Olympiad on the history of aviation and aeronautics. Olympiad on the history of aviation and aeronautics Il 62 aircraft structure and technical characteristics

One of the most beautiful aircraft of Sergei Vladimirovich Ilyushin celebrates its anniversary today. The elegant long-haul Liner, Aeroflot's flagship of the 70s, the Il-62, is 55 years old...

The Il-62 crew of five people - two pilots, a flight engineer, a navigator and a radio operator - was located in a spacious cockpit, in which all controls were located so that they were convenient to use. Working conditions in such a cockpit contributed to increased flight safety, reducing the number of piloting errors associated with fatigue of crew members...

Layout options for the Il-62 differ in the number of seats - 186, 168 and 138. The placement in several salons also varies: 72 passenger seats in the front cabin and 114 in the rear, respectively - 66 and 102. There is also an option - a front cabin for 12 passengers , middle - for 24 and rear for 102 passengers. To speed up the boarding and disembarkation of passengers, two doors were made in the forward and central parts of the fuselage. Four luggage compartments under the floor of the passenger compartments can accommodate up to 23 tons of commercial cargo...

The modified Il-62M was operated in many countries of the world: Angola, Hungary, East Germany, China, North Korea, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, and Cuba. 51 Il-62M and 30 Il-62 aircraft were delivered to foreign airlines. Until March 1997, the Il-62M was the main aircraft of the President of Russia.

A total of 289 Il-62 and Il-62M aircraft (including modifications) have been built since 1963. There are currently 14 machines left in operation...

Happy anniversary, dear IL-62!
Clear skies and soft landings!

Air Force Day was memorable not only. Already three weeks before the holiday, it was known that the exposition of the aircraft exhibition this year would be decorated with the legendary Soviet large jet airliners. And if the opportunity to get into the cockpit of the Il-62 is simply something exclusive, then I have my own special feelings for the Tu-154: distant and almost forgotten from childhood, as well as very fresh from recent times, when the Big Tupolev was still on the wing.

What is symbolic for me is that my official spotting began from this board in 2011, when I barely got onto the airport platform near the hangar and saw this beauty brought down from the sky to earth due to the bankruptcy of Continent. I remember then press secretary Tatyana Kaminskaya said that she had to be torn between two days of spotting and a conflict with panicking passengers, whom it was now unclear who would take them home..

Since then, aviation began to penetrate my consciousness at the same speed with which the Tu-154 connected the cities of our vast world. If anyone doesn’t already know, the “fifty dollar” is one of the fastest civilian airliners and the only medium-haul aircraft capable of taking off and landing even on unpaved airfields. If it took about 4 hours to fly to Moscow, then modern bourgeois substitutes have been flying to the non-rubber plane for almost 5 hours.

1. This photo perfectly reflects the current situation with Tupolev. Some villain once pressed the "QUIT" button, and now this type has been completely eradicated from the fleets of most airlines. And the only major operator, Utair, is threatening to completely get rid of white fifty dollars in 2014. At Emelyanovo airport this year, the Tu-154 appeared several times in the livery of A/K Alrosa and the government SLO. None regular flights there is no need to talk anymore.

2. This aircraft with onboard RA-85123 is very young and still very hot. Having first taken to the skies in 2006, it had flown just over 3,000 hours - it had literally undergone a run-in with its endurance. Immediately noticeable are the displays with keyboards, analogues of the bourgeois CDU and FMC in place of the NVU (navigation and computing device) blocks.

3. On this gloomy day, again, it was not without the bright magic of a kind man, thanks to whom all the visitors to the holiday pressed each other against the fence in anticipation of the opening of the platform, and Semyon and I turned the horns of the steering wheel of the legendary plane. Thank you, Tanya, thank you so much!!

4. The first thing your hand reaches when entering the cockpit is the flight engineer's panel. If earlier it caused quiet horror and misunderstanding about how to keep track of all this in flight, then after mastering the Tu-154 in the MFS 2004 simulator, thanks to the unique aircraft model from Project Tupolev, all the pieces of the mosaic line up into an even, logical series of actions. Now it’s no less interesting to watch a video of how a flight engineer starts the engines and masterfully handles the electrical systems. The first virtual launch before the “not ready for takeoff” sign went out took me more than an hour, the model of this aircraft turned out to be so complex and at the same time elaborate.

5. A salon familiar from a young age... I don’t know exactly how many times during my unconscious childhood life I flew on a Tu-154, but from 1983 to 1991, every year in the summer my route lay from Krasnoyarsk to the distant Ukrainian land of the city of Odessa. Of course, there were also Il-86 and Il-62, but still the Big Tupol became the most familiar aircraft.

6. Any doors opened before us that day. Yes yes, and even these :)

7. Through this door we, like once a hundred and fifty passengers, got on board. I really liked the red leather seats for the flight attendants; they were in excellent condition. Apparently in the 2000s it was already prohibited to carry hares in these places. Like in that cruel joke about intercity bus"The traffic police requires that the number of corpses coincide with the number of tickets sold."

8. This time there wasn’t much time to stretch out with a tripod, so I shot on the run, in full automatic mode and with the built-in flash.. What could be worse.. :))

9. Every boy’s dream is to be at the helm of an airliner in the command chair. The thrill was enhanced by the realization that this might be the last chance to get to know the legendary liner so closely.

10. In cockpit sittings, I increasingly prefer the right cup of the co-pilot. It's a very responsible thing to be a commander. Without pressure in the hydraulic systems, it is very difficult to make a left bank. :)

11. Now I have a new little aviation dream - to fly the Tu-154 on the KTS simulator. I know for sure that there was one in Yemelyanovo, and even at one time anyone could fly on it for 5,000 rubles/hour. And in the photo this is me retracting the landing gear...

12. I always wonder where the instrument panels from sawed-off airplanes go. Where are they thrown? I would pick...

13. Visibility from the pilot’s seat is excellent, which is what was always missing in the simulator, even on two monitors. It’s a pity that it was impossible to light the panel lights - the batteries are removed from the aircraft during storage.

14. Two newfangled displays significantly simplify aircraft control, but spoil the authenticity of the panel as a whole. If I remember correctly, at this place in B-shke there was a weather radar, and in M-ka satellite navigation KLN-90 had already appeared.

15. A lot of words of gratitude to aircraft technician Evgeniy Teterin, a wonderful and sympathetic person who is in love with Big Tupol. He happily let us into the closed plane and took a break from his own business to show and tell us the cockpit layout and how great it was to work on the plane. In every word it is clear that he has great respect for this plane and at the same time is sad that its era is gone.

16. How the slightly open door to the pilot’s cockpit always attracts the eye. I am still very jealous of those lucky ones who managed to visit the cockpit during the flight, especially during landing, when the crew is extremely active and eloquent with checklists.

17. I am also happy that I was able to fly on this airliner in my conscious adult life. After a long break from flying, which happened in the early 90s, when plane prices soared above my parents’ salaries, I flew for the first time in 2006. Tu-154 A/K Krasair then returned me and my beloved girl from a trip across Abkhazia to icy Krasnoyarsk. As I remember now, heated by Adler and his +34 degrees of humid heat, after 5 hours we find ourselves in our homeland, where on August 29 it was only +2 and an invigorating snow was falling.

18. The Big Tupolev became the first plane for my daughter. The flight Krasnoyarsk-Ekaterinburg-Krasnodar and back was her first trip. I remember that year the brand new Koltsovo airport with its jet bridges simply amazed us! And especially the mother and child room :) It seemed that the plane had been hijacked and landed in some foreign port.

19. In a few minutes, a pilgrimage of aviation lovers will begin here, not afraid of the gloomy weather, and many boys with sparkling eyes will touch the heavy controls. And maybe it will bring great aesthetic pleasure to the girls, as well as their parents. But for now we are alone in the cabin and all this buzz is ours!

20. On this day, I finally found out two questions that had been tormenting me for a long time: where is the parking brake on the Tu5 and how is braking done with pedals while running. Mechanically, in real life it all looks much cooler than pressing buttons in a simulator. Indeed, real men fly on Soviet planes, not computer operators.

21. An emergency exit with an inflatable ladder is another place in the cabin where they prefer to seat strong men without children or bags.

22. So that’s what you are, megaphone! Translating the instructions is far from being a polyglot... SERVIS - there is no such word in the English alphabet :)

23. From here the smells of wonderful airplane food once spread throughout the cabin. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the desired flight altitude and in a few minutes we are ready to offer you a hot dinner” is perhaps the most desired phrase that the Pax expect from the crew from the moment they leave home for departure. :)

24. This is how your boots see the interior of the Tu-154. May lovers of fresh air forgive me, I always take off my boots after takeoff. I love feeling comfortable while flying.

25. Tupolevs are always criticized for the leg space between the seats. But somehow I didn’t notice that on the same 737 there is much more of this space...
But I always found Tupolev chairs more comfortable for my back...

26. Here, in general, basketball players can fly leg to leg without straining too much. Green fabric covers for life jackets evoke something military...

27. Time is not on our side this time, there are 10 minutes left before the opening of the holiday, and we are in a hurry to visit another no less deserved liner. Goodbye, Big Tupolev! With great hope to see you take off again someday! You can't put someone so young under the knife...

28. And hello, honored veteran and hard worker of Aeroflot and Krasair airlines!

29. The airport prepared a wonderful gift for the big aviation holiday - an Il-62 RA-86453 was rolled out from the Siberian State Agrarian University training base to be torn apart by the spectators. This is how we are used to seeing him at official spottings.

30. This plane certainly never flew under the Taimyr flag, and the aquarium in the windows in every possible way emphasizes the fact that the plane was decommissioned back in 2005.

31. According to tradition, I take the seat on the right and see that the co-pilot was in charge of the anti-icing systems, headlights and oxygen equipment. And the pedals here are almost like those of a car.

32. There is no counting of the number of toggle switches on the flight engineer’s panel. Their main focus is power supply and lighting. Under the lamp there are interesting landing gear extension/retraction control devices.

33. The navigator has no fewer toggle switches, plus a whole panel of navigation equipment and even his own locator.

34. The only photograph I have of the commander’s seat. An interesting implementation of a steering column with a gearbox, combined with a nose strut control rudder. Two in one!
The fuel gauges on the top panel are also unusual after the Tupolev. Everything is in sight and under the control of the commander.
Despite its considerable size and large takeoff weight, the Il-62 aircraft does not have a booster system. The rudders and ailerons are controlled only by the muscular strength of the pilots or the electric steering machines of the autopilot. This solution became possible thanks to the above-mentioned features of the aircraft’s weight distribution, in which a large area of ​​the control surfaces is not required for takeoff and leveling.

35. On the central panel are control instruments for all 4 engines. In Tupolev, this place contains only tachometers; the rest is the responsibility of the flight engineer. The flaps are released asynchronously.

36. In the cockpit of the Il-62 there seemed to be much more space; you can walk and sit in a chair without acrobatic sketches, without fear of hitting your head.

37. Simple housekeeping for flight attendants - managing lighting, boilers and heating water in toilets.

38. Babies were offered to be transported in the first row of the cabin in an interesting cradle. I wonder what kind of socket is that in the passenger's feet?

39. The instructions tell us to pull the handle, throw out the door and probably continue down the rope.

40. At this point, the time of our exclusive excursion quickly came to an end and we were carried out of the cabin by a wave of holiday guests.

41. The main landing gear has only 4 wheels versus 6 for the Tupolev. And this is with a greater take-off weight of as much as 65 tons.

42. Unusual shape of the leading edge of the wing.

43. It’s nice that all the engines are in place, there’s no shame in removing the plugs.


45. Il-62 became the first Soviet jet aircraft to use reverse engine thrust. Apparently only on the last two.

46. ​​A design feature of the aircraft is a small fourth two-wheel rear landing gear, used to prevent the empty aircraft from tipping over during parking and taxiing. The layout of the aircraft is such that the center of gravity of the empty aircraft is behind the main landing gear.

47. Compared to previous years, today one could say it was deserted. There really aren't that many all-weather aviation enthusiasts...

48. Our excursion has come to an end here. I hope our meeting was far from the last.

49. And there were already queues of people waiting at the ramps. Eh, it would be better if excursion flights were carried out on this Tupolev. Our joy would know no bounds!

In conclusion, I thought here: it’s gratifying that my former most important boss, who signed every order assigning me the next military rank, the country’s main rescuer, and now Minister of Defense S.K. Shoigu flies the last built Tu-154. He probably knows a lot about reliable cars, and now all that remains is to wait for his arrival in Krasnoyarsk to once again see the characteristic tail of soot behind such a recognizable silhouette, listen to the powerful reverse of the D-30KU and enjoy the breathtaking spectacle of retracting the landing gear on takeoff.

Aircraft characteristics

Features of IL-62


Aircraft accidents

IL-62(according to NATO codification: Classic) - a passenger aircraft for ultra-long-haul airlines, developed at the Design Bureau named after. Ilyushin in 1960. Made its first flight in 1963. In operation since 1967. Serially produced in 1966-1995. A total of 276 aircraft were produced. The last aircraft (serial number 2357711) was built in 2004 for the government of Sudan.

A second generation jet passenger aircraft, the Il-62 became the first Soviet jet aircraft capable of non-stop intercontinental flights. The Il-62 aircraft set several world records for speed and flight range. For several decades, the Il-62 served as “Air Force No. 1” to transport the leadership of the USSR. A third of all cars produced were exported to socialist countries, primarily to Cuba.

History of creation

Development of the Il-62 began in the early 1960s, when Aeroflot developed requirements for a long-range aircraft capable of flying non-stop flight from Moscow to Khabarovsk and Havana.

The prototype Il-62 USSR-06156 with AL-7 engines with a thrust of 7500 kgf first took to the skies on January 2, 1963 under the command of V.K. Kokkinaki. Already on the second prototype USSR-06153 1964, AL-7 engines were replaced by new NK-8 (9500 kgf), and later by modified NK-8-4. The tests continued for 4 years, and in mid-1967 the aircraft entered service.

Since 1969 at the OKB im. Ilyushin began developing a modified version of the Il-62M. The new version, also designated Il-62M-200, differs from the original aircraft in having more powerful and economical D-30KU turbofan engines, improved aerodynamics of the nacelles, placement of an additional fuel tank with a capacity of 5000 liters in the vertical tail, an improved control system, etc.

Flight tests of the Il-62M aircraft were carried out in 1970-1972. It entered service in January 1973. Il-62M aircraft are used on the longest routes. In 1975, it carried out a flight from Moscow to Seattle (USA) via the North Pole.

In 1978, the Il-62MK version appeared, featuring a reinforced wing structure and a new passenger cabin layout, designed to carry up to 186 passengers. The maximum take-off weight was increased to 167 tons, and the payload was increased to almost 23 tons.

Aircraft characteristics

Features of IL-62

  • A design feature of the aircraft is a small fourth two-wheel rear landing gear, used to prevent the empty aircraft from tipping over when parked and taxiing. The layout of the aircraft is such that the center of gravity of the empty aircraft is behind the main landing gear.
  • Despite its significant size and high take-off weight, the Il-62 aircraft does not have a booster system. The rudders and ailerons are controlled only by the muscular strength of the pilots or the electric steering machines of the autopilot. This solution became possible thanks to the above-mentioned features of the aircraft’s weight distribution, in which a large area of ​​the control surfaces is not required for takeoff and leveling.
  • Il-62 became the first domestic jet aircraft to use reverse engine thrust.


Aircraft of the Il-62 family were mass-produced in 1969-1995 at the aircraft plant in Kazan. A total of 290 aircraft were built: 3 prototypes (built in Moscow), 94 Il-62 and 193 Il-62M and Il-62MK. Of this number, 81 aircraft were manufactured for export to the countries of the socialist camp: Angola, Hungary, East Germany, North Korea, China, Cuba, Mozambique, Poland, Czechoslovakia.

By the beginning of the 90s, the four-engine narrow-body long-haul airliner was obsolete, the consumption of kerosene to transport one passenger was too high, and the operation of the Il-62 became unprofitable. Mass decommissioning and decommissioning of the Il-62 began in the second half of the 1990s; in 2005, Aeroflot abandoned the Il-62, once its largest operator. At the end of 2008, due to the crisis, a number of airlines stopped using aircraft of this type for regular passenger air transportation in Russia.

As of the beginning of 2012, 29 Il-62s remain in operation: 16 in Russia, 1 in Kazakhstan, 4 in the DPRK, 2 in Ukraine, 2 in Iran, 2 in Libya, one each in Sudan and Gambia. Almost all aircraft are used for government, cargo and charter flights. The rest of the IL-62 production, according to the same source, is distributed as follows:

  • crashed - 18 (total accidents that resulted in write-off - 23; see below)
  • cut into scrap metal - 176
  • in storage - 66, of which 12 cars are used as museum exhibits, cafes, restaurants, monuments.

Aircraft accidents

In total, as of July 24, 2009, 23 Il-62 aircraft were lost. There were 12 plane crashes involving him.

Board number

Disaster site

Short description


test flight, crashed on takeoff

flew off the runway

problems with aileron control and fire on board


crashed on third approach attempt

details unknown

Near Damascus

Crashed on approach due to crew error

During landing approach, power lines were touched

The second engine was destroyed during landing.

near Moscow

Fire signal for both engines. The PIC turned them off and the plane crashed


During landing the reverse of the first engine did not work

Crashed into the mountains

The second engine exploded while climbing

During takeoff, the rear rudder and ailerons jammed

Throughout the history of Soviet aircraft manufacturing, the USSR industry produced many units aviation technology. The first intercontinental jet airliner was the Il-62M. The model was used to transport civilians to the most remote corners Soviet Union. Description and characteristics of the Il-62M are presented in the article.


Il-62M is a long-range passenger airliner. This model belongs to monoplanes - aircraft equipped with one wing. Translated from Greek. monos - one and lat. planum - plane. Since 1930, Soviet designers have used the monoplane design as the main one when creating cargo, military transport and passenger aircraft.


After 1950, Soviet economists and aviation specialists noted a nine-fold increase in the growth of cargo and passenger traffic. It became possible to transport large volumes of cargo in the shortest possible time as a result of the use of aircraft with gas turbine engines. propulsion systems. The state needed to increase the production of such passenger aircraft. For specialists civil aviation The country's leadership was instructed to create a relatively inexpensive and unpretentious aviation model for transporting citizens within the Soviet Union. As a result, the Il-62M became such a model. (Photo by aviation vehicle presented in the article).


The creation of Il-62M aircraft began in 1969. The work consisted of modernizing the Il-62 already used in Soviet aviation. The designers were given the task of improving their flight performance and economic characteristics. The Il-62M was designed at the Ilyushin Experimental Design Bureau. This company had all the necessary resources to quickly and efficiently complete the task.


Initially, the Il-62M was designed to transport passengers ranging from 50 to 165 people. The range for which the aircraft was designed should have been from 5 thousand to 9 thousand km. The designers intended to install the engines in the Il-62M in the tail section. At the OKB, under the leadership of Kuznetsov, a new NK-8 engine was designed for the future airplane. Simultaneously with the work on manufacturing an economy class aircraft, it was planned to create a “luxury” airplane, designed to carry 100-125 passengers.

When choosing a design for the future aircraft, the designers considered various domestic and foreign passenger airliners. The French Caravel, in which the stabilizers are located half the height of the keel, received special attention from Soviet engineers. In the new aircraft, the developers decided to use the Il-18 concept.


Back in 1960, the famous designer Ilyushin approached the government with a proposal to modernize the Il-62, equipping it with RD-23-600 engines, which were developed by S.K. Tumansky. After reviewing the sketches various models passenger airplanes, experts settled on a variant with rear-mounted engines.

Soon, the USSR Council of Ministers approved the concept of the future aircraft proposed by the OKB designers, and the Il-62 modernization program was accepted for implementation. In January 1974, work on the aircraft was completely completed. After successful government and operational tests, the Il-62M was officially approved for use in passenger transportation.


In an effort to improve the performance and economic characteristics of the new aircraft, the developers performed the following actions:

  • The Il-62 was equipped with new engines with an economical design. The designers made their gondolas more advanced, giving them an aerodynamic shape.
  • The keel of the aircraft was equipped with an additional fuel tank. Its capacity was 5 thousand liters. The presence of a tank had a positive effect on the flight range.
  • The airplane was equipped with mechanized loading of luggage.
  • The stabilizer is equipped with automatic control.
  • The passenger airplane was equipped with an improved on-board turbo unit TA-6A, which is used to start the engines and air condition the cabin.
  • The plane was also equipped with new steering wheels.

The geometric dimensions remained unchanged.

About dimensions

Parameters of the modernized Il-62:

  • Length indicator - 53.12 m.
  • Height - 12.35 m.
  • Chassis track - 6.8 m.
  • The aircraft's wing area is 279.55 square meters. m.
  • Wing span - 42.5 m.

Below is a photo of the Il-62M.


Since the tail section became the location for the engines, the developers had to strengthen the airplane's landing gear with main supports. The empty aircraft was prevented from flipping onto its tail by using a tail support, which was retracted each time the load was completed.

For a rear-engined airplane, the designers of the Ilyushin Design Bureau developed a special suspension design. Over time, it was patented by Great Britain, Italy, France, Germany, Czechoslovakia and Japan.

The IL-62M is characterized by rational weight distribution. A distinctive feature of the wing in this airplane is the presence of unusual stepped edges, reminiscent of a beak, which ensured excellent stability of the aircraft. The latest caisson technology, consisting of cheap pressing, was used in the production of the wing. This procedure ensured the lightness and strength of the wing structure. In arranging the plumage, a T-shaped pattern was used for it. The wing in the modernized IL-62, due to the elimination of unnecessarily bulky and not always reliable solutions, is endowed with reduced weight and size characteristics. This had a positive effect on the controllability and reliability of the IL-62M.

About the advantages of the layout

In the entire history of aircraft construction in the USSR, the Il-62M became the first airplane in the manufacture of which a tail-mounted engine design was used. Thanks to this design solution, the wing of this aircraft has improved aerodynamic properties, which is especially important for long-haul passenger vehicles. In addition, the remote location of the engines from the fuel tanks had a positive effect on passenger safety. It is also important that the designers managed to reduce the noise level in the aircraft cabin.

Previously, during the flight of the airplane, its structure was negatively affected by a jet of high-temperature gases. In the Il-62M this negative impact was reduced to zero. The total weight of the aircraft was reduced by eliminating the excessively large tail unit.

As a result of equipping the Il-62M with spoilers and ailerons, the designers achieved increased efficiency of lateral control of the airplane. The aircraft is equipped with more advanced double-slot flaps and a new device that reverses engine thrust.

The IL-62M differs from its predecessor in significantly improved flight performance characteristics: the modernized aircraft is equipped with new control wheels and an instrument panel with instruments for pilots successfully placed on it.

The modernization of the Il-62 had a positive effect on the practical flight range. The distances that a maximally loaded aircraft (23,000 kg) can cover were increased from 7 thousand to 8,270 km. For an airplane carrying one hundred passengers (payload 10 thousand kg), the flight range increased from 8700 to 10 thousand km. Improvements also affected cruising speed: the designers managed to increase it to 870 km/h.

The operation of the Il-62M is completely unaffected by the most unfavorable weather and meteorological conditions. This became possible thanks to the unique navigation system that the passenger airplane is equipped with. This fact was appreciated by the USSR Ministry of Emergency Situations. The modernized Il-62 became the first aircraft to be equipped with a fully automatic control system.

About the weaknesses of the aircraft

An aircraft equipped with a tail-mounted engine has the following disadvantages:

  • Increasing the mass of the tail due to its additional strengthening.
  • No unloading of wing material using engines.
  • The motors are located at a great distance from each other. In this regard, the fuel equipment they use is significantly longer.
  • The concentration of engines exclusively in the tail section sharply changes the alignment of the airplane, which negatively affects its operation.

About the technical characteristics of the Il-62M

  • The modernized Il-62 is equipped with four turbofan engines.
  • Engine model - D-30KU.
  • The aircraft's take-off weight is 167 tons.
  • The airplane is designed for a payload of no more than 23 tons.
  • The capacity of the fuel tanks is 105,300 liters.
  • The power plant has a maximum thrust of 11,000 kgf.
  • The cruising speed varies between 850-870 km/h.
  • Maximum speed 870 km/h.
  • Flight altitude up to 12 thousand m.
  • Flight range is 10-11 thousand km.
  • The crew size is 4 people.
  • The cabin capacity is 165 passengers.

About modifications

The following types of airliners were created on the basis of the Il-62M:

  • Il-62M-200 (MA). This aircraft differs from its counterpart in its longer fuselage and increased passenger capacity. The start of work on this model was due to the rapid development of air transportation in the USSR. However, serial production of the aircraft was not established. The model remained at the design stage.
  • Il-62M-250. Tasks of this sample the same as in the previous airplane. Design work By this aircraft were also discontinued.
  • Il-62MGr is a cargo aircraft model.

  • IL-62MK. This passenger airplane has a significantly improved interior. In addition, changes in this model also affected the design of the wings.

Airliner Il-62M. "Zvezda" (7013P)

For those who are interested in modeling, there is a wide range of different construction kits on the gift market. Judging by numerous consumer reviews, products from the Russian manufacturer Zvezda are in great demand. The IL-62M presented by the manufacturer is a prefabricated model, the scale of which is 1:144. The design consists of 139 parts.

Gift set “Airliner Il-62M” (“Zvezda” (7013) includes:

  • paints;
  • brush;
  • paint stand;
  • glue;
  • instructions.

Warranty period - up to 14 days.


Unlike the basic analogue of the Il-62, models containing the “M” index are equipped with D-30KU turbofan engines. These engines are much more economical than those used in the prototype aircraft; they are manufactured in accordance with international standards. The fins and stabilizers of modernized airplanes have a much improved shape, thereby increasing their ergonomics. The aircraft is equipped with a new reverse device. Thanks to this, air resistance during flight was able to be minimized by the designers. By increasing the onboard fuel capacity, the airplane became suitable for longer flights.

Unlike its analogue, the IL-62M has more electronics. Thanks to the introduction of a modern cabin air conditioning system into the aircraft, the degree of pilot fatigue is much reduced, which is especially important during long flights.

On February 25, 1965, one of the first Il-62 aircraft crashed during a test flight. Ten pilots were killed.

On August 14, 1972, an Il-62 of the East German airline Interflug crashed in the GDR. After takeoff, the aircraft commander discovered a malfunction of the elevator and decided to return to Berlin. However, a fire soon started in the rear of the fuselage, and the tail fell off the plane. Eight crew members and 148 passengers were killed.
On October 13, 1972, an Aeroflot Il-62 flying from Leningrad crashed at Sheremetyevo. Because of the bad weather conditions The first two landing approaches were unsuccessful; on the third attempt, the plane crashed into the airport's exit beacon. Ten crew members and 164 passengers were killed. The reason is a pilot error in difficult weather conditions. On August 20, 1975, while landing in Damascus (Syria), an Il-62 of the Czech airline CSA crashed to the ground. 11 crew members and 115 passengers were killed (two survived). The cause of the disaster was the error of the pilots who descended below the minimum permissible altitude.
On May 27, 1977, while landing in Havana, an Aeroflot Il-62 touched power lines and crashed. Nine crew members, 59 passengers and one person on the ground were killed. Two passengers survived.
On March 14, 1980, an Il-62 of the Polish airline LOT, flying from New York, crashed while landing in Warsaw. The plane's landing gear failed, and the crew decided to make a new approach. However, after turning on full thrust, engine No. 2 was destroyed. As a result, two other engines were damaged and the hydraulic control system for the turn and elevator rudders failed. The plane crashed 500 m from the runway. Ten crew members and 77 passengers were killed, including 22 members of the US national boxing team and Polish singer Anna Jantar. The cause of the accident was metal fatigue of the turbine of engine No. 2.
On July 6, 1982, an Aeroflot Il-62 crashed and burned during takeoff at Sheremetyevo. Eight crew members and 82 passengers were killed. The reason was a failure of the warning system, which led to an erroneous indication of a fire in two engines.
On September 29, 1982, while landing in Luxembourg, an Aeroflot Il-62 jumped off the runway and crashed into airport buildings. 14 people out of 77 on board were killed. Probable Cause accident - failure of the first engine reverse systems.
On July 1, 1983, an Il-62 of the North Korean airline CAAK, flying from Pyongyang, crashed in the mountains of Guinea. 23 people died. The causes of the disaster are unknown.
On May 9, 1987, two minutes after takeoff, the LOT airlines Il-62, flying from Warsaw to New York, suffered destruction and fire of the second engine. As a result, the cabin was depressurized, the first engine was damaged, elevator control was lost, and other systems began to fail. The pilots tried to land the plane at Warsaw airport, but the plane fell into a forest 6 km from the runway. 11 crew members and 172 passengers were killed. The cause of the disaster was an overheated rotor brush on engine No. 2.
On June 17, 1989, in Berlin, an Interflug Il-62 jumped off the runway during takeoff and caught fire. 19 of the 103 passengers and one person on the ground were killed. The reason was the failure of a piece of equipment and the pilot’s late decision to stop the take-off run.
On September 3, 1989, an Il-62 plane flying from Havana to Bonn of the Cuban airline Empresa Consolidada Cubana de Aviacion crashed immediately after takeoff in heavy rain. 11 crew members, 115 passengers and 45 people on the ground were killed. The cause of the disaster was the mistake of the pilot, who decided to take off in difficult weather conditions.