Where is the best place to relax in Germany? Where do European tourists vacation in Turkey? Where do Germans prefer to relax?

Residents of Germany, as you know, travel a lot. Where do they prefer to spend their holidays? What attraction is especially loved in Germany itself?

One in four vacations in their own country

In Russia tomorrow is Easter, but in Germany it was a week earlier. This same week, in almost all German states, the Easter holidays end and those who left return home.

Germans, as you know, love to travel. Many people divide their vacation into several parts, in a variety of options. One of the options could be, for example, this: at Easter - a week of rest, at Christmas - a week, in the summer - two weeks, and a couple more times you can add one day to the weekends and holidays, giving yourself a long weekend and going somewhere not Very long journey: to Amsterdam, Venice, Prague...

The German Institute of Demoskopia in Allensbach (Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach) recently studied what the country's residents spend and are ready to spend their money on. It turned out that such an expense item as travel ranks third among “average Germans” (immediately after expenses for housing and food). And for those who have education at least slightly above average, that is, who have graduated from at least a gymnasium or a specialized gymnasium, travel is even in the first position.

Where do Germans go on vacation? Most often to the sea and to the mountains. Moreover, both can be done without leaving your country. The relatively small Germany has all natural landscapes except deserts and steppes. Those who want to go to the mountains go to the south, and those who crave a holiday by the sea - please go to the north. More than a quarter of all trips Germans make in their own country (27 percent). The priorities are as follows: 8 percent of travelers spend their holidays on the Baltic Sea, 7 percent in Bavaria, that is, mainly in the Alpine mountains and foothills, and 6 percent near the North Sea, on the coast of which there are many fashionable resorts. Holidays in the Harz region, Berlin and Baden-Württemberg with its famous Black Forest are also popular (about 3 percent each).

B Spain or Egypt?

Outside the country, Germans prefer to holiday in Spain (8 percent of travelers go there), as well as in Italy and Austria (7 percent each). Then come Türkiye (every 20th German tourist holidays there) and Eastern Europe(every 25th). In France, Scandinavia, Greece and the resorts of the former Yugoslavia, three percent of holidaymakers from Germany each vacation. Another two percent of German travelers each spend their holidays in the Benelux countries, Switzerland, the USA and Canada, the UK and Ireland, Asia (mainly Thailand, Indonesia, Maldives, India, China, Vietnam) and northern Africa (Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt). Long-distance South American and African countries each account for one percent of travel.

It is important to note that this survey only took into account vacations lasting five days or more. If we take into account absolutely all the personal trips of the German population (business trips do not count), it becomes clear that the Germans travel even more willingly. Indeed, in the last decade, short trips have become more and more popular. For example, a “long weekend” is enough to go on vacation somewhere in your own country or to neighboring Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland...

Cologne Cathedral is the most visited attraction in Germany

The Germans love not only to travel themselves, but also to receive guests. Germany is one of the most beloved countries in Europe by foreign tourists.

What attractions especially attract foreign travelers? Based on the results of 2010, and not for the first year in a row, this is Cologne Cathedral. It is the most visited tourist attraction in Germany.

Following the Cologne Cathedral, residents of the country (based on an online survey conducted by the German tourism association DTV) named the Frauenkirche (Cathedral of the Virgin Mary) in Dresden among their especially favorite architectural and cultural monuments. They gave third place Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the fourth - to the fairytale Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria, the fifth - to the palace ensemble Zwinger in Dresden.

Text and photo: Tatiana Baltser
In the photo: Cologne Cathedral - the most visited attraction in Germany
Text and Photo: Copyright © Tatjana Balzer

Wie die Deutschen ruhen

Menschen, die mit der Lebensweise der Deutschen nur wenig vertraut sind, wissen, dass diese Nation immer sehr hart arbeitet. Seine charakteristischen Merkmale sind verantwortliche Einstellung zu allem und Pünktlichkeit. Manchmal scheint es, dass diese Leute absolut keine Zeit für Ruhe haben. Aber das ist ein falscher Eindruck. Die Deutschen wissen, wie man sich ausruht, und sie machen es so gut wie sie arbeiten.

Zuerst planen sie sorgfältig alles. Es spielt keine Rolle, wo eine deutsche Familie Urlaub machen wird, aber alles sollte wie geplant sein.

Was die Orte der Ruhe betrifft, ist es unmöglich, eindeutig zu sagen, wo die Deutschen sich ausruhen werden. Hier hängt alles vom Reichtum und Geschmack der Menschen ab. Natürlich gehen die meisten Menschen im Ausland in wärmeren Regionen zur Ruhe. Vielleicht passiert es wegen der Wetterbedingungen in Deutschland. Immerhin ist es hier nicht so heiß. Länder wie Griechenland, Spanien, Italien, Frankreich haben oft das Vergnügen, Deutsche in ihren Ferien zu sehen. Beliebt sind auch die Ferienorte an der Ostseeküste, den bayerischen Alpen und der Nordsee.

Es sollte angemerkt werden, dass überall, wo die deutsche Familie hinging, sie immer viel Geld für Ruhe ausgeben. Und das ist eine andere Qualität, die diese Nation auszeichnet. Die Deutschen sparen nicht gerne ihre eigene Ruhe.

Es gibt auch solche, die sich nicht weigern, sich auf dem Territorium ihres Landes auszuruhen, denn in Deutschland gibt es viele schöne Orte. Zum Beispiel Bergmassive im Süden des Landes oder die Küste im Norden.

Oft teilen die Menschen den Urlaub. Einen Teil verbringen sie im Ausland und anderen Teil in ihrem eigenen Land.

Es kann nicht geleugnet werden, dass es solche Menschen gibt, die sich einfach zu Hause hinlegen, vom Arbeitsplatz entspannen, die Kommunikation mit Familie und Freunden, Freunden genießen wollen. Es kann mit Bestimmtheit gesagt werden, dass die Art der Ruhe völlig vom Temperament einer Person und ihren Vorlieben abhängt.


People who are even slightly familiar with the German way of life know that this nation always works very hard. Her characteristic features are a responsible attitude towards everything and punctuality. Sometimes it seems that these people have absolutely no time to rest. But this is a wrong impression. The Germans know how to relax, and they do it as well as they work.

First, they plan everything carefully. It doesn’t matter where this or that German family is going to spend their vacation, but everything must go according to plan.

As for vacation spots, it is impossible to say for sure where Germans go on vacation. It all depends on the wealth and taste of people. Of course, most people go on vacation abroad, to warmer climes. Maybe this happens due to weather conditions in Germany. After all, it doesn’t get hot here very often. Countries such as Greece, Spain, Italy, and France often have the pleasure of seeing Germans spending their holidays there. Resorts on the Baltic coast, in the Bavarian Alps, and the North Sea are also very popular.

It is worth noting that wherever a German family goes, they always spend a lot of money on vacation. And this is another quality that distinguishes this nation. The Germans do not like to save on their own vacation.

There are also those who do not refuse a holiday in their country, because in Germany there are many beautiful places. For example, mountain ranges in the south of the country, or sea ​​coast in the north.

Often people divide their vacation into parts, with one part being spent on vacation abroad and the other part spent in their own country.

It also cannot be denied that there are those who like to just lie down at home, take a break from the hustle and bustle of work, and enjoy communication with family, friends and friends. The only thing we can say with certainty is that the type of recreation depends entirely on a person’s temperament and preferences.

Everyone knows that Germans are avid travelers. Where can you find them...

The fact that the Germans occupy a leading position among traveling nations can partly be explained by weather conditions of this country, but what guides them when choosing a vacation spot is not always clear. So, a family can spend a vacation in Turkey for several years in a row, while staying in the same hotel all these years. Some people prefer to travel around the world, others at this time will want to master something new, learn something. But hardly anyone will be happy to spend their vacation lying on the couch in front of the TV.

Of course, Germans love to travel abroad. But traveling within your own country is no less popular: you can lie on the beach or climb the mountains without leaving Germany. Do you like holidays in the mountains? – the south of the country awaits you! At sea - welcome to the north of Germany! This country amazes with the diversity of its natural landscapes, which you can admire endlessly.

The Germans’ priorities today are as follows:

15% of German residents prefer holidays on the Baltic coast:

7% spend their holidays in the Bavarian Alps and their foothills:

For those who love urban recreation, Germany also has good conditions:

Thus, Germans like to spend their free time attending various events. Numerous carnivals and festivals are especially popular. Every German city necessarily holds its own holiday: it could be a Christmas fair, which is held in Bremen, a wine festival, which the residents of Düsseldorf are used to celebrating, the traditional Oktoberfest in Munich, the Cologne costume carnival, etc. The Germans always take an active part in such large-scale holidays and By the way, they leave decent sums of money there.

Yes, Germans love to travel. Moreover, many people prefer to split their vacation into several parts. So, for example, you can spend a week of vacation in your home country, take another week for Christmas, leave two weeks for summer rest on the sea.

And if you add one more day to the required weekend at your own expense, you can arrange a wonderful weekend for yourself, for example, in Amsterdam or Rome.

And yet, most Germans prefer to spend their holidays abroad.

Which countries do the Germans prefer?

1.Greece occupies one of the leading places in the list of favorite holiday destinations for Germans. Particularly popular islands are Crete, Kos and Rhodes. For Germans, the cost of a holiday undoubtedly plays a big role. They never mind saving money. However, they will always choose decent conditions for living at the resort.

Destinations such as France and Italy are no less popular among tourists from Germany. Of course, hotel accommodation in these two countries is not cheap, but the Germans manage to save money on the road. Due to the fact that these countries are located in close proximity to Germany, you can go there by own car. And this is much cheaper than flying by plane.

It is quite simple to explain such eagerness of Germans to spend their holidays in Turkey. This is due, first of all, to the fact that most of residents of Germany are representatives of the Turkish diaspora. Moreover, some German cities and even the districts are entirely populated by immigrants from Turkey. Children of Turkish immigrants who were born in Germany automatically receive citizenship not only of Germany, but also of Turkey. Many of them live in two countries: during the cold season they live in Germany, and as soon as it gets warm, they move to their historical homeland. This does not mean at all that only German residents with Turkish roots go on vacation to Turkey. A big plus for Germans is that in Turkey the majority local residents They speak German fluently, which means that there is no problem of a language barrier. Of course, climate also plays a big role. It is warm here for a long time, so you can relax here at almost any time of the year. Due to the fact that this country is popular among foreign tourists, prices for holidays here are quite reasonable, which is also, no doubt, appreciated by practical and thrifty Germans. The most popular holiday destination for Germans is the Aegean coast.

5. Spain and the island of Mallorca

Another favorite holiday destination for Germans, without a doubt, is Spain. German travel agencies also agree with this. More than 20 million German tourists spend their holidays in this country every year. Of course, the favorite among Spanish resorts is Mallorca. It was even nicknamed the 17th Federal State of Germany. Germans find it very comfortable to relax here. Almost all service personnel here speak German, both in hotels and in shops. By the way, many wealthy Germans are happy to buy real estate here - apartments and private houses. German students often come here for the summer to earn extra money. This is understandable, because the flight takes only a couple of hours. Slightly less popular among Germans Canary Islands. Here, vacations are much more expensive, and the flight is twice as long. But the main advantage of this resort is the good weather, which lasts here almost all year round. But this is not all the popular places in Spain. Today, the continental part of this country, for example, Catalonia, Andalusia, etc., is becoming increasingly popular.

More and more popular in last years it becomes like this tourist destination like Croatia. According to statistics, last year about 3% of all people expressed a desire to spend their holidays in this country. German tourists. Another interesting observation: New Year's Eve is becoming very popular in neighboring Poland, especially among residents of large cities where a large number of"black cockroaches")

Only 7% of Germans spend their holidays in more distant countries: Brazil, Mexico, Dominican Republic, in the Maldives, in Thailand... Basically, these countries are popular in those periods when the sea in Turkey, Spain and Italy has not yet warmed up to the desired degree.

Every year the number of Germans choosing a ship cruise as their travel option increases. On average, Germans spend 8-9 nights on board, and the most popular destinations is a cruise around Iceland or to the Lafoten Islands.

According to statistics, during the holidays, Germans try to catch up on sleep and have a belly-fest. Avid cyclists and walkers, when they find themselves in a seaside resort, German citizens are in a hurry to simply relax. Although, when choosing a hotel, be sure to clarify which active entertainment are on the list and is there an opportunity to play sports - just in case, after all, 60% of Germans prefer to just lie on the sun loungers. They also go for walks in unfamiliar places - but with greater pleasure they go to restaurants and simply sunbathe, sitting on the sand.

Have you met German tourists on vacation and what impression did they make on you?

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Travel The World experts give several answers to the question of where is the best place to vacation in Germany throughout the year.

There are legends about the exemplary and punctuality of the Germans. With their characteristic precision and responsibility, they approach the issue of recreation and entertainment for guests of their country. Germany lacks only a truly warm sea, and good places for treatment, excursion routes and protected mountains are represented here in abundance. In Germany, people of advanced age, young people and children will like it.

Beach resorts

Beach holidays on German shores do not last long. The “window” of the swimming season opens for just over a month, from early July to mid-August. The most famous seaside resort is the island of Rügen, where you can go alone, as a couple or with children. Most tourists on the island stay at the Binz resort. Representatives of the German imperial family once vacationed here. On Rügen you can visit the following excursions:

  • Cape and Arkona fortress;
  • Jasmund National Park;
  • hunting castle located in the town of Sellin.

As elsewhere on the German coast, there are sanatoriums and other medical and health institutions on Rügen. Other destinations for tourism and treatment are the islands of Borchum, Usedom, Sylt, Amrum, Jyst and Hiddensee. The beaches are sandy everywhere and the sea is shallow. The island of Sylt is a truly respectable resort where people with means like to spend their holidays. Huge oysters are grown in its waters. Sylt's attractions include: the Wind Monument, St. Severin's Church, the city of Westerland, and the village of Kaitum.

Where is the best place to holiday in Germany with children?

Sea resorts have already been mentioned above, now we are talking about where else you can take your children. The best place for this in Germany is Europa-Park, located in the city of Rust near Frankfurt. Here you will find attractions and entertainment collected in 11 separate zones, each of which has the flavor of one of the European countries. In terms of its scale and amount of entertainment, Europa Park ranks second after Disneyland Paris. In addition to entertainment, in the park you can explore the Balthazar fortress, which is five and a half centuries old.

In addition, you can go to the lakes Chiemsee and Tegernsee on your own or with children. They are both located close to Munich and in summer are a good alternative to the sea, since the water in them warms up quickly and the swimming season lasts longer. On the banks of the Chiemsee there are several resort villages, including Prien, where spa treatments are developed. In the same Prien there is a water park for children. The most attractive attractions of these places are:

  • the island of Herrenchiemsee (translated as “male”), on which the palace of the same name is located;
  • the island of Frauenkiemsee (translated as “women’s”), where there is a Benedictian monastery over a thousand years old;
  • Amerang Castle;
  • Hohenaschau Castle;
  • Berchtesgaden Nature Reserve, where Hitler’s former lair, the Eagle’s Nest, is located.

Berlin, Germany. Photo: zoetnet/flickr.com

What to see in German cities

Unconditionally political and cultural center country is Berlin. In the capital of Germany it is worth visiting:

  • Brandenburg Gate;
  • the famous Reichstag;
  • citadel in Spandau;
  • remains of the Berlin Wall;
  • museum complex Pergamon;
  • Alexanderplatz square;
  • zoo.

Munich is known for its Gothic buildings, incredibly tasty beer and the noisy autumn Oktoberfest festival. Worth a visit here:

  • English garden;
  • Blutenburg Castle;
  • Old Picture Gallery (Pinacotheque);
  • BMW car museum;
  • National and Archaeological Museum.

Frankfurt is home to numerous festivals and exhibitions. Notable places of this city are:

  • Frankfurt Cathedral;
  • St. Paul's Church;
  • palm garden;
  • Römerberg Square;
  • town hall; Goethe Museum.

Baden-Baden is the largest health Center Germany, a holiday destination for bohemians and just picturesque city. Worth a visit here:

  • Hohenbaden Castle;
  • Lichtenthal Monastery;
  • Roman baths;
  • Trinkhalle;
  • Kurhaus.

The best ski resorts in Germany

The beauty of the German Alps is best appreciated in winter while on skis. Berchtesgaden's slopes are gentle and are intended for amateurs and simply inexperienced skiers. The resort has a developed entertainment and sports infrastructure. Its attractions include Lake Königssee, salt mines and the aforementioned Eagle's Nest.

Other famous mountain resort Garmisch-Pertenkirchen is considered. It is divided into an area for experienced skiers and an area for amateurs. Here it is worth visiting Werdenfels Castle, the Regional Museum, Ludwigstrasse, the Oberammergau Monastery and the Church of St. Anthony.

With so many advantages, Germany cannot but delight tourists. In this country you can travel from the warm sea to the cold mountains in just a few hours. However, it is still better to stay longer on the road and appreciate the beauty of German cities along the way.

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Today in Turkey there are practically no hotels that do not work with Russian tourists and tour operators. But in this review we will look at those hotels and those regions of Turkey where there are few of our fellow citizens, and where mainly guests from Europe vacation. Some Russian tourists They are actively interested in such holidays.


Note that requests for such hotels in Turkey from travel agents and tour operators, although not very often, do occur. The motives that push tourists to avoid communicating with their compatriots on vacation are very different.

The range of reasons to choose a “European” hotel in Turkey is quite wide: from the desire to completely change the environment, right down to the language and topics of communication (it’s unlikely that you will have to communicate with the Germans by the pool about the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow), or to be in solitude (“linguistic isolation” ) - before intending to meet a foreigner with a foreigner, or, in the case of family tourists, to immerse the child in a foreign language environment (in a mini-club, for example). However, as a rule, requests for “European” hotels in Turkey come from couples without children or singles, but there are also family tourists looking for exactly this type of vacation.

Finally, since many “European” hotels in Turkey, especially those located far from the beach, operate on a “breakfast” or “breakfast-dinner” basis, tourists in such hotels have more free time for independent walks or immersion in local authentic cuisine. And this can also be a factor in choosing a “European” hotel in Turkey.


Let us immediately note that today, against the backdrop of declining demand from European tourists, almost all hotels in Turkey have begun to work with Russians, and 95% of hotels that were previously oriented, for example, “only to Germans” Now you can easily find it from Russian tour operators. But still, there are still hotels oriented primarily at the European market in Turkey - there are simply not so many Russians there, and the main contingent is still from Europe.

Another important note. Don’t expect any miracles from “European” hotels in terms of service or the content of your vacation. In fact, hotels targeting the European market no different from those, where almost 100% of vacationers are from CIS countries.

Same here animation programs, but adjusted for a sense of humor and topics that are funny for a particular country. Of course all animation is on European languages . The staff can also communicate exclusively in English or German.

Like Russian tour operators, some European tourism concerns like TUI, ThomasCook and others organize their animation teams or activities for children in base hotels. In principle, these are the same mini and junior clubs for children - but with English- or German-speaking teachers and cartoons that are popular among children from Europe.

There are no particular differences in the infrastructure and level of service (the myth that “Turks don’t try hard for Russians” is just common gossip on the forums of offended tourists - in fact, there are just cheap and expensive, good and “not so good” hotels, nothing more) .

What will be different? Firstly, the power supply system may be different- some hotels that Europeans have chosen do not operate on an all-inclusive basis.

Secondly, as a rule, even in “European all-inclusive hotels” there will be slightly unusual choice of dishes in a restaurant, dictated traditional tastes of most guests.

For example, the menu may have a larger selection of pasta and pizza - where Italians vacation, sausages, potatoes and cabbage dishes - in hotels for tourists from Germany and Austria, and typical English dishes and familiar breakfasts will be more common in “English” hotels .


Let's list basic "signs"(let's call it that) hotels in which there will be more Europeans than Russian speakers:

· Location. Resorts historically loved by Europeans - Side(Germany, UK), the city itself Kemer(Germany, Holland, Italy), Marmaris And Oludeniz(Great Britain), Bodrum(all of Europe), Cesme And Kusadasi(Germany and Great Britain).

In many hotels at these resorts there will be significantly more foreign speech, animation programs will also be conducted in English or German languages. But on the Antalya coast, Russian-speaking tourists will still predominate in many hotels, especially this year. On the Aegean coast you have a better chance of finding “foreign” hotels.

  • Price category. Europeans often choose or inexpensive options 2-4* or vice versa, premium hotels on prestigious resorts. The budget “fives”, beloved by domestic tourists, do not make them delighted: either save money or spend big on a real “deluxe”.

Budget hotels, located not on the 1st line, or city hotels in Turkey are rarely preferred by our compatriots - after all, the availability of infrastructure for recreation for children and adults, the proximity of the beach determines their choice.

But for Europeans, it is often not the beach that is important, but rather the city - the proximity of cafes, shops, discos. Thus, in city ​​budget hotels Russians who want to take a break from their native speech have a very high chance of finding themselves in a foreign-language environment.

Against, hotelsVIP-level, as a rule, adhere to their policies the principle of balance of vacationers from different countries. Sometimes this can be a maximum of 20%-30% for each country (for example, no more than 20% of vacationers from the CIS countries, no more than 20% from Germany, etc.).

In this way, they maintain a comfortable atmosphere for all vacationers - there is no obvious predominance of any nationality among the guests and everyone feels comfortable.

  • European hotel chain y. As a rule, in chain hotels RIU, MagicLife, Sensimar, Iberostar- more guests from Europe.

Let us also separately mention club chain of hotels Club Med is a friendly community of tourists from different countries who are attracted to a special "French" style of relaxation, developed by this company, which has its own in Turkey own hotels, the most famous of which is Palmiye.

  • Nutrition. If the hotel is open according to the "breakfast" system (BB) or "breakfast and dinner at the hotel", then, most likely, there will be more guests from Europe (but the option of focusing on our own, Turkish tourists, cannot be ruled out).

If for us Türkiye is quite strictly associated with “all inclusive”, then thrifty Europeans believe that not everything should be paid in advance, and in general, resting according to the AI ​​system is “unprofitable.” That is why in Turkey they choose accommodation with limited food or no food at all.

  • Season! If you are still determined to vacation in Turkey in a foreign-language environment, remember that with Europe we usually have Holidays and children's holidays do not coincide(except summer).

Therefore, on the Russian long weekend in May or new year holidays You have a much better chance of meeting a lot of our compatriots in a Turkish hotel.

But during the Catholic (Western) Easter and children's spring European holidays (February, partly March, early April), the influx of holidaymakers from abroad to Turkish hotels will be greater.


This season we can highlight some of the Turkish hotels, where the percentage of vacationers from Russia will be relatively small. So, let's go through the resorts and specific hotels...



In the very Kemer city tourists from European countries We chose inexpensive 3-4* options with “breakfast” or “breakfast and dinner” meals, as well as budget apart-hotels. But there are also hotels with AI - for example, the Gran Viking Hotel 4* is located 1 km from the beach, but operates on an all-inclusive basis. This budget option for young people zhi - within walking distance of cafes, shops and discos of Kemer.

In the fall, when the tourist season begins to decline, the public changes - hotels become the main contingent elderly guests from Holland and Germany, they don’t go to the sea, but relax by the pool, and in the evening they go for a walk around the city.

Another “western” Kemeri hotel is Orange County Resort 5*. Unlike the previous one, it is located on the seashore and European youth loves him very much- discos and fun in the hotel do not stop until the morning.


Even though the hotels networksCrystalResort They work very closely with the Russian market, this particular hotel focuses on Europeans in terms of animation and the main languages ​​for communication with the staff here are German and English.

Also among the “European” hotels in Side we would like to mention family hotels Turquoise Resort & SPA 5* and Voyage Sorgun 5*. These hotels are sold and even advertised Russian tour operators and OTA.

Hotels networksBARUT Side is also traditionally chosen by Europeans. So, Barut Sorgun Sensatori 5* is a calm measured rest among family tourists... from UK.

He offers something that is still unusual for Russians, but very interesting. concept of relaxation in two-room suites with a kitchen, while offering different variants food - from breakfast to all inclusive.


IN Alanya Europeans, in addition city ​​hotels located far from the sea, but close to shops, cafes and restaurants, choose for family vacation on the run Regier hotels such as Lonicera Resort & SPA 4* (above) and Viking Nona Beach 4* (below).

It has a fairly attractive price-quality ratio, varied food and a good beach.


Marmaris, Sarigerme, Fethiye, Gocek And Oludeniz- one of the most favorite resorts of Europeans in Turkey. There is a mild climate, picturesque nature and clear sea. In cafes and restaurants almost only foreign speech is heard.


One of the most popular for fans sports and active rest The hotels are TUI Blue Sarigerme Park 4* (the hotel was renovated in 2016) and TIU Magic Life Sarigerme.

Interesting animation programs in English and German, entertainment throughout the day for adults and children, sports games and competitions - there is everything here to not get bored. The hotels are quite secluded and away from Marmaris itself.

In the city of Marmaris there are a lot economical hotels 3-4* which are traditionally chosen by European youth. The main thing they pay attention to when choosing is price and proximity to the “street of bars”. Our tourists still require more comfort.

And for those who care that the child not only sleeps in the room during the day, but spends time with his peers in an exciting and useful way, we advise you to read our correspondent’s review of the results of the May trip to Turkey - “”.

Well, if you, on the contrary, do not want to relax in a foreign country, but are thinking of having a great time on the Black Sea in the summer, but with “Turkish comfort,” then we strongly advise you to read our review “”.