Top largest ships in the world. The largest ships in the world The largest ship in the world dimensions

Since ancient times, people have traveled the seas, gradually improving their ships. Modern shipbuilding is very developed, and the range of ships has become unusually diverse. But the TOP of the largest ships in the world always attracts special attention, which will be discussed below.

1. Seawise Giant (Knock Nevis)

Deadweight - 564,700 tons.
. Length - 458.5 m.
. Year of construction - 1979.
. Last country of registration: Sierra Leone. Dismantled for scrap.

The largest ship in the world until 2010 was the supertanker Knock Nevis, built in 1975 in the Japanese city of Yokosuka. Before changing several names, it had a simple number 1016. But its cyclopean dimensions actually ruined it - the tanker could not pass through either the Panama or Suez Canal, even in the English Channel it would have run aground, so it could move from ocean to ocean I could only do it in a roundabout way.
During the Iran-Iraq War of 1988, it was hit by an Iraqi missile and seriously damaged. As a result, the supertanker sank in the Persian Gulf offshore. After the end of the conflict, it was raised from the bottom and towed to Singapore, where they were able to restore it in 1991, giving it a new “optimistic” name, “The Happy Giant.” But no one needed it as a tanker, so it began to serve as a floating oil storage facility. Finally, in 2009, the “lucky one” was sent on its final journey to the Indian shores, where the following year it was cut into scrap metal.

2. Pierre Guillaumat

Deadweight - 555,000 tons.
. Length - 414.2 m.
. Year of construction - 1977.
. Last country of registration: France. Cut into scrap metal.

In the family of twin ships of the Batillus series, this supertanker is the largest in terms of deadweight. It was built at French shipyards, worked for only about 5 years, after which it was mercilessly sent in 1983 to South Korea, where it was turned into scrap metal. The rest of his brothers from the same series shared his fate. The reasons for such an inglorious death in all cases were the same problems with the impossibility of passing through the Suez and Panama Canals.

3. Esso Atlantic

Deadweight - 516,900 tons.
. Length - 406.5 m.
. Year of construction - 1977.
. Last country of registration: Liberia. Cut into scrap metal.

At one time, this oil supertanker was also a deadweight champion. It was built in Japan, and made its first commercial route from Liberia, Africa, where the owner company Esso Tankers registered it under the Liberian flag. Most often, the tanker transported oil from the Middle East to Europe. But in 2002, the end came for him too - in Pakistan he was cut into scrap metal. He had practically a sister ship, the Esso Pacific, but, despite the “Pacific” name, it was smaller than its “Atlantic brother.”

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4. Emma Maersk

Deadweight - 156,900 tons.
. Length - 397 m.
. Year of construction - 2006.
. Last country of registration: Denmark. Still in use.

This is the first vessel of eight identical E-class container ships built by the Danish holding Moller-Maersk Group. At the time of her maiden voyage in 2006, she was the world's largest floating vessel. Emma Maersk transports a variety of cargo between Asia and America, passing through the Suez Canal and the Strait of Gibraltar.
This ship does not have a very successful history - when its construction was already being completed, a fire broke out on the upper deck, which seriously damaged the brand new ship. Repairs were needed, which were done quickly. In 2013, a new misfortune occurred - right in the middle of the Suez Canal, one of the power plants of the dry cargo ship broke down, as a result of which it lost control. Fortunately, both the ship and the canal remained intact.
Europeans do not favor the giant for its use of sulfur-rich fuel. Like many giant ships, Emma does not fit into the Panama Canal, so Pacific Ocean closed for her (it’s not possible to sail there around Cape Horn!).

5.TI Class

Deadweight - 441,600 tons.
. Length - 380 m.
. Year of construction - 2003.
. Last country of registration: Belgium. Still in use.

This double-hulled vessel had the largest deadweight and gross tonnage of its time. A total of four completely identical vessels were built: two “TI Africa” and “TI Oceania” under the flag of the Marshall Islands, “TI Europe” under the Belgian flag and “TI Asia”. But in 2010, floating terminal platforms were made from “Asia” and “Africa” for storing and loading petroleum products, and since then they have been laid up near one of the Qatari offshore oil fields.

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6. Vale Sohar

Deadweight - 400 300 tons.
. Length - 362 m.
. Year of construction - 2012.
. Last country of registration: Marshall Islands. Still in use.

This vessel, one of the largest bulk carriers, is owned by the Vale mining company from Brazil. It transports ore mined in Brazil to the United States. In total, 40 huge dry cargo ships ply along this route, the deadweight of which is in the range of 380-400 thousand tons. Sohar is the largest ship among them.

7.Allure of the Seas

Deadweight - 19,750 tons.
. Length - 362 m.
. Year of construction - 2008.
. Last country of registration: Bahamas. Still in use.

This ship is part of the Oasis class of cruise ships, consisting of two twins (the second is Oasis in the Seas), occupying a leading position for its type of ships in the world. They say that “Allure” is still 5 cm longer than “Oasis”, which is why it is presented here. This giant is capable of carrying 6,296 passengers and 2,384 crew members. There are countless types of entertainment offered on board; this floating city has a golf course and an ice skating rink, a bunch of bars and shops, and even a park with exotic plants.

8.Queen Mary II

Deadweight - 19,200 tons.
. Length - 345 m.
. Year of construction - 2002.
. Last country of registration: Bermuda. Still in use.

This beautiful transatlantic cruise ship is one of the world's largest passenger liners. He is able to transport from Old to New World or back 2620 passengers. It was designed and built by the French company "Chantiers del" Atlantique. On board there is a theater, a casino, 15 restaurants and the only planetarium on ships.

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Deadweight - 128,900 tons.
. Length - 345 m.
. Year of construction - 2007.
. Last country of registration: Qatar. Still in use.

This vessel opens a new family of tankers in the Q-Max series, which specialize in transporting liquefied natural gas produced from fields off the coast of Qatar. It was designed and built in South Korea. A total of 14 tankers from this series are currently in operation.

10. USS Enterprise (CVN-65)

Length - 342 m.
. Year of construction - 1960.
. Last country of registration: USA. The aircraft carrier has been decommissioned.

This is the largest American nuclear attack aircraft carrier, the first to operate nuclear power point. It began operating in 1961. A series of six similar hulks was planned, but only the Enterprise was built. Its cost amounted to an incredible 451 million dollars, so even the bottomless US budget could not afford such expenses. In terms of length, it is the largest warship in the world. Having refueled once with nuclear fuel, the aircraft carrier acquired autonomy for 13 years of active service and could travel a million nautical miles during this time. In February 2017, Enterprise was sent into honorable retirement - for American Navy This was the first send-off for a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

Who said size doesn't matter? The gigantic ships, striking in their size, are built with the latest technology and transport more than 90% of the total cargo by sea (and that’s not even counting people). The most big ships in the world include oil tankers, container ships and cruise ships.

Large ships are built for different human needs. Some, with large diesel engines, transport cargo over long distances, while naval vessels usually sail with nuclear engines so they can remain independent of fuel and remain at sea for many months. But, regardless of the method of transportation, with one look at one of the megaships you understand how much human effort and what kind of engineering genius was required to build each giant.

Here list of the largest ships in the world with photo and detailed description.

10. Planet Solar - 31 meters

What types of energy have the shipping industry tried to use - diesel, gas, nuclear, wind energy. But the solar region remained uncovered until the advent of Planet Solar. This is the most big ship, using exclusively solar energy, in the world. Its length is 31 meters, and the panels are capable of absorbing almost 103.4 kW of solar energy.

The ship's speed is still low - only 8 knots, but, after all, this is a unique development. It will certainly be improved.

9. Club Med 2 - 194 meters

Built in 1992 in Le Havre, France, Club Med 2 – the largest sailing ship in the world. Its length is 194 m, and its carrying capacity is 14,983 tons. For comparison: the wing length is 117.3 meters.

In addition to 214 crew members, Club Med 2 can carry 386 passengers. The sailboat reaches speeds of up to 10-15 knots and currently operates as a cruise ship - during the summer it sails through the waters of the Mediterranean and Adriatic seas, and in winter it moves to the Caribbean.

Club Med 2 has five masts. In addition to seven sails (they are controlled not by people, but by the ship’s computer), the ship is equipped with four diesel engines. Entertainment for passengers includes ballroom dancing, card games, music shows and, of course, amazing marine species— Club Med 2 floats like many others sailing ships up to it, along coastline and only during the day, and at night it anchors.

8. SSV-33 - 265 meters

The largest ship in Russia is also known as the Ural. It belongs to the class of reconnaissance ships with nuclear installation. The Ural was built during the Cold War, when the USSR and the USA were keeping an eye on each other. And it was intended for reconnaissance operations in, where the United States had several test sites for ballistic missiles. The length of the Ural was 265 m, the crew numbered 950 people, and the cruising speed was 21.6 knots. Thanks to the nuclear engine, the Ural was autonomous and, after refueling, could not enter the port for three months.

The Ural began its service on the Far Eastern coast, where, due to its gigantic size, there was no suitable berth for it, so the ship most spent time anchored in the bay. But his calmness was deceptive - in the 80s, “Ural” served as the main source of information about what was happening in military circles in the United States and Japan.

It all ended with the beginning of perestroika. First, junior conscript specialists were transferred to the reserve, then nuclear boilers were damaged as a result of a fire. For some time, the ship lived on diesel generators, until the painful, half-starved existence ended in 2001 - the Ural was laid up. Its disposal began in 2008, and by 2016 it was finally dismantled.

7. USS Enterprise (CVN-65) - 342 meters

No, this ship has nothing to do with Star Trek, but its size is truly impressive - it is the largest warship in the world in the entire history of the navy. Its length is 342 m, it can carry up to 4,600 troops, 2,520 tons of weapons, and the cruising speed of the Enterprise's namesake is 33.6 knots.

The USS Enterprise has a long and proud history.

  • Once it became the first among nuclear aircraft carriers (launched in 1961) and its price was so high that it was decided to abandon the planned series of ships of the same purpose and size.
  • The USS Enterprise began service during the Cuban Missile Crisis, then patrolled the Mediterranean, participated in the Vietnam War and, almost twenty years later, in Iraq, fought sea pirates...
  • In total, her service life was 51 consecutive years - longer than any other US aircraft carrier to this day.

But the world was changing, and even such a technically advanced ship, which regularly underwent modernization, became hopelessly outdated. In 2012, the ship made its last voyage. And by April 2018, it was completely disabled.

6. RMS Queen Mary 2 - 345 meters

The world's largest transatlantic liner is RMS Queen Mary 2, built in 2004. The ship received its name in honor of the first “Queen Mary”, which left the shipyard in 1936, and the abbreviation RMS (royal mail ship) was awarded only to the fastest and most reliable ships. Currently, RMS Queen Mary 2 is the only transatlantic ship cruising between Southampton and New York. However, once a year the Queen also operates as a cruise ship, making a round-the-world tour.

The Queen Mary is 345 m long and can accommodate 2,620 passengers and 1,253 crew members. It reaches a speed of 30 knots. Although the ship is smaller in size than the titanic cruise liners (however, only by 15 m), it still does not give up its position as the largest ocean liner.

  • The difference between a cruise ship and an ocean liner is that the first one goes on a journey and disembarks passengers locally in the same port, while the purpose of the second one is to transport passengers from one point to another.
  • However, this is not the only difference. The transatlantic liner makes long journeys, so it often encounters unfavorable conditions. weather conditions. Therefore, its design must be stronger than that of cruise ships sailing in comfortable conditions, its seaworthiness must be better, and its engines must be more powerful.
  • A cruise ship, on the other hand, can afford to focus on the number of passengers carried instead of seaworthiness and endurance - that’s why they have such a funny box shape for better passenger capacity.

5. Gas carriers Q-Max - 345 meters

The world's largest carriers of liquefied gas are Q-Max ships. Their length reaches 345 m, and their total capacity varies from 262,000 to 267,000 m3. At the same time, their speed is quite good for ships of this class - 19.5 knots.

There are currently 14 vessels of this type in circulation; they were built by Samsung, Hyundai and Daewoo. The very first of them, Mozah, left the shipyard in 2007 and received its name in honor of one of the wives of the Emir of Qatar. All 14 vessels are owned by a Qatari natural gas transportation company. These are the largest ships that can dock at LNG terminals.

4. Oasis of the Seas - 360 meters

The biggest passenger ships in the world - these are Oasis of the Seas, Allure of the Seas and Harmony of the Seas, formerly known as Project Genesis. They belong to Royal Caribbean and were built in 2009, 2010 and 2015 respectively. The length of cruise ships is 360 m, and the capacity is up to 6296 passengers, excluding the crew of 2394 people. These are the fastest of the large passenger ships - their speed reaches 22.6 knots.

There is plenty of entertainment on board so that the tourists on board do not get bored. There is even surfing, a zipline (cable descent) 25 m long and 9 decks high, two walls for climbers 13 m high, swimming pools, basketball court, water park and even an ice skating rink. No wonder there are so many service personnel on the ship!

The cost of building Oasis of the Seas was about 1.14 million dollars - the most high price, which has been paid for a civilian ship in the entire history of mankind. Both Oasis and Allure currently operate week-long cruises across Caribbean Sea and very popular among tourists.

3. TI class vessels - 380 meters

The largest oil tankers in service were designed and built for the Hellespont Group at a shipyard in South Korea by Daewoo (or rather its shipbuilding division) in 2003. There are four vessels in total - later the customers renamed them “TI Oceania”, “TI Europe”, “TI Asia” and “TI Africa”.

Approximately $90 million and 700,000 man-hours were spent on the construction of each vessel. They are shorter than the Knock Nevis at 78m; their length is 380 m, their carrying capacity is 440,000 tons, and they can reach a speed of 16 to 18 knots. In addition to their size, the ships impress with the grace of their outlines and the beauty of their design; If you look at them high from above, they most of all look like giant snow-white icebergs.

2. CSCL Globe and Maersk Triple E class vessels - 400 meters

In the fall of 2014, the “baptism” ceremony of the world’s largest container ship took place - CSCL Globe. It was the first of five 19,000 TEU vessels ordered by the Chinese shipbuilder in 2013. However, since then the CSCL Globe record has been broken by OOCL class cargo carriers, the capacity of which reaches an impressive figure of 21,413 TEU - with the same length.

The 400 m long megaship is propelled by a 77,200 hp main engine. pp., whose efficiency is so high that it consumes no more fuel than a container ship with a carrying capacity of almost half as much. Fuel savings are up to 20%. This happens due to the fact that the “smart” engine reacts to the situation at sea and adjusts fuel consumption accordingly.

The Danish company Maersk ordered the construction of 20 Maersk Triple E class vessels from Daewoo. Each of them cost about $200 million. Their capacity is slightly less than that of the CSCL Globe (18,000 TEU), but they are almost identical in length. The cruising speed of the new container ships is high - from 23 to 26 knots, which makes them the fastest ships of this class in the world.

Triple E, that is, “triple E” - the principles encrypted in brief form that customers and shipbuilders adhered to:

  1. saving;
  2. energy efficiency;
  3. environmental friendliness.

Currently, Maersk ships are among the most efficient container ships in terms of cost/volume of cargo transported.

1. Knock Nevis - 458.45 meters

During its service to people, the ship changed many names - Seawise Giant, Happy Giant, Jahre Viking and, finally, Knock Nevis. This is the most long ship in the history of shipbuilding - from bow to stern, its length is 1504 feet (or 458.45 m), which is longer than the length of the Empire State Building laid on its side. Knock Nevis was a ULCC class of oil tanker and had the largest cargo capacity of any vessel. It is considered the largest artificial object, capable of moving independently, of all ever built by man.

At full load, the volume of cargo transported by the ship was 657,019 tons, and with a draft of 24.6 m, even the English Channel, Suez and Panama Canals were shallow for the sea giant. At the same time, the speed of the ship was surprisingly high for its size - 16 knots. The Knock Nevis was driven by a single engine with a diameter of 9 m. Braking distances from cruise speed to a complete stop it took 9 km, and the turning radius of the ship was 3 km. It was served by a team of 35 people.

Knock Nevis was built in 1979 by the Japanese shipbuilding company Sumimoto Heavy Industries at the Japanese shipyard in Yokosuko. The Greek owner named the ship "Porthos". Since then the ship has seen a lot:

  • traveled the seas for about 30 years;
  • was damaged in 1988 during the Iran-Iraq War;
  • was repaired and sold to Norway;
  • in 2009 it made its last trip to a shipyard in Gujarat, India, where it was dismantled.

Why are the largest ships in the world dangerous?

Huge ships are not very environmentally friendly. Transporting goods by sea costs the planet almost 1.4 billion tons of carbon dioxide, which is 6% of total emissions. This number is twice that of air transport.

For this reason, most sea ​​giants They are trying to switch to highly efficient and fuel-saving engines, and are also using hybrid systems - there are ships that are driven by wind and solar energy.

When it comes to big ships, the first thing that comes to mind is the Titanic. It can certainly be classified as one of the most famous ships, castaways on the first flight. But there are other huge ships that most people have never even heard of. We invite you to get acquainted with the largest ships in the history of shipbuilding, some of them still sail the oceans, and some have long since been scrapped. The list is based on the vessel's length, gross tonnage and gross tonnage.

10. TI class supertanker

The TI class supertanker Oceania is one of the most beautiful vessels designed for oil transportation. There are four such supertankers in the world. The Oceania's gross payload capacity is 440 thousand tons, with the ability to reach speeds of up to 16-18 knots. The length of the vessel is 380 meters.

9. Berge Emperor

Berge Emperor was the largest oil tanker launched by Mitsui in 1975 and one of the largest tankers in the world. The weight of the vessel is 211360 tons. The first owner was Bergesen d.y. & Co, but then in 1985 the tanker was sold to Maastow BV, where it received a new name. He served there for only a year, and then he was sent for scrap.

8. CMA CGM Alexander von Humboldt

Named after Alexander von Humboldt, the CMA CGM is an Explorer class container ship. It was the largest container ship in the world until the Maersk Triple E class appeared. Its length is 396 meters. The gross lifting capacity is 187,624 tons.

7. Emma Maersk

In the list of the largest ships, Emma Maersk ranks second among the ships still in service. This is the first E-class container ship of eight owned by the A. P. Moller-Maersk Group. It was launched into the water in 2006. The vessel is capable of approximately 11 thousand TEUs. Its length is 397.71 meters.

6. Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller

The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller is a leading E-class container ship. It has the largest cargo capacity in the world and is also the longest vessel in 2013. Its length is 399 meters. Maximum speed- 23 knots with a lifting capacity of 18270 TEU. It was built for Maersk at the South Korean plant Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering.

5. Esso Atlantic

Esso Atlantic is one of the most popular names in the history of large ships. The huge vessel, 406.57 meters long, has an incredible gross lifting capacity of 516,891 tons. She served 35 years primarily as an oil tanker and was scrapped in Pakistan in 2002.

4. Batillus

Batillus is a supertanker built by Chantiers de l’Atlantique for the French subsidiary of Shell Oil. Its gross lifting capacity is 554 thousand tons, speed is 16-17 knots, length is 414.22 meters. This is the fourth largest ship in the world. It made its last flight in December 1985.

3. Pierre Guillaumat

The world's third largest ship is named after the French politician, founder of the Elf Aquitaine oil company Pierre Guillaume. It was built in 1977 in Chantiers de l’Atlantique for the Nationale de Navigation company. The ship served for six years, and then it was scrapped due to incredible unprofitability. Due to its enormous size, its use was severely limited. It could not pass through either the Panama or Suez Canals. And the ship could not enter all ports. The gross load capacity was almost 555 thousand tons, speed 16 knots, length 414.22 meters.

2. Seawise Giant

The supertanker Mont was known by many names and was called the queen of oceans and rivers. The ship was built in 1979 at the Japanese shipyards of Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. It was badly damaged during the Iran-Iraq War and was sunk because it was deemed beyond repair. But it was later raised and renovated, calling it Happy Giant. In December 2009 it made its last flight. At that time it was the largest ship in the world, but the title of the most large tanker it has survived to this day.

1. Prelude FLNG

Prelude is the largest operational vessel in the world, built in 2013 in South Korea. Its length is 488 meters, width 78 meters. It is intended for transportation of liquefied natural gas. Its construction required 260 thousand tons of steel, and when fully loaded the weight exceeds 600 thousand tons.

When we talk about ships, the first thing that comes to mind is the Titanic. However, few people know that there were and are still large ships in the world. Unfortunately, in our time, half of them have been dismantled. So you can only see them in the picture. The rest are still sailing the oceans and seas. As for the key selection of sizes, they were considered according to the maximum length of the vessel.

The first place went to the ship with this name. And the floating platform itself was the first in the world. People used it both for transportation and for liquefying and extracting natural gas on board. This wonderful and huge model is manufactured by Samsung Heavy Industries. Apparently, Samsung is already tired of creating phones and TVs. It's time to come up with masterpieces. Nowadays, the ship is considered the largest in the world. As for the completion of construction of all components, it will come to an end in 2017. At the same time, the company wants to drill the seabed off the coast of Australia.

The deadweight of this vehicle is 564,763 tons. So she rightfully takes second place. The ship was launched in 1979. In those days it was considered so large that people compared its length to the largest tall buildings in the world. The ship was unable to fit not only in the Panama Canal, but also in the Suez Canal. In 1988 there was the Iran-Iraq War. At the same time, the ship was severely damaged by an Iraqi Air Force missile. At that moment, the ship was transporting Iranian oil in the Persian Gulf.


This supertanker is considered the largest today by deadweight. It was built by a French company. Only five years were spent on construction, and after that, the ship was dismantled for scrap in South Korea in 1983. In 1977, the ship was launched. Its length was 414.2 meters, and its deadweight was 555,051 tons. As for the tanker's short service life, its commercial usefulness was minimal. The ship was absolutely unable to pass through the Panama and Suez Canals.


The ship received fourth place due to its length of 406.5 meters. Its deadweight is 516891 tons. The ship was launched in 1977. Despite the fact that it was built in Japan, the structure made its first voyage for its intended purpose from Liberia. The tanker, as a rule, transported oil between the countries of the Middle East and Europe. It was dismantled for scrap in 2002 in Pakistan.

What is remarkable about this ship? The Danish company decided to make the first of 8 identical container ships of the E-Class series. Nowadays, the ship is considered the only one operating among all the giants. It was launched into the water in 2006. The ship transports various cargoes between Northern Europe and Asia through the Strait of Gibraltar and the Suez Canal. Despite its impressive size, the ship managed to gain notoriety. When it was being built, there was a big fire, but in 2013, due to damage to one engine, the structure lost controllability in Suez Canal. There was no flooding then.

The deadweight of this design is 441,585 tons. The length is 380 meters. Double-hulled ships are now considered the largest ships operating worldwide in terms of gross tonnage and deadweight. Only 4 identical vessels were put into operation.

This type of ship can be classified as one of the largest dry cargo ships. They, in turn, belong to the Brazilian mining company Vale. The structure was made to transport ore to America from Brazil. The length of the ship is 362 meters, and the deadweight is 400,315 tons. In total, about 30 similar ships were made with a deadweight that varied from 380 to 400 thousand tons.

The Oasis class of cruise ships has two twin ships. They are considered the largest representatives of their type in the world. But if we take into account our model, then its length is 362 meters. Deadweight is 19,750 tons. The ship was launched in 2008. This liner can carry a maximum number of passengers, which is 6296 people. The crew is 2384 people. By the way, there are a lot of other entertainments on board that are impossible to fit on one page.

As for the length of the ship, it is 345 meters. Deadweight - 19189 tons. The structure was launched in 2002. This is one of the largest passenger airliners in the world. The ship is ready to transport up to 2,620 people across the entire ocean. There are also 15 restaurants, a casino, a ship’s planetarium and much more.

10. Mozah

The last place on our list goes to a ship with a length of 345 meters and a deadweight of 128,900 tons. The design is considered the first of the Q-max family of tankers. It was made to transport reduced natural gas, which is produced in fields near Qatar.

Video: Top 10 largest ships in the world

Who owns the world's largest yacht? Where did the largest container ship go? What will the ships of the future look like? The answers are in the DW gallery.

  • Giant ships from around the world

    Faster, longer, more powerful

  • Giant ships from around the world

    Giant in a Hanseatic city

    Giant ships from around the world


    Giant ships from around the world

    Town by the sea

    Giant ships from around the world

    Sheikh toy

    Giant ships from around the world

    Eight decks and three pools

    Giant ships from around the world

    The most expensive warship

    Giant ships from around the world

    The most powerful icebreaker

    Giant ships from around the world

  • Giant ships from around the world

    Faster, longer, more powerful

    Today, the largest container ship is the MOL Triumph, which is capable of transporting 20,170 containers. But in a few weeks, the OOCL Hong Kong vessel will set off on its maiden voyage. Its capacity will be a record - 21 thousand containers. Just 25 years ago, this figure barely exceeded four thousand.

  • Giant ships from around the world

    Giant in a Hanseatic city

    On its maiden voyage in May 2017, the MOL Triumph reached Hamburg. The length of the vessel reaches 400 meters, width - more than 58 meters. The Japanese company that owns the container ship plans to regularly carry out cargo transportation between Europe and East Asia.

    Giant ships from around the world


    The Jahre Viking was considered the longest tanker in the world with a length of 458 meters. It was built in 1979. When fully loaded, it could not navigate the English Channel, as well as the Suez and Panama Canals. In 2004, the ship was renamed Knock Nevis. Six years later it was written off.

    Giant ships from around the world

    Town by the sea

    The largest cruise ship in the world with a length of 362 meters is called Harmony of The Seas. This ship can carry 6,300 passengers and 2,100 crew members at once. There is everything for a comfortable stay: 20 restaurants, 23 swimming pools and even a park with exotic plants.

    Giant ships from around the world

    Sheikh toy

    Many oligarchs compete with each other for the title of owner of the world's largest yacht. Now this title belongs to the Arab Sheikh Khalifa Al Nahyan and his motor yacht Azzam. It is equipped helipad, an air defense system and even its own submarine.

    Giant ships from around the world

    Eight decks and three pools

    The biggest sailing yacht in the world was built at the Nobiskrug shipyard for the Russian billionaire Andrei Melnichenko in Kiel, Germany. Sailing Yacht "A" is valued at 400 million euros.

    Giant ships from around the world

    The most expensive warship

    About 13 billion dollars were spent on the construction of this aircraft carrier. Since April 2017, US Navy exercises have already been conducted on board. Until this time, the American military had 18 aircraft carriers in operation. This new product of the Gerald R. Ford series is equipped with electromagnetic catapults.

    Giant ships from around the world

    The most powerful icebreaker

    Ocean ice three meters thick? For Russian nuclear icebreaker The Arctic is not a problem. It is planned that in 2017 it will be put into operation for the development of the Arctic.

    Giant ships from around the world

    Italian engineer Gianluca Santosuosso wants to change the way cruise ships: The floating MorphHotel will make efficient use of renewable resources and seamlessly cross seas and oceans. True, for now the cruise ship of the future exists only in draft form.


The port of Hamburg celebrated its 828th birthday

The port of Hamburg celebrated another birthday. It was opened in this Hanseatic city in 1189. The holiday is traditionally attended by sailing ships and other ships from all over the world. (05/08/2017)