Ural recreational area of ​​the center of Russia. Prospects for the development of tourism in the Urals Characteristics of the infrastructure of the tourism market of the Sverdlovsk region

Tourist characteristics of the Ural region

Main recreational resources and types of tourism. Orographic, water and hydromineral resources are of greatest value for tourism. The area is moderately developed, with a specialization in sports, health and environmental tourism.

Orographic resources. In terms of landscape, the area can be divided into several parts. The Ural ridge consists of the mid-altitude Northern Urals (1569 m above sea level), the low-mountain Middle Urals (up to 700 m above sea level), the mid-mountain Southern Urals(1640 m above sea level). The foothill plains are bordered from the west by the Verkhnekamsk (300-330 m above sea level) and Bugulminsko-Belebeevskaya (380-420 m above sea level) uplands. Ural is a word of Turkic origin, translated means “belt”. The total length of the mountains from north to south is about 2000 km, and the width is 40-60 km. The highest altitudes in the Southern Urals are Mount Yamantau - Khudaya Mountain (1640 m). The low absolute elevations of the Ural Mountains and the location in the center of the country at the intersection of latitudinal highways attract people to this area. a large number of tourists. The border between two parts of the world: Europe and Asia runs along the watershed peaks of the Ural Mountains. In several places in the Urals, near railway and highways crossing the mountains, there are monuments - symbols marking the position of such an important geographical boundary for tourists.

In the Southern Urals, the following peaks are especially popular for climbers: Taganay (Moon Stand), Yurma (Don’t Go), Devil’s Chair, Mount Yamantau - Thin Mountain (1640 m). Mount Iremel in the Southern Urals is considered sacred among the Bashkirs. To its peak by the end of the 19th century. Only a dozen people climbed (climbing was considered a sin).

A characteristic feature of the area is the widespread development of karst. There are more than 500 caves, including Kungurskaya and Kapova. Among the notable natural sites in the area are: in the Perm region - the Kungur Ice Cave, Divya Cave, Spasskaya Mountain in the vicinity of the city of Kungur, Sylvensky reefs along the river. Sylveidr. The largest cave in the Urals is Sumgan Cave (Southern Urals). Another natural attraction of the Urals is semi-precious stones. Amethysts, topazes, tourmalines, and jaspers have created worldwide fame for this region.

It is the dissected relief that creates conditions for the development of various types of active tourism.

Climatic conditions for recreation and tourism. The Urals are a mountainous country with a wetter and cooler climate compared to the adjacent plains. The climate of the region is continental. The provision of solar radiation varies from insufficient in the north (1600-1700 hours of sunshine per year) to moderate (1800 hours). In the north, traces of UV deficiency are expressed in winter; in the rest of the territory, the biological activity of the sun is optimal. The frost-free period ranges from 95 to 140 days. Summer is moderately warm (July temperature + 16-19°). The frequency of muggy weather in the north is rare, in the rest of the territory it is average. Winter is moderately cold (January temperature -14-16°). Snow cover in the north lasts 160-190 days. In the south - 110 days. Its height is 40-60 cm.

Winter is favorable for skiing and downhill skiing. However, increased wind conditions in the southern steppe regions and a significant likelihood of severe weather in the north somewhat reduce comfort in these areas. Ski tourism is also limited by the avalanche danger in mountainous areas, especially in the spring. The summer period is most favorable in the Middle Urals. The duration of the favorable period for summer holiday and tourism ranges from 60 days in the north to 120 in the south. The bathing period is limited to 30-90 days.

Generally climatic conditions Here you can actively engage in health and sports tourism.

Water resources. The area has an extensive river network, the use of which in a number of places is difficult due to intensive economic water use. In some parts of the region, due to karst processes, the hydraulic network is sparse. Most large rivers: Kama, Belaya, Ural, Tura, Iset and their tributaries (Chusovaya, Yuryuzan, Inzer Ai, Mias). There are many lakes in the foothills (Uvildy, Argazy, Irtyash, Shar-tash, Kalkak). Most of them are concentrated in the Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk regions. The largest water body is the Kama Reservoir. Along the banks of rivers and lakes stretch sandy beaches. The swimming season in the north is very short - 30 days, in the south - up to 100 days. The largest lake in the region, Uvildy, with a water area of ​​68.1 km2, is also located here. There are about 800 km2 of lakes in the Iset basin. The lakes in this part of the region are very picturesque, with steep, forest-covered shores; some of them are already used for recreational purposes. Many lakes are rich in fish (whitefish, carp). There are many artificial ponds, the largest of which are Verkhneisetsky and Nizhny Tagil.

The Urals are interesting for tourists due to their numerous mountain lakes. The national park was created around the lake. Zyuratkul (Ural Ritsa). On the territory of the park there are laid tourist routes of varying difficulty: from an excursion along the lake shore and the ecological trail “Small Bear Trail” with a length of five kilometers to a multi-day hike through the highest ridge in the Chelyabinsk region - Nurgush. Oz. Turgoyak, included in the list of the most valuable reservoirs in the world, with clean and very clear water, and the mountain ranges located in the Taganay National Park are one of the most visited places in the Southern Urals.

Mineral waters and healing mud. The mineral waters of the Ural region are distinguished by the greatest diversity of all regions of Central Russia. Along with sulfate drinking waters and sodium chloride bromine brines, carbonic ferruginous and radon waters are common in the Cis-Urals and Middle Urals. The Perm resort “Ust-kichka” (sulfide, iodine-bromine strong brines) and the resort “Samotsvet” (radon and carbon dioxide waters) in the Yekaterinburg region are especially rich in mineral waters.

Mud resources in the area are represented by sapropel and peat mud. There are small lake-spring deposits of silt sulfide mud.

In Bashkiria there is a unique resort, Yangan-Tau, where the main natural healing factor is natural hot steam (40-50°) and dry hot (50-70°) gases containing oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and organic substances. Healing gases and vapors are released from the cracks of Yangan-Tau. The second healing resource of the resort is a subthermal radioactive source.

Along with traditional natural healing resources, kumiss therapy is widely used in Bashkiria (sanatorium "Yumatovo").

The region has healing resources in the form of the release of natural hot vapors (40-50°) and dry gases (50-70°) of carbon dioxide-oxygen, nitrogen-oxygen composition.

Vegetation, fauna and specially protected areas. The natural features of the area (mountainous terrain, meridional location of the area and long-term anthropogenic impact) determined the diversity of vegetation cover: mountain tundra, dark coniferous forests, light pine forests, many secondary forests - birch and aspen. Forest landscapes predominate in the north of the region, forest cover exceeds 50%, in Bashkiria it is less than 40%, and in the south, only 3%. In the south, forests give way to forest-steppe and steppe vegetation. The area is favorable for the development of sport and commercial hunting, the objects of which can be the white and brown hare, marten, fox, and squirrel.

Bashkiria National Park, located in the Southern Urals, is famous for its unique and rich natural speleological museum - the Kutuk tract, where there are almost four dozen caves. Popular hikes to the caves of Sumganskaya and Kapova.

Cultural and historical resources. The cultural potential of the area is unique. The area is replete with archaeological finds, including the Kapova cave with rock paintings, and is rich in religious monuments of both Russian Orthodoxy (Perm region) and Russian Muslims (Ufa). The architectural appearance of Orthodox churches has a clearly defined local style. The interiors of the temples are replete with wooden sculpture.

Architectural monuments of various styles, eras and purposes adorn all the main cities of the region: Perm, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Nizhny Tagil, Nevyansk (Demidov Leaning Tower), Turinsk.

The Urals are famous for their crafts and crafts: in Kasli - iron casting, in Nizhny Tagil - lacquer trays, in Tavolga - ceramic products, in Kungur - stone carving, the Ural Gems plant (Ekaterinburg) is the main center for the artistic processing of solid ornamental stone in Russia; ceramics are traditional in Tavolga, etc. There are many museums, theaters, and concert halls in regional centers. Diversity cultural heritage creates the prerequisites for the development of educational tourism.

District infrastructure. The area has a well-developed infrastructure, which is due to the high level of urbanization of the territory, as well as its geographical location. Highways pass through the Urals and railways. Most regional cities are connected to other regions by airlines. Despite the fact that tourism in the Ural region is represented by various types, the recreational network here is underdeveloped. There are many medical and health institutions in the area: the resorts of Ust-Kachka, Klyuchi, Nizhnie Sergi, Samotsvet, Lake Moltaevo, Kisegach, Uvildy, Yangan-Tau, Krasnousolsk. Each region has a network of sanatoriums and holiday homes. The main tourist centers of the region are Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Ufa, Nizhny Tagil, Nevyansk. In general, the Ural region is promising for the development of various types of tourism.

Tourist centers, areas of mass recreation and tourism. Yekaterinburg is the administrative center of the Sverdlovsk region of Russia, the largest industrial and cultural center of the Urals. The city is located on the eastern slope of the Middle Urals along the banks of the Iset River. The history of the city began in 1721, when, by decree of Peter I the Great, V.N. Tatishchev (future historian) began construction of a metallurgical plant on the Iset River. After the establishment of Soviet power (July 18, 1918), Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family were shot in Yekaterinburg. In 1924-1991. the city was called Sverdlovsk in honor of the Soviet leader Ya. M. Sverdlov. Yekaterinburg extends from west to east for 15 km, from north to south for 26 km. The Iset River, dividing the city into western and eastern parts, has been turned into a system of stepped reservoirs (the largest is Verkh-Isetsky pond, other ponds are Gorodskoy, Parkovy and Nizhneisetsky). The rectangular street layout of the central districts is based on the plan of an 18th century factory-fortress. Until 1917, Yekaterinburg was a city of many churches, of which only a few have survived. The most famous temple was the Epiphany Cathedral, founded in 1745, the architect of which, according to assumptions, was a student of the creator of the St. Petersburg Peter and Paul Cathedral, architect Trezzini. The cathedral, which was called the “Ural Peter and Paul Fortress,” was for a long time the center of the religious life of the city. Among other temple monuments in Yekaterinburg, the one-story stone St. John the Baptist (Ivanovskaya) Church, founded in 1846, and since 1943 has served as the main temple of the Yekaterinburg diocese, stands out. Once the richest church in the city was the Old Believer Trinity Church (1818). Also of interest is the stone one-story church in the name of All Saints with one chapel, founded in 1886. On the site of the Mountain Catherine Cathedral, blown up in 1930, a small chapel was erected in 1998. The Ipatiev house, in which the royal family was shot, was demolished. In its place, the Church of the Savior on Blood was built, in front of it on the square there is a sculptural composition with a nine-meter cross. The complex of buildings of the former Yekaterinburg Novo-Tikhvin Convent, founded in 1809, also attracts attention. The main temple of the Novo-Tikhvin Monastery was the Alexander (Alexandro-Nevsky) Cathedral, founded in 1838, which became the largest temple in Yekaterinburg in the 19th century. Yekaterinburg is a city of theatrical and cultural traditions. There are a conservatory and a philharmonic society, an opera and ballet theater, a drama theater and a theater for young spectators. In Yekaterinburg you can find many monuments dedicated to people whose life and work were connected with this city. There are several literary museums in the city: the museum named after D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak, House-Museum of P.P. Bazhova.

The Yekaterinburg Art Gallery is the largest Ural museum, founded in 1936. The gallery is famous for its collection of works of Kasli casting. The museum's exhibitions also include works of Russian and European visual arts and stone cutting art. Yekaterinburg and its surroundings are interesting for many archaeological sites. Among them, the “Origins of Iset” complex stands out.

Chelyabinsk is the administrative center of the Chelyabinsk region, the cultural, industrial and scientific center of the Southern Urals. Chelyabinsk is located on the eastern slope of the Southern Urals, on the Miass River. Chelyabinsk was founded in 1736 as a Russian fortress in the Chelyaba tract, on the right bank of the Miass River. This fortress was one of the links of a fortified line built to ensure the security of Orenburg. The appearance of modern Chelyabinsk was formed as a result of the reconstruction of the historical part of the city, along which the Miass River passes, and the addition of later buildings to it. Chelyabinsk is surrounded by several lakes and forests; the city has many parks and squares. Especially loved by residents and guests of Chelyabinsk are the natural forest areas near lakes Pervoye, Smolino, and the Shershnevskoye Reservoir.

Most of the central streets go down to Miass or run parallel to it. The center of the city is Revolution Square, to which Tswilling, Kirov, Vorovsky streets converge, and Lenin Avenue passes through the square. On the southern border of the square there is the building of the Drama Theater named after S. M. Zwilling. The number of temple monuments in Chelyabinsk is small. These include the Alexander Nevsky Church, which houses the Organ Hall. Not far from the Chelyabinsk circus is the Trinity Church. Among the others architectural structures: building of the Opera and Ballet Theater named after M.I. Glinka (1954) and the Youth Sports Palace (1967). Among the museums of Chelyabinsk, the Geological and Mineralogical Museum located on the embankment, famous for its collection of Ural gems, is interesting. Founded in 1952, the Art Gallery presents exhibitions of Western European and Russian fine art, decorative and theatrical art. A favorite vacation spot for residents of Chelyabinsk is the park named after Yu.A. Gagarin, smoothly turning into the city forest.

Perm is the administrative center of the Perm region, one of the largest industrial and cultural centers of the Urals. Perm is located in the Middle Urals on the Kama River, below the confluence of the Chusovaya River. On the site of modern Perm in the 17th century. was the village of Bryukhanovka. The founding of the city is associated with the activities of V.N. Tatishchev, who in 1723 supervised the construction of the Yegoshikha copper smelter. At the beginning of the 19th century. Perm is becoming an important trading center. The most popular Perm product was salt, which was mined in Perm province, in Usolye and Solikamsk. Iron, copper, and metal products from Ural factories were transported along the Chusovaya River. For a long time, the Mining Department of the Ural factories was located in Perm. The historical part of Perm is located on the elevated left bank of the Kama. Here in 1750-1770. The oldest surviving buildings in Perm were built. Among them, the five-headed one stands out Peter and Paul Cathedral(1757-1764). The Cathedral of the Transfiguration Monastery, located on Mount Sludka, was built in 1798-1832. and etc.

The oldest civil architectural monuments of Perm are preserved in the former administrative center of the city, which occupied a plateau above the piers. These are the buildings of the former Government places (late 18th century), guardhouse and governor's building. In 1796-1804. Many buildings located down the Kama were built: the stone Gostiny Dvor, the city government, the treasury chamber. An architectural monument of the Classical era is the Bishop's House in the ensemble of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery (1793-1798). On the former Sibirskaya Street and in Razgulay (the historical center of the city) there are many houses typical of the Russian style; in the old days merchants lived here. Built at the beginning of the 19th century. Zhmayev's house, also made in the classicist style, later became the building of the City Duma. A large number of buildings by the architect Sviyazev have been preserved in Perm: the Yakovlev-Meshkov house (1820s), the school for children of clerical servants (1825-1829), the seminary (1829-1831), the wooden Krylov mansion, the wooden rotunda in the former Country garden(1824), Noble Assembly (1830). The beginning of the 20th century in Perm was marked by the construction of buildings in the spirit of eclecticism and in the Art Nouveau style: the houses of Lyubimova and Meshkov, the building of the opera house, the house of the music school, the old station building, the building of the Cyril and Methodius School (1911). Not far from Perm, on the high bank of the Kama, the only architectural and ethnographic museum-reserve Khokhlovka in the Urals is located, occupying an area of ​​42 hectares. Unique wooden buildings from the 17th to 19th centuries were transported here from the north of the region. The outskirts of Perm are interesting for their archaeological sites. On the right bank of the Kama Reservoir, on the slope of Shustovaya Mountain (now located within the city of Perm), the Turbinsky burial ground of the 16th-14th centuries is located. BC e., dating back to the Bronze Age.

Ufa is the capital of Bashkiria, a large industrial and cultural center of the Urals. The city is located in the valley of the Belaya River, at the confluence of the Ufa and Dema rivers. Ufa is interesting for many historical and archaeological monuments. On the southwestern outskirts of the city there is an ancient mound and a settlement, on the right bank of the Dema River there is a settlement known as the “Hanging Stone”. Until the middle of the 16th century. on the site of the so-called Old Ufa there was an ancient Nogai fortified settlement of Turatau (known in Russian sources as the Devil's Settlement). In 1574, here, at the confluence of the Belaya and Ufa rivers, the Russian fortress of Ufa was founded, which already in 1586 received the status of a city. In the 17th century Ufa is developing as a trade center on the routes from Central Russia to Siberia. In 1728-1744. Ufa is the center of the province, the governor of which reported directly to the Senate. The architecture of Ufa is characterized by a combination of different styles and traditions; a considerable number of interesting ancient monuments have been preserved. The city is located on an elevated cape called the Ufa Peninsula. It was here that the Ufa fortress or Kremlin was founded, which existed until the beginning of the 19th century. Initially, Ufa was built up in a radial order - the streets diverged from the Kremlin, but after the adoption of the regular plan in 1803, rectangular buildings oriented along the main squares of the city - Bazarnaya (where the Gostiny Dvor of the first third of the 19th century has been preserved) and Cathedral Square - became widespread.

A monument of the temple architecture of Ufa is the Smolensk Cathedral, the ensemble of which includes the Trinity Church (late 19th century), the “warm church” or refectory (1824) and the bell tower (1779). Temples dating back to the era of classicism have also been preserved, including the Church of the Intercession (1823) on the right bank of the Sutolka, the Spasskaya Church (1824), and the cathedral (1841). A monument of Islamic architecture is the White Mosque (1830) located in the southern part of the Ufa Peninsula near the river.

Monuments of civil architecture of the first half of the 19th century, most of which are made in the style of classicism, include the Bishop's House above the cliff of the Belaya River with a garden and a terrace, a three-story seminary building with a pediment located near the central park (now an agricultural institute), a men's gymnasium building with side outbuildings (currently a medical institute), the governor's house and the building of the noble assembly (now the Public Library). By the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. include architectural monuments in the Art Nouveau style: the mansions of Ponosova-Modlo (now the Institute of History, Language and Literature), Kasterina (now the Ministry of Agriculture), Laptev (now the Art Museum), buildings of the provincial zemstvo government, the City Duma, and the Peasant Bank.

Popular tourist routes. The Southern Urals are often compared to Switzerland. The resorts of the Southern Urals Abzakovo and Metallurg-Magnitogorsk offer first-class ski holiday, and the artificial snow system on the mountain slopes allows you to extend skiing until April.

In Bashkiria, horse riding routes are being developed from the city of Beloretsk. Rafting on the rivers Sakmara, Ufa, Belaya, Yuryuzan, Chusovaya, Sosva, Pyshma, Sylva, Tura, and Vyatka is popular among water tourists. Tourist gatherings on the Europe-Asia border are popular. Currently, the main contingent of vacationers is formed by the population of the region. The caving routes are interesting, and educational and ecotourism is developing.

The Ural economic region includes the following regions: Orenburg, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Sverdlovsk regions, Perm Territory, Bashkiria and Udmurtia. More than 19.2 million people live here on an area of ​​824 thousand km2, of which 13.7 million are urban residents. The region is characterized by a high concentration of urban agglomerations. Ekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Perm and Ufa each have more than 1 million inhabitants; Izhevsk also came close to this milestone. This largely predetermined the main task of the district's recreational economy - providing recreation for the local population. In the structure of medical and health institutions, the first place in the region in terms of the number of beds is occupied by recreation centers (42.2%), followed by sanatoriums and boarding houses with treatment (30.6%), holiday homes and boarding houses (18.4%) and tourist institutions (8.8%). The Ural region differs especially sharply in the development of gardening partnerships, the capacity of hunting and fishing farms (16.5% of the country's fund - the first place in the country) and the provision of the population with children's camps.

The climate is continental; average January temperatures from -14 to -20 0 C; July from 16-22 0 C, precipitation 300-500 mm per year and up to 800 mm in the mountains. The average duration of a comfortable period for summer recreation and tourism in the northern part of the region is only 20-30 days, in the middle - 30-40, in the Orenburg region - up to 50, and in the very south it decreases again to 30 days. The duration of the favorable period for summer holidays and tourism ranges from 60 days in the north to 120 in the south. The bathing period is limited to 30-90 days. In the northern part of the region, the height of the snow cover varies from 0.8 to 0.5 m to the southeast, and the duration of occurrence is from 185 to 170 days. During the coldest period (December - February), moderately frosty and significantly frosty weather prevails here (75%). Recreational use of mountain areas at altitudes above 1000 m in winter is complicated by strong snowstorms, the speed of which reaches 40 m/sec. In the southern part of the region, the Ural and Trans-Ural territories are characterized by low snow winters (0.3-0.4 m with a duration of 140-160 days) and strong snowstorms. Summer here, unlike the more northern and mountainous parts, is hot and dry.

Relief. Ural is a word of Turkic origin, translated means “belt”. The total length of the mountains from north to south is about 2000 km, and the width is 40-60 km. The highest altitudes are observed in the Subpolar Urals - Mount Narodnaya (1895 m), the Northern Urals - Telposis (Stone of the Winds) and the Southern Urals - Mount Yamantau - “Thin Mountain” (1640 m). The low absolute elevations of the Ural Mountains and the location in the center of the country at the intersection of latitudinal highways attract a large number of tourists to this area. In the Southern Urals, the following peaks are especially popular for climbers: Taganay (Moon Stand), Yurma (Don’t Go), Devil’s Chair. In the Northern Urals, tourists visit low, flat-topped ridges called parmas and undulating hills called chugras. The plateaus of the Northern Urals are decorated with the most phenomenal natural sculptures. Bizarre columns (blocks) of cemented conglomerates and other resistant rocks, each tens of meters long, rise above the flat surface.

Karst landforms are widespread in the Urals. In one Perm region More than 15 thousand karst sinkholes are described in detail. The largest cave in the Urals is Sumgan Cave (Southern Urals). The Kungur Ice Cave with its numerous grottoes and underground lakes is very famous.

The granite intrusions of the Urals contain deposits of indigenous gold and precious stones, among which the Ural emerald has gained world fame. The Ilmensky ridge is especially rich in ornamental minerals. It is not high - only 748 m, but is famous for the accumulation of 200 different minerals, including some unique ones. In 1920 it was created here mineralogical reserve.

The area has an extensive river network, the use of which in a number of places is difficult due to intensive economic water use. In some parts of the region, due to karst processes, the hydraulic network is sparse. At the same time, rivers such as Chusovaya have long been used for water tourism. Ozer there's not much in the area. Most of them are located on the eastern slope of the Urals, in the Chelyabinsk region. Here is also the largest lake in the region - Uvildy with a water area of ​​68.1 km 2. There are about 800 km 2 lakes in the Iset basin. The lakes in this part of the region are very picturesque, with steep, forest-covered shores; some of them are already used for recreational purposes. Many lakes are rich in fish (whitefish, carp). There are quite a lot of artificial reservoirs in the area: the reservoir of the Kamskaya hydroelectric power station with a length of 220 km, reservoirs in Chusovaya, the Urals, and Uzhe. There are many artificial ponds, the largest of which are Verkhneisetsky and Nizhny Tagil. Main rivers: Ural, Belaya, Sakmara, Miass, Tobol, Iset, Tavda, Tura, Kama, Vishera; lakes – Uvildy, Irtyash, Turgoyak, Chebachye. IN Kurgan region 25-30% of lakes are salty. Brine and silt mud of some salt lakes are used for medicinal purposes, including at the Medvezhye resort; in Udmurtia at the Varzi-Yatchi resort.

The area is located in a unique region, rich in healing resources in the form of the release of natural hot vapors (40-50 0) and dry gases (50-70 0) of carbon dioxide-oxygen, nitrogen-oxygen composition. The gas temperature at the surface of the crack is 37-160 0, at a depth of 80-90 m to 300 0.

Forests occupy from 4% in the south to 50% in the north. The species composition of forests varies from north to south from fir-spruce forests to mixed, forest-steppe (mainly birch) forests and areas of virgin steppe. The area is favorable for the development of sport and commercial hunting, the objects of which can be the white and brown hare, marten, fox, and squirrel.

There are numerous nature reserves: Orenburg, Bashkir, Ilmen, Shulgan-Tash, Visimsky national parks - Bashkir and natural monuments - Kungur and Divya caves.

The area of ​​Ilmensky is 32.1 thousand hectares, Bashkirsky - 72.1 thousand hectares. In the Bashkir Nature Reserve there is a Kapova cave with ancient rock paintings.

Among remarkable natural sites in the area are distinguished: in the Perm region - Kungur Ice Cave, Divya Cave, Spasskaya Mountain in the vicinity of the city of Kungur, Sylvensky reefs along the river. Sylveidr.; in the Sverdlovsk region - limestone outcrops along the Ivdel and Northern Toshemka rivers, oak forests, lake. Tangzhui et al.; in the Chelyabinsk region - lakes, areas of dark coniferous taiga; in the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic - Askinskaya cave-glacier, relict forest on the river. Kadasa.

Within the area, amateur tourist trips are possible: hiking (to the places of Bazhov’s fairy tales) (1-4 KS), skiing and alpine skiing (1-2 KS), water (1-2 KS), bicycle (1-5 KS), automobile ( 1-5 KS), motorcycle (1-5 KS), caving trips (1-3 KS). Popular trips to the caves of Bashkiria: Sumganskaya, Kapova. In the Kurgan region there is a route “Horse along the Trans-Urals”, in Bashkiria there is a horse route near the city of Beloretsk. IN winter time Buran snowmobile routes throughout Bashkiria are especially popular. River rafting is popular among water tourists. Sakmara, Ufa, Belaya, Yuryuzan, Chusovoy, Sosva, Pyshma, Sylva, Tura, Vyatka. Tourist gatherings at the Europe-Asia border are popular.

Vacationers. Currently, the main contingent of vacationers is formed due to population of the area. These are mainly workers and employees of industrial enterprises in the Urals. A relatively large flow of vacationers goes from the region to recreational zone I, significant flows go to the Central and North-Western regions. The flow of vacationers from other areas is still insignificant. Mainly amateur tourists. There are four all-Russian and 25 local routes operating in the region. However, unlike many other areas, local tourist routes are designed for the most part on active travel, which to a certain extent limits the participation of older tourists. It should be noted that there is a relatively low mobility of vacationers within the area, which is explained, first of all, by the high concentration of recreational institutions near populated areas.

In Chelyabinsk, the city center, the Chelyabinsk Forest and the Shershnevskoye Reservoir are used for everyday recreation. Every day the forest is visited by 20-30 thousand, and on weekends - up to 100 thousand people. The place for daily and weekly recreation is the green belt of Chelyabinsk, its width reaches 6 km. Reservoirs are widely used for suburban bathing and beach recreation. In good weather conditions approx. major cities Reservoir beaches are experiencing overload. Thus, in the Perm region, on the Kama and Votkinsk reservoirs, on fine days there are 1.5 people per 1 m 2.

In the structure of excursions, a large share is made up of out-of-town excursions.

Cultural and educational objects are distributed relatively evenly throughout the area. However, most of them are concentrated in large cities. IN Yekaterinburg There is a local history museum, museums associated with the names of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, P. P. Bazhov, various theaters, architectural monuments and other objects. A museum was created in the old mining village. Visim, in the homeland of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak. In general, the connection between cultural monuments and the industrial development of the Urals and its revolutionary past is characteristic. In Yekaterinburg - the place where the royal family was executed. Mineralogical Museum.

The architecture of the city is interesting. Troitsk founded in 1734 as the Trinity Fortress.

IN Chelyabinsk– an art gallery and a local history museum with Kasli castings.

IN Perm- art Gallery.

IN Miass and the Ilmensky Reserve - mineralogical museums.

IN Udmurtia Many wooden 1-2 storey houses and stone buildings from the early 19th century have been preserved. built in the spirit of classicism with architectural details in the form of neo-baroque and modern style. Peasant huts (korks) and two-story barns (kenos) are richly decorated with wooden carvings.

Engineering and technical structures. Many recreational facilities in the area are well-equipped and operate year-round. These are primarily sanatoriums, a significant part of which are close to the largest industrial agglomerations. There are also many year-round holiday homes, but there are significantly fewer of them in the southern parts of the area.

There are 26 tourist centers in the area, 15 of which operate year-round (with a significant reduction in the number of places in winter). Many camp sites have stationary buildings with rooms for two or three people, and cottages. In summer, some tourists stay in tents.

The region has an extensive network of electrified railways and a large number of highways. The length of railways is 11 thousand km. The Ural ridge is crossed by five railway lines, four of them within the region. There are 112 thousand km of roads in the region. Airlines connect Largest cities area with Moscow, St. Petersburg, resorts of the Caucasus. River transport poorly developed, mainly in the western part of the region. Regular navigation is carried out along the Kama and Belaya. The area has favorable conditions for organizing and building recreational enterprises. Only the widespread development of karst processes can be considered an obstacle, but they are also quite clearly localized and quite well studied.

Functionally, the region is divided into the following parts: northern and central – medical and recreational, suburban recreation and educational tourism; western – water tourism; southern – mountain tourism, medical and recreational.

2.2 Characteristics of the infrastructure of the tourism market of the Sverdlovsk region

The Sverdlovsk region - the most important industrial region of Russia - has relatively favorable recreational and tourist resources Ekaterinburg as a tourist center: Concept of tourism development in Ekaterinburg Ekaterinburg: Administration of Ekaterinburg, USU. A.M. Gorky, 2000. .

The favorable geographical location on the border of Europe and Asia, relative political stability, diversity of historical heritage, high intellectual and cultural potential determine favorable long-term prospects for the development of the recreational and tourist complex of the Sverdlovsk region.

The city of Yekaterinburg is the main tourist center of the region, a zone of accelerated tourist development. The regional center has a high economic, cultural, historical, scientific potential, has a developed transport network (international airport, railway station, bus station), and the greatest density of tourist infrastructure facilities.

However, despite the significant recreational and tourism potential, the existing material base of the recreation and tourism sector is currently characterized by a high degree of physical and moral deterioration. Up to 60% of fixed assets of local hotel and specialized accommodation facilities need modernization. Ural tourist server www.utravel.ru.

As of August 1, 2010, there were 436 travel agents, 57 tour operators and 24 firms specializing in domestic tourism in the Sverdlovsk region. official website of the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Sverdlovsk Region www. midural.ru

There are 240 operating in Yekaterinburg travel companies(2% of the total number of Russian travel agencies), 32 of them specialize in inbound tourism. Ekaterinburg is the third most popular tourist city in Russia.) www.travel.ru.

Among large companies with a service volume of more than 1000 people and a sales volume of more than 1 million. rub. per year, companies that are engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities at the same time predominate. Ural tourist server www.utravel.ru.

"right">Table 2

Travel companies with a service volume of more than 1000 people. per year Ural tourist server www.utravel.ru




Tour operators

Aeromost plus

Outbound international tourism, air ticketing

Ekaterinburg, Lenin Ave., 28

Outbound tourism: USA and other countries of the world


Tolmacheva, 10



Outbound tourism: Spain, Türkiye, etc.

Ekaterinburg, Lenina, 5/2

Jazz travel

Outbound tourism: UAE, Canary Islands, Thailand, o. Bali


Lenina, 24/8; Lenina, 36

Reception and excursion services in the Sverdlovsk region, all types of international and domestic tourism


Proletarskaya, 3


Outbound and domestic tourism

Outbound and domestic tourism

Ekaterinburg, Sverdlova 11-A, 144

Elite and exotic outbound tourism


Kuibysheva, 44


Religious and domestic tourism in the Urals

Verkhoturye, hotel


International and domestic tourism, ticket offices, visa support


Pushkina, 5

NTTB "Sputnik"

International and domestic tourism, ticket offices

Nizhny Tagil, Lenina 28A

Fast and Furious Plus

International tourism, shopping tours

Ekaterinburg, Pushkina, 2

Peace Foundation

Outbound tourism


Khokhryakova, 25

Outbound tourism, organization of children's recreation


Pervomayskaya, 104

Travel agents

Victoria LTD

International and domestic tourism

Nizhny Tagil, Lenina 17

Calypso tour

Domestic medical and health tourism


Popova, 4a

Shopping and holiday tours to China


Generalskaya 6

"Russian Holidays"

International tourism: UAE and other countries

Ekaterinburg, Radishcheva, 4-1

Sverdlovsk travel agencies began to participate more actively in traditional Moscow international exhibitions.

The structure of the market is clearly dominated by domestic tourism - 92.7%, inbound international tourism accounts for 2.9% of the total volume of services, outbound international tourism - 4.4%.

Volume of sales of services to the population by health resorts, hotels and tourism organizations Sverdlovsk region in 2009 amounted to 1919.5 million rubles official server of the Ministry of physical culture, sports and tourism of the Sverdlovsk region www.midural.ru.

The growth in sales volumes of recreation and tourism services, along with an increase in their importance in the consumer market, leads to the fact that tourism industry enterprises are playing an increasingly prominent role in the foreign economic activity of the region. However, the role of tourism, as the most profitable export item on the world market, successfully competing with the export of oil and cars, is clearly underestimated in the regional market.

Inbound tourism by destination is not as diverse as outbound tourism. EU countries remain in first place in terms of inbound tourism. Most often, the Sverdlovsk region was visited by tourists from Great Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Finland, the Czech Republic, and Israel. The flow of arrivals, mainly for business purposes, from China and South Korea official website of the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Sverdlovsk Region www. midural.ru.

The presence of rich cultural and natural potential allows the Sverdlovsk region to gain serious positions in the tourism market in the event of government support for the development of the industry at the regional level. The forms of such support range from direct investments aimed at the formation of tourism infrastructure, costs for personnel training, scientific and advertising and information support for the promotion of the regional tourism product on the Russian and international markets to the creation of a preferential tax regime in relation to those business entities engaged in production and sales tourism product by priority types of tourism - inbound and domestic.

The weakest link in the system of state regulation in the field of tourism and recreation in the Sverdlovsk region is currently the lack of a system for promoting the regional tourism product, which does not contribute to the growth of a sustainable tourist flow directed to the Sverdlovsk region.

There is also a shortage of qualified specialists in the industry, especially in terms of servicing tourists arriving in the Sverdlovsk region.

Specific problems of realizing the recreational and tourism potential of the Sverdlovsk region include: the clash of interests of urbanization and recreation when expanding industrial and civil development zones; lack of an effective system for regulating recreational loads on natural complexes of existing recreation areas; infrastructural lack of transport communications, insufficient professional training of tourism personnel.

The existing infrastructure base does not meet the needs of modern tourism; there are no favorable conditions for investment in the construction and reconstruction of hotels and specialized accommodation facilities (sanatorium and health organizations) and the improvement of roads and tourist attractions.

It is necessary to more effectively use the existing tourism potential, revive the regional tourism market, strengthen the material base of the tourism infrastructure, reduce the shortage of qualified personnel and obtain the necessary support for tourism development from the regional government.

In order to develop tourism in the Sverdlovsk region, a medium-term Tourism Development Program has been adopted. If the medium-term program is successfully implemented, conditions will be created to stimulate the attraction of extra-budgetary domestic and foreign investments for the period until 2015.

The main socio-economic effect of the Program is to create conditions to satisfy the needs of various categories of the region's population for good rest in accordance with the demand, introducing the younger generation to the cultural and historical values ​​accumulated in the region.

Compared to all-Russian indicators, the share of domestic tourism in the Middle Urals is slightly higher than the all-Russian indicator.

Reasons: the relative remoteness of the Ural region from the borders of the Russian Federation; The rate of growth of monetary incomes of the population in the Ural Federal District is ahead of the Russian average.

Foreign citizens registering with the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk region come mainly from CIS countries. The main flow from abroad arrives in the region for private purposes (in search of employment) - 71.3% of the total number of those registered in 2005, 75.4% in 2006 and 71.3% in 2007. Citizens of CIS countries among them in recent years account for up to 98-99%. On the contrary, the proportion of representatives of non-CIS countries is high among those who indicate when registering such purposes of arrival as business/professional or tourist interest official server of the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Sverdlovsk Region www.midural.ru.

"right">Table 3

Registered foreign citizens(according to the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region) official server of the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Sverdlovsk Region www.midural.ru

In 2007, out of 100,987 people, only 25,000 became hotel clients. A considerable number of foreigners live in other places - in apartments, recreation centers, etc. The average length of their stay is also less than 3 days - therefore, they can quite legally not register with the Federal Migration Service.

While maintaining the current network parameters of accommodation facilities - specialized and hotel enterprises, it is necessary to modernize the number of rooms and eliminate the use of rooms without amenities, for which it is necessary to reconstruct 3.7 rooms for 6 thousand beds of health resort organizations and 1.2 thousand .rooms of hotel enterprises. The minimum total volume of investment required to bring accommodation facilities to meet the demand is 850 million rubles, of which 550 million rubles. - reconstruction of specialized accommodation facilities, 300 thousand rubles. - reconstruction of the hotels “Big Ural”, “Sverdlovsk”, “Hotel Ekaterinburg-Central”, “EurAsia” UralItarTass.www.ural.ru.

Recent years have seen a sharp increase in arrivals to rural areas.

This led to an increase in the number of places in suburban collective accommodation facilities, an increase in the average provision of hotel stock in rural areas and was expressed in a significant increase in overnight stays outside cities.

"right">Table 4

The ratio of quantitative indicators of urban and suburban collective general purpose accommodation facilities official server of the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Sverdlovsk Region www.midural.ru

Total number of accommodation facilities:

Incl. in urban/rural areas

Number of seats:

total / urban / rural

7695 / 7610 / 85

8068 / 7991 / 77

7958 / 7893 / 65

9209 / 8545 / 664

10 944 / 10224 / 720

Average provision (places per 1000 inhabitants): total / in urban / rural areas

Number of overnight stays, thousand: total / in urban / rural areas

1205,9 / 1203,5 / 2,4

1074,3 / 1073,7 / 0,6

1200,2 / 1199,3 / 0,9

1208,9 / 1117,9 / 91,0

1593,5 / 1465,9 / 127,6

In terms of consumption of tourism services, the market of the Sverdlovsk region last year amounted to 11 and a half billion rubles. This is almost 9 percent of the total volume of all paid services provided in the region.

Today in the Middle Urals more than 75 thousand people are employed in tourism and related industries. These are employees of travel agencies and excursion bureaus, hotel enterprises, sanatorium-resort complexes, and museum facilities. In the region there are three natural parks, 60 recreation centers, 93 health resort enterprises, 15 ski resorts. Some of them enjoy literally all-Russian popularity. For example, routes to the Bazhov places, to places connected with the history of the Romanov family, to Orthodox shrines of the Urals, travel to the border of Europe and Asia, to the Olenyi Ruchi natural park.

According to the plans of the authorities, the number of tourists visiting the Sverdlovsk region annually should reach at least 2 million 200 thousand people by 2020. But this, of course, requires further development of the industry. New projects have already been developed or are being developed. Some of the most ambitious are the creation in Yekaterinburg of the International Exhibition Center, an amusement park similar to Disneyland, but with Russian and Ural styles, as well as medical and health complexes near the village of Sarana in the Krasnoufimsky district and in the area of ​​​​Tavda and Turinsk. Concept for the development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Sverdlovsk region until 2025 // http://www.goural.ru/planing/455

The strategic goal of state policy in the field of tourism development in the Sverdlovsk region is aimed at ensuring, through the balanced and sustainable development of the tourism industry, a high-quality and affordable tourism product and the development of existing tourism resources in the Sverdlovsk region.

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Ural recreational area

Geographical position

The region occupies the Ural mountains south of 60° N. sh., Cis-Urals and Trans-Urals. The border between two parts of the world: Europe and Asia runs along the watershed peaks of the Ural Mountains. In several places in the Urals, near railways and highways crossing the mountains, symbolic monuments were erected, marking the position of such an important geographical boundary. These places always attract the attention of visitors.

Administratively, this includes the Perm, Sverdlovsk, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk regions, the republics of Bashkortostan and Udmurtia.

Natural recreational resources


Ancient mountains, the “gray-haired Urals” are the most striking natural feature of the region. They create a unique image of the Urals, making it attractive to numerous tourists and vacationers. In terms of landscape, the area can be divided into several parts. The Ural ridge consists of the mid-altitude Northern Urals (1569 m above sea level), the low-mountain Middle Urals (up to 700 m above sea level), and the mid-mountain Southern Urals (1640 m above sea level). The foothill plains are bordered from the west by the Verkhnekamsk (300-330 m above sea level) and Bugulminsko-Belebeevskaya (380-420 m above sea level) uplands.

The dissected terrain creates conditions for the development of various types of active tourism. Many of the highest peaks of the Northern and Southern Urals - Isherim (1331 m), Denezhkin Kamen (1492 m), Konzhakovsky Kamen (1569 m), Bolshoi Iremmel (1582 m), Yamantau (1640 m) - are rocky and treeless. They are popular among mountaineers and rock climbers.

The mountainous terrain of the area is favorable for development ski resorts- these are Adzhigardak, Solnechnaya Dolina, Zavyalikha in the Chelyabinsk region, Abzakovo in Bashkiria.

Some mountain slopes of the Urals are equipped for skiing and downhill skiing. Hiking, skiing, snowmobiling, and horseback riding are extremely popular. For mass travel, separate sections of the unique Great Ural Trail are equipped, which will stretch from south to north throughout the Urals.


The climate of the region is continental. The level of solar light radiation varies from insufficient in the north (1650 hours) to moderate (1800 hours). In the north, the level of ultraviolet radiation in winter is insufficient, in the rest of the territory it is optimal. The frost-free period lasts from 95 to 140 days. Summer is warm. average temperature July + 18° C. Winter is moderately cold. The average January temperature is -15° C. In the north, snow cover lasts 150-190 days, and in the south about 110 days. Its height reaches 40–60 cm.

The most favorable period for tourism and recreation begins at the end of May and ends in September. It can sometimes be overshadowed by cold rains in the mountains in the north and excessive heat and drought in the south. The winter season is favorable for skiing and downhill skiing. However, increased wind conditions in the southern steppe regions reduce comfort, and avalanche-prone slopes limit ski tourism in the spring. In general, the bioclimatic conditions of the Ural region contribute to the development of sports and health tourism.

Hydro resources

The territory of the region is watered by a large number of rivers. The largest of which are: Kama, Belaya, Ural, Tura, Iset, as well as their tributaries: Chusovaya, Yuryuzan, Inzer, Ay, Miass). There are many lakes in the foothills: Uvildy, Argazi, Irtyash, Shartash, Kalkak. Among water bodies, the Kama Reservoir plays an important role.

The swimming season in the north of the Ural region is quite short - only about one month, while in the south it reaches three.

Hydromineral resources The Ural region is quite diverse. Along with sulfate drinking waters and sodium bromine chloride brines, carbonic ferrous, hydrogen sulfide, bromine, iodine-bromine and radon waters are common here.

In Bashkiria there is a unique natural resort“Yangantau”, where the main healing factor is natural hot steam and dry hot gases coming to the surface from the cracks of Mount Yangantau.

Sodium chloride brines (salt waters) with mineralization from 35 to 150 g/l were discovered in various regions of the Volga region at depths from 400 to 1500 m; they are used in the Udmurt sanatoriums “Varzi-Yatchi” and “Metallurg”.

Therapeutic mud resources in the area are represented by peat and sapropel mud. There are small lacustrine spring deposits of silt sulfide mud. Peat mud is found in the forest zone in Udmurtia - the Varzi-Yachi resort.


The foothills in the north are covered with taiga vegetation, in the middle part spruce-fir, cedar and larch forests on the slopes turn into broad-leaved and aspen, in the southern part - forest-steppe and steppe. The mountains are covered with spruce and fir forest, the peaks of the Northern and Southern Urals are rocky and treeless.

Natural attractions

There are many unique natural attractions in the area; karst caves, of which there are over 500, deserve special attention. The largest is Sumchan-Kutuk, the length of the passages reaches about 10 km, but the Kungur Ice Cave in the Perm Territory is considered popular - it is a natural monument of all-Russian significance. The Askinskaya glacier cave in Bashkiria with ice stalagmites is interesting. The Ilmen Mineralogical Reserve in the Chelyabinsk Region is also world famous.

Cultural and historical potential The area is very diverse, which contributes to the development of educational tourism. There are unique archaeological sites here, including the Kapova Cave with ancient rock paintings in Bashkiria and Arkaim, a unique Bronze Age settlement in the Chelyabinsk region. In the Perm region there are religious monuments of Orthodoxy, and in the Republic of Bashkortostan there are Muslim buildings.

In almost all ancient Ural cities there are many architectural attractions, different in style, era and purpose. The Urals are famous for their crafts and crafts: in Kasli - iron casting, in Nizhny Tagil - lacquer trays, in Tavolga - ceramics, in Kungur - stone carving, etc.

In the Urals, many monuments related to the development of industry have been preserved - from quarries of the 16th-17th centuries to the largest giants of modern industry, historical sites associated with Ermak’s campaign and the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev, places of life and work of the Ural storytellers and writers P. P. Bazhov and D. .N. Mamin-Sibiryak. The object of mass pilgrimage has become a notorious place - the former house of Ipatiev in Yekaterinburg, where the last Russian emperor and members of his family were shot, now the Orthodox Church on the Blood.

A museum and exhibition complex of small arms named after M. T. Kalashnikov was opened in Izhevsk in 2004 (http://www.museum-mtk.ru/), where various examples of historical and modern weapons are presented. The exhibitions in the museum are technological and interactive.


The area has a well-developed infrastructure, which is due to the high level of urbanization of the territory, as well as its geographical location. Highways and railways pass through the Urals. Most regional cities are connected to other regions by airlines.

Despite the fact that tourism in the Ural region is represented by various types, the recreational network here is underdeveloped. In each region there are holiday homes, sanatoriums and resorts of various profiles, but many of them now need additional funding and reconstruction.

The main tourist centers of the region are Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Ufa, Nizhny Tagil, Nevyansk.

In general, the Ural region is promising for the development of various types of tourism.

Types of tourism in the Ural recreational area:

  • ski tourism;
  • caving;
  • water tourism;
  • hiking;
  • adventure tourism;
  • ecological tourism;
  • horse tourism;
  • hunting and fishing;
  • medical and health tourism;
  • cultural and educational (excursion) tourism.

The introduction in Russia of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and the Federal Law “On the Procedure for Exiting and Entering the Russian Federation” dated August 15, 1996 gave a powerful impetus to the generation of large-scale tourist flows.

The Ural region was no exception. Tourism industry organizations are being created to provide their services and organize tours throughout Russia and abroad. Comfortable hotels offer accommodation services for guests of the Urals both from Russia and foreign tourists and delegations.

The geographic location of the Urals, its natural and economic resources and attractions attract thousands of tourists every year. The concentration of activities of tourism enterprises are regional centers: Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Izhevsk, Orenburg, Kurgan. These cities are attractive both for leisure tourists and for business visits to the region. Since regional centers represent large industrial formations and important transport hubs. They concentrate political-administrative, organizational-economic, cultural-educational, scientific-research activities.

The Ural Mountains are also attractive for visiting guests of the region due to their fantastic nature and beauty. They separate the North from the South, separate the rivers flowing to the North from the rivers flowing to the South, and themselves serve as the source for many of them.

Also attracting tourists are the mines and mines located in the Urals, extracting precious metals and stones. As well as industrial enterprises. But besides this, there are various historical, cultural and scientific attractions of the Urals.

For example, the great Russian composer P.I. was born in Votkinsk. Tchaikovsky, after whom a city in the Perm region is named. As a scientific center, the Urals is famous for its research and design institutes, which are closely connected with the life of the region, as well as Siberia and other regions of our country. All this, all the sights and values ​​of the Urals arouse great interest and attract tourists, and business ties and cooperation are also expanding. Which, in turn, leads to investments in the tourism sector of the Urals.

The tourism sector is an important component of the economic activity of the Urals, as well as Russia as a whole. In light of the current economic difficulties in the country, and directly in the Ural region, due to downsizing of heavy industry enterprises, many people are left without work. Tourism ensures employment of the local population, occupancy of hotels, restaurants and entertainment events, and the receipt of foreign currency.

Since the tourism sector in the Urals is relatively young and developing, a significant amount of effort and Money. Today, hotels and boarding houses are being built in the Urals, and various entertainment establishments are opening. For better quality service, to comply with the European standard, the aspect of training and education of personnel is very important. Work is underway in the field of cooperation between state tourism enterprises and the private sector in order to implement necessary preparation personnel.

Thus, tourism is based on the exploitation of local tourism resources, which leads to additional income in the Urals and in the country as a whole.

After a deep economic crisis that occurred due to the exhaustion of the potential of the socialist system, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the implementation of systemic economic reforms, the Urals, like the whole of Russia, is embarking on the path of stabilization and economic growth on a new socio-economic basis.

One of the prerequisites for the development of the Ural region is investment in the so-called human capital. Most economists believe that investments in human capital are now more important than investments in physical assets. Since the presence of fixed capital without human capital does not guarantee prosperity.

Another prerequisite is resources. Although natural resources are not regarded as a key factor in economic growth, the possession of large reserves of non-renewable resources is a huge advantage over other regions of Russia. The high supply of natural resources in the Urals creates good conditions for the development of a competitive raw materials sector.

Resource industries - primarily the production of oil, gas and non-ferrous metals - have the greatest chance of success in Russia. economic development. In the primary industries, production is falling much more slowly than in industry as a whole. The production of gas, aluminum, gold and diamonds has remained virtually unchanged. The oil and gas industries are profitable and provide the lion's share of budget revenues in the form of income taxes, rent payments, and export taxes. In general, the Urals raw materials sector is today the most competitive of all industries and has the best chance of attracting large foreign investments.

The prospects for the development of industry, heavy engineering and light industry, remain at a low level. Revival is possible on a completely new technical basis.

Since the country’s economy as a whole faces the most important task - improving the sectoral structure, characterized by a high share of fuel and raw materials industries with a relatively low share of the sector of high-tech, knowledge-intensive industries and services. Then in the most important economic structures of the Urals there is an increase in the share of, for example, the electric power industry, fuel industries, metallurgy, which make up the country’s export potential.

In ferrous metallurgy, in the structure of the feedstock for steel production, the proportion of steel scrap decreases and the share of a less economical type of raw material, cast iron, increases.

In the future, the Ural region is expected to increase production output in the fuel and energy complex, metallurgy and food industry.

In the development of the fuel and energy complex, it is planned to increase the share of natural gas, deepen oil refining, gradually increase coal production, and update worn-out energy equipment. In the metallurgical complex, structural changes will be associated with the introduction of energy and resource-saving technologies. In mechanical engineering and metalworking, it is planned to expand the production of technological equipment, improve the structure of production of trucks based on the type of fuel consumed by increasing the share of vehicles with diesel engines, and expand the production of modern Vehicle and so on. The defense industry will preserve the most valuable elements of production capacity and support the development of the latest weapons at a limited number of enterprises. This will allow preserving the best resources of the military-economic potential of the Ural region.

To maintain the competitiveness of the light industry, a number of measures are planned to reduce costs in the industry and expand the range of its products.

Another prerequisite for the development of the Ural region is the attraction of foreign investment. The prospect of a significant increase in foreign investment is also evidenced by specific facts about the expansion of the activities of foreign investors in many sectors of the economy. Significant investments are expected in the gold mining industry. But particularly significant investments are being made in the oil industry.

A previously issued license - permission to search, explore and extract minerals - takes the form of an agreement-contract with a clear definition of the rights and obligations of the parties and sanctions in the event of violation of accepted obligations by the person receiving the license. Licenses cover the entire cycle - from the study and exploration of resources to their extraction. It is intended to maintain stability of conditions throughout the entire validity period of the licenses, regardless of possible adverse changes in tax or other legislation.

Of course, we cannot exclude the fact that not all the current plans of foreign investors will be realized. It should also be borne in mind that the expected capital investments, for example, in oil and gas production, will not be realized immediately, but over a number of years.

In general, the most important problem was and remains the creation of the necessary conditions for free private initiative both in the industrial production complex and in agriculture and other fields of activity. What should be achieved in the future?