Normative references

1.1. These sanitary rules (hereinafter referred to as the rules) were developed and approved on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” dated April 19, 1991, as well as the provisions of the following regulatory documents:

1.5. The selection of a land plot for the location of hotel buildings, projects for linking standard projects, individual and repeated use, as well as projects for the reconstruction and re-equipment (redevelopment) of buildings and premises of these facilities are subject to mandatory approval by the state sanitary inspection authorities.

1.6. The opening of newly built, reconstructed, as well as hotel buildings that have undergone repair and redevelopment is allowed only if there is permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service for the operation of these buildings and premises.

1.7. Hotel activities in Moscow are carried out only on the basis of a license, which is issued by the authorities of the Moscow Licensing Chamber in the prescribed manner.

1.8. Compliance with the safety of services provided during hotel activities in Moscow is confirmed by the results of mandatory certification (certificates of conformity), which is carried out in the prescribed manner by the bodies of the GOST R certification system.

1.9. A mandatory condition for licensing and certification of hotels is documentary evidence (presence of conclusions) from the sanitary service, which monitors safety within its competence. The conclusion of the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision on compliance with sanitary rules, norms and hygienic standards is a document confirming the compliance of the working conditions of workers and hotel services potentially hazardous to public health with the current sanitary rules, norms and hygienic standards in the hotel.

The conclusion is issued based on the results of a sanitary and epidemiological examination of services potentially hazardous to public health in Moscow hotels, incl. examination of regulatory and technological documentation, sanitary and hygienic examination of workers’ working conditions, assessment of the technological process, its impact on the environment and residents, and also, if necessary, based on the results of laboratory and instrumental control.

1.10. The sanitary service has the right to participate in inspection control over compliance with the requirements for certification services, primarily when carrying out unscheduled inspections in cases of receiving information about claims (complaints, complaints) regarding the certification service from residents, as well as when receiving information from the hotel management about changes in the characteristics of services, conditions of service, technological process, etc.

II. Sanitary requirements for the site

2.1. The area of ​​the site is determined by the design assignment or project, taking into account the location conditions, the nature of the urban environment, the functional composition and category of the hotel.

2.2. The site should include:

Landscaped areas in front of the entrances to public and residential premises (at the rate of at least 0.2 sq.m per resident);

Parking areas;

Areas for temporary parking of cars and buses;

Internal through passages, entrances to the main and other entrances to the hotel; entrances to underground garages or parking lots;

A utility zone with passage for freight transport.

2.3. The area for parking one car in parking lots should be no more than 22.5 sq.m.

2.4. On the sites of newly built hotels, individual parking for disabled people (at least 3 parking spaces) should be provided, as close as possible to the entrance to the building, and special devices (ramps, lifts) to ensure accessibility for disabled people in public areas of buildings and hotel territory in accordance with the VSN 62-91.

2.5. In the underground and ground floors of hotels, it is allowed to place parking lots for storing and parking cars, provided that a non-residential floor is located between the parking lot and the residential part of the hotel.

III. Sanitary requirements for the layout of hotel buildings

3.1. The hotel (in accordance with GOST R 50645-94) may include the following groups of premises and services:

reception and lobby, residential, cultural and leisure, sports and recreational facilities, medical services, consumer services, catering establishments, trade enterprises, business activities, administration and operation services, service premises, built-in and attached enterprises and institutions.

The presence of the first two groups of premises is mandatory. The composition of additional premises is not standardized and is accepted in accordance with the design assignment or project.

3.2. The residential group of hotel premises located in multifunctional buildings, as well as at facility hotels, must be functionally and planning separated and have isolated exits.

3.3. When a hotel includes groups of public premises operating for the city, isolated entrances from the street should be provided for them.

3.4. In newly built hotels, as a rule, conditions for access and accommodation of disabled people using wheelchairs must be provided. In this case, it is necessary to provide a reserve of single and double rooms with appropriate equipment, the width of passages and doorways, as well as devices for the movement of disabled people to horizontal and vertical communications.

3.5. Entrances to 4 and 5 star hotels must be equipped with sliding doors with electronic devices.

3.6. Placing residential premises in basements and ground floors is not permitted. Without natural light, it is not allowed to design apartments, residential premises, service and administrative premises with a constant operating mode. It is allowed to place service and administrative premises in basements and underground floors, provided that natural lighting is provided with the help of engineering devices (light guides, etc.).

3.7. The group of residential premises includes living rooms, floor-to-floor service premises, public premises (living rooms, children's rooms, etc.).

3.8. It is advisable to place rooms for disabled people in wheelchairs and for the visually impaired and blind on the 1st floor.

3.9. All residential rooms must have built-in wardrobes for outerwear, linen, luggage, located in the front or living room with a minimum calculation of 1 wardrobe (0.60x0.55 m) per resident (replacement of built-in furniture with cabinet furniture is allowed).

3.10. The volume of hotel premises (rooms including the front room) must be at least 15 cubic meters per person.

3.11. It is preferable to design living rooms with eastern and (or) western orientation. All hotel rooms must have natural light with the illumination of residential premises established by SNiP 23-05 -95, MGSN 2.06 -97 and MGSN 2.05 -97. The time of insolation of rooms is not limited. Rooms oriented towards the 180-270 horizon sector must have sun protection devices.

3.12. Floor service premises should, as a rule, be blocked, providing one block for 30 beds in 5-star hotels, 40 beds - 4 stars, 50 beds - 3 stars, 60 beds - 2 stars.

3.13. Floor-to-floor service rooms in one- and two-star hotels may be located across the floor. The minimum composition of the floor service premises can only be represented by the duty personnel room. The recommended composition (developed) and area of ​​floor-by-floor service premises is presented in Table No. 1.


Area in sq. m

Room for duty personnel with built-in premises

10 (16) 5 and 4 stars

Premises of the senior maid (head of floor management, wardrobe maid)

Pantry for dirty linen (in a hotel with up to 100 beds it is allowed to replace them with wardrobes)

Cleaning equipment storage room

Area for dismantling dirty linen at the laundry chute

Household service room

Shoe cleaning room (for 4 and 5 star hotels. For 2 star hotels and above, special shoe cleaning devices can be used on the floors or lobby)

3.14. When serving food to the rooms, a connection must be ensured between the main catering unit dispensing unit and the residential part of the hotel via service corridors and staircases, an elevator or using special lifts.

3.15. On the residential floors of one- and two-star hotels, the construction of public premises (bars, cafes, buffets, etc.) is allowed, provided that the residential premises are noise protected. Placing public premises adjacent to residential premises is not permitted.

3.16. Hotels, in accordance with their capacity and category, should include premises for consumer services and trade:

Hairdresser - 0.25 sq.m. m per person in hotels with 50-200 beds (provided for hotels of categories 3 stars and above. In hotels of categories 4 and 5 stars, a hairdressing salon should be designed - with a beauty parlor, rooms for massage, manicure and pedicure, etc.

Comprehensive collection point (minor clothing repairs, dry cleaning, washing and ironing, etc.) - 12 sq. m with a capacity of 50-300 seats, 18 sq. m with 301-500 seats

Transport ticket office - 3 sq. m for one cash register

Theater and other cultural and sporting events box office - 3 sq. m for one cash register

Retail outlets - 3-4 sq. m for one kiosk

Stores - according to design specifications

Consumer service premises should, as a rule, be designed separately and located directly next to the hotel lobby.

For trade kiosks for various purposes, utility rooms should be provided at a rate of no more than 3.0 square meters. m per kiosk located outside the public areas of the hotel.

3.17. The structure of hotels may include cultural, entertainment and leisure facilities of various types. The area of ​​premises, as well as their equipment and technological support should be taken in accordance with MGSN 4.17 -98.

3.18. The premises of hotels of categories 3, 4 and 5 stars should include premises for business activities and meetings. This group of premises includes (GOST R 50645 -94): a business center, representative offices of companies, business meeting rooms and meeting rooms, exhibition and showrooms with displays, auxiliary premises (communication services, printing equipment and computers, machine bureaus, translators, etc. .d.).

3.19. In hotels of 4 and 5 star categories, sports and fitness centers with a sports and (or) gym should be provided; in hotels of 5 star category - swimming pool with a sauna, in 4-star hotels - a sauna.

The one-time capacity of a sports hall or gym is assumed to be no less than 10% of the hotel capacity, saunas - no less than 1%. The water surface area of ​​a swimming pool is assumed to be 0.55 square meters. m for 1 place in the hotel.

3.20. The composition and area of ​​the main and auxiliary premises for physical culture and health purposes can be presented according to Table No. 2.

3.21. In hotels of categories 4 and 5 stars, a medical office should be provided for physical education and recreation facilities: with a capacity of up to 500 beds - 14 sq. m, with a larger capacity - up to 36 sq.m.

3.22. Administration premises should be grouped outside the main flow of residents, preferably on the ground floor.

3.23. Offices of hotel associations and tourist organizations of various types are allowed to be located in hotel buildings, provided that this does not reduce the comfort of living.

3.24. Laundry and dry cleaning should be located in a single functional block.

3.25. A hotel laundry should have the following set of main premises: a room for sorting and temporary storage of dirty linen, a washing workshop, a main workshop, a temporary storage room for clean linen (central linen room).

3.26. The placement of laundry production workshops should ensure the technological flow of laundry processing. It is prohibited to cross streams of clean and dirty laundry.

3.27. The productivity of technological equipment must correspond to the capacity of the hotel. The placement of technological equipment must provide easy access to them.

3.28. Trolleys or containers for transporting laundry must be made of a material that can be easily processed using disinfectants, and must be marked or differ from each other in shape and color.

3.29. Laundry staff must have separate dressing rooms and showers, arranged like a “sanitary inspection room”.

3.30. Detergents used in the laundry must have hygiene certificates.

IV. Sanitary equipment

4.1. Hotels should provide cold and hot water supply and sewerage in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.01-85 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings."

4.2. The quality of tap water must meet the requirements of GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water".

4.3. Hot water supply systems must ensure an uninterrupted supply of hot water at the designed temperature to all sanitary fixtures provided for by the design and installed in the relevant premises.

4.4. The temperature of the water supplied to hot water supply systems should be taken depending on the method of connection to the heating supply systems:

With a closed method (through a water heater) within 50-55°C;

With the open method (direct water intake from the network) - within 60-65°C.

The water temperature is maintained using a mandatory installed automatic thermostat. The temperature of water supplied to hot water supply systems, regardless of the method of connection, should be no more than +75°C.

4.5. To ensure uninterrupted hot water supply to hotels during preventative repairs and emergencies, the following should be provided: local water heaters operating on electricity (electric heaters, electric boilers, electric titans) and a second thermal input.

4.6. The hotel sewerage system must comply with the requirements of the SNiP chapter for the design of internal water supply and sewerage systems of buildings and ensure uninterrupted discharge of wastewater from all sanitary fixtures and wastewater receivers into the external sewer network. To prevent the formation of blockages, it is necessary to carry out preventive cleaning of sewer pipelines in a timely manner (at least once a year).

4.7. Ventilation systems must be made in accordance with the design and requirements of the SNiP chapter on the design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

4.8. Repair, adjustment and adjustment of mechanical ventilation systems should be carried out under contracts with specialized organizations.

4.9. The ventilation system must ensure standard air exchange in all rooms provided for by the project. The volume of supply or exhaust air must not differ from the design volume by more than 10%, and the temperature of the supply air must not decrease or increase by more than 2°C. Natural exhaust ventilation should ensure normal air exchange at outdoor temperatures of +5°C and below.

4.10. Adjustment of natural ventilation systems should be done by covering the exhaust louvers, starting with the grille of the lower floor and ending with the grille of the upper floor. The air speed in the cross section of the exhaust grille is determined by the readings of a vane onamometer. Before adjusting natural ventilation in hotel premises, the tightness of windows and doors must be eliminated. During severe frosts, in order to avoid overcooling of residential premises, natural exhaust from the premises should be reduced by covering adjustable ventilation grilles during these periods. Mechanical ventilation should be reduced or switched off during this period, but should act as natural exhaust ventilation. After the end of frost, ventilation systems should be fully turned on.

4.11. Malfunctions of mechanical ventilation units located in rented hotel premises are eliminated by tenants.

4.12. Air-thermal curtains must be installed by a specialized organization and ensure the supply of warm air to the main entrance vestibule or lobby at the appropriate temperature and in the required quantity. During operation, ensure that the temperature of the air coming from the curtain air supply devices corresponds to the data in Table No. 3, depending on the outside air temperature.

4.13. The air conditioning system must be designed in accordance with the design and requirements of the SNiP chapter on the design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning. The main requirements for the operation of air conditioning systems are to maintain the required air parameters in the serviced premises, while deviations from the norm are allowed: in terms of supply air volume + 10%, in temperature + 2 ° C, in relative humidity + 5%.

4.14. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems must provide comfortable microclimatic conditions in the hotel premises. The design air temperature in hotel premises (except for premises with special operating conditions) should be taken as 20°C. The maximum air temperature in residential and public areas of hotels should be no more than 26°C. Relative air humidity should be: in air-conditioned hotels - within 45-50%; without air conditioning - 30-65%. The amount of incoming outdoor air per person for residential premises is recommended to be within 60 cubic meters/hour. In hotels equipped with air conditioning systems, it is necessary to provide for bacteriological studies of water samples from air conditioning systems for the presence of the causative agent of legionellosis (The work is carried out by the N.F. Gamaleya Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences).

4.15. Garbage chutes in hotels are located in stairwells or in separate rooms. It is not allowed to install a garbage chute in the rest areas of service personnel. Garbage chutes must meet the requirements of the "Guidelines for the design of garbage chutes in residential and public buildings." The load on one garbage chute trunk is assumed to be up to 1,500 liters of garbage per day (with an accumulation of 0.2 liters per 1 cubic meter of living space in hotels. Planned preventive maintenance of the garbage chute should be carried out once every three years, and major repairs - once every nine years .

4.16. Malfunctions of waste disposal systems must be corrected immediately (failure to securely fasten valves and gates, disruption of ventilation, the appearance of dust from the garbage chute barrel when the valve is opened, the appearance of odors and insects from the valves, periodic blockages of the barrel, garbage chute, fire of garbage, cracks in the plaster near the valves and etc.).

4.17. Loading valves and the areas in which they are located must be kept clean. The valves must be washed at least once a week; after washing, they should be wiped, because The penetration of water into the trunk of the garbage chute is not allowed.

4.18. To reduce noise when opening and closing the loading valve and prevent the spread of odor from the garbage chute, it is necessary to monitor the serviceability of the rubber gaskets of the garbage chute valves and promptly replace them.

4.19. To prevent the spread of odors in hotel premises, ventilation of the garbage chute must ensure constant removal of air from the shaft through the exhaust shaft into the atmosphere. Every month it is necessary to check the operation of the exhaust ventilation of the garbage chute through the open opening of the loading valve in the lower and upper floors. The check should be made using an anemometer or by the deflection of thin tissue paper.

4.20. Every month it is necessary to mechanically clean the inner surface of the walls of the garbage chute using a rod with a “doll” type device attached to the end.

4.21. It is necessary to regularly thoroughly clean the hopper with brushes, moistened with soap and soda solution (100 g of soda and 25 g of soap per bucket of water), followed by rinsing and disinfection.

4.22. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for garbage collection chambers:

The walls of the chamber are lined with ceramic tiles, the ceiling is covered with oil paint;

The chamber must have a ladder connected to the sewer with a slope of 0.01 to the pit or ladder; sink and watering tap with hose, with cold and hot water supply;

Garbage from the cell must be removed daily;

After the garbage is removed, the chamber is cleaned and washed out with a hose. The garbage disposal room is periodically disinfected and deratized;

The garbage disposal room must have an isolated exit and not communicate with other utility rooms of the hotel.

It is necessary to ensure that the chambers are impenetrable to rodents; the door of the waste collection chamber on the inside and the threshold must be covered with sheet steel, have a tight seal along the contour and a locking device; open towards the street, the width of the doorway must be sufficient to transport a cart with a container or garbage bin, damage to the structures enclosing the garbage chambers must be carefully repaired.

4.23. The cells must be dry, have artificial lighting with the installation of dust-proof and moisture-proof lamps; the air temperature in the chamber must be above +5°C.

4.24. Collectors with garbage should be first removed from the garbage collection chamber at the time of removal; the selection of recyclable materials in the chamber is prohibited.

4.25. Containers with a capacity of 400-800 liters, located in the garbage chamber under loading, must be installed on a trolley, with the help of which they are rolled out of the garbage chamber for loading into garbage trucks.

4.26. When using portable garbage containers with a capacity of 80-100 liters, the chamber must contain such a number of collectors that will ensure the collection of garbage between the dates of its removal. It is necessary to promptly replace filled waste bins. The lids of filled garbage containers should be tightly closed. Every day, portable waste containers should be washed inside and outside under running warm water (45 to 60°C) with brushes. Containers (removed in container bags) must be delivered to the hotel premises clean.

4.27. In hotels, when collecting large amounts of garbage, they should use the removable bodies of garbage trucks, pressing and crushing of garbage.

4.28. In order to increase the efficiency and quality of cleaning work during new construction and complex overhauls, it is recommended that hotels with more than 400-500 beds be equipped with stationary centralized vacuum dust removal (CVD) systems.

4.29. To ensure efficient and economical operation of centralized dust removal systems, dust collection must be carried out according to a schedule approved by the hotel administration.

4.30. Wet dust separators (bubblers) used to clean the sucked air should be protected from freezing, and the dirty water in them should be changed after 2-4 weeks. Trapped dust from dust diffusers must be removed regularly. Fabric filters should be cleaned once a week.

4.31. The duration of cleaning when using the central air cleaner is per minute: 8-10 - for a single room with an area of ​​up to 20 square meters. m; 2-3 - for corridors with a floor surface of up to 10 sq.m.

4.32. Dust retained in the central air transport center should be placed in thick kraft paper bags for removal to specially designated areas, preventing it from flying around, spilling onto the floor surface and being stored openly.

4.33. The oxidation of air in residential and public premises of hotels of categories 4 and 5 stars should be no more than 6.0 mg/cub.m. The concentration of carbon monoxide in hotel premises should not exceed the maximum permissible concentration (0.002 mg/l), carbon dioxide - 0.1%, ammonia - 0.2 mg/cub.m, benzopropylene - 0.00 mg/cub.m

4.34. Hotel premises must be protected from ionizing and high-frequency radiation, including from internal sources (medical, kitchen, technical equipment, etc.) - in accordance with MGSN 2.02-97.

4.35. The maximum permissible levels of electromagnetic fields (electromagnetic field strength (NEMF)) in hotels should not exceed the values ​​​​standardized by MGSN 2.03-97 (1V/m) and other current documents; if necessary, it should be possible to reduce the level of NEMF by technical measures.

4.36. Standard indices of airborne noise insulation and reduced impact noise levels for residential, public and industrial premises of hotels should be adopted in accordance with the requirements of MGSN 2.04 -97. Special measures should be taken to protect rooms and public spaces from noise from corridors (noise-proof doors, seals in vestibules, installation of vestibules or second doors in the front, etc.) from noise and vibration produced by mechanical equipment (installation of shock absorbers, flexible inserts, suspensions, floating foundations, etc.).

4.37. In the construction and decoration of hotel premises, environmentally friendly and safe materials that have passed hygienic certification and have a certificate of conformity should be used.

4.38. In hotels with 300 or more lamps, technical rooms should be provided for cleaning and washing electric lamps and temporary storage in containers of used fluorescent lamps such as LV, LD, etc. - at the rate of 6 sq.m for every 300 lamps.

V. Equipment and maintenance of hotel premises.

5.1. The hotel's housing stock is equipped with hard, soft and low-value equipment in accordance with the requirements for hotels of various categories (GOST R 50645-94 "Classification of hotels").

5.2. All hotel premises must be thoroughly cleaned by a special staff of maids and cleaners.

5.3. Before starting work, the head maid and maid must be dressed in clean and well-ironed uniforms or overalls.

5.4. When cleaning various hotel premises, cleaning devices, cleaning equipment and cleaning materials are used.

5.5. Each maid must have a trolley for transporting clean and used linen, room cleaning products, as well as displays, the set of which depends on the category of the hotel (advertising materials, a set of writing instruments, soap, shampoo, bath gel, deodorant, swimming cap, mineral water, etc.).

5.6. The trolley is equipped in a special room as follows: the display is placed on top, then clean linen, on the bottom - dirty linen and cleaning products in plastic bags. Dirty laundry can be collected in large plastic bags and linen bags attached to the side of the cart; Disposable plastic bags should be provided for waste collection.

5.7. Transporting clean linen open is prohibited.

5.8. Rags used when cleaning rooms must be labeled and used strictly for their intended purpose.

5.9. There are several interrelated types of room cleaning: daily routine and general.

5.10. Daily cleaning of residential rooms should be carried out in the following sequence:

Ventilate the premises for 20-30 minutes in winter through a transom, a window, in summer through open windows;

Washing dishes and then covering them with a clean towel until the end of cleaning;

Making the bed with the obligatory turning over of the feather bed, shaking the sheet and duvet cover, fluffing the pillow (the feather bed or mattress cover and pillow must be in a cover, a woolen blanket in the duvet cover), for daytime maintenance the bed is covered with a blanket. Making the bed is done as follows: the sheet is spread out in such a way that one edge of it (towards the inside of the bed) is tucked under the feather bed (mattress cover), on the other, the outer edge, reaches the side of the bed; the pillow and blanket with duvet cover are straightened (covering the pillow); finally everything is covered with a blanket;

Removing dust from furniture (wiping inside cabinets, bedside tables, tables, TV, radio, telephone, etc.);

Removing dust with a vacuum cleaner from carpets, flooring, and floors.

5.11. During cleaning, it is strictly forbidden to stand on tables, sofas, chairs and other furniture.

5.12. In two-room rooms, the bedroom is cleaned first, then the living room, hallway, and then the bathroom. In a three-room suite, the bedroom, living room, office, hallway and bathrooms are cleaned accordingly.

5.13. When starting to clean bathroom fixtures, the maid should wear rubber gloves and an oilcloth apron.

5.14. Daily cleaning of bathrooms in rooms should be carried out in the following sequence:

The hanging shelf with mirror and heated towel rail are wiped;

Glazed ceramic tiles around sanitary fixtures are wiped;

The washbasin, bath (shower tray), bidet, toilet are washed;

The debris is removed from the pedal bucket, after which it is washed;

The rubber mat and finally the floor are washed.

After cleaning and hand disinfection are completed, glasses according to the number of people living in the room and the necessary set of items from the display are placed on the toilet shelf. Towels are hung on the towel rack (for each guest):

At least two in 1-2 stars;

At least three in 3 star;

At least five in 4-5 stars;

put out plastic bags for laundry, items to be washed and dry-cleaned; toilet paper (with spare roll).

5.15. In public showers, rubber mats are laid out on the floor of the cabin. For daily cleaning of public showers, the following procedure is observed:

Mirrors in changing rooms are wiped;

Dust is removed from banquettes and clothes hangers;

Wall soap dishes and rubber mats are washable;

The tiled walls are being wiped;

Remove debris from pedal bins.

5.16. General cleaning should be done once every 7-10 days. During general cleaning, the walls are wiped of dust, ventilation grilles are cleaned, draperies, mattresses, and feather beds are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, and the glass of windows and doors is wiped. During general cleaning, additional work may be carried out: washing carpets, carpet runners, etc. Curtains on the windows are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and taken to dry cleaning and laundry twice a year; tulle curtains are washed.

5.17. To disinfect hotel premises and equipment, disinfectants from several classes of chemical compounds can be used:

Class 1 - halogen-containing. This class includes mainly chlorine-containing disinfectants.

1.1. Anolyte (electrochemical activated solutions of sodium chloride) produced on STEL 4N-60-02, STEL-60-03, STEL-ION-120-01 installations:

1.2. Chloramine.

1.3. Precept company "Johnson-Johnson Medical" (USA).

1.4. Purzhavel "Pastile Javel effervesant" company "Hydrochim" (France).

1.5. Javelion "Noveltichlor" ETC Linossper (France).

1.6. Clor-Clean company "Medentek" (Ireland).

1.7. Klorsept company "Medentek" (Ireland)

Foreign drugs are available in tablet form, which is convenient for use.

Class 2 - oxygen-containing compounds. This class includes disinfectants based on peroxide compounds.

2.1. "PVK" (Russia).

2.2. "Peramin" (Russia).

2.3. "Virkon" company "KRKA" (Slovenia).

2.4. "Perform" company "Schulke and Mayr" (Germany).

Class 3 - surface-active compounds (surfactants). It includes quaternary ammonium compounds and amphoteric surfactants.

3.1. "Alaminol" (Russia).

3.2. "Sanifect-128" from Liquatech Industry, Inc. (USA).

3.3. "Forte-dez" JSC "Movek" (Estonia).

3.4. "Odo-ban" from Clean Control Corporation (USA)

3.5. "Newtral-Lemon" from ABC Compounding Company (USA)

3.6. "Daicide-4.5" from Daikon Products Inc. (USA)

3.7. "AFBC"

3.8. "Septodore" from "Darvet Ltd" (Israel)

3.9. "Septodore-Aroma"

3.10. "FD-312" from Dental Orohim (Germany)

3.11. "Microbak Forte" from Bohrer Chemie AG (Switzerland)

3.12. "Socrena"

3.13. "Germasept Plus" from Iplon (Belgium)

3.14. "Silva-Dez" JSC "Movek" (Estonia)

3.15. "Terralin" from Schulke and Mayr (Germany)

3.16. "Veke-Side" from Wexford LABZ Inc. (USA).

For disinfection measures, preparations related to oxygen-containing compounds and surfactants are preferable due to their environmental friendliness, lack of a pungent odor, and low level of toxicity.

Preparations from the surfactant group also have a cleaning effect. Disinfection modes for hotel facilities using some of the indicated means are presented in the table.


Name of disinfectant

Disinfection object

Solution concentration, %

Holding time (min.)

Processing method


premises, furniture,

one-time wiping


wiping twice

(sinks, toilets)

one-time wiping

Anolyte produced in the STEL-4N-60-02 installation



sled container technical equipment


Anolyte ANK produced in the STEL-ION-120-01 installation



sled container technical equipment




one-time wiping

sled container technical equipment

wipe twice with an interval of 15 minutes.





sled container technical equipment


wipe twice with an interval of 15 minutes.



0.75 according to ADV*

one-time wiping

sled container technical equipment

0.5 according to ADV*

wipe twice with an interval of 15 minutes.

2.0 according to ADV*

Diseffect (Sanifect-128)



one-time wiping

sled container technical equipment


wipe twice with an interval of 15 minutes.

Septodorus, Septodorus-Aroma



one-time wiping

sled container technical equipment

wipe twice with an interval of 15 minutes.



one-time wiping

sled container technical equipment




sled packaging technical





sled container technical equipment


wipe twice with an interval of 15 minutes.



sled container technical equipment



one-time wiping

sled container technical equipment

wipe twice with an interval of 15 minutes.

Tirralin (TRN-5225)

Room, sleigh container technical equipment


* - when the product contains 30% hydrogen peroxide;

** - ratio of solution components - agent: water.

5.18. In order to avoid the appearance of insects and rodents in the hotel, the administration must enter into a permanent agreement with the pest control station to carry out preventive treatment of all hotel premises.

5.19. The hotel must have a passport of the object subject to disinsection and disinfection.

6.1. The hotel's linen department includes a central linen room for clean linen, a central linen room for dirty linen (not available if the hotel has a laundry); floor storerooms for dirty linen and a daily supply of clean linen, warehouses (new linen) - see the area in Tab. N 1 clause 3.13. The area of ​​the central linen room must be at least 6 square meters for hotels with a capacity of 15-20 beds; 16 sq.m for hotels with a capacity of 50-100 beds; 30 sq.m for hotels with a capacity of 200-500 beds; 45 sq.m for hotels with a capacity of 800-1000 beds.

6.2. The number of sets of bed linen and towels should ensure the following frequency of linen changes:

Bed linen once every 3 days;

When foreigners move in - daily;

Towels are changed daily.

6.3. Rooms where clean or dirty laundry is located should be painted with oil paint (twice at a time) or tiled with glazed tiles.

6.4. In rooms for storing clean linen, cabinets or racks should be installed, the shelves of which are covered with oilcloth or plastic, and in rooms for storing dirty linen - floor racks 30 cm high or wooden chests painted with light-colored oil paint, sinks with cold and hot water supply .

6.5. Floors in linen rooms are covered with linoleum, plastic or Metlakh tiles.

6.6. Sets of additional bedding (mattress covers, pillows, woolen blankets, etc.) are stored in special cabinets for the staff on duty.

6.7. When receiving and issuing clean and dirty linen, the same employee is required to have two different gowns for work (when receiving and sorting dirty linen, personal protective equipment must be used: headscarf, robe, rubber gloves). After receiving dirty laundry, the employee must wash his hands and change his gown.

6.8. The central linen room, storage rooms where clean and dirty linen are located must be cleaned daily: racks (cabinets) or chests, tables for staff are wiped, floors are washed; held weekly spring-cleaning with washing walls, doors and removing dust from the ceiling.

6.9. There should be no foreign objects or personal belongings in the office premises.

6.10. Washing the laundry of residents in the absence of a laundry can be done by maids or a specially designated employee only in a specially equipped room. Washing linen in rooms and office premises is strictly prohibited.

6.11. If the hotel does not have a laundry service, the administration must enter into an agreement for washing clothes with a laundry factory in the city.

VII. Requirements for personal hygiene of personnel

7.1. The volume and frequency of medical examinations are determined by order No. 555 of September 29, 1989 “On improving the system of medical examinations of workers and drivers of individual vehicles.”

7.2. The administration of the enterprise, together with the sanitary service, must conduct a series of classes on the sanitary minimum, followed by passing a test before entering work. In the future, the frequency of classes is determined by the administration in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service based on the specific situation at the facility.

7.3. The contingent subject to mandatory preliminary upon entry to work and periodic medical examinations must have a personal medical record book of a single sample with the results of hygienic certification, preliminary upon entry to work and periodic medical examinations, and preventive vaccinations.

7.4. To carry out medical examinations, the administration must enter into an agreement with the appropriate medical institution.

7.5. Each floor of the hotel must be equipped with a first aid kit in accordance with Order No. 429 of 04/23/80.

7.6. In each hotel, the administration establishes internal rules, ensures peace, rest of residents and staff and proper sanitary order.

7.7. Each hotel must have a sanitary journal or folder with reports of the hotel inspection results, sanitary service instructions, laboratory test results, etc., with attached extracts of sanitary rules or a complete set.