Where it's hot in early November. Where to relax at sea in November - holidays abroad (where to go in the fall)

Cost of tours (on-line) at this moment time! Only real offers! All prices for holidays in November are here:

Holidays in November 2020 are full of their own pleasant features and are in no way inferior summer vacation. Beach holidays at resorts Indian Ocean will allow you to enjoy warmth and comfort. The most popular destinations are Maldives, Goa, Seychelles and Pacific beaches related to French Polynesia. The velvet season invites you to appreciate the advantages of the beaches of Egypt, bask on the Greek sun-drenched coasts of Rhodes or Cyprus, and visit the quiet Spanish islands of Tenerife and Madeira. Traveling to European cities will be no less exciting. One of the classic examples is the Czech Republic, where it is cheapest to go on vacation in November.

A month of carnivals, holidays and festivals

November is deservedly considered the month of carnivals. The grand German carnival starts on the 11th of this month. It passes through several German cities, including Cologne, Dusseldorf and others. In the middle of the month in France there is a festival of “new wine”. The celebration begins in the town of Bozho, with a march of winemakers, starting a little before midnight. Immediately after this date, Beaujolais Nouveau begins to be bottled in all drinking establishments in Paris, Dijon, Lyon and other cities of France.
The British holiday Guy Fawkes Night is also very interesting. It begins on the night from the fifth to the sixth, when the effigy of the traitor Guy Fawkes, who set fire to the English Parliament building back in 1605, is burned. And on the eve of December, preparations for Christmas markets are already in full swing. All European cities are starting to offer guests delicious drinks and traditional pastries right on the streets.

It should be noted that in November there is enough low prices on tours to Europe. By the end of the month, many last-minute tours and special offers from tour operators appear. We recommend that you follow the updated information about such tours on our website or subscribe to our newsletter .

If you don't have time for a long trip

It is best to plan short trips with air travel, this will allow you to allocate more time for relaxation. Preference should be given to the closest countries, the most popular of them are: Czech Republic, Italy or France, ferry crossings to Sweden or Finland are no less in demand. During your holiday here you can enjoy not only excursions, but also entertainment programs one of the November celebrations. There is no question about where to relax in November for lovers of alpine skiing. They are already starting to work in full swing this month. ski resorts Switzerland, France and Austria, but the season in the mountains of Spain begins a little later.

November is a time to relax with children.

The month of November includes school holidays (from 1 to 8 November) and November holidays.

In November 2020, the holiday in Russia, National Unity Day - November 4, falls on Wednesday, respectively, the days off will be November 1, 4, 7, 8.

Therefore, during this period of time, it is more important than ever to relax with your child and go on short tours. It is worth mentioning that you should take care of where to go in November on these dates in advance; you will hardly have to count on last-minute tours during the peak holiday dates.

Choosing exotic trips

At the beginning of the month, tours to exotic countries Asia. The rainy season is already ending here, and the weather is conducive to a beach holiday. Singapore is considered especially delightful at this time, where the cultures of East and West are so intricately mixed.
Tourists will be able to visit the royal palaces of Thailand or noisy parties on the beaches of India during their vacation. The nature of the islands is especially fascinating: the Maldives and Seychelles. The Maldives enchants tourists with its clean beaches and the boundless blue of the ocean.
The resorts of Mexico are also waiting for their tourists - after all, the favorable dry season is just beginning here.

In Russia, November is the most depressing month, when you don’t even want to leave the house. But it is in November that schoolchildren have vacations, plus holidays that give them the opportunity to go on vacation at the seaside.

In Europe, the beach season ends in October. But in some parts of the continent it is still warm. And although no one swims in the sea anymore, it’s the best place for excursions best time. You can relax in Greece by going to Athens or amazing island Santorini. It's still warm in Sicily in Italy. The island is separated from Africa by a strait only 120 km wide. It’s too late to swim in the sea here, but you can take advantage of the hot springs, of which there are many in Sicily.

In mainland Spain, the capital of Catalonia, Barcelona, ​​awaits tourists, and in the Canary Islands you can swim and sunbathe all year round. IN South-East Asia It’s always warm and you don’t need a visa to travel to most countries in this region. Let's talk about the most popular destinations for a seaside holiday in November.

  • Air temperature during the day 30 °C, at night 27 °C
  • Water temperature 29.5 °C
  • You don't need a visa to travel to Thailand

The cheapest resort in Pattaya. This is the first most visited city in Thailand, and it is also called the capital of entertainment. Most tourists are on the streets and in entertainment venues in the evening and at night. The city is well developed public transport low prices. You can easily and cheaply get to any shopping center, beach or hotel.

The only drawback in Pattaya is the dirty beaches in the city center, but you can go to the islands to swim. In addition, there is a swimming pool in every hotel in Pattaya. Thailand is known as the land of eternal summer. But the best time to holiday in the kingdom is from November to March. The rainy season ends in October and the dry season begins in November. Precipitation occurs less and less frequently, and air humidity decreases. The closer December is, the more comfortable the weather. This rule does not apply to Fr. Samui. November is the peak rainy season here.

Pattaya is also known for its large selection of excursions. A lot of interesting things are located within the city: Temple of Truth, Hill Big Buddha, Mini Siam Park, Nong Nooch Tropical Orchid Park, Saithip Butterfly Garden, Crocodile Farm, etc. Don't forget to visit the night market where you can taste authentic Thai cuisine. Take a tour of the floating market. Recently, a huge shopping and entertainment center Terminal 21 opened in Pattaya.

Phuket is no less popular holiday destination in Thailand. There are many clean sandy beaches with clear water, which are more pleasant to relax on than in Pattaya. Tourist infrastructure is well developed, but public transport in Phuket is taxis, which are much more expensive to use.


  • Air temperature during the day 30 °C, at night 25 °C
  • Water temperature 27.8 °C
  • You don't need a visa to travel to Vietnam

For beach holiday better to choose southern resorts Vietnam: Nha Trang, Mui Ne, Phan Thiet, Vung Tau and Phu Quoc Island. November is an ideal time for surfers, when the sea waves are quite high and the diving season opens on Phu Quoc Island. The best place in Vietnam for a holiday with children is the resort city of Nha Trang, where the world-famous Vinpearl amusement park is located. In November, Vietnam is an ideal place to relax. Wide sandy beaches for tens of kilometers are distinguished by picturesque landscapes and clear seas. At the end of autumn, summer continues in Vietnam. Sunbathing under palm trees on the shore warm sea, I can’t believe that somewhere in Russia it’s snowing and raining and at night the trees are covered with frost. Developed infrastructure, excellent service and low prices attract millions of tourists from all over the world to the country.

Vietnam is paradise planets in which you can get unforgettable experience not only from swimming in the sea. There are a lot of attractions here, declared by UNESCO as the World Heritage of Humanity, including natural reserves that amaze with their beauty. We return to this country with pleasure and every time we find something new to talk about.

  • Air temperature during the day 24.4 °C, at night 25.5 °C
  • Water temperature 27.9 °C
  • You don't need a visa to travel to the UAE

Dubai (Photo © Mohammad Usman / flickr.com)

November is the height of the high season in the United Arab Emirates. The conditions for a beach holiday are the most comfortable. The sea in the Persian Gulf is warm, about 30 at the beginning and 26...27 degrees at the end of November. This is also the best time for excursions, when you don’t have to escape the heat in air-conditioned rooms. You can go on a desert safari, visit the world's largest flower park in Dubai, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, go to cruise with fishing.

In November, the UAE becomes the center of numerous exhibitions, automotive, jewelry, and aviation. The Formula 1 Grand Prix is ​​being played out in Abu Dhabi. Arab sheikhs and wealthy citizens of many countries come to watch and participate in the events. Tourists are welcome guests at all shows and performances.

When choosing where to go, you should remember that holidays in the UAE have specific features. In some emirates, for example in Sharjah, there is a prohibition law. The country also has strict rules regarding clothing and behavior in in public places. There are very few pedestrian areas in the cities; most places for entertainment are located in shopping malls. To be sure of the right choice of the UAE for your holiday, familiarize yourself with the specifics of living in this country in advance.

  • Air temperature in Eilat during the day is 25 °C, at night 19 °C
  • Water temperature 25 °C
  • You don't need a visa to travel to Israel

Weather in November Mediterranean coast Israel is reminiscent of the velvet season on the Black Sea. It's still warm during the day, but cool at night. The water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea is +23 °C, and at the resorts Dead Sea up to +27 °C. But the best conditions for a holiday on the Red Sea are in Eilat.

Eilat is located next to the Arava Desert, so the resort has a desert climate. The air humidity here is low and the heat, reaching 32 degrees in early November, is easily tolerated. Solar activity decreases at this time of year, you can sunbathe for a long time without fear of getting sunburn. The water in the Red Sea is warm until the end of the month.

Due to the absence of sweltering heat, November is one of the best months for excursions to holy places and visiting the many attractions of Israel. One of the factors that increases the country’s attractiveness for Russian tourists is visa-free regime between our countries.


  • Air temperature during the day 33 °C, at night 26 °C
  • Water temperature 29 °C
  • Visa is issued at the airport

It starts in November in Goa tourist season. It rains less often and does not last long, the humidity gradually decreases. The air warms up to 30...32 during the day, and the water temperature in the Arabian Sea is about 28 degrees. The Indian Ocean is no longer stormy, tourists actively swim in the sea and surf.

Compared to other destinations, holidays in Goa are one of the most budget-friendly, even at the height of the tourist season. Here you can rent a hotel inexpensively, eat cheaply in a restaurant, buy clothes for pennies, and also enjoy exotic fruits and fresh seafood. In November there are still few tourists in Goa, so prices are the lowest.

For family tourists with children and lovers of a relaxing holiday, it is better to go to South Goa, for example, in . The hotels here are located at a distance of 100...200 m from the sea, there are many cafes (sheks), there are no crowds of vacationers and few local residents. North Goa chosen by young tourists and extraordinary people of all stripes. Hippies from all over the world come to Arambol to relax. Chapora has many artists, musicians and other creative people.

There is a lot to see and do in Goa in between swimming in the sea. You can go on a sea excursion to see schools of dolphins and go fishing on one of the islands. Children will enjoy a trip to the jungle with elephant rides and a visit to the Ganesha temple. India amazing country. Reminders of its history, going back centuries, are found at every step. Ruins ancient temples and entire cities, holy places where gods live. Everyone should visit this country at least once to see everything with their own eyes.

  • Air temperature during the day 28.9 °C, at night 25.3 °C
  • Water temperature 28.7 °C
  • No visa required to travel to Sri Lanka

Unlike Thailand, the dry season in Sri Lanka begins later. Therefore, traveling in early November may be risky due to continued rains. In the middle of the month, you can safely go on vacation to the southwestern coast of the island. The resorts of Bentota, Hikkaduwa, Colombo, Unawatuna, Mirissa, Matara have ideal weather for a beach holiday.

The ocean in this part of the island is calm. In November, the best place to go with children is Unawatuna, located near the city of Galle. Clean sand beach The resort is located in a bay surrounded by coral reefs. Therefore, there are no waves or dangerous currents here. Hikkaduwa is a popular resort for lovers of surfing and other sea activities. The city has many cafes, restaurants, and night clubs, which is why the resort is chosen by young tourists.

It is better to avoid traveling to the popular resorts of Sri Lanka, Passikuda, Trincomalee, and Batticaloa in November. In the north east coast The rainy season continues throughout the month. The sea is potentially dangerous due to high waves and rip currents.

  • Air temperature during the day 29 °C, at night 25 °C
  • Water temperature 29.8 °C
  • You do not need a visa to travel to Malaysia

Beach in western Malaysia (Photo © Matt Stabile / flickr.com)

Malaysia is a Southeast Asian country consisting of two parts. The sea in this country is always warm, about 30 degrees. West Malaysia is located in the south of the Malay Peninsula, where it borders Thailand to the north and Singapore and Indonesia to the south.

In November, it is in western Malaysia that the most favorable weather conditions for holidays develop. The most popular Malaysian resorts in this part of the country are Langkawi and Penang. The rainy season here ends in October and it gets a little cooler. In the first half of November, strong winds and thunderstorms are still possible, and by the end of the month dry, cloudless weather sets in.

East Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak), separated from west South China Sea, occupies part of the island of Kalimantan. November is the rainiest month in East Malaysia, so it is better not to plan a trip to this part of the country at the end of autumn.

At the beginning of November, Malaysia hosts the Wine Fiesta wine festival. Winemakers from Portugal, Croatia, Lebanon, Japan, India and other countries of the world take part in the festival. Tastings, competitions, and sales are held.

In the middle of the month, a culinary festival is held throughout the country. You can try national Malaysian dishes, as well as get acquainted with Chinese, Brazilian, Thai, Vietnamese cuisine. During the festival, restaurants offer good discounts.

Back in November, Malaysia celebrates Diwali, the Hindu festival of the autumn harvest. The celebrations are very colorful, with fireworks, lit lanterns and candles. It’s not for nothing that this holiday is also called the Festival of Lights.

China, o. Hainan

  • Air temperature during the day 26 °C, at night 20 °C
  • Water temperature 26.8 °C
  • Visa for a trip to the island. Hainan is not needed

Hainan Island in China is another place where you can relax at sea in November. The most popular resort in the south of the island is Sanya. The weather here is great at the end of autumn. The air warms up to 28, and the sea to 27 degrees. The resort has won the reputation of being environmentally friendly. There is a bay 35 kilometers from the center of Sanya Pure water. The transparency of the sea in this bay is 12 meters.

In addition to a beach holiday, Sanya has many attractions that are worth seeing. They are very handsome Buddhist temple Nanshan with a statue of the Goddess of Mercy - Guanyin, more than 100 meters high. You can visit the Zhujiang Nantian hot springs, take a walk in Yalong Bay Park, where there is a glass suspension bridge, get to know the history and ethnography of Hainan better in the ethnic village of Binlang.

The resort is developing very quickly and the tourist service is at the highest level. There are direct regular and regular flights to Sanya from Russia. charter flights and most importantly, in 2018, China abolished visas for Russian tourists flying to the island for up to 1 month.

  • Air temperature during the day 28 °C, at night 28 °C
  • Water temperature 29 °C
  • You do not need a visa to travel to the Maldives

one of the most attractive places where the sea is warm in November - Maldives. At the end of autumn, the tourist season is just beginning here. Prices are still low, and the flow of tourists is gradually increasing. It rains less and less, humidity drops, and the monsoons subside.

The Maldives has many luxury resorts, popular among millionaires and world celebrities. Excursion routes and there are no attractions here. The main advantages of the resort are pristine tropical nature, clean clear water and remoteness from noisy cities and big cities. People come here for a quiet, relaxing holiday, snorkeling or diving, or just to relax in the spa centers of luxury hotels. You can also go sea fishing in the Maldives. Surfing enthusiasts prefer the island of Addu Atol, where the most favorable conditions for aquatic species sports.

November 11 is a national holiday in the capital of the Maldives, Male. Republic of Maldives. On this day, the city hosts festive events, accompanied by parades and fireworks.

  • Air temperature during the day 21.2 °C, at night 19.9 °C
  • Water temperature 23.2 °C
  • You don't need a visa to travel to Turkey

Türkiye (Photo © qqq qqq / flickr.com)

In Alanya - the warmest resort in Turkey average temperature air at the beginning of the month is 24...25, at the end 21...22 degrees. The water temperature is at the same levels. During the day in such weather it is pleasant to lie on the beach under the gentle sun or walk along the seashore. It’s already cool in the evenings, the air temperature drops to 16 degrees and you can’t do without warm clothes. A trip there is like trying to catch up with a departing train. Officially, the beach season ends in October, but agencies continue to offer tours to Turkish resorts. Sometimes even at this time the weather allows you to swim in the sea. But such luck does not happen every year and only applies to the beginning of the month.

Despite the closure beach season, November provides a number of advantages to tourists who come to Turkey on vacation. At the end of autumn, prices are significantly lower than at the height of autumn summer season. There is an abundance of fresh fruit in the markets: tangerines, oranges, avocados, persimmons, pomegranates, quinces... There are few tourists and no one bothers you to sit comfortably on the beach or quietly view the sights on excursions.

The Turkish land remembers the dawns and dusks of ancient civilizations that existed here long before our era. Numerous sights, ruins of ancient temples, castles, fortresses and entire cities are scattered along the coast and hidden in the sea under the water. November is the best time to travel around the country, go on excursions and get acquainted with history.

School-age children can spend their time in Turkey especially interestingly and usefully. You don’t have to go far to touch history in this country. For example ancient city Side is now a famous resort. It is called a museum under open air. The city has preserved a huge amphitheater of ancient times for 20 thousand spectators, the ruins of the Temple of Apollo, and the Agora market, where slaves were traded. In Turkey, there are the ruins of Troy, which are evidence of the events reflected in Homer’s poems “Odyssey” and “Iliad”.


  • Air temperature in Sharm El Sheikh during the day is 25.5 °C, at night 22.6 °C
  • Water temperature 26.5 °C
  • The visa is issued free of charge at the airport upon arrival in Egypt.

Due to the absence of sweltering heat, in November you can diversify your holiday by visiting excursions. Egypt has a centuries-old history and ancient monuments here at every turn. The first thing tourists want to see is the mysterious pyramids. In Egypt there is Mount Sinai, where the Lord appeared to Moses. At its top stands the Church of the Holy Trinity. You can go on a jeep or camel safari through the sands of the Sahara, get acquainted with the life of the Bedouins, and experience the oriental flavor at the Old Market in Sharm El-Sheikh. November in Egypt is the best time for those who avoid extreme heat. The weather remains dry until the end of the month, the water in the Red Sea is warm and comfortable to swim in. The only drawback is the increased wind. You can actually hide from him popular resort Egypt Sharm El Sheikh. The city is surrounded by mountains that protect it from cool winds. In Hurghada the sea is as warm as in Sharm El Sheikh, but the constantly blowing cool wind slightly overshadows the beach holiday

  • Air temperature during the day 22 °C, at night 19 °C
  • Water temperature 23.5 °C
  • Pro-visa for Cyprus is issued online in 10 minutes

The weather in the first half of November is usually dry and sunny, you can scream, and if you're lucky, even swim in the sea. But such conditions do not always exist, because the beach season in Cyprus officially ends. In November, it is better to go on vacation to Larnaca or Limassol. It will no longer be possible to have fun at discos, nightclubs and bars. There are few tourists and resorts are becoming ideal place for a quiet, secluded holiday.

November is one of the best months for excursions into nature and to the many attractions of the island. There are a lot of things in Cyprus Orthodox churches and monasteries with a centuries-old history. Ancient castles, fortresses, ruins of ancient cities, all this is on the island. Every year in November, pink flamingos fly to Cyprus for the winter. These the most beautiful birds can be seen on Lake Oroklini ten kilometers from Larnaca.

  • Air temperature during the day 21.4 °C, at night 20 °C
  • Water temperature 22 °C
  • You do not need a visa to travel to Tunisia

In November, the beach holiday is officially over. At the beginning of the month, the water is still warm, but the cool Mediterranean breeze does not make you want to take a dip in the sea. You can try your luck by going on vacation to the island of Djerba. This is the hottest resort in the country, where days are suitable for swimming even in late autumn.

The weather in November is most suitable for travel and sightseeing. For example, you can go on a multi-day excursion to the Sahara desert or to the ancient city of Carthage. Tourists are equally interested in oriental cuisine, which can be tasted in numerous street cafes.

In November there are not many tourists in Tunisia and this can be used to visit thalassotherapy salons, of which there are a great many in Tunisia. Thalassotherapy is the main reason for traveling to the country in the autumn-winter period. With the help of mud therapy, tourists are offered general wellness, treatment programs for arthrosis, rheumatism, cosmetic, post-traumatic and post-operative, courses to improve blood circulation and many, many other thalasso procedures. There are thalassotherapy centers in all Tunisian resorts.


In November, the best weather conditions for a beach holiday are in the south of Liberty Island. Air temperature +30°С, water +28°С. It rains rarely and not for long. Vacationing in the north of Cuba is more risky, since November is a transition period from the rainy season to dry, calm weather, and in the first half of the month it is often stormy in the north of the island.

There is plenty to do in Cuba besides swimming in the sea. In November, a theater festival takes place in the capital of the republic and the streets of Havana turn into stages for performances. Another magnificent celebration takes place in honor of the holiday of Christopher Columbus, in connection with this, fairs and jazz music festivals are organized everywhere.

Cuba has many attractions included in the UNESCO list World Heritage humanity. These include about a thousand objects in the historical center of Havana, the Viñales Valley in western Cuba, national park Desembarco del Granma, the city of Trinidad and the Valley of Los Ingenios, Alexander Humboldt National Park and others.

Phuket, Thailand

In Phuket in November there is already a comfortable heat and no rain. The elephants are still photogenic, and the jungle is thick and green. The beaches are clean, sunbeds are almost free. In January it will be crowded and expensive, but now is a great time to get acquainted with the Andaman Sea and smiling Thais.

Flight from Moscow: from 29,000 rubles.
Flight from St. Petersburg: from 30,000 rubles.
Visa: issued at the border (30 days)
Accommodation: bed in a hostel from 500 rubles, double room from 700 rubles. per day

Total for 7 days: from 46,500 rubles. for 1 person

Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam

Few people know about Phu Quoc Island, and therefore it is calm here. Beaches the size of a football field, warm sea, cheap housing, recreational activities and a minimum of scooters. If this is how you imagine your vacation, best place can not found. If you miss the clicks of cameras and the tourist atmosphere, take the ferry back to Ho Chi Minh City.

Flight from Moscow: from 28,000 rubles. (Ho Chi Minh City)
Flight from St. Petersburg: from 30,000 rubles. (Ho Chi Minh City)
Visa: not required (15 days)
Accommodation: double room from 700 rub. per day

Total for 7 days: from 43,400 rubles. for 1 person

Goa, India

This is not yet the India that bloggers write about, but the place is also colorful. And most importantly, in November it is hot, cheap and there are a lot of cows on the beaches. We are now talking about sacred Indian animals, if anything.

Flight from Moscow: from 24,000 rubles. (Delhi)
Flight from St. Petersburg: from 27,000 rubles. (Delhi)
Visa: issued through the consulate or Visa Center(1600 rub.)
Accommodation: bed in a hostel from 300 rubles, double room from 600 rubles. per day

Total for 7 days: from RUB 33,100. for 1 person

Bentota and Beruwala, Sri Lanka

In November all resorts west coast Sri Lankans are tempting you to dive into the Indian Ocean and meet a surfer. Or surfing. In addition to water activities and beaches, the island is interesting for its coconut groves and tea plantations.

Flight from Moscow: from 27,000 rubles. (Colombo)
Flight from St. Petersburg: from 30,000 rubles. (Colombo)
Visa: issued online
Accommodation: room for two from 1000 rubles. per day
Food, entertainment, transport: from 1000 rubles. for 1 person per day

Total for 7 days: from 41,000 rubles. for 1 person

Tenerife, Canary Islands

The flight is cheap because the sea has already cooled down a little. Soak up in the warm sea ​​waves It’s unlikely that you’ll succeed, but you’ll be invigorated by water and local prices in no time. Suitable for lovers of a European atmosphere and long walks along the coast.

Flight from Moscow: from 23,000 rubles.
Flight from St. Petersburg: from 24,000 rubles.
Visa: Schengen
Accommodation: bed in a hostel from 1000 rubles, double room from 2000 rubles. per day

Total for 7 days: from 47,500 rubles. for 1 person

Bali, Indonesia

If there is heaven on Earth, then it is in Bali. Here you are guaranteed aesthetic, gastronomic, and economic orgasms. Nature, local cuisine and prices will drive even the most persistent people crazy, and extreme water will stimulate the adrenaline. But everything is not so chocolate: in November there may be rain on the island. Or they may not. Bali in November is like roulette. If you love excitement and are a fan of walking in the rain, come.

Flight from Moscow: from 43,000 rubles. (Denpasar)
Flight from St. Petersburg: from 42,000 rubles. (Denpasar)
Visa: not required (30 days)
Accommodation: bed in a hostel from 300 rubles, double room from 400 rubles. per day
Food, entertainment, transport: from 1500 rub. for 1 person per day

Total for 7 days: from 54,600 rubles. for 1 person

Eilat, Israel

Israel has everything for have a great holiday: warm weather, Dead Sea and obscene prices. And somehow they don’t even spoil the picture, but organically complement our stereotypes about this country.

Flight from Moscow: from 24,000 rubles.

Visa: not required (90 days)
Accommodation: double room from 2800 rub. per day
Food, entertainment, transport: from 2000 rub. for 1 person per day

Total for 7 days: from 57,600 rubles. for 1 person

Dubai, UAE

Getting lost among the skyscrapers, swimming in the hot Persian Gulf, experiencing the benefits of civilization and spending all your savings is a typical vacation program in Dubai. But you can also save money if you know a couple of life hacks (see the end of the article) and forget about long shopping.

Flight from Moscow: from 17,000 rubles.
Flight from St. Petersburg: from 21,000 rubles.
Visa: issued online (30 days, 3900 rub.)
Accommodation: room for two from 3500 rub. per day
Food, entertainment, transport: from 2500 rub. for 1 person per day

Total for 7 days: from 59,000 rubles. for 1 person

Boracay, Philippines

Bounty island with reasonable prices and lonely bungalows on the ocean. Boracay is the budget version of the Maldives.

Flight from Moscow: from 33,000 rubles. (Manila)
Flight from St. Petersburg: from 33,000 rubles. (Manila)
Visa: not required (30 days)
Accommodation: bed in a hostel from 500 rubles, double room from 1700 rubles. per day
Food, entertainment, transport: from 1500 rub. for 1 person per day

Total for 7 days: from 47,000 rubles. for 1 person

Aqaba, Jordan

Healing salts and mud, the Red Sea, coral reefs, diving, snorkeling, Petra nearby - only the prices can confuse you. And so - great option for a holiday in November.

Flight from Moscow: from 28,000 rubles.
Flight from St. Petersburg: from 28,000 rubles.
Visa: issued at the border (30 days, 3645 rubles)
Accommodation: double room from 2000 rub. per day
Food, entertainment, transport: from 2500 rub. for 1 person per day

Total for 7 days: from RUB 59,500. for 1 person

Before the New Year, vacation prices are rising every day. But you can always save money.

  • Choose another arrival city. It is cheaper to get to the resort by local transport (plane, bus, train, ferry).
  • Look for hotels not in popular places, but next to them. The neighboring city or province has the same sea and sun, but prices are lower and the people are kinder.
  • When looking for housing, don't limit yourself to standard search engines. Try couchsurfing, Airbnb, or renting locally.
  • Eat in cafes where there are many locals. It's cheaper and tastier there. And don’t forget about supermarkets: sometimes it’s easier to buy food and cook it yourself.
  • Believe in adventure and be open to people. This not only adds vivid memories, but also saves a lot if you're lucky.

The choice of places to relax by the sea in November is huge. We have selected the best resorts for you!

  • 7 countries where to go to the sea in November without a visa.
  • 5 best visa countries.
  • The best places to relax in Russia.
  • Where is the best place to go on vacation with a child?

Where to holiday abroad in November inexpensively and without a visa

You can find a warm coast at the very end of autumn only outside of Russia.

To avoid additional costs and time spent on preparing documents, you should first consider countries that allow Russian citizens visa-free entry.

It is quite easy to go on vacation to countries that practice issuing visas at the airport of arrival. To obtain a short-term residence permit, sometimes it is enough to pay a quite moderate “visa fee”. In this case, you will not have to provide additional certificates or contact the consulate.


From 54,000 rub. The rainy season is over, now nothing can interfere with your vacation!

You can stay in Thailand for up to 30 days without a visa.

The monsoon and rainy season ends in November, so the weather won't interfere with your vacation. Occasional showers are still possible, but they won't last for weeks on end.

Where is the best place to relax?

It is better to choose the central, northern and southern regions of Thailand for your holiday - in the western regions the rainy season lasts longer. For a holiday at the end of November, the following are suitable:

  • Chiang Mai;
  • Chiang Rai;
  • Pattaya;
  • Krabi;
  • Phuket - more details;
  • Mehongthorn.

Islands of Thailand

Erawan Waterfalls Park

Khao Yai General Theme Park

What to see

In the not-so-hot season, it is best to focus on the excursion program. There are numerous parks worth visiting in Thailand:

  • Khu Khut Bird Park
  • Erawan waterfall park
  • Khao Yai theme park

A unique event that can only be caught during a short period after the end of the rainy season is the boat race, which is organized at many resorts. You can't miss the elephant show in Surin - the annual festival is held on the third weekend in November. In the same month, Full Moon Day is celebrated, dedicated to the spirits of water and light. Both locals and tourists launch hundreds of boats in the shape of a lotus flower - a spectacle that impresses even the most skeptic.

Vacation prices

It is best to buy a ready-made tour if your vacation is 1-2 weeks. If you are going to stay in the country for a month, you can try to plan the trip yourself, because... The main cost is flights, but accommodation and food are cheap in Asia. Therefore, you will save significantly. In hotels, most often they only offer breakfast. Lunch for two will cost from 600 rubles.


From 25,000 rub. Not all of Turkey is cool yet; you can relax in Alanya and Side.

To enter Turkey, you only need a foreign passport; the visa-free regime is valid for up to 60 days.

November in Turkey is a fairly rainy month. There are only two resorts worth going to: Alanya and Side. It is usually drier here and there are not many cloudy days.

What to see and do

If you are unlucky with the weather for a beach holiday, you should pay attention to studying local traditions.

In November, Turks celebrate two major holidays - Ataturk's Memorial Day (November 10) and the Feast of Sacrifice (November 17).

At the end of autumn in Turkey, it is worth trying local fruits. The trees still retain their leaves, but the main harvest has been harvested, and the prices for fruits allow you to give up eating at the hotel and completely switch to fruits and vegetables from the market.



November is the time to go sightseeing


Vacation prices

The season is already low at this time, so prices are significantly reduced. A trip for two to a 3* hotel under the all-inclusive program for a week will cost from 23 thousand rubles.


It is good to go to Egypt in late autumn. The heat is subsiding and the weather conditions do not interfere with enjoying your vacation. In addition to relaxing on the beach, you can comfortably travel around the country and see the sights.

The end of autumn is the “high season” in Egypt. At this time, you can swim and diversify your vacation with excursion programs.

Traditional activities such as surfing, kitesurfing and scuba diving are also available.

What to see:

  • Egyptian pyramids, the tallest of which, the Pyramid of Cheops, is 146 meters high
  • Great Sphinx Statue
  • Cairo Museum and Tutankhamun's Treasury
  • The temples at Abu Simbel are carved directly into the rock. The entrance to the temple is decorated with huge statues of Egyptian gods
  • Karnak Temple - the ancient one is well preserved here temple complex
  • Luxor Temple is one of the greatest buildings Ancient Egypt with tall columns and statues of gods.
  • The Valley of the Kings is a place where many kings are buried, excavations are still underway here

Pyramid of Cheops - the largest of the pyramids

Luxor Temple

Karnak Temple

Valley of the Kings

Vacation prices

It is most profitable to take a ready-made “All inclusive” tour, which includes flights, accommodation, food and insurance. The cost starts from 35,000 rubles per week for two.


From 68,000 rub. If you choose South Vietnam, your ideal vacation is guaranteed.

Russians can stay in Vietnam for up to 15 days without a visa. This time is enough to swim in the warm sea.

Where to go and what to see

For beaches and swimming, it is best to go to the southern regions. November in Vietnam is the ideal time for sightseeing tours.

In the Ho Chi Minh City area, the Oc Om Bok festival takes place in late autumn. The Khmer festival is dedicated to the lunar deity. The Vietnamese bring sacrifices to God and ask for a new harvest. At the end of the holiday, traditional Ngo boat races take place.

What to see?

  • Ha Long Bay - there are 3000 islands here, very beautiful!
  • Ancient temple complex of Michon
  • Hanoi Citadel - still under excavation
  • Cham Towers Po Nagar
  • Thap Ba thermal springs - the famous mud bath
  • The cable car to Hon Che Island is the longest cable car passing over the sea
  • Monkey Island

Hanoi Citadel

The cable car to Hon Che Island is the longest in the world

Ancient temple complex of Michon

Vacation prices

Hotels usually only offer breakfast, so the rest of the time you can eat in cafes and restaurants; food here is cheap.


From 45,000 rub. Holidays for every taste: from Economy to Luxury.

The end of autumn is the season of the influx of tourists in United Arab Emirates. The conditions are conducive to both excursions and relaxation on the beach.

When traveling to Dubai in November, it is worth attending a golf tournament. The UAE hosts world-class competitions. The weather is conducive to self-study this sport, and golf courses and equipment rentals in Dubai are easy to find.

In addition to traditional beach activities, in the UAE it is worth going on a yacht or local water transport - a dhow schooner or an abre boat. Formula 1 water races, which take place at the end of November, are also interesting.

The camel racing season begins at the end of October, and from the beginning of November you can attend more traditional horse races.

Fans of original “sea” entertainment can dive with scuba gear and take part in a “hunt” for pearls. Tourists traditionally keep the “catch” for themselves.

At the end of November, Dubai hosts Jewelry Week, the largest jewelry exhibition in the Middle East region. Gold products cost Arab countries not too expensive, so you can bring back a unique author’s work purchased at a reasonable price as a souvenir from your trip.

What to see?

  • Burj Khalifa is the most tall skyscraper in the world
  • Palm Jumeirah
  • Musical fountain in Dubai near the Burj Khalifa skyscraper
  • Ferrari World Theme Park
  • The aquarium in the Dubai Mall is also the largest in the world, a breathtaking sight
  • Many ancient mosques and palaces in the Arabic style

Palm Jumeirah

Musical fountain in Dubai

Aquarium in the Dubai Mall

Vacation prices

It is most profitable to buy a ready-made tour.


From 74,000 rub. You can swim in the Dead Sea until late autumn.

The beach season in Israel does not end in November. You can swim in the Dead Sea until late autumn - the air temperature rises to +24. There will no longer be much heat, and you can comfortably travel around the country without suffering from the heat. The only thing you need to take into account is the possibility of rainy weather, although there are few cloudy days in November, and the rain ends very quickly.

What to see?

  • Church of the Holy Sepulcher
  • Wall of Tears
  • Bahai Gardens in Haifa
  • Underwater observatory in Eilat

A city with a long history

Ancient Jerusalem is home to many attractions and museums

Bahai Gardens in Haifa

Vacation prices

Sri Lanka

From 80,000 rub. Relaxed passive holiday on paradise beaches.

A tourist visa to stay in Sri Lanka is required, but it will be issued at the local airport. There is no need to submit documents in advance for a holiday abroad.

Things to do

Sri Lanka is the island of tea. Tourists will definitely be offered a ride to the plantation and see with their own eyes how tea leaves are harvested. Walk through tropical forest will be no less exciting. Fans of flora and fauna should visit one of the national natural parks, home to more than 200 species of birds, leopards, crocodiles and other exotic animals.

On the east coast in November you can go diving and snorkeling. Western is more suitable for a relaxed, passive holiday.

What to see?

  • Adam's Peak - the mountain on top of which there is a temple
  • Kumana and Yala National Park
  • World shopping mall to Colombo
  • Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage and Zoo
  • Tea plantations

Tea plantations

Elephant shelter

Sri Lanka beach

Local fishermen catch fish sitting on poles


Holidays in November in countries that require a visa

Some popular tourist countries introduced for Russians special regime visits, simplifying the receipt and processing of a visa.


From 31,000 rub. 24-hour parties on the beaches.

Goa is an Indian state that is especially popular among tourists. The beach season almost never ends here. To enter you will need e-visa, which can be issued online, but it is not valid at all airports.

Things to do and see

North Goa is famous for its trance parties. The beaches here are far from ideal; the northern part of the state is mainly visited by music lovers, students and not-so-wealthy Indians.

The best way to get Indian souvenirs is from the flea market near Anjuna Beach. This place is an attraction in itself.

Holidays in South Goa are more respectable, the beaches here are cleaner, and the public consists mainly of Europeans and wealthy Indians.

In November in Goa it is worth going on excursions to spice plantations, mangrove or palm groves, taking a ride on numerous islands and going to waterfalls. For sea ​​excursions the season will start a little later.

If you come to Goa at the very beginning of November, you can catch the Diwali holiday, when local residents celebrate the main full moon of the year. The 2020 Festival of Lights will take place on November 3rd.

Festival of Lights

Buy souvenirs at local markets


If you are planning to go to India for 1-2 weeks, it is more profitable to take a ready-made tour. It’s best to look for a month-long trip on your own. Accommodation and food in India are very cheap; air tickets are the most expensive.

Canary Islands

From 85,000 rub. One of the few places in Europe where you can swim in November.

Holidays in Europe at the end of autumn are no longer very pleasant for those who like to lie on the beach. In traditional “resort” countries - Spain, Greece and Italy - the water temperature is too low, and swimming in the sea is uncomfortable.

An exception - Canary Islands. The weather here is warm all year round, the air warms up to at least +20ºC.

What to see?

  • Teide volcano and its observation deck
  • Loro Parque, where the zoo, dolphinarium, Botanical Garden and an aquarium
  • Waterpark Siam Park - here are the coolest slides
  • Huge sheer black cliffs of Los Gigantes and black sand beach
  • The famous thousand-year-old Dragon Tree


Loro Parque

Volcano Teide

Waterpark Siam Park


From 100,000 rub. Ruins of ancient civilizations and snow-white beaches.

Mexico is famous for its endless white beaches that wash the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, as well as the mysteries and culture of the ancient civilizations of the Mayans and Aztecs, whose temples attract thousands of tourists and historians. The visa can be applied for online.

Things to do?

  • Relax on the beaches in Acapulco
  • Surfing and active recreation in the resort of Cancun
  • View the ruins of the ancient Mayan and Aztec cities
  • Visit the Underwater Sculpture Museum
  • Go to national parks

Ruins of ancient Mayan and Aztec cities

Visit local carnivals

Museum of Underwater Sculptures



Traveling to Mexico is not cheap, but big luggage the experience is worth it! The most expensive is a long flight; the accommodation itself is not that expensive. Lunch for two will cost from 1200 rubles.


From 60,000 rub. The most romantic country!

Tourists come here to plunge into the most romantic atmosphere and spend Honeymoon and see famous sights. Go shopping, try croissants and cheese for breakfast and, of course, look at the Eiffel Tower

What to see?

  • Eiffel Tower
  • The Louvre is one of the largest museums in the world
  • Triumphal Arch
  • Versailles - palace and park complex

Eiffel Tower

Triumphal Arch

Take a walk through the city at night

Look at the beautiful architecture

The Louvre is one of the largest museums in the world


Prices here are quite expensive both for food in restaurants and for rental housing and cars.


From 100,000 rub. Kangaroo country and the best surfing!

Distant Australia attracts travelers from all over the world, the only country that occupies an entire continent! Huge ocean on all sides, lots of kangaroos, impressive skyscrapers, architecture, wild nature and the most dangerous surfing in the world! You must obtain a visa in advance from the country's embassy.

What to see?

  • Bondi Beach - one of the best beaches in the world
  • The Great Barrier Reef is a unique place on the planet
  • The Sydney Opera House is the country's calling card
  • View "12 Apostles"
  • Harbor Bridge
  • National parks

Look at the 12 apostles

Bondi Beach

Sydney Opera House

Great Barrier Reef


Nobody sells ready-made tours to this country, but amateurs exotic travel can easily plan a trip on their own! In general, prices here are high. The total amount will depend on the chosen flight (flights will definitely have 2 or 3 transfers), city of residence, hotel and money spent on entertainment. Lunch for two will cost from 2000 rubles.

Where to go in November in Russia?

If it is not too difficult to find a country that does not require a visa for entry, then without a passport it will be difficult to find a suitable destination. In all regions where entry is possible by internal passport citizen of the Russian Federation, the beach season is already over.

In November it is worth giving preference excursion tours within Russia.

Suzdal, Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Kostroma and other cities.

You will have to allocate from 7 to 30 days to travel along the Golden Ring. Key cities on the route:

  • Suzdal;
  • Vladimir;
  • Yaroslavl;
  • Kostroma;
  • Pereyaslavl-Zalessky;
  • Rostov;
  • Sergiev Posad;
  • Ivanovo.

Neighborhoods of Moscow and St. Petersburg

The Kremlin, Red Square, Hermitage, what else can you see?

If time and funds are limited, you can go on an excursion within one of the capitals or go to the suburbs. In November, a trip to Peterhof will allow you to admire the fountains without the tiresome company of foreign tourists.

The end of autumn is the ideal time to visit large museums (the Tretyakov Gallery or the Hermitage), where there are too many visitors during the holiday season.

What to see?

  • Kremlin and Red Square
  • Museums and exhibitions
  • Hermitage in St. Petersburg


You can rent an apartment or hotel room from 2000 rubles


The end of November is the start of the ski season in the Caucasus. At the Dombay and Elbrus resorts, natural snow cover is already forming. Leisure will cost less than at the peak of the season.

It is best to choose the following hotels:

  • Snow Leopard (prices from 3000 rubles for a double room)
  • Hotel Sufurudzhu Forest (prices from 1500 rubles for a double room)
  • Hotel Caprice (prices from 2400 rubles for a double room)
  • Hotel Crystal (prices from 1700 rubles for a double room)


The best way to get to Dombay is to buy a ticket to Mineralnye Vody. It will cost 3-4 thousand rubles. Next, take a bus ticket, transfer to the resort, or rent a car. Rent a hotel room from 1400 rubles per night. The cost of a sleep pass for 5 days will be from 6,500 rubles. Lunch for two will cost about 1,500 rubles.

Moscow region

Verba Mayr, Pushkino, Vatutinki and Voronov.

You can get away from the bustle of the city and spend a few days in peace, without spending large sums on accommodation and travel, when you vacation in the Moscow region. Boarding houses and sanatoriums operate all year round. For a longer stay it is worth renting a private house or a dacha - the demand for housing outside the city decreases in mid-autumn, and you can get an apartment with all the amenities much cheaper than in the warm months.

Among the best sanatoriums can be distinguished:

  • Verba Mayr
  • Pushkino
  • Vatutinki
  • Voronovo

Where to relax with children

Holidays with a child abroad

When choosing a tour for traveling with a child, you need to consider several points:

  • duration of the trip;
  • climate of the country;
  • availability of conditions and infrastructure for children;
  • school holiday dates.

For a trip to the sea, Thailand or Sri Lanka are suitable. Both countries have a fairly comfortable climate, and a large number of fruits and animals will not let children get bored.

For educational trips combined with relaxation on the beach, the Dead Sea resorts are suitable.

During the school holidays it is worth getting out to tourist trip in Europe. Complex tours usually do not last long, but the child will have enough impressions until the next season. Many events that will interest children take place in Asian countries.

Holidays in Spain, Italy and Greece in November it will be cheaper than in summer. Autumn is a great season for sightseeing and museum trips.

Excursions around Eastern Europe relevant at any time of the year. It’s worth traveling to the Czech Republic or Hungary with your children. It is better to reschedule your visit to Scandinavian countries until later. warm time year - in November it is quite cold here.

Holidays with a child in Russia

Veliky Ustyug, Karelia, Kazan. Where else can you go with your child?

Veliky Ustyug

Take your children to the Russian residence of Father Frost and see his fairy-tale house and post office! At this time there is already a lot of snow here and the New Year's mood reigns! Let your children write a letter to Santa Claus and buy souvenirs, meet the Snow Maiden and ride in a sleigh! You can also go skiing and skating here.


A snowy kingdom, where the most popular entertainment is a dog or reindeer sled ride. You can also visit the forest trolls, engage in winter sports, visit the national dwellings of local residents made from reindeer skins and taste delicious traditional dishes.


Colorful Kazan begins preparations for the New Year already in November; ice towns and slides are built here, and you can also visit many excursions and an exhibition of ice sculptures. And you should definitely try the national cuisine!

Here you can visit many museums and palaces. Let your child learn the history of the country live, not in class!

Be sure to check out:

  • Winter Palace, where the Hermitage Museum is now located;
  • Peter-Pavel's Fortress
  • Nevsky Avenue
  • Drawbridges
  • Mariinskii Opera House

If it happens that vacation weeks fall at the end of autumn, then first of all we all ask ourselves the question of where to relax at sea in November. Which of the resorts we know about are most profitable to visit during this period? Where is it warm, where is it very hot, and where is the weather already becoming cool and a little autumnal? Let's consider the rating of resorts that are worth visiting in the very last month of autumn.

Official opening of the beach season

Well, cold, dank and damp November has arrived. Where to go to the seaside so as not to see these rains, fogs and slush for at least one week? Just at this time the beach season opens in Dominican Republic, on the shore Caribbean Sea. Tourists are offered the newly opened entertainment centers, attractions, water parks, restaurants, bars and cafes. Along with this, various parties are organized on the embankments and on large city beaches, which take place both during the day and at night, and in order to have a blast, you just have to decide on the direction: “Where?” The sea here is always warm in November, the water warms up to almost 30 degrees. There are no storms, strong winds do not rise, and the sun shines all day, warming the air and the snow-white sand.

Disadvantages of holidays in the Dominican Republic

If you are looking for an inexpensive place to relax by the sea in November, then the Dominican Republic will not seem like the cheapest option to you. The fact is that precisely because of the opening of the season and favorable weather conditions an influx of tourists begins here, not only from Russia, but also from Europe and America. Therefore, prices for many services, accommodation, entertainment and other services are inflated to the limit. It is worth noting a very important factor - during this period in the Dominican Republic, many vacationers rent cars, because there are very large traffic jams on the roads, and the road traffic itself becomes completely unregulated. The local police love to catch violators and fine them heavily. Therefore, even in the most difficult situations, try to adhere to traffic rules, so that later you don’t have to shell out your last vacation pay to pay off ridiculous debts.

Another tropical paradise

Another popular place where all our tourists love to relax at sea in November is Thailand. At the end of autumn in this country the rainy season is just coming to an end. Quantity sunny days are increasing, all the resort islands are warming up and becoming an excellent place for any type of vacation. Let us immediately note that if you want to hide from the hustle and bustle and a large number of people, then choose famous resort Pattaya is not worth it. Those who can spend a fairly large amount of money on vacation can go to Phuket. This is a respectable resort, which is indented by bays and bays. If you are an extreme sports enthusiast, then a holiday on the Krabi archipelago is suitable for you. You can get there by boat or ferry, and you will be greeted there by snow-white shores that bathe in the waves of the purest Andaman Sea.

Economical holiday

Many people who want to leave the capital, slush and dampness, are most interested in the question of where to inexpensively and accessiblely spend the next November. Where to go to the sea, which resort to choose so that it is both affordable and beautiful? Before real winter sets in, it’s best to go to Egypt. At the end of autumn, the heat in the country loses its grip and is replaced by a velvet season, which is accompanied by pleasant warmth and gentle sunshine. During the day, the air heats up to 30 degrees, and the sea - up to 25. The nights here are cool, so you need to take warm clothes with you. The most important thing is that late autumn is the best time to go on numerous excursions here. These include trips to the pyramids of Giza, tours of local deserts, camel rides, etc.

Real safari

If you are an extreme sports fan and are looking for where to relax at sea in November, then it is impossible to lose sight of countries such as Tanzania and Kenya. They are located in the central part East Africa and are washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean. All year round, including in November, the sun shines here, the sea warms up to extremely high temperatures, and palm trees welcomingly lower their leaves to the feet of travelers. Looking at the beaches in these equatorial countries, you might think that this is a standard “tropical paradise”. There's a turquoise sea here, White sand And bright sun. However, as soon as you move a little away from the coast, everything changes dramatically. In Kenya or Tanzania, you can book a safari tour, during which you can see the most authentic wild African flora and fauna. You will have a trip through the local jungle and steppes, exploring the main natural attractions, and, of course, an unforgettable meeting with representatives of the animal world. While riding an SUV, you will be able to see with your own eyes giraffes, zebras, lions and leopards, as well as a whole host of exotic predators that you are unlikely to encounter anywhere else.

Even further south... to where it's colder

Everyone knows that in the Southern Hemisphere, November is considered the beginning of the summer season. Where to relax by the sea this month (unusually, completely unconventionally and in a special way)? If you are not afraid of cool weather, winds and, most interestingly, constant clashes and conflicts on the streets, then go to the Republic of South Africa. Recently, this country has become the center of a real industry, because all the cities that have grown on its territory are megacities with typically American skyscrapers. Many of them are located in the depths of South Africa, but Cape Town is located not just on the seashore, but at the junction of two oceans - the Indian and Atlantic. The beach season opens here in November. Let us note right away that the water is quite cool - from 20 to 24 degrees. The region is often windy, so if you plan to just walk the streets and see the local attractions, it is recommended to wear a jacket.

Where else in the south do they celebrate summer?

When residents of our latitudes decide to relax at sea (in November) somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere of the planet, then for some reason the first thing their eyes turn to is Brazil, its cities of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. However, we will move even further south and see what a holiday in Argentina can be like - in Buenos Aires. Here, again, November is considered the threshold of summer, which is why the temperature of the air and water in the ocean rises. The capital of Argentina itself is not a resort city, so on the local beaches, which stretch along the La Plata Bay, vacationers are predominantly locals. But if you go outside the city, you will see stunning, very picturesque landscapes. These are green bays that bathe in calm local waters. Vacationers have snow-white sand under their feet, and the bright summer sun shines overhead. Local beaches- a great place to relax with children. If you rent a car, you can live in the city and come here only to swim and enjoy nature.

On the smallest land

Without leaving the Southern Hemisphere, let's look at where seaside holidays are still possible in November - in warm and truly summer conditions. Tourist center in last years Australia is rightfully considered. The beach season here begins in November, although, in principle, you can swim and sunbathe here at any time of the year. Each Australian city offers a unique atmosphere, completely different from the one we are used to. There are different people here, a different mentality, different rules and morals. What’s most important is that only at first it all seems crazy, and even a kind of utopia. After you spend a couple of days here, you will “join the team” and be able to see this life in completely different colors. Well, now let’s take a closer look at what resort areas on the world’s smallest continent await us in cold and dank November.

Great Barrier Reef

A tropical wonder of the world that stretches along the coast of Australia for as much as 2000 kilometers. Along it were located tropical islands(no more or less - 71), each of which is strewn with snow-white sand. Around the islands, the ocean is painted an unreal turquoise color, and it looks as if someone actually poured paint into the water. If you decide to go to the sea at the end of November here, then be prepared for high prices. In the cottages and rooms of five-star hotels that are built on the Reef Islands, everything becomes more expensive by the beginning of summer. Do not forget, while in these paradisiacal latitudes, to book a helicopter excursion. From a bird's eye view, you will be able to view the beauties that will never be forgotten, and the impressions that you can get from such a trip will make you the happiest in the world.

Golden shore

If you are looking for not just a warm sea in November, but also one where you can windsurf, then head to the Gold Coast of Australia. It is located in the city of Brisbane, in the state of Queensland, known to every avid tourist. There are dozens of miles of shores strewn with golden sands, washed by the waves of the ocean. This small but very vibrant and dynamic city can be compared to Miami in the States. It is filled with skyscrapers, penthouses and luxury hotels. There is a record number of bars, restaurants, cafes and other entertainment venues where you can spend an interesting day and night. The most interesting thing is that on the Gold Coast you can relax both in a noisy company and with your family. There are so many places for swimming in the ocean that vacationers do not disturb each other at all.

How is the weather in the East?

When discussing the question “where to go to the seaside in November to have a relatively cheap vacation,” it is impossible to ignore the UAE. In the emirates at this time, like here, winter begins, only in its weather it differs, and significantly, from Russian. The incredible summer heat typical of these latitudes subsides, and real warmth reigns on the streets and beaches of the country. The velvet season in Dubai is characterized by air temperatures of around 30 degrees, while the Persian Gulf heats up to 27. At night it becomes a little cooler, so it’s worth taking sweaters with you. Note that in winter there is no large influx of tourists from Russia, therefore prices for many services are reduced. Also during this period you can do great shopping here. Vast spaces for shopping will satisfy the needs of even the most meticulous buyers, and prices will surprise the most avid skeptics.