Creepy and true urban legends. Mystical urban legends of the USA Mystical legends and myths

Hello, it's me again! Those who have read my stories probably remember me. Now I'm interested in the stories and legends of other countries... Scary ones, of course... Hee hee... Let's start with Japan... Let's go...


The Lika-Chan doll is a very popular doll in Japan. She is the Japanese equivalent of a Barbie doll. This doll was so popular that the manufacturing company decided to create a telephone line to advertise its products.

Children could call and talk to Lika-Chan. In reality, they simply heard a previously recorded message, but very quickly rumors spread that the children who spoke with Lika-Chan heard creepy words, such as: “I am coming to your house to kill you!”

This rumor gave birth to several urban legends:
Hello! This is Lika-chan!
One day, a young girl was cleaning her room. While sorting out her supplies, she came across the Lika-Chan doll, which she loved very much when she was a child. However, she decided that she was too old to play with dolls, so she took the doll out and threw it away with the other trash.

Or here are a couple more stories about Liku-chan
One day, a young girl was cleaning her room. While sorting out her supplies, she came across the Lika-Chan doll, which she loved very much when she was a child. However, she decided that she was too old to play with dolls, so she took the doll out and threw it away with the other trash.

After some time, the girl and her parents moved to another city. One day, she came home from school. Her parents were still at work. As soon as she entered home, the telephone rang in the hallway.

The girl hung up, thinking that someone was playing a prank on her. A little later, the phone rang again.

She hung up, and this time she was worried. After a while, the phone rang again.

The girl hung up again. This time she was scared. She wanted her parents to return home quickly. A few minutes later the phone rang again.

The girl was horrified, but continued to assure herself that this was someone’s bad joke. She went to the window and looked out from behind the curtain, but there was no one on the street. The girl sighed with relief.

The phone rang for the last time, and when she picked it up, she heard: “Hello, it's Lika-Chan! I'm standing behind you!

Here are a couple more stories about Lika-chan
Three-legged Lika-chan
According to legend, the company that produced the doll made a mistake in one of the batches. They accidentally made a doll with three legs. The dolls had already been taken to stores, and only there the error was discovered.

Although the company hastily recalled a batch of three-legged dolls, some of them have already been sold.

One evening, a young woman was walking in the park. She needed to go to the restroom, so she walked into a public restroom and entered a stall. Sitting on the toilet, she noticed what was on the floor next to her.

It was a Lika-Chan doll.

The woman wondered where the doll came from in such a place. Maybe someone threw it away? She felt sorry for the doll and picked it up. What she saw horrified her.

Lika-Chan had three legs.

Two were normal flesh-colored, but the third was abnormally deformed, hairy, and a strange purple color.

The woman was so amazed that she accidentally dropped the doll and it fell face down on the floor.

Then, the woman saw with horror how the doll's head slowly turned towards her.

The doll opened its tiny mouth and said, “My name is Lika-Chan and I am cursed. I'm cursed. I'm cursed..."

The woman ran away from there in horror. But since then, this voice began to haunt her and continued to whisper right in her ear: “My name is Lika-Chan, and I am cursed. I'm cursed. I'm cursed..."

Someone kept calling this woman on her phone, and on the other end of the line she heard: “My name is Lika-Chan, and I am cursed. I'm cursed. I'm cursed..."

Finally, the woman could not bear it. She was going crazy. So she pierced her own eardrums so she could no longer hear that terrible voice.

There are other stories associated with the three-legged Lika-Chan.

In one of them, a schoolgirl finds a doll in the school toilet, and it tells her: “My name is Lika-Chan. Let's play hide and seek." And before the schoolgirl had time to answer, the doll took out a knife and killed the girl, saying, striking: “You’re caught!”

In another story, the doll's third leg turns out to be made of human flesh, and the doll says, “My name is Lika-Chan, and I am looking for the owner of this leg!”

In another version, the girl finds Lika-Chan in the toilet. The doll with the third purple leg disgusts the girl, and she washes it away. A few days later, the girl has an accident and her leg is amputated. Lying in her hospital bed, she is horrified to discover that a nasty, purple leg is beginning to grow from her stump. Eventually, the leg grows and kills the girl.

Another story about the Lika-Chan doll with three legs is a scary story when Lika-Chan appears near your bed at night. You are sleeping, and she is holding a butcher knife in her hands and waiting for you to notice her presence. When you open your eyes, she attacks and cuts off your legs.


is a creepy urban legend from Japan about a mystical phenomenon that is sometimes observed in rural areas. The Japanese call this phenomenon “Kun Kun”, which means something twisting, rocking and spinning. They say you can't look at it or you'll go crazy. This phenomenon is described by a white, incomprehensible something that moves back and forth in the distance. Nobody knows what it looks like up close because everyone who saw it up close went crazy.

When I was little, my parents took me and my older brother to my grandparents. We didn't see them often because they lived in the village, Akita.

As soon as we arrived at our grandparents' house, we immediately ran outside to play. The air here was much fresher and cleaner than in the city. We walked along the rice fields, enjoying the vast open spaces.

That day the sun was high in the sky and there was no wind. It was hot and stuffy, and after a while I started to get tired.

And suddenly my brother suddenly stopped. He saw something in the distance.

“What are you looking at?” I asked.

“There is something there,” he replied.

There were only rice fields around, and it was completely deserted. I rubbed my eyes, but couldn't figure out what it was. In the distance, over the fields, there was a white something the size of a person. It moved and wriggled as if driven by the wind.

“Maybe it was a scarecrow?” I said.

“It wasn’t scary,” my brother replied. “A scarecrow can’t move like that.”

“Maybe this is a sheet?” I said.

“No, it’s not a sheet,” he replied. “There are no other houses here. Besides, there is no wind, but it still moves and wriggles. What is it?"

I had a strange and unpleasant sensation in the pit of my stomach.

My brother ran back home and when he returned he brought binoculars.

"ABOUT! “Can I take a look?” I asked, excitedly.

I tried to grab the binoculars, but he pushed me away.

“No, I’m first!” he said with a grin. "I'm older. You can watch after me.”

As soon as my brother brought the binoculars to his eyes, I noticed how his expression changed. It turned pale and he instantly began to sweat. He dropped the binoculars to the ground and I could see the fear in his eyes.

"What is this?" – I asked, nervously.

My brother answered slowly.

“There it is... There it is... There it is...”

Without saying a word, he turned and walked back home. Something was wrong. With shaking hands, I bent down and picked up the binoculars, but I was too scared to look through them.

In the distance, the white object continued to squirm.

At that moment, my grandfather ran up to me.

“What are you doing with binoculars?” he asked.

“Nothing,” I replied. “Just looking at the white thing over there.”

“What?” he shouted. “You shouldn't look there!”

He snatched the binoculars from my hands.

“Did you see this?” he asked angrily. “Did you look at this through binoculars?”

“No,” I said, shrinking. "Not yet …"

My grandfather breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay,” he said. "This is good … "

Not knowing why, but he sent me home.

When I entered the kitchen, everyone was crying. My brother was rolling on the floor, laughing like crazy. He was lying on his back, and his body was twisting and twisting... just like that white thing in the distance.

I couldn't understand what was happening. It was terrible to see him like that. I burst into tears.

I no longer had a brother. He's gone crazy.

The next day, our parents decided to take us home. My grandparents were standing on the porch waving as the car pulled away. I sat in the backseat with my brother, wiping tears from my eyes.

My brother was still laughing like a mental patient. We had to tie him up to stop him squirming. His face was distorted by a wide smile. He seemed happy, but when I looked into his eyes, I realized that he was crying. A chill ran down my spine. His cheeks were wet from tears, but he still continued to laugh and laugh...


To play this game you need to find a building that is at least 10 stories high and has an elevator.

Step 1: Call the elevator to the 1st floor. (The elevator must be empty and you must enter alone)

Step 2: Drive through the floors in the following order - 4th floor, 2nd floor, 6th floor, 2nd floor, 10th floor. (If someone enters at this time, the ritual will not work).

Step 3: When you arrive on the 10th floor, press the 5th floor button without exiting the elevator.

Step 4: When you reach the 5th floor, the door will open and a young woman will enter the elevator with you. (Don't talk to her).

Step 5: Once she enters the elevator, press the 1st floor button.

Step 6: Instead of descending to the 1st floor, the elevator will rise again to the 10th floor. (While the elevator is rising, you will have one last chance to end the game. If you press the button for another floor, the ritual will not work. But once the elevator passes the 9th floor, there will be no turning back).

There is only one way to understand whether the ritual worked or not. If you find yourself in another world, you will be the only person in it.

To return to your world, you need to perform the ritual in reverse order. However, there is no guarantee that this will work.

Some Japanese claim that they were able to perform this ritual. This is how they describe the other world:

They say that the building looks exactly the same as the one you entered at the beginning of the ritual, only the surroundings are dark, the lights are not working, and in the distance you can see the red sky. There is not a single living creature there except you. Some say that no electronics work in this world (phones, cameras, etc.), but others say that everything works.

Additionally, some people say that returning to the real world is more difficult for several reasons. You may be disoriented and forget which elevator you took. Also, somehow the elevator moves away from you as you approach it.



There has been a terrible plane crash in Japan, and a detective named Hamasaki has been assigned to investigate the case. There was only one survivor among the passengers, a 13-year-old girl named Takai-chan. She was horribly injured in a plane crash and was in a coma.

For a long time, doctors believed that she would not be able to recover. However, after a few days, she miraculously regained consciousness. She was still very weak and could not speak. The doctors made it possible to communicate with her using electronic communications. They attached electrodes to her teeth. Whenever she ground her teeth and the electrodes touched each other, a beep would sound.

The detective needed to ask her a few questions, so he used a simple code to communicate with her.

Two beeps meant “yes”, one beep meant “No”.

Takayo-chan was still very weak, and the doctors didn't want her to worry. For this reason, the detective was allowed to be in the room with her, but without strangers. He was not allowed to record his conversation with her on a video camera, but was allowed to use a voice recorder.

Below is the text of the recorded conversation between the detective and the girl:

“Good morning, Takayo-chan...”


“I am Detective Hamasaki. Are you feeling well enough to talk to me?”

“I need to ask you some questions about the car accident.”

“When the plane took off, did you notice anything unusual?”

“Did the other passengers behave normally?”

“Something happened while the plane was in the air, didn’t it?”

Beep Beep Beep Beep

"It means yes?"

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

“I'm so sorry, I know this is painful for you. Do you want to stop?”

"OK. Then can we continue?”

“Before the accident, did the plane start to shake?”

“Did you notice anything unusual?”

“Did something scare you?”

Beep Beep Beep Beep

"What's happened?"

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

“You're shaking. Takayo-chan, calm down... I understand, I understand... Something scared you very much. Rest for a minute. Relax. We'll continue, okay?"

“Could there be something wrong with the engine?”

“Did you hear an explosion or something?”

“Did you see something in the window?”

“Did you see something crash into the plane?”

“What did you see through the window?”

“Takayo-chan, are you afraid? It's okay now, you don't need to be afraid. You're safe here. Are you in the hospital. No one will harm you here.”

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

"Calm down. Are you all right? Can we continue?”

“What could you see in the window? Maybe it was another plane?

“Maybe there was something wrong with the plane’s wing?”

“Is the wing broken?”

“Did something fall off the wing?”

“Did something fall on the wing?”

“Is anything else broken?”


“Did something break the window?”

“Did something fly through the window?”

“Is this something... Was this what caused the terrible wounds that were found on the other passengers?”

“Scratches all over the body, Takayo-chan... Did something do them?”

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

“We found drool on the wounds... Did it have a mouth?”

“Did it have fangs? Or sharp teeth?

“Was it furry?”

“With eyes?”

“Did he have arms and legs?”

“Was it small? Less than a child?

“The remaining passengers... Their internal organs disappeared... Were they eaten from the inside?”

“How did it get into their bodies? Through the hole?

“Did it...Did it gnaw a hole through its stomach?”

"No? Did it go through the mouth?”

“And when it came out, it... gnawed its way through the stomach?”

“Have you seen how it eats others?”

Beep Beep Beep Beep

“And your parents?”

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

“And it left deep scratches on the bodies?”

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

“It ate everyone, but... left you alive?”


“Why, Takayo-chan? Why are you still alive?”


“Takayo-chan? Are you okay? You look pale. Can you hear me?"


“What's wrong with you, Takayo-chan? What's wrong?


"Are you okay? You look really bad.”


“Are you bleeding? Is this blood? Takayo-chan, you're bleeding."


"Oh my God! Oh God no! Help! Help! Help! … “

Twenty minutes later, a nurse came into the room and discovered a terrible scene. The walls were splattered with blood and the half-eaten corpse of Detective Hamasaki lay on the floor. A thirteen-year-old girl, Takayo-chan, was lying in her bed. There was a hole in her stomach and all her internal organs were gone.

This recording is the only police evidence in the mysterious murder of Detective Hamasaki and Takayo-chan. The government had to work hard to hush up this matter. The exact details of what happened on the plane and in the hospital room are still shrouded in mystery.


Surely in every city, local residents can remember at least one creepy legend associated with this locality. Many of these legends turn out to be fiction, but there are also quite true stories based on real cases.

The girl who was killed in the library without anyone noticing


Libraries, with their unnerving silence and musty, forgotten corners, are often the setting for urban legends. Of course, most of these stories are dark and scary. Have you ever heard the creepy legend about the ghost of a dead woman who allegedly haunted the New York Public Library in the 1980s?


Pennsylvania State University student Betsy Aardsma was a beautiful, bright, popular and outgoing girl. On November 28, 1969, Betsy went to the library to find information for a report. Instead, the girl received a fatal stab wound in the chest. The strangest thing is that no one saw when and by whom the crime was committed. Even though there were many students in the library, none of them heard the sounds of fighting.
Betsy was found a few minutes after the incident. At first, no one could understand what happened to her, since there were no traces of blood on her red dress. To this day, the circumstances of Betsy Aardsma's death remain a mystery.

Cause of death – “atomic cowards”


There are a lot of urban legends that describe the dangers that are fraught with seemingly innocent jokes and pranks. A potato in the exhaust pipe can cause your car to explode. For such a prank as throwing toilet paper at home, you risk paying with your life. And once a child died from “atomic panties” (approx. a joke, the essence of which is to grab the back of your pants or panties and with a sharp movement pull them up so that they crash between the buttocks)!


The latter is not entirely true, since the victim of this stupid joke was not a child. One day, a thirty-four-year-old man, who was intoxicated, quarreled with his fifty-eight-year-old stepfather and decided to make him “atomic underpants.” He pulled his stepfather's underwear over his head, unaware that his prank would end fatally. The elastic band cut into the stepfather's throat, and the man died from suffocation. After the “joker” was arrested, he said that he did not regret what happened. This was a kind of revenge for all those years of abuse that he suffered from his stepfather.

The killer lived secretly in the house of his future victims for several weeks


The family begins to notice that something strange is happening in their house: things are disappearing, various objects appear out of nowhere, and creepy steps are heard at night... And then all its members are found dead, and this is where the legend ends.


A similar terrible story happened almost a hundred years ago on the small farm Heeterkaifeck, located between the cities of Ingolstadt and Schrobenhausen (Germany). In mid-March 1922, the owner of the farm, Andreas Gruber, began to notice that many strange things were happening on his farm. He constantly found unfamiliar tracks, his keys disappeared, mysteriously unknown objects appeared, at night someone’s steps were heard in the attic. Despite this, the Grubers took no action and continued to go about their daily business.
On the evening of March 31, 1922, Andreas, his wife, daughter, two grandchildren and a maid were brutally murdered with a hoe. Whoever did this was no accidental guest, as the animals were well-fed when the bodies of the Gruber family members were discovered four days after the murders. The identity of the criminal has not yet been established. The suspect in the case was German John McClain, but his guilt was not proven.

Man trapped by faulty furnace


There are many stories of unfortunate people caught in the fatal trap of switched on furnaces; they serve as a reminder to children that fire is not to be trifled with. However, this never happened outside of the plot of the cartoon "Merrie Melodies", right?


A large industrial furnace broke down at a British kayak factory. One of the workers decided to look inside it to see what the problem was, but did not warn anyone about it. While he was inside the oven, another worker was able to fix the problem. He, unaware that someone might be inside the oven, simply turned it on. The oven door then slammed shut automatically. The trapped worker screamed as loud as he could, but no one heard him. He tried to open the door with a crowbar, but in vain. His body was only discovered when people noticed smoke rising from the oven.

Pig sty of death


Horror movie thugs and killers like to tie their victims to a chair and threaten to feed them to pigs. But pigs don't eat people, right?


It turns out that pigs eat us, just as we eat them. A Vietnam War veteran from Oregon started raising pigs to help cope with post-traumatic stress disorder. His family called the farm a "life saver," but it's not a good idea to use animals that like to roll around in mud and their own waste as therapy.
In 2012, the veteran went to feed his pigs and was never seen again. It is unclear what exactly happened in the pigsty. Apparently, the pigs ate it entirely, leaving only dentures and scraps of clothing.

A woman who suffered from constant headaches discovered uninvited guests in her brain.


According to this urban legend, a person returns from a vacation to some tropical island and discovers that he has terrible worms in his brain. Lesson: Never leave home without a hat. Or don't leave the house at all.


Never let your ex cook dinner for you.


After the release of the movie “Fatal Attraction,” a whole generation of guys appeared who took revenge on their exes in a very strange and cruel way: they killed their pet rabbits and prepared dinner from them, which they then treated to their ex-girlfriends, who did not suspect anything.


After Ryan's girlfriend Eddie Watenpaugh of Palo Sedro, California, broke up with him, the young man took her Pomeranian and left the house, saying the dog was lost. A month later, they got back together, and Ryan, as a sign of reconciliation, arranged a romantic dinner for his beloved, after which he told where the Pomeranian actually went. As proof, the next day he sent the girl the severed paws of her beloved pet.

SMS from under the bed


A teenage girl becomes terribly scared when she starts receiving threats and strange phone calls. However, she manages to convince herself that there is nothing to worry about. As usually happens, her teenage intuition fails her, and the one who scares her is much closer than she thinks...


In July 2014, a sixteen-year-old girl from Chester, England, began receiving strange messages from eighteen-year-old Kyle Ravenscroft. He wrote that he was watching her every minute. The girl did not take his words seriously. One night at midnight, Kyle sent her a text saying, “I’m at your house.”
The girl thought it was a joke and did not call the police. That night she slept in her mother's bed. In the morning, when the girl returned to her room, she noticed that the shoe boxes that were neatly lying next to her bed were scattered and dented. She looked under the bed and found Kyle underneath it. Fortunately, he didn’t do anything bad to her, but now every time she goes to bed, she looks under her bed with a flashlight.

Faceless Charlie


If you grew up in Pittsburgh, you've probably heard the story of the Green Man (or Faceless Charlie) who wanders the dark alleys and lonely country roads at night, scaring belated passers-by and drivers.


Faceless Charlie really existed. His name was Raymond Robinson. His face was horribly disfigured. The fact is that in the summer of 1919, at the request of friends, he climbed a high-voltage pole behind a bird's nest. He accidentally touched the wires and was electrocuted. The boy survived, but suffered serious burns to his face and left arm.
After this incident, Raymond distanced himself from people, because his disfigured appearance frightened both children and adults. He left the house only at night.

Halloween is ahead of us all, and just recently Friday the 13th took place, so get ready for a new batch of creepy horror stories that have been frightening residents for many years. different cities peace.

Urban legends are passed down from generation to generation, just like good books or family traditions, so don't be surprised if your children's children also retell each other horror stories about black people and a coffin on wheels. And if Halloween is just around the corner and you're looking for inspiration for a new costume, check out this selection of horror movies right now!

10. El Silbon or Whistler

In Venezuela and Colombia there is a scary tale about a creature cursed to wander the Earth for eternity with a bag of bones on its back.

The mystical creature was once a little boy who lived with his parents in Venezuela. El Silbon was the only child in the family, and his parents spoiled him very much. As a result, the boy became a spoiled, capricious and mischievous young man.

One day, a child demanded that his parents cook him venison for dinner. The father was unable to obtain such meat, which greatly angered his demanding son. El Silbon stabbed his own father with a knife, pulled out his entrails and brought them to his mother so she could cook dinner from the offal.

The unsuspecting woman used the meat for cooking, although it seemed suspicious to her. Having finally realized what had happened, the mother was horrified and was so stricken with grief that she allowed the grandfather to punish the evil boy himself.

The grandfather beat the child half to death, and he poured lemon juice and rubbed chili pepper into his wounds. He then handed his grandson a bag full of his father's bones and set a pack of dogs on the little villain. Right before the animals tore the boy to pieces, his grandfather cursed him to wander forever. This is how a creature named El Silbon was born.

They say that he still wanders through forests, fields and villages, whistling a simple melody under his breath, and sneaking into other people's houses. There he throws the bag of bones on the floor and counts them right in the house. If no one notices the presence of the monster, one member of this family will die. However, if the household catches the Whistler (the second nickname of the cursed creature), no one will suffer, and, on the contrary, good luck is promised to the residents of the house.

9. Drawing of a suicide from Japan


The most disturbing and scary urban legends often appear in Asian countries, and many of them later even become the basis for famous horror films.

According to one such legend, a young Japanese woman painted a color portrait of a young girl who seemed to look straight into the viewer’s eyes. The talented artist published the drawing on the Internet and, for an unknown reason, soon committed suicide.

After the incident, netizens began to write comments on this drawing, and many said that they saw sadness and even anger in the eyes of the drawn girl. Others wrote that if you look at this portrait for too long, the stranger’s lips begin to curl into a grin, and a strange ring appears around her image. Some went even further - people began to spread rumors about poor souls who looked at the picture for more than 5 minutes in a row and then also committed suicide.

8. Nixes (Nykur)


We are used to horses being portrayed in films and pictures as beautiful creatures and noble animals. However, if you ever find yourself in Iceland and notice a gray horse standing on the shore of the sea or lake, do yourself a favor and take a closer look at the animal's hooves. If they look the other way, then you have a problem - it looks like you've met a nix...

They say that nyxes are monsters that live in the water, but sometimes come to the coast to lure unsuspecting people to the bottom of the reservoir. The skin of such a horse is sticky, so if a person, fascinated by a wild horse, wants to ride the animal, he will no longer be able to get off it and will be doomed to certain death, because the nyx will drag the rider to the bottom. There is a belief that if you shout the name of a mystical horse, it will get scared and run back into the water without harming anyone.

7. Child on a high chair

This city walks all over the world, but it most likely appeared in Norway. For many years, one Norwegian couple could not afford to go on vacation. Finally, everything fell into place - the couple found a reliable nanny for their grown-up baby and planned a trip.

When the day of departure arrived, the nanny still did not show up. She called and said she had problems with her car. However, the woman also said that she could call a mechanic and be there in 15 minutes because she was almost at the couple's house and was ready to walk.

Taking the nanny at her word, the parents sat their son in a highchair, fastened the child with special belts, kissed him goodbye and left the house. The couple was in a hurry to get on the plane. They left one of the doors open so the nanny could go inside.

One version of the legend says that the nurse was never able to get into the house because all the doors were closed (they were slammed by the wind), and she decided that the parents took the child with them. The woman went home without confirming whether this was true.

In another version, on the way to the house, the nanny was hit by a truck, and in the third scenario, the nurse was actually an elderly relative of the family, and on the way she suffered a heart attack. In any case, she never made it into the house where a little boy was waiting for her in a high chair.

In all versions, the couple returns home to find the child dead and still strapped into his child seat...

6. The Girl from Studley Road

The scariest urban legends are the horror stories that take place closer to our own cities and homes, or when mention of them comes up again and more recently. Three years ago, a user of the social platform Reddit told a horror story that terrified him throughout his childhood and throughout his teenage years. The man lives in Mechanicsville, Virginia, and in the area of ​​this town lies a winding road called Studley Road.

Several years ago, a family with an alcoholic father lived in a small house near this road. One evening the man became enraged and beat his wife and child to death and then committed suicide. The girl's jaw was broken, but she did not die immediately. In search of help, she managed to get to the road, where she fell dead, bleeding all over her pajamas.

Since then, on the winding turns of Studley Road in the middle of the forest, some drivers have seen the luminous figure of a little girl wandering along the side of the road with her back to passing cars. Unsuspecting motorists, unfamiliar with the creepy legend, stop to help a child in his pajamas. The girl turns around and lets out an inhuman scream, showing the stunned travelers her hanging bloody jaw. Sometimes she even tries to say something, but due to the blood flowing from her mouth, she can only make gurgling sounds.

5. Phantom Cart

IN South Africa There are also urban myths, and the most famous among them are the story of the Flying Dutchman and the ghostly fellow traveler from Uniondale. However, the most terrible legend originated here back in 1887. Major Alfred Ellis told this terrible tale in his South African Sketches, and the legend has terrified everyone ever since. local residents.

Four men - Lutterodt, Seururier, Anthony de Heer and an unnamed visitor from Cape Town - boarded a wagon and set out on a joint journey from Ceres to Beaufort West. This area has long been famous as a haunted place, which was even indicated on old South African maps. During the trip, one of the cart's wheels suddenly broke down, and it took until 3 a.m. to repair it. The company returned to the road again, but their horse suddenly rebelled, froze in place and refused to go further.

Out of nowhere, the men heard the sound of another cart approaching high speed. When the travelers finally saw her, they realized that a team of 14 horses was rushing straight towards them, which the coachman was whipping with all his might. Frightened, Latterodt, Seruryi and the stranger from the capital jumped out of their carriage, and de Heer grabbed the reins and managed to move their vehicle out of the way. An angry de Heer shouted at the hurrying coachman: “Where are you going?”, to which he replied: “To hell.” With these words, the cart disappeared into thin air, as if it had never existed.

Latterodt later learned that anyone who dared to talk to the ghostly coachman ended up very badly. A week after this incident, de Heer's body was found at the bottom of a rocky gorge, and the wreckage of his cart and the corpses of horses lay right next to its owner.

4. Blue Baby


Like Bloody Mary, the Blue Baby is a legend associated with a mirror, only in the case of a little boy, the story also includes a mad mother who killed her child with a piece of that same mirror. Naturally, after the birth of the terrible story, those who are trying to summon an innocent victim, nicknamed the blue child, appeared. The ritual for meeting the other world includes going to the bathroom at night. The cosmetic mirror needs to be fogged up so that “blue baby” can be written on it. The light should be turned off at this time, and the one who made the inscription should fold his hands as if a real child was lying on them. The belief says that the spirit of the boy will certainly appear in the arms of the person who calls him. If for some reason you drop this baby on the floor, your mirror will break and you will die.

According to another version, a boy appears if you go into a dark bathroom, repeat “blue baby” 13 times, and all the while move your hands as if you were rocking a child. The ghost will not only make itself known, but will also scratch you. However, this time, don’t be afraid to drop your baby, because escaping from the bathroom will be the best way to survive. They say that during such a seance, a distraught mother may appear in the mirror, and she will definitely want to kill you.

3. The woman who hanged herself on Delonix regalis


One of Australia's creepiest urban myths is the story of a young woman from Darwin who was raped by a Japanese fisherman in the East Point area. When the girl realized that she was pregnant, she was horrified and hanged herself on the nearest tree, which turned out to be a royal delonix.

The restless spirit of the victim began to haunt all the men who appeared in East Point. The girl appeared as an alluring figure in white. However, as soon as a man succumbed to the beauty’s charms, she turned into a terrible witch with long claws, tore her prey into pieces and ate the entrails of the unfortunate men.

The bravest adventurers can try to summon the spirit of suicide by coming to local park on a moonless night. Turn around yourself three times and call the woman by name. An eerie scream will notify you that the seance was a success. Although in this case it is better not to hesitate and run without looking back if you value your own guts.

2. Devil's Toy Box


It is said that the series of mystical films “The Hellraiser” was filmed under inspiration from a terrifying urban legend that is buzzing throughout America. According to rumors in Louisiana (Louisiana, USA) there is a one-room house, the walls of which are covered with mirrors from the floor to the ceiling. The place got the creepy name “Devil’s Toy Box”, and according to myth, if you go into this house and stay there too long, the devil appears in the room and takes the soul of the unfortunate person.

Experts in the field of supernatural phenomena have found that the mirrors facing the inside of the house form a hexagon, and according to rumors, it is almost impossible to stay in this room for more than 5 minutes. One person stood there for more than 4 minutes and went outside completely mute. From then on he never spoke again. One woman in this room even experienced cardiac arrest, and the teenager who entered the “devil’s box” was difficult to get out of there - he screamed and fought like a madman. Two weeks later the guy committed suicide.

1. Clack-clack


One scary Japanese legend says that a few years after World War II in Hokkaido, American soldiers raped and beat a local girl. The scolded Japanese woman jumped off a bridge that stood over the railroad tracks that same evening and was immediately hit by a train. The unfortunate woman's body was cut in half at the waist. The weather that evening was very frosty, and therefore the girl did not die immediately. Slowly bleeding, she (her upper half) crawled to the station, where a shocked station employee threw a piece of tarpaulin over the gruesome remains. The suicide died in terrible agony.

According to Japanese legend, 3 days after you heard or read this sad story, the ghost of a young woman will find you, and you will know about its approach by a characteristic clicking sound. If you think that escaping from a legless girl is easy, you are mistaken, because she can move at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour. No wonder this is a ghost...

After her death, the suicide set herself the goal of capturing as many people as possible. The ghost chases its victims in order to cut them in half, and takes the lower part of the body for itself. The only way to avoid a terrible fate is to correctly answer the monster's questions. The girl will ask if you need your legs. The answer is that you need them right now. And if the ghost asks who told you this story, feel free to say: “Kashima Reiko.”

Scientists attribute the popularity of horror films to the fact that modern man lacks live emotions. We, the inhabitants of the concrete jungle, no longer hunt mammoths or hide from saber-toothed tigers. And therefore, in order to tickle our nerves, we often reach for something mysterious and unknown. I suggest you fill your adrenaline deficit by reading fascinating urban legends.
1. Raifsky Bogoroditsky Monastery, Kazan
The legend of the Raifa monastery, one of the largest in the Kazan diocese, is an example of an ordinary miracle. So common that it can be observed right here on the territory of the monastery - local frogs have an exceptionally silent disposition. According to legend, the monks suffered for a long time from loud croaks that prevented them from singing, and one day they asked the Lord to deliver them from this scourge. They say that over time, all the frogs that filled the shore of the lake where the monastery stands seemed to have taken water into their mouths. Russian and foreign scientists who learned about the unusual phenomenon have repeatedly tried to find an explanation for it. According to a number of sources, French toads were even used for an unusual experiment, which suddenly fell silent near the monastery. Local frogs, on the contrary, just a kilometer from the Raifa shrine began to croak uncontrollably, yearning for loud singing.

2. Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery, Suzdal
According to legend, the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery became last refuge monk Abel - Russian Nostradamus, who with amazing accuracy predicted the dates of the deaths of Catherine II and Paul I, the capture of Moscow by the French, as well as the First and Second World Wars. They say that by listening to a mysterious voice that called for sharing visions with strongmen of the world Therefore, Abel wrote several books, on the pages of which he described the future in detail. However, foresight did Abel a disservice - the soothsayer spent 20 years of his life in ordeals, survived imprisonment in the Peter and Paul and Shlisselburg fortresses, exile in Kostroma, lived in the Solovetsky Monastery, which he was not ordered to leave, and ended his days in the Savior-Euphemian Monastery , where he went on the orders of Nicholas I. This legend has every chance of turning out to be true, because they say that Abel was not mistaken in any of his predictions.

3. Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum of Local Lore, Krasnoyarsk
Who would have thought: even the Krasnoyarsk Regional History Museum has skeletons in its closet! They say that the ghost of the Arctic explorer Fridtjof Nansen calmly wanders through its corridors - a witness of this is the Norwegian scientist Max Moor. Moor's correspondence acquaintance with the famous polar explorer began with the book “Journey to the Land of the Future,” in which Nansen spoke very favorably about the possibilities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Moore was interested in the reasons why the famous polar explorer spent the whole winter in one of the Siberian villages. There were even rumors that Frithjof's descendants could live in these places. Moor's thirst for details captured him so much that he spent days and nights in museum archives, working with ancient documents. And then, when he seemed to be close to the solution, someone persistently shook his shoulder.
Turning around, Moore saw an elderly gentleman with a thick beard and long hair. “Don't meddle in other people's business. It's none of your business. “I’m warning you in a good way,” said the mysterious bearded man in perfect Norwegian. Moore wanted to be indignant, but the face of the night visitor seemed familiar to him. And just as he was about to get up, the stranger disappeared into thin air. Rumor has it that after the incident, Moor fled from the museum, leaving things in great disarray, and two days later he left the city altogether and never returned.

4. Chamber Theatre, Chelyabinsk
The Chelyabinsk Temple of Art, formerly the mansion of merchant Breslin, turns out to be also full of surprises. Thus, during a major overhaul of the building, workers broke into the concrete floor and discovered real theatrical dungeons - 2.6 m wide brick passages leading to the embankment of the Miass River. Later, the dungeon was carefully studied, but neither disembodied young ladies nor scary ghosts were found here. Nevertheless, there are many legends surrounding the mansion. One version of the origin of the hole points to the development of a gold-bearing vein, the other - to smugglers who used underground passage to supply gold to a secret workshop that minted counterfeit coins. One way or another, today the dungeons of the Chamber Theater have become an unofficial landmark of the city, so some art historians propose restoring the unusual monument and leading underground excursions here.

5. Zheleznova Estate, Yekaterinburg
The ghost of a beautiful kleptomaniac wanders near Zheleznov’s estate in Yekaterinburg. They say her presence can be felt by the smell of perfume, goosebumps and... empty pockets. According to legend, during her lifetime the beauty was the wife of the merchant and philanthropist Zheleznov. Unlike her life-loving husband, Maria Efimovna was reputed to be particularly reserved, and also prone to kleptomania. Letting his wife go to the city, the caring husband then sent a faithful servant to keep an eye on the young lady’s innocent pranks and pay for everything that was stolen by her. According to rumors, Zheleznova’s ghost still wanders around the old mansion, unable to cope with his addiction.

6. Kunstkamera, St. Petersburg
The northern capital is one of the most mystical and mysterious cities in Russia. Here the poltergeist walks the streets, looks into the windows of houses, and is a frequent guest in museums. The Kunstkamera boasts a very colorful “exhibit”. This is the ghost of a French giant, whose skeleton in the turmoil of 1917 unexpectedly turned out to be without a skull. They say that it was after this that a giant ghost began walking through the corridors of the museum. True, he behaved decently and only showed himself to visitors during periods of special melancholy. The ghost of the giant would have bothered the unlucky visitors for a long time, if not for the conscientiousness of the museum workers, who, in a fit of sympathy, gave the restless giant new skull. Only after this the giant calmed down and stopped scaring the impressionable guests.

7. underground city centered under the Opera House, Novosibirsk
The legend of underground Novosibirsk is amazingly tenacious. And although there is no confirmation of this, Siberians stubbornly continue to believe in the fantastic story about a city located underground. It is believed that the center of the underground monastery is Opera theatre, under which not only is located a bunker for the leader, but also two underground lakes and Railway. Believe it or not - it's up to you. It is only known that in the area of ​​Lenin Square, on Kommunisticheskaya Street, there really is a bomb shelter, the premises of which are partially used by a local cafe.

8. Kuznetsky Most Street, Moscow
Kuznetsky Most - a street of boutiques and restaurants - today, like 200 years ago, is considered one of the most fashionable in Moscow. They also say that you can meet a ghost there. According to rumors, this is where the spirit of the beautiful Juju lives, who tragically died on a fashionable pavement at the beginning of the 20th century.
It is known that the charming Frenchwoman was the passion of the chintz manufacturer and philanthropist Savva Morozov and worked as a model in one of the fashion houses on Kuznetsky Most. One morning, while riding in a carriage, Juju heard the screams of a newsboy announcing the death of her admirer. “Savva Morozov committed suicide!” - the newspaperman bawled blithely. Distraught with grief, Zhuzhu jumped out of the carriage onto the roadway and fell under the wheels of an oncoming carriage. The unfortunate woman died that same day, and in the evening a late passerby discovered the lifeless body of a newsboy with a silk French stocking around his neck. The stocking, of course, belonged to Zhuzhu, who was already dead by the time the crime was committed. Since then, newspapermen have avoided Kuznetsky Most, so as not to fall into the strong arms of the vengeful Zhuzhu.

9. Gagarina Street, building No. 9, Tomsk
This story happened in the Tomsk province at that amazing time when the hussar uniform induced consternation on languid young ladies, and the owners themselves were equally fearless in rushing both into battle and down the aisle.
Once upon a time there lived a sweet girl named Masha. The time has come, the young lady blossomed and fell in love with the gallant officer with shoulder straps, a sword and a mustache, of course. Only the girl’s parents were against the unequal union and refused their blessing. Then the lovers decided to escape, resorting to the help of the maid, who was supposed to accompany the fugitive to her lover. However, the maid, being a young and enterprising person, decided to take the groom away from the gullible hostess. The attempt was a success - the groom was not too picky. The bride waited in vain for her betrothed. Legend has it that the ghost of the unfortunate girl still appears in the window of the house.

Urban legends are often exciting stories containing many folkloric elements, and they spread quite quickly through society. Stories are told dramatically, as if they were true stories about real people - when in fact they may be 100% fictitious.

Local touches are often added to the legend, so it will be quite strange to hear the same story in different versions in different countries. Urban legends often carry a warning or some meaning that motivates society to preserve and spread them. One thing is for sure - some of these creepy urban legends have kept many people awake. Below are ten of the best urban legends:

10. Choking Doberman

This urban legend originates from Sydney, Australia and tells the story of a Doberman pinscher who choked on something. One night, a married couple went out for a walk and sat in a restaurant, when they returned home, they saw their dog choking in the living room. The man panicked and fainted, and the wife decided to call her old friend, a veterinarian, and arranged to bring the dog to the veterinary clinic.

After she took the dog to the clinic, she decided to return home and help her husband go to bed. This takes her some time and meanwhile the phone rang. The veterinarian screams hysterically into the phone that they need to quickly get out of their house. Without understanding what is happening, the married couple leaves the house as quickly as possible.

As they descend the stairs, several police officers run towards them. When the woman asks what happened, one of the officers replies that their dog choked on a man's finger. There is most likely still a burglar in their house. Soon after, the finger's former owner was found unconscious in the couple's bedroom.

9. Suicidal guy

This story, also known as "Death of the Boyfriend", is told in many variations and is considered a general warning not to stray too far from the safety of your home. Our version will focus on Paris in the 1960s. A girl and her boyfriend (both college students) kiss in his car. They parked near the Rambouillet forest so that no one could see them. When they finished, the guy got out of the car to get some fresh air and smoke a cigarette, while the girl waited for him in the safety of the car.

After she waited five minutes, the girl got out of the car to find her boyfriend. Suddenly she sees a man hiding in the shadow of a tree. Frightened, she gets back into the car to quickly leave - but while she was getting in, she heard a very quiet creaking sound, followed by several more creaking sounds.

This continues for several seconds, but the girl eventually decides that she has no other choice and decides to leave. She presses the gas pedal, but can’t go anywhere - someone tied a cable from the car’s bumper to a tree growing nearby.

As a result, the girl presses the gas pedal again and hears a loud scream. She gets out of the car and finds her boyfriend hanging from a tree. As it turned out, the creaking sounds were made by his shoes dragging along the roof of the car.

8. Woman with a torn mouth

In Japan and China, there is a legend about the girl Kuchisake-Onna, also known as the woman with the torn mouth. Some say she was the wife of a samurai. One day, she cheated on her husband with a young and handsome man. When the husband returned, he discovered her betrayal, and in a rage he took his sword and cut her mouth from ear to ear.

Some say that the woman was cursed - she will never die, and still walks around the world so that people can see the terrible scar on her face and feel sorry for her. Some claim that they saw a beautiful young girl who asked them: “Am I beautiful?” And when they answered positively, she tore off her mask and showed a terrible wound. Then she repeated her question - and anyone who stopped considering her beautiful would face a tragic death.

There are two morals to this story: it costs nothing to give a compliment, and honesty is not the best approach in all situations.

7. Bridge of the Crying Child

According to this legend, a couple was driving home from church with their child and arguing about something. It was raining heavily, and soon they had to cross a flooded bridge. As soon as they drove onto the bridge, it turned out that there was much more water than they thought, and the car was stuck - they decided that they had to go for help. The woman remained waiting, but got out of the car for a reason that one can only guess about.

When she turned away from the car, she suddenly heard her child crying loudly. She returned to the car and discovered that her child had been swept away by the water. According to the same legend, if you are on the same bridge, you can still hear a child crying there (the location of the bridge, of course, is unknown).

6 Alien Abduction of Zanfretta

The story of the kidnapping of Fortunato Zanfretta has become one of the most famous urban legends in Italy over the past few decades.

According to his own stories (originally made under hypnosis), Zanfretta was abducted by aliens Dragos from the planet Teetonia, and over the course of several years (1978-1981) he was repeatedly abducted several times by the same group from another planet. No matter how terrifying and creepy this story may sound, if we take into account the words of Zanfretta, spoken by him during a hypnosis session, we can evaluate the intentions of the aliens from an optimistic point of view:

“I know that you want to fly more often... no, you can’t fly to Earth, people will be scared of what you look like. You can't become our friends. Please fly away."

Zanfretta has perhaps provided more details about his alien abduction than any other person in history - his detailed accounts can make even the most ardent skeptic wonder if there is some truth to it. Until this day, the Zanfretta case remains one of the most interesting and mysterious "secret files".

5. White Death

This story is about a little girl from Scotland who hated life so much that she wanted to destroy everything connected with her. Finally, she decided to commit suicide, and soon after, her family discovered what she had done.

In a terrible coincidence, all members of her family died a few days later, their limbs torn off. Legend says that when you hear about the White Death, the ghost of a little girl may find you and knock on your door many times. Each knock gets louder until the man opens the door, after which she kills him so that he will not tell anyone else about her existence. Her main task is to make sure no one knows about her.

Like most urban legends, this story is most likely the product of the unbridled imagination of a modern Aesop.

4. Black Volga

According to rumors, on the streets of Warsaw in the 1960s, a black Volga was often spotted - in which people who kidnapped children were sitting. According to legend (no doubt aided by Western propaganda), Soviet officers rode around Moscow in the black Volga in the mid-1930s, kidnapping young, pretty girls to satisfy the sexual needs of high-ranking Soviet comrades. According to other versions of this legend, vampires, mystical priests, Satanists, human traffickers and even Satan himself lived in the Volga.

According to different versions of the legend, children were kidnapped in order to use their blood as a treatment for rich people from different parts of the world suffering from leukemia. Naturally, none of these versions were ever confirmed.

3. Greek soldier

This lesser-known legend tells of a Greek soldier who returned home after World War II to marry his bride. Unfortunately for him, he was captured by his compatriots with enemy political beliefs, tortured for five weeks and then killed. In the early 1950s, mainly in northern and central Greece, stories circulated of an attractive Greek soldier in uniform who would appear and quickly disappear, seducing beautiful widows and virgins with one goal - to give them a child.

Five weeks after the child was born, the man disappeared forever - leaving a note on the table in which he explained that he was returning from the world of the dead so that he could have sons who could avenge his murder.

2. Elisa Day

IN medieval Europe There lived a young girl named Eliza Day, whose beauty was like the wild roses growing by the river - bloody and red. One day a young man came to town and instantly fell in love with Eliza. They met for three days. On the first day he came to her house. On the second day, he brought her one red rose and asked her to meet where wild roses grow. On the third day, he took her to the river, where he killed her. The terrible man waited until she turned away from him, after which he took a stone and, whispering “All beauty must die,” killed her with one blow to the head. He put a rose in her teeth and pushed her body into the river. Some people claim to have seen her ghost wandering along the river bank, holding a single rose in her hand and blood streaming from her head.

Kylie Minogue and Nick Cave have a very beautiful song on the theme of this legend - “Where The Wild Roses Grow”:

1. Well to Hell

In 1989, Russian scientists drilled a well in Siberia to a depth of approximately 14.5 kilometers. The drill fell into a cavity in the earth's crust, and scientists lowered several devices into it to figure out what was going on. The temperature there exceeded 1000 degrees Celsius, but the real shock was what they heard on the recording.

Only 17 terrifying seconds of sound were recorded before the microphone melted. Many of the scientists, convinced that they had heard the cries of the damned from hell, quit their jobs - or so the story goes. Those who remained were even more shocked that night. A stream of luminescent gas shot out from the well, transforming into the shape of a giant winged demon, and then the words “I have won” could be read in the lights. Although on this moment Although this story is considered fiction, there are many people who believe that it actually happened - the urban legend "The Well to Hell" is told to this day.