Delicious food for the train. Food on the train

Eating on long-distance trains is usually total pain and suffering. Those who are not eager to enjoy such culinary delights as instant noodles or grandma's pies at stations may find this life hack useful.

Eating on long-distance trains is usually total pain and suffering. For those who are not eager to enjoy such culinary delights as instant noodles or grandma's pies at stations, a clever life hack shared by user Pikabu may come in handy.

Situation: you have to spend the next day or two on the train. It's expensive in the dining car; you can't bring enough food with you. How to be? Let's use our ingenuity!

On the wave, so to speak. Dedicated to everyone who did not have time to buy food for the trip.

Maybe it’s not new at all, and someone has been actively using it for a long time, or maybe it will be a discovery for someone.

In general, it so happened that my colleague and I ended up on the train for a day and a half without food. The prices in the dining car unpleasantly surprised us, but we still want to eat. And so a very simple idea was born: after all, you can order food at home, so why not to the station? To the carriage? Total: we looked at the nearest long train stop, googled “pizza rolls-delivery” in the city of the stop, called the operator, named the train number and carriage, and after an hour and a half, happy and satisfied, we ate delicious pizza and washed our happiness down with tea)

As the courier told us, this is not the first time such an order has arrived. In general, I shared my discovery, is it useful - no, it’s up to you to decide)

Every whim for your money! Well, almost anyone.

In December 2016, I was traveling from Omsk to Moscow to visit my sister, I left on December 25, (I was traveling alone in the compartment car) I ran out of food and beer, a few hours before Kazan there was a big stop (Agryz), I found food and drink delivery on the Internet , I called and asked if I could have pizza and beer for the train, they asked how long the train was and how long the parking was, and when they found out that there were still several hours before the train and the parking was 18 minutes. They said approximately the following: for your money at least a pr...ku - and that’s it, on time, the guy brought me pizza and 4 bottles of beer to the train!
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It turns out that there are quite a lot of such rummaged passengers.

I ordered pizza this way twice at the Volgograd train station. The address indicated Station Square. Before leaving, the courier called and clarified exactly where to go. The main thing is to calculate correctly when he arrives. In Dodo, for example, there are no problems with this. The courier must deliver the pizza within an hour. This means that if you place your order half an hour before the train arrives, everything will work out perfectly.

Moreover, our people figured out to use this method even abroad!

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Well, if you are not lucky enough to get mobile Internet on the train, during a long stop you can always walk to the nearest store.

Important and useful life hacks from a former McDonald's employee that will surely come in handy when you... next time you find yourself there.

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We travel by train: passengers in the lower berths have much more rights. Look:

This scheme is also very popular. Train romance!

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Interestingly, not only passengers, but also drivers use delivery to the train. Well, everyone want some pizza? By the way, we have it.

This is a familiar situation, only at that time I was working as a freight train driver. I was already heading back towards the house, in short they put us literally one station away from the house, and my assistant and I ate everything we could. In the end, we ordered pizza and rolls, it seemed like it took a long time to explain the address to the delivery guy, but he managed it handsomely and brought it straight to the cabin along the tracks. Probably the most delicious pizza I've ever had in my life.
But at the turn of the 90s and 00s, there were no such convenient online services. People got out as best they could.

When you board a long-distance train, for some reason you immediately begin to want to eat. Even experienced travelers notice this. The traditional set of travel products at one time consisted of those products that spoiled a little slower than others. But times have changed, and experts say that familiar products are no longer the best choice.

So, eggs may not be safe. The shell protects against infection for some time, but if it is cracked, this is an invitation for germs. Fried chicken is, of course, very tasty. And its crust really does a better job of preventing the penetration of bacteria, compared to boiled crust, which has a ready-made, nutritious, moist environment. But microbiologists say that without a refrigerator, in the heat, the protective effect will last for a maximum of a few hours. All attempts to fry longer, add hot spices, wrap in foil are not very reliable. The results of laboratory research indicate the same thing. Traditional grilled chicken turned out to be inedible after just three hours in the heat. And this can lead to serious poisoning.

What about sausages, which travelers also often take with them? In the course of research, it turned out that such products are indeed better than grilled chicken. At a temperature of plus 25, even after 12 hours of travel, of which six hours were open, the products turned out to be safe. It's all about a large amount of the preservative sodium nitrite and salt.

Georgy Dubtsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Food Industry Technology, Moscow State University of Food Production: “What I would exclude from this set: these are fermented milk products. You should not take dairy products with you on the road. And then I would eliminate the cooked sausage. Even the fact that it is in such careful packaging. Once you open it, you won’t eat it quickly.”

Are instant noodles good for train food?

Sergey Oblozhko, nutritionist: “Noodles themselves are a simple carbohydrate that gives us the necessary calories and the necessary energy. The most dangerous thing about instant noodles is the small colored bags that are added there; they need to be thrown away immediately or otherwise gotten rid of, because the main harm lies in these bags.”

These dressings contain a lot of salt, and its excess is fraught with heart problems and high blood pressure. By the way, the effect will increase if you drink it with sweet drinks. It's better to take plain water.

When going on the road, it is better to think through everything in advance and take food with you. Meat or fish is better in original packaging and so that it can be eaten at one time. Fruits and vegetables preferably with hard skin. And, of course, you need to take clean drinking water in a bottle. If any product in transit looks suspicious or smells strange, it is better to immediately reject it.

Today I’ll tell you what to take on the train with you in terms of food, clothing, hygiene products, entertainment, documents if you are going on a long trip. After all, you can endure it for a few hours, but on a long journey you want to feel as comfortable as possible.

I have a solid experience of riding trains since early childhood (often planes from my city are an expensive pleasure), so I decided to make a list of things that are worth taking with you on the train for those who travel less often or are setting off on their journey for the first time. And it doesn’t matter for one day, two days or more.

Read also useful materials on the topic:

What to take with you on the train?


The first thing you should definitely check before leaving home is documents and money:

  • train tickets,
  • passports,
  • child's birth certificate,
  • school certificates and power of attorney for the child (if necessary),
  • small supply of cash.

I recommend putting all your valuables in either a small fanny pack or a special cloth body bag so that you always have them with you. In principle, you can store them under the pillow, depending on what is more convenient and familiar to you. It’s better not to take a large amount of cash with you, much less let it shine (although it has become much safer on trains now), a small reserve is enough for small expenses, and the rest is on a bank card.

Source: latteedclc/Flickr


Take a change of clothes with you on the train. The main thing is that it is convenient for you personally.

  • flip flops - easy to take off and put on,
  • T-shirt/undershirt,
  • sweatpants/shorts,
  • jacket/turtleneck,
  • replacement regular socks/wool socks.
  • Earplugs and an eye mask are great for helping you sleep anywhere.

It all depends on the time of year and the specific carriage: in the summer it will be hot without air conditioning, in the winter some trains are poorly heated, so you have to put on warm clothes.

Source: Garrett Ziegler/Flickr

Hygiene products and cosmetics

It is mandatory to take hygiene products with you on the train, because even despite the apparent cleanliness, the carriages are not sterile.

  • toothpaste and brush (there are special travel cases for brushes),
  • soap and soap dish,
  • antibacterial wipes - they are convenient for wiping your hands and the table before eating, and in general they will come in handy in many places,
  • toilet paper,
  • paper napkins,
  • comb,
  • tonic for washing, cream, cotton pads and sticks for women.

You will be given a towel along with your bed linen, but you can bring your own if you want. It is convenient to put the washbasins in a special plastic package with a lock, so even if something leaks, the rest of your items will remain clean. I often have disposable bars of soap and toothpastes left over from hotels, and I often take those.

Source: symmetry_mind/Flickr

First aid kit

We always have a small first aid kit with us, even if we go to a neighboring city, not to mention long journeys. You shouldn’t pack a lot, but you should take basic medications with you on the train:

  • painkillers,
  • allergy remedies,
  • remedies for upset stomach and pain,
  • antipyretics,
  • patch, iodine,
  • specific medications specifically for your illnesses.

What food and drink should you take on the train?

The romance of the train, food and conversations with fellow travelers are inseparable. For our people, the process of eating on the railway carries some kind of sacred meaning :-) After all, as soon as the train leaves the platform, many immediately take out chicken, Rolltons and Doshiraki, boiled eggs, bread and tea - these are classics! And the way it smells... these are memories from childhood.

Dining in the dining car is not very tasty and, moreover, very expensive, so it is better to pack food with you. So, what food should you take on the train?

Remember that you should not take perishable products or food with a strong smell, as this can not only cause poisoning, but also cause inconvenience to your neighbors.

List of what to take on the train from food:

  • vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, boiled corn,
  • fruits: apples, pears, tangerines, bananas, oranges. Wash fruits and vegetables at home in advance, take not the most ripe ones so that they last a long time.
  • grilled chicken,
  • boiled eggs,
  • smoked sausage,
  • cheeses: hard or processed, wrap in foil,
  • boiled potatoes in their jackets, for the first time,
  • bread, preferably already sliced,
  • disposable instant porridges,
  • dried fruits and nuts,
  • sweets: caramel candies, gingerbreads, waffles, cookies,
  • tea bags,
  • sugar and salt,
  • drinking water.

Sometimes, when you’re not eating from home, you have to take noodles or instant potatoes, but I won’t recommend it, only as a last resort.

There is also an opinion that the water in titanium is not very good and rarely comes to a boil, but during my trips everything was ok.

Eating tasty and safe food during a long train journey is not an easy task, especially if the trip occurs during the hot season. Eating in station cafes is risky, and in the dining car it is also expensive. How to organize meals on the road so as not to go hungry and become a victim of food poisoning? What foods should you take on the train in the summer and what should you avoid? Tips for travelers.

Food on the train: the rule of three no's

"No" to perishable products

When creating a “travel” menu, give preference to products that can be stored at room temperature. No salads with mayonnaise or sour cream dressing, sandwiches with caviar or boiled sausage, or cakes with cream.

If your trip will last less than a day, a portable cooler bag is what you need. Take care in advance of freezing special cold accumulators: they will help keep food fresh and drinks cold for several hours.

“No” to strong-smelling foods and dishes

Boiled eggs, grilled chicken, sauerkraut and pickles, onions, garlic, smoked meats, any fish dishes and preserves, fast food, some types of cheese are the worst food on the train. Their smell in a stuffy, confined space is a real test for others. Take care of your fellow travelers, do not take strong-smelling products with you!

No to food that crumbles and gets dirty

Choose only those products and dishes that are simple and easy to eat. If food needs cutting, discard it or cut it in advance and pack it in an airtight container. Do not take with you anything that stains your hands, clothes and everything around you. Seeds, nuts in shells, crackers, chips, juicy berries or fruits splashing with juice are not the best choice for the train.

What food to take on the train: a list of the best foods and dishes for the train

The first place in the ranking of "travel" food is occupied by dishes that do not require cooking - noodles like "Doshirak" or "Rollton", instant soups and broths, mashed potatoes in jars, cereals and berry jelly from bags. They are affordable, easy to prepare, and do not require special storage conditions, which is very important in train conditions.

What food should you take on the train in the summer if you don’t want to eat processed foods? There are many options.

Vegetables and fruits. Thoroughly washed, dried and packaged in a container, fresh fruits and vegetables make an excellent snack on the go. Choose only the strongest specimens without signs of deterioration or damage. Hard, crunchy vegetables (cucumbers, carrots, sweet peppers, stalked celery) can be peeled and chopped in advance, but you will have to eat them first. You can also bake or boil potatoes in their jackets - they can be stored without refrigeration for 24 hours.

Nuts and dried fruits- another healthy snack option that does not require special storage conditions. Just take the time to wash and dry dried fruits before your trip.

Canned vegetables. Green peas, beans in their own juice or corn are also suitable as “road” food. If you plan to take a jar of squash caviar with you, remember that after opening it is not recommended to store this product without refrigeration.

Meat and poultry. A great idea for a healthy and satisfying snack on the road is fried or baked chicken fillet with spices, as well as baked beef (veal), boiled pork or roast beef. Pieces of chicken fillet or thinly sliced ​​meat are ideal as a filling for sandwiches and pita rolls. Just don’t pack the meat in plastic wrap or a bag, as it will spoil much faster. You can also take small cutlets or meatballs made from minced meat or chicken without sauce on the road. They do not need cutting and are tasty even when cold.

Pastries and bread. Unsweetened portioned pastries are a real find for those who are about to travel by train. All kinds of snack muffins (with zucchini, ham, olives), khachapuri with cheese, homemade pies with potatoes or cabbage can be stored without refrigeration for several hours. Sweet pastries should not be filled with cottage cheese or cream; it is better to choose simpler products, for example, pies with apples, prunes or dried apricots, buns with raisins, nuts or cinnamon. Choose bread that is already sliced ​​and do not store it in a plastic bag - there it can become moldy.

Sweets. Dry cakes, bagels, gingerbreads, cookies, biscuits, chewing marmalade, marshmallows, and marshmallows are stored without refrigeration and do not get your hands too dirty. Chocolate, chocolate bars and candies, and chocolate-coated products may melt. It is better to store them in a cooler bag or not take them at all.

Vacuum packed products. Hard cheeses and raw smoked sausages, packaged under vacuum conditions, can be stored without refrigeration for 24 hours without losing their taste. Under no circumstances buy boiled or liver sausage on the train: without refrigeration, they spoil quite quickly and cause severe food poisoning. The same goes for pates. If you plan to take processed cheese on the road, it is better to store it in a thermal bag.

Dairy and fermented milk products. If your trip lasts several hours, drinking and traditional yoghurts, fermented baked milk or kefir, as well as glazed cheeses and cottage cheese casserole are suitable as a light and tasty snack. It is recommended to transport these products exclusively in a thermal bag with cold accumulators. Milk in Tetra Pak is suitable for longer journeys: once sealed, it can be stored for quite a long time without refrigeration. Small 200 ml packages are available for sale, which is very convenient.

Cereals and breakfast cereals. Corn flakes, rice balls, stars, muesli and instant cereals do not require special storage conditions. If you have a long journey ahead, take buckwheat and a thermos with you. To get delicious boiled buckwheat, just pour boiling water over the cereal and leave it in a tightly closed thermos for 30 minutes. Another type of cereal that does not require cooking is couscous. To prepare it, you only need boiling water, salt and an airtight container with a lid.

Water and drinks. Don't forget to take a few bottles of drinking water with you, which you can chill in advance and put in your cooler bag. It is better to avoid sweet and carbonated drinks, as they do not quench your thirst; instead, it is better to take unsweetened berry juice, compote or kvass. You don’t have to take tea and coffee in bags with you; the conductor always has them in stock. It is also better not to take alcoholic drinks - their consumption on the train is prohibited.

What to take on the train besides food and water? On the road, you may also need sugar, salt and pepper, mustard or ketchup (all of which can be found in convenient portioned packets at the store), toothpicks, wet and paper napkins, alcohol-based hand sanitizer gel, a small kitchen towel, disposable dishes and utensils .

If your baby is breastfed, there are no special problems with organizing his nutrition. The same applies to artificially-bred children: the mother needs to take with her baby formula, a thermos with boiled water, and feeding bottles. It is better to buy specialized water for your child in advance and under no circumstances use water from the boiler on the train to avoid gastrointestinal infections.

The best food for a day on the train with a child is vegetable, meat, and fruit puree in jars. Canned baby food is safe for children, since when closed it can be stored without refrigeration for a long time. If necessary, you can heat jars of food in a small container of boiling water or ask a guide.

What food should older children take on the train? Thoroughly washed and cut into small pieces fruits and vegetables, unshelled nuts, washed dried fruits, whole grain breads and bars, cookies, crackers, instant cereals, breakfast cereals or muesli with Tetra Pak milk are suitable as a hearty snack. Don't forget to take drinking water in small bottles, juice or fruit drinks.

Do not take with you food that your child has not tried before, and do not buy ready-made meals and baked goods from station cafes and roadside vendors - they may be stale or prepared in appalling conditions.